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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 May 1914, p. 12

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i* on lIehiv 55un are"t wuther for the. icemen. And, tiiey admit the. Veather ast Winter was such that tiiei icehouses are Ù11- eg4to ove-flowing.________ That would-be cowboy will find that he's nà i the wilds wl4en he's cavorting about in làke county. He's 1ht & nag in Waukegan and Lake Forest and, lie btter keep1 avay from ion CitY. Kenos hm i anotiier case of amailpox, asa reoult of vbich autiiorities of that place are much exercised. Our nelghboring city bas been bavig hard luck itliis regard, am several tases bave developed during the. paat several *Witthe iiNorth Chicago saloon casesi n mnd lu con-t xneftlon vlth the special grand jury session asked f'or by the stat'sl attorney,, the. promeutor might also conidoi thé. routo-fightlng matter, for, Waukegan vanta none of sucliaffairs pulled off iits boundaries on Sundays or any other day.____ Judg. Gary, h.ad of the. steel corporation, i an inter- view says the. country ila upon the. tbresiiold of a period of p pr lty iich wiii éclipse anytiing we have yet ex- peru edThe. primary election at Gary, Imd., t~e smre daysow large Democratic loases, due te the men being, tbro*m eut ofwork or out tb ahorter iiours by the. depres- .in hi ~e s"Il business. Between that two there seems *0 b. a bunt of a change of administration. *lopQ1Esas if- salouiseaue ln for anotiier svýt*lg. Tlwy've beeii g.ttiig ltrigiit and left and. left *ad rlght for»sonetirne pt fot only lu Waukega.n but trwbu tbb coots.ry. e f saloonkeepers no longs* I ha 1$ W.ed'to b.. iSot n bave tbey loat their lnfflteàcw4, but t b'ft J lW g t b k '=exa~nce very faut. And, lii'aàn *cas ', gk~k4 ty b), rportd cnditonsfound te exist in tho edh aodstitatteprsn time., Siom weôvet it) bis "Oegltasn hieijungle" iiasn't any- tIt9u','on" Ulo Yeoman, for it'asae te say that even reêÎd= enover baid a regi hand:to-iiand batte in lhtre be.- tops wMt) a big monkey *as dld Zr. Yeoma~n. T'h. local ieîu mirnt*itesaniter"stngatry on "Hev 1 Whip, p ub Grovu XoMSkeyhineTop of aTree iWauke, <mii hi I1."aid 'get avay" vith'it in fine shape. là parstq .olbis obidren viii 1"ey tell iiow r.lafy--mon- aia wigd oug h trt in hiour father-s, homei Wa!ega,*"àu lu 1914 -and they'd be telling the trubli I~CC&1gM ilTO BE KEWlu inLake ,ooua*y, fit4pusasft1I Iyo d beild onMdys otier tbau Sun- lO~a faço-t1 Io'bsd that reputable mon, »ýmýly ropta1de mq, ane*ihng la tbis day, snd age to ouct ÀW& O&faftr&ansd that tiiere are mon wiie g&e.wlling te '*àwM houn.it's as bad asuhufl-dog flghtlngl It'a aa b»» ftct* that thé, averge man vit)' sortlng bloéd4 in b b',vulsWini stop on the. stret andi-watch a dofight or a roietr 6,fgt, t vblciiarelipromiptu and like an ordi- ffry ubtfe.to-gt. But, vien Ilbm«corns epre-arratged, roosterand dog ftglittbeI quit. a différent, quit an -un-i PauaMbb. sort of amusement. Times bave progrehsed bqoiid the. dog-ghting, rooster-fightlng perldd. DUKALR COIJTY HAS A for a grand jury to couisidr-uilgie AtMARKABLE RECORID.Na. Loue Habit.etflndustry. lieRai S=at>' inot ouly vitisout Woa.,las France Md oSier MM s40 sauibut it la Nithout s sir4le tUles of Sura a Ummua el aiSse PMusscisargad viti a crime. tiu bnwe hycnét à eA remarlcsblae nudition exigta. For' th tiat sItîma lu tisa mamory ai tise Praseft. affilcers ai tise cauuty, tiserfa eliats et tieSaieatime ailtisae fol. lowlng aanditioue -No prisonars lu côuuty isil. No Prffn boud aiea-tuan~-sd jury. No persan, sveiting in-ictmon- Tise state's attornuey has considea-ad stivisux that no grand Jury hoe alied for tise next tarin ai circuit court, tiat tie'expense be saved, for ai- tisougi tisa terze viii open ln oui>' tva weais. up ta data tisere la notiig BURINS LOSES ONE LICENSE Alants City CounciliActe AqelnatDo. tscîlvo in Phagaw-'sse Atlanta,, Ga., AMa>'27.Tisa cît> coancil revokad tise licence ta operete in Atanta ef C. B.Boerns. local rep- r0sattve of tisa detactivq\aguncet vhsicis William J. Burné fI tsthei" sud visicis bas J>een connecti prom- Sieutl>' vils atorts ta baban uu trial for bec, M. Fr-ank. It vas ammaed tise Sua-nsopafativa bai violated tise rus governg out- mIne deutctîvas. But Losei the Honors by a Slim M" A#g ier the. Con- ventilon Seejned Sure. LOCAL MAN ý'FIGHTS'HARD. City Tries for lat Letter Car- riers' Convention of 1915 Peoria Sets the. Pnze. Tisit tise clty ef Waukeann aa nae out ituiihefinal vire -aurtisa securing of tise state convention oi lie Illinis Mt« 0Latter Carriers Ao. sociaion for 1915 vws couvayad ta, tise Meesofaitise local hi-sncb apon tise r eturute ttisicty' ai Fred gheato- vl visa actai as tise dlate frein tise, local branoai th ie stata comven- tion ai tisa ardar wiicislosed ai Do- catur, Tuaiday avaniug. Mr. Shattswall. made a valiant tigist to sacara tise next gatiserlug of the aissociation for Waikegsu. and tisrougboai tis araliar isours ai tise convention Jt sppeanad as a certain- t>' tisai ha wouldiuceed. At tat. imroid Wauliegan had no coutaisder soath tis.iors. -ettoon bal been mu- ponted q" a probable candidats but w boa the. delgeaij.spesed t tisai Cit>'. Il proveduhit anoading ta tise statement of one @ofbain, "M"t taon vent dry ai tise faut elactieansd tise hbusînea men don't feal liSe boosting inyting. sud everytiig hIr. general fisprat>',deid. That lait Waal.oeùn alono lu tisa race, but Jast bera tisa conventiou chosedl sud tisa selaction for tisa naxt place of tisa convention vas ta le 'made a in appeaed vits a com- manioafion fram lie commercial club ai Paons. visic Is nvitad tise mambers cd tisa aida? ota at Ci>ty iahd thiar nait convention. Mr. Sattzvaîl attamptad ta item tise tîda of dasiras of selecting Paonsa ioiloving tisa rasding ai tisa communi. cation,,but as tise Chicago dlegatios vas agalusi hlm. mainly, for liarea- son tisai ln golng in Peori tisa> vauld ho afiordai a forgear trip sud vould natainally lie tsitison awa>' ram home, bis efforto vare uniuccessful. One oi tise Ciicago delegates stated "Waukegsn liqaur nait door nalgis- bar and vae au ruover tisera an>' Uime" Opeakiug of tise efforts et tis a Wu- reigan tirancista soeure, tise canven- tics tisa Decatur Horald af Baturday 8078:: 'Prad Sisattsweil, a resI booster frein Wauiagau was on tha Job al day Fvida>' distrIlbutim postal card vieve of tise City apon visici vas, Prlntad, an Ivltatlon ta visit tise City during lie Illinois stato latter car- riers convention af 1915. Tise Wau- kegan aeleaition leo proud ai Its cil>' sud le sure anougisofaIts ablty te drav tisa convention tisaitise>' have isad tisa cardes yriuted to- invite tisa pubslie to attend. Rince ise vîtidrawsi ot tise Mattoon tisa Nortiseru City lâs no opposition and tiser. seema ta ha no question trat tiseir efforts wilI ho s,îcceessul." Tisa fonowiaz roaolntions vere adopted ni the. ctnvantien: The abolition of a limiIta tlon on pou. taI savii' daposîts. A change lu tise bonding metisot nov employed b>' tra depariment ltu SH ~~SPE.CTACL0ES andc% ___________~EYE GUIlASSES _____________________________ 0 a ae to fit yourtai ym bu.e C. wroho knaw Sow. RepisentDot - on1y M ETAL andi GLA68, but SHOS O* RfiNDý 010so mfort mA aleeku.y. INDIVIJAÀLl1 Y Qàm T'he Foster Ciloîial PI>mp us corrcct for after-- .~noon and seni-(Iress %vear tlîis season. Perfect t' ppotos of high a rch and Spanish heel is thé m.atr of this shoe. Shown in patent icather, bther with white caîf ujfpers and other at- tractive combinations of leather. EES AND SIIRUsW c ~H.IL. FOSTER 6 CO. PotisgbuUe8Uk iif.Wb* AMk es.OsbF.W.êCMICOOIlIISSt55Prim. usePa Prias. ts. Cicge va. DevpommrieslO Oqu awm t.. ' ORTEW NUUU Do ~ &Mn :~~1;:~ that a&H Parce, poïf r *mk Upu nd aecond OMM b. delftared by aut-s o r lui v *mgetclais fl blg A M I dellvereé u, in lu rder ta IVOI quicisa.r s«Výee on lb-st cases mail. ArUilus euaýiii t possilIe foiChc os Prominent Men En- carriers to trammfer ta other branches r nteOlOd Etm, Whioh of the, servîi , wheu ceauPetelit, with- Opens on. lune 15. out "aDig a reductionu lusalary.. Ralléetbeil ary "ni't n AMERICA'S FINEST LINKS., 11,200 ýto 11,50 a year and automatieJ Promotion te titaBrit. . G.a lrstoerred routes ta men *ho,! flrganîzation Deâured _Most havé é lga luthe. service twenty4lve IExclusive jn County-Thle ycsrs or more,.ii sSt a:10 Raisig tis alary linît an carriers LmiIsSt- 50 i Iu second ciasa oilces f roni $1,100 to $1,200 a year. The meet exclusilve golf club lu Ameria-tise Oid Elan Golf Club-yl oison on June 15 on wisat a lutile more CE CO MIT'~ tissu a. yaar igo wasekuowu astise EMRBircis farm near Fort Sheridan. Tise 'I e aaem b arsi p la lim itai W 160. N o asount of money or Influence enu O 1%cAI Ititis tis rule. Only deatis or rosig- netion of a charter memiser viii cr0- Demoorfl Ogmization Qjyv stea vacamicy. Prulso te-Reresentative_ Tise club vas orgsuised by menj Graham and 3 Others. wbiise minuites ara rekoued lu han- - ~-..-.---drada ot dollars. - TVmnsa.lth tîseinla Tise me"tiu. ,Waakegan on Mon- preclous. sud tisere an eauo ne at dlay afttMarn of thse Democratlc cou- cd aven vison tbay taise a few heurs trai comnumlte a a-alier ha-it. .Prac-' of recreaston. Tise Initiation faeo f tical, thea oniy mattar of business ta- eacis of tise 150 niembers i I $500.tise ken up iWaî tise passing. by a unaul- iighsat le any club lu tise country. mous vcéot afisérie of resolutions Tisa National Golf Linksoi Amer- Preeontei bY C. . .Wigitmn of GraysB.Ici.heretofotis coavtdared tise lait lake. Taei emt. .uarira 10,wd lagolf'. clubs -bas su initiation rets .7----,,asd $MO aunual dues. tise iimintitratlou Pf President Wil ITh isemmrisiph imiaita 5 son, StotD Lewis, Governor Dunae Club Nsmed Afttr Landmark. and Re gresectatlve Tisomas Grahsamn oisnd tise Old EIan Club-lt wasa of titis diatidt. unai si atar an aid elin whlci s hadas lteforiloig to Mr. Graliam tise réso- tise rsi isole-are tisaMost promineut ltiton - sy*; mèl, lu Chicagos business. and proies- Wisrêis.tise honorable Tisomas E. 5101181 lits. No mouey va.l sPared ta Graisams, Démocratic representatlye trausform isat untîl tise lIaio 1912 iromt tha olgitisseustorial district lu w afrapt primeval mb oan up ta tise Illinois laglalature- bna deman- date golf lis, witis cvery caon-n pirated tiste people net ouîy oa itbs tence. cOanfOrt and beauty. Tisa idea district. bat oU lie state, lis ability as Originatai vitis William A. Alexander1 a legial sator and an hoioablhemin, sud R. Harvey Melve. Ivo veara vso isau beau a great cradit ta tise mambers Oi tise Onvantala Club.=Wts algit seuitorlal district, and ta tise la 20 minutes siter tise plan bai beau Party wvIscisbas iiouorai hlm vtis ts Outliued ta 60 of tiseir friands ai a support. lunchaou aithtie Mid-Day Club $225,- Raferrins ta tise four aisove namaid 000 had beau suhscrlbed., state anal national oficilaIs tiese » Six thousand trees and au oqual lutiOn déclae@: number ai stumpa vwere remavad ta tise 160 acre tracth>bad Nta Wiece oftae e r Uc artentse on-stick ai dynamite vas usai. H. S. Lakene aMYItise Demorne pty <>1 rColt ai Eugland sud Donald Rosa ai and. coaaty. ehi ir haitaisndr Pieharet, tva of tise hastgolf arcisi. udr intagOOt>lu beigt i'o. dtectiN lu the vorld, laid ont tise course. force 1,1WA. utieiigs 1 l o I sa6.420. yards loansd tiser a inet bitaiteMbltate lire. - Thse grournds ahoaeS la iUwii vl 5ýI and aven effort viiibh. mode taoen- courage hîrds. squle4 rabhits sud ~ I otiser kinde of gaine. Followlng out tise plan ait the On-t sole, s aantris - bas beau placeS at Oais teeing çromnd W. i. Allenfe oe Bsf1ot snd near ach hale.sttndOtêo The lubbusedosinedby Bonis,-' villa, ta nsarlug éanmpletion. Ih vili cast appraximately 16e.ftg 1DEATI4 pO FUER L course say that St la fur supertor tan tisat ai the National (Golf Limalo of hrU~.s<Io 0 io stretch of Long lolsud, altisougis work tne=-i d P East lia been ln pragresa on thée latter for of Lowai Peope. Oive or six yers - JChi« lWnlueen W. J. Allen, sud ilEf A S TOIwife, who flo tant e orBfn, ~~ ter MIr@. Mary Van Natta, are not 14UNR I!a pending s vas-y happy vacation, for. ÀS ýÀ as forthe two veeoks given vater ASMAAIU R w:or'.aploYen esami nonmer. - Ujpon l$t arrivai lns Buffalo Satur- Legisiatve. Voler' .Leaque day il rapomie te Word of hissîstars Makes, Rofermen to Men itistil$ nepbew. ilarmnon the. 28 y_ Re ~ InýLft Co. aid son of Dr. A. B. Allen, hbeau operated upan a iaw hours previonsaly Hure la visat thse aiaWitive vot- and vas crltlcally OU. And, the yon ers, League otIlîlinoîs hg as te p oy aigmandlad Sunday nt 7 o'clock lu tise twQ of tise representativas at Spring- evenlu.- Including tise countles of Laits, Mc- held na>' ai 2 ln the a sternoor Fleury sud Booms: - et 011Co fll s tr. 30 miles froin Pur- "Ne mo*er Ar Prmidmi. file. The relatves froai Buffalo at- "l .tew euIr qs Ae Po the »w-tendai snd returned home at 6: :30. casrw» b e , o ou ta recelve Word IL halt houar later of ýfD ta làkig a-i k v e fun tise àatis aYoung Mv. Alle*. Tiae IdtosfrdvlphetIt Wy lattera fuser; the phiecla ien so - dratins forudlie serv nt iy be eh . hly r; To aG. Allen., brother. trî1 pbI erat, iyb mn.hd caied for ýhé young man. isad va- 3tloned Represeutatives R. . LKaas-maiîned close ietfbls sidea itiday Sun. 1man. isse S. Rothscild, John M. Cur- day and wss tiras unabla ta avai ta- tran. Opymour Iltedmnan, Madili'MeCor- tend bla ownustrs flânanai. And, mîck,.-Michael L. lgoa. Fayette 9. whIle they vola hurying hies ister. Munra. Charîça G. Hutchinson. Wi hewnvsdls ts ra uos tîHaut A. Hulihard sud George Fitcis. comîng but i very short lime star "Silembers et Ail Costîr Ffxcept the remin of bis sont bd ail e ala j Ceoi. Elghth District à VCoanties or Bonne. Laie sud M- "Tisomas E. Grahamu, ropresenta- tive (Dem.). iotel kaapar, Inglasîde. li. Euding is Orst teri. lits as- sembly course vas thme lagfilatlva tr-ail blazad b>'tLee O'Neil lirovua for. ii folsôvers. -Fayatte H. Munra. reprasentallve (Prog.). lawyer. v'igslaa Park, 111. Fudlng litslia-at terni. Ona et tisa new Part>' leaders lu tise laver isense. Workai sud votai! for advanced legis- lation sud lait a flrst-elasa record. Ho ioagbt tise homo raie ides lu thse pub- ýlic utilitias comsmission bill. to raut. Aud. suo0ter iser anusual cia-- Cumstarcea i.tis a tiliy vas tiat s daughter vas bors on flarda>' ta trs. Grave Maison Dichnion, saiieca oi .%Irs. Allen oif Waukea Count>' Judge Persous plans te, at- tend tise convention of tisa lilinoîs State Society' ai th isa Aneauu mmli- ta ai Criminai Lmvand Criminolagy visicis vîl bh i.IiMay' U and, suad ise tise annuil meeting of tise ilil- noa state bar association viiis uta ha hale ila lie Lailall. holtl.Ciicigo. Ms>y 27 sud 28. SeceraI attorney» plan ta attend the latter meeting. W~ TIE LOS£ FURNITURE ANNIX-CINESRU AT WATER STIE? I~~ lilY ON ASY TEIN Byarmto fpy-eyucnbynyou'I1 teel no nconvenience in tradinR here &aon@ mares ta patrons. Tt eaiMe.out-of Our plan i wdely known as the niost libers! -town buyeru' to "ses" the goode before Th-e Most Remarkahle RbfrM"eraor Offer ~(ftFor t1be ClebntedLeonard HL ~7~~Ct1,aabIe Refritera ors îr~ ~that Si or $5R~1ry. This is the Waukegan home of absolittely sanitary Leonard Cleanable kefrigerators. Every phase of perfect refrigerating is scientifically regarded in the Leonard-un - pregnable porcelain insulating walls ; perfect system of ventilation and air circulation ; correctly proportioned ice recepticle. Scores of other Leonard Cleanable Refrigera- tors-Priced $5.98, 6.98, 7.98,,.12, 14, 15.50, 18, 19.50, 21, 22.50, 25, 27.50 30, 32,50, 34, 36.50, 39.50, 42, 45, and $50. 50 .'ison Porch Rockers ($ 1.50 lKird) at, 98c Here is a value quite without precendence hereabout9. These Rockers look like $2.60 chairs but can be bongbt here for $1.50 usually,-and, now on @aie for 98 cents. Fauious Sters là Foster Hauttesses- at Manufacturerps Çost. Tlu S. à '.i965 À full proportionment of 50Olhs. of absolutely pure layer 4 VeS . * 5e~bseu.sfeit in eawh of them S.& PF Mattreases. Art or stripe J )fetrms os f Uss.IIv s'atxcking8 roiled edge, substantially constructed. jia bautful upotedrchChr of Fbe RushoWikrE 1 UnuS iliy 'Low Priced tCh A bandsome lot of unique comfort chairs and ieockers made s3ubûtantiay the. Japanese of native grasses. The eoflectibn lias just been uncrated ater'arring from their long journey, sud represent the beat selection ever ofteréd by Wny Lake* County Store. Our prices aire partieularly reasonable. Specimeu a1w$4isn; '~ ~ Mssio ~lie fhhr& Rocwrl19. 509p e ice kr, bulmape st mow U*ïioï 4t11flealr hi .0 Lorg* ibkere Rekr', a18 Nea~h o*r &har te mai0h115.25pr ChiIdren's Rooker 2.05';,PodOtt*alu $ alb V VOL. AUT NU. DI MWN lED SAl -NOI ANI CLI HOI OF Natuat day aus fine ans arccder. ln tisa , i .ou homse - City 1l11 had ait a'.ay,J and dut vlnnlng nat i threvr, Thme of tise huît-i boues t smasha poieisa 'tte bar resiy e Ilielvs Its lit 'Mn turas way b b iill. A rey tlp tree vi ped. M: tise rig this tir and ti of tise pened t upset a tima fi it s-as body h ut Sund; Ing to ha hadt wlth ai tunatpl Mr. hlld tua As he vas f5 lierons c-ar asu viseel h ad I1h bis car IN 1 A e Ing cq, bys Ih a elois toug Pt urday, NOue IN T Bd Il lng lai late sa frIands were( neanini ont of cf tise drivert tise dît thse gr ceuld LbruIset jarng I-bne; t.No se Tise bath v

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