On ' ON COUINT 7- A DEiNT,' -SIffl WAUIRrjffl-- VOL. XXII-NO. 38. TWICLVE PAGES LI~TVLE Ae OIINTY,>g" WLnAy, JUNE, 12, 1914. ONZ TO XIGET 81 5o PER YBÂR IN ADVAIiCJ 0~ ., A. R. STATE HEAD ls - IPPFAkLLOWS. Matton, PL.- joie £-i$e an. Isei TalliftWaof Chicaawvustata>' Iofddepartinant nmmender ei tleiliu"aG.- A, & ta succeeJ. drî àon or et ous.. Bluhdp ,Yak lova i o a mietitor for fhe ometc Wa WWihAM B. Wright of Ciicago, aight vitis a big heu given b>'tise Os of Vetearant. iMru. ines J, len- dfr et Decatur vas electetd dpant- ment presidoat et tise Wonso'a Ifs- net Corps. COIINT IN *'INYS WHtO IN -MI«CA' tenod lI, man>' ceasaand la aiborByo A.Dn Is heO y cases where defendanis vore repre-Byo A. un ste nl sentet b>' gounsel motion,; ta quasis Local Man Who Recoîves tise IndIctments wer made. lu thej Mention in Late Book. majenit>' or aRes Wh-. i iC.o f gui- t>' were entEredtht- stu'- askil tbe MANY IN LAKE FOREST. court suspend the 't'ltoslug or, fines until Inter wIen th,, cases wilî conerieOthers Are Scattered in Differ- up for trial, lu several Insances ent Parts of County-It Is the defeadant e werp n.rriandied ta the * osdrdaBgHnr custody et tise shériff ani la other In -_______aBi__ oor stances they vere .t,î Ite baO Tis e rglilli. enniai edilip a« John Murra>' o! iliq'sood -vastlie Wbos Whoaun Amenica. las just bera fret deteadant ta h, a.îraigned. lie lesned by A. N. Marquis ind Co. it urss charged witi sctlqg lîquon vitis- centaine 21,459 naines o! notables liv- eut a licente. lic pi"-îded guil'>' te îng Amertcans lnaail parts a! tise meven otflithe n Indictinents and thon world ishose position Or anlitev- md. apleaton cl"nîene7,, sayngiho mente mate isof et ioerai Inter- isad served In tise arre>' for a numben est. and gises a brief btûgraphiy of of yeara ard tisat uoir lîn:ei li1fe eacbh. t mentions the tollowtng tram lâi e leever heen cor.'ined tu a civie I ie-ot> or miltar>'jail. He i-aId lie la cene % 0-i- Pr îu . reldo)ýti tacher ]y' kopt an eccasionel casof beer tIn>FIT. Jitl ' !i%-Drlg Cen. lJtin lita plage In HIghwood and hat h H.Pae occaieaaiy gave is e niocoa dîimsî. liIGIOIL. ) P % fi - Paul 1 E.ledj'L but that ise made nc practîce et dis- mecbani--'l engIneer (hre u e positf;g of flt. Ho at ho lad a viteiem xgorernor; Peter S. #fxrusup, andtw te chltren tepondeut upoa hlm.e-ut * lez. C. Jip.y~ia Tise court uamored b>' thé plea sund, in efil. . ait lie vas Inclined te gise tise de. L AKE ulOREST-Artbur T. Aidis: fendant lise minimum fOne. 1 ftate's Attorney' Dat>' et once mn-1 J. Ogten Armour: Albert L. Baker; terposet an objecqton. He pointe eut 1 Clifford W. Brnes; W. H. Wray Liat tise naines of 17 vituesmes are Boyle; Clyde M. Carr; Hobart Ci, viltten on tise bacS o! tise indictinent! Chat field-Taylor; John M. Clapi>; agaiact thia defendant. Ho dent ed tho ele uvr enr .Bksr telleur lid simpi>' soid occasionail>', e v. Favo: Berand.e>Fei:Ckhas.t but sld he dit a vislpaje busin ;j o hnVsuvil tne Fe hn ln whisky' and beer. 8 Froat; John J. Halse>': E. A. Ham- "Wiy. ycur honor," lie gali.l'if yenI iii; Matin D. Hardii',; Marvin Huais- vere te fine hum merel>' $20 on eacis itt; Walter C. Larne; H. R. McC41- count ad place himin lal for ton lougis- Edward S. Moore; John S. ta>'., and b. vould lie able te rnîke1 - $W0 lu six menthea attror le as dia- Nolien; Henry S. Rabbins-: I. P. Runi miased fIL ouit place a preminm upon s e>; Delevan Sminti: feuiaeF.'.uifti; sncb action. i1isînt ta maSo this man, S. Thompson; P. C. L. Van Steender- atd ail ot.honmen iln Higisuot stop on. seling Ilquor, ent this cen lie'done liBERTYVII.LE - James IL. MiI- oni>' b>'lnflicttpýia a ei! punisisment" The court lIen farnd Murray' $60 and and; Edward S. Iteole>'; JOBepis M. coats on each efthCe ir8t six counts Pettersen. and on tise seventis caunt gave hlm a NORTH CH*'%Gi--Alli)ent 1ilc. sentence et 30 da>'e ln the count>' lau. RAVINIA-RaIPis F. Seymour. Ho Infanned hlm ho wonld have te WTAUKIIGA-N Bynon A. Dune. pi>' tise fine or stand comiittedt t IFCT-tbnG ela tise riunt>' luuntil ho dones pa>'. Ho - Y WlbrG.Vli toit tise man lie boped this vonît1 Prom the tonegoin lit it le een serve as a lessea hat ho cannet vie- that CAke Count>' bas a larger liât et latte thisaon an>' other leur vlthlm s-. notables *iss tise average person punit>'. I trust," attedthtie court, fsies. This le net tise iret turne that i-ou viii ho guilt>'of ne turtisertatisnieet n unetW - violation."ta h aeetM un fWu Munray' decimethat ail tise mono>' kegan, bas appeared in hia publica- ho ha e $ 256visicisho ba la tuhe ier. Ms. DengaIn thie distinction pocket. He aid Se vould have te largel' ChÈrougis is eff&ta as an an- dispose etflmbis ttie stre te ay 'tise her as ho bsm ritten man'ofethtie fine. Fsstierrnore. ho teciaret he veuld nover agate oeil tiquer la Migi- neat popular boy' -isok6e on fie mer- voot. Ho bilatneoisoudu»sud nw«vs lt. To have ones naineappear :n remanded te fise couaC>' jail tiis flot lis a distinct isoner. John Dener ot HaiS Di>' vas ta- Tise Albert Ros of Norths Chicago dited on a charge et sdlng itquor ta visage ain. ta mentionet does net anti-salon torrlter>' sndiaise fSr onil- lng liquor on Sîsada>'- He va. rere- nov rOSit. thore. He le fie man, a sentit b>' Attorneys Deane atdWelch. rear4dmirai eof the Dar>' he bâtdper- A motion ta quasis vas esteret la setgl supervision ofthtie buludlng et emeli case and DIffer vWureloae p the inival station. It la Bsite t) Ra on hle bond ef $W90ln each «», ho ter. are tev connUies ta tise state Ina signet b>' Thoma SneliUsg Tiese s motions te quasisthee tadietienta s fa cs01uta many notables ai ho amget next Tuesdey morning et 9 Laie c9unty. oclock. John CargliloS A laitelovain- dicted on a chargeje IOng E bqur On I anti-salon territôr>'. Ri a' sal. At- " torneys Deasi ait .Woich. ineette quasis fie taducfut. p M ie imotion viii ho argedIot uedrr monta9 o'ciock. Hia bond aio,#f o up aise signet b>' Tb*ois8s* MI*S Rin City', Jua. 8.-r"'Tbe Met dam- John Bartlot ftt U Ml townav- aille seros>', ise usat terrible péril, ship vas arraignet on a charge ot sei, thet bas evor ieen.toiet on hiaen Ing liquer viflout a license Attor- îty leCchristian 83eiemse,'" W. G. Voit- neys Deane and WeIcis jpte a motion Zin it'dlaeonSd>. te quasis. This viii b.s irgued Tues- va fZo et ecae n udy de>' monning et 9 o'ciocle. fic bond ef "A ChrstianOcaietiit la on thse 8500 waa signet ho Herman Allreolit trmigt road te heu isecanste Lho et AM&amiles God Almigity an Idiot snd Je- Anrew Pucin and John Mitre et1snChrs nipoo bu 0 Norths Cbicago eve ,arraunet On a buta&mpaor"Ae10 charge o! keeping their saonsmopen sen, vomen ant chIltren vise bave on Sunas>'.Tisestato noule Prossedt neer fttdmedicino ln an>' Serra the blaât saven couts ln nacis tndict- iadthfeur picturem talion yesterdoy. ment. Betiofethtie defendants plet- somai chiiron vere basrottfrous et gultt>. A supension et action uitisanater itrstae eas regard tu lmposlng fines vas askedhseng hr itrstlsieas and vii l. deterret ta ueXt veek. eif an men atheir lires hir par-- Peter ant William Wember o! Norths ent a a> have iven thein a spoon- Chicago vere arraignet on a charge fui et neticine. Voluva clained ut la ot selng liquer on Sunda>'. Tise> a crime 1.0n mothers te gtye tuir woe npoeestet b>'Attorn>'ey . hl V sld encanl é,cs Ornvise aouket for soins Information.citrehslsoniattsa- ~~ te roui and t esr veli kMnvn aril>' (contisuet os PageS ) nedicines. Twenitiflhme Résidents of An.- tioch Asksd This Privilege of the. Board Today. RAISE Wi. BBOWN'S SALARW euard Votu te6ulve Him $3,- 000 a Yar-Makes Report on t#w Sanatoriumn. Tise board ot Supervisors met at ,one o-loek MeevlrJune ses- A les.ut"onVas presentd ta tii..su- erviiors b>' residonts of Anttach, the. defendants entered heir ap.n ange la Ceunt>' court before =rnn; Judge P. L. Pereons. Ptea4 wero on- at et ONE SEff T â Men Indfote on Charge of -Il- legai Liquor Sales Arralgn- ed in the Court Hems. SOME PLEADEP GUILTY. In Other Casms Motioné te Quash Indiome*ts We Entered-One 18 In Jai. Dispatien vasa made efthtie ma- 9ti votera askIng that fle.e on sale et malt liquore only lin granted to nome 23 men In that township, "là the visole town of Antiacli go- ng lin th ie liquar liusInesîxý asked C'larkSe. "I understand there are naw mari1 more tlian that nomben now ruinno bltnd pige ln that district," said NMat- tiser, adding, "These mlen want to put tbemselves on a legal haste. The, bsoard can fix thr licen8e tee for oit- Ing malt lîquons. but It cannat lie leef tisan $150 a yean. iteferred to lconse committeeagta In vestigate. Highway commissioners of Llbenty- ville owfflhlp petlttoned tise board to pay ane-half Of the cost o! a n bridge oven the Des Plaines river. Tise total cost will bo $10,000. The thpr liait viii le borne by the town. H. M. Dowat and the Bank of Round La'ce asked ýhe board ta refond ex csIve taxes as made b>'tise board oi neview. iteferred to comrittee an -John Carzyie Vernon ta a peti. tise moue>' represented liy tise unes pired tunie of bits license aine tb toron vent dry. "Tis man, I amn oli has been selltag ilquor ln deflance oi tise mate lau and bas been saýIn. tisat ha fini a right te do s0 as Ian, sas tise count>' bas bic mane>'. and lie'i aise been saying the board bas n< rigbt ta refond tise mono>' reterred ti Nov 1 senoieho as deranded It, sa, . nfeve to rater if te tise license con rittee," said Maetiser ot Vernon- Dr. Brava, manager of the tent col oay gave a revIev ot wisat has leie dene Sit tise colony etace the count] took le aven. H-e said that ton etj vesa, viti tise consent of tise con mlttee, ho lias been extendung Lis scope efthtie vark ot the colon>' b daing general iospital verS ton poc patients other than tuberculoota pi tienta that. for a few veeks past hg has had 6 snobs patlerists, wv isae Aitter hospital veuid bave coat $ e day--aad the viole expenseeoft th colon>' la net inucis more tisan the, per day. He saad tisat April ebovec $125.56 profit over expenses ani $279.02 tn May. Tisere are nov 1l patients. Tise overhead expense re mains h. sarten, se. figures, ho ci cane for poor patients tisere eve theugi tise>' are not tuisercular gnw hus sme.tise count>' noney. The Birt six montiss have siscu servtce radgened by he colony $3,131 17 whule tampnovements etc. con $3,196.62, soving but $50 mono sPou tempite many jiprovemeats tisa vs nendered la service. "~The bg tiig ve have dore.' seli Dr. Brows, "ia hat ve bave put oui selves ln ahape te isandie genoral hoa pttal verk on poor people visecanao ho taken ta h. hospital r the _Pm tarin." Tis ecmmittee on sanitarinin repeni ed tisat 42 patients have been cari ton etthfe colon>'hita h. stx mentis tise contya>'isb adi t. $996.70 camý In ceuh, $2,134.60 vas representot Il ecgunti' services. Because ot hie efficient verk s mnanger efthtie celoisy, tise cornIitte hat Dr. Brovn le reengaged as ceur ty physien suad tisat ise ho palq $3.000 a year for tishe rk et decto and Seat of the calony. Carnied unat tinoual' Ile aary as county toct< before, vas $2.000. Dr. Brown tht ls giron $1,000 a year as colon>' Si ierintendent. He bas dune tise vex six menthes vitisut an>' extra ça>'. Mes. Sarah Bottger, 53 yeari ih of GUrnee, paseed a>'y Wednesa ntgist at etgbt o'cloek teliowiag yeare Ilîneme.Reides ber luisiss bise leaves tour 'Sons, one daugiste and a sister, .e rM" -- REPORMT0b -ORTON ,LYOSSIIO 5 BLOWINQ STUMPS-THAT'S S~fl(I A FOR=4 DAMAGES. WHAT CAUSED RUMBLING.'M4 JWebb Mül ter fa reporteCOUNTY apol aebeen:sking IS TO Chicago aSCa1apeLCONTEST-bat to dalrambling es o f SAYS LATE L.ake F1orest, for #&00OOdamages, e- The un bas found out what it ie.. leglng a.. anqet Seriesof Examinations Held at it' nena that fer smre urne past, Stprenie Court 34tS W ch uit tl a ae on Incidents whieh Ubertyville Saturday Prov- worirmen on the old Gleason Haines in Favor Of, Act 6vn occurred at 101116910 Wedresday, cdItretn.farml now k'pewn as the Parr tarin, 1wlien Miler eaffl.d ai the Morton 3 1-2 mniles aorthweet of Gurus. bave Franchise to W«mn.,' country borne m a ?Oln'eentative of MUCH RIVAL.RY IS SHOWN. been biewIng up Stumps with dyna- h ite patier._____ mite and it in the concussion frorn VOTE 5 TO 2, IS THE AIIMOR. Aecording te NWi s tory, , h Twolve Silver Loving CUPS Wili that Source whidh bas cauced the Dseso sEpodo u *walkod ue : tii zdWay whlcb leada S Gi. o pPU Whor. fumblinz* lt'sa along wey to travel Dsesocfs'Exetdo te Morton$ boue% calling to two men wlUu ,i otu but the charges have beau i>ig Dd fQuetion ofporn, of tfind out wbethew ho uxaseat the the Hlghest Marks. tietseceois no question but theathe Lcf .li.-,,, righl 4ace. Onieveau.ville ie asserts te the cause.th Leiat . aeMorton, ujOn lening that ho Thle <qunty conteit beldi et Lety-Srnied I. ~uo4-Seii was aNeotrsiead iud ville laut Saturday was, largeiy et. J.- nc te-SilWtte Ô pt oti0l and hurried hlm to Wbeaton, where tneOttyoohud-dby n ElT IU UTJ Ubled lesa odyts svnjsie yrsiae irsf onertondlrecdunc-fyt SICKte oenJutie warrant wau suorfiout chargtng 1 giale devoted psctleinlthetise entîre trespass. i v~~ers In attendance and took part in DKilibedvte rcIclyte nie thi cntstma1KtechB Sca- O U three days to a discussionaf tise vo- epanted tbeir pupilis and many o h , i>rman'asuffriage lawr. 'WA M À JURORS parents were present. The -conttesta N 111E DAIE S T h ast niglit It vas underctood tha I ere exciting and very close ini manyj E an agreement lias been rearbéd te, Intace; hetat ht helnivdbl pdthie law canstituttonai. The de- RE U E TO H LDÀ up instances;te ct haplae InviualMiss Mabel Butterfield of L cîs ion wîîfilot lieunanirnous, nulems 4u ~ M tiret division~ does fnot todicate that ertyvil i st et Ma- thre sould e a charw nge pon y Z iOir CITYI KER their efforts were nflo f mernt, the les Delay Her Wedding. fv*wo two or the justices. f standings eecured were higlier than - -v of the members of tbue court Juryin ustce Curt Wake-those of a year ago. Tliere were tîven- SHOWS A DETERMINATION. are si ohv elrdterble *Jr inJsieCut ak-ty-flve or more entered In eacli con- In t1ïe soundness of the law. The twe * gan, Hears Evidence But De- test, the rural schoaIs aecuring an Attack of Measies Came Tues- dissenlers hold tîtat the 15w le uncon- 1Ieulsae fteaasswt h titutional on the ground that the 8 cines to Convict Man. evilia e olhs aade.thte day and Wedding Occurred ifranchise could he extended ta om ZINTS M K. The town conteste have created W _________ i on. !anney lca.tjutsl a nendnsment.bu TEN P* C* xn~uch riviry durtng the sprtng and enesdpot fa Att eon n lt iylgiltie nctet1u theIntres atLibrtyill wa maký e btt en p ot i ledr werve 1Juet wben thse decIston vili b. 7First Case Under the New Anti1te iter corpes U erýtledwas mark- her lha be e n atned for mtea-e landed down lt eot known, but lit 1l Smok Orinâ e Dicou- tu ed, eceoeo f thp e he sn1- les. tsa Mabel Dutterfield, dsugh- 1expected shortly. SmkirvaneDsor- îu ascueoeh Hetohes ur0 harles Butterileld of Liberty- WilliamJ. Scown, a Chicago con. ages the Volivaites. l t e echool comminittes'enterting Intolville Me s a aternoon carrted tractor flled the suit attacking tise elWaukegan, Jur- 5 ,iderable 'nterest. neitl after the cerernony, In. law as a tgxtayer on Dec. 13, 191. - Thattenpa ft he V~ oli.:1.Ir.Fut ae tepnasi tead of starting for St. Paul on ber 1Mlesouglif te restrain the Chicago va faction In Mon City to terSr 'utjde the pemaa 1t weddtng trip, ahe laid down oh thse board ot election commissioners trou» dtry wonl< and mnade the statement tliat ai- PYfa and un.nthiastically joned 1 cases of men chi(Med with amok. thougli liebl djudged many affaire 1In the nemnaluder of the wedding tes- purcliasing wornerÇs ballot boxes and - io tn an ueg the11 than .n the liind lie bsd neyer seen a setI tivîties tram that position, a plucky otherwise carying opuftiste provisions Zon C.t ai at el' t oniu !but rather disappelnted bride. of thse suffrage 1ev. t0w1e peai the iot» Iled nthe o1seieies ite htwee [The hushand, George Adams ot Au- MAY KNOGKI( l'OUT? s wnt hfiratttral unde li ed n tse greater menit. The ranking of thie rra, urged hic wlte te remain quiet, 1Teaoellga perdI h fira tral nde flW iti- first nine foliow: for, thse strain or thse veiiing in tise iseaoetlganapae nt L- amoke ardinen b1r the isM, neo.LoeeiolIteeeo!ftyine draivsRodHradte'.btoesw t ~-* k.....i. t- - çsstoe-leeb-4ev--tseeet9e he i.Tribunesasys. ubteisidjiates Chat he dfend~~lyn5sndl Maie Elley teacer. meaies hlchbiht ber the day lre- .sbtyiatielurnyh nc- - was smoking in Zetên iy contre- ISecond: Cora Jones, Ivanhoe echool, vious beirg of uthusual sovenaty tor lei eteo nao f-eue iou ea fusa eed out: ~ r tatis orînace ut efued Helen Beckwttb, teacher. sucis an ailment. Id te Slnd him gulity of aMy offense. Tid Henry Episer, iiadden Tise wedding date id ieen fizod Tisere vas an ertireiY frs ruiner Inoclue dtheitj naofenete nAdlieMtrtahn ome ttn-e ago and invitations hlldout yester'day arnong politiciens as te g1 aoke eventhogis a lia U7ef.n c Fourtdis: M ertAn he, ig-been sent te friends and relatives. what theIlîlinois Suprorne court viii lg aomk evn thughan édinnce Fouth: abe Anerso, Hgh-Theretore wben Mises Butterfield won lZ existe making it go0. s achool, P. A. Hudson, teacber. taken witb the messies Tuesday. it at determine as teoithe coiititutiOÎatitY No lse hanrigit ummnse bae f itt: Ctheine McCnn.GruilifirÈt occurred te ber and the famiiy of tise woman's suffrage «Lt No beeissutned gtrt s ernrs forhavebol, MatrinMcCann ach r that eble wonid bave te send out carde Sornehedy Mot the Idoea that tise lut- beeatng h n&s e atismoking fordvin- stxth: AIMa con er.Aclier scla omoncng pçstponernent et the mar- tigsviiiknoce eout net onîy tihe lot- 0.ltIgth ewatiaobgori- ith lm aur Acersh nI age. Hovever, sise vau luc"Y. and 1ence paeeed iu Zion City. This or- ayKogs ecsr nise btamr aee esest est ct, nfervIng the riait te vote n-dinance waa fram.d nas te meetbefoai ttOrOM 13R111,104 with opinions expreseed In the recent %'ventli: Selma Nelson, Norths Cis- was't going te Intertere vitisbrfralsaueyefcsuo ens Cour rutrrg. his ulig cga.MaryDaly, eacer.plans for entering thse matrimonial but vili go "beilad theretUrra'sd 1-Supeme barsandnais iuisiscii tg voit, gtise freverse earier decisionsviesna In etts ht n o ineis v i wttl i- Egistis: Mary Podlioy. North Chics- trip regsrdless of ber slci<neme.i bliterg owmntuvefr yn hee t eco 19an0,ane.or e Edwards, teadiser. 1Accordingiy. Wednesday afternanonhedteritetonnt vtr mywenae Ita blmsnisane.ort, tuealt r Nintli, Cletta Conway. Lyon@ tise gueule began te assemble at thesciseol officere and for trustes et tise lx enae t puliecomort halthor ool Maie elly, eacer. Butterfield home and. until tbeyihadl UniversityoftIlilinois. aPivulegepas- Xta praperty. Citi Attorney, Thea- sBoMreKletahr ail arriveiu and everytbing vas ready sessed singe tise earj.y nineties n- dore Forby stated thîs morning that Tlie names et the iret ten Il\ tise for the cremony-tisen eise got up, le tise new ordinance passed by the lion ,hthmecocnteet tallais: dressedd isean for the oovSion anid The eftect et sncb a deciioW0va141 )yCry ese lynos wtb hi was rn g or Fi rat: Alta Neville, Grayalaise the ceremany pracesded. It vas a ho e te eout ail vestiges et womm p>gClty Coni sso r wn se" as epale but determined Young veron. suffrage In Illinois and compel a con- r opiion handed down freintie u-_ ol r.F . alr ece. wiso. dressed In s pretty visite cilk stitutional amnoxdrent helle» wosseMi a- preme Court. Second: Edna Thies, Gtîmer school, gown% and caMring brides roses. ie Tise defendants in tise amO'tng Edi t aeide, teaciser. stood before 1ev. Mr. Whispple and coutl bave any qnauitlt eeflle le- 1 oswadre .Wlim rf li Tsr: Ke Iivanhoe reepanded ta the questions put te ber tors or as eloctioneui Oi-CiJ casswadGaf limGare: Ali hid Rbisîbe, hcismade lier thse vite oetM. Close observer, belle. ti*seourr'S 19 Bandit, Ferria Brown, Clark Brooks, shoot, Helen Beekisitis. teaclier. Adaris, an Aurora Young man. dcae nti urg usinvi le Raipis MeCumnsey, Howiard Huriburt, Foutb-LesIe hlenstadeort Tis orealvascoasderbleand t an Charlie Humphrey. Tise thaee- Foge eleSils aoot h relwsc"drbead i tdddw tts a«e li d f.ra naed pperedtiss aenlg s chool, Nellile DeL.any, teaciser. Immediately ater tise knet had been l s)dddI tte~<O tts J. M aedaperd hao Wauke. FtI Og eivld i adtied, tise bride,. Ingtead e of alag ta term, or about Jus. 18 or 19. ifore Justice Ro .Msa akea.F>h laKe ad ihodtise fetivities and 'being thse cenltor Bandit vos the inst man on trial. He sehool, F. A. Hudson, tees-ber. of tise boIiy crevd, Ia1dý hersait daun 16 demsnded a jury trial. and vises told Sixtli: Hallte Symaur, Roseville aon the concis and rested illie tise ,e. that ise vould have ta Put up 81he get nettmdteela n a ald that money Io lits aswon, object. echool, flernIce Davis, teacher. 8for oncete Taoo wthesel cnd m Atterth jury isas tounM George Seventli France& Jadrick. Norths ter of!attracton et a Liborfyvie n tred, spectai polceman at'Zien, City Chicago, F. S. Bspey, teacher. wedding, for, Mr. -Adamsa vas tir bd testitied that an tre event«g cm May' Elgbth: Sîgurd Sîrnonsan. Norths frein feeling fil end tiens wvnasbhita 'fl - qtthtie accused sas standing on tise rcietecnrtltosadg cerner of 27tr street aad iShferidan Cicago, F. E. DeYoe, teaciser. reloiN. is e cretion a adthe guettd roa lacomanyof bou *«men Nlth:Ruth Ktnrade. Atocis The hide's flinesa preventod tise B. Menit vas smoking a cigmre*. Aimer scisool. F. A. Hudson, teacher. couple frein sterlting t e t Posai on t Edwin Pool, a baker testled. Cat he Tentis: Ruths Kinrade. Antiocis tiseisoneymeon, but, asses s Inl respoase id aumeoua mm it sav Bendit smoking andCt h eouseso sih ,~standing about four test avay. Tiese acool, Elizabeth McKee, toacisor. reeovers. thoy plan rnaktng th. trip. platillts abis ent tis nu&WtawT eeu %S____________-___ _ _ns t rilay statios sthroutbsWm isuoke vois s great annoYasce te hlm The iret ten of tise spelIng con- Chicago, P~. E. DeToe, teaciser. tise etate, tisa secSetary of O tii and te riny othera a ien DCity, Se ts ee Id »aId. In repiy ta a quelsssu b>'tish ee : Pliat: Franks Cerk, Norths Ciicako, boeard of healti bu asimud iiW- r- attormy, Pool stated tbàt ls thon Firet: Alta Neville, Grayalake y. . ElDoC teaciser. tiensg to hie 84item shpoetosa .te-i ton per cent o! the resideato ef ien echool, Mne. F. J. Taylor, loaciser. Sixtis: Ruth Morlock, Wadswortis lagin Inspecti n"of I ' MWâ Cityuaok tobcco.Second: Hatel iCapiseli, Norths scisool, Nellie DeLeny, teaciser. Voe and hoir surroundinga Ot Bodit on tise witnee s tand ad- Chicago, Mary Daley, teacier.Tv ut.aederngteoca Prtul tttis ., Or ritted smoking on tisecoerras wpuilar eelaofpcsl Prtua tenat 0 cbarged, and aller an adiiesa t thie Third: Etta Eifring, Madden sciseel, mention, Alfa Neville eof Ciealake te toilet, tÏegiito,, r rt jury hy tise attorney the. 107 rOtIred. Adelaine Miller, teacher. vas-Cha utaser etf fret puiae thse àurce -aull mWi Maaup ela a veu'y tewisnrutea tisey »rturned puts naWcessln rhrarltismetic and spelling tss mi eilgraraw wàoeo 4 vith a ve Ditonot gultt>, and tise b defendant vas dtecisargod. scisool. Mary Keougis,-feachor. cattag hat aise 1e a pupl et unusual pilis are spI~puMc we me Arnong thse jury vas Jin Cxdaisa>' Fiftti:: Dora Book, (Irub 8 cisool, ahulit>', Albert Vttici tise vinner 'car, ls giron th",;coli>'ea in a bar-tender, but lie ciaimed that ho Mary MeCaixo. tembier. et the geegrapis> test la net Yet tes tiens o et vraiut. Mâ*&p 0 me- vas In lavor o! uproldtg nordin- Sixth: Gien Mille, Gurnee scisool, years oid and bas mat compieted ieIs g placet oséiétin a iia 1, once that pnohlilitedsmkn os Tise Jury iueluded:: Jin Oudaba>', Margaret Dellaay, teaceor. tourtis grade, hè vas credtted b>' thseisoat asnd e*iat"&«"M soe; ~ es JimCoagrove. George Trietan, Fraik Sei'eitli:Mary Abeeblau, Oaklaind judgea vitis a standing et ninety ia pesa]o i e v ite *& . unly., ti LodesitCharles Spariing, Wbu. OCoin- ecisool, H. P. ibisis, toadiser. ailtishe ditfenert locations ho 104,tot condition e t« X ok ba ains ah Id LATER: Two Juries tisis atten- Eglt:Og erad give gv.ChNiiit. - or noon In almilar cases te Baoils, ecisool, P. A. Hudson, toeuiler. Tise fret tbreo pupils Inecis et Ronde WSillne ta Ceepenete n. fouladtishe defendans net gulIt>'. Nintis: Eflten Evans. North Chsi- tise contens recetved or wyul recelve Attention aIse Sn t.eIbos gve t fo or cage. F. E. DeYoe, teacher. a ailver cup as a trophy of their diii- vafer tanks >«% cars, eopoeelly toma unLAKE CO.,.MFO. ASSN. Tenth: Nets England. lhigsood gence and abilut>'. viicis are iseit' au - etage tscksu u- HOD LEETO chool, F. A. Hudson. Prin. E. W, Ryen ot Wankegan tenfporeali>'ouf at service avaitls% rk HOLDSANNUALE CIN Th irst stix In ,tise geograpby test seeected and proneunedthtie vertesa t a s a e eslee. Tise Lake County Marutaturers' vere. tiese pelling test. Prjn, 1Mary Peina.-Iasnîucis au 'thqise uallvay urat. Association lield tiseir annule lection Finît: Albert Voituch. Gridie>' teer of Wenkegan prepared tise tros- Iata lu ltuntabow a useakot 4> d. et ofileer at the North (Shcago club scisool, NeIUle Keousis. tombher. . oIr% xtise srtthmetic test; MISS position toi1e -pzntev itis thise" Y rooms Wednesday afttrnoonl, tise men Second: Elsworth Mifiler, Higis- Mary Devltn oethtie Gweled scisool aqlgrltiegeseroelitiflam e st~- s elected beinn: -~waod school. P. A. Hudson, teacher. selected tise six hundred naines IaS elpted hat an>' mateuisi j1boM id Preatdent-D. T. Alsisuier. 'Ilird: Eily DruceGrayalako the geograpii location conlent; Mdnd Sii ho experiencet là bo IteIq abl- or vice. Pres.-Chas. Bajrsfov. scisool, Nîrs. i. J. Taylor. teâciser. Misses Poimateer and Simpson and ditions surroundisa the;,uBgee 4 e- Wey.-Treag.-tiseO. Blech. Fourtis: Sigiard Simonson, Nortis Mr. liyan voe the judges. Pote. -jo<y. et "leoib 'Ebse.) fflény -mr .1-