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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 May 1914, p. 4

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.A irR- 00flTY DMPV T . ~wa' MMAr. MUÂ 29.1914. P.ag ouir-____________ T 1 ' - Lake County Independentl Waukegan WeekIy Suni Office Tlephone Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. ml.eedsd t the Postoffice st Lbrtyville. Ili., se ond Clase Mail Matter Officia PMer for Lake Couýnty. temoed Every rlday. Adertlutua Rat"s Made Known on Applicatfofl. BU69CRIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PFR VYeR TRICTLY IN AUVANCE W. J. SMITHI..................................................................... Eio P.G.SMITI4....... ................ 1 . ..........................................ar Md . WEIER .............................1..Resident Manager, Phone 68 Unr. Dowute cWm sue liasà, right to her share of the Mon estate. Looka as if elle bas some claim on it at that. Men w» g# peevéd because il2oy cannot dictate poli- 'Pim nt awmmnmm . à ý u i v VNEWS when it fa allwhtlv. WITII SUSPICION City Officiais Are Making an Investigation Into.Cases of ROOrOdVioIation., MAY RÉVOKE UESS Certain Things Whiqh Have Haoppsd Cause Them to Think Reports Are Right Wagkagan. May' 22. As yet local lty officiais have op- cured no definite inôrmation wlth re- gard to out oftoteg saloonkeepers who arc nild to have purcbased oa- )Oenmvè btbzdi , an~d who assume the p~oicy of "0111u brean acre alcee.o May' let le, violation ot the uew s a- u* t lm ume ym don'4 prin My saie as 1 walit it, " t1.7.9uation rdînance, thi.>'are i- bear outithe contention of thir opponents ihait twy're vestlgating thc report, ttut have beenE bigoied, *ne-sided and caunot stand just vhat they're al- ftled wtb thein and expect to haveg IMBdài"g out. more deflulte Information wthln ad 'W.UY5 ~ ______________ver>' short tîme. Que eity officIilIn speaklzgg of the .Inapge" o f privato banks, whore people place thet mOtter, today-ïteclaïred -ft he litsa inorièy in fuil trust of the mon who forget that COnfidOiCé Iearned upon what lie censîderB good 'wheu they seek to make their fortunes off other people'5 authorlt>' that when. oue of the saloon- money must cone sooner of later ini Illinois. The quest- keepers who was ln business lait year ion ii- ho mantook out a licenee this year lie stated C ionla.howm ,y homes will b. permitted to be wrocked, te at least eue of his friends that he how many suicides must corne and how' manY fallures dld nt lnteud to run the place but muai be recordedbefore Illinois assumes the position with, iiat he was gettlng It for anotlier »farence to ibis'question that it should?, Fortunately man. As a matter of tact the plac eh '-~ an thfor which lie took out a license la-no 'Waukegan bas no private uank.s ad* e few that ihere being conducted b>' an out ot town b #re inCouniry towns, are stable and secure, being conl- marI who je suppesed te lie the "man-' ducted by careful business mon. But, state supervision ager." of ail baiî]s is a nocessity being foit ail along the lino and In aneth-r case an ont oetotwn man Likecouty ankes a a holearestrnglyin avo 04w!o clabuis te lie manager et a localJ Lae ounybner sawnî r srnlmfvrOsaloen but who, accordlng te his themov.friends, le really the owner. lbas plsc-j ed hie name on the wtndow in largeE "The probiom of keeping tke body and mind of the type and 1ider itlin snaî type ls the à âgrowing boy and girly in town or cityprop rly occuied word 'manager." the Smmorvacaion an besolvd ~nno btter Ii k thAIis tellnw la geiiig mat a lfuring te8imrvcto a esle no et 1i-t-e ofe fr," a Member of the cein- -wsy than by the ostablishiment of vacation rdens,"I re- misindecared teda>'. "ti a n lecu- 'cently declared J. R. 1jepler -of tho Cofloge of Ariculture, liar condition oft affairsi if the man University of Wisconsin. "The gardons,' he explained, alto Is supuosed te be the ewnec of "lwili keop the children busy learning the methods of suc tii'" placc bas he name erased cern- I)pel>J, rom tlhe window and the cesaful plant cultivation and they ilil be rewarded in a j'mnlager' suîjstlîutes hiî, name. This inaterlal way by the vegetables ihat thoy grow. Vacant case,,at least ste<uld bear Investisia- lots are easily. obtained for thi*work for many owners - would prefor to have them put to'somoe useful purpose than W!tbhin the asat few days anneunce- te have ihem overrun with weds and bocomo oyesores to k2TWn buffet lias beau seid teaadtt ihe commuuity. The besi resulis from ibis plan can only eftotwn man. The fermer owner ex- b. realized, howover, through comptont, arnet supervis- plains that lie merely bias "leaaed' ÎIn' the place and that the uew man a, te be the "manager," Cty officiais su>' fi le qulte surprisîng to find the num- bar 'et saoons which arg, e ig cou- T fl 'T'FN ducted by "manager-s" thi. year and an y saloon which la erducted In thîs PI','AJ~,manuer will lie open ta suspicion. Of- FW1 E T. L iclals admît it ls rather difficuit to get the deslred Information but sev- * YoucSn try this beau- tif ni Victrola FREE in your own Home. By. makiug: sauimonthy plyments you Witt oon own a Victrla-the greateat of al musical instruments. And- it brings to yoîe the very hast of music of every kind, auung and played in the very best way by the eery hast arisite. The. id;- al'pWec to learu the new dan- ea is iu the home and hars the Victor le ahoutely indis- pensable. Price. 15 to $100. b T,7 thé New Daac H. B. EE aIerniums Pood Stock at Right Prices P-lant Rose Rushes Now We have thoim and they wil last you many years. If yon want any information eall 174-J Libertyville. S~hnian&Kohout ~(N.~tw.aiLlbertyvlI. & Roundout zwb arsetep a 0«ptat erai lcenrs probabl> will ha revoked if ps-oc' can lie establilhed. one comminssiner lu reterring to the saoon situation lu W'aukegan ex- presseS the opinilon that b>' next ta l the total nuniber etsalooen$ will have been decreased b>' oyer hait a Sozen. He thinke the>' wli go eut of busine.. simpty because there lB net enough ta snpport them eal. He poinu t toue man wh-o aIrent>' la eeklng te dimpoe o! hie place. Phlllp Frederlck, wealthy residCi'é ot Kenoaha, vas tmid dymlg FblSaY' in the Kercher bath& at 606 South Waba rene. An empty mrphine bttie vas humide the b.d ln Wh"ci h. vas iying. He vas taken te the Presbytertan Hospîtai. vlere lhe dlad seen atter blm arrivai. Prombytran BSece Morutng womhbip 10:45 a. lu. 11:45sa.ni. Bibi. eeool. 6:45 p. m. Chirigtlan 'Endeevor. Eseniug servicy. 7:30 p. m. B. M. Alihurt, Paptar. St Johnm aEvg. LutiLChurchi Cerner Biroadway sud Park Place. Lherty ville, 111. R. 0. Bues-ger, paster. lemnian services ever>' other Sunda>' mreriug et 10:80 ar.. Englieli servie everyb econd Sunde>' ef thie nîenîb t 7:15 p. m. StLawreniceEpuool9WurCh Ses. EDwà BD 8. Waîra, Pi0et-n.cens Bel>' Communion even>' SOnda>' 7-45 a. m. FirtSundayleouoth 1080a.m. Maornînu Prayes- star>' undi>' exccpt Shore 10-.80 a. ni. Sunda>' echeol 11.45 a. m. Ail Boly Dey@.. ol>'"Coution 9:00 a. ni. IL E. OlUh hServioem 10:80 a. m. Preacblng, Rey. W. L. Whipple. 1200 ni. uda>', sehooL. 6:45 p. ni. Epworth Leuu. #:80,p. ni. Preachlog, Ry. W. L. .Wblppliè Wbet lu ttus la the matter vlth leur let. Jirn? Even jour dog tries le get sae>' ram yoer Renmnber Barber'o Autceptie curei ail tus trouble. P. . Loveli Co. FINED FOR SINM Monday atterumu Marshall Liniberry arrested a man wlio gave hi@ name as Chas. licOregor for benua drunk aud disardamjj. Re had been having a littie pine '9,1 bis OWn ou the est ide et to àbd iS eighbors wha b"4 been waXtcblug hm reported It te theraeal- As the maralial arrived on thae èene ho found ilcOrffor ittuga lbex wlth tour empty beer bIt Iyng ou the greunu and a ver>' largWttle liait lu of whiskey standing betor@ hlm. A@ th&. marchai spake ta him lie lai&:"Hello, 1v~e leard ot yen,. Be caretol, Iliia Bogrier. I useS te lie un the Pukerton detetive force iu Chéag." Asked as te whers ha got the. beer aMd. whiskey lhe replieS hat *& ear tnleud lu YhlcaaO gave It ta me." Re was looked up aud iu the evenlng vas gitan &a hear-1 log liefore Justice »avie, Who final hies 85 anS costr. ge parleYed tar scou Urne try iua to avai Payini he fiue, anC finaliy lef t 82.0" asd a gold watoh m seennmt>'fer hi@ âne, aaylug beo UU returu later tw pa>' thiebalaane keeb lie was latar ees te take off ans et M& Lshoem ou the stretat d'then neture1 dimplaylug twa tan dollar billesudpe the fnue. FRÀNK dIAI TO MM Frank Sngdam ot UAbartyrville, Per et1.aom pers thi*tre et L l"orest ylshow pictre.01 t ual .11>68 Libertyvlltu V-sth e r tumre. Te Lake ut'a-cer sels tbe tollewilEootlui,". suydlam more: MIr..limydane. manadr\ et ONeil Theater, le te have a ens. Cofnioi" pictuac of Lake t'oet. l'h.film vWU lie a "Vies af pietursêWot.Stlii streete, bus4iness liues., seheola, cil>'hall sud cil>' oflt-e, cllseudmatoset chapel, On-yen tua Club acu.., 'en7 bell fild de>', the lire dpstmst answerlng a a", Gortan anS Bale.! seheele, teacheri and pupile, As-ced>'teri n emàsud flan>' reideuce vieye. Tihe picture wilt ha @ho wn et o'NeLll l'hasts-e, igblan Pas-k, Wilmette, Ivaston anS L4aertpj ville anS yull thea be preme.ted b>' Mr, finydain to the .11>'. SPORT[S FOe SECORION SA! T FAIR OROUNm Arraugemenis are b8lug eomplows toda>'fotaeci.>' pige(Mn shool b h. ble ai the fair grovnai. 5atuid8> tiU0 Mamial Dal, wbieh proses tCr hji a large delegation - 01ShoOtéOsfe nearby tevna, as amouR the. m&akel arc listeS thé Guthalabrotisem o - Leke, champioon ta in'P8eo02sh1.0; lu the paut. - -1. .1 A hase bail geS. 5111 b. anothe Meature te drav thi public toe b*la grounde thecaeu. tonile Mas l -'fat" anS lb. "la"have$en chedulm to cross batt, and as tht. comblu"tl@i bas attractad vidc akttentioD n I>bas bail circiees-e anumber of Yeere a bill turneubileaxpectîd. Lake Conty's bigveeklY-INDR» PENDENT. MILISUEN MAN OIES. W. Guy McGuIre aged 31 years dled Naturday morulng, Ma>' 23, at 0McAlIster hospital trom appendici- tis. Hie hm been esck oui>' mince Tusda>'. Mr. McGulre was a son- la-Iaw of Mr. and Mmr. C. B. Den- man cif Mllburu.Ha bava i hlmwlfe 854 two emmiiehilren. ,Poàwoie leamus omu Hmd,.dDoUm a hGou ushle e uho Ras Mme" pri' , and. ý IAfla Ialr ir lier. if yu v- ah, gupaonrceiptet t notion fer the berne. It le worth SjOOlinl gaiS, pravldedr jeou are au avuer otfa [Staudupelcrubber' QUAKBIt ALLEY IM l'o. Co., awra, lu. 32-àt AUl osÀ FOI ceiUNcEe Thé. Bealureate Sermon Wlin h. aires b>' tii Bol. E. B. White la the Eplmopaldehrchar4p. m.onwày 31.1 Octueemant Winl ha beld la theý motbob plcopal church et 8 P. Dm. PuJa,.Tha prohram laà@. toflowm .......o.a . s.Lait Mattooks . . ........... Rer. W. L. Wblppb, .............Elmie W.eoipt .......... ir. ~ voestiolo ..........I. R . ê V1àedlotr ...........-*l.. alle Pl by preeil tatlon or Dîplomme...a ..- . .........Preme a. SW .uhklq y" bta,....o............ Mr. a. 1ave Seeadktios.........Rer. W. L. WNibbb ikeeu.nui... ....Mbia. Loù W"8tià The. followiek le the progmsfloi' C4m Nlght whleb wll b. eld ll .he Mefi- ville Auditorium ait 8 p. m4i on Juse 4th: Part 1 Momde...............l.apke Orebin"r Third Tour Clam............ etathe............ Emma Chamberlala second Tour CIlass. ................ Piano Solo ............... Elsie Welskopt Pi .......ieIl..g..on .......... ...........hIflijoie Prim. probemt" 01otLoVifng Cap-JI& a a Repneg...........Blsneb*lkbauek Clame ilato Members§...France0 Smith . .........Hapiie Ubuasra Part 2 Clam ays-lathe. Spniuç_a Young Man'éà Fane>'." Ceaot 01 Characters MIr@. Jeak Billard, chaperon _ ........ ..PearlDugbes Julia oen ..... ...Fraêcsa 8.4 Janet Mmanu..... ........... is Haven JO Btruthers ...........Marjouie Pime Jacqueline Vance. ...... Heleb CeS>' Jean Lauren..Emm&CbamberW»lt Dleky Trent_.............Joflaph Bebrn marié, the maid ............ -41 uaDvie Slu#lc .................nape orchems Staver'& Janesvile Buggies are both Good Buggies, 50 to select £rom çome and look thm nover. Schanck Bros. Libertytlle IL Get- Posted for Yourself There some things about wbich we think we know just about ail, but we don't, though the more we know about a thing, the more we enjoy it. Life Insurance la probably talked of more than any' one thing except the weather. Now when it cornes to weather, the most we know je " moët generally" we Set one kind or another-which particular brand is coining next ici flot at ail easy to forecast. But soîne people seem to think they know a whole arro-full about what sort of weather we Are going to have -bu 't they don't. And some think theykffow ail there is about life insurance, but what they really know -about it wouldn't wad a gui. Now speakiug of weather we Do know: It Sets cold in the winter time, hot in the summer time; it raine in the 0 FalISOMETlMxS, while in this particular climate we have rotten sprlîg weather (as a rai) but the people do buy * life insuraîce just the smre. Thèy get ail brandis of *ther for nothing but they pay goosi hard-earned money fo Ilile insurance, s0 insurance can't be sueh an awful humbuS after ail. Watch the weatheraidgSt posted on life insurance. Tho weather mai wll take caro of the weather-he'a paid for doing 80, but ihis Mi nsurance thing le up te Ofl. 80 get posted for yourself. Yours tîiily, JOHN HODGE, District Ma"ager. The Boyd Photo Studio MiGHiCLASS Portraits and VIEWS at popular pric es. . qS tbe Meut bae IseuSs.0 ftwutboa u el tl# * yt t la u t e tbotWcm at. t us th" NsUV m C.- Bond m Jald"is -,ga Cr $400 Re.iq Sbo>dr rg .$1t75 rceI.r »_cgde .$90 LUebgutrGM~ 1 ', rr- 0 0

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