im-oev F=ADT, JUNE 5, 1914. -Mlt 9/ &W y .fiems .9rays/ake Edted by F.J. DRUCE, Phono I1 Orders Taken for Job Work. Advrllsong ate* on aPplication. Qality-Boyd'e ftudi-Prlns rlSbt. Sm. H. D. Bold, Libertyvîlle, "bOut -owning a Wscorien arin. Mir. Ward oi Arkan.e, le vlslltg bis daughter, Mmre. ichael Blak. The Minuet club mnt wth Umis Eva Carôld Thureday evenng. The streets ln rayslake . are naw ssceivlnom acoat aifail sud tirer will b. ao mare dust ln aur town Iis mmeuun.f Do't forget ta tek@ a kadek wllb yoa an jour nfluer Vacation. W@e bave a fui] lin aifEatmaae kodahe.1 T~he Boxai stare.-Druce Dux Co.1 Mir. and lira. M. Oboltzer ai Chicego, werse aee.of Wm. Brundetetter sud famuy the week-end. The prViate dancing party glven by lthe MInus: club lat Frld"a veulng was greatiy enjoyed by &bout forty gueete, cannleting of the club and thoir frl.uds. unr. Orlauda Book mbae n iron lb. ,@tek liât the put lew days. The St. Adrw's Guid vii! meet wtt Mr@. Ai. tMeade nexi Wedaeeay alter 51000 st 2 'clock. ir. ad tMrs Hurve aid tMr@. L.eul Palmer cMl Utaulieau, are viting ri-la- lI vos ber. , . ve-k. . I. /.!arauKb and fVîlcyl ieago, epent tir .,erk-id vîtît tire forilerre Parentes Mr. aid Mrýý John 1Loupabougl*.a tir@. La;ýi gîauugb rt-ualnM Ifur the week. tirs. E. F. Siianks retarned Sýunday froin a v eesvîsit vltb relative@s and friende at Farrirs City.1 Mise Bil!rý'- of îrlîa I liato. efient Saà,r:t.r.r aird Sunday withli ler1 ruother I .I1'. Barriln. S.L. o dIt rturacird l'uinee. li chiago S i1l~ F. W. Hurllrutt tranealcu tsi r"u 1 Ciicamir tioiday.9 Severai relatrrcs and frcudo atteîded tireuerai o!f rr. Eva Straig laet .Monday, whîr dîcî at hem trame at Antiohlaiat riday. H. A. Watýýltn, drugilist at Area va. a 1,iasat calier br.e Mouday. He vas euroute tii thr- tuncral of! liert tîverton at Anilo h. Mire. Chas. Feuiar and daugbter Geraldînp, returtied Tuceday ater »pend- lng several day. vitb lie.Feulai'. parente at Dundee. Mdisses Ether aid Eizabrethr lapham o1 thlraugo, vitecd tber brather. tino i nghani over Sturday aid Sunday. Mark Neville bas accepled a punition at the IteXall Store again thie sommner and wyll umeurcehie dutie.,nez t Mo. day. If you are iooking for exeelleit service trv The Rezail Soda Fountain. [ruee flrug Co. Tva aid soldlers, Mr. Austin aid Mm. Wate vsited the Nortir school Frlday morîing aid gave Interesting taka af thre experiences ai army 11e. The storles ver. blgbly appreciated bl thre pupils. lu the aftenoai tva littie girls ot the first aid second grade hmrougt a bouquet o bt bouse fovers aid said they vanted ta give tbem to the old soldier who bad lost bie ieg ln the van. A large r.umher of people tram North Chcago vîsted the Desuuaianes river durlug Memorial day and spent the tîme lu iebig and recetlon. Among tbem vere M. Cook and tam- lly, Dr. JoIlly and tamlly, NIr. Nea- Iraus aid tamily, Mr. and Nira. Fa- leule. Chare Yales and family and Mrr. suirls. J. A. Miller. Lake Couity's big veekly-INIDE- PENDENT. STOP HIEREI STOP HERE and get your rallraad tickpr, wc bave thcm on bath roade. STOP HERE and lcavc your lauîdry, we bave the Burlingtan agencY. Goe c very Thursday and returns Saturday. Blet srvice lu tawn. Phone Il and wet will caîl for It.e STOP HERE and buy jour reading nrattcr, we have the lait ecopvwrlîghted books and ail the lateet periodîcais. a STOP BIEtE and buy your le cream. We give vou the bet crearniand fruits. STOP HEtE faracboice boxai candy.1 Wp have maî.v varleties ta, chos. fran.1 ST'OP BELlE If you want ta listen ta gond music. We are soie agente for tbe Victrala and always glad to playlforyau. STOP HERE il you wrant a good stioke. The bet brande and many of! Ihein. STOP HELlE for pesta] carde, souve- nirs and Puants, a braîd new lino.. STOP ERE for your statlonery. We carry the rnost uptodate lineohlnowî. STOP HERE for tolet preparalaîs. Our Earmoninooune le eielied. STOP BEttE for pure druge aid dmpg mundries, Our rubber departmcut con- tainn îothlng but gîaranteed stock. STOP BELlE whcre yan pet Batiofac- toan oryo)urmapay bock. ALWAVYS STOP at a Rexali store for good merchandise and gond service. DRUCE DRUG CO. The Rexall Store Grayslake1 V.cake villa Siee H.D1. Bayd, LîbertyvIlle, about awang a WlscoLsi Famm. Mr. J. (J. Pouitan. Mise Lareon aid lir.. Bine drave tu Zian Cty Saturday -i MUIZUR Se. H. D. Boyd, Libertyville, about ovîlîg a Wsconsin Farîr. The Ladies Aid soeiety wili hrld treir regular meeting June lItb st the cbumch and a plenlu supper and Iles ream sund cake wil b served aid a social beld lu the evenîag. M. aid lir@. Wm. Creminsanad the latter@sisteer of Grayslake, spent Sun. day wth Mir. aid tir.. A. K. Bain. Mmr. sud lire.CarenceBne oa sanday vlth relatIvesm i..Bne remalned for a vesk vltb uer ister. lire. A large crovd gatlacmed at the home of tihe Vikings Sunday it being apeulîf day. The Gurnee Basebal te"m gave a daice la the Woodmen baIl last Fmday evening Nick Adanms sud iamlly ai Waukegai. apentBndai vlth Mr. and lire. Wood. Chicago Moinde vlited at the houe@ of H. W. Kesi aud . Chittenden lest Bat- urday and guad&Y. Bain. James Doyle Passed Saturday tire. Guy Hughes r.tnrned bome Fn. Morning Before His Sister day frani the Ja&ne licAliter hasptal. Could Reach Here. Esari Strang of Waukegai, ie buJdlnRg a silo for Warren Book. Waukegai, June 1. Mir. aid tirs. W. H. Miller ai Highland James Doyle, vho reslded vlth hie Park, vbo have brýen visitiîg tMr. and brother, J. C. Doyle ai 328 North tire. John Boîner viii leave soon ta ltica street, dled qulte suddeîly Set- @pend some lIme in Europe. urday moriîg et 10:10 a. M. tollav- tIre. Cotler aid rhildreî, Rami aid Miss tnp a stroke of apoplexy whtch ho sut- Mldred mpeat Sundav wrthr MrsýW. il fered carler the same mornlc.g. Mr. licOuire. Doyle vas 49 yeart old aid for some littie time bad heen employed as tir. aur Mmes. John Bunier aid sou ih rsigfamne h ot Robert letli Suuday for Nebtrasa wvire. îtght crossîg fagtnet Chago and lhey iili visit tirs. Bonnrers lrother, North XWest'ern railroad. Fred Mrrie. ' e vworked Tuesday nîphi. but dl, M. aid tirs. Frank Crirîin aid rhiId- not teedl uet right. On Wednesday ren visted tir. aid lire. A. K. liu ton- morning ho vent to bced and vas rot day.I able ta go ta vork that nîpht. Hi tire. Wý . G inir. bas ber- i r1itc skk condition seemed ta pgrov vorse dal the pat veek at the boire oi ber par. ly. Satarday mornlîg at tvo-thtrty ente Mir. and lire. C. E. Deuatn. o'clock he suftered an apoplectî. A. K..Bain ie agrain satieing 1,an, a strolte vbîcb reîdered hima uncon sevbe attack of rbeumatisiir. sciaus. lie dled vithoat bavlng re Thre romains aoftirs. RugeneSitraig of galned caîscloassa.1 Waukepan. fommeriy ai Milburi. a-as Mrc. Doyle icaves besides his broth huried Mondai tu the liiltburîcemretemy. or John, are sister, MIs. Mary Rob tir. Sbang vas a ister ai Warren itai atf Blue Island. She vas noti Hoak. Bced immediatcly aller the candîttor MissFloenceAndrsonof ake ur.ot hem brother taok ls rapid turn tfa selaenctelnerofaibatsut. ,the vorse aid altbaagh ehe madi emst, ag attid d bfanea a e tt evcry effort ta pet bere dîd not arrlvi tir. StmnpMondi. ntîl aller bis dcath. M Sr. Doyle vas barn In Kendal CARO 0F 1 HANKS coaîty, icar Aurore. Tventy-lv, To relatives aid frIende wbo exteuded years aga he maved to Wknukegai kidues aid ympatbî lu aur reccîl be- ard had utade tiis cty hIe boni reavemuentwevs vita aBer aur suncer. ever snce. Ijetore camlng bore h tîraîks. bad donec oniecble ralroadin Mm@. Mnnetta MeGuîre aid ft vas vhllc e, v as engaged i Wmn. btire.titis work tirat he vas ,UgL-yictim.c UN MIgIriDoBnner an accident In vblch ho fonl one i his arms. He Iad ltved I Wani Independent: Xore readere than ail gau, no long that be vas extremel Icounly vieils COIbithe. 1 vei knoaibore. 1 for th& diLv. MNSUFFERIN6i0F SMAÀLLPOX ENTERS OFFICE -0F-DOCTOR Man Enters Office of Dr. Her- schleder-Had Wel Devel- oped Case of Disease. CAME HERE ON THURSDAY . là l " IL- )t - )r le 7e tIl o Ln e àp 01 of (e- dy Chicago Cedar Bey Club laOD W. EliIS lot-i_', . aid 4, block 3. Powell., subdivisionîr ru Bruce Lake, . . G. S. Joiln ta Clarinda C. Barker, 10 acres in S5Wcorner of sectionl 17, Wausegaar township, Q. C. $500. Levis 11111 aid vite et aI te R. C. Hill Jr. part lots 1 and 2. block > Sunderlîr s lut addition, Waukrtarr, Q. C. 11. C. E. Omtb aid vile ta Stefan -nid Jerame tIlIk, lots 47 and 48, blrcct 6, reî. rs ubîdivsion, North Chi- cago, W. D. $375. W. E. Siriderlîn aid vlfe ta A. F, Beaublii, tract ofi laid east of Jack- soan stru et and south of Belvîdere SI. Waukcginn W. D. $1. Thre board ot revtew vent juio ses- sinhi ne rodey aid aniaanced that (bey a ul look over the vork In a general wayr and arrarwe the beet me- thad w il eý taken ap tiret althacigh It la prolrable thal Waukegaî viii h.e one if the lest ta b. taken ap. from Wauronda lsaettrtbated as anc of tire caues of is condition. lm- irediatel, apon bis arrivai ber. h. joiîed thre ranks of the iatterymen aM pîartictîated ln the marcir (bat led tlrrougb several ot the dovi tavi streets. Upoa Ibeîr arrivaiIin the court yard the halterymen ver. throvî out as a guard ta keep hack the crovda viletire exorcises ver. In pragmees. Here agai Johns vas obllged ta stand lui the bol sun aud It apparent- ly vas too much for fim. Dr. Foley cxpressed the opnion that the yoaîp mai vould be ail righl a tev bous aller lihe Incident. Ntembers af Baltery "C" uevcr lorked better (han they dId this year. Regular lraope couid not have pre- seîted a more natly or militamy cf- tedt. AIl along the lune Ihere ver. yards tof thre bigirest saise for bath tirenivgeeaid lte aiftcers vira drll- cd tbem. Tltey voie khakl uniiorms and gauîtlct gloves. Neyer hes the organizalîon eppeered ta hetter ad- vantage. Mr. and Mis. J. K. Crlbb @peut Satur. day wllb Mre. Fred Rauhin at Lakeelde bfelltal. 8b. la reported as dalag Dinety. Fred Hamlin @pnt Sunday wth big wille la Ciego. Mrts. AurIe Webster ai Oak Park, @pet a lew day. reetly with ber brother. H. Polter. Met. Kliner and wiie, wbo bave beée foreman aad bOuskeeper st tb. L.h. mfatathlb.peel year WC 1Monday lt a Vioit wltb Mlwaukse tr"ndbelote ieuvlng for Cleveland, Ohio, wher. tbey wlil @pend soin.s tuc. Tbey expoot 10 locale tu Washington, thir fornmer boue. Ur, and Mr@. L. VauPàttmoveted Suaday at 4. K. Crlbbs. Mris. P. W. Gray add son of Chlego, cae out Salurday evenlng for a vieil wllb relatives. Oea. Mitchell eterlainled bisiatber &nM iother fiaturday andd uay. Orrln Kapple of Paysan, Utahi, artlved iset week ta @pend the summer wllb Lake Villa and Grayolake relatives, Wateb out for Ueo. MitchellVAshghuas a new "lleo" runabout. H. Patter and famlly entertalned Mre Webter oiftOak Park, aid MarI Ptter aver Suaday. tir. aid Idre. B. J. Hooper entertalned severai frende frant the cty over Son. (randmas Pamer, wha bas @pont the wiater et Atloch foi vstun ber daugb. ter, tirs. E. Thayer. Mir. and tire. Jan. Atweili etcrtalned Kenosha firende the tiret of the week. Misse Lililan Faicb, second daughter ai Uir. and lire. Ben Falr.h, va, taksi arvay carly Sunday. al ter au llînes latiig anly a week, daring v hib toue everytbinp possible vas douc ta relies e. Just a lttie pait îxteen, very brght aid taleuted and very popular amang lier friende, wbo versturany. huneraI wae field at the M. E. cbnrrb here Tues- day afternaon, ltev. Hutrhiason 'rîiclant. i, willr lurial lu the Angola ccMetcry. We exnë-id aur mympatlr-v h, the breavcd parents, miotersaid brother. The tiret band concert of the season Wa@ held in the Park Salurday evcing. The Allendale boys played tri their iual capable manier. tils Malîneve anites@Ibolittle have rtiiiiied t,, tiioir rmsiýe. trivr bornes for 14li1.rrr'e va-tlru'% r are ïlad ta -avi liat bI irîlii e traii Septeru ber 5?ond cake CHJABLES E. IvrA ON, Correspondent - Agent PHOCNE 24-J Qnality-Boyd'a Studio-Pries rlght. ou aH. D. Bold, Llbertyvllle, about owning a WlacoinalmFar. A large number 01 people @peut Decara- lion da" et Round Lake. The botels andcottagbengfifed lolbeircapactY. Four extra traIns w.. Put onto take cam of lb. U'affic. Work hm. coinmeeced of remodeling th etbore and lu alterlng the ba«mg ro m b ea waltl groom ,wblcb la m a z umded Impravement. Tb@. Decoration bail st Aunn's wss »Il atteadsd and mj3ied b ail. A rfgniar etueday mlgbbdance will take plahmit gamurdy. June Gth and every Babugrd&y thseeeltr. Ticket@ 50c. A. 93. Kitbsa09 of lo, was a guedt ni r. B. FeadersSover Snnday. Wedum&e aymeing, Jue lth, the M.w. A.wl i Siaeu-lie reainsocil aid movlng picture eut.ftainment, tb. latter beîng a thremol en sture entîted "mhe Vegahmo oldiar." Everybodyloiated. The bank bue bas reoenly Inâtaied a Burroughs adding machine involvIng about $200. 0. A. Howard lenst prement employed by Cbas. Braleard. The McCandiee drng store ba@ Inutall- ed a large new soda foulitaînl whlch le a very fine plece oi furîlture and.addâ to the beauty ai the place. SSc H. 1). Boyd, i.,bcrtyvllc, about awîing a Wioeutigiî Farri. Mrs. Helei N icClnre rsturned Saturday eveîing froinau cztended vieit la Cali. fornila. Mesdaimesi Orrin and'Eloworth Meteal! left Monday evenihi for Algona, ijwa to VIsit the formers danabter li. Walker. Fred Zochler and lamily 01 Waukegalu ealled on treinds Sunday altert ool, The G(urîce seboal held their anual picniv ai Druce lake lent Thurmday. Mir, and lire. HoimerOrms;bv entertain- cd a number of relatives SundaY ip. . l nuno oua t eir daugbter Editb, vlu, wael maried ta Mr. Will Siegel in Waukc- gai May 2M. Mr. and lie Seigei will re- éide lu Waukegan. r Mr. and tIre. James Campbell Jr. of Cbrcago@ect Saturday and Suaday witb reatives. r The Ladies Aid Society met with Mir@. )l HIl. Spousnburg Tharsday aftcrnoon rJune 4tb. The Woodmen and iloYal Ncighbor. will hold tiemarial exercîses ln the War- ren cetery next Sunday alternoou. Mmre Faucett, farnVrly Bpeee Johneon, tvilte t Bell Hoaks the llr8t of the week. Your Proposition! Large or mu Wil Be Given Our Careful Attention. Durand & Durand Reai Estate, Insueace, etc. UibeetyvilelB.I Do you order your priuting for roasons of personal friendship? If so, lQt'e be friend.s. If however, yon want the best iftock and workmanship your money will buy, plus hlghly ortifactory service, send your ordero to the Iindependent's Job Department. Rflgrdlese0o!personai conslderations we'il satlsY Y06 becan.Oau' faclilIlun a eb bt. IInternational Harvester. Manur Sprèade I Tii H C Lma STEEL framne on steel wheels-that is the lasting basis on which Inter- ~~ national inanure spreaders are buit. Al Bab".parts, including box, beater, spreading un J-hz mechanismn, apron, are built b~ exprts, Phff using best materials, from carefluui egns ~ ~see bascd on field tests. aiw,~àn Every detai is srn n durable, bait fo log Bf e and eases dr Aac.<Mtba ~u~'tL~ f atures thal Winl interest yo aere Ibom.ISIPb ctWti batrdriving mchiNaulsof~ gear and worm; iaw, sasiy Ioan dbo, ilhpl of beater wbile dri * toth a ec Al styles are in the H Cspede mnega low, endles ad - 1 ra aroand vhaigu for amanl and large tarmns.Our ct iesevo teon yau m.Write for Ite miend usot ne my«" wh.rm aa y e. I1 B 0-manarespmedts. * d " n M «Cuf oaomioalimte-ayf j a.I. - MlwaukOBCWl,.--- UAÀL EffÀTE TRANSFERS Furnished by LAKECOUPITYTITLE & TRUST Co. Abstracts ofTitis. Titles Guaranteed. MasnniC Temple Bidg. Waukegan. May 21, 194-13 V Totzkc, ta AI- toiso Bellel, partIo, 59, Hlghwaa. W. D. $10. Auguet Kuebker and a If cta W. j. Sauer, lot 7 andd northwesterly selen teet lot 6, block 3,. auconda. W. D. $2. W. 9. R.ddock aid vite ta Berndt Freberg, W«e 100 fact, block 6, Ex- moor addition, Highland Park. W. D. 1700. Mlty 22, 1914-Theo. Gerdeen and wlfe to JUI1etta Smith, lot 11, block 14. Washbuta Springs, Waukegai. Q. C. $1. Julietta Sailli and busband, et al., ta John GaLntar and wIte, lot 11, block 14, Washburn Sprngs, Waukegan. W. D. $1. J.' A. Bloocudahl aid aire to 0. IE. Piltllps. sOUtit aie-hait lot 3, block 18, Hghland Park. W. D. $1. b. Blanche 13100mincld and huslband to Maud H.L'rail, lot 7, Cummîngu & Comnpany*s Northi avenue addition, Waukega. W. 1). $10. G. B. PbIMli ta J. A. and Annie 8. Bloomdahl, soutb oic-halt lot 3, block 18, Wighiand Park. W. D. $1, E. A. CUUMmlngs and wlte in, W. p. Kalwltz, lot 12, block . Lenox euh- division. North Chicago. W. D. $160. Lenette B. Scheler and husband ta M. R. Miller, lots 20 aid 21, block 1, Property Ownera' subdivision, Ub-> ertyvilie and part lot 1, Origial Lib- ertyville, adjoining. w. D. $5,500. County cterk ta F. N. Tomlîson, 18 lots, North Chicago. Tax Deed. T. W. Smithi and vIte to c. k. lu- mai and wlfe, lot 33, Shaw's Lodg Lake subdivision, W. D $120. Lake C'nty ProduceCo. Libertyville Bakery Building 5 E LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOISTEL 3 Special Bargains ForSaturday D. A. Weale ai d vitetirJ. C. OSheaj and polnted out the statute ta bear east part lot 2 aid Peut part north our thelr statement. lu view of this anc haIt lot 3. or Ash rtreet, ln Ae-1tact it le doubttui mest vbat dîsp)osî- sssai's subdivsion, %Waukcgan. W. lion ailb. ruade of the case. As for O 250.,tIhe patient liiîmecf. IL aould a14,ear May 23, 1914.-T. 'W. t)wycr and trai. he lae betwecî the dcvii and the wife to John Oartar, l.nt 1 'lblock 14, deep sea.- Washbhur Sprngs subduislionWou- liteiuer, m'ho le aaid ta be a vaytar- kegan. W. D. $450. erclirma he crme (o Waukegan ln W. B. Autli and w ife to C. F. a boxcîr and bas slept lu an empty Ftshack. Lat 12, block 24, Highland boxcar tirce.bie arrivai here. He Park, W. D. $1. eays hc has valiresiabout truvi con. Estate o Felîx O'3ole cd. 30 sideraby. lie natlced a brcakrig out é5 OD trtley, E 1-2 N. 66 teet, bloc', an bis face last Saturday and thîs 4, OBales subdivision, Village et mornng vent ta Dr. l{erschleder ta Inglesidc. W. D. $280. tlnd out What t vas. A. D. Hartley and alfa ta Harbaugb Dr. Hersrbieder dcclared that as L.uruber Co., B 1-2 N. 66 teet, block soon as the patient had paie be lu- 4, O'Bayle's subdvsion, village af tended ta tumigate bie office thoraugh Wîîed , W. l. $1 y, varcinate hîruscîf, J. A. DlckeY. G.T. Luce aid vite taO0. 1. Lacs, who formerly vas pastai of the Chai> part lot 3, Original Libertvclllc. W. ei street Chrstian cburch, aiea two D. $7,000). yaurng vamen vho work ln the offices C. E. Sayler and vite (ta Jeie and vba poss'fiy mlgbt have beau ex- H. ard Henry C. Wiitere) W. D. $150. pased to the patient. lie thirlks that Lot 39, block 6, North Chicago. there ta lttIe danger of the disease Hary A. Judge and huaband ta Ju- being communlcated ta others unlese lius F. Bldînger, west part lot 4, As- (bey were erposed ta Helser hefore sesors' subdivision af N. W. 1-4 sec- he vent 10 bis office. ~ tion 21,. Wankcgau, W. D. $1. e H. A. Watson ta Ioule itadkc. lot B TIR l 55, Ravine Slope subdlvls4on, Rock.ANi 54 aviFne ilop Rctefellr, IV. lot OVERCOME AS IR $250. g May 26, 1914-Est. of P. Hohena- S AN S ON i'.IAflf kdel Jr., idecd) ta E. S. Faulkner._____ tract of laid ln Section 35, Avon 'Physician Was Caled-Says tovnship. Deed. $10,030.10. ta YugMnWISffrN Chicago TItI. and Trust Co., o YugM nWlSferN Ethel M. and Lilliai F. dimitb, Lot 2. 111 Effects as Resuit. block 2, W'ison's Bid subdivision lna oadrbeectmn a sectionsonsldand 14, Grantemownshas.caus- Der set1550ad. 4 rattvnhp cd an Satnrday atternoon durlng the Deed,$650.Memorlal day exorcises lni the court EmmeOshrîr taT. . Krilotyard when Vernon Johns of Waucon- 1, block 1, Oshornes 2nd subdivlion, da, a member of Hattery "C' ai Wau- Lîbertyville. W. D. $400. kegan, hecamne ivercome wlth the May 26, ti14-Emma J. Wrght aid beat aid aank anconscloas ta the abusband la Geo. Shober and wîte. grouîd. lot il, hiok 13, C. Frank Wrighls FralmeI a atkaiva - ddItIon ta UibertyvIlle. W. D.$1 alled ini. Other niembers of the W. C..Itleddack and vIte ta anbatter,plcked hlm up and carried nah Sciffer!. lot 1, bloerk 5 Exmaor hlm lao a uiradY spot. Dr. J. C.Folcy addition, Hiîghland Park, W. D. $750.' raq u samoncd and saw ta It that hie e1aR. S tVail aid te ta Miary B. Vail.Itlgwsoued frabt art lot 1,;,block 24, Highland Parkcohn a osce te bu h ifteen or Iwefllv minutes ire recav- W .$d ered sirficetlc ta be asgsted away dCJoseîih Ilanson and vite ta Frank , t,,() members of the hatlery. Cuden ail mite, lot 10, h1ork 1 u tc ta Jh, angcce vWashburnri îrngs, Waukcga.n ta ea fis dinner atter his arrIvaI Oranges-California in Sweets, dozen - AVoWc Fancy BANANAS iO Per Dozen1oc Prompt.'Deliveiry d t Ail Ordens TELEPHONE 3 8 Motor Truck Servce betweeu Chicago t and AUl Lake County Towns UAILY Commissioner Atterbery Says That County Must Take Care of the Patient. MONDAY, JUNE 1. iSi4, Clarence Reiser, a young man 2é Years old wbo says b. came here front Cincnnati an Tbureday nlghl, entered the oMfce ot D. M. Heashie- dem to ask hlm concernîr4 a number Of eruPtions that had appeared an bis face bince lant Saturday. Il took but a tew moments for the phyolcianto diagnose the disease &as a wel.deveiaped case of smallpox. In arder that h. might b. doubly eute lie calied Cty Phyzicien J. C. Foley ta is office. The latters diagnosle coincided with bis owu. The malter vas at once referred to Commssloner Carl Atterbery. head ai the Public Health and ilafety depart- ment. Mr. Attembery declared that the case le ol'e that the county muet came for. He sald that, ln the, past tbe city bas talken care ot couuty, charges wheî they had smalkpox and neyer bas heen able ta recaver the amounts spent [n cartng for the pa- tients. He said that it le a mater tuaI là up ta, the caunty. Couuty officiais taday declared that thie ce does îot come wltblu their jurlerdletian as [bey say that such e case muet be cared for by the ctv. MN mm fin mm»**«