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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 May 1914, p. 9

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LARE COLJNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEILN WFFk-4 &.4N SAW TOO MUCl OF Hamlin Prentice Gives Expia- nation of Domestjo Troubles Now Up in -the Courts. SHOW PECULIAR SITUATION Case Whero Cognplainant in Action Denles Charge sShe Signed Her Name Ter~ The. ilAng of the application of di- vea'ce by M lr.Hamle prenticeof Wask.gaa aMd (hieégo and the coun,- ter bill tilod l'y Mr. Prentice blrouglit BaUOnetlon tram Chlcaan to Wauhe- gan Tuesday whlcl, viien peuple read tii@ tacts In tlieDaI)lv1Sun. caused in. tense. survrise beause bath hirs. Prontice ay~ Mr. Prentice are volt keoun ,n the. rty.t M"t. L. H. Prentice, mther of the Young in. In an interview declares Sh. knows littie of the affair except- Aug that the. statements au pinted n c thie Sun lan eveling quotIrW hot' daugtter-in-law, ver. correct vhere. Inuthe Young vil, contrajlicted the tas prInted moomeenianthes a0 viien L vaçaid that Prentice cliased is vIf. sud child Lot the yard. st the Point of a gun and forced them to aeek redugo n a chiclej bous.; that bo.mneated fornmer*. oe. . Theae tatemests an"e at thai Ume, vers ansolutaly ' vr nsd1 bu"v 1h.> vouiti le doutai in tinte sMe V I1us ah. boas trgightene< thora eut l'y aformi'uatdental. I amr Bot famlar vi their affaire only 60 £fr aSeh9 ladta>'non." Raid MrsL Pretim 060.sait! bot son nia>'b. Chicago »wv but abs tfeit penape bliitd gene te the Buta races atildarapolis as ". bM i led tskIng tbem n. ~oAskod boy t bappened that a hll Oned b>' lis. Pi'onlice listi eer 9iWdtAnth Coeî coauy court vauid bu Posibte If bbe Young Mrs. Pren- tic. kuev nothing 0f bthe changes can- tkluei, lire. PrernticeOrS.lAti mated that t mgbt bave been prepared b>' tlativen vilbout the Young wvant knovAag vhat It coubained. RSffence onds ln Qurantin. HoveOver. Chicago papers tada>' DSld constderable attention b Ithe di- 'etc, action, ging detals of boy th romance whicli starleti ai Druces 1Lkei. ndsd viien taung Prentàce WU mad a prisoner at lhe PrentAce auMei- bmonouThIrd Laie vien ho W va ufheinamChicago suffering vîtu a5malipox. Extracîs tramnchii- cago papere ,inlerest aie count>' ileple ase tllova: (Récord-Herakilî SAbsence mighl have made lie huarts Of Marlon, HFarper l'rentice sud ber husband, LIL H.Prenlîce Jr., grov fonder. Cios. aosociatieu ru- bAttered tliem. Both.<etre Asý lh. d. -vance court nov siAkng soparation. Purt thr.e or four veeks let siiing te Young couple ver. qlarantined n a suminir home at Graystaks. A big, 7elv sinalipox card hetti thern pris- e1Dere. The>' ver. tagether evur>' allunte of lhe day aud niglit. liNnslty tiiy quarreleti and vhen the quar- 801flue vas ifted ,acli verq a separ- lit. Prentice wuve q mailpox vie- tint. Hs vas ruahd.i front Chicago te rsysiloA'n au autonmbile ons Dight n Pebruar>' TA,. next day lira. Preutice arived wsil b their chidi aud liat aftetnoon the. yellov card vas tactretion tb. door. The. imPlnlmnt w as a ian for1 a fev days, Sut 'gradu.ilv t&ie sola ton began tua rior the serve. oft the. sic. am atind tue vif. who nuns. ed h=. Tho>' quarreled over the tite le vas lt-eai 's Medicine, oves wiit lie shovild est sud overi boerlt ehçiuid h. prepareti.1 Onue day t he Grayslake Tmee pub- Ishbed a 'Itetyl telling boy lin. Pren. tine.liedpunsued is vite firn tuet bottse the niglt hefor. vlth a &hot1 MaOU.Sue ougt shelter n a nelgh. ' boes chicion eshed, the nevepaperl (Tribune) ~UzYearsago Prentîce. lienq 20 OUsj e. persuadedt Mines Harper, 'the.17. ta viiteaminltees hoire buetead et attondAng a matinse. Tii. t*ence had lbegusou Drucm Lake. 'visM ie Hlaperstthet hait a e7 eg*Umur teldme. Thare ver. ne OblosL. but th .eprv feuted >d their Parents voold uhnk thomtu i young fat matrimouy. Mak.s Numet-ousChange@ kov lirs. Pren*leg Jr. declares ho husbad las addlcted ta drugs; tieat h, lias been cruel: that b, has use abusive language; tliat lie tlreatenet lier lite; that lie drove lier tram thei home vith a shaîgun, carnpelling lio ta ta. refuge vltli friends; and'tbei lie han aseociated vlth ather vomol sud le unfit ta care fer their child. He statee.. lio las no persoîr.l prai erty oxcept Ahe furnîture n the hoe vhere ho and hie vite formerly lived 4404 Magnolia avenue, wsîd that hE le ont of s position. He vaSs en ployed liy the. L H. PrUitce Cou pany until last Fel'ruary viien lie va taken ili of branchitis and Inter viti emalîpox. he says. (Anierican, Tuesia>') A Chicago aflernoon paper tiiseai lenoon carnies a big article telling Of au action ton divorce vhlch Mrti Hamin Prerglce, vif, Oftesawu cd L. A, Prentice, Julien, utrt,,Wauke. gan, han fiied An Chsicago. Itl a mon satAoal l n lie Oxtreme. Extracts Oi the, article folle,: On file An the. Circuit Court An Cli cago a document inavu as No, B- 2013- bil for divorce. -The an Of Manjorie Harper Pi-outice. daligh ter et R. C. HarPer, a rslired bruitor, living et 2915 West Jackom boule. vard, appeare alites con<luston sthe plaintiff. Bound tulit b>' a rubber band As the answer of U. Hanlîn Prentice Jr., son of a proinrent andl vealhhy Chicago manufacturer. But- At t, ume 'If h" rparents prelir m e îrii" l'td îay Ihat ahe eCv..-sign- .md sai 1,111 misf- re nd In lthe rext trealh admidt-illt IAf hie tid i pl-- er signlature II t mheri - ailnot been appris- r-ti of lis "awsfui' cin-r>tm. Thite liio.t iile all.-esln prnI Thart )ou 0.relAvce laaduictei ltu rnvrphItni- s,Iotih.r drugp. Thol hi. .11.--habeen lth, vîtin osf -arntruelts' on t atiir th e defendaît. TuaI b.'bahr us-t viile. abusive and uPî,rsibrlIum language bavard ber. Tit o n divsers u-essionrAh, lthre-at- end et be su as tua mael. ier- tue ruiserahie. 'ritloicior abotuerMar,-If,251914. b' tbnreatermeiltu klti Ai.'-wtt a s5b- gun. 'ritl i.'drove Aie.- tram tieir plat- or abat.'. e-mpeiiing ber tu meek nef- ugt- ciAi frienila. Tisa, Ae trsnsîntiy ba. seitm vith otIA..- vemen. That s'aung Prerilico A flot the, Preer Per, l u bave lte are. eus- tnAy anti erîsîrnotfttelil ud. Tii, mariage naI i Haml Prou. fce sud Manjorie Harper vas the ru- suit of a romance vhicb stau'ted vih the overturuing af &a ltbet Inthbi mIddls of Bruce Laie back An 1908. rThe Young man saved is futur. bride et lie rAmi of his ovu life, sud jeter Aie>' sunprised thein parents b>' a mai, 'lage that siavoreil of an elopement- thaugli steris a! tie bride sait! At vas timpi>' "a AiUrried affafr," AngnY et Pubiicity Tite vite or six yeurs vals apparent- [y' angry Ioda>' vien she learned that a ill ignud MY "Ilunjarie Prentice" lisd become public. "'The dometlc affairs elf Mn. P,-en- lice and LnYseif shbuhl be of un con- Cern ta the Pubic," site saAb. "Did yau file a bAll fon divarce?" vas asied. I 8sigued sonielhing,- sereplled. "If At contalned horruie altegetions wa vsnot aware orAtv, "b)id yau charge Mn. Prentice vlth 'eing addicted lao ophine and other drugit" "I mhould sa>' nab-nevsr! LAow rAd- iculons!" Bile uxclalutei.t "If. neyer laid a h&ni on me--otC even as mucli as aaid an unkiud vord9 "BAd lie ever tineaten yaun hire, andd have hies. tureats maile yoor lArec miftrable'" i "Do I looli mimerabIe? Oh. thauet IMPROVE14ENTS ON EXTENSIVE SCALE BY TELEPlIONE Cg. Would travel 'tMouthe. batyl thte POOL. But lime * ave motions grov smaller or voaker and alinsot dAs3- appear befare roaching lil, post AIOwCter, If tva or tbrt' mtalI wcighls vere tied ta the ope at equal Intervale, thoe v eiglhîs would, ir Three Quartera of a Million 80) titt Wben the. vave reat hc i te Postlt oul beon»' s littie stitiller r Dollas Will Be Expended and weaker thaj, At vas when it nt Along North Shore. stared ?rom theother end, The P.TO BENEFIT FORTY CIllES. 1-1 vire waves af the telc-phiop cir- leCuit as tie velghte reintorc lte e Wav motin of the rope. 1, More Details Are Given out waMveerettian seventy-tive tons of l oad- Ce Concerning Cable Described f ng collesviilb. neceesary lu mnake 1- in Sun a Few Days Ago. the cable from Chicago ta Mellcnry WB efficlent for long.distance Utikîng At là Three quarter, of a Mfflon dollars eat lntervai8o n adsx""lls viiib. ependd l' liemies, an average of two tons mf mtl$ wlilbisOxP9de bYthe Chicago rcolt for ev'-pair of a mes- ToloeI000CmatnsYta ncrease long. ill li e connected wtl ithte ,i.m distalnce telephone facilibles itetwepn M, Many alter points Ln Cook. tLa'e andiSE KT DEIIAI<L 9 Mcilenry countles, a,, tar weiî as -McHeniry. à- More than fort>'111111018 ci*les and 2 I M -N À ; il O t8wl c blitel hcîiy the ný IVYSYSIE8 et lfits kind ever made by the Chiicago -Teleplione Company.Th e Par the. henefit of Northt Shore relie! h Miller Sisters Who Live 1 dents snd otiiers wiyo sumnier at th Near Barrington for Whom laiete roats of NarthIt llinois andI Conservator Was Named goutliern Wisconsin, ne' lirws equIPPOd for througit service tromam r gore of watpring places ta Chicago CONDITION GROWS WORSE. mand the. North Shtore ctIes viAi lie buit. ýConservator~ Is One of Thoe Tenthoendmies t Ar viiho Who Asks That They Be Giv- added te the. long distance vire mil. c-ge n norbiier Ililinois. More tlian en Hearing for Sanity. t iatY mAies of tolilcabie contain 1 r9,000 mies of teAaptiîore wire viii Abe A lic(titli'o b ave tva elderly sis- run froint ciscago ta Mclienry. From n t declared insane vas fiiid la te Chiicagoy ta Great Lakes tie navali Cot'tmîy court titis marnAng atd Jlne t training station four oilies souili of stîtvsfxda hetneo hc WaUkegan, this cabie viii bie piaced s ietOmo hc n the present vire suitway alongth the case wii lie tried.1 Northlihore. Connecting vith tlte . 'fli case fi; said ta have maiiy la- underground cabie at GeLlake., a . tel m.etuesThe msters i.tiuest- aerlai calie vii l'e huit westward Joi, insalde-n 'son en. 1lj-8s Au- ta McHenr>', a dielbance of twer<ty- go -a . t- -,,l lwo mies. The. importance Of Libertyville sud gues.a and Rtose Miller, living near the ablier cilles through wviicl thie Baringlon, score brougltItô ob unty nev cabi, vl Pans, as telephone cen- court sorne litli time age at vhicit ter.5vii lieciocreaoed. Radiaing lime t vas dtt-isred they ver, feehie- frm these eities. 1,000 miles of new open vire lunes yl l'behuit to nelgit- minded and s'-aulti have a congervatorr horlng points titrough witich te cabie taeliandie titeir ailairs Tlie court art- does not pâles. In titis vay many 1 er hearing the te-itimon>' In the. casea Places itot on bbe caille route wiii agreed wiit the petitioner and a mai u-isre In tlie advantages of hlgher b>'te narne of Wiillama Peters vas grade long distance service. appoinled l tuaookafler thiter affaire. The caie tram Great Laies ta Mc- As lime pasisemite condition of Hfenry vilii l'ethe ongesb serilica- hie for long' distance telcpisonîog n thete wo sconen bîcaimo vorse insteadt thie Middle West. it vîîî replace te of lutter, t lis ciainîrd. and for Borne t Prssent ýpaie lino vichta s eaviiy litie time tAe ie-ai i. aipeared ta l'ea loaàdil itli open vires. - losing Uteir iltinds anîd act actinge An. of the greabeet advanbages of~ queeri>'. Their frlcîmds hsave alked btheU lAie new cable lastbat At vill be rac- mbe vradiacdcddIa tically starrn-proof. Poles supportlng mte vradlaedcddta large Iudierm of vires are erverely tbey ebould be piacemi lu orne sauf- taxed vhen thte vires become weigb. taruna vitere tht'>' tould b. given ed dovu witb ie and aleet. A sin. proper treatment.n gle Jong distance cale takes thea Place of fntty or more pair" of ope For that reaon r. Plelers, the. con- vres. Thte paies upan viticli the. servator and Miles T. Larney, editar caitie front Great Laies naval station of te Barclngton lteview, took thieg ta McHenry las ta l'e piacOd viii bc ilatter up vith the otite's attarney tl stripped of cross armeansd uapd for office and Assistantl State's Attorney 0 titis anc cable exclusively. For a Eugene Runyard t&i(ay ilied lb. Petu-JI distance of fourteen miles new pales ian vbich aseslai ho vhe omen lieo vili bceset and thase sloiovng slgnps tried for theAr satîjtv.s af ducs>' iii be repimeed. _________ Tii. enormoug expense attached to thie building of thte cable treim Chi- Atiprney AAec lîçaibien l'as pur- cago to Mellenry [s due to tise large cbased of Jolit Ryan len acres vest t amount of lipecial equipment neces- of Spaulding's corners, tbe tract l'e- ary te makte t efficient for 1long oeta omrt a we ys dstance talking. Tiie vires n tiis Dr. Maxison. Mr. leaubien aise fiied cable viii bc six trnes the size of oda>' a deed for tihe Suztderlin tract e vires n cable used ordnarily for lacal of 43 acres on Bel videre streel, thse a - tli).,nne oin u deed h - uit suie ,î,mi aM. runer aleilations are avful." - Wires ln cable vîil ot carry'thet lin. TiAs li te sanie hropent>' upen Nover made such Chaig. voce over long dAisances unlees eacb visicit Rohert Bail>'a evdaym ago -The bAll aya b htimatned >our ipair af vices la tue cable As equipped fiieb a cotract. Tue latter traueact- lite villi s shatgun. la that tue?,-vitit a device inavu as a "'Iusding Ion means thi Mr. Dail>' ili bave ta Mrs. Prentlce sigheti. coli", an Invetian of recent yesrg.complt. lte deai Ibromgi Mr. Beau- *"Smail tovu gaesip," she saiti. Because of lte large numier af bien lnslead of Mr. Sunderlin. "Il As furtlier aluged liaI lie drove vires or electrical pubis, lu a cahle, yau tram your niace 0a! Bide: hhat te electric current wviîcmtres tise 2. B. Soulivontlt dis-i Sunday aI lie kept compati>' itli otiier vemen, saund of the vaiCe Pectorma oneen St. An4thony Hospital, Ibocfrd. He sud liaI Ae la not lie proler pereon antics, sud as a resait tise vatce can- vas tam Aln New York Ferary 22, ta have 1h, cutodY of Your chli,"flot t e dietinct,> hard over long 1829. R, luaves ftor danghters sud said he reporter. distances unleas s "laading coul"las four ous: John C., Frank M., and "In replyIn't iese tiings let mesgy s>'ue. *ading colIs, ptsced ut reg- Mrm. A. O. Beitelt ltRckferd; Mte, that 1 itave l'aven made urAi charges iriari- nterval4 siong es* t paAr of James C. Cox of hiowurd. S. Da-», ta an>' one," replied Mr.. Pi-hte, vires, reinfore lie sannd wves car- hi-s. J. S, Clark, Springfield, Ill.; Tl',y are faise. li>'iuehazid basaai. rYIDg the, vaice and iteep the eecîric Mrs. Jerome Warîl. Wauiegan, Chas. vaYm beaukibid and consdutate of Me. cuti-eut front 1061r« lipver to ns- L. sud James D. or Milwaukee, Wle. Of course, people ma>' iud Mme, thinge produce the. valce penfectl'aI the ta gay against him-no mm a .perfect, ethler end of tlie îîne. Word bas been ceceivel lier. 0f lte Yau knov-but lie>' can neyver_&acu.The affect of t.e'ioadingcoeil" deatb lunitavenswood ofV Piredrrc Ii of thingesileg.d eta t Ida ilAs"on saufid vaves lu telephone vire. lasHelmhoaltz, 63 yeace aid. sou of the Tite reporter vas noplussed. siovn b>'a simple sud tamiliar Il. lat. Heur>' Relmboltz, visa resdd on "Are >'o seeking a divorceouen>' lyustrgtion. If a persan sliouîd grasp lMicÂptor avenue foc a nunihot of grounds'?" he o aed, thelbos.eud of a mnaitope faeea >'eatM. Tbe romains leave avons- Mrs. Pi-enlAce beoitateti sud .t heo otitaa Pont100 test distant, sud veoti ah11:38 tonorrov sud arrive shako tie rope, t vouid i-espoud vfi ihors t 12:4(). lnîertnt at Oakviod (continuait on Fâp two) vavellke motion aBM tue vat;ee.« ci.tury. 1 oli VOL. Xx - JMM4!tmw IAIIM E Umm 0 ILL" FRIDAY' NLýY29,1914- FOUR PAGE $1.50 PER YFA--R-ÎN-À-Î)VÂ--R& 1 It As i an ef orttadiscaverall Ai- DADY DMIT lIElegai sales of liquor bliat tAie etate's 1- S I VE 16A IN6 alborle>' bas calied upan ail wio lisve 15 NV STJ II4 nformation l Daipseission t ay If bforethegran Jur onPrida>'. I SIMr. Dady exiiresses confidence that tOTIIER SALOONlST ie vili bie alte ta acore a vhlesale batel' of Indlelmnents. Calls Upon People With Evi- Tie ematoa reeton A dence in Their Possession to Tuesdays e al>' Sun te, lie effect Present It to Jury. tisaI one ofte biggeut cocking malus WAUKEGAN IS INCLUDED. Place Sunda>' aflernoon tn vhicli &Omne seventy - live figliting gaine roosteresuad slmost as mar'. Is Anxious Also to Get Infor- mr e a part. created quite a mation About Places in Ver- furore An the conununit>'. non and Libertyville. StaIe Attorney Dady rosd the sar- ticle vibli surprise sud apparent dise- Waukegas, May 2C. aîpointmcnt".dsappuintment that lie States Attorney Dàdy toilsy In didn't Sel mn advance buliebuhst it making a pies that ait Who have 'as 10 be beldliAn order that lie could knowedge oet legat iquon sales stop I.i apieurliefore the. grand jury 'I hadn't ieard a word about lthe n1ext Pnida>' morning et mine -ltlibiabl ni a nti o'cieck and disclose whatever Sumn. So far as taking actiont againet tact@ they mey pesfesa, admitted thme men vho lsromoted At and those that while hoie ttenda -ta investi- abo vitnessed At, l'in real>'tta do soi qat* reporte Of the Sunday ClO&- it'anybady viAllappear vito viii tes- Ing isw ln North Chicago, ho does tif>' as 10 vitat toit place." muid ie,7 flot Intond to stop there but wil coutInuing vihi.' Wiat evIdence maie hi& Investigation county- bave you as to vbat took place?' wide. Weukegan, Libeo-tyvIle, Tite Sun exîîlained vital t Imewv Hait Day, Prairie VIow and Ap- about thse affair and frank>' admitted I takistic, are ether placeas wherelihat If bail rp reprementat4ve Aresent *xisting condition. are te ceine in vlo cauld tel] what bail happened ai- for a probe hy the. grand Jury. though IAt le knovn Ibat the. main vas "WAiab have you ta say viti regard bed ta bthe cailing of a epecial session «f "The trou)le wAthsucb an event," pr lte grand jury for May' 2qtA," %Ir. sait Mr. D)aiy18Astitat >'ou can't ar- sï Dady vas aeked b>' a rewspaper man rest a man and maie bim testif> hi litAs monIng. against hlmselfasolthat Isevitat At 'Tou mu>' announice that 1I ntend vauldd be la case tlie men ver. ar- h, ta Invstigate reports that Northi reslcd, for, an>' man vlho sm te es Chica.go'saioonkeeîîers have heen vio- vbo pr0oJinasted it Ibm tcertanebAt lating th law lty ieeping ltheir places wopontdI.I' eti hti of bsinss pen(in undy,"wainor'o of Ibose epeetators vili get up fm lte# repiY. 'Avîihai itis time to exJ and testAt>' An a va>' l0convict Iben- nq tend b anysealo nia>' have knov setlv fes. pkr an--veypx i ledge tiaI lte saloons in Northi- 't5hcapkr an-vr'pr rugo bave beenoon Sonda>'e ticipant la gult>' sod you ean't make di an' fimie durIng lthe hast eîghteen an>' on, of lhe bunch wvio mugit be monîlis an Invitation îo h. itreseot arrested. tesbify againiK ttheallier. pc An tAie court hanse next flda>' mar,.for b>' bingBo lthe>' vould l'elping W An a nneococ ad a> hicr viCOUvlct tiienseives. el dnce tieo tAie gand jury. er v- "The oui>' va>'lato get an ailvance ut denc beore he randjur. p on visat le going tc, tae place 'f will as" sinAsfltnt an>' vi ayu'and errent the bunci. If A arn given hl hase knowledge liat Waukegan 8a- an>' eucb advance thp, l'il promnise b ioons htave been open on Surt>iay at s'on that lter. von't l'e an>' cockini ai .05 lime doning tise lest eigbte s1 ns l n Lake Count>'." Ili month aaPiear itefore the. grsnd Jury Nditody lias valunteebreri an>' Antan- ai ail give titeir esidence. i viii su>' matimi as to the detalis of lhe coci- an ulso titt1 degire anry vt0 have knov. ing main vicli evîderutly vas the hie ieilge titat liere liave been any Aile- hIggest beld lntils section of tie re gai sales of Ilqoor In Lihertyvlle on cauntry' An some fime.. du Vernon tovnshtip, or an>' otien local __________ Otion lernibory ln lte count>' rty- Nfa> 7tI, teillthe grand Jury vhat Aies' know about Il. 1Intend 10 have 3 0 0PR NC itis isuater threshed out thorougi FI>'R W LL T sit ibis bime and if People do nol elect to prescrit heir evidence ta the grand jury iet them forevcr hold RE-STOCKLAÀK ESîbu teir peace." When askel as to whet ber or flot se ldsîteciai Investigators ut von Game Warden Hayes Dumps a ettIng evidence ta acore lthe Indict- Large Number of Fish Into merVa theti-sales attorney declined la River Near MoHenry. Aged as tn vitether or o tintte other cases fltI are pendlng for WILL MULTIPLY VERY FAST. grand jury action wiii be, board ut Iibis fime or put over until thse regularMe sThtV ySon hreG October terni Mr. Dady declarel thst MasT- -rySo TeeG the feiony cases voul go over onti Will Be Plenty of Fîsh in the )ctaiter. Tite msdoieeaor cases, lie Lakes in Thia County. said. cao As, certified tb before lie ount>' court aud can h. dAsposed of Titrouglilte efforts of Gaine Ward- ln Jurte. en Ed L. Rayns, 300.000 vall-eyed puke l Tic positive assetiol flithatie ln" or >pie percit ver, placed An the Fox bu, tnds b Inventigate lthe casesi of lie Mi, saloonkeepons iears out itredictions river near McHenry thse latter part of no filt have appeared An lte Sun sev- last veek and te lsitemen of titis re rai limes of late. He Inteuds ti) section reJalce ta leste of this nevs, red taIe lthe malter op on a mochl arger far lie streams liereahouls are fast chi cale isowve r, titan vas anticipated. hecoming depleted of finu>' moneter. the Il was iîelAes'ed tinat Norh CiAcago of aUiloIde. .tn saoonkeepers woul be lte onl>' anes Thene SUls ere receiveil tram thse bar Wbo woull camle An for a pobe, Bo foira goverriment and ver. shipped E te tact biaitWaîtkegan Ie lncIuded fromlte hatchleries uaI Meridocia, sud Jai comes ain a surprise. Far lthe last fev are one of theive delivertei mail. maY mantbs il As s ktioon tact thal the Ibis yean. the Baloons ufthie cil>' bave been Pkept Rock river fias been set amide s a dra iosed on Sondas', aI ieast lno fan as Ilsit preserve und last week 1.200,000 j te police have heen able ta, detr. lsii vere "planteil" there. mal mAn. and Comuistoner &tteiery Waii-eyed puke are one otfblie test bee sciures thtAicsI nlends taeenltat gamnefilshItlithlAe state and incresse in sai, tAis conitAon pnevaiis B0 iong au lhe size th. icst year ta abaut 7% tachies, tel. a An offiice. htefore the Sonda>' clos% after that lise Ancrease le frn one liai ng uciler vent lto eftect bovever, bt tree Anches a year. And as the iav lbut As lecommon report liaI lte jpajorityrqicl ile>s u e13ice nhl )fplaces vere kept open ah Sonda>' rengtuire tifoeIst ho b, 13aknches illuhi sIf lbe stalesattorney'la ablI, a engt h er before tcnb. taken. î iiiqle çt lthe es-idence ite expect le sPas- he cgtireyer mteeoe]ie' u île Ibat Indictinents viii h. i-r be cauht. 111 id againet suverRI local nien. Five itundrud black bais have been the, SAuce the slons nel iberlyville placed An bte new batelier> ait Spring Che td Vernot, townsips and alier Gros-e, and during lb. Sommer a greait 3 )rts eftith count>' vere vated out; number of yaung base vlUh. Placed ]Ist 1f h, last local option election s Ai n Fox river and somne of thehe tt unimon report ltaI sevenal of tie 1Most ail of the lAkoB aW arnali and -aoprletors have heen ne iilng ilrioon streanis horeaitoute are triUhtary tu, oct i lhe si>', taklng a chance on being lte roi, and blieme fle it Al douiteme tint ýr.led for condocling blintI pige. soon l'e found lia evoty one of tue,, liam 4"I MmMdMMwwMNý 6ET SMALL SUE 1fa DEATII F HIJDAN Mrs. James Elsbury Whosei Husband Went Down on Ti- tanic Aflected by RulIng. BLOW FROMSUPREME CT. Boat Company's Liability, Ac- cording to Court la Uigted to Salvage, or $91 ,000. Because the steamsshlp TAtaiRC struCk an Iceberg rBther thAn suttier Britishi ahlp, the Bupreme court Bt ýWsblngtcon on Monday held thet the Owner the OceaN4c Steani Navigation compati, vas enttled ta have the. lahilit> for lo"e 01 liste and pveperty ncludlng baggage An nuits brouglit In t.mertean courts Ilmited ln acqord- ance villi Amerlcan nmaritinele 1w. Thlis ineans thet thosWho site ln ArmertSn courts, lneludlng , Uta. lames MEl'ury of Gurus., viii get vrrually nothlng, the law .llii -Ung labilit>' te the Balvage trainsthe, wreck, and the, passenger and froight naney collect.d troin the. voYage- about $91.000 in ail. The total claim agaminat th. coin. pany, including the $10,000 suit atart- ed An Newv'Yor by )Ens. Uimbury, have reaclied $13.000000. Iu renderlng the. declalon tii. court heid that the cel-, agiu« the, teaiiP comPany are llmited by the. 851. Tiie docision in ne WB7 ot- fets suits bro,,ght.agalmut the. ow. ner An other countriea. Justice tolmes announcod the, courdaci- Bi, frOUIn hicli Justice MCKOuuB dAssented. Tiie opinion vas tiiat;viieo a ral- rod emffloye lasnet Ajurod la latar- Mtt commnerce the teioderai onîpiy- ers' llability 18v do..s not saupede St. lav. James El.burY et Guru.. vlo bat hl& lire viin the, Tianic aaW4. Md been on a vint ta relatives Ana glaad and vas returning home o theii g ler vhich vas ou lts majii.. vejy, %e. Br a longutise his elatves Mid frienda lioped agslugheo" tiat se Mighlieh.auong those Who> ver. rescued but hope long ago vas, abois- lned. Hie vidow Placed the. case lanthe. mnde of Attorney C. C. fitwards Whio muusd suit te bc atarted ln Chceago. rhe ttthat sie. ilise1,,ahietate-e mvor prectAcally nothing yuli ho the. ource of much regret teoMline. a iry. [ETS INýTO01DF. FJCULTY TIIOUM PASSIN4i CII EC 1S, irand Rapids Young Man Was Arrested by Police ait In- stance of Local Mon. Waukogan. May 27. btark Jones, a Young Man Who»s mre le laid te be lu Grand Rapid. ich.. came to grief Tuoeday attar- anu vien lie vas placed under ar- st la Waaegats on charges irai.- l' y two local Young men vWh. arged that holeleed ebo&e te lem vhicl' vre retuetud. mark@d li funda viien srosonted t teho Rnk for payment Bath local young men liedk@eova :ne& thrugb mseveral visa ersu d 'Y they felt no hessltance la esble schecks for hlm. The. checks ver. rwrý for amalsauina. Jans vien Anterviwed about the. atter today declared $ha ho iad en thinking Of locattug heme Ho d ho had, dated the checks ahgsd. ling the. local yaung mon that h. id no fundsla the. baok at the tUme vt oold have An a »wv days., Ho id smemaney ceming te h. vwhlci e nab-le te ceiloct on the. day in stion, sd se nfru,d the. local en. lie sais, asklukg tutu ta vait a le longer. lustead hoe d.d.t., ey vont aliead sud prosent.d t te ici.te t t. liat. F-as telVpaphed for is fatlior et rigit and h.earriv.d Ain the. cty day, R, aettled up the. dlffeoq. id the, local mon dropp.sd the. rq& mtIon. The. Police suied! Wraa icW ionco liavever adsud fi bw&ý on i lie. madeo retthe eUe-t ', a ti ri ti WAUKEGAN WEEKI -V 91 IN ý M&M& ý A wu. TTY 17mirr% à xr - . - -- --- .

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