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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Jun 1914, p. 9

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LA,E COUNTY WAUKEUANv- WEE~KLY SUN 4 - L -v J£Jum . 'W M" .1-i ù 94 o lapé 15 hb cooti fPillowing ln the lont CfIndctaients retu rned by the si)aclal grand jury wblch coinPleted Ils work aud tub- mitteil Ils r6iport Tuesday aflernon SUNDAY CLOSING For vlolating Uic Sunda,' loslug John Wallente ad Thon. Wallen- Aiidrew Pucluad John Nadru. EdWard Kelîci' ad Bert Tulli'. John Deec. Peter Wembeî and Wm. wcinbe., John Saduski anl Ben Machhids. J-e Dcklewicz amd Val Uluilti. Walter Kiause andl tephen Kraue. John Goehrlnzer and Edwai.i Lux. Josaplilai-chut. Andie Kpiko, Charles Garossewcz ad Kilvard lAbLlowBky. John Flanigan ad Andrpw Dompj. CO. Ignstz StOlars<I and Aadrew fldem atsby. Sbedien Kovaco. John Janas ail Anton Pabelluaki,. John Kozlil ad Job,', Penlqwgki_ 30s0 armah Mdil Pîtbeir.olCrý- Oemrlas Packowski. BLIND PIG C-4ARGES Por sellng lîquor with6iut a leue Ed vir l SPelhuan. Fi-aub Stupai'. Ilirgaret PFavell and Tiodora Fa- velli. John Bartiett. RilvanilKelly. Christ Boi'arbov andl Christ lBoi' afboy. Jr. Fred Brown. Hferbert Sor.-nsou and Peter Soi-eu. son. Chailes Ci-oss. Nasbhtu Hook and Arthur Hbobk. John Murray'. Chailes McLaren.. IN DRY TERRITORy For selIing liquor inla lcs! option territori': Christ BoYamchov ànrCrll Boy- sebow. Jr. Fi-cil FinilIl. 4QNSÇJENC E LS NOW EASY INMND -iberyvifle Wdmu a n dsDl lar Baok to W tea e partment Soe IS F OR 'STOLEN ARTICLES.' There's an honest diuhouesî voman ta Ubertyvllie, vho. hecause of ber bonesly vli flot be ravealcil. Accordlng lu a leiper vhlcb ahe Maliel the Globe depai-Iment store of Waukcgau. nome ime mgoishe "IlIteld' »ome articles lu Ibe store whlle shop- ping andl %ho "neglacleil to pay for tbem." flac. that ima her conscience han bothereil bera l lIe tume and s0 1lierafore, l i-Ici lu ca ese l. shbcean- closcil i dollar bui, vhlch bc states. covered Uic articleashebchmd taken. Slha saitdber mmnd hadt ual beau rilbt with Goil since sa b ob Uice articles without payring for Mhnm and nov ste fait uc coulil rest ln peace sceing Ibat pMe bailrernuncratei Uie store foi tliem. The Globe mianagement vili pie- serve the dollar bilI vlth basa latarest for aucb occurri-cecs arc umîber un- usual. THE LETTES The letîci follows: To tha manager of Uia Globe I obk a few tIblgs rom youi store that dili Dot bloug tei me a long limea go, but 1 have givan mi' bemit 10 GuI andl am seudiug the monci' te pai' you n please forgive me andl Ccd e'lll blasu you. 1 remain in the Mss- bar'a service, Yours truli', M. B. VOLO WOMEN PAT THE COSTS IN TU FAMOUS ACTION Arthur Bcbm. Fie- -Smihmail El- i ward Wauavr. Four of<helie ve Vola vomen CON- James Brown. victeil ef rldlng Mns. Jobn Richardshon Herbiert Bei-enson andl Pter Soi-eu. Ou Uic rmil lash aIl, ou Weducsdmy son. Junc lad, cama lu Waubcgau qulahli' John Cai-gil. ad slIPPig UP t10tha clurt bouae, Johl% MDener. -palilthlmCcuinta he famous ceue. ililva-ilKll'ald Sert Tulli'. The conte cf th. Olthh vera pair hi' a Bdvard Dole ildiHenry Doi'le. Waukagau relative. 041ES CHARGES Il 05cent euhcf Uiem $28.11. IArc.PY (Wore .Kepl, Fank It is recalle theUicnSes of $100 cech La-en, r -GeOrga Kel F-mai enere -îted bhi'Juilge Donnalîci' coebarmal diév Kc '"i5 mem lma Mo0 uPon iaquetcf state-s Icen Pee adJoeAttorupi' Da1'. Lmcu-aboPrs Ti. vne omnnvho var. oblîged la Bugaryan arem - Rhetpai' 28.'11 for Iheir <un ou thal me- Hbuiri'ldLacn'- oetmorahie fanl cVcang Were: Lticteny-flan Purceell. -2 Cait."' Emma Stad<eldl. fa.i'ni-Ailam Raîzevie -2counts Mns. AJa Rad.d Rehbeiy-i-Bteny Bomayajul. MMsACnri. Bibld Incet-Johr' Wilisou mand Jeun-Mr&.Camaleo ntte Templile. I Mfr». lba alilIe olol b AMari 't Jtn t CllJ action, Ibi lail lbthevomen ewlleil,- Mai-lIn. Ored bhi' ersuasion, tu Indue Otite', T e 1NO TRUE BILLS Attorn i' Dadi' 10 eut dov0 Imth ef, Thjrand jurY faileil te lndlch ain Ic hecase allove e ho0ocead th. fol;oviug cases: vhch goes tle c al', .aumnuh Laieni'-Atbert Thielke.inIllbicaaa 18Mn.-il Lacen,-Jcrme Matt'son. ln " cla thecase ute$. ICr*D LarccuY-Nicholas Obboiue. As regards the vituesa fas0<Ih Lai'enyTheo. Vogal. mnofiuses ltaudi tea --CASES ARE DOdfKETrED ail but t-vo vltaass did sot put lu Alil the"acassasvers Ioc'ceted Tuies. dii' afteriV,uj,. Xcasas viare pî V51W4EPg bs. ALIOSTFATAL TO A Mms Andrew Hurtie et Grays- lake Has Close-Escape in Unusual Accident. ýPOINTS OUT THE DANGER. Farmç.r Weman, Had She Been Warlng Mae Attire, Would Net Have Been Hurt. Th. iccidenu aMn. Aundrev Hur- tlIc of Grayalake Moulai' manning vIsera lu she vas burt.whiie driving a tearniou a pulvarixen lu the fieldl of bth rTUe farm, vas a most un- usui len Ëdilthal thc yomnan escap- cd -heng graund la death benealh the sharp kni.fe-ilke bla4es vblcb are usel haeu cu pplaveil graunul.seenis Uirs. burtie lîke rnsny otiter farm- ai womcu wbo vork about theur, Places. wore a dresa wblle engaged ln thc wo;k Of pulverlzing the land. It wms ber dress which caught in the machinai-Y o? the machine an the hormssvent forward at their stcady guI. Aus he feit hersait draglged down to the revolvlug knlves, she cali. cd with ail ber migbt: "Wboo4" but the animais bcpt golng an'd that ls hnw sha vas drawu onto ic wheels ln sucb a vai' that'bar leg vas badlli cul. the gash golng clear to the boue. Hera vas a case somctbing Mîe the coru-abrediler accidents, wbere a garmeul was almomt the meaus of causlng ber hu lame a limb. liai' exparJauce sbould leach farinert "fmen the lesson, Ibat, if woIrkng about machlnery, they sbould forgo modasty andl don male attire, for, by no dolug, thcv mnay avolil a fatallly or at least a bail accident. The chanc-k es are she wouid not have met with sucb an ccident bail Bbc worn a rnarýs suit lusteail of a dress. tAXE COUNTY 15 ONE OF FIRST T 9ECMRESTATE AID State Hghway Commissioner Makes Report Showing Pro- gress Made in County. ýRUSSELL IS DELIGHTED. According tx) a report jusI givem nul yhieicIllinois State ligivai' Commisionar coucîderable progi-es ls belug made In the effort lu lm- prove public igiiways ail over Uic Laie Ceunti' isaonc of the conues lu whicb surveya bava bean complet- cd. and plans, profiles ad estimtes a-c hi course of preparation. This nkal a li 111e lime vilI ha t ln beginulng the actual vork of gix- logi;btis counti' the beneft cf state îld. Amoug the other conutes la tbe sama clan vilhh Labe mre: hi-o. quotm, Dekalh, Kana, Ogla. Cage, AdIme Scott Stevenson, Wbailforil, Clark, Dupago, Schuylei-, Boone, Champalgu, Edlgar,. Starkb, Cook, ILadalle, Lac, Her, Cari-oll, Maishal, ' Manard, Lavrence andil Cay. la Ibeme conn- ies. lucludlug Lake counti', seveuti'- i'Iue miles of road are la ha lIPprav- cd. A large proportion ofthUi m- -Provement vlU taire place ln Ibis canal'. The pla to pava with concreaothe Lakc Villa roamI mreadi' ha beau de- clcil upou andi the assistant stale engineai bas teau over the ground vith Charles Ruîssell, auperintendeut of goo ruamds in Lake Cauuty. The stale afftal appraveil tbe plansad lb vis nnouned Ibat n hue vou» ba losI la sBeeing bbc workUar-lad. . If Ibis la doue ah once asnh I.la - lieved vili be the case, Lakte couli' vilI b. oue of thea xci i rsI coaues ln the taa vhich il have constract- ed a stiho aid!i-onil. The road ln question i. about Ibi-co miles long. Tberc are unlar cousîdaration plans of uslig convict labor 1%no mornf the coanlis as it la figuraI Ibis e'lll mia- tertalli' Icri-ase the coul of con- atrùtilion. This plan may lue tollow- ed lu Laie Counti'. Mr. Russelll a pleasud t10 ibluItthat such progres le blug made vlth iegapd ho 'tbe aame aid ruails la Laie cotant>'. REC'EPIONý FOR LOCAL COUPLEAT GIRNEE SUN. cuda>' siternoon at the home of Mr'. and MiS. l. W. Ormsaby at Gui'. ue. a rece"tlon wam held for therr daughter, Véith, who was a sibed last Tlaurailaytl Mr. william Siegel of Wàukegan. There were 45 iwesent. Thome preiéaI rom Waukegan were: NIr. and lirs. A. F. ('ashmore. Mr. and Ma-. JaMbes CaBimore and f<aillir. Mr. ad Mmr. Williain Cashmore Jr. and famlly, Mr. ad Nirs. H. C. Bread- bear, Mr.ad 'Mrs. John Lonyg m nd farnily, Mr.ad Mrs. George Long and faauiiy, Mr. andl Mris. H. Siegel and fai-, Ig. and N rs. Thornberge, Mise Ulliau uafaon. Those rom Chicago were Mr. and Mr@. J. a. Campbell *ad Mr-. Ray ,Campbell. Thoge frombuince wpre: mrs. Your«, Isou aulidaught.r M>ré. lana Ormsby. The bride ad groomi recelved mini' beautiful presents. MOST UNUSUAL OC- CURM3CE AT FUN* Methodist Minister, Catholic Priest and Masonio Order 4 Alil tlcipated. RARELY, EVER HAPPENS. Stores in Antioch Closed Dur- ing Funeral to Honor fem- ory of Young Ma So higbly vas Bei-t rverton of An- tiocb regardeil hy the people of the village Ibat, ou Monday aflernoon dur- ng is funerall, the stores ay, . i fact, ail 'buiness Places, loseil lu show respect.LMe vas village clcrk of the corporatIon andil adil lveilIbera mani' years, bing Most bighly re- gai-led hi1, bis<-ends vho attesteil their esteern hi'aelung hlm lu the AnclkhipMTo fa als oo plhace lu Ar.lOch Mnay iltainoknd that o of- Oxwarton ah onu 'lock aul ihat uto EdWalndheilu, helaSadrsn vho e lu tshelage. ThWe lathe fucncinerla a I tvotheoclocb.o lurcaueton dveUi bc ueal otwa Mhr Overton il donelof te IBat lnva chaiacrie by on.g0faUic foa n uMual oîtniee Iagiathle foiesm aMedtheIlsonînîster iHCtolc p-let aln the Masouin rarsllokpr luThe cereoi'.mU9â Rv tx nid preached the service at tbe home, the priesl, the Rex. Foîher Lynch of- order bail general supervision or ther cuti-a tuneral service. ILt edoubîfu, If sncb a coincilcuce evor occurred belore, certainli' flve for se.in Ibis counti. 1'. vas a case hovever 'whcre an,> rellupc différences Ibat iuigbb have exsted -were forgolten lu' a common soi-novad a iesite b ien- der a lasI trîhute to i ycung man wbo vas baloved bhi'ail. Mr-. Ovarlon droppeild de ver sud- denli' last Salurdai' Morag juil at- ter, bebail arisen tram bcd. About a 7mai- mgo Mr-. Overton vas ilcicilnl tb. bond by a hors. LiNd tbisIso1be- Iliveil lu have bad ousit u g 0do vItI hie damîse alîhouaib. ehail nex- ei- cornPlalued vr' Ululi ofthe lu- SAYS lIER HV IiS4D TIIRATIILF WILL COUNTY OR jff Y AYBILLS ISM*LLPOX CASE Officiis Of Both the City and the County Deciare It Is up to the Other. PATIENT IS QUARANTINED. Placed in Tent on Lake Shore -Atterbery Says Dady Au- thorized the Action. Wh Waukegan, June el Who18Btu, Day for the care of Clar emce Helsar, ageil 24, who NMonday walked Int the office orf Dr. M. Ilerschleder declaring that he feared he had the smail Pox and which la- ter proved to be the cage after the iphysician liad niadea diagnosis of the man»s condttlor%? Monday cvening thc man was tek- en to an tmProvised peat bouse aI the point near where the olil pest house stood. Ci tY ofliciais daclared last nlgbt that thay arceflot to Pe made t0 beâr th e xpauesf kecpIng the man, county officiais dccire lbaf Il la flot a case for them t10look if. ter. Monday night Commissiouer Carl Atterbary heail or thiedepart. ment of Public health aud mat h io bad been çailed la by Dr. 1-erichle- der as Bonn as It wasancertalnad thal the -an was a mufferer <rom Uic dread digsee, statel that, acting on1 the advice of Stalc's Attorney Relph J . D a d , h e h a d s n h e m n 10 "Iepoint" wllh the uuderstaudlng that the county would pay for the ex. Sa een ot eug hlmcae th"e.atin alng asfounIo 10 cedfo be patin. ase logas h mIss oi-ede a con lhtIneil ud he u omthssou yecare Qa imI Pauldhrtupg thIecmunli' b psy lm. Pale hor nt he a ic Iho thue an an 1arego int mi.laevU Mae manauscare foisum. Mîdy Caume Borne isputeWe Mohe countdBti' o offlii decthe the corîy bil notliit lea dolbUic thactFrthis reason Ildispute zbt theîtlg oree aithemoineldspou: ther lient stele tand bcblashlil Uic counti' tak e Uclsand tas tie imiti haistywY ofCIadflr that bcasnes ba ai's cy aroeno reapoerb ase anoud hhcy andl spe. no iroubii' l he lflott bailethe man esent tro e the c t hat Uic feean cama mb the dli tofhvbis vu fe yl nd vas foend teasehavt e ba sufferg frm tee dasatelre ailbenoereafo sovnrl dys seeclareil 10 be norica- son wby b orbc dli' s of ha tic ho ete<o h xpueo tahn hlm.Pecuto Dr.klier i-acde tiondyngtu Di-. lasthePaient bdMondi'nibtasf soon, sa Ie ptuien aiatIthi.plof- andce stantailautumigahe be plce band eveni' rctoneck whah<eu os slity Ibthrc la frche whae Do sprblîlti' th e iti- Ib dIs pes. 1 soapredae the dli havai-mel per- sosai-etdectiard bae teanex caose I ha the dscas vhe,, bbcma chr ameI nI0bb d litt officerbol Ibue is atinth e almetIadar of their alcbtheg Ibe aimecut povîdel thy alc thoffpiDr.erphlece anion b ecteil al these Parions as t10 vhît bhey shoulildolandu as sonms it vas p)ossible they careil for lbemselves. Thene vas considerable excibemenl caused ln bbc building on Wmmhlng. Inn streal 14 vbicb the docto-'m or. ficea are lacateil vheu lb vas learuai that there vas a case ofammi Vox there aud mani' oft Ues vho hava businesses Ihere lotI until the man Wiubeaau, Juuc 2. le 11111e danger bovavar ot th. dis. Chrging thal her huabail stiuck, cae ae radiug rom thea iort lime abumeil andl avore ah hur conlinualli', that Heuser vas thcre. MM. Katherîne Lînilannieer of Lake The case wiil be close!>' vatcheil Foi-est Iodai' Illel a bill for divorce andl as soon as Itlai.Pousiblaehoe11<1 agiinst ber busbanil, JORph Linilcu- the quaraullue' ou Uic Man ha yl mYer. They ver. lUetd lu Chi- piobabli' bc depored tram Uic cour- cage Oct. 25, 1894. Bbc mays ber bus-.hi'. band ol' canaril *$55 a'Meth iandl _________ Uial she vas obliged 10 tai. ln vasi- RECORDER,$ OFFICE. lng t0 help) support the 1<ami'. This sha voulil h ave donc chcerfully, sic Wcek eudtuz Mai' 30. 1914-Num. Mil, If ha bail not ibusal ber. Net ber of trust lacIsad mailgiges, 26; onu' bas be abuscil bar, Bbc al, but numnber iDt lustrumedl., other than hhad ahIreateneil ber lita. SBbc ayarust leals and morîgiges, 98; total mn Injonction tb ismlsaju hlm fi-cii umber of Instrumentesi'ccorcicd, 119; ai $5,000 hi t upon gbiob thera le au tncumbrauce of $2,9WOandi also "aisLRMe5 I 1Wo tbat ha leave bar ad Uichchilien 'TOU 5"Y br lo9»maAisbave prou alone Sheasksriesefromln bara« t10o elbrtr alue. he sksa divoree, the cul- TY.; aï i jilteil a liee.mua aem bol>' of han chili-enad IlImoni'1t. gotmakm ou a huilile."-Jaftg., hclp l hinar support.à ItAEOBJECTION iO 'r About 20 Who obJected to having Judgment entereil for delinquent taxes ippemrad ln County court before Juilge Persons this morning, ready to make rguments, The hearlng will take place on' Tburpday, F'riday and Tues- day of next. week. The tate's attor- neY had appaared bafore the county Juâgean la keil that judzment be en- tered. The objactors corne from dit- ferent parts of the county. PRIS0NIR T Tu COUI YJAILED SUDDENLY IN CELL Had Bee n Sufferer of Delirium Tremens and This 18 BlanMed for His Death. COMMITTED ON MONDAY. Three Hours Aller Being Plac- ed in Jail He Had Died- Doctor Came Too Late. John Johuson, a man Who had 90 m e litJ o uetl u Id viilnahoe il lnjtbe tN b WW ! more uIl lie îci lua èlIii th trning on the gsu l the incm4 county Jlau about six O'Clock Mondai' is hme Wh,,. 1w4evm î~ ig t, J u st t h r e h u rs a l e r b e IIIg e t a m e e t n g t i c A l d S o W u ,. t y e t h j l1 ir- rce r ae d . H ie d c îl h la a ttrib u t . coh ueîd 'S o ieyht. ai to delirium tremens. Mi r sIitcp t uçdeWl Johnson la knoovu tahave een avu beavi' drinker for nore ltîe lime mide ln Februari' last hen »iuk a il Iis w a s otlt eUi O t lim e ha bd ch lorofo n 1 a d w s mve i ny f lea Ibseau ent 'to the county ja l o e Dr. Taylor ba dl or e il 12 hous ce '% g ven tIme to "sober up." The North him h eu Mrj. W IlllM ms e B ('icago Police ad becu havng con- ln after dso ering hier hMu 4 w i. s d e r a b le t r o u b le v t b im . le a il e r c il u p i t h q u ilta a d u e>p d ecu àrresteil ou a drunkennais as a reult ofthei fumes of the ilhuq, charge sever l im es and a il be cu 111 e llb hich over took qs warned that if he as arested g ai - t F il bioight on i nervou I f be would be given à sentence lu tic dov ad Uim* subeaquantly rassisE. countyli. lu a Constantad grovlg 9M i « Johnson vas Pickci Upon M.oudiy. bis minil vas ta o te teil yoMýu but showed no Indication of delirium antI>'. Ha freisutly »W » bp oi tremere. Chiaf of Police John Roack. rallr iae d. Ib go hissas. Ibila j lenvalil of North Chicago brouglit OU115 B wl ý et.slclM:I&v t.b«Mvbu hlm te, Waukcgan il uhree O'eloek due 1goa lic hosmustalasi Monday atcriioonad turnedbhlm Eutt gaverail Yfe a. go lhiaiM*" wt. over tb he be hrliffta ha lkei Up inaccdent vhan bis apine vas twp Uic Counli' joil. Rev. Mr. Whlppl.ew 0ofbUs mUO, About abour Inter Johnson axhlb- ou$ stata laut FUi miimeoMpj"-, Ied signs of sickusanld Dr. Bine'.bhlm ta Mercy hoSpitiL Chlaokp.w" vis calleil. Ha gave thc fallow m"n, a X-l'iy Photogripli vastakis, se- mneiicine, ardhacseemeil ta gel bet- îloi n injuri' vhlch nowla boei.w ter. ho haveaiffected hlm men.Wlv ai Shorhly before six oclock a mmiii lhougb tha Phplicians Ibera St t rusheil rom the aberire reudeiicc wasfot ilai-ming. ad toid hlm a piouer had just dîmil lu h U i la. The h riffr hurrieii there The pivt Atte npt. ad founil Johnsou's huart stili wasIt vas In Fabruary wviiosw4ulmas batig. Hmsly ho ummped Dr* ho ad beau unable 10 r«su» hM Brown who madle a quitri bp 1 the Position of sblppibg clark eaIthe ~ Jail ta bis autoumobile but Uic fellow of the Amnerican Wire Foce "pr«~ vas ilead wbeu ho arriveil. Hia dis, tau Lberlyvilla, bacama dseqM caue la blevd 10 have eaeean d, whila bis vîfe as away, vtesLt -4as eart which hasteucil is deat. ie bdroom, ItUrated i h&ndbiig* eosoa la flotmarild ad so far wllh Chloroforun ad tho pfli& as known bas no relatives living la quilt over bis beadi. Meawvas « Ibis part of thea country. The Coron. @cloue viien hi. vite bapffle4 te au, er's Inquest, ItlaI.tboughIt vli be lui-n home.- Shte cilfle Dr. TUI'le hall laIetUit. atternoon or tonight. ad for 12 heure the man vms WO,»d Prisoners lu lbe Jail vare lbe fiat upon andl vap inaUy savuil. àlto» 10 dWaover Johnsou's Conditlom .They iltOi-.t l wa Iought hbsceqeisf made i commotion vhlch ithi-acteil ere sliht. the m ai l vho llu i-nm n otiti aI Uic P r n,,m es eve i- A gl e. saoriff. Willlams Uien pmised i@ bivi.b woulil neyer ain atri' 10 taie hlMe MAXE ANOTIR vhlc i.smid -wia snil aauip@bW he had bacome more despondeat Md' I~A IN6 t~Afeari ere eld that ho a ual ~ FORT ntrng i stae of molmifhod44"*b W. O. Wiliams et LibsttVOK Whiio Suffening Fromuin a onchoija ta Asphyxitd ONCE TRIED CHLOROFORW*,-- Wife ls at Aid MeetimA WhIb He Suooessfully Exetes Deternination te De.- Suffering tram melancholti $W iani' moubis foliowing a ne breakilovu, W. o. wlilllmsi g33 S a Weil novu ýyung man of Lbet>- villa wms succesasul in bis peeceil g te m plt il suic if e T u s il a i te m u» « Two Men Who Escaped Re. cently, at Liberty Again- Guard Went With Them. Han-' Pylci'. 21 Yea-s od, qnd 8E1- Schultz, 24 years al. tva privatecati Fort Sheridan, vbo aecmped six yackis ago veu thai' nucail a guard 10 de- s5ertan sunn avay wvth h Uem, but vbo Mis. WilUlanisdusireil te op te Ail fiocltys aligTesm' hushaudl eilber gel "aeê leftl hiizt spirite, te»# upon bar r-tuonabout '4:86 Ced thal barunufrtunats blgbesé l ceedail ln bis susosi ste, elle. She simeflitheua u» tracail hem tebc aU l - - Laid gciLpewu. Thers, lyhig «ou bb muai is the rmoms, ase Mua lb. U. I» bai- uisbang. Ha had osf ual bis end. Tsilmg st-bbis ai. bail placuil Ito onee l«d 0« lb@ i for a plIBe; ho ba" tate- qp,, kcybole 0f Uiceboa suE#p«MI1 viudov ahut til i. lStbUq 'ý ou he.u "d 1adiamna boys o bel. Hec bail basa dfsfl a~f bance bthe qltu ate t b'h out the pl a ilOneM b" lapai-led front the lieues. leaes a daughter ai pes bda ua Tie coroers juy while la a ste» t 1uIsSI.~ Ie>' vre seglg lu .cure vilimu'. clolblug, againa scapail rom Uthfoi-I ou Tueeaslafatarnoon. The>' succeedei lnlugetlg a-va>' Ihi lIme hyi' nîuctag theu- guard, a 19 yeaf aId boy nîmed Hale, la ruu awmy vltb lbam. The von of thetrescape vis sent 10 Wmuiagan Tuesila> aven- lng andl an effort vms mdc 1 appre- bad han. Cavaryncurom lbe fort searchal al nigbfor tlie misslug mon ad lb la al thal if liai' are recap. tur-ed Ibat thaY i'vlI nul he lven an opportuniti' la escape, as t-v oran bbr gu a r i s v I h i h o i t a i l l a îc l a t h g n . INDEPENDENT 1 h ti ç n h d ti d ti ti P, ý UMFJrIIYVILLR:.MLý,ý»rnAv loil lmdvrlm INA imm

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