Two. «mm IÀRCOIflTY f!NT W~TFXMIDY. MAY 29, 19Ï4. ~I. ni DMONýDLAIC lDflfl9S it ~ Ses1B. D. llyd, Lîber-tivîllo, about avnlng a Wsconsn Farm. lire Eluenan vas caletotaChcga (r a,,lest woek by the srions Ilînees of ber mier, Mms Lobrinen. ýL Corresapondent and Agent Qnellt-Boyd'a Studio-Prke. rlgt. @se B. D. Boyd, Lîbertyville, &bout *walng a Wsconsin Farm. B. A. Watson was a Wauksgen vistor Mandey. Arturs and Ira Nebrllch 01 Evgueton, drove ot Satnrday and calleti on lmds bors. Howard Wllcom bas meur.d a poêItion wti the IFard Motor C., eit Chkcao. Mr. and Mre. Wm. Zercen and Bermn oSu ..d inly wsro Waakegan vidtose Sandey. Han Kw an a aChicaz vIsitas lutt liontiay. lis. and lire. Berman Schneider andt1 Mir. anbd Mss. John &ihueitior ai Lake Zurich, epet sunday et the home oi Reines Schneider. lir@. Lowel spent several days lu the Cty last wsek. une cemetet! soclety vIii meet et MMre F. Lubknan'e, Tbursay Iternoon, Jnn4l4tb. An eloctianaiOf cers yUl be blti. Al members urgedtu t attend. Ë. Brockmen'@. a Mr. Sçbroeder vas a Lako Zurich vistas Snnday. glis. ad ire. Wlcb i uo rrr ..t.iiimthlr danghter. lire.C. Wentling. Tbma rsiedence of Mr. Hoktoweilllor Mss. u , S.-anB.MIs», iLean 1er la Rom'@esnbdivisian le rapldly nsarinx Mm ag visr.,anFrd MMldLOnWY eoipltion. Ciaovstr rdy A. 9. Kiggs and J. C. Bartlett vent lire. Holms entestaineti a numbur oaic aWskeàha Tucesday ta oses Parker ilnde rom telieaty FrIday. Drtiott, ubo le lua business there. BTh F.N. C. vIii .0.1 wltb Mme.00ea. VmtaChas&. Babcock and son AlvIn, af T atcher 8;turday aternoan, June 6th. M«Ukens, pent hfluus wltb lMre. lectian of officre wil ho hbelti. Al MOse3wam membere plan ta attend. L. E Hadesepen Weneoay a ibs ÀAfrterulty from Nrtwesteru ai L & fat bIs hom e ntîocbo.thlaEvanston, enjoyeti a plcnlce t G. M. R, G. Payne le lmproving hie buildinge &y Sautly boe. by mmon o!a coat ai pint. The F. N{. C. and their fiends enja ed A dangbber vas boru ta M. and tire, a Bunco Party Friday svening nt K. J. B Boue onWedgedsy May20. home ai MisesLile Rousoe t Area. L J. B Bon. onWedneday Mey Luella Mtebell le @puding e few ticys Etivaird Fluber ai Herbert, Ark., le lu the elty. vistlng with hie graudmother. , e. __Mm____ arion. Cti There vas no hall gem.e cbednîed for A RN O les t iumdoand some of the boys teent ta Wenkegen ta s e. Cann's ex-. Mss. Jas. Callaa h wvas quite IiIle champions get vallopeti. Net Sunday able ta be out agaîn. i. ro"rgenlzeti Lake Bluff tsam COIDe Mr. and Mir@. Euh Doolittie are enter- hem. for e gaule. tainlng finod. lire. E. EutoEsean ed eau Floyd ot Miss Boetta Carroll, wbo Io employed D)ouseGrave. 111., anti Mr. andi Mselu Chcega epent the wek-endi here wlth I. A. Tslpp o Berrington, gansa, wereher parents. àgusts aoftaei brobler, S. L. Trlpp and M. and Mir@. Jas. Ryau entertalueti a lemlse»viral daye this week. number of relatives oves Suadey. UnDellivable, lMr. anti Mss. John Belizel returneti or couxse v. have a&B heard msny irom their hooeymoan gaturday ovening. aff tales andi wibellevable eo lire. Bettel was iormerly Mis. Kate ilo0., butt iay one oves bear of Rutit andi vas marrie4 ta John Beltzl, voUas uba kept boardem. anti hati a e yonng men tram Ubersyvîlle, May 20. Mouus*wIIo paldthet g rocerv billet Tboy viii reeldt t u Lîhertyville. MIUAY ]S LOW SHOE DAY Not oly Friday but every day for the ret of the Sum- mer .wiU b. low shoe days for tho persan who in Iaoking for confort. W. have a full lineo f loy ehocu lu button or l.soe andi tan, blaok or white aud every pair made for anuf ot. Yoi dout ueed ta sacrifice appeasane eitber for tbey are made ta give te griateet &Mount af titre. Bita. value: Base styie and service. Are4 MâlioS TuE RIGIIT CHANGEi If you have a check book in your pocket y ou always have the "right- change," -for you can make out a check for any odd amount OPIEN A CIIECKING ACCOUNT THE CITIZENS' BANK< ARM. ILL L- LýK - Bee B. D. lloyd, l.1,tyvlle, about ownîns a Wlondu Felh. Monut talket of cnbîect ln Lake Zurich le base baIl. lir.suadiMm. Frenir Clark are enter- tainîng relative@ tram iontreal, Canada, thîs voek. Many from bers attentiet the show at Waucande FMO lty lhi. Enli Frank vas calei ita Vaukegen Fulda ta see asgrand Jurer. MIs. Nettie Riîan beo le attendlng ochool et DeKsb vlteti ber parente Sundal. Levrence Is a@aspurchasei a Fard.e fleorge Foreman vas a Barriugton0 rîsîtos doaday.1 Mms.Blaukenburg of Danvîlle, II., bas c rented ber entmers bous. bore toae lamîlptram Chlcago or the sumner tas the sun af $100 a nontb. Mms.John Schultz anud daugbter Marlon vielteti aI Dundee., Suuday. Alvin Kimbai af Vancanda. is play-. ton ban iltb ans toan .this umnes.1 He viii bo a big help to vard etrengbten- ing tte Iamnes holea avonderful per- tormuer mrounti thîrd base. John BI1ancli of Waiiconda, traueerted business bers Frîiay. LouIs Geary, andi Charles Cordee took à trip ta Chicago Moutiay. Mins Case Pruaie le tpending a few veeke vitb ber sfêter Edna lu Chicago. Frank (Clark took a businss trip tO the county mst Manday. Pred Kunz bas the job of painting the Win. Tanne restaurant and the Flcke botel. There was a big tam ont et the balI gae Sunday atternoon. The borne team vaon by the close score ai 5 t0 4. Neit Sunday tbey viilpley îhehbicago Rayais. A goond game laelpecteti. The Benseuville brase baud @pent Satarday and Suuiday boe, they enjoyed a goadtime andi promised go returu for another ontingr during the season. jý PLMM 7mVIW Ses H. D. Boyd, Libertyville. aboutfi ownlig a Wlsconeln Farim. ' c Miss Mattie Hodgkins and Waltace W Lockhond @peut Sunday In Chcago. M Albert Richard@ and Mat Herschberger were ln Waukegan last. Wedneeday. V W.n. Stanelifi spet a few daye lu C Chifago the tiret af theweek. Frank Sebas a been qut. sick. tL Mir. and lir@. E. M. Uinbach -and son Robrt and Ms. and Idie. H. Coan motored ta Wankegan àMonday. Till Mitchell 0vas lu Chcago over Snnday.a M. W. Kuedier and Ted @euet Iaonday with relatives et Northfield, Chas. Ksueger speut Sunday st home.6 Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Kuodler attendeda the. fmerai ai the lattere brother, Sam Pry et Edison Park, Wànoeday. Mat ilerithberger sold a five pauenger Kslt tao eo. Silx of Wbeellng leist week. E. ai. Unbech was a Chicago vstar l on Frlday. Quatty-Bayd's étudia-Prle slghl. SmeeB. D. Boyd, Llbetyville, about9 ovnlng e Wsconsin Farm. .M. and Mrs. Oea. VanZatidt of "an Diego, Cal., and Mr. an I Mss. J. F. Parllnig and deughter Rutb otOask Park, wers gnostesai F. B. VauZuedia»d famlily lest Senday. >lMr. andi lire. Dave Carlon abd daugh. ter and MisEdo& Kappie of Wankegan, wssse callsd bore lest wsek by the serions flnese af Georte Kapplo. 1fRe,. Wlll' brother vilI preach hon ouit Snbdal, as bo viii IBU the pulpît et Machîn that day. lis. and Mr@. Frank Taylor ai Jollet, are vleting Mir. antiMss.Jas. Taylor. lir. Kng 0i Antigo, Wis., le vlating ber sister, lire. B. Taylor, who le sorioly UWaiprisent.. Mildroti Kapple, PhU sAnse, ladile Sawtiorne andi W"lleeespplis tram ans sebool uho tondît ýe BIgbhhgrade imeamnatlon at Onrses*Onde&. 'WbRW ý The Warre (.tery Aesocltlaiowii meu t t Mart. Casa McCuiongb an Wednsa Y aitsrnoan, luneS. VIatolu volcans. The ""01ai Desostion exèeclace iii ho beld t Wi arm en csee.y on Spnd"aletroon, lMq 81, st 2 o'clock. The Chicago anti Milaube f3c- tric Ralivay paves houselu North Chicago la nov the centrai Station an the. entîre lilr of the compenay bot tweeu Evanetan anti Milwauikee. The nen lu North Chicago hav e aupervi- mlon aven ail the. pover distribution. Thlq vark tornenly vas tale lu lhe i3lgbaOOd Station, but bas been traie- ferreti tram there for sons time, a!. lhaugh very fev People are avare cd the tact. Alter consîderable exper- imezting, It vas toundt lat the stae lion lu Nontht Chicago val a mare SM.- lstectasy lce on thie une tram vhlch to hanlde tic 6urrent. AU eu-ta- liens are connoctet by private tae- phone vi lie paver bons. . . . .......;...... Sos H. D. lloyd. Ubertyville, abouit ownini e Wisconsin Farci. Henry Dllg, Morton Grave, baugbt f vigart lad. Joln party oeilt trip- Chcago, Joe 2, 11:30 a. nm. M Beirt anti B. à. foiré 012.50.Oa. W. S vigart, 1250 Finit NatIonal Bank BlIdg., Chicago. The country il6of ai re. Reichuit, g r.. weathe. seff. of the largest mission- ary meeting aof*0 e ns aofthe Wom&Wi' Mlsionary eociety ai the Preeb.ytoele church, uhen it oouened lest TuesdAy aiternoon. 0,cr Otty vers lu attend- anc.e. Mr@. Oshorne ant sang a dutl ad lire. Hao lslieh devotional etocIe.. Mssl. lotges, e mislonary groin lhe Caîgo, alitons on e furlaugb, gave a mnt însplrlug teàk on ber vorfi among the b"ac people anud sangnm oneaitheir songe lu a beautigulfy modulateti contralto voies. Costumes af tii. country conostinig ai voeen gras boîte were aige eabted. Mr@. Metager iein lon LIhertyvlle Te@>,v day evenlag viiers cevîsiteti ber &sletes, Ms@. F. Cleveland, sand thon leit for Buiffalo, N. Y. Rev. iRamosy ofMitchell. Neb., preacheti froni tho toit "Andi Goti aw sverythlng thet Us b.d matis4 and bebalti, Il; vas very goad," lu the Preebyterlan ebchn ffunday mornlng. " va. celebrated inlut&i',undey echiool, the abject af the aflerlng vas las 'the plana Mr. andi lre. Esterday andi thyse sans AVanOren, III., vers the we ek-end uete otflin. aid 2,rs. John A. Rechelt. Miss Mary liaguirs of Chicago, vas the velk.end guýest oai@@ssEdiîth Pettie. Dr. Lindaay Wyuekoop of Chicago, will opeak on the Adaleecebt Age lu the Deerfleld Grammes echool Fritiey ailes. no a t 2:30 p. n. Mothers vith bablse re velcome and the littIe anse& will ho careti tas lu the nursery. Tnestiay efternoon the Women Mie- Iloury ocety ai ths United Evangeli- cal church gav ie fareveli tasrlire. Wm. Witt, vho vi11 make ber home lu Wheaton anti lre. Munson lu Golf. Dr. C. J. Devis @pent the week-end vielting Msr. anti Mr@. John AId ai Chilicothe, Ohio. "Jeanne ai D'Arc," the senior play of tho D. S. B. S. vas veil attontiet by >eerfielti people Satnrday etr. Word vas recslved MoW af th. diatb ai Qmnuel Frys of ElPaso, Texas& MIs.@ Rath Lldgervood was tie Frlday and Salurday gusof ai1418àRa i ell of Highland Park. Ms. aud Mss. T. L. Kuaak had ais their Sunday guests Mr@. Stryker of Wbeelng, auti Bd Kneak oi Dovner'a Grave. Miss Dosa Waltermaun of Chicago, la spending the veek vîsiting Miss Florence Johnson. Misses Lanra anti Aida finytier ai Banne, Iawa, are visitîng their grand. mother, Mr@. A. Spyder anti other rela- tive. Almon Paver. ai Chicago, vas tb. veek.end guest et the home 0t W. A. Whitln. Mise Lorette Krofa vas the Frlday and Saturday gueit oi Miss Ethel iligblad Park, Mise Bernlco3'ucker'ai Highland Park, ws theguesol V iesElirieds Knaek Thursday andi flday. MI"s Christina Moieabu @eut lie vsek-end et ber boue I laWaukegsna lie Suest ot ber pare. The remaine oi Dr. ,4deorge Snyder vîll ho laid ta rs.t lu the. Nortbouîticomslsry the sud of the vs.k. He tieti Mondi, MAIi Ihl lanAntonia, Texas. Sm. H. 1). Boyd, Uheetivllls. about ownlng a VlscoiMua IFarm. ]L D. Cook, UWamWWc d u"inselu Làhertyville FrîMy3. Msli. &adtmmlire. ueAnse vs?.Waul- couds collere atday. co ret bssn fr lany P Ananasl n»v barn. Mis Hultia ieje sMat ouday lest week vith ber paents bers. Villad Sbv.sus spet Satuiitay ait Suanta'"l iab lntl. 1, Ms. andi "is. 8I ma utetblnat Mire Paul Toby anMd aou lobq ran (Iragelake, lMay, Eatises itiMerin Amson aid JO.@ &@MeI trou Lîborty- ville ovss Suatiay. MieCase A"mul baRound Lake, vigedt ber coues, Barbarea ti Jas.- phise &Maun boes a Îev days let vs.k., Beli and Emma Cook %Mat Uatrtia and Suntiay et tWer liane ber. jusý Mdra 1~~--' - GaeProtectron Alaio"unviii holtiOa esetlnt Tuests, lune 2, 1914, et S 'clack P. n., llnte 'rovu Ball,> WbeeI. Ing, 111. Ail vba are Iulrssadpins. Intiepç,Dient nseât? 39 iONU. AR YOU A GMR? »Do yon kuow titere are lots of girls who are saving money iu- FIRST NATIONAL SA'VINGS ACCOUNTS? Tii... girls are goiug- ta mû.e Saccessim Women. Tbey are going ta be independent; tb.y are going ta b. gooti managers; thry ar going ta b. thrifty. If yon areu't ane of them vonidn't yon '1k. to b.? Wiît th next dollar yoti earc prottopr.a Firet National, Savingei Book and a Home Savinge Banik. 'That dollar wiii be enteed luinii. book in yons name viiere t illiima yon 8% juterotand eau b. addeà ta teheneves yuu ii eh, a dollar or ire at a lime. If you can't call iu persan reniember you oau batik with us bi mail.-- First Na#tonal Bank Libertyvie, UL RAIPIFALL RFCOR-ota raufailU to ilte, 8.96 luches Normal : y 12.84 Total " My 441 Total-Normal fta ay 4.03 U«AND ARET TO DEDCATE NEW FLAIi The Grand Aszny vif dedicate a large fag et the Uibort>villoe chool grounds Frlday atternoon of -'this wekk amld patrîatlc speechel, songe. The new flag la 7z14 feet ln eMe, and viii vave tram the polo on the publie asbaol. The pragran will commence at tilte a'clack ln the eiterooon and It le expeetod that ail tbe ochool children will tae part ln th-) exorcIses, lu whlch the gonerel publie le lnvited ta participete. : The Rebokahe beld a dance et their ball Friday nigbt oai lest eek, et whicb a large number afolk el.ekahe and their iends wer. pissent. Ice cream and cake vas served. A handmone Saoe bed bas been arrangeti near the Lîbertyvîlle Lumber Co'@ affice whlch le clased in wîth a hîgh Irau fonce and adds greatly ta the appearaeo1atheisplace. fluet lu the 'resbytoriau hompital tar three ' undervent an operation ior goitre Wedneeday, and sltbough ho la a very sîck mai ho le expectoti ta Inuprave ln a ehort tIns. Bis father, G. a. Schenck, anti Dr. Taylor vîsited i hlm ett je baspItel Wedneaday. Prohato Jü4ge Ninlan13. WeIcb a! Chlcag,vill dlîver lbe prineiple attirees ai the ionmorliJDay -eorcimseet the M. E. churcb Saturdiay à! ternoo et tva oclock. Othen epeebere viii inclut. Bey. W. L. Whipple, Ilv. E. S. White aid At torney B. H. Milles. A specWalmusca prograin, vîli ho rentiereti.' Ailes tho sassclséat lte ihurqb the. G.A. IL. Len- bure sud lie acloi clfîdren vili march ta the Onmn t tiscaerate thb. raves ai ths depsrteti oidise. The eniy thistg the Independen hm teseISSA lhaa kstewnfeetthate-agps tias qecslfep-t uqe ip est ~ mS opnJ.g~ sud la lRemo.postlanne te atr wwo piesetsetVASRaOdine prfe »a ermsit et tis e aive tlat m s siusg furq>sfs S,tm lmmns uhlda&"., muet h. pald fer. im » «0 teffa- liserate le sea-4ve sent la tutwrp »hMoisstllesvdiiib ounlttunisse noation lastade thMaIth«eyaMete be pald te«. Asy afaIiser. fadnllelohsla ohaspi os PromotereIMalte a pmrelllfm1%Iolela th ilit o thinge fer vio *notices muet bg Veld ffer-TP. RERL ESTATE TRANSFElS Furnlshod by LAKECOUNTY TITLE & TRUST Co. Abstracts of Titi.. TIlles Guaranteeti. Masonic Temple Bldg. Waukegan. May 14, 1914.-John Gouley aud vIfe ta batile B. Cnlcsy. lot 2, block 1, Coan & Lndsay'» addition ta Wau- icegan. W. D, $3.025. Truetees af Lîbortyvîlie Cburcb As- sociation, ta Protestant Epîscopai church, lot lui village ai Lîhertyville. Deed .1$2600. May 15, 1914.-O. A. Nelson ta Nils1 Hoin. N 30 rade W 30 rids 14W 1-4 section 13, Newport township, W. D. si. aud vifs, lot 48, Ravine Shape subdi- vIlor. Arsa. W. D. $300.1V Canaen Nicicelson ta .Arthur Nlck. elsen, 10 acre.&lun24W 1-4 section 34, Deerflitowtnvsbip, W. D. $600. Careten Niekelean ita Henry Nlck- elsen. 1Q acres lu NW 1-4 section 34, Deortîeldtowtanship, W. D. $600. May 16, 19140Î-Emma F. Cilvelauti anti husbaudti ta aure M. Ormmitt lot 14, anti E 1-2 lot 13, block 2, Nev- berry's addition t0 Llbontyviiie. W. D. 110. Laura Mi. Gruuuuîtt anti busband ta F. G. Clevelandi and tivfs, lot 14 sudj E 1-2 lot 13, block 2,,Nevberry's adl- dtion ta Lîbertyville, W. D. $10. U. C. Eble andti Ie, to Mebel R. Eble. lots 45 anti 46, block 42, Wash- boum Park Nortb Chicago. Q. C. $600. Mfay 18, 1914.-Antan Serkovskli ant i vIl ta Frank Dufrat anti vile, lot 39, block 44, Washhuru Park. Na. Chilcago. W. D. $800. John Phannenstill sud wf!. ta J. W. Hart, lot 21, Wlingtone 2nd eub- division, Round 1,Ake. W. D. $2.000. Wm. Wllmingtan and ti vMo John Phannotli lot 2, Wtlmlngtous Inti bphýtiIln, Round I.A». W. D. 1. Thomas Ranyorti ant i vIe ta, J. D. Ppe", 16 1-2 acrestu N. W. 1-4.sec- lIon 32, Lîbertyvlle tavnsilP. W. O. $1. Chicago Tile anti Trust CoanDy to, Katle Ephralm, lot 64, WlIioas 2nd e ub atI»og Lake. Deo&i.8150. patk. Iloishau taHenry Bntler. lots 3 anti 4, block 4. Ritigelent sub- division, Wankegan. W. 1). $700. -Est of J. P. Hull tiect. 'ta, John Gousîey, 47 1-4 teet setlfront on ghUzelnRoain lu Lt If, section 16, Waukefan. Deeti, $1-00 Erneet Kfflte, A. J. Sehuenaa andi vite, lot« 43 anti 44, block 31. Washhur Park, North Chicago, W. D. $8,500. C. W. Gllet ta A. B. Dick, 40 acres lu NW 1-4 section 32, Shieldis tavu- shlp. W. D.4$20.000. May 19, 1914-Wmn. A. Rosfng anti vif, et al taO0. A. Huvard, lots 8 and 15, block 2, Roming Broc. subdi- vision Round Leke, W. D. $1. Et of Surah Hucker decti., ta, Rob- e Runyard 3r., anti 'vie, lots 12 sud'13. bloek 1, Jabonnotta addition ta Antiacb, Deeti $1700. J. É. MoGlaty ta, Acheli Roncoli et ai, loti 16 aul 17, block 2, Buena Park, n subdiclsîon 'If. Antlocb. W. D. $1200 Harsy taill anti vite ta Alfrie HM91, 8 75 (cet lot 4, block 8. Wrenn e addition Highland Park. W. D. $10. Est of Elof 1Lindtrom (tiect) ta IJohn <aurloy; Iota 14 and 16, block 1, Hlajiantd Par' W.' D. $10,00. J. qQ. Weldner tao Wm . Bôngard anti vIte, tract aI lanti lu sectiOn 32, Ver- non ,tact ofland nW. etion-lVer nontasrlh, er ta 1).. Dv$1. lot 17, HO lai W mi 7 ci w 14 to t 16, andi (ex. W 14) it.) Ict 17, block 7Lake Bluff. Deed $1976.; Olive S. McCullam. to T. F. (mnle- tan aud wlfe lot .3 and nor*.I 4 1.-ct ote 4 sud 5, McKay's 2nd additioin. Xaukegau, W. D. 8. Mlay 21), 1914-Nertie F. McCor- mick ta John Novak and m Ife,. lots 4 anti 8, block 7, 'Wasbburn Park, No bîIcaga, W. D. $400. Orpba A. Rusuli sud bumband ta Wm. Wilmlngton andi John W. Hart. Il1 acre. lu sectIonis 2:; andi-4.,(Grant twnshiip, W. R.$10 W. B. Savyer ta J. C. Mornisor., lot SBic« 66, Higbland Park. Q. C. $1 August Polus<y sud wsfe-ta Charles White, Lot 18, Block Il. Washburn Springs Waukegan. W. D. $e4() MÂRRL&GE LICIEN8E8. Fredenlck A. Grass, Cbcago ...27 Augusta E. Oble. saine........... 35 Frank Traynor, Nevport..... .... 5 Adab Lîntuer, Wadsvortb ... 39 Reglualti H. Hartiu. Hub. Woad 22 Ethel V. Fisher, L. Forest ....25 tolandi Temme. Nîles Conter .... .22 Milwsle Kraaee, came......... ...21 Arthur Miller. Waukegan .... Katherlus Jensen, camne..........19 David Fraucie, Menomines ...31 .eille Hermansen. sans ......... 28 vreni Sbapovsky. S. Milwaukees..41 rulie Durnik. marne..............42 Walter G. KlUcc Waulcegan .-Z rhrssa Sheba, sme............. 22 lon DysE. agis River, WIs...24 Mary Oison. Waultesha. Vls...25 10e fiprainer, Waukegen.......... 2e Mary Levstlk. same._............ 19 Wm. Lener. Milvaukees..........22 EflUy Hassfeiti, sante....... ...19 Martin J. Dollar, Cntiaby, Wls. ..22, meta F. Baker, Milwaukee ....21 Matt Houtezman. Abiiotatordt i.I. .61 Bia Amide% tHartforti, Wls...89 Hugo Wajdia Haveri. Waukegan.... .23 Helge Elale Maden, sans.... 2 VIclas Blets, city............... 2 Elele Luo'.a................... 22 Robert Corloit, Chicago......... 39 Lanra NichaIs, Highlandi Park -S.3 Freirch(Grue, Beru*.çton ...23 Frances Netrnore, ame......... 24 Rob. T. Le, No. Hampton,. ..... 29 êeanor Hnhbardti. e.Farem ... .22 W. AlianDusenlbury. Cincinnati . .24 Ruth lIase, cîty................22 Cari Oison, ilghlandi Park... 3 A&»n& Johnson. Lake Forest ...28 Lac Bell, Racine ................. 21 Mabel Rleckhoff. Milwvauksee...22 LouIs Sevlk, Wankegan .......... 25 Keti Bednark. Chicago ...........24 Vaina, isara, Waukegan ...........23 33111e Maki, mine............... 23 Otto W. Baigenaun. Hmburet. . ..89 Eleanor E. Miller, Chicago....36 Frank W. Hennessy Milvaukees. ..31 Ida M. Pettov, saine........... 26 Waliace B. Fovler, Chicagoa....21 Princes K. Maler, came........18i Walter F. Vogsl, Milwvaukee ....21 Franvep T&Ualiage, came........ 19 John Whitney. lÀbGrtyvlle...26 Margaret Man, stes............30 TonyàdJIW5KII5. WaUkoUzaf... .26_ Kelde Iabanenakte. same ....22 Wmn.TrePtow, Milwaukee ... .21 Anna Wagner, cane...........18i Frederck Wilntere, Waukegan, lega] ce Arna.Gume. Ft. Atklunson, Wl, legal 1 age. Ifý- - VI rd la ti 1 1