We are now bookingr future orders for Tel nio Brand Ilawap "Pineapple- When buying titis brand 'you not only àaave the. trouble and worry of putting thom up, but get the best there is to be ha.d iu pineapplea. Stop in and @ample and we will explain to you our proposition. .EsTria*s UbeutyvU 0a80B88080000000*06000000#0< Stra T h iioi aroh tht h pou on tei~~e tjat li weavthe s t g bad*B w.tr thpuar& J.o 'E A Nobby Straw ao oI g se on<W b« 5P5 *bt il ives thheamd mcete w Miat Weather' IT, IF O)NE CAN JUDGE BY iber of f.-llowvs wearing tlîeîn. 'They meni wlio have learîîed by exîleri' onl11Y way to really enjoy the hot pt uîîder tl.straw lid. Faslîioîî says ýcomîllin selse s- îiOldkithe mnotionî, )u haugiîîg baîck for! have theni iu al thit.riem- styles ldurg the Iligli crua us that are ilar tlîis eno wrong Lproposi- io us, for l. Morse & Co. Everything for Men UD1ERTYVILLE, ILL. Phoso 14 I ____________________ .Cir6er~yvd/e fioms- ~xxxx x~'~x x~xxx xxXxxxx xxxxx To Insure publication in the Indopen. dent. copy muet b.i the office no later tIan Tuemday of each week. Adv.r- tisers, especimlly are asked to take perticular notice to Iis off ect. (Addltlonai Local News Page 4 and 2) Mr@.. HB. Er bau been on the slk l«th Ibireek. nie F. . D rue of Grayelake, wae à ritor boe Tueeday. W. 13. radtof palatine, was bers on bouillnlust FrldAY. à daughter wonbora 1 Mr. aud Irs. lou TrWgge on Sund"y. PaW Ul sdllveîsd a lomd cof furulture tu WSucods Friday of lest ceek. mmre N. Zimmer of Milwaukee, cas the Sm$et dl MiseArcher tIret of tht. ceek. éire Wm. Wblgbsm ls vt.itiug ber dsugbters and sons lu Chicago this csek. Win. Barro of Plattville, NI., @peutt Osts*day snd Sunday cltb Mr3.1: C. M. . . 1Fuler SMd tamly. Mr. sud tMrs. Leo DelleIn d iamlly and Leo Faeiz of Chicago, vlisied Frlday sud gaturday citb Mr. sud tMr@. John C. Deluiel. Mr. sud Urse. J. 9. Gerred tteuded tbe bunevai of tMr@. (erred s bter, Edwin Witou, chose hurlWa asMouday alter- noon at Aullocb. MIr, sud trs. Bert Lynch bave lafit their farru uortbcest of Libertyville snd mie now occupylng their borne bers ou Mlwiaukee avenue. The Iioses Angeline Allers, Theresa aud'Amelis Itodeubour o! leMar,loca, were gueot.s of the MisisesLas ud Bertba Petges Ibis cweek. Cbarlen Patersoni aud amil,. Who formeriv resided lu tire Locke boule, aIze roved ho Kenosba chere îbey purhîfa.4ed a brorne about a year agi. Ë Mr. aud Mr. F. B. lugiam anîd son M.1 &aywood. spent Saturdety and Suaday1 offiei 1). A. Young snd amily. M r. t Barry lMclouald. wha lias le-nva. llned la bris bed bfor ten days a il: ç,neuoia, le reporied ountie gain aid % hI lie ont of danger il complivalions d n Dot occur Mr. and tIr.. Warren ANi losre turned Soadlav evening irom thelir wed- ding trîl, cbich took tireur se far am Indianapolis, alere tbey attended UIce autcoobile rares. E. H. Weil@ recently recslived recomn- pense roui the- Woodmaîî Accident Association for tbe lnjury tb bis foot morne liais ago. The association madie prompt setlleaient. Attorneys Paul M"cuffin sud Ben H. Miller atteuded the meeting sud banquaet or the lilinols state bar association i the Hotel LaSalle, Cicago, Wedueedsy aud Thur@eday o! lust ceek. Corontr J. L. Taylor aud Clarence LovelI cere lu Anltiocb Ssturday chere ther coroner presided sItbe iluneât over the remaine of B. B. Overton. cho died very auddenly at 6:30 o'ciock that norninir. Wm. Petermon baesarted tbe erection of m harn ou hie farm uortb of town te take the place of the one destroyed by OIre about two menthe mgo. The nec harn ciii b. 36x74 feet aud bailîlor cernent blocke. J. 8. (rley bas recived bi@ nec Chsiruers ight six automuobile, cbicb t. equipped clth the Girey pueumalic geai. shift attacbment, -tbe patent of chicb t. ocned by F. E. Maroh, formerly ocner of the Grattan Stock Farta near Prairie View. Mr. sud Mre. Fred ,loclîbeim enter- taiued ixteen relatives and riends over Sslurday and Suniiay. They came lu their cars troni Fort Wayne, lad. Mises Mianue Jochheirui returued to Fort Wayne clth ber sont cho was one of the Party. The local camps of Modern Woodrna sud Royal Neigbbore cl bold their Memorlal services next Sundsy atterneon st-2:30 o'clock at tbeir hall. A short siddress dili be gîven by C. T. Heydecker of Waukegau. Alil rembers are sked 10 ho preoeut at the services. The ordinace pased by the village board Mouday igbt perlaiuing to pro« hblbitlng the sale of, giviog scay of liquor, also spplying 10 clubs, ding stores sud delivemy o! iiuors, cilîlha fouod lu part tco of Ibis Issue. If pou cantt10 kuoc 'chats chbat' l7Inhs dry territory you ehould flot fail 10 rend IL. Mr. and MIrs. C. F. Wright, cho speut the paut three mouthe witb their sou Wirt aud farnlly lu St. Louis, Mo., re- turned bomne 10 Libertyvillo Tuesday ,moruiug. Duringmuetof the stay cltb biescou Mr. lWright cas very Ill froan ociatic rheimstlem snd is even Dow forced 10 use crutes fgto assiet hiurn l calklng. The bealaureat@ sermon, whlch waa dellvered bY Bev. Ed ward 8. Whlte t0 the claMe of 1914 at St. Lawrence's chnrch Sund&a iternoun, touebed very dévply tboeo hearlng hlm, anduai ha"e exptesed îhemeeivee me grety plwes4 *eelcg able to lieten to .ucb mu able ea&»r ev. Whites. Daotmu Taylor and Foley pedrmu ed a diebellar% operation mmo mmt L*oonwd% Maiman of Llbertyvllle tu tile Mo4ileter hospîtal h!oud&Y. 'Ph. baby dW4but Itla ,bellevai the mo. th.er .,fflrecover. She waa ruaeff huetm Libertyvile lutaitheauto ambulsuc. TPh.lcoalmembers of the W. C. T. U. cli go to theLake Bluff Orpbsusge on Tuee , June 9, 10 do sewlug for Utne orpbaae. The ladies wcliileuyq bore on th. 8-'» «r tlu the moruiug, sud aul ladies orbe are interested lu tht. cork eboiildbes t the station at IbaS ftie. The lam r asked t.. tae iheIr lumcb, a1.0 cookie for the orpbaus. Ali l 1db of Lihortyville aud vlinity are lnvlted t0 maie thse trip. Word Nmched ber@ 'riday of lmss cesi of lt.etuarrisgeofpiss lm@Vers IM. lHeude tu D. 1. EHolomb at 01«o, lornda, on Wedneeday, Msyv 20. The weddlag ob placsetaithe home of S. L. Schoili, ho alocent la Florida frru Lihortyrllle. MliesClara Scbell scted se brldesmald, sud lithle Alile S n, h.l acted mas ring- bearer. Idr. sud tIrs. Hoicomb ciii maite tbeir home ln Ta'mpa, Florida. The bride bas ibany fIeud e be. Mdondsy morning Miarehal Llmberry crn u aDuoud L.ake te arceet John Nobsck, cho cas clîarged citb abusing a homse cbicb bad gone lame ionie time ago. The marohaI brougbt hlm to \ihertyville where lie wa4 given s trial beforýJustlce W. E. Davis, cho fined hlm $3 sud coste after Noaak prornreed to letre the hors. ln a lasînre. Justite Davis Iuformed NSaak that should a second coruplaint be rade againiet lîir Le woold lie srreted a eeond lime sud the animal di@posed oi I1t ie said Ibat the horse cas lna a erv îmr condition The Lake Courty <ravel Co.,lm pou' templating the erctn (if a new plant avarer the vlgbî.af.a ay oi tle C. M. & St. Paul ralroad. The preeent plant las been rond t,, be inadequate to take care of tbe companys ever growing bumînese. Oneof the repreoemlatives of the caîiip5uy lMonday evening presented ai) applicationu b tbe village board forsa permit to erect s large plant on the site oI tle village property near the river bot " bicb tbe Compauy could îay an aunai rentai for Ion yesrs, the tenu of the l-ar. Itlei. epected that the board wilI lease the lauid t. tbe rnpany "se the property le not brlnglnir any revenue tu tle villageat promeut. jAccording 10 unofficial reports front Chicago îîîauy people ln thet City ave belng attaiked sud bltteu by mai doge aimoot ,llanl sd lMarobal Limberry warns ail those owulu, doge bu keep thera uhaiaed or tu muzie the cariiose to svold s pos4ible occurence of euch con- ditions here. This le the limte of year chen no dog sbould ho mlloced tu rmn about the sîreets cithout hiug properiy mozzled no inatter how valuable or inoffensive the dng may appear 10 b.. "Saiety firt' can Dcii ho botter applied titanrib tis p^rtieniar motter, snd the mwasbsl sbould ho glven su aomeial order to teks tare o! evory dog @sert n ouhe streets no.t proporly muzzled. The ceedesud grass along the esîko ou oule ifthe streeta bave grocu 10 sncb proportion@ that it le almost lin- possible for two poisons toi esît abresel ou those Wallis cîthout etuhhiug up againet Iii, ceeds. Propevty owuere ebouid b.e rade 10 cultbheceeds and grass alonz ttiel.Wslks ifIlîcir lîride does riot scern 10b. burt by aliowlug eucb conditions linront uf their proplerty. Low haagng branche. on trees aîarîg tbe pubilihgiiesys le soother nuImance which shiould b. absted. A village ordinancos estl lu effect chich ifcuftrîrd regardiess u!t thepropbrty owners:whîni It ghould lit, rnîghl ho a good @tel, at thie tle r, abat@e aenuie. REV. Il. T. M&CELVEEN TO SPEAK AT COMMENCEMENT A Coagregallonal mînister cho 4ears the ditialtion sud reputaîlon of being us of the ni-lot eloqueut sud masterlul opeakers lu hie district, sud cho epeakg tu vsry critical audiene. Muet of the time, ci li e tihe principal speaker at the cornmenent eiercilse lieb.beldi lu the, M. iF. cbnrch an FrIday eveuiug of tbis weci. 1ev. El. T. 'VacElveen, pas- tor of thie Cngregatlouel eburch lu Ev- anston, la the minîster cho bas [Men ehosen ru addrems lbe graduât@@sWdo are about tu turo their attention t0oîb- or lblug' Ihan local sebool asfaire. It t. eipectel tbat the churcb dllliehotaied 10 full saeiPty Ihat evenlng and itlal douibhi wIetber aIl those, planning ou attendirig tle exercîe. tan b. seated. The clullete program cas pablisbed luat wek. ]PASrt OftEITIA CEUICI MARRIED WEDNESDAY Mr. H. Il. Allburt, paotor of *he Libertyville Preebyterisu churcb during the pust yar was on Wednesday of thie week United in marriage witb issi Ad& M. Formythe of Freepors. Oblo, the weddiug taking place at the homne of the brides@ parents ln Freeport. WbiLdthie marriage bas been iooked forward to for one tîrne it came ne a surprise to nranY Who were Dot reom CloOMIY acquaiuted with Mfr. Albart. The marriage oereony wue performred hy Dr. Eoeory Beethag, Preedemt i liuat ni ao College, Oblo, at twelle 0,"lnk Doon st the home of Mr. snd Mir@. UavIn Forsythe, parente of the br"d. Mr. Alburts4 former home la ln Pitte. bu,Whenhbie moîher, iiA. L AliburI now rsedee. liehme en etor Of the Preebyberlan churehbboesfor &bout a yeaàr, comlng bems fros the McCormnlck seminary, Chiawo, wche ho Win complote bis courelne teprlug sud« ho ready to ho ordalned a mlnlser. A âmsdoome building whlcb wlll ho ueSd se a lm ansd ta ho occnplsd by Mr. sud lire. Alburt upon their return hors. ws eterted bot Wfansd bhm juiesue cou- pieted. Bluces omiug to Llhortyvîlle ê Mr. lburs has advissd and moen coin- plted several Improvementa on the oburch property and ci 1h the bearty co-operation of the several cbureh orgsulzatlons the work on tbe manne wue étarted. Dun l@ is ts bhe ho bas fbon the eburch grow, tweuty-five new memhors haulng been taken tubo tbe cburcb. Mr. Allburt ln celi liked for bis good jovia disposition, sud lu tbe pulpit for bis manterful sermons. Hie many friands wcll give hlm sud bis bride a bearty welcume rjpou their returo to Liherly. ville. Tbe members of the congregation bave pisunad 10 gîve Mir. and Mms. Alburt s big receptien in tbeecbnrch parbors 8aturday evenlnir of this week. Tbe Pastor and bl@ bride will lie St home lu tbe nec mange ai r uly first. NOTICE FPOR BIDS S-njed bide wili be recelved by the Village of Libertyville up to 8.30 P. 1lm, Tuesday, June 1., 1914, for seven thon. @and ($7,000)> dollars Fire lueurauce on the Village Hall. Tbe village board re@ervesi the rigbit to reject any or ail bide. "-37-1 E. Bl. Iorlett, Clerk. Mli-Y, îob My. esy8 the Mau Who camlu ncontact citlî s pair of lest cilb an ancient sinell, chat would be say? We say gel Barkers Autiseptic. F. B. Lovell Co. 1 grid ud bo, s, arpen Pos, s, iseors, skates, aud do repairing on u niture, and odd jobe. A. P. Raugbt, First etreet._______ C.30*tf PIANO TUNING Leaye ordereat Raye FurultureStore. Work doue by MIr. Aldeu. c412-tf WANTED ltug sud Carpel Weavlug. J. A. Graves. Ljbertyville. r4el.îf DANC Il N G At Dimond Lake Pavilion Ev..y Salurdmy Nht cemmo.ac'g JUDO e r Music by Làbertyville Ieu 1Five-Piece Orchestra CHAS. D. PROCTOR INSURANCE FIRE, TORNADO, UIFE PHIONES 154R AND 50 UBERTYVILLE, ILLIIOS Our recent ads have been for the purpose of dcinowstrating that our depositorê' money is iuîvested in such a way as to make this bank a SAFFE place to leave it. We wish to add <)ne statement to prove this assertion: We Now Have Over 2200 Deposit Ac counts on Our B".k Thie evidence of the confidence whlch people of this community have in usè tremely gratlfying to us§ and ehould be al- together aossring to yon when yon open an account here. Lake Couity Natonal NMi LIBERMVILL!B ILL Capital, Surpdm d Uadlvid.Profite, 806000.0 Ï We have a large stock of TuLE, POSTS, SAND, RC( SEWER PIPE, CEMENT A N D GIEl OUR PRICES WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY OrF LIBERTYVILLE Phone 50 Aristos Iflour iTo bc Given AwagF E IWednesda9, june 24th, at 3 o'çIo Comeein endrond outa# bot it. See north window for displag. CORLETT & FREDERICKS' Phone 30. LBRnTYVILL ILL 1 The Only IWÂL Bakery in TÔwn FINEST BREAD, CAKES AND PIES-made clean, baked dlean, eold dlean. Why not patronizo eucb a bake shop as onrs?-.light, airy, .anitary. We wonld celcome you as a onetomer. LIBERTYVILLE BÂKXERY FRED JOCHEIX, Prtop. To Tempt The Jaded Appetite. It is liard to think of things to eat those hot days but the followiîîgnay 8uggê,4t sonethiiig Mar"sIit Kipp.acd Honing, Pliwnor lu Tomatooesauce, Large aval tin, Beechnut Penat Butter îlei different irom the others 'f 4 MIediumo sud Large, -5 -5 Yatch Club Sala Dressing Fine citb cold moe ,t,,l.- 5 Feul's Mcaroi wd4àgottl Can ho prspared sous 5 c- 1yO Olives. Plain uni Staff .d QJueens or Mdauzamilias a WslcIr'a cripe Juict Wholeeomne sud refreshing 25 Plut Bottin Law'& Giffger AIe Every body li t Largom tJo 1Sc Freesi-uts and Vetablu Elvery Di W WCAROLLSONS COMPANY South Store ph»,et a If you'want to get up.. tite the world any distance, you had better SEE US. SPECIAL thî.e week On Lad.ders One Man tlung TWENTY 0F OUR IOWA GATES. You cau help yoilr cause by buying now. Libertyville Lumber Company Down by the Oid Depot. Phonre 47 Been More 20 Yeare. E. A. BISHOP, Manager Ili ail il. 9-