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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Jun 1914, p. 13

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NT NEEDNFRIDAY, UNE 26, 94 INALUIEIO : Nortih cap.0 Mri.. lamm. ayier end tbree chiid. Fred Bolier Su*tawd Paintul ru oftferKU<tutovn, Indiana yes- Injlury While etguinm I,H U terday vhs. tbey viiimake san« Eari hi 1 éltend.d viait. Mr. Sayler acm« lot thei as fer ail Chicago. COWES As, A CO1fnCjÜENCE. 71, MdemWoodmen viiibbitd -, , , -!ý.. their remular meeting this. oenng.9 iust Soyas Years.AgOOTday Mise McKlnney 0f Poit*ac. i-Iad Mftk.SOIOi D = wosu hl j er trind Misa Eruer of the ar» *a RunawayPlaceenare viitlng in North Chicago thisa araetKeean eure THUCN-on Jima S4.'1907, Fred M-N-9tXlanrtre 'ilIo oiudctea' înbolg XI*dy train a riait ai Poutim. 111. and 1bw . .iac a danenjr ,"awmIt ah" * Un Cginty street, t a PPea today. 11u104»wi a diellocateid blp, wben ho Mis. Frak Oarrlty returned front a lrt»qbrown troc a -bwU. business trip tlnoChicago yerterday. Foth«aes os f Chicago va. cou. ?<ô*.-Toay.m o Yyer8ta a' Ingon Father H. M. shea yestaray. ~~~~o; ~ ~ ~ r B011tq te ccdn,5f.fo- The nev North Chicago hail teoin qrdurna bîof on ~standa bas a strong lin@ uP ard no doubt viii d5~4sbuldr rquhlngthe serv.! uo'eeoMfine record thls summer. i~~<tva hyoilai. ITiey are aIl North Chicago, boys vltb "V - one excaPtion. Tb«açIccdd.nce slaone oi the.strang. The, ?olowing 19 the ineup: Cu.- est that bas bean coiled te tbe attant. 1111n19. catcher; FPerry, Atkinnon, Dit. ion 0 f Wukogon Peoope In a long chers; Prineo. jat hase; Pllon, 2nd time. -It le feared that the acIdent basp; Pbsctor, short shtop; "nrý. &rd vill Osriaostiy1,coPI=0e Mr. Bo.t base: Taloet. loftI fild; Mssulck. con. or fies bi le ork»aa bwbaIIIt fter ifid and Hoyeu, alft " Ild. The Mr. Siffler bod cimbed loto the 5»team vii iay 1 Hfghand' Pgr i atpou, lfti tais mornlng ai là bis custoin tej'Park toit Sunday. tbrov lily dowa for bis horse's break-. The Ladies Library club sa bolding fast. lu descendlng ho olipped and thelir J-uite etIng tbis afteroine t Plged touisthe aperture aioinbte-benn. et Mrs. Kari Nelson. oof.0apibis arme caqht cetB.a c,»b4rim,.qarj"y ba.0 cat9eti 1"*iud gsav e h cbawvieit .ht, for building the nov roadinlaposa à@e shouider vas diioSteau. gPark. It vli eziaad dovn te the The InJured mnan ln rather shy anAd dncink paviiion and la ta lhe eom. fr11 te theo bar heavliy, Ho fins» y Dltedby ly 4tb. fuaaàg.d ta inake i varyltt the The. Nortb sebo o oad bas lot the bouse and Drm. i<ight aunA eilvtcontact for panting the North achaci voe îutnmonOd. The Ininred member building. The Interlor vii ia ha vas set and bandage.appiied ta bold 4Utile Rbf dd o crvi hi a pap. I vii . sin 111k11110escig raPidlY. Ne le able te ait up befare ho vin ieble iata gat *round' . r a e hl Slnce the occident. vhicb happeaed ydafra me savon eaOM e&M MrfloUer bas boon ÔbI1lged ta vailÈ ttheti.&id of ~a case. At ths Ume lietvasdeciaration, aveif oea.. ~ ~ ~ hrw mmta ieh asiiaa~sa oeuie tadnAefomlce kt"n A buggywvile exerclslng ao0colmt lb. boai iteeta or society vilii ad mvosvey noe siy InJured. Ho e ea dbwatathon a profound los laid UV for a long Ume and for o tutM la poligeu eseeanguy, lt.eaop- while fears for hiesrecovery verteon. ti hlO bb demande an immedigte tOrtalned. As btr le i .deroted al hé- w goimethe barip, Wonvale-hps e iooaeg fr tupeeduticet te tausve a".ta a ge ostuuhia sMd Wiit*gi sisobat eue do.. sot tha» u UAth. ehsty aietUs «U ehmeie tbat la tha Ilutui ~tslui pessloUZ ont 0000ae l vloiOn m"Y given a.l lsyi? Md la the Uniied isgdom 46 o«i ai *oe, 1-00.00ubabittata mè»'1. "1, sel oi aii Mont People fency ibemdves lame. esM of tbos.crimes of vbb hey on> aoi be cnlid-.es .ppftod URfNMKu WIl-"Paw. vhs lteau o n ra. mo'Pav-'A Mesa vbom vievs dui fer fmr einyr ovn. my son.- OAsis Esliy, Dlecver.A. AMc.à Mot averiy sharp con lscov. su" bysilelsumd unbygienlc odors se »W«. gs, couiorair. Ulumlnatta« une, decaying fruit, coai gta& pntrid mueut, »v Moan bey, tai hCountry [brossirosiy orzlng, shovery ai muceirne, oema ndanLd the la> vigovaing cosme that filiova a thon d«t obove Paige "25" Prioe $975.( MODJEL RUNSWICK 001 HEMode] Brunsw'ick iilustrated above has T beautiful streainline body, and, in fact, everyapparance o! elegance and style found a !n cars.0oo0ten$ à thousand dollars more. 4 hone tm aatestcaries thre a seniters cornfortably. The oiienin demp. vide and retful and vith tii, unusual- Ir high back andi'mple floor'space pro'videa an easy rdn position wlthoit-cminaprg. The tonneau doors arm hinged ta svingbaikiwsrdo. Is front teat in vide and comfort. sble vith plenty of room betwefln tho seat and the daeh. STho meerng column is set at a rakimh angle coavealont to the driver. The.front door la aleo arranged ta swinig bock- varde*like the roui dans, thus avoiding interferenoe if bath are open at once. The Brunswick touring car has ail the' 'seentisi features of comiart and convenience of the.largo modem. The upboltering le deep and pliable and gives the a tnott c.znort in.riding. Frein the. carpetedtonnau te, the daah, the Brunswick poesent. a mont refined and complte.appeoance. GEM MILL & MoCULLOGH, Lake County Agents. Oqro, if Sun Office or Norhw.atam Girrae, FORM~ RESDENT lanA vien ho voo 2 ypars oni. IPUtY' an>' Of the older reeldents Of Lib. RESIDENT years ago ho MOved to Evanston and ertyvilie andi La'ce county. He pros- - opened a butcher shoi, le retired pered INh the meat market business ,OF LIBERTYVILLE frna usines abou t ter Years MO tu and thi: enatipti hlm to retire sever. DIES IN EVANsTaM holdings. He 1le aurved by soven Mrsi Simp8on diedabt en children, Robert w. and (Charles Simp. yosao ue a ourtSpo -od sivdO heDah OLMnl, M.W i. Andpriotte trs. Mari Thursday from the home ln Evanston. WordReclve 0fthe eat ofLefiinveii Mis CarltteSimpson Interment ln the Lake Fiorest corne- RObt-SimPOn,-Fathr of or ilvanston, Mra. (Uo'(rgo Anderson tory. Robt SimsonFathr 0f Of Lake ForentatmN] lq.t M. Pull M ..Geo. Anderson. man <If Wlimette. oa A ter bi s arrivai f r., S otand M r. 9 e' n et rà a uorisy f l ov Rnit lt impen7 ofyEarasoid, eSmpson vent tu Ih1ertyvilie whero kaov; hb.d kili bis own fathor ta order 0* ie idet eelent 0 Evnstnhe IlveA until ho vas ta oýnty.Ilve years ta «Cake a gooM Joke.-" Thon theresa dled at 1503 Bherman avenue yestor- of age. HO bas Made many vtii tu notbing te vorry about; bis father viii daY- Mr. oblpeon coma frou Scot. bis aid boulead la rernembOre d ie an aid man.-Le Sourire. Ud t STUEN'r WHOSE AUTO «M onetdo KILLED LOSE.8 CENSE Providence, R. I., June 24 - Olver ad toila"s - modm p vn cp uus.q B . o n e , h "ote l o l u s n g a d a p te d fo r h a o lih t e B.Jiethe Harvard tudent froint sort ofrisla, eony pesernw e tb, i La&ke Porest vhoseeautomobile kiliedojourn of pagMogers, tuisteaOU Lionol Bianchette in Attiohoro, Mass. soom. Rapitd exsnlet qb On Moy 26,.108t bis license ta operato ing. Noble. rovo w iojln vlnea. a motr car, In Massac busetts today. faernt b oss. Th* agie mg The tate bghway commission this lok le grafodon. Dany ate bt morning hard the evdence lu he&Hporte of the globe. Firee vla t the ioveiy iake.-BIoi Guide. case andi revoked bis permit. On@.lExpliation. Roui Méaninq of Labeurs, Wit>-'Pav. why vos Adamt Cro, Lasueaya Deucm W. C. 38u1,, ateA Omrir Paw-'To give bit o Is no timet outf1m. Ii'ea am W& o' ch aoo, ta By som ouing, m y o ný," thos o thing o youlve b ee m *iB.< IANN, - -ý '1. w1 w -'-_ Né(.'ý,wIn FuliBI The entire $151'00 stock of the Toggery Waukegan, HLt, c nSltn of cen up4to date Mens' and Boy5' Clothing, Shoes, Mats and Furnishnsthrwn out to the mercy. ,of the Public. Ouroverloaded stock. has forced us to take tuis step and we must therefore dispose of $4,500 worth within the nextseven days, posltlvely nothlng re-" served. Prices cut Io shreds. Cost not consldered, 'corne earl'y and reap the ben,- eflt of, this sale by savin g money, 50c wUll do the work of $1 for the next seven days, Below are only a few of the maoy greet bargains awaltlng.you. Everythlngt else In the store s reduced. Look for the red tags, everythlng In the stor wears a red tag. -e will buy men 's plain whitei red or bIne handkercbiefs, worth Se, sale price 3c 39e will buiy men's 15e wiIl buy a pair of 39c will buy rnen's 39e will buy boys' 750 extra heavy overalîs men's fine suspenders, a good work ahirts, knieker pants, ail and jumpers, aIl sizes splent id line of heavy or blaék sateen, blue, wool materias, fui! regular 75o quality, ih weîghts, worth 35e gray, ete rgur et kikrbkr 75o style, pblic ty, psale prie. 9 gaferie.ceston '39 Srgaoes, Meu's Furis.g Men 's balbriggan shirts and draweru in ail colors; 65e values, Publice~ 18ale price ...................37c 35e men 's shirts and drawers, ini light and dark shades; Public Sale 19c price, eaeh..................7 Men's $1.00 union suits inîa il weights; long and short sîceves; ail si>'cs, E Public Sale price ..........59 75e nien s fine negli*gee shhnts, coat styles; cuifs attached, in white, <i cain and new stripes; Publie Sale 1 ,price .....................3 c Men's $1.50 and $2.00 soft shirts, neck- band style with French double cixiffs in - ail the popular colors;_ these are excel-r lent shirtý and very unursual v4lue at the price ............. 89C %3c will buy men's plain white, red or blNe handkerchiefs; worth Se, , Public Sale price ...........3 39c wiIl buy men's extra beavy overalls and jumpers, ail sizes; regular 75c quality; Public Sale -prie 39 15e wiJl buy a pair of men's fine sus- penders; a splendlid lime of heavy or light weights; worth 35e, at. .15 6c will biîy a pair of' xnen's good work- ing sox; regular 10e value, Pub- 6 lie Sale price................. O Meus& mais Ail our mnen's $2.00 and $2.50 soft bats, ïncluding the new teleseopes; L gray and blue, PublicSale price i.6U7 .All our men's best grade $3.00 and $3.50 new style hats in teleseopes and derbys; ail shades; Publie Sale price, 90 « 9 n eat l s o t c o l r n l d d Look for the Red andIl1ue Sligan d the Name as it wilI Guide You to <ho Itliht -Place Mus & Yeu 'MeonelhI.1g Our tentire stock of nmen's and young men 's best suits; Sineerity niake, strict- ly tailor-made; in thei very latest and, nobbiest -styles. Ranging in price froffi $18 to $22; nothing reserved; your choice at Public -Sale price 7Suits for men and young men; reg- ular $16.50 values, Publice 8 Sale price ...........98 49 sufits for men and young men; reg- ular $12.00 value; Public Sale 9 prie ............69 Abolit 30 mnens $10 .siits; ail sizes froni 35 to 44; priced for Public Sale 3,980 at .........................0 About 150 boys' suits; sizes 8 to 17; new Norfolk styles; in blue serges, gray and brown; maýerials made to retal2.98. at $5 to $7, sale price. 50 inen's odd coats; worth up 1.98 to $6.00; Public Sale price.... .$10.00 men's raincoats to dlean themn up- the Publie Sale prie w É bc .......................47U Mon% Pitt Worstcd pants; $2.00 values;89 Public Sale price.......89 Men's fine pants; worsted and Scotch; regular $3.00 value, Publie 14 Sale price ................14 Men's pants in ail the latest shades and colors; $5.00 value, Publie S 2.9 price .. . . . . . . . 1ONE UALF PRICE ON AUL STIAW DATS lyasi ubie Saleof mulet Boy saI bhd e Skies $2.25 men's kangaroo caif lace ehoes; a good work or dress shoe; all sizes; PÙblic Sale price, only 1.4- $3.50 men's dress shoes in 'ail the vanr- miîs Icathers and styles; ailIO szes; Public Sale price, only 1 $2.00 boy 's kangaroo calif, blucher eut. lace or huttton shoes; a good serviceable shoet; ail sizes; Public.Salei30 price............... .... A Chance of a Li!. Time to Buy a Pair c:* Oxfords at Leus Thau the Xe.nufaê, turr's Coet. 94 Meus OxWeds $2.48 200 pairs men's fine oxfords, ranging in price from $3.50 to $4.00, ini the latfeot Spring, styles, tans and gun metals; a&U sizes. Entire lot, Public Sale z A pricc, per pair ......... 39c will buy men 's good work s"ir, black sateen, blue, gray, etc., regular 75e quality-Publie Sale price, o l .. . . . . . . . . . .. 3 c 35c Nvill buy boys' fine waists with or without coilars; positively woith*wo 75c; Publie Sale price .........5 39e will buy boys' 75e knicker pants, al wool materials; fuill eut, knick- dà erbocker style; sale priéer -0. 10e will buy men's Arrow collars; aIl reglar 15e quality, sale pnice.. .1 Street., Wuuga.i, eTi OPEN EVENINGI 1928 'r j-' JL «gv-mýJ p- ire

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