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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Jun 1914, p. 4

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Lge Couùty.hdepcnid4nt Waukegau W.iÇk Su $n Office Telephone Numbeti. ULbeutyvils Exchange. ttud as b PostoffiS t Libertyville, Iii, au Second Claus Mail Matter Offici aPper for Lake County. ;Èxo t1ve17 Priday. Adrtlon v*e M0eKnown on Applicao. ýjqýpyjON PRICE. 81.50 fER VtAic 8TMPTLY 1m4 AOANCMý in bi N anaIven*nï3-8carry Jhtroii<h the buvent abon, lb.. arth bn.Mbsd l.waters vider lb.ea rt.L Lat *ek e 61M t5cat7igO oe, e, lamdL c* A ty c- persons danlITwo irab lm cinl"oïtnla dally held beveen thie Erooklyn'Navy tradWuhtagtoný D. C. Talk &bout the age of mîra- Xamily ont huadred thousand automobile licenses have bom -tmoeby the Mats of Ihlois and by theend of lthe yurlar.tt1 1 «e*poc-tto e a, ~one himdred, ud ton lbouaad. -This indicatês that at leâst fifty million dollars bas been Iiveute for motor vehidlea. The annual revenue #rM licesus bringsinte the stato more than a hait million dOllar. if Iis geat sum wau annually spent on th. roada oft1h.e ato ýla n honesI and Judiclous manner, it would b. butr s few years before Illinois a 8ouI of th. mud. In Ion jryaru, thors would lie a boulevard from GaiIena to Cairo. Reoter GanuuIer Bunday gave some good, sound advice to *0 b.graduates of 1914, and, seoinngly, th. clamsdrauk lahm w. vrdsinw a manner liatIlndlcated tbhey resaliil they arq nov enterlng 1h.eserious torm of thoir existence. nue 0e, tutcinm tbéy are just comlng mb t ai perlodi of Iheir lives 2'-ÏPb'uâ 1hey'vini face te lb. YIibaII4Swbtch beforo have bm&et4*parenta but whlch they nov vili have audsose of themaelvW.s, Novataidie CIOu'e of aboi ~roes tey r aouIe~ upon th.m. t~sonsbiltle o!REA UFX~la a UN The larlou scshoolo aud colleges of th. conlry vii tUu lmge anotherfiéO f Young mon and voMen, al %0b.4sd-' lol1ahed i th% latest fadas of thoorotical Ct 1wIdg~80fîr si theoes go, thoy wiU --b. prepared AMIout t u tu ti heifway oS huan ondovor fron% ruxuing the gommruent down to uelling peauts. Yet -*eàrb, #Ms t. xwIon e b.1 W0out, of the many Iheorles 1yava.uag1 .* oo U'rmv.tfilly cone. .And ~U~*q~%~ a tsO atr ay Mate omon 'and 1921 Wu~f4~re~au..busyboouv de-; les et PIC. *85w ssiee --516e IFrVacation Nte Try Us;- lieUI hiEverytl*îg randslia., asile, Iitcben vexe, fovu, hMagea, erae, boite b kunda oflier thingi COME HERE. You'lî SAVE remW, .uIl fI The village board on Tué.day ev nia« reil t f0 tO on record t0 altow the former t"bubeepe'Plf Ubertiile f0 ssii Wl eh Creaut41i" br "12 per ,ca"beer, sl le com"inly called. )Or, 4àieotd, q iW rettive cf the Eilwau'beul a4. rowlbg Co.. vga Pnswt~oi fe,fl*beig rongb ~ouià*tau "otiq ie saab. ~'30. A 4k fS*or1Coniu W? MWWiMrff as *M5 beverags hm wm a11ociale wbo reontmb0" 6à *8 -«I t t t Si, Mmdéau it màtm aiat *flic lnle nliowsdib tessamead lamutail prohi. Ulusad*oq, bie bàf ida bw ,tait filowçel utiorltsdit adPrhilr 11w mseeheefslawsthmft muet b. proyen that lie bger la lqtoglc.ting bu. fore Il@somas an Le barred. As tbf.s point Tratse Mosle reet a douésefrons the local, option béerw vlch provides fthonaDobeverâgo ecotanig &ny &mbut el a'ctsboi could le raid- li dry tetritory, and" ' Creams &JO" ioe cautain alicoho lconfita vlth îe eté&te 1e. Ag the point regardiag the cela ai user beer viih@ taiea up oai thLenconty court SetUrtay. at chi time adecision ls expectet, thabhoard refussdto consit. er the. proposition fu.ther. In this connection it vili Le luterest- lux ta note fiat ai IMtee o f the for- mer Llburtyvllle saloon keepers claims ba boasbee a ited for sellnit'Crem Ae" and that thal le the aniy charge âgeaint ins, aud the "selling on Suudey ciarge ielui based au the tact thai Le soid tuso 2 par cent article ou that day. Rie saye. "TLey Lave feu counute galuet me for selliug 2 per cent, and If surprises me thet ual more tian feu caute have been brouarht oui, a@ meuy mare vlt- uessees couit Lave basa eured every daY vile 1 vans ellilg 2 Der cent. "I ventura ta say that thosslfiug extracîs conld ual h. inditted for seliig e pradtt thal contaîne an much alcahal lu a tva-os, battie syn au en fu in a case of swenty-four bottisaf 'Cream Ale'-Yet the latter ie ciansed as boing intaxlcating" ]EL D. BOYD PX- PORTLALhND SALES The Losi-Hammal ltemty Companay (Dot ine4 t ha Wisconsin farsu caucaru, reporta the foliawing sales turing tb. month of gay: 1. 80 acre farm., Taylor cunuty Wls.- conclu, to Henry Unger aIf Wabaah, Indiana. price.02800.00. 2. 40 acres, Lincoln coaty, WI.ou- @tn, fa John Emmns of Bunker Bll~I, isconsin. Prie. 8670.00. 8, 280 acre", Lauplalle ecnty, ifw5 cousin, ta Henry J. and Augute Moane -of Scoâle. Wisconsin. Prie 05400.00.ý 4. 80 ac fre ft Taylor connty, We.. conelu,.to Herr yRofasglt of Rockford, ilîlîig.Prila.05250.00. 5.& 40 acrée, Tagle.r coucty, VAine.- mis, fao s m ie ld î t fa Rrvry, milIole. POifle000. 6. 60 mniro at, Taylor conneyWwm cousin, te Sfaley%ý ey 0f Piffa. l>rg, Penualvea. Prise81700.00. 1- e marc, Taylor couty, Visée».~ @lu, to LuuIwig Spelsky of Indiana Hathor, Indiana. Price. 2725.00. .. . 80 acrefarm, Price couufy, Wl.. cousin, ta Frank S. Wegner of Chlcegb, Illilnis. Prie. 01700.00. The LaebHammsl Bsffùy Co. (not lue) reports great lvity la ferm lnqulriee ansng. tie Pitiaburg citem vorkees. 'Work Las bien irregular ln liePif leburg district and a grant may 0i the @hop operators ara going te Wiconsln, Michigan ant Mînnsota Iooklng for larme. St Jobn5s Evg~. Luth. Chroh ,Lr'er Broaatyandeu, Park Place, Libenty villa, ID. B. 0. Buerger, poester. Germéa sservies .very other Sunday mornlng aI 10-80 4,m. OuglItîLservice every moud Snadal ai the mautiq at 7:16 p. M. Baly Communion 0 e xoutq 74 e.n.Firfn#nd&yla mou* i"o8a., MaduaProyer every Sumtsg r cept above100 m uSiday ichool 11:45 &a,. Ail Rot.y D67y..noir communion 9:00 a.n. 10:80 a m. Precilsg, Bev. W. L. 12-00 ns. Sunday sciioi. 6:45 - . s.Epworfii LeagUe. 7,80 p. ns. Preathleg B.'. W. L. Wiilp#le.1 4# afflndmeeting 0f the Vu- Iaèe bae#4'Tde yeveulag the sevaral A bide fat Il7fflu isurauce on the village À baMvmne.ted. the board deeldlag te uni aiinsurance to b.u eu- Affair Proved On« of the Voit =W% "lln té 8,0. eudth#beclerk 1 Wtbfic f d vertlfOrBew bide. Delghtfut Hdd In the o ~ufty deh06 juge t**wlut& v- ýàs'~Iowsegtiseiir *ai'ea m i*ha te aitne t hfe tei4Ik * ý3S msefîllý tWJI who desire W taie Chartes»Mordt8eit-#u ad ofp~tile rebats vonild a-jIo IL, -vi e& 9111111Y 4111111104gite able bratu Wtbocsr'ew .. Oarfie, via In#"la a4% oontainlflg SdeWto GeorgeW. Â4lamsacS the.oa wsý ebe1W ef t-LY la go s ionwrael aIR ~4Nhbee. Thé-Isemàè on-a umber a i ylvam-ut Mnç. teU~*g4I ro oefioebt abeau Mema er"m eptly iaeaq Z .eôbo fi i Mpopfl* mee uar of-fte garlor, tac £,5arebaou mfI. sont»M ip tordhz is W140 ds '.evith 114iir laveg.and ,The oommhtssOa seves reommrned if irbot.pWstr lie. -W. U ip ad *1111* o ~w er on Metiflut O9m eone l thfecme ' .1 ' "M1t~ tac bot l rAdplddapro ro &IIPpertYwaw,.dressel la *bvil* eell drup evisat l4M t he pressai ssoe pphl d et îlwhlte ell% laceecrnet. autmeheaIstarter for lb.he p laq çthe valiey. Miss Amauta Aam.et "tbMc:eljïlispurcbaud f rom laseAmier- Wauikegan,à cousIi 0f the iMle.t- leforel Vn190. 1fotndeit ber. and bol he fl» -Tvuèfses "sul ad ifriht movedt fhloUe the cring ceremoaj'. Dtaa fiat tbq ell*mpuecheesalu8gmOtÔr. vas servet bY sigit yougscOPie !f Ledl5melom wblch folowed shawed relatives at Intimate triesdat < 1 fiattii huat v. iaartli u b 0f bride. ptO1tui~p sumoorlua3ad aetusO l!ha bride bau alwas resd la tie on@ furalsiiet' 1rmwprivais aubeÇiifoue vltnfty of Ubertryvlle andls weill Dr.. A. I.L Çuiriî advane.theb.ldaia nownu an fe .=auy aineaIs eutn lame lb. g and bad t&grfd ost to h»dr»e rMte sic eree ses subSerpticsbut maay 0( fise aP' ad tegtifyto f0 Abç emm wh eb proaebed on fie sabject seesuedto11146X. vas heit by ber many Miedi The tIaGI the ifl esuld fuialithe.Mana gr g, o ge W. Adams, la e fi mataf. Ifiglrit won lait iiitSd legap~ openefor la Aurore.111, eutd send for uns. bu s y fiendi liste, n aswli as a Ailter dliuoelng of several other miaO omie neatly turàlied 10 velcoma iu mattere thIi. bout udiotrue. bride.- Hlm empioyer» precented hinau with SENTINCIFORSCItATUIN a trip to Str Paul aut citer July lut PAIJ VI ERSFACEtheyvOlbe at home to their many PÀUL WNIMBSFÀRIfriaende et, 10Flfthrouta-et. Thair frientsexetend to the a ewlsh for e John Thraéher, whoa evfaw eeksssalo long Ilile of prosperity and happinsse, wan fluet $50 and caste b.r Justice W. and many their boneymoon never ed E. Davis for dlsorderly conduct vOeu Le orthair unitet shatows growles offered sevarai persons drink Irons a 'Tii th, oIt, aid story, as oit as bu- battia dit whisky, Rot hitusif lototrouble manheore. npday the tarnne Cu- in ifankegan on saturday evening when 1,- etfrhtofir Irq n ho ataced aulWinier wb lanow before tihe altar, wlth plgted manager of a saluanlu thet ciy, heart and band thcy eho byhi hm were cratchiug tLe saloonkeeper'. ae. oqedln trghad'buY Ele was arreied Satuday nîght atd sandupeeting actre theand hea te an'Monday mornlug vW" givera abearlngstd.pegn ihtaheoerte hefore Police MagistratesiWalter Taylor love Ibat kuove no eud-chilltoode' ant wae sentencedte, ssrve ferty dsa.s home fortaklng, the4r future way ta lu the canuny jali. Thonier bad been wend. dismlssad tram tLe concty j511 Saturdàa, morvlug wLan ha Ilished, hi@ tan days. ProaPeroous by tour Journey, Oh tear sentence lmposed upon hlm hY Justice friend of mine, Davis for failure ta pa blié ias. Ath@L The honeymoon bfraver; ln bnlght- time h ai. aarreetetiluLibertyville h. ib neis o'er you ehina saite tabave walked through the street9 Ti11 dawns the day eernal, on your offeîng orne vhom ho chaucedtot meet enrupluret sigit, a trine tram hi&, baille, exeiaiming. And love'@ edivine frultion ha yours lu, "Bere'ita dry towu--cume and have ai vorits of Ugbt. drink vvitb sný." PresbYtMMU nbUeIIM county veekies combine&. Mornaug worship 10.45 a. m. Thoe,. "Confeamlng the Cbrlt."7Z f 11:45 a. m. Bible School. &:45 p. sm. UbiemFlandeavar. 1Top 'low Employers&ant Employee shon Work Togeiher." Col. 111- 22 lsaders. Forant -Smlfh-Blehard Brci boiter. ' Sveulug srvie 7» p. m. T lh ireateet lt>eyer ot JBletory." ,At the lose of the. moralng ssrv fioe viii bueo ougffgetlonbl umtin etwhuch tins. important matters wilitb Mr. John Hod disecsed. Mcia lu cae the weatber le very varsumMcia evsnlng servie viibu bleiton the chueli Detr( l&j t7o'clock. a. M. AlburtI Pastor.Da i: 'seaT au, ~I iehl YOU LAIN RU TIl>to lue Draft f( LK. FOUSIT FOR $10 f nil whlch w amurasnett, in your ÀFTERJUNI3TENTRI WhonI ARegular 'Flying Boat Line' 'i m d. 1I FrOM Chcago Along Lake best thing aDiÈ W itI Be Taken OP ened. have handIed Clarendon Beachi ad tfe norfi sa oi Chisgo near 14Ppoin Park bas i.. . insurance in a coma lte terminai passiRMger statfsa our C for Chicago's test iytro-aeroplens treinsc lina. person buyin8 Tt yes n enouet WedneedaY for me to recc Jack Vle, ent C. C. Wtnier, h avietore, vili begin oarrYltg pneAgain t pers baivean CMo 5 04 zake 8. urlug you thi est. June 10. Wilsnerviiiarrive New> YorkInla &te* l an .friende and be Vilesu u « .-mylag eus ge% on e birdte Mrot"e rllt andth ienorth oelure for &dIstace e thlrly miles, romntnip, tlae$10.Th Y6u'I8 rot ithre sooner wlth on.e o the".: ia4 JD nf E $200- - - 90 J.. mwm*a",Pm> PfONIC 202 IYUJI- TSN DAYS' 'XEtUAL q You oa try th .. tiýuI Victrola . FREE in Y~ rown Home. 1 Y main-, eusil Mothy peafe y. iii sooo ove a -ltrithe greafeet of aIl musical instrumente. Andl if bringi to yon the. very haut of" mise .of avery kiad, sang andl playet ia the very hast way by the very beutartiste. 1<he ide- ai plaoe fi, Iearn the nov dan- ces is in the home and bers the Vietor le absolutely indis- pensqable. Price.S 15 to S$100. *Try the. New Dance Records H.L B.JEGE-R f i -.1 The Boyd Photo Studio LUhRTYBU RELUW M110M CLASS Portraits and VIEWS nt popular prices. . Opea EvesyDar Suy vA-piim

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