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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Jun 1914, p. 1

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~1 J5UN NDEPE VNIV LL VOL. XXII.-NO. 37. TWULVU PAGUS .IBRERTYVILIZ LAXE oOIuyn, XY, JITNE 5,1914. NE TO XiGgT $1.50 PER YBÂR IN ADVANCA AUTO ACCIDNTS NUMEKOUS 0OyE R DECORATION D A Y MANY ACCIDENTS 0F- VAR- lED NATURE TOOK PLACE SATURDAY -AND 9UNDA'Y -NONE WITH FATAL TER- MINATION - THEO RUSS AND FAMILY HAVE A VERY CLOSE ESCAPE WHEN HORSE RIJNS AWAY-LIST OF ACCIDENTS - * Natnirally. over a day like Memorial day and Snnday, with the weather Doj fine nid tempting, more sats than1 usual were out and the chances of1 accidenI therefore were more thau ln tho average peried. He-trewith are shown accidents ofif varlous kInds mince,9,aturday: 9 ESCAPE IN RUNAWAY * Tho.Rms and ifA and the lata t-rs s ilter is Ierg of Kenosha had1 a uirasuloils escape trom death fiat *ur-lay at 4:2,o at the turn loto their honme jut-t north cf ithe Wauikegan. citY Iliieq, whe-n. after a voung home had alnîast spent Iîseif in running away, It swercd Into the- drIveway and dumuped the threp occupants out. vinntng the hushanannsd s ta u4der- neanti the. iurrey. 114s Berg was throwr, out Into the ditch. iThe surprtsing thIng le that nona of tite three was badly Injured. their hî.rts msreiy conieting of bruises, no bones being broken. The surrey was smashed Io sPlinters. Wbptn at the <ity limtz. the. horme Caea Jerk and broke somnething on the itarneFs whlch cauied k ta dazh riortit at a fast Clip. The broken bar- nais prevented Mr. Rus from CIteck- Ing Its fIigittanid t raced on toward ltts home. Peope aiong tite ronj fiar- roviqy escaped being hit. and, fearlng1 lie would run somehody down, 'Mr. Rues thought ha Wud take a chance 'Mn turning the homie Into hie drive- Sway whIch le in the mddle of Adams bill. As the bame cwerved, the sur- TPy tIpped over, crackirt.z against a tree with tptrrifle force. As they tip- ped. Mis@ Berg was thrown clar of the ig whila Mn. andirs. Ruse were plnned undpneatb the debris. AIl tbis lime Mr. Ruse bung ta the linal and the animal thus dId flot ret clear of the ebafti. Charles BaIntow bat)- Tened to cone aong Just as the rig upset and he quickly assilsted the vic- time trom their dangerous position. It was quickiy dtermlnéd that no- body had beer. seriouslv hurt. UNGER'8 CLOSE ESCAPE Sunday monning as ha sas return- Ing ta Waukegan trom Gurnea shere he had taken a load of guesta fo the Vkinge' îeleration, John Unger met -wItb an acci dent Juil at the Waulte- gan cty limita vitici tlerminateti for- tunateiy considi-t he circunslanc- les. Mn. Ungei- dniving bis Ovamanti. itad turnad ouIt t pans a isrmer's rig. As ha did %o. bis vhaeh sitdded anid miten ha faunti bis car slapped, ha mwas facIng South etai rghtlangles acrose te road. Reawva abs blte car and aucaPed uniturt. The front mwheei mas ltrn.d In undan te cas au a recuit a badly bent aile bul ha itad Il strsigitlened ouI aler and ueed hic car turing te day. IN DITON AT ILIBERTYVILLE A O-U aigraY tauv-assenger tour- lng car skhdded tnt. the dilci t C l- ity', iill, Ibertalle B unday. No- btodu miburt but te occupante had a cIo&e escape. Mtany "s ofs"aimaloreycles aI var- iona Pointsln anid near te city Bal- urday and LPunday mare, remoted but none mlth selous leninullus THE INGALLS ACCIDENT Bd InWafleof Watriegn mai retumu- lng In, hie laurhug car front Grayslaite. late Salurday evening villa a party of friands, campoiug five men. They mare on tbe Belvidera roati. Whmn nearlng te Dady place. seveai mlleg out a!fte city. te lat front miteel o!fte car gave vay, tae macine driver. hy ils momannum dasted I ntô te dîlcit, titromlng te occupante ta tae grounti. SAilaifte-occupants mitose namas could nfot ite gaînetimare sevaraiy itruiued abon tae body , the savere -jarnbng tey raceived vietaIhe ma- ebina Vltcited aheMoug bta the dilcit. No serious luJurle ara reporteti. The machine vas badly danagati, Ibath miteela on ane aide being demctl- ÜAD 0 MO ON ,BKiPEASON. George RUioýux of Hghland Park Diaappears After Paying His Taxes to Treaswrer. Police «ai very communlty lu 14oe eunty. inculng te sheîlf!'s o0fce have iteen asXted ity Highland Park police ta mare a searcit fos George Roux, a Highland Park man af means. vho wîit 1300 ln hie pock- ets, came ta Wituiegan. Monday 10, psy itis taxes aI treasunan Westen- 11eld'a office. Rioux. a Frenchman. vaut tlte tel office, pald hie taxes of $98.91t sud lat lte office. ince titan nothiug bas basa seauor huard oa inmand hie family le mucit alarmad. fearlug taI ite itas mal Fout play. Rioux enteredtheit treasurer'is office ai noon. pald te naney to AsIstant Hepburn, taiked ta hlm au ha had! known hlm soume Yearc and vent out o! the offiçe, supposedi>- to go hamne, "Ha aipeared pertactly ai rght." said Mnf. Hepburn. "aud i ca't un- deritaut ishieltalure 10 ratuut homie." Rloux bas a faniiy. le te a mnov- Ing cotractor aud bas livati lun -igit- aud Park mary years whera ha la s ialy knuwu. LOSES S1HT AS RESULT 0F DYNA* MITE__EXPLOSION John Neal, WeIl Known War- ren Farmer, Sustained Pain- fuI InjuriesSaturday. WAS BLD WING DUT STUMPS Rammed Cartridge Which Ex- ploded-Humred to MeArs- ter Hospital tiere.' John Neal vthelvee ou te laId Haines place ai MWarren wsahe litac- lin o! a sery palnul iaccidentlounfat- urday as a remîlt of whicbha proba- biy wîi loge the sîgitl ot both eyae. Nesi sas augaged ln ilowiug ont tinps fron hb farm and had juil paced a dynamite cartritige ondes au unuuualby large tnmp. The cantridge did nat saem ta go down as Paaely as ha Ibougitt It shonîti anti ha t-ad ta ram, Il dawu siti a crow ban. An nstant latan tera vas s duiexpia- sion anti Neal was burled hackwand. ttirl and giastI es aghîtie Iinto bis face îith terniflc tance, For came litIpleitme ha lay uncon- mciotis from the shocit. FInalis carne one discavered hie condition anti a lbysilan waes ummoneti. Ha advls- ed ibat Neal ha hrought Io the Jane NcAlisler itasPtal ln MWaukegsn. An examination shoseti spparantiy Ibatt tbe sigbl of te rrt aIe sas zonet arnd tat the iftt Io affected hadly antic pnohshly canuat ha saieti.t Isietedrss renched orf, teslnd- shleld bi-akean sd taeentire sida of ltae machine cavati ln. Titallite oc-t cupanis escaped more serions lniuryi or possible deati tai cousiderafi as coîhing shbatIfa amiracle. AUTO CATCHES FIRE Whlle driving one of lte Beach gar- ages emalSaxon nodan i-uIto Lake Forest Balurday nigitt Jack Allans- vartitanid vite mal vith i% ataccident whI.-h reullad ln the car halug noms- vit burneti, due la, gasollue catcht-1 Iug fine sitar tbey had filledtheit tank vitente car became staileti under te Nortitmaitemn viaduct, Illinois Avenue. Thte driver ment to ltae Lake For- est garage, gaI a can oftalb, poured itln n d, lu doing au, the explosive sphaaited or. te Ignition bn sucit a vay taI, mien.lb. englue mai starti ed. te car caugitt lire. lHuty vomit resled ln s4vluîg the car &fler lte upholetering etc. mas daanagad can- clderahly. Tite car vas itauled itacic la Wauitagan. Titi driver mas ligitl- ]y burned whbbe checking te fismes. A tauriug car tiriven by A. Mas of Lihartyvîie anid viicit watiteavily Iaaded vtb people veutt mb s dîith onue mile sud bal! east af Wadsmorth Suuday afterntoon. Oua of te f ront viteels of thte car vas suapped off and lte machine vas damaged othai-visa lu Its contact mitb te bani aI lita ida o!te roati. The occupants mare ltrovu tram te machine but nnas e- ceiveti serions Injuries. dlinh Ihrougit a vbndow andtelos iay titrougit in opaning lu the floar. The home la s vsiuahia trealura, sasitet ha mai-t $2,500. Otensise ha prob- ahiy voulti have beau kileti hefore titis. The pitysician has tobd Penny ltat if blaad-poisan does not deveiop ha probabhy vii l lose his arn, but ha miU ual be able te use Il for fully a year. Pary leaaIod iace Iracit man and driver. Heaabsa vas au expert polo player np tea s ta years aga. Ha bai playad lu many matcites In Laite For- est, sud hlahaim a former rider ai Jumping homes. TIIOUEIT OY lIAI>DROWNED A report bacant euatrant In LIt erty- ville sud Waukegan Suuday taI a1 boy had beau drovueti at ltae gravaI pît near Libaityville. lnqubry reveals that te report gram ouI et a slgitI miinndenctauding. Ed. Lavis, s 16 yean aid Lihartyvihba boy- aud tva con- panions vaut teate litaptta ga bu smlm- miug, Tbay doffati them choîhas anti plunget Iin. Lavis toundth Ie vaten toc, coitiandtilmmadlatly wam taete hanit sud put ou bIs clothas. Haetaen ment borna.1 Tite alter tva boys titi not ses hlm bease the mater and vhan tbey taihed te sea in assumati that hehadtibeau di-omned. Tbey t-lad la recaser bis body ailts-y touglît anti then ipraad lte alarm. Thare vs, couaiderable Indepeudent: Mai- enattios than an 1aicifement until il vas foundt Iat te cunty meeaihis cambtned. lyoung man vas safs. ai home. vas ual conscipus.tIlastily lteé vite caiied la nelgihors for assstançe, but mhan thay ari-is-ed hhadt passeti svay. As coon as passible a physi- clan vas summonati as bhIe vue couit ual makté up ban md that ha vas dead. Tb* phyainiau declarad ltat daatb nuit hava heen aImait lustan- taneoug. Mn. Overtou's suddeu dealt bas cast a gloant aven Antiact. lHe vas ana aoflte mont popular sud mont hike- ahi. fellome lu the viliagp. Ha mas marmted ot)a>bout a year ago and bbls vIfe Io ahmost prostrated. Only receutly Mdr. anti Mrs. Overton itad compbeted lte building o! a htomnei III1ILND PARKR IIEADS BA1ÀI(3R The Lake County flaukens' Associa- lion iteld ils annuai meeting cI 111gb- land Park luntae Morraine itel ast Fnlday. Thte tollovtng officers mena elected. Président, D. H. ErskIne, Highand Park. Vice-président, IDatid Jackson, Laite Forest. Secretary, H. C. HurnaIt. Waukegan. EIxécutive commotlea: Fi-sui Reeds, Laite Forest; 1). S. Belloe, Vixn City; J. S. Grtdlay, Libartyvlhe. Thea gatherluz parloait more of s sociah sfair Ibsi, snytbIug aIse. These banquetp ara eiuil once a year lu an- dat- thal lita banikers o!fltae caunty May become better acqualnteti viit eae ithier, Titere mai-a 19 presant aI lite ban- quet. taI a feu- inniis- itondhoutiers hava beau waglng in.lte United St-ates courts bere ant Iin lillwauke. TRY TO FINE MAN FOR INTIMIDATIN6 SALON__WITSS Waukegan, %lay 28 States Atiy. Dady F'riday haled John C'arlson, au Aptaitil anid Wbarling sahoonkeaper. before Jutige Whilneyanid trliat lahavaeitim fnid for attampting lu lntlmidsle Henry Kuf. a wituesIn ltae grand jury romr In the saloan cases, il heing undar- stooti thal Carlson le une ofthlitamen against hlm an inditnt lhi %eing saught. The atate triedti lashow ltaI Carl- son laId Kof Ihît ha mould *fI hlm' If ha tertilued agalusl hlm, Wllnesses mare praducted but Judge Whitney finaiiy discitargedth ie defendanl, eay- lng he a ss ualconvinced heb adldoue vitl as- ciargat. "If 1 thougitt ha hati. i souid fine hlm iteavily," sali the jutige. DIES AT RONDOUT Nirs. Nt. M-. Carrol, 63 yeans aid. passeti away at han home lu Roudoul ai tva ociock Sfunday aflernoon. Site vas a siter ut Mns. Lizzle Mehan oï Waukegau. She leavas beaîdes han huahand fotur daugittars anti ona sou. Funaral .Wedinesday ai 9:15 clocit aith Ihiouse andt in oclock 51 SI. Jo- sephi church In lUberlyvlle. Bunial In St. Marys cemelary In Waukegsu. ludapeudent reachas aIl points in .Aite Cottnty. suowu spectali nterest lu tua graduaI- iug exarcisee:sitar. site had iter gavu "Madea he vas ail excilement and hsPpy: when site ieard she vas la Pas, cita vas aven more alatati. And s han site vas taken sick, site aI once hacame moi-ose anid seued unailtet rally mon lte aliment wvicit. notn lte start, site faIt, might Interfera vitit bar appearing mit the aradual. lu, clae,. UtIle Iddsitelhk lt site vouid ha i-eting Inu ltie c1ent- elery miterb ber clagenatas mard be- Ing graduated. - Tite deatit or the Young maman cast a pal1 over the entire village for site mae looketi upon as a leader In lte Young sel. TheYoung vomanse demîse accordiughy has put a dnitpan ou vit usualiy proves the itapplaut of aih limes lunlte Lakte Villa oehcio -commencement lime. VOLIVA BUYS SHAWLS FOR LOW-NECK FLOCK. Woinan oaiîZio City vitedo ual "drass hafora golrW ta citurcith it e askad ta "dresa" aftar they getluto the citurcit. "I tired of aih Ibis r,ýitadness, ProuhtittVolivasagi In lte Home Auditorium aI ZMon. "Soma of yau sumen thinit you ara dressedl miten youu ipreiti mosquilo uetling or somathiug Just about as trnsparent os-en yaur hodies. You've gel te cav- er yaur bodies. alh up miten you come ite. i have ordered ilfty shavle, Hereafier ailb oman mita comae la cburch lndecently dracsed mili ha bu- vitedteta rap tbemselves up in sitamli --or'gel out. 1 dau't vear iom-neck clotites,tdtil?"' ludapendeut matches ail points la Lake County. S.i..~ - - - 1 IIO~ ATTCK~ iURN Wg SIDEWALK. S&~0 LETI HE MIBHT HAVE DROWNED. » À M aiet *M sThriil- Local Autoist While Enroule 1 9 ng Dash, 1111114M ugh Near IWI R)R D B West on Belvidere Street, OUT F lI ADI Dsaterbd MTwice. TEt .COURT Encounters Accident. OfWf i À 'sian, Mtay28 X - .S CO R Waukegan, May 29. Henry Perry of Grayslake Was A runawaY toam ashlng madly Ioe o ipoa fCiao Whistthe s a dieo b a ig ro-n doa Gn Sestru trew pedestrn. D« ëf ipsio hcgWs h ai ieto e spo the Victim of UnusualAc.- nanv'OnGthbat«o u*a no aî lwukeEeti ie ceading, LOU Yeoman ibis noon at a thrOI11111iitAte ili a alli & ilwuke Elctrc Lne 11.45 lurisd turtie ln his lIttie road- cidnton 4trda. hicuî 51li*t ve tig.Thty ya m 1IsUpheld by, iudges. star ln front of the Minogue place c was drivait HOSPItAtisrmer hiaaeC________w'on Belvidere Street, heing plnnadun-, RIJSED ERETO H SPIAL ae baaf1Ind 1P ne- REORGANIZATION IS SEEN. der the carin lte ditcituntil the man _______Lrg _Dsesof_ isong aiio e ta st and n front taed and helped extricate hlm. Is GvenLare Does f A tetreeSar Gn t d<a ru t lon edAftorneyfor Committee As., Other than a eklnned leg a tnuddy streeta Sarting 1 Sun titr rushedSuit and broker. epakel ln the wheels tetaicSeum toPrve l n mad fight do*m theitreet swasing serts Plan, Delayed for Yrs., lof his car, Mri. Yeoman escaped with- !in Jury on damage ta hie car. -Gettini Lock-iaw. train ida ta side ces lie thoruehfara Will Be Carried Out. i That hale ecaped being drowned Iu lu thein mun. P*degg»trbM teur(vd that two tact of water whiic was in lte Henry ("Mac") Penny, 37 years aId. the taam would cozin.alita thle. d- JdaeBkr emanadNat ith t acuerweehe et aWeil known resîdent of Grayelaka, walki for at ,everil l imes the% uera Sitting ln tite United States Circuit ovea'r the banrir wai due ta the tact t1a the car, in turnlng oavar. threw wasattckd ad ainuly bJued y eaded for te caurit, aud :-,ii-i Court ef Appeats, alter an ail day's itn, ami ltii t 'er te ditch by about wasattcke an prinfllyInjredbyabout 'îniy when they r-au hýil t argument Thitîndas- allituttirlie leoafont. }Had l l. inlddluinhe ditcb, a Vicious stalllon on Saturday. Had 1\earing tha corner of Genestanti Cree otUnited SIRates luth-e (;eigor, ]îi5inL freinthe a "a e ha ss btsed li Dot bean tor a boy living iluItle: araM avenuelte telltt sv,riol v ýentered at Mliwari lreh la urder. hlieltbî b aie beau dr6w5ed. nclgbonood he vicim tigb bael Ifta -tarnr up Grand avenue. lieýýr.- for the aaie of tire liju-azo ai tl -lhMar n iCuotanra- adM l rYeomnan'A signai ta the fariner far bean mura seriously Iniured or lier-I was a group of ladies standing -iýt i,- waukea Electrir Ralioad !irollerlios. part ofthIe road sas unhpeeted. iHe balle killad by tesuintai. As it an;» sit-walk at the corner bln lu a The case sas hearu on, lire alurteal turned out ta get luI, bis rear ivbeel a large place of flash and musclaes-as tion. One of them looked il;, lu iii.- taliteti. y John GriMfihs fromn JudoFige , iig o oI the grass as be did sa. bittan Tramin h» arm t e iaioisa helo iiiGoesde-e r5i ~fîet The, i.-uit iras that the car siiiietîi -o h a- a asM er a s h ole o h iiý- eoe' ere r'fllerno o u dlie eaqscsion iol)irni. lie uele. Foth eau fe l siiMr.i lerry ally ito n umail tight towards 1lii ri o'sltîsrsedea ila sla-. thisale, and ai-, lui titefariner -orliteit, and le' soor, not eenfeeing Pliandlie naYt] creauinetl and jtimjed. Tl,,iIole- i oteht an Inounction 1taîireî cul lie 'as as'tlsled ont. haebe iltaig,,l stsilflowed suit ît authe andrporganîpzaîtii coiinîlîîtee fiii idl i l, ihiiid q Uv;itf[rs a:ga'ni bu caring for the slailionuIf e anti- wagoi, dashed over the pi i, r srr ding aithte sale. .iot hoip te pull thr car ont andui rhht Iir afier %%,Iiich ha tirove e no ta town clpatad lia diriger, boîtie r, for ali tht-s lîad been standing. Baker Announcea Ruling s ils own lower,s though the anilmai ltai s had luect At te cý,c-itsion of ~, i-n siisprt(,loieorhdkoibiai Ti'I udge Baker atînours ed t e0o,1i111 11 ta ha reaily Nieii.g.0119 DU 661STI I ortlie court w t ch mas t li e 5i R DU TNi6 W SUddenly te taillion ir l!g his t hatou accolant oftaihe Oeat asie t Mr. êrrvto rio,îd îot-odoiîigkoe the DROPS DEAü D VFRY ot the property invo1ýed and the long IS À SIIROUD FOR AÀ latter cotîlî l eep ie lorse TJJIMIoÇIcheslet- adthope ,sit f for donan oo it otofis w-ý S DD N Y N LT nPiao<ot itectîi](t S ILLA STUDENT ors ave-. Agalit lie- raactîed for-sard take tut case untier advisemnitbut0 as if ta id cstili further Injury. A.- Had utArsnFrom Bed in Id h Icide it at once. Xcovdnirv Miss Fle £f h ae il neighbtîvs lboy Iîapplîeîît-d b haear- tea olofGiIti as %erlp by and beelig IPerrys danger ha raeur the Morning When He Feu the a "- an oCi Gi- tiltereda-i erîiin" School Wili Not Graduate tu te scène anîd drova hack tire horse. Forward Upon' Floor. the dt-t-ee of Judgp Geiger. Iudie Next Week. Ha titan caught iiold of the teilher nid 1-ial:or anuouin'- it lit je court lied thte an'imal witere ha couid do WIFE IS PANIC-STRlCKEN.! mis--ht fil, a s ritten ,pinion ler. SCHOOL CLOSING TOO MUCH no more damage. Tho case iras arg-îed by Joseph Mn. Pari-y msnaged ta gel Into the Secures Physician and Neigh. itti)ses fer Mr. GriffIths. The western Feared That the Intense Ex- bouse and Dr. Pslmer ivas Salmmon- Bt1 s on O Troist and Sauinzs Pida dt iere cieen oseun t h ad. Ha founad trat a large plece ot borrl, BtI sF dH orgaui zatiou rouîrnîilee, utfsîhich ctmn osqett h ffash had itaen itn out of ltae vie- Died Almost lbantly. M1. Reyttuplds Is chairman, were re- Commencement Is Fatal. limas arm. NVlhout deiay !le adjnis- preiented hy Les-y MaYer sud 1.eas- terad a large dose o! anti-îelaic ser- ilsrt Ovtou, ?2 yearu ohd. silî for Iug Rosenthal. -I .liliu Falch, agad l16, profllint umi ta prevent thie possiiity of ock-j cona lilie lime bas conducled a drtîg1 The case bas heen among te moqt memben of te 1914 graduating Clam jas- developIug. Ha titeur advised thal store aIt.u\niich, and vWho îa Weîhiînolîed raargizalions lu the ted- Instead cf aîtnearing witit bar eC10bit Perry be nown aîîdalthedJbnepeaple lhrougb era curts of this district. Tire re- lte graduating axercîses neat Weecý, ter hospital in Waukegau n nder n n d ie ypoletr es erc a,îpoiuted Jan. 3f, IlîtS. silI ha resling bn ber prelty gown Iu that bc might secuna the bail of ou t the couuiy, dieti veny suddanby on sud have heen runnlng tae road more lte Lakte Vlle camelary. cana. The trip hara was matieIn an Saturdsy movuing. Daathbhas, heen than aix years. The proceedirl-s lu- Sha diad Stinday attar hsving bier automobile-. found ta, ht the rnetii nabiow bu tbe vulvelte furacîogure of îwa nmont- graduating gowr. and aIl dataibi for Wife wilnessed Attack. itead a iew iotuit ago when ha vas, gages aggregatIng $1 4,000fiOn ut comencement fiubithed and baviug Mr. Perrys 5Ife was au agonized kicked hy hie horst-, sud hall iateby cour- I5hicb $4,000,0410 1& ou the Illinois di- beau aasurrd ltaI site would paiei spectator of the whola affair. Tl vas plalaied tirer bis ht-ad pained hlm. vision and the rermaining $r.îtia ber final axamînalions. han Cries; titait hnought the nighbores Mr. Ovarton hati beau lu the hast of Is on the Wisconsin lina. The facl litai. a waak ago, site mas boy on thearnon. As soun as possible haalth for the lasIt ew Waeks. fiat- Mayersa Viewe in Case lton el-k witln a stranga diserase afler the accident the stailion mas urday morulun he avoaefnam bcd anti Wheu lin. May-en was astret i te et.-'n.hirh matie ber body numit ail aval lockad lu the ara. Thene It senad - appareutly sas lu tuha st of bealbh. tact o!f triecision ha saedti "The gae rnue 1 the fean Ihat parhaps ltae ta go mad suddenly, Il changes tlae tarteti ta tIvaîr on bis daottes ueiso ended the itarnir,-tbl, liti- orry, exclementt a ven tha anti- againal the atides of te harn, reans. Suddenly ha stoppeui aud presad h bimes gation. ,Tite proparties can tu ic)K ûc Ipation uf bavIrt.g filisheti ier sebool plongea sud enorîs ilia a wild beat. hanti ta bis beavt. Tire naît mmet adîertieed sud suid by the naqier, course, mighî hava brougbt on te No ana danes îo go mmint he harn for ha taib forward ounitie fluor. sud the committea sili go abAi ani condition sbhicb eudad ln ber damisa fear of heing attacitet. The only 1ay ilwfe was teritiet andi did no i carry out lite plan of reorganîzalion, al anch au inopportune tima. te animai can ha ted la for soma 'any 1know Jusl what ta (it. Her buitautil,hlbcb bas beau lied up for îyears MisFlhw Wlkn nad ta place a atider againal thearhaut, seaned ta ha hreathiug heavlly but hyi bahecumpliffited court contesta - - lnte-coo ndltr a LIBERTYVILLE YOUTH A»D HIS SISTER ARE ARRST- ED ON WARRANT SWORK OUT BY ANOTHER BROTH- ER WHO CHARGES THE. TWO HAVE BEEN LIVIW TOGETHER AS MAN AND, WIFE - ARRESI TOOK PLACE THIS MORNING AT ROCKFORD WHERE THEY HADFLED FROId LIBERTY.- VILLE TOESCAPE ARREST Waukegan,Nfas- ?9. The lttie village of Ltberlyvilie le stirred t'Oils toudatonsaia lte recuit of charges made simn- uiteneoualy w lth the arrest ini Rockford loday of Joh m Wiiiison. 19 years oid, In d Mss. Jeanette Templitte. 22 yeans oid, hi@ Sitter, both of whom wet-e bort, snd ratced in Libertyvilie. They were arresled upon the compliînt of a ^brot her named Shaw who resides n Libertyvilie and who Gays ltat his brothen andi sister have beets living togetiter as msn and wife ln Libertyvilile for th.e st four or five montits. The two had fled to Rockford lu an effort to escape anrest wtth witich, il ins sd, they had been threatened. Libertyviile People have not ceased to gasp aven lte htdentcness of the crimîe. Sepanateti Witn Young Willisoîs anti'.%ra. Tamplina. mare separatad when wea chiltinen au two different familles had takantem te riase.t This accounli for the fact tat teir namee are dîffarent titan Itose oflte i-est o!ftelrfmllyanji thieY assumad the names aif thei* loster parents. TiteirtUv sJoi Oba-w ofIÀLiefyvlhle. Even viten they ware childsren lit mss a notîceable tact ltat ltebrother sud sistan had ani unusualiy elrov«W attacitmanl for each otiter. Tva or titrea yaariq aga lte sster mari-led is man by the nama of Templineaun& vaut tahIve vilh hlm at Jacksonville, Ill. il 18ieported ltaI they nom bave ana chbld. Returned Home A short tiras ago Mr.anid Mns. Tlem-. Pline bagan la quarra anid finelly about six mortlhs ago site left hlma, tg laseali. Accordlng ta réport ltheu.o- band le nov aning for a divorce aiý- lhough- il le al otnown upon witaý. grounds. The brotitar. John Wiliam, for r- leged 10 hava gone ta Jsckson-mE- whare ha visited hds Sitter. Titeni accoridlg lalte liormation CtILnt beau furtsihied lte Stte' Attorn.y1 office by a brolhar,,Wlllison urgedIfts aiter ta i-alurnita lberty-ille OMO live viit hlm, saylng he vrofl »*0- vide fon her. Be aeeed lie5lé Guitton appsrentiy for vitea h« tE. - turned honmete accompau billa, poeoie dire bitdnjuf. 4 At firet *bmie li IWr t*W ber brotiler pe ~ tt':lÉM about Iil, due irobabiy te t". au taI sucit a cloue r-eletilp exieffl helveen lb.,>. »-'*' bQovve vebled rumors vera einutlated freoe no0 apparent source. At fr51 liey mer, given no Credence but wboo lie luP* cautlnued tao ocnpy lteame bonnes' the relatives of ltee tteumu are said tb hava gromu Suebc and conductedl an iîe%ài. li appsresttby convlntAd lieritgotld moi-at fears er.e rel . lui eiued that lte cilpei1IUa le Iveen lte 1mb ce*&ibmuMe4Igoh Sm# are $sald ta bave reoivqi - mb ltat sucit vould be dieUWaU* veau patud however, mgS - tlwg, seemed ta ha ce disedtl6a cet Part of lteecanitIe in rellugusit ec» ôthers Company. Tioti -l~te isecauta noised about somemt alo*a ltera mare expression.*cor indigne,- lion ar% tite1>--n of!tlb.pplace witbt fraquent titrait. o! arrst. Fioe the City lu lte midast af thbs lalk lte trot8.- erand udater one day not long ago tnued UP tlang. lTbey left » dleW as b mitera tbey itade gong. Tite malter vas neportad %o lte or. fie of lte tata's aoney and aise, ta OBit!Greeau. Togetiter tbay sMg (Continueti on Pagaet8 1

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