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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 May 1914, p. 7

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L AXE COU=NTYINDEPIENDENT. PFMAY, 'MAY 29, 1914. NONE REOEIVEO FOR LE»8 THAN 25 CENTS 's.PUREXOMANGE- i-re bearlng or . . . ..a.d. l Grand Valley, Col., for rosi s + F70 BLE 'stn.la Libsrtivill or viinty. Addrue *+.+..+. + . . .. .. Bit: 46i,ULbortyvils. P85tg ýéOR SALE-A quantity of cord wood1 &Bd potu. Wm. J. Sbrec,> k. 1,............. Libertyvlie. Phone 267-L-2. 0.241. olBR+ Wbaie a nuniber of fine hbmo, for.............. saisur rent. Dyniond à Austn, Liberty- FRRN- ville c 42tf one, on Squth Park Ave. inquire et Roa os afnu-F... *rn. W.. Beil ey's. c-84.tl Ubicago, Bci.., Aurore sud Wook..ta winnors But blood lime. Fertiliti guarantsd. Kimbali-Trlggelsd Yards, LihsrtyviBs, 111. --ti FOR SALE OR RENT-60 acres, on» Mule »et ofGrayélaks dspot. Iving Payne. Ars, 1j..81.ti FARM FOR SALE-125 ace, 7la t Giler, Ill., goud lmproveinsnts, beet fichaof soif, 100 secre, nndqr cultivation. ettling of an etate. lMrs. R. P. Biue, 6062 N. BRaitage Av., Chino. .p-83-4 FOR SALE-flouse snd lot eithin 5j b lock of the Elect rtcand Soo Linsdepols, formerfy knowu a@ the Croni ite bouée- Wili seil for cash or intallaient pien. bargai,, i tâken et once. 8. L. Tripp, Area., I. -34-tl FOR SALE-.- . [Irkiqhlre broîîd sowO due ta farrow lu .iuly. T. C. Zren. Lbertyville. 'hone 2.04.2. c-74-t FOR SALE-House u i,'rt otreet, Lffertyville, forrmerly t4 -honrte o! the laie Sarah Mcavlk. Han coG i new, ewer .tod water connertiono, etrililgt aud &Il niodero Itiprove ni n)t. o loe tat... Prîe $t25011.1 Easy ternis. J. E. îiawEx-rutor, 60-7, lakwood fillad, I lîcago. fil. P34 3~ FOR RLTi-9.room bouse on Park Place sud Hurlbus Court, by lit. l1bone 128M, B. C. Ulsason. 1 /85t! + WANTED + WANTE-Bave purchase for rom 10 to 80 acres larme. W rite eatitng a&l particuiers. No agoîtt. Addroeil. A., lndepsndent offi,. c-82-tf WANTED AT ONCE-Girl or worna for kiteben work. Phone 271-R-2 or onu et Pi.. Grove farni. Bail Day, 111. c-34-tf WANTED-Oýicl for gonerai bousework. State wagea wanted. Addres . mAI- brt ijille. Area, c jo osorno Yerm. 2pS5 WANI ED-Glri for general houaework. lnî1ulce t Trlggo & Taylor store, Lbertyvilie. c -26tI McCANN'S BUNCL DROP AN ERRATIC- ûAME TO IROQUOIS (135r Perley D Emmou8f - Waukegan simply tosseti oway a FOR SALE-lin.- litcliell 'and one close game yesterda~iy bte score of Jackeon car. Lllertiville Garage. 6 10 5. Racine starteti off wit two -:13-tf ura but fValkegOil came rigitl bock 1 wllh four, aller vitici they were FOR SALE-. C. Rthode Isaund Heuo,, I elpIt-sa litfore te maslr-rfiîl pîlcit Heu Raven *train, bret direct fr.m lng aofte vstiug labmar., Il iocI,o prize wlining stock t New Rock. Itre- boys faurlug te ozone. Gaggiswric ton. 1; tri12 (a e 125; 20< or more1nj $ . ater rilti uutwouid bore gril away Fein cocks. $3 andi uî. Eggm, $1 iîr î15. rîhlite game, ettitat, bul for sonît $5 per 100. D)uck eggs --aa,.() or glaing erors by Bronke, wito ccc- more, lic. Britgewater Poutry Fanm, tainly tati au off da y. WI 1lloaa lhan Libertyvlle; Phono 273-J-2. . i3ftf FOR SALE-Elght huroo Power fead- l lng Standard Motorcyci. 1913 nirdel, luili oquippeti. lu Use ODNy four monthe.0 Prire $225. Cen ho seen et rny remidonceB on Cook Av. J. W. Bart. p-5-2 FOR SALE-Single buggy. single barnees« and ans surrsy. Wm. Peter, Llberry. ville, Phone 220.p-3-2 i FOR SALE-One Eioctclc Piano, onee Square Piano, ans Vlin. one liandolmn, one Uuitar; aiso one 4 light Pituer ightlng syotem. CeiliOc write. J. J. Arnun, Round Lake, 111. Phone 20-R. FOR SALE-A No. I1OGs Stove. la-t iîuirf of W. S. lcClin, L.lbertyville. c 36 tI c FOR SALE-lfl Bhots. weight 60 Ibs, T l.Fred Voeker, Area, 111. Pionej FOR SALE-Besaeuraut andi @mail hoiel tn Round Lake, nar vairoat station. J. F. Schuniacher, Box 167, Round Lake, 111. C-36.0t FOR SALE-Forty Young pige. C. B. gnyder, GagesLake. P. O. Guruees, . e-86-2 FOR SALE-6 year aid wock bores, wl 1400, sien 85 pige, 6 wseks old. J. L.4 Flood, ldilwaukee Ave., 8 mile@ north Do! Lbrtilii.. 0-86-1 1 FOR SALE-Whlte Glant seed and eatlng potas.u. Herman Scbrsc. Bout1, Libertyvifie. * P-8.1- FOR SALE-121 acte, Marathon Co.. Wln., locasi at eornsr ai two ruade, 59~ imilse ram Glanaon C. M. & 8%. P. I. R *15 acresclsar. Log buildins. 822 an acre, X down or wl e schange. B. D.Boyd, ibertyvilie. Ii "c.6-2t FOR SALE-Power aprulon and whte wabing oulfit. B. . Ransom, Ares, B.3a. . P-8"- + MILLAKEO1fjB+ . ........... MONEY TO LOAN-On Irnprovsd eai O@aI.. J. S. GIIILEY, Firet National Bank. . c-32-tl MARRY IF YOU ARE LONELY-Tbe Rellabi. Confidentiel succeasîni club ha large number af weethy eligîbie rnern. bore of bath sexes,, wleing eerly marri. fge. Desrlptiop f r. lMms Wrubel. a greot day lu feuler îiulllug riuw' live tiMfcuit nfys some of wbicb wece labeleti baae hile. itactre aoced twlce lu tilt- 0rs1 on o bit. truo ual'is, antiauetrecr b> Brouke. Wankegan ventthem lwrî letter. by Iîoshing avec four. King sîcoliot on four wIlti ares. Wllkenson bunteti one aloug lte thîrd base iUe anti 1iat Il ont foc a itl.King golug ta se coud. Whiyte singleti tae li. ,King scoctng, Wilkinson gaiug te tiîc, anti Wbyte to secaond. Williams doubleti ta nigit. Wilkinson anti Whyte scar- lug, Williams took thirt an Ahi- strai's ont. pilter t0filrsl antiacon- ed on a passeti bail. Waukegau wao lten held secelesautil lte uit. The visitorsatiddeti one lunlte tiîc on two bita anti a ruaIt. Aî,iter came at-roBs B Ite sixti on aild heave by Ailtlsrum anti a double. Anotter waa score Inl lte nexl. e gin- gle ait lanti ercors doing lte diamage. Their fimai counler sas at- deti In lte ninrlth ou twa ualIteanti a vilti beave by Broute. Wankegau matie a stroug bld ln icuot thre cont in lte nintit. Wllkin- non anti Wbyle striklng outInl lte plUc.ehLlndquist who repieceti Gag- gin utire box aller he bativaiketi thes firat tva me». è atredthie 'ball roillug by singllug tn rigitt anti etale en a short Vmsef ball anti vent ta tiaird onan e vUS eave. King saîketi aid tole. Lintiquiat icoret a» a wsud plîit, Klg ging ta Ihird. An>- tInt ofa! long Il>-or Iufield grounder votaiS have tisi the count but Wilttn- Fin» anti Whyte fanneti. Williams grounded out third ta firat ending lte gante. Paliosing la tbe box score: Racine ADBRH POA E M. Johnson.. F-C.. 6 0 O O 0 0 1-arrigan St.... 5 22 01 0 G. Johson 3 .... 2 2 112 0 laranbLP-.. 312 10 0 Sorensan 1B... 3 O 0 10 ô O Nelson 2B---------50 0 12 0 Wagner C......... ù 1ii 2 0 Paplavatl R P .. 40 , 1) -) O O Va wye P... 30 1 4 Total& . 35 6 7 Waukegan AB R H Kig, L F........ 31 0 Wkinson R P .... 5 1 2 Whyte, 1B.... 41 2 WillasC F.... 5 1 2 'Broke 2B .........4ô00 Ailtrm3B ... 4 00( pulse 8 ....~...... 30 0 O'Farreli C-.. 3 0 1 Ooggi P ........230 0 LiutiqutSIP .... il 11 Totale . 36 6 6 21 il Il soka&n pmtrs e t owner'i@ vabs bl:WIlUieans(2), Vaui ri.k. W. B. .pplsy. < p85t2 Wye; Three base &Ki Lanson; stolen Sroth e ni icoirgîsa Rai'ro a!tLaid Dei a t 'r i W i; ut-îiî , 1il ltegimtrattip ru rtî,t I ltrT y cae itîiluiil , n ri-t. - o îîr F ndtend Atciiltnît ' ., a- J T A, ip-iiiî laid tuiui- i î u 'h th, r a-- t the1 - ....... .e.........t. .....Ciy... ............. ..... H Fe1, arr... .... ..r ..t..i...e .. .....l ld c r ,' îîi r ........... .... . . . . . .. . Aglcîait .... ... .. ...... iii . , iCCo ! lit! iii t- oot,.... . ....... If ii ilîis lii oi ec.irtlîini a r ht caeu ,-,l e. or landrm. h, 1'ii tiniit aîo r.... .t... citîr c. ari r tri-tcrtiig .-fthtie lair, h, ti I,ii i -mii a al lO t AtiaUta. fbirici. - . tt At'aTîti Ilia frrî Lt il> riiii.ii i a, ilti-' acriLui!itai TiltI Sri T! kriciiîr T,."1,1 iii,,',-yn t iny iic baes: lcn, Socenson. Nesii 'aulýegan AB RlIl Pt) A E1 King, Wilkinson, LUndquist; iraI oe.î Kalin IL F----------3 ülteii l a 0 bolisr off Gogglus. 7; off Van \výe, S-I: h hiofionnR F .. 1t fi le fi.0 il srceck out, by Goggolce, 4; by î.Tî ttirge 1S S----------4 tT .fi 1f ! quiet, I1; ly Valik Wye, 14; pas-tuil h110It2B1............4 il t 1 2-1 1 halls, Wagner -;, wld pitci, VauIT ,TiTit-I C F ..........4 r0til 0 W3'e; bit by pitelier, by Goggins. MutIrphy ti - -..3 1 2 o 2 t Sorenson. by Van \'lt-, Focrel. Kilg- 1, F ..........a 0 i 1 f l"tT 011 o i.Racine lie; Vuukeran. Anderson Ili... 2 0 i7 I11 1 S. Umpîce lBabeox. E.Durin Ii i.. O i 1 4 0 t 1 -,3 45 r,7 8 9 VoseF ......3(0 1 72 0 Rtacine -.....2 0 p 01 O 1- -4, Niee r 1.... I- 0 li1 3 Waukegan ... 4 oroo0 0 00 1-1------ _________ _Totls -....3i1i 9 24 Il 4 WAUKÈfGAN TAKES RhPflM ....... R H F0 4 A _ Titouts 11 ..... 3 ,1 0 1, 0 1 ONE ANDDROPS ANn l C Fr... -... 1 1 2 1, Ioe n 1 . 4 0 1 2 i, o OlTHER AT REIUV3HA Blnluger 211 .... 4 O0i1i32:t I ___Hoffma R F -....2 00 10Ill BtcctC .4 0 26 0e Invaders of Kenosha From This bLudst romP .3 0O0O0OàO City Sunday Meet T eams in a Double-Header. (B>- Dan Jenkins) .Waukegan, May- 25. Thte Waukegan City eai losItteir gaite eai enosha yeslecday y te score of!1tot 5. A big ccowd ruas ln alteudauce attcacted b> te double beader. Fans ruha crowtedth ie Ibirti basehUe bat a grealtiseai tu due vîtir the resulla an te> messed up lte bail ant i lrrferrod vitit MuMpie>- viten Nlemeyer tires ril Inl te ffth tite hall golng mb toe crosti letlug tbree ruae counu. Waukegan fana vere lu aitundance bank<th ie firat base a large uumtaer bavlug gone early la attend te I. C. ge.. Bth King andi Terlep matie con- uing catches tirt retiredth ie aide -itit men on baes Kng gaI one lu deep let t neer te foui liothaelookt- ed Ilke e three bagger anti Teriep pulleti 5v» nsluIndeep igit eu- ter tat soulti bave been gooti foc et loast two baes. Ntemeyer bita long one ta ightt lu tbe thir t iat Hoffma» tulled davu b>- a great cunalug catch. Raed it goxaW In ftes ferlirer It vaulti bava clearedth ie lonce for a bomrn. Te iocall bai euough bits la Win mont an>- game but tire>- failedti t buncir Ibeir bits- The K Cs. van te opener viitlte Kenosha K. Cs lu a fam game of sev- eu Inings b>- tire score of 7 ta 6, ater avec couiug a four con loati. Errors ln lbe firet anti secound lu. ninga allased Keucsatoubanc uti Aller liraitirheloaessetletiday» anti playoti bail, Kenosha oui>- get- tlug tva more rons, viten lhey buncit- edto bisotsafaler a pams. 14. O'Farreli pitchlng fac Weukegan K. Ce. piteheti a gooti gante, seveceltlimes pulling aut of a bols by lte strike out roule. Thts vas hie israI appearance vlbh tire leant andi ho madle gaod rlgbtt tram tire tarI. rTe locale scored la lte eith, kuocking ahittHlggiuts &d Meamrara lu artior. Smth rolievei McN;ama attaler he hadt faced e ru» iby a valk ln thre ixtir sitir tire bag tfull. Toalis ..- 32 5 8 27 1.,2 Letf on baires, Waukegan 7; Keffro rita, 8; Trro -lnge bila. Burge. 'Mur- ph>-, Rupp. Soreniron, Binninger. Double pisys. Ilupp lto Rlnuin.atLer î Stolen bases, Biirge-.Hoeg. Wýau:iewan KE t.ineup:: R T. Durkin R F ....1 Hornng SS-------------O0 Golden 2B-------------....1 E. Durkn 1B ...........1 McMax*man C F ..O ,Nocaut 3B............. 1 L. Ductin C-----------...1 H. OFarreli P---------..i FooiR F------------...1 W. Sunderiond. E F . ..,.0 lKenosha Smitb LE P SaitcIo ... . . . . . . R.. . . . Waters 2B .............-O Kraz C---------------.. Tomebe S-----------..1 Ward RF------------..1 Luck C F------------O.. Biahop 3B .............i Higgiua P-------------.. MeMaa P & LF ..O H 2 1 1 1 o 2 1 o o 10 H i 1 I O 2 I o 1 o o 7 ZION CITY BOWS BI3FORE TuE LOCAL NAPS; scORI9 TO7 McCann Naps' Wnning Streak Broken in Thirteenth Game Game on Saturday. rTe vlnlg sîceat of -"UcCauns Nepal" the astest Juveaile tosur lu lte cil>-, vas sadty demoliabeti l tiroir thicleentit ga4iofaItire seabon. by tire Nort WestOMnIg»et'tire Mar- ion alcool grounds Saturda>-morsrtg, vitir a score of 14 taUf. Oti Suuday morming tire>-Ba Mett eelata clashr wlth te "Wsst ide Stars,"- but ln the ,alternoon fliC) worki-d a foriofolredeotiiou andîtd tîe lue Zioti Cil)tyi1 tad i - .011bi'rtocenI inT 9 tr 7 îktory. Theii- ack out hIelu anil the fil( tiaI liey a ere l,]it iîg tri-r lir- teentiî gameo , InT is te o-st fhe riea-.n for te deTet ofTSaturdoa, andl te iriktr..t OuYi telr t'IiniiLîîusreak Tiîe Jinr- pesented ltcpt-f t-on 1in :lti gaie. Tlîe lneuîî for te garne on Satîr riym'ars asa.folors:. MeConua sNeps l-lîî.J. An- dersoît p Brauni SS Ecllî1on. I R .1. Anderson 2B4 .iloacadien 21B Ne'lson - LE tlashgaclen CF Smithb . RF N. Wr .1to- Lyon Wlint-cii Welciî Hansen Titan g Cor lugton Sangtu s-b Bloomstlen i ra wf oct 'obs-Iohandetî. Jefferns HAVE DIED SINCE SATURDAY NIGHIT One Infant Passed Away in Hospital on Sunday After- noon From Hemorrhage. Tlîe deallîn of tbcoe chiltien are ce- trolet i mnce last Saturday; two of Lbem occuccing lunte Jane McAllsler bospilal. Followlng la an account O! 'the teatit. DIES 0F HEMORRHAGE. H-fenry, h littIle 3-weelta-olti chilti of MX. anti Mrs. William Kcltan ai Northt Chicago, passeti evay Suuday aflernoonea i te Jane MoAlister tos- pitliof a hemoccitage resulllng fraK hamapitella, a tilsease ilu vicithlie blootiais o 1h1il itrefuses t10 coagu- late. Doathe in younger ciidreu are quile cammon tram tis caupe, but as e ruis ttey are more rare lu chul dro t tire. sets' olti. Tire citilti vas coasdt lathe bospital ant i sIte the exterlor bemorritage ses stauncbec au internai itemorritege starteti eut culti nol he etoppeti. «Tir - DIES AFTES OPERATION. John, te 3-year-old ou af Mr. and Mca. John Soda of 513 XoAlistor bon- plai, Who vas OPerateti upon Salut- day bar eppeudicilis anti CaMDlicatiauî dieti on Suutiay aftro aaat 3 aciock. IES 0F PNEUMONI'A. The 4-monlba'-old child o! Mc. an, Mrg. John Yagor of 215 South Sheri- dan roati. succumbedt l au ettack of pueumnouta on Salurday ight. Titi cbilti bat been ailing for about i montir. 'i a- -'iot ~ d e Pitysiclaita declareltaI lte pres- eut speil of warm weather le baving i bati effect upan babies cli ar-r lte cily andt ie>- atvise motbors 10 be very careful ofI wit l ley feedt bom. Tii extreme warin seatiter comlng a. soan aller cool seather le a change lbe babies are ual able ta stand fIn -man>- Instances. SIX ARE INJURED WUl ('A ÀD m À TC1 BIG AGRICULTURAL LAND OPENING' TWEVI11NDRED AND itIFTY TRAC"S aofiveaud ton a ree cacit to ho granltedti10prîiepee-îlce ettlerm in thro.lng open TwsnyThchd ce . I, Southum Ceorgia Land, whlch le adjLirably adaptedtu r the growiîir of cera îadilhpttos etlueWaller0melons, coTIC, oat., vttro, bey-4n fact, ail *tapie cr011.- groin! in ibis fertfi ectiona,s Wolf as a large verietyes iIoia ris nithe lainous lmrensely profitable paper-shel I pet-ans. 0f plsnyt wblch if granted.,vou iili holti a wibrraalydeed end alîrîrair 7h. Met e, m s .rth le thi.eeth ilaeMima" 16W la the bazs ,of aIl we.ith. Owners of productive lands are bsmstif i llis h mmisssmb h cntof living, Vuise 0hýWe ae sefferung f rom i. il OPOR IT10 8131 RU I RtOO(I 1[D 1 11001 CPITAL Ton swili nat bat requtred ta )meo your prent srurrofli- lu thio lberaf.rntndéd opeug, sulier tu îhl3se of the legs now. Ail ts gsi of 1h05. 10 whoui we grant tracelo Norlteërn Pacifli and other raliroatis shen tbey grau tell Ihat tbsy pleuto rag 1 aepated, a crop afan. thoir landselant ,exet ta bentelit Lereby, ae Weil mas o!~~~~~~~~~~~ lsmaemetudprdcs îtntre esI&s> tb oresailho vii cl,.the tract@.. which toit*III1 have It opereted (herveeted - adrpe ) W.,rtelomien neti ,dtu, dovelop what le desigue t t for graur, 1la cn Mteelonu 025per cent. 0 iýb tebo quip s , matup-to-date. ecientille, rouler. prolits derrvd ra.t helisesof the frape, thereby eaiw lofa fdm1 onandiorcherd 1.eis.ne t will conelet o! @il tee rnts a prsu s h.or ber preaent occupation nu thouesal aiýre, and vill ho tucluded l ille thi mosnng. Ail sncb lime a. th determ no 1.51 vhet the vieilli o!ftd W ho regleler anti receive tracts viii fiet the heneit o! tht acrels araut. sla. Coneoir vteitthie uay mnano *e s perlnment and ecl.ntlfie mthodi ln vogue téceon. W hile souteaOfincanie, Whou statistlcssot liaIth Ii.Ied a! se eearronglng topeventover-registcetioi. we willavoid one acre of ceW7 ry aounted to $1.268 45, aud that <au. iany disapplnrrnente. snuchai occucri lu other landi open. acre o! woil-ars.lor paper abol pecam ne. fu ll bee-n1ng, LgS ciaodiit1ed by the Unted States Gorerimént sud rail- abould Dt t. ov» n.rashlgh ae $500.0(0 per year. W. rs ruade, btir gantlng thone who regioter in excepe o! the of the opinion lIaI alter I-i proven by actuel rsuta number ti tracts to be grautiet, an itsrest î intis ciii ahlalned la opsreting the land that they wilil need no fur- .orclaterni aud orcharti sitecprie, lu the hople tint hhey Ihêr urging, and vaste no tme Inl Iaating in thie )and of MnAY luter liet4e lu one of Our tosu s-ites. IyW.also requirs granee Icioeculîr the land vith. Eau.tof tête sland viii chiesfuif y ho perriii.d, ~e2yere. or e»Il it 10smne ane- who will occupy If;: andt ti. pening sUif ho leld at ilrowatown. Wayne CounIr-, ggtrsim Io, reverte back 1toieb grantor. Georgia, ripe of the stations of the A. iB. & A. Riroati. T'h. land lined dIn thisb opnugl@ loceteti dl rectly on vhlch leloceteti an IbIs proporty. andi vilcireur asmsoin and adjaining thes Atlante. Brringhanm andi Atlantic Rail- aller tii.-li-îîsug orf regisetralions as arrangements can lie rond, aehont tw.nty-llvs mil« es et of Brunswick, a lbriv- matie. ing Cty o! fifleen thoneanti, havlnig direct eteemohip sur- The.- irescne aI those realetered vilii at te npegmeary vie to Mev York and Boston. aund excellent rallroad tone n t Browntilwii on the oponiug day, tifleso îluey wish to eit- patto IHlitwesta aIl points. Tii.-average tloin re ýýnd, for there Wlil be n. !avorltieu, sbowu an.tîne. It fof ml thlte rear rait April 10 October. la 'vîIli b.- iniiiîteti byacommiuîleA seected fonr te jirîrprise, tiegroes; th. clImats 1la most heaithltul. deliglilful and and tirîs.. registered wil ho nîtilieti of wiat rhey bave laer levlupratlng, and there le an ample rainfail of 51 fluchles granted. as soon se possible p..ar. "11 h ni-rer ineesinîe opoulaionlofI firseCouporethere te o OUR âM IS FOR MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL RESIS oenui rTiiw pîeslu tire 'aesfcland sp""ali-aiarire As e ae etreelydeorou (i baingmetler loateon potrutat i-i incre4uca and seet. tire land tup ursuirleatt. laviep As~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~u 1eaeeteeydsru r hvgsLir oaeo n ipteîiiiiiii-ci-e i vil! corntinue nth..- tarder tori re Ibis property, andi asiet In itm cdeueliiîinent. andi therehy iTh tierrransd contentei -a@ In Errlie tidol arfihe greetiy increase the value<f surrijunditig sud irtervenlag dinirýait if rctr iri i land r1,1r %heud Iil a 1,tire irr1 propeclv, vhlch Wwiti hîl bInanti tii iir.-s tihe traînc ea a ri I -tarer -ccrou sreai.tire t ti. t is e nu,.'t along the Atanta, llîrunîhaiirand Atl- ia lalroad andi cialhînetii rîidier n rltins rottirry wtot la rge Ouilst ifoa[.tali, thue facilitate tiie- enie we lel iulirrariti-eiiin grautlng t strst' ,iri lT eitostir sbotrîdlT. a r .'l b'Tioi the"e tracts tutriIosewhrî reglter m ihus Wc ah-o bavefo estalntt-dt hi lu mimd bueluces and idouence plot uiewli-ue e il offer Southecn Georgia Railroad-Land Developmnent Bureau for sale alter thi- rh buiig tt u-îi-h ruilott lint lulded Colorado Building, Washlington, D. C. lu i. We have "rnoneynaking sfterward' -rileain te sd ta t-P ta is la of le ted ta the buslnno9a ditrict of tire cil>- lmmetileely aller il hepponed anti a score at autos bartenedte,10tire Opene. Several local pitysiciana, fearlug the possibiliilies of greater cesuelties, hasteusdt l lte icone, be- levirg taItiiey migit behofaISone assistance. Bath viteelilaoflire car hati lefI tire 4aiîaandthltscar lait! croa.viao te tract. biockiug lrafficou tire track for the eveufug andi e greteir yat of tbe nigitl. The Une meintaineti a portion of their scboduile. itowever, by uslng ans tract belseers the cen- ter of te cît>- anti 10h Street. Tire cars crossing avec ta lte double Iraci ou the crossover track, abroutl iId> feet sault of te location of lte de. cahot car. The accident resulted inlu tuor tariages ta lire car. Thte greeatt damage enolaIneti by lte aliroati comîtan>-. belng lte demorilizaLIan oI traffir antilte damiage, tle t Iid>- foot aI track, accasltt'etib>- lte pas- sage oIflte car avec teflies. Lake ConatY*î bitwskly-iNDU. PENDENT. LEAP FROM TRACK C. & M. E. Car Leaves Rails at Tenth Street and Pitches In- to Telegraph Pole. PASSENGERS IN A PANIC. Waukegan People in List of In- jured-Car Tears Up Thirty Feet of the Track. Six were lnJurd, none serlourlo, when a Chicago ant i Mlwaukee rail- way elecîrle cor. lespeti from 'ite rails at 111Ih street, Ibis clty, et 6 Thte car plowed lhrough te lies aud along the trac'i fot a distance of or-er 30 feet andti Ien ritcheti heati- long int a telegrapit Pale, srrapping lthe Pale off several feot tram the grounti. Titreo of lte known fujureti sere resnldentt aof\Vaukegau. Tbey were aIl removed lu Illeir homes lu thia clty follawlug the aecidentp Two others who crere Injureti anti whose ormes we-c.-gali",were brouebt la ibis ci ty for medicol oltenitiou. One man who rcas standing ou the rear îîlalfocm of lthe car, was throwu ta te tracirs lie rettîsed inl el-her ac- ceîrt nui-l-ittfenîtinor cive bis naIne. The molorroan and conduc- toc escalîed wlitout Injiry The known lcttred are ac follo 's. JIAMES TYRRI.,,lOi2;r asiTIg- toti, bad coul!in! cin hiit brttses about itodu. FRANK VENRAGO. Larstiee andi Chicago ar enties. Chicago, conltusion ou bock, brulseti. -IIISS LIMBE WSVIT, 61lS lian Si., WVaukegsu. attrarjon atrove MI),r brîîiued about brody, lBEN MlEDfLEN, Schwartz buliding, corner IVafer and Genesee streete, Waukegao, abirasion above lefL knee, brîîlsed. GEORGE AN DERSON, Libertyr ie, abrasian abore kue of lot t leg. bruis- eti aboutl body. lmmedlately followuiog the accident the lnjured were brougît 10 Lite of- fice of Dr. Knîgit,lthe rallway sur- geon at titis clty. Examluatlor.rot lteir lîtinriesi iras made. F'cauk Yen- cao of ai hcogo r-utasuffered 'a cou- tuîsionan lutie back ruas placeti oBder an X-coy. anti. is borts wece founti ta bo light. Itlta etatedti hat lthe cor. No. 1Z2.Il charge of Ilotorman Josepht Sr.der sud Conductor A. Joues was moring ai lthe rate of about 40 mllesl an bouc. Thte motarman bat elsrted lu leasen the speed lu preparallon of papslng acound the corve, neer lte po-int. h2uddeMyý wlthaut warnlUg lte rear witeels of te car loapeti tram lit lack. Thte passengers were pîtcheti beailoug luntteir seats. Thre car bumpeti aioug swaylng from i sd tu suie for over thlrty fel, tire occupants belng jumblet about tike dice lu a box. When the car came bo a suddeu stop againsl lthe large pale, lte pas- seugers. freuzieti. cusilaed lr. a mad peunt t the doors. Many were in danger af belng tbrowu ta lte floor anti trampleti upon, but tbey ail reaciteti the trackIn safety. The man wha was thrown fram lthe car waz standing ou the rear piatforin. an tIhe car rolleti tram side 1tu aide te vas unable to a main uhlq Position On Ifte platform. trThe rear siteels of lte car depart- Ifet froa the rela, apparently t» peau- lug avec te crassover track. Il ws ltat tact tIrat savsd the car front -d turning turlie, for had tire fraral )f heesa bI thlie rala et tiret anti be fore the greet momantum sas check aS la, a large tiegrss, lte car waull mhave aureiy turnes! avec sud a Po& Inaible great lons oaI lte oulti havf a. eneueti. te Nevs af the wreck, was transmit DR. VICTOR C. IIOEFNER 215 ma&@= etUt, kuuh. ,nt OMM Hourt 9-2A. IL; 14PMIL; 7-P... SundaYs by Azpnlat lOntz Telephoas nt Talking MachisAU IK"- French. Germa. ltalass.asd spanish Laasageouti . JAMES L LYCS A NNWea 3 xel.'as7 Dr. N. W. .gober I OSt Oat m C, L FRY n 0*a, UhssIYville, a tus. mi hue, LADIES 'MATS O0F ANY -AKIMS Detall af Whalsaale Prie«. Re liS- i fgt Biaaching. Dyeag. of Pam» rHala: Ask for Catalogueanad Prim.B CHICAGO HAT MAI4UFACTUINOM & BLEACHING COUPANT, 12 Mulb Michigan Ave., Ward Budg.. oCheloa. ludependent: More naemtisa en couaty weeklies comilng 1 ý DYMOND E. AUSTIN Lous. Insurance, Real Esfate »Jd House Renîing. Office in Kaiser Block. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. ELHANAN W. COLDY Atotnoy-at-Law Money 10 Loan on Good Approved: Real Estate. Office ini Trigga Building. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOI6. LYELL H. MORRIS ATTOHEtZ-ÀT-LAW Libertyville - 'Illinois Luce Building. Re- Phone 152R. Onfce 1FiPe 13F MARTIN C DECKE oftile Opp. 18tii St. Eliet SA" )fflce Phono 848 iEwp. Phose 185(1k NN,):LTH CHICAGlO. ILLINOI8 PAUL MAC GUPPI. ATTORNET AT LàW. UýbenrtUD, Ililinois DR. O. F. DUtrERRELD, 'FETERIIÇABY SCURGOU. UmeIvAigT CTATS: VWKWUNARUU Ubertyville. 1111nols. Tetephore 14W&M st Bette, prepared thau MY exirenre. ver 10<do pour vok. J. M. Graves AUCTIONEER 144 Eiunwood Ave., Waeksgan, illinol Ses me before mahing your dt DR. E. V. SMITHI GENERAL PRACTICIE ,ioum 8to 10 a.M. 2in 4 sud 7 tu V.M Office ove, Ray Fumilturo More.,s SPECIAL AITE£NTION TO THE EYR LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DR. 1. L. TAYLOR Office an Firai National BanliiSuilding nouu:-l t103:30 sud t104<m. "elden,~e )n Broadway. opposite Park Licercyvtls. ulinois. DR. GOLDING DENTIST Blours 8 la 12 arn.-i td 5 p... over Ficeit Nationai Banik Office Phono 19-J. fies. Plione 157-J. Libertyvilie. Illnois DR,.A, H. CHURCHIL Physicien and Surgeon Office over Dckrer n Bonda ODrno 510 Boumr8 10o10A. . ItOS.7%aPJIL speclAslattention1tuEpme. r.Nomsu ad TbiSIt GLASSES PROPERLY FITTIED Libertyville. - . -Ilnl DIL EL.FLSMITH. aTEU LAILC 0171 NATION"L5A au-I lc 12 e. m. sud 1 to à P. m DAIL!. Ubsrty .Ill"s W~l PUBLIC AUCTIONEURIG Cioseat attention paid fin arragiug auction -xalsa sud beet enllie in ka"t lnir Rmre. AlkMnde of bornes, wâfons mad bernes. for se or exeliange ai ailtlime. HENRY SINE Ph.... la8or 48 ZIOIA CITY,.9.1- J. È. REDDINO, D.V. M. r= IJp(Ry aun«on Grdutee bmo VetCe oait et slae16 7 Av&. nous iSew. .14 31 - -1 31 . 1 -1 1 Il:

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