SJULY' t tIMTEL'S PARK PAVIL(M iqHaff Day, HL, om SATIJRAY EVE'G *Jtdy4th ma GodT'me Asauré ItandiMade Ilarness A N D REPAIRING SATIOFACT ION 1K EVERY ~STck. at the JW. Cl arnessSo GOL, CLEAN DATHb IN CONNECTON Am BOWLING ALLEYS AN<D DELIAItDS Il _ -THE- __I NEWCLOTHING STORE AT LIBERTYVILLE is now 'weli SETTLED i Business We are learning the wante of thse trade and are receiving nov goods nearly every day in Men's and Boys' Wear of every description. lKen's and Boys Roady Made Clothiing or vill ma. teosirer odd peut. fer mo nd ouIbys. Underwear in U gl md..ansudm. Dreas Shirts and Work Shirts Overaflisud Jackets Shees ini groat variaLy Rats and Caps Trunks snd Suit Cases snd tJollars We invite inspection of our goods and guarantee everything s represented and solicit your trade. Yours to serve, T. A. REYNOLDS 1141e EWEcST BOOKS*- --c"mi .l b. 6.dIat TH9 NEW 8CK SHOP PW va**, eese mm"oo uîm "u l'me oéoTii..of SSu"_FIcTi"N et .S T rEPILGRIM S Cdo fa Lure of E..;?- la vme me. cotustn'y gluI3 Ssbua Tra6 "-tS~a mWIW ,Jamokii a~10 i Qii" 06 aup~ 1* t. -M.b »"t amle ma.klu- h.bisa ta my ta sulbt iprets«et4Lirata"ii o à>- bieat u about r, b>' et -&Me. »reare Buo» gaeue ath .fe mInI. a e liva are bligtel. this young mmm. and ibat lsafi.e tèr. Tise> Uve la the cit>' undor the arc ligsteasoinluthe Inat o e tees and thse heat of flem. Tbey arepale 4aced, nervous men. Tise>'aIl peer tbrongb glasses and vear fleir clothes 1k. fie modela lu 'the stores. Tise. are Dlot men. Those are fie sissiova ef men. I vonden vbat vouli lisp- Pon If those mon ver. te vander down fie long Ian adBot ontohe fielde vhere fie birds are msting snd Lb. fiahvorms wrillage t pîev slips firough tLb.ut mi.lutead cf brestbtng the dust ani @moke, ofthfe suburbon train ndoi hdIng ava>' some place luaa skyscraper adcallng fiat vork!' , go this young man vent on to Lbe ciL>' and vended bis vay tbrougb ur- moU a"drush and hnrry andi is but- Lied snd pushil about la thée iU mans- tatoment of th. City'.Iis fi te music of the theater. fie action, fie sugges- tion. th. interpretation, the delight of hearlng giftta people o! tihe earth gatb- ersd lu fie entertainosent centers of the CiLty. If b. cenld but saLis!>' bis deoire for seping music. stimnlatlug drame. publie speech ertraorioar>' and sorne fine soCiel occasions, tlore wouli te ne Lune cf thse City' in fie mind cfftils tYpîcal couutryma. ÂAnd te mueLt e proviiei for at homo. That ls vby Lhe Lincoln Chautanquas a&M aPPeaiDEtfils summer. vîit fleir wondonful sggregstion of entertalners. loctuners and musicians, in fils ciL>' undor the local management cf fie leading business mon. Thse Lure of the Country 1i3 Made complots b>'fl oyeant [N ~ ~ S III J L31 110w s I~d Nn Corne to Make Oood J. K. Codding of Kanaa Will Tell Thrilling Story of Criminal»'"CopmiagBack" In Pen. Did you boy fiat fie AmiSci people muet acknovledge a bigbor par- ceqtage of boteM i m an b.the ll people or Lb. German people or the 9'rencb or the Bpalah or Lhe Italin or fie àEgyptianor Lie Hindu? criminalu. Oui eort h. pe'là dte. preaalon; fie OLiar la eveiepaimt 0»e recommende fie la04, Le tism« Bal fie scitary oi; tue Mnt rbellime lu tbe mai u iin M bie -- - - a"d vMIiulbluies.O.pei= a veses atotal dipr&vTIý& am b. eut. de- sPorts Into tise Kauas peniten- tiar>'. Wbene fonri>' fol*e vos-e dai aîku b. plan"el overaor let tb. priacoors Plant fluafSe aban- lenél the outlrer>'colsargeiy te Lias pmpOffi Ot Elgar AhMia Poe' ?n- beu." 7Thw* y plao4 , iwffl tob. p>eh sou a, el't- $B 'tu tSag- Nd TMe.soon Lb. utate rt &Uaiho- CM5 ft eleve la M d un te b abouttbfem. viat "I bave don@"Ou 'fm 0caNin S> o ttJ "?Qeb Mm dumrvit>'. * Id'a ubq tha -Lk C"b *«mPt. -d fbpls, arm d 'd slie nmah md uy t iuu m y <mur s sa u yn ou. o W~ ada, ee ull in~ aut tohe M e ... Lie e.0a 4Mi tact autaiet tise unse tiLhe. ,àovereitILlu tLeie ueitable titb Me4 srauopperstheekeapl e om- au" ccp. vith conitions Liii t- f.t end make for tise betteruàte or Ooiiis.gput besebeli aci oflh «et- nu tRimt tel it18bome.Codii.& et- Ma-mUe"""e u a probable gvror etX*nui* viii own tiit t iq l-q cila Chstauqua tait. oson ticket riuMay bave tI« on@- MM Sthémot et. tbe total iu ad- a1 ai eou. en, 'thelavasetBthLe Bovin cousis qllwat ielut, ilâmàae" astiw, t Uh e t 'L'bes'e vas ,a i R a.î mitted ila s. mmena *voe #Z is il. uet Tb*etuants on ti la a reuet pf0 Le chairesa».one, tbey péeeto out Ipto le( Snoee. &Tbey lacis tb.t amuW Pbw t n tore ln the le.. aun epsis M e ommred. One oft ti e ty batp l atoe .rosidence aMd gai- lmga tlepson, astlly itnr he i police biaiquarteru, ett fla clty of $the acident . The sommons vaà recelvel et fie local healquarters, at prectaoly 8:40 o'clock, about one minute after tihe accident occurred. Captain Isaac Lyons mounted the motorcycle at the station and hastily rode te th. scefle of the accident. Wben he arrlved flore he noted the great interest that the attraction bai cause4 for 15ta- tloPÀàd along the roadway for a die- tance bt nearly a block, was auto- mobiles. Tbeir ownerosudn drivera, badin1 moat cases -alighted and wve grouped about a buggy standing ln the middle of the road. t'aptaln Lynos approached the group. Low moanz as If some one was in pain was car- ried te bis ears. He started te I n-- vestigate. Seated In the buggy was two wo- men. About rftem ani strewed for mary feet about the road. ?orming a red carpet, was atrawberries. A few feet away stooil a motorcycliat view- lue tbe remains of a badly wrecked machine. The lacis of the accident-as the officer secured tbem was as foliows: Two women. who re8ide lu Zion City but who re1usei te give their names *ere on their way te Waukie- gan tt dispose o!f Ive cases of strav- bernies, whicb tbey badinl the buggy. te local retailers. They bai been iniving alowly the ]ast few miles, ta rest the herse. A young mnan aise a resident of ZDon City, came up ho- hîni them on a motorcycie. Ur.sble to discern the lines o!fie vebicle in the dar.Xness the motorcyclist irovo hie machine at fuit speed loto the back o!fie buggy. The Impact of the collision, damaged tb. buggy sliglstly. made the motorcycle use- lemsanauscceeded ln Jarriag one o! the woman occupants o! the, buggy. lnto sutinlng a severely wrencbed shoulder. The rider o!f te maisé vas hurled te the ground but miracu- ously eecaped lnjury. Learulng that Oone o! the vomen vas iajured adnoting fiat se. as ln pain the oMeier vas proparing te seur. the services of a physicien. Hardly bai ho stated bis intention. until a wal vas sent up fromn thelu.. Jured voman vho snoaned that "the Lord vouli cure ber, the Physiclan be hanged." Sho vas a Volîvaite. Then the officer asked the vemen If lbey vented Boy 00e held for the accident and they stated tbat aIl they wanted vas *'ta go home." The m- torcycle rider, altbougb making no attempt to depart from the scene of tb. accident bai displayed extreme nervousness, but breathed easy vhen be vas informei that he vas flot tu ho bell ln the accident. Hie wrecked machine vas carriei iafie egarage of the country borne. The tvo vomen aled by aectators gaLered up nomne of tb. bernies ouL ot the road and uraIng their herses about. drove back to Mion City'. W.," aed)w room for Plantingof Chrysanthemuma, shei'f« o f elruag the.. etlow Primeî. 15. Goen4us ~or lOro l~I*iflI~ms for - * 100 Meredith FIlower & Vegetable Co. Reduce the- Cost of Living BU ordeiq g oorGROCERIES, MEATS end VEGETABLES at THE MODJEL "«The .iace Where Prices are Reasonable" Goods delivered go ali parts 01 the town. The Model Cash Grocery &Market M. L. SCOTT, Prop. Libertyville, 111- Keep Flies Off Your Cows With WILLIAM S 9 FL Y KILLJ3R Does flot blister or inake hair stick7. 1>roven the bout un the, market. $1.00 per galion F. B. Loveli Co., Libertyville WIIAT'S THE USE 0F GETTINOIMOT because our town ban gone dry? We havean amount of PURE ICE Delîvred in any qnantity at any time Phone 41 Libertyville Ice Co. Llbertyville lA c~rn oîUIeYoe lq tj4 gjiiërooITrNT in, UBatyVILt CBMf~L PAXK Toux NO w~ '-A11 in &gXoat. lby thi LziXOL~9a »I L&-unx4x tue aulpices of A SEASON TICKET miakes. it ail YOURS SEE THE BLACK SALE CARDS 4 ml easi averal «O. tory à le Lih wlia,îu cups i t, lAbo 1914, Ps W. h. for thi ime au I, au eui tu e b h itai. i viiail boue"i. trest soi viLla ou ceve a( mdsveroft Hoei, aad &IL. Bo large Who ii Salir th( Nov la t bave OUI fiat prel te 11H ci The hieS prepanati salic care tu jeets lu ne valus If the>' viii fini terested the da>' bois ta iii ari& the pput tries of 1 riculture belp. Ti duce betL than he The@ vs &Il the % Indirectl: vu live ressoa t site te t mnust Pa] vbo ba"U Birut viol pblainlug <ced vo To tisa and trie Ouperluli kied Inte tbç- IBu; OUI.sie.l Gradui 1 off elmluqudu Ade Pag. A" eauiuser 09tbem. m mm.