t NONIE RECEIVED FOR LEUS TIAN 25 CENTS 4 10 ALE + +LOBT a" POUND + @bv W #hà. nuniber o!fâne houme.for LOST-Psarl brooch, for.. sroycf0 mie. or Tot.t Dymond & Autin, Liberty. 1 Iower. Tblnk beiwoem »wo St. ?aoi ville. c-8741j opt udDr Tjlredo.denco. Roture « tr. Taylor. lteward. "7fl-1 ROSE 00MB REDS-0ggufrlu Chicago, Racine, Aurore aud Waukom .+..+.++.4+.f.. .++.+ wînnore. Bust blood liu. PFstUit, + liOELLANEOUS + ogubaete.d. Kmbel-Trliofledear. ....... MONEY TO LOAN-On lnrproved roai FOR SALE OR RENT4O OSertou M000 . 1. s. GEIDLEY, Firot National Mulle $eat e <ravoako depot. I1-109gBank. .87.tt Payne. Aros.filI. 0.8 -tf FOR SALE-Homae and lot within y bMARRY IF YOU ARE t.ONELY-The block of tii. ElecrandélooLinédepot@, Rellable Confidentiel saIkeusful club hbu ioriuorly knoovaau tii. Cronkhlté oumfa. large number of wealtby cilgible mien. Will oilfore"h or lutalmeut , anhers of both oexoe, wlahlng early marri. Bai-gaIn i9takse et onc.e. . ýTulpp, 0&P. DeéclOiion ree. Mr@., Wubel. Are&. 111. e.84.tf Rox 26, Oakland, Cal. P-87-2 1 SED Inter- <un- ISES. $60.000 lisung irhy' of Ut Aive le lust elpen- ch Roc- ukegan ed and hIch ho ber let f. 00W- raIsing WANI ED-Girl for generel houeework. Inquire at Triggs & Taylor store, Libertyville. c-t6-'tf WANTED-OnO rWg*tered Chunter Whte Boar old eugh for service. Phono 275-.M-i. Thos. W. Liager. Aren, 111. p37.2 WANTED-.-Customors. 1 mell ahlknde of f.rut, SMade and Ornemental Trou. Ail the buet hardy verletlea of email truit@ sud vine.. flowerlug and touiage sbrube snd plante; evergreens, traw- berry plante. Hardy field glown rom.. Have hed yeae of experlonce sud willl »oIl you herdy varloty for th. clîntate. 1I lve rlght bore sudviii uos. Ion rlght ol1can deel wlth Ion agein. If 1 do flot Cal! write me a letter. 1I mli epproclete jour orderosud make it tu, your edvanegto deel wlhh me. Oco. F. Roberts, Libertyvillo, 111. c-87.ti WANTED--Cook w> tan farm, boerding bus.. Thore mili ho fi-on>10 Io180 meu dej.endlng on work et dtfierenh sessons. WiI pey $80 p.rmonthdurlng six months and 865 for th. remaînder ho cook who wiil furnlsh ewn blep. Lock Box 15, Lae For-est. p87-1 TOBACCO SALESMEN WANTED- Est& $100 rnonthlY. EIPeODU@. Expert- eceeuneceossry. Advertls. and ftate ai-dors irorn merchants for Smoking end Cbewlng tobacco, Cigarettes, Cigae. etc. Rend a 2c stanrp for fui! partîcularq. Remet Tobacco Co., New Y1ork, N. Y. c-3 7-10 Independent reader? BE ONE. ANOTRIR PASTOR A11ACKS PLAN 0f 'MARRIAGE MJLLS' Rev. R. 0. Buerger of German Lutheran Church Voices Disapprovaiof Methods. BACKS UP REV. MERTINS. Watukegac.lMay 28 it-i. R. 0 Buerger, pastor et tht- Ct-mon Luthecan church. Io the se, ond pester to assume the- stand thot mînisters are net rece'Iing a square deai al tre suds of focal juAtice',,Of[ the ptare Th irtist statement to tfîis ettett altîearel in Tuesday t-rt-n tuga S urilu whîcb Rte. iMertins of tii,- .t-roatis CttrgtgaionatLii uruh detlart-d chat be bas Information le tht- tetet that Justices. fn an effort to st-eure business. hire men te *'steer" coesic- att-ing marriagc le tht-jr t. Mces. IL 1- aaji that other ciriters ae planninrg to tiat-e a sinrîjr dnt plaint. il,'t (it-rgetr In sli kittg "ft iii irati r tciay doctareti ti at hi- krw otf tri-r' instanicein ru oiii h a tririli, I i aurI,. uer,- to e ie eder! <tb ni Tiry eastrt- " tceri-d' ltu a rustici'. he -t3rs, and Hoeciirr-tisurîtrist'd i.heu tht-y tooked aboeut anr! louird tht- t-Ies girroîtddl'y lat-bot "Wiry, you are net a minister." tht-y saad te tht- justice. "No, but 1 islit anas t-r tht- samne purlioge.'lire refltied. accerdiug te Rt-'. But-cgt-r. Rev. Buerger sys the couple-toid tht- justice rn a lt-w nords that ho wouîd net "do jus, as mil," and waîked eut ef bis office. coing te thre Buerger berne, shoret-hie coremony wa poerned. "IL bas ht-ou stated *that tht-ac couples are arîrached aiht-n tnter- Iug tht- tity on tire street car liues,' he said. "This is net al]. Tht-ce are metntai tht- ralIrcad station sating FOR SALE-5 Brkohlrs brood sowe due to farrow tu Juiji. T. C. Zro, Libertyville. Phono 290J-2. C.-Rt FOR SALE-A No. 1 GM@ Store. ln- quire ot W. S. MdeClain. Lbertyville. c-86-tf FOR SALE-Rostaurant and sMali hotel ln Roîund Lake, near raiiroad >tâtion. J. F.Shuaier Box 167, Round Lake, 111. C-36-.3 FOR SALE-Forty yo)uniz pigm. C. H. nyer(ag-.Lake.P <J (iurlu-e, ii FOR SALE- Pî,wer sprayinicarîd white wawLuciitt ilt. Il.l'F. liantiu, A rea, FOR SALE [ightit r- Potwer fteadý Iug tândard ,i toreý( Je I 1:1model, tuily equipped. l11 ue oiiiytour iiiithp. 1'rb e *22:i (art b.-st-en tt îy rid.-nce o U Co')k A vo. J, W. Fiart. Iý37-2 FOR SALE-(ood L'art nearly new. Cali on JoLu C. etilein. Llbert 'vviiie, Fuir tr-et. C-37 t! FOR SALE-titted Tlnrothy bay. lu -pitre F. K. adeCorruae, Llbertyville, Phon '2!5-f-2.P-37-1 FOR SALE-liuernsey coe., tre..h May :10, exceetionally good rmiiker, J. . . Morri. . 1 b. t'ri'Id. Ilji. T,-Iej,horý, Lake For.et 794-Y-4. c-37.2 FOR SALE-Quantity ot smeul îotatoe*, Rure! New 'rorker@ and moine -hay. R. B. Elker. Lihertyvilie. 1'houe 267-11-1. C37 .1 + FOR RENT + FOR FIENT--) rooru fiat ail ronvent- enve-s on South Park Ave. inquire at Wrr. Eeieys. e 34-tf + WANTED + WANTEO-Have trurchanere for rorri 10 to 80 acre@ tern)@ is.riteutatrng ail particulars. No agents. Addree, R. A., Independent oECeý. c 37-t! WANTEDAT ONCE-Qirl or woruan for kitchen work. Phone 27l-2 or eail st Pine Grove tarin,HlI ay, Ili. c-34-tf tain justices et tht- peace.1 ho thoughh tht-no ought te msy te break up the plan. Ho said ho sOme NÂRRIÂGE LICI1N8E8 Peter Sebvonen. Waukegan ....30 Minuit- Luukkouou. saure.....24 Arthur Aldich, Milwaukreet ....30 Jeusie Gouniey, same........... 21 ltobt. E. Wiliamsec Racine-....27 Martha Skyb. lame ...........21 Ralpir Deteithaugir. Racine ...21 Mary Stascack. saine.......... 21 Roy Home, Raviria............. 22 Emma Schrultz Glecoe----------.23! Angelo lîzo, Green Bey...........0o Bertie BrnIM'ella Bey Vlem ...21 Albert Z. Dawson, Chicago... 53 Della Burgeslame .............45 Albert BruY',lhorst, Ciicago ....35 Dalsy Johnson samo ...........34 Aloi Zatrov, I-artfsud. Wts-...38 Maejonaaty. Geen Bay----------.i2 John Bretzlauif. Nantir Crcago ... 21 Helen Ligieusite anme-----------.. il Win. Haeke, Premont Tvp. legs! age Emmaut Taies, same. legal at-e Albert Nelson, Chicago ....36 Elu;a Effeuherger. Chicago ...28 Matirem Steble. Jr. Milwauke - ..31 Froda Sehineneske. ts.in...21 Albert Ht-arl Milwaukee-....25 Kthoryn Sick, saune ....... ? Afred Brsrnkhorst, Chicago-....35 Dslay Johuson, saie-----------..34 Albert Damson, Chicago-----------i55 DeIla Burgess, tame............... 45 Alolpir Ra.orick, Kenosba ...26 Berthairacol saine--------------- 2 WM. Seige!, C'tly .... ý 22 Editi r Omohy, Ilurnet-............23 QÀ14MES SEEN IN YRS. Score of 4 to 3 With Stanton Parka Saturday-Beat A. A. C. Team Sunday, 4 to 0. Waukega, June 1. (By Dan Jeukina.) Iu oneofo the beat usines ever seen et the West Bide pari' the City heant won the Mernorlal day gem.e front the Stanton Parka of Chicago hy thre score of 4 toi 3. 1h va. a fAst gante aIl the way, wltb neither teami baviug the edge. The locali played a great gaine and duserved ho vIn, thougb thie vlil tarm vere declared hy many teans te ho the strongeet hearn that ever play- ed agaînat a Waukegan texin. 1h mes a great pitchera battis, vith Neiniey- or having the ahade. Joe @truck eut 14 hatters and kept thre visitera' bita scatterod, .xcept lu the third, allow- Ing neven bIta. Fbîster, thre Chicago hurler. a!lowed but six bits, snd fan- rted 12 meu. A good crowd wu 1n0 athendance and the fana bad a lot of fuu rcastlng the- umire atter re rmade a nuinher et raw decisions lu tas-or e! the Stanton1 Parka. 1h seeined for a turne Ihat tirei West Sîders would have te play t-n! men. ý Tht- ,lsttrs tiad ail tirret- cf tiî,-ir us iri thet- hird, Niteet-i s orly1 biadt innirîg. Burges s.ld ht-aie te irst .ri C. èfIllers euirder startt-d t. l'iilsicr lorced Mliler, I-oit . lutirg, I'. >d ne9ctr r lien wiir' -act-laanrd litenry Ini auiîsi r(] it lttitwosotrilita ciii Ucrss.alii-en ltire groo',ed onet- ilat Criswalatiargli "jr;trt-Iy andIiitiei over tut- riglît ii"r ttre Tire grcnrîd 1I rules ara c',%,d Ihrt tirrît-bitses.,rtir. ljiit-r, Bagc anrd Ifeiiry scoredi L, DIVORCECOURTS Woman Who Eloped Here, Claims That Husband Had Threatened Her Lif e. FLED THROUGH WINDOW. Says mhat Short Time After Marrlage Here Husband Be- gan to Mistreat Her. An elopemont tu Wau'eger% iD 1900 had a rather disastroua endlng a day or two &go, according te a dlspatch troin Wauko.ha, Wis., a hou Mra. Este!!,. Ahwod of that citY started an action for divorce lu counly court agalnst ber huahend. Aimond Atwood, sud on an ordor to show cause, Jndge Datvid W. Agnew dlrecîed that the dcflnst psy the Plaintiff $255 et. terneys ftee@sud $15 suit money with. in twenty days. The couple wore married on No- Nember 19, 1908, at Waukc'can. lIre. Atwood alUegea that on the night of Jue 9, 1913, the defaurlart threat- enefi te kil! ber snd said Ihere wil ire a erepe on thîs door fotr tbree lu the icoriîi',3g." By this ir, Infers tîtat he ureant that be woujd ltrst kiti iis 'tilt- sud chiid andtd li'c ojmmit sutreTerrer sîricjîn ai 'jre a,fit thrî.rt NIrs. Atwood ~i it-hert-cou.- tri1 from hlm. As sbe cIi sir sire ga',s he irodured an ntonîiit rer iiver. Srrrsiing ber littie dariig rlit b er suis sli aideciares t-h t It ifrcrm lth- io,aci and escapod frotri .rao niiowas h ,r ir s1tand bad L,î I. tir r'titiotns rm-' Ilat al the- dtos rere jatjred jrii t here she sa- si, u-c, (t th liron e of a neixhl r r ýl :'st taitto, iii. She s a ' " t lit r in mrttl îread thrat 5 ire j r rer, itis- Ill iir crorurrneri le Btirge, s,11 ittirew a ndrucî iti ii put bis tii rt t rIrcit te Nlilrli ry , and tariglirt Crias ýau l i f tr cuir ht- says Ohi'e rr i cri now tuti re.rr te thought oetsan iirakrrg ht-r Aftîr lirai Joct- assinvincible, lari- borne ioth hlm now ahI rtiir sumie dîl flfi irt - re , ia' lrs lhr surce-scin iiiflit rîtfrrn do hlm a!ecr ît , ncir'uriitI I tirrtir airdi ievccr ailoivin g f1 t-r rquettion. lirairte e1 rg.t s tar as thirrci notiier tact rt-iattd'rlh.Mlrs 4At Tirc- tocini-. pit or fr tîrcir rtir nu,, ai ncni n bt-r btl I s tir n itipril -"! tr tht- îîrîrih aller Bur-e lad sut- anti av-aie. oun May ::, t ill ie tr hua lt-Iali Iiý, kliaI grcîîrrîîont. secrtrîi ', niittadtbie!i'i o lo fr>t Nllil)lI bt oteto tnrt-,r se0 uni. r a,ti 11w te aid lit r -ot liii rarsy l ot- e I i en ..1 t ,, c,îrld live %nilli Iitr ia l'n rst-r. iu ri srîrikoitit ar rot gconnderlniotuai Dýa1-th frt in p n th ift Sîý fr . thae c d aia fr ru' c i iî,île i of tMltr sn s a d rcl I n tr ill0c r s t w o dtrelates r d htiî aumer agaic..t tht- rit-ht fit-id tir a tri' atter theîr tloeetmeut te singied ttroi:gh ,iiort, arole second tring ei'tnt aient- ail rigbt auvid tht-y arnd uaa sale a mile airen Criattai! sr atcr-v ap.i a o lalel e ttnctl'in', irut in crire etbis unniht-r hiriaanî hegan te itreat ranit decisions tht- unîpo calieti ltIn' ht-cthat liî:t' egan ta bt-corne hurden- oîrt Nie-meyer sas caiîed ont on ite oe firord strIke, sud Teriap grouuded out, _________ short te irst. eyia IuIAIC Wýatikt-gan sien tht- gante lu tht-Le NNA1 A1I elghth. Niemneyer. irst up. toit tour I NM N W NT halls. Teciap mias sale mbeu Shcihen O D TlflI1Ii dreîtped the hall aI irsl, Niemeyer go-.aCOURT rCiFwJiiAi ceg clear te third sud Terlp stoje C JE second while Bîrrge isas olikint- ont. HI W F INSANE Ho-oi tht'n iced a >i1gle os t- sec-_____ onI, seoricg Niemeyer anti enlt-p.Wila V.W krDeaesH Murphy whifed aud ('reightort -enddllimV -kr elrsH It oith n grounder te short. Niemneyen strucit eut tht- int twso meni up lu the nintîr. L. Miler sing- ledý Haniley, haltlug toc Zengler, metu otît, Hoek te Pasili. Terlep, cf .......... Hurt-t, s. .... Hlook. 2h ..... Murphy, 'b . ... Croigtbleuf. .i .. Pasitil!. lb .... Dean.cf . ......... Voue, c ............ Niemeoyer, p ... Totale ......... Shanhen Parka. Hagis. 3h . ... Henry, f .......... Griswal 2h .. L. Millers. .. Zeugler. cf .... Sbrlir, lb. ... Olj3en, ecf.......... C. Miller, c ... Flrlster, p....... 0Hanley.......... an. r. u.p.ne. o. .4 1 0 0 t 0 .4 0 0 2 I11 .4 0 2 2 5 0O 411 31 0 .4 0 1 0 0 0 12 0 0 5 0 1 .3 1 0 o00 .3 1 15 1 0 .2 1 0 0 2 0 30 4 6 27 lil2 ah. c. h. po.sa. e. .3 1 1 O 0 0 .3 1 0 1 0 O 4 02 14 0 .5 0 2 0 3 2 .3 0 O0 0O0O .4 0 1 10 0 1 .4 0 1 0 o00 .4 0 0 12 0 O 4 10 020 .1 0 0 0 0 O Toals.......... 35 3 7 24 9 3 5Hanley batteti for Zeuglec iunt-intb. Sumurary: - Stolen bsses-Terlep, Henry; two hast- its-Murphy. L. Miller. OIson; tbree base bits. Grismaîl; hoine tan, Dean; bases on halls--off Ntemeoyor 5; off Tirisher 2; struici out-hy Nie- meyer, 14; by Thistt'r. 12; uirne, 1:55; umprîno-Dennlson. J. C. Bt-tnett et Gurnet- bas pur- cbasel tht- Frankt Kelly grocery ou Gerantdiavenoune.Mr. Kellymiro ires conluchedth ie establitshment for tire past st-von yt-SrO.ail! rttino aud con- tinue te reoide ht-ce.Mc. Bennett, who bas ht-en In tht- fleur anti lot- business ai Curnteton r auy years up until tht- purchase efthtie local store, bas ct-motel bis famtly te tii cihy sud milIl aite possession ah once. Hopes Sne Wiîî improve Under Treatment. Ever omne-Mro Ada C. Walker of ZMon City wss a chilI sIre hbashttn suheet toe etrijeîtic lBts. but strangeir onough sht- dtd net hecome avare et ibis fsct outil quite recently s heu tht- Information was iurparted to ht-r by gosalpint- neigirboru. gluée that tiare she bas broodeti ovor tht- tact almOet coistinuously unt i t bis al- fechtid ber mmnd. Tihis mernint- ber Irusbeud. Wiliam V. Wslker. appeared ln couuty court sud Blled a petitien ho have ber ad- Judged Insane. Hie oaild ho rt-alized tlrat If anythint- la te hi doue ho ce- leve ber condition It muet ho doue et once. -l vas net awaro tiret my wite bad ePlîepsy umsii atter our marrlage.- the hushsnd sai. "Then 1 hecame avare that mi- vmite herself ditd net ýinow tiret she wss sufferlng troni this disease. Wbt-n a speil cornes upon ber 1h le vers sudden and site Ituow nothlng more about It unhil sire re- vives hall an bouc or su hour ater- yard. Theob~e slvays Iva of tht- boe!ieft atshe siluly laed taiuted. "O1% severai et theso occasions neIghbors mho hsPPened ho ho mitb ber wbeu suie baltitese speils ht-- caee rigrten-tiand called In other Peuple ta assîsi. ThoeePeople very Incautleusiy holil my vile how site achel mbile iln tht-se spoliaand tu- formedliber ihat ate vas sufferint- ef epilopsy. *'It almoot breke ber beart. For daYs t have, set-n ber brood oct-r h. Then sire vounldl horattions? for e few deys but lire wOrrYiitg sud iroodrut- affecteil ber micM. 1 have been éon- nocted sithi erieus Insane itespltalîq aud ami cousincel that nothmnt- is te ho gsined hy detaying niatteca. If there Is arr',' îruju for ber reovery it requires iturmediaho treatinent." BXA1L 'TL T~( NOTICOF.etT ISMRT IN RI3AD R -ell @BYrofteeokbleo ileD PJTCIIED DALL brUi:: Conmpany i lu BR BARD M CH D BÀ L vllag 01waucnda In he ounty of Lake sud State of Illinois, on the 'Dovey' Lutter Lies at Home rIjLxteenib day of IMay, A. f1).191 4 as E in What Is Regarded as a PZgvna - m.e- ; , or $Io Critical Condition. the PurPOse of convldering the questions aifshandonlng the rorporate enta 0is IBR MAY HAVE SKULL FRACTURE orneigtecatr r is sud ER corporete naine sud diplilng the s@&d PhYsician SaYs Real Condition corporation Waeonds Lamiber &nBi WiII Not Be Known PositiVe e l Camplàyt:h o!id ome rti 11L IY for a Few Days. tewarptalestc 0 a d orporaton Li - Waukegau, tune 1. following reoolution wuo unaniiunsy Grover (Devey) Lutter, tris crack adoptoti: BrtbimnfrMCressùhe Whoroe, Wenconda Lumber and Fuel bneaebali teain, was eerlouBsiy inJured (lompSUansha ceaserd Le do or transatt utile ou emortel day wben he w,,irstruck buesinoo f suy haraeter. sud bas rio -)Mt, ph Ou the head by a Pitchefi bail He ws a oste ot uy chareter uow 0on baud O removed te his borne aud t'laced 'u.bOloung9to It, der the cere of a p)hyslcian. Dr. And Whereee, eaoitl ît01at Gonpey ho e atenlnghlm deciar- debta of aid Conrpauy bav-e bt-o uliiy P e.l that tt wtIi l Irnpessîb!e te tell pald end the corportt iebittie. tbereet foranoherdayortwomothuwse- comPletelly dlocherged, and the rOrporele 100s hi. InJuries reaîîy are. all-itsand Property heretotore beiongiug The accident tok place rl, rtc ftit to the @ame heve e bsdlstrrtuted Vart Of the gaine. Lutter aiiered the Oruong the Persons entlîled thereto. lrat two Pltched bâilla te go bv. The Nov Thorefore, B@ 15 resoiced that the. DL third hall camne streigbt at uIbisîead Bald Waneonde Lumb.r and Fuel Com- wlth buliet-Ithe spleed. Ilie lred le P-- e corpration, hoeand the saule le get out of the way or iL but thi' hall hereby diso ae n d the Prealdent o!ci R came se fest there was caL *î'ce r sard t'Orporatil)îî il' her.'hY suttîorind He tbrew up bis bat as ifirrrdm,,(,off tri ens..- a compiete record ot ail ot the the bail. fl't..-ttst it-,l itti,,resî.-ct t'ei-li.-t Tetetihoue Tht- utsetcoud lucre o att a sîrtri' 1 l' i.e . ,rn affittavît andtIatrt.d l'y crack that u',plairn,,audtr1e1 1 . ireh, rta3otîl -,, rattiler ery part of tht- groiuda,. Tt-oajor aii ecretar',,sigirr n lty tbought tht- bal hcd strrrck th,' crliorate triail fvaîd ttrioi-atit)n, lto bat . Tht-y bt-camne corsjntecdof îr'jri, ij-d fotr reicirtint te oftice lt! the miatake boss tver irheu t-a sari LtrtReoirder oci iteds rrl Lake lttuti-, t-r sink In tht- gronr. lit-e as ta . liiiti, it bieîg filete r îrty aber.- the tl te a siraîyls iace it it'rt- t :irs prncipr ail fire-orftain eorpoîration ie tbonght hi'Roulrîd hbctitiric'i' in 1c'ated. Ifttie wie. The onoui-nt- dritledi Aud i t lFurirer R-,jedthat maid tIc t tht- test ti i f 10do aioui tc tri Preetd Si t carii.- tà notice cit ut-ie rri u- halte tht- Injurt-d crac tira ptir Sîr 1 itirtrioftsau id Watronda Lurîîber anti Fuel Tire iai j radtri rck h ici ciraret n I 'trina ay tii i.- otitoited rtr tuîree tht- templet-ancrIlit' tartc'ri t0 j)j"f i ssi'N c«ak i n lt@e I.akt- lounty tronc tihe tose aM etarA. iti(etetariri \1,aukegau V.eeIy An aiîtomohite o as trresst'd jute Siul,a 'a e sinaîrer priitted and! puhiished sert Il e and the' i n t-n inu ia, ithe .villtage cil Il ferry cii e. inthe piacei ftlil. t r triity rît Lake and State oft lii.i, "Noer mjud ans sîreed laieago aui i ttjin titre-e wmotite trîti titis date as fttitiasYen Cart anci dont stol) for cause sari Jrecord sforeeaid, beariug ans thing. l'Il at-t that vou dcnut geL tht-rt-oute certIicete of iecoreling tnto auy tronuble." t oimjssioct'r AtUaxeuted t'y Lb.- Recorder oft Ibedsofîr lt-rhcry n uito aa-a( iltut'acoi, inorrîî. caILaie l'îîrîîr, ta hti lied lin ýtiethfce cd A-i l1 ifitdberg, or, trcsadîd urîr of the- Seeretary cn' State. et tiecrachine.'tdnrpteri t'y t-ate epresenting aii ot i.inrtg-.did as reciirt'd amti tht-bile apital tot'k of sarîl corporation. carra rî t the Indiantaprolisapt'edi.av And Notice is Further Hei-eby (itren iîouid iau e had 10 go au nie te break that a eoniplt-te record ofalil tht- prot- tlit record re rmaie In iis ract'r. Lt-sus ceedirîgs et mail meeting.,eignecd by thre tîrnu a mrinuite tla irsEr! item thet- iý Prcsident tif the- Corporation, verified the start was nilde to fit- Lime fltter by hi. emocu affidavrt aund attester! hy N, 2s taicetn ltotic. Uouriey 's oMfce. tht- tfecretar.v (tif eiCJorporation utLer lie wasagîven emporary treahurent the- ses! ut saitisecretery and thre tht-rt-and mas advised te go ho tht- t'trporate ceai et enidticorporation. La» bespital. Lutter bout-ver, îreterred been duiy recocded iu tht- lecorderes Io he aken 1o is homneoffice ot Lake Countv. Illiinois. a. requrd An exemrati-n sbowed that h.- by law. lirad sstnoild a teinporary cocu- atoti tue qlst day et June, A. Lb. 1914. clou et the brila ud a lecalîzeti pros- SY~LVESTER L. TIIPP. Preidient, srure-en the- Hri. -is ht-ad was packi- Wid. A. SCHNEIDER, Secietary, td In tçe ail nigbt. Stîuday urnîng 0of% suconda Luniber anti Fuel Company. Dr. Geuriey saiti he oas convinced ittîrPOrate St-ai.) -June 5- 12-19> tht-ce sas neood cdot ou the bralu, and he flticuch ert.ocraged ever Staleetf llinois, Couuty e fLake,a: tht- yoîrng mac's condition. Ho bas Circuit C'oui-t et Laite County,.Oc- preacniired arso'fte quiet toc a fem toher Teri,. A. D. 1914. da3s sud no ont- la aijNedtc to st-o James Jensert va Ida Jensen. In th- patent. Tht- phr sinoansys lic1 . Chancery. ýNo. 6781. Lrtler'c condition is se much lmn- Tht- requisIle sftdevlh havIt-g bien iror (lt-ît he i is Nruioîretul toc Blled tn the office of tire Cler'u et oaid hs rt-toit-rt ailheugh ýie lt-lt sorte Court, notice fita trefere bereby glv- riouhts on that score 'hortly afLer t-n te tht- satd Ida Jensen, deteudant tht- accident. as atoresaId Ihat the ahcs-e uarnd B5EN IM, MILLER,. Attornae ADJiUDICATION NOTICE. Puilir iCùinCe oiri-eret->' eteu tiraILire tuh- - rutrer A.tuairr,trairix aifLire Ftat.- of Hermrt H. Hoiriru-.di,aod. oit attend Lire County Court of tLaire t" aIa tmn.tarreoftcir ie iroiden aI tire ni, cruSHo-,oein Wauireos n usaid tntunty, onthrie trot Mondai tof Joli' ucît. rat4. Îlien aod iviere9a11 pourons rvnui claume agauitr tod Reate are nofetiti anti rqenieted tnpente the csaule ro sait> Court foi- AMELIA abOLTE, Ad.inistratrîx, warireea111 ii dat 18. 1914 c mat-21,29 Jane t BEN iM. MILLER. Atseney, ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Puie lcNotice Is beietc lven Liat tireSoir- entier Ex.eutrx of the Lagt viii snd Testa- inenit etftran F. ttentbslcr. dceed. mID attend tire Conty Cotaof Late Counti', ai a teruniteento totbe iroît>c at the Court Bouse tut Waokeglurai ai>Counti', os th i S outay of Juyouilnea19tOt. sircu Suit> strcan) t-rson. baving enaIn. agatust sait> etateaSes notifiet> and requstedt> lupreseut lire saine so sait> Cort toradjud>iatton. ANGtELtENA C, EITZENTHALER. Executrix Waliegan. il)., MayIl i. 1914. r-My 29June 15 TO ALL WBOM IT MAI CONCERN:- Notice is herehy given thot the undon. signed, exct-etos undor the lest viii anti testantent of Belen Phelp@, deceamd. late oftheb. Connty of Lake sud State of hIlinois, wii sfpily te tire Couuty Court et @&id Cîuuty et Lake anti State ot Ilininus, ai the next JUiy tei-un therot, to e ticiegun andtieht-d on tire fi-st Mondey oft the mnun nttirof Juli-, A. D. 11.14, foc au ocîer tu secci or comnpouud certain st-curutret.in soir! tttl, Whon anti miere eil lt-rsotasin)t.-rpted îtiy appten anti show uaute. i any they bave, why such orrier shjuin! nt he matie. 1iated t ue 23rti day of M.ay A. D. 1914. lianritiLt-e anti Howard T. Mason, Excittare under thre iast aili anti tegta- ruent tnt lit-ltn Phelpo. deceaged. C-36i 2 Compiainant herelotore filed] bis BI] et Compisint ln sasld Court, ou thre Cbancery aide thoreot. andti hat a Bunamons tht-coupon lssued out of aiti Court egetuot tht- above namted dot on- dent, retthrrnsble ou h tire rt day of thet-ht-cmof -the Circuit Court o! Lake County. ta o bt-id ahettthe Court House In Watrkegau ln uld Lake County. on tbo tiret Monday of Ochoher A. D. 1914, os ta by 1ev reqnired, sud which suit 18 tssi! pouding. LEWIS O. BROCKWAY. Clerk. Wankegsrr. Ill.. May 2ffl, A. D. 1914. Ashbol V. Smith,. Coniplinanti Bo- Ilicior. Wkly )Mey 22 29 June 5 12 ADJUDICATION NOTICE. public Notice la ei-ct*Iu ntest tire fub- scruter Executor or thre ratL vin ant> Tettaint oi Auguwt Pielsita, deccaael. mili steird the cOunli court ni Laie Oouny. a a terini tireon to te orde,, St tire Court Bouse tut Wsakegsn n u ait> <onnâty ounthec rst Mody of AugruraIDcxt. 1914.,sires sud shere aIr Persons hnaecitinsatalngt sai sitate are notIitet> Snt>reujuestedt> o ureoieut liresine to sait>Court for sdiudlcatton. QUININE WElONER. Executor waukeiuo. Illi. ilay 25. 1914 c-Iday 29Ju5-12t BEN M. MILLER,. Attorney ADJUDICATION NOTICE. 'iilije Notie Is berebrv elven Ibhat te ibt .rber Executices ofthe lestvilant>Te.tamuent ofairce F. Wells,, teeeséed. wiii attend the Coîti Court of Lake Counîr, at a tocterrot te t-e boîtierai thc Court lRougecin varikegan. in esîi Corriti-.on ttire st Piout>sy of Asust iteot. 1914, when anti shere al verons bavnne craints at-ainsi sait> estate are notiiet ilt ctq-t, steii ru Preseot tire sait-et aid t'ourt for atllut>tatlon. LILLIE F. t-5tltLET, i ANNA F PhJOTE - F.ecutnieo DORA M.vELLS , - Wao set-an. HL .May .1914. Mayas unse 512 Independont reader? BE ONE. Officé ln Kis,,.er rTYVILLE, . ILLINOO. 34ANNW. COLDY. Atterui.y..îLaw to Loeon Good Approved RSl Rote. flic. lnsTrlggs Building. TYVILLE, ILLINOIb. LYHLL K MORRI ArITAT.-LAW Abailll. NI; e me 152-R. M, P.hase W IArM Il C. DcXSR 4TTOUUET.AT.LAIW . >pp. ifita et. Eis.flrweum, Uone 848 84s. Pbo* xquaf Mil CHICAGO. ILKIIb PAUL MAC GUPFM., ATTORNEY AT LAW. iLlbert"uo. lîlluota pUONg 88 O, . F. BUTTRRL, iTANT sTÀTU VITZMAU. Ltbortyvlle. IlIluoti. m4- i better Pi-ce-d tirh My ebpense . ever le du vour vork, J. M. Graves AUCTIONEER 144 Elmwooj Ave., waulioga, Illinol Se. nme beforo uualing your date 3-t OR. E. V. SMITHI - GENERAL PRACTICE d.- M rrto 1 0 . M. 2 to 4an ,d tr C Office ove, R&Y Purnhrure store. SPIICIAL ATTEKNTION< TO TEE EYE LIBERTVVILLE. ILLINOIS DR. 1. L TAYLOR Office in Firat National Banke Butilding aouao:-1 to 3:,*9 $ad&udo . lBeeideu,e 'n Broadway, opposite park DR. GOLDING DENTIST Bourgs8tu 12 a.m.-1 to 5 P.. Over Firet National Bank office Phone 19-J. lies. Phone 1574. Ltbertvlle. llinois DR. A. H CHURCHILL Physician and Surgeoni Office 0,cr Oecker & Bond'& Drut Store EOurs,&to 10A. M. Ito 3.7toSaP. Spectal attention to Eye. Ear. Noae sud Thmns, GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Libertyville. - - -' . tlkIW DR, ELIl SUITH. DENTIST. 3VER Là" oa'~JAtUA AE ovni-8 tc12 Oe. nM. eMd 1toip DAILY. lAberyvtlo lihkole PUOLIC AUCTIONEERING Clomst attention plaid tua ersngia auctiriri alc-b and beot reoulte lIn i lng parn. Ai! kînde of hors.., vegoo ad bernes. fur sae or elehafga eh ait timu. HENRY SINE Phono. 148 or 48 MON CITY, MI. J. L. REDDING, IS ..M. VETERINARY SURGEON4 Croduste Chicago Vo. Collage Offce et Ruclese..779 Gr&"~ Ave. Phone 1130-W. - DR. VICTOR C. HOEFUB OSTEOPATIC PIOY8ICIAN 215 MedIson St. Wai**gM K11 Ozce Bours, 9-12A. IL; 1-4 PIL; 74 P.N~ giudayo b7 Aopuhiasut Omlg Telophome »L Talkin acinsa cab- French. Gorman. Itfale,and Spanish Language Ouflîn Whenu ynu Wat a machins or record. eau nsl- WtnxuaOI& 0BW or cenira!lNSM. JA~iMS LI YONS 25 West àk te . blchismi. A N NOtV N 1E'ME2S 17 OSTEoeTMC IWllbe ait Mm, C. S. N.oo -M Orhd a I. LUbutyvl.M ui&...Mdibd, aftuoo«s Md eoow4 LADIES MATS OF ANY KIS. Detal of Wholese oPrice", Rabol i ng, Bleciug, Dyeilu& or Paali rHats; Agit for Catalogue and PlOs CHICAGO HAT MANUFACTUReb & BLEÂCIIING COMPÂNT, 12 Wou<kb Michigan Ave., Word Bldg., Cbleagis. Independent: Mort readers thfiu county wveies corabined te ake theni to tht- office of some justice a heu they aiight front a train. 1 understand the Justices îray $1 eacb for sncb evh This la rather ornai! pay in my opintior-." 'Rev. Buerger added that he ta of the opinion that minstera ht-ce wouid get many more marriages were it net for tht- 'sstein" perfected by cer- sum,,. w0 large r parts. ranency uiured. ,111 tae orpen- d that endow- reaus of ihat the rl, evoir ad stat- Ible the Son Oc- ire tund 3uy id cotmpltet nini. frne of I Malte our .el nan ICIAN INOIS ,anite Every IL n L t d q