LARE COULNTY INDEPEN1.)NT WAUKEOAN WEESKLY. SUN au" ALFA N«VILLE, of *r-syaiskevhio mode tire hlgheet average in thre caunty examine- tien, 111h. dohîver-ed the vaiedie. -tory nt the ccunty commencenment le Lib.riyviie. Ch. vas»setire wiflîer of two of tier" alg e c cuise In the coouny costis. VALMOCTONV Lake o Cany raduatlus Cloe sof 1914, Parents antdF'Mends: We bave met bore taday perireps forth tiro rt Ume, et leasi for tire trot tUme on au occasion of tias letti, sud I au sure v. ore ail fglt tb. bore; te iber-e aMditu nelize tirai vo bave ftuisiret aur tro-t eIgirt yesre of scioal lire. i font quite certain tiret you viii ait agre. vitir me vbIsr i sat, 1 Ilsies thre dipiemnas irici ve shall am toan~s y i e ,thee h-get v. ehaîlever iecehve, alilougi, 1 trat 8soo!us, nai loasi i!9goon viii aur, seol vok until vo ne- cel-e a dîplonts fi-anenoaf our hos unlverehile. Hovever, tire nexi stop ftor us. onea asd a&H. ta cansîder la tire blir scirol. Bo large a par cent of altre pupîhu vira finish tire comum acircois. spec- ly tire boys, nover enter igir scircol. This le a depionable faci. Nov le tire time in aur livea virile v0 lave aur par-ents toalad us. ta receive tiret preparatianwvieh irvll ensile us te fl[i oui- places best in tire voriti. Tire bigli seir)l gîves usmucir of tii. preparaihonafil hlpave tire vay rfor une so tirai vo me> tale up a protes- sionai cansor. if le laten teins ve care ta do no. Mafny people tink tiaitirhe sub- jects ln higir sciool areoa! ittle or ne value to mont cf tire pupils, but If tiret consider ibIs carefuliy. tiroî viii Ond tirat ln this. tirey are mitak- Mite hIAZEL IAPIiU, of thes Southr Sehool, Nor'thr Chicago. Sire mode thes second highuet ave- rage ln the ceunty Comemsnce. ment and deliveruil tire emi tory et ths ceunt Comeneoment. Sire Won tthe winner o e issecond cup ln the spshihng contesi. SALUTATORY Par-ents. Plende anti Teacirsn: Il 1s vitbir aet piosure tirai vo, tire Elhitb Grade graduâtes o! tire Lake County scircolsat 1914 camel toir t t reet ton andt hank yau to ycun Pr«eece bore tedaytota vtness» Or feebie Irffote ai eniertiîrment.1 But vo do net i vhitu apolagize fan aur dofieecies. We bave bail tireî beut Poible adivantagees ad are no tireW<fultirai va bave isupnrei irces gelies ppomtubtle. out ies eveU ibus franes not bas& -royal rond& O! roses." Wa bave iraveieci tire thrm>.rmai to suecess; anti nov vo bave canquoreti al abstacisetirai beset tire pairs o!fiii. studente o! tir, grades anti areenjaiing oui- fret fruit@ cf viciai-y. Butvo rmainse tirativtirout tire trugles and seri- fiea o! aur Parefitire frlendît coan sel, tire diligent and patient instruc- tion cf toui- teacirere. andthie encour- agement af our fri-lods. ve coulti nover- have attainedti s degr-eeorc succoe. Word. Co ualex prese Our grat- itude ta aur parents. aur ieaclicr.-:, anti lest but nmi loasi oui- county su- Pernnendent. Mi-. Smpson, vir a ba done Boachucr tontie rural anti vil- lage schroals of Lakeo Couni>.. We oniy visir ta saythtit our labors airoli flot ire lnvain. Classmatee. Let us evon bear le mînti aur close motta: "Atmrnta defin- lie end." But let us Coi olt atm et definité end,. but aId ai tire stars, anti sinceréy elvhliavethet wh.n W are Botr mon anti i-men are nov In. ,- ied'yth ti tirearmor o! we tain edulea- teresitdinlutire plilticai questions o!fthon, vo bave reachedthe tirrsi moile- tire day anti vo caen ny unilenstanti atone o! aur joui-net. boy ta deai vîtir tire piohemu ithat Tie duaanmrlntieie- vii aiseintir ftur i>. tuyhng tuaI of ever>. Indîvîdual muet bo tire putiMtai-y of tire various coun- chieily iis ovn vork. Tire beet semî- tries of tire voriti.1 iai-y a! leernina tiret cen open Its par- To-Igo'iwo visir tu engage Ir% a- tale ta us cen do no mare tiran ettorti riculture, ire sciences afford mach ue an oppotunlty Of Insti-uctiorir It busp. Tietenable tiefretimer tu Pl' dtepentis upon aurselves viretir ev duce bettes antimaoe &nundet ci-0ps vill bo Instructed or not ant inta ra tiran ire basever tri-duceti before. point vo viii pusir ourI- nstruction. Thensv o ulti go an ant i aiav oy Anti ofttileiresesurrei, "Tire le Il tire subjecti bestefit us dreçtît oi- no excellence viranut great labai-2' ludirectt. DesIdes tire ase l InrteIr Heeti not ire Itle assertion that eti- vs live demandes culture anti tor tiraiucatlona] pursuts are disqualitying tesson tire cindy of Englisir andthie for an active business lIte. Paint oui Is3Uuag10 a svory Importent retînt- ta ibose vWho male sncb accusations site ta Il$., -tire foremosi mon anti vomen of hii- Totiat vitira feeliri. o! tory. Ask tiremInf -Wasinlgton vaulti mnust part vitir ment Of tie teacies- have heen irailed wsur rapiuro as tire vira lave irelpeti us tu acirieve thsfttier of iris country, If ire iretinat fret vlctary of aur scirool lîveS, el'ibeanuits pritie anti pattern alupuil- lalulu viren ve di not understanti eopirt and lette. Inquiro viretirer mecur-asng vitir yards a! piaise fon r e taught tire vonse ireesuse le mev goodl venr, anti correctîng Oui- meut iravto vrite hiIscommnentai-les. mist*ile. Would aiey persuade you tIret de- 'l'o lmateacirs. ta ur parents votîintu learnhug wvîl I vtltrav yaun »dntiudnts, andt th ie scirool oMfciaIs stepe tram tire pairs o! pleasure? Tll vs exitdOui- irarty tiranlus. tbem tiret are mIstakon. Telltirent 'We &]no leartili t tirlOur Cour',y *nper'iatesrent Mi. Ssmpson, for tire kiat interetire bas ehovu le us tor of tutit antiassociation anti e thtis tinauguration cf this ploasant oc- meeting, simler ta tire one o! totisY, «sso. tir@ tAireCaunty Elgirtir Grade receive oui- iigir ectool diplomase. Commencement. -Anti nov tire.tme iras came for me dradutinCluanCiseo! 1914:, ta bld you farevoîl. I1sam glati tu 1Ihlpe vaciorsas ment a@ pas- have met you lere today sud virer- eba "Il Me«i agalu, siaias stran- over tour pairs mRY lai t On nYoty re wua a u are loi-e* todet, but -e viuies for tire future go vitir yon. -A&MA, &Wu. ~~~iL&RWJUI!l'IV -iI.M Llý.E i.c I 5'IAV hN nZn x' ')i*:L JP lO8150PEÀ WINNERS 0F TWO IIIIEST vIte andt to chiltiron teu ysars cga, met lire. Rarningtan, Wvira isnov vornlas a hiosmai, in tir. Court o! Donestie Relations lun Chicago Tuoatiay. 14e vas srrsigned on s cirarge Of contrIbutîng a tirte depenti- ency ot Stopiren Harington, 10 tears aid. and 1ati Hairlngton, 15 years i ad. Tirecae ate contInued ta JulPy 3 to ghve tire Harringiona an apportuity ta settie thirIrdifficulties ot ef court. Tirsilei.aspouulbillty of as necnia- U01% 9accudîng ta counseloai, batir 11400 * in ire meent lection. "What's the reason, tiat ton vou'i bave stneet ligirs"' askoti a reporter. "Becaus e v havent tire marey andti e ti village juet iras gpl t euct tièvu ecmevirere and tir. lgua vwill, have to go," saiire lu reply, con. tnintn: "Pensonalît 1I dosIt neeti liaIt, on tire etreete bocause l'un net out laie nigiris. 1 supposeoaule feel thre saine vay about IL, Bui, tlat' virai 1 untientantiat ilte viii ire ue, streetlilgiris atter July lot and ve'lI have te use iarne aIf vo vaut ta go out bu moonlees git"» la seiti b>. sane tirai tire ayant vii have been set for $1.00 a MeMber. eclipse tire Con Shovwirelti lu Lib- ertyvîlle lest vinter. Tii.s sea op- Rev. Thomas Quayle va susbpoeua-1 partueIt no' ta bo misseti b>a&ans.e. a a s vtuess for ire deto ns.lutire Brhng yaur luncir and stay ail day. Diener liquor cse but vas not cli 1 upcu tire stand, He e eahe coultimotoi Mi-s. J. Ogden Armant viii enter- untiersianti vby ie lsd been cillai. tain an Tirnda>. an tire grounds of1 Ior Lake Foi-est home. "Mlady Parim" Mari Lee cf Wadsvonti, a jounS1 viren sire yul give a large oId fasir- man 22 jeans t as, vas ensignadi foneti gardon erty. Ou Pride>. sie before Justice 1. BR Mille o! Zion .OCit vîli entertaîn again for tire Garden iodai anti vas fined $100 anticoce on ' club, vhertlire. Pilip Martinean afa chargeof a!vgrasey. go WasU npile1 London vili spWa'tou "Unglîsiranti ta ey snd wviiiboard ont tira la i Lurertean Gardent snd Soess." the eauut#jeu nover besu Isiseti belote ila lls Under ire status ta rs es" i, i oi-s ane chos«« e omifl: t a mai tua o! 'ireBeta! uprvims la September, tan pet «ce 0f ls ho voteai "ae, Uow& led lua aInet, *fi- wont b moUt ce dreti naines si-e seect ifor *i«ý ot m eseir out.!trecoliMthlie ui- On Septembet I le tM isw Cm.un-jw t is, i came, enhta ota Voeu tw i P1ART rWii IINOS NCOMMENCEMENT 0F CO, SCIIOLS; PAPERS RJ*ýÀD AT LIBERTY VILLE that the eoeniY true pleasUro e aeLIES IN IIORSE ASPIES O.SUPEISOR ehxam idiiohe ault f o b dynt APIRE amie y nole mW&.IEN LIEITNINi STALL A WEEX; NO Lotus nlot thon ait vitir foided T U K- li B R O O *W R bande. Let un go forth loto the von I U K IIB RN F O OR A E truattul but fouaise. Let us exat oar adaptod calling or profession. Lot Men Are Thrown to Floor in a 'Charlie,' Character at Liberty- us lok on labor au honorable and digilfy tire tanir betore us virether Dazed Condtionp--Narrow- vill, Found in Fair Grounds It h. ln thre etudy ofie counting ly Esoape Death. Horse Shed Tuesday. recru, or furroved field. Tirere la an equality luaiH and the resolute viii STRIKES 3 TIMES ON FARM. WAS THERE FR SIX DAYS. and pure hoat iay ennoble eltirer. Tire conditIons of lite are alvaya îy ue rasHd enOfo rn n changlncg andi the experlence of the L.igngIIlflge rek a ee f na rn n father le rarely thre ezÉerIence of th on Farmn of Frank T. Fowl- Went There to Sleep It Off VritW sRtre us son. The temptations vicirare try. fer Near Sand Lake. -Almost Died.da NihAfeFowHu tucg us are not the tenxptations. which a NihAfeFor ou bouet tireir tootsteps, nor the dangers Th ive~'s of fourme ý nd. A man viro le knwn hy the name Deliberatton by Jury. vici threaten our patirway thre dan- of "Chantie" and wirose othci- naie gors wicir urrounded them. Tire la nad vr810votr ot kaae sf o w~n by any of those vira ON ONE COUNT EACH. epocir that la opening le ail our own. ifcurred when a boit of ligirîning cal i m by tire appellation. vent HENRY 9. EGER Thre yoars le before us ns a vîrgin struck thre barn on tire Frank T. Fow. tirrougir î mont fightful experlence Cre ev ieo atSn page. We cen Inscrlbe them as vo i1 er farm near Sand Lake Sunday ai-.fat Libertyvîlie viron he lay alone In Lîbertyvîlleieslîporvîson viro bas an.-' te eAto Fieor aite>o yu.ternçýon. Seemlngiy In a ,!aiXfui R, a shedi on tire county fair grounde tne AtresMk.o * f y fri-ends, our sc'hoor aaysr have tîtude the Ilghtnikg pro e u noar the village, havlng beer% there nounceti1th to t ie a candidate tinfra ewTal lot gloue fonever, snd now. elassemates trakuprfrre oQrrI m Wednosday to Tuesday, a jeriod frtr euicnnmnto~a o il bld you farewell. only untîlI Septem rnsas Il courseti about tie outer lof six days. with nothlng to eai or Presentative ta $Pvnled fi-rn thue After a delrtonmý, laettag @cur ber en 1 hope we shaîl ail ho en-waulis of the structure. Thre tour men drink. Thiv seerus aimost Impossible tire 11h sonatorlal district. Mr. Egern murs a jury in counrty clr .~ j w~~ho were ail employer; Of the amI utianl lain t ahetre' act attire Idpndn aia t. t Iolieepetreehgir îhoo. I eec-a verdict eegirt-tirty iico Tue.' ki Il'ne o tiani ouun ad ilandi the tact ihat his omplnyers an fried ya proank yubor e da.and fra vre tbrwnttire fluor. m, heutie the r rsd l dnn tri titdby mon fraim aIl townships ofdaoeng, ohDlrrv e. fouddenp flash came.a, ad fr thrsrolud hm erin laidlmeductod a saloon at Haîf Day and U>U tire klnd attention you have yald to udnfahcm, hr hyli and fournd hlm 'lueatiay almost "aitl1,&"e county several years ago at tie rent floan bis l bartondor, bath roee ou! outfuleffots nd gainIrýthe11,if tley vero -toflplfl. Evpry (n1 In " findicates tire truth et It. 11time Stearus was a caurdidtand s ugdltgutlyO reeortmàttoafli baoirtatireclose of 1914 i bld you of ther n atuniret by thre elecîri- 1j'it seems tirai Charlie, wvira iR n made a good esoirvng. Rehabau 'Janmesur Haumînr. AtDM«~ veicome. clty tirat i lileotb e air about tire assistant fireman ai tire Fouida Mac- consîderlng entoring thre race for Jaes- Welcir sud WiiIU fe -streak of ligitinfj The haro dld tarni Plent, veut Off ON.a 5 "'tst" a n ome days pafit and matie tire finIal at one..madle a motion for a m ta'o lire, but the. roof of the stluc- veek and, on Wetineaday ire vas veli announâcorent af!iI decielon Mfonday trial but tire date for srcmWUl, tbas DIES AS SHIS sure was bsdly damee as was otir-1 mider tire Influence of tire stuff tirai aftennoon. Ho vilI et once start tire ne yt >' fo orrtions of th.e building traverseti1Ibefuddiec - on's iread.1 circulation of bis petitions antid. Statela Attorney Ri. J. l3ady hjad RYN TO NT R by the lightniug. sCoteat hre dFaPir Groud ciaronshe's going lInflot only ta land rmade thistes.uea aM11 TR INiTOE TE Tefihnig tuc i bredi- Durlng ba-spree, on W edy h oiainbut ire elocted. In lange meaurti epeatioti viat le DO R FlIRKO Eforent places about tire acreagos ut, ho made hiis ay to tire couniy fair' amta- - Totilt do In tire case of be ollir ' d M R O IERBOXE tire farrm. Twice. h trucl In -tire'grounds as frad been iis ont ire- ffendant% vira vere ladlced l by usà _______fildls. Tire electricial torm ibat fore. ant, itieho touai bimelf a lI I ÙI"aIé D spellgran uo r lfy ona Chliesmm Mrs. m. Hffmeyr 0fDia-raged In tira tsection vas the vorsi nice soft boid In tire strav In one of LAI w AaaCOUsllnMiuo1llgiy.Hib.Su Mr.W .Hofee fbi- rtne nyear s euhIt vas flot the stalle virerebirnses are kept dur- Nhe tire lnt case ire turaW l ealbus mond Lake Dies Mysterious- appren inWaukea. Eve'sufvt ig tire fair. He laid bimaeof down ROADS ASSN. NOW tirati It vulti ostablsir a badt pf> fiaaires of llgitnlng vas preseutet teansd fit vas tiere ire vas found Tues- dont for tir eotiroe. P«Ùtirei5m Iy in Sunday's Storm. Waukegan folk vho airsorvedth ie day after fri-ends irad instîtutet a AN OR(iANIZATION ire put virt ai i slderew on. et li etorm. searcir for hlm.N strargest cases Ilrat. la tIr-e blsui IGAVE LIFE TO SAVE FOWL. 1Tire boit of ightrring viricir struck Tire man, after ire awalened tire fol- of tire jury ha ei'cleed great î"ti, te barn vas of a treal nature. It lovlug morning after lylng dovn. Organize- in Rousing Meeting accepting uly men vbog e i Wiretir o th ie ebocirof tire vas vituesseti hy tire famlly lu tire vas sicir and unablo ta get up; sol HeId it the Town Hall in ver. not blased lu tirhe rnai.*sla etorm andth ie fear tirat sire migiri Povien nesitience andi by meny airer tirere ire continuei to lie, Nobod<y îK *î evol pleaieti ver hie vicitr. encounter Injury fromnt . an vhethe, a retidents of tire vîcInity. It la stateti kne o iwuastire, nobody coaei. ..ibertyvcile lTiis camevwo ne ln vhlel l»Wm boit of lightnlng actually bit anti af- tirat tire boit eeemed tue pltt vien fitHeonasea sick ire coulti flt get yard anti hie bartentir er.n eigel wiib fecteti ber. linflot known. but, tire tact struci tire roof of tire bain anti ira- te anyiroty andi ht contînuei to lie ELECT OFFICERS FOR YEAR. iravlngso»Id beer te WMollaZd tu, Mr& Wrn. Hoflmeyer, a veil inonvu ersei lis vay oven tire carriero e trasday atter day aunti girt atter - 15yca i sOm 9vu m, ra Je.~ renfilat of tiracou' flir.iainond structure, lu ivo âsoirrate...aaes. niiht. -Mee-Ïng W J>P jJ<jOver by OeIr I to j3a Uker dioti Bundat on tire dooriep of Tire men viro were lu thre bearn bai Baye passei, figues pasud eti obai Cunaid on pur ber home virile returning lu thte met retunnotifrein a fiahing trip ai oaod u n atn;le ai obg ty SUperintendent Char- clssaiboor at i lesplace essen" bouse from tire yard duins tire sevene tirelaie. They iratiremnattid lattire n t andexeno tre hbai otîl iîcî les Russell of This City. oral dîfforent o>IMsiea storin viricir litedthairt section. barrn vien It started te raie. Tiret braugir htir hl m a little liquor- Tir e 1femie dldti . aetiux Mnr. Hoffmeyer vas 63 yart olti ve o upeti about la coversatien. and. îieysy ireboditlved mruciroft Tire Lake Couaty Gooti Ruadesas- dony thtirai yong Zest 1*4e PWob anti virile ber irealtir iai flot been of Sutidenly tirere var a birilnrg flash. tire'tme on lîquor and luncires. aioire'soctition Ibas matie a permianent or. a glass Of bon oa i. beweicbu 4êle .tronrgost, sire confiti fot bave irsen Tire very structure seeomed t. rend managedti tagel along botter tiran tire ganîzation In a meeting of tire boy li fot h ie jury to doce evIi sai ta have ireon neally stick. ftaenti to end. Tire men feulu inaverage man îeft lu sucir a plaigt, eda Àbryilý TeSt or flot tire set of aitotuis q t0 Storm Comtes On tiroir tnscks, stunnedti. a isirrp But time passetion. tram Weines- iritgi i Lbrtyvae u ftie super- baye lhtonstitutetia ale usdut b. Wiren tire storm carne on Suntiatcracking noIsetire boit of ligltfling day te Tuosday and hierinsentaitire eigyrcrvsmteu !tr ue-circumitaces. t wuv 01s1111111411111 continuretilis va>. about tire Outer factory began ta miss hlm. visor ndutbiigirvay camîtselore of tire boy bati puncireasei s ises e sfternoon, Mn.. Haffmeyen vent luta valîsetoftire structure. 'lha MeoneOnoman repontedth ie malter taetire county convened Inluirbe tgau irsîof the bartouder by tellea hb tia tire yard ta ock up tire cicena antiboird nilhas Il playeti about snd tjiey Mersirai Lîrnirniy antisuggestod tirat ai Libortyville trIs marnlng. Almosl Dienor hidRetaid t wvaub e ail SfM. attend ta ailier matters about tire momentarlly exirected tiroir endtin ta iey searcir tirrugir tire rdseaitire'Tire vorir of putting s ï*-iiisi place. Before sire biatireturnel ta ocme, but iirey vero toc tiaxd otiaeven tain groundis for ire recalled tirait re- I very tovnshrip lu tire coaty van re- vas campieti about tvêtg tire bouse, tire etorm irai iroken. nise thirodies to a sittlig uatgemm. quetNly Ciriie hatigone tirere te i irrsenieti Tre plerdid coudjiion a'clock anti tire attooy^ beaa. Il vas Dat until the mombers of Flnally one ofthtie mon camne ont of sleep off a 'Jag" anti ire "migiri ireOf tierae tsattracting many telu ai-ptse ttire jury eortly eater*ew ber famlly missei ber anti vondered tire semi-caelous condIion antîere nov" ihe saiti. tend tire ibig meeting. An election o! Sbontiy irefore ic i d*0 viry toeremalooti autalie ai long. lng himseif OP ire sbn<k the cirer. Sa. Tuesday afiennoon, tirey sisi-teti aficoire ta rule tire destinies of tire eevas glvo e tb '1" lu it W tirat tbey diiacovened ber dylng uabir out of tirir dazo. Alreatiy peopIe vira tire searci viric Ir lnally revealeti organIsation for a yoan vas irolti. vore af tire lmps-eesles thiat Uq biti trieti to return ta tire homse. Ag )ivtire mon vere in tire bmi-n vore Cirilie an tire floar of one of tir Cirles Rpssei count suporinten- voulti ir a dhugreemt wW* ïo-; tirey openeii tiretiaor, tirere îirey gaw nmnnng acroas thfielbds. fearlag, ras hornsestalle more deci thoan olive, yeîtident' a!WaLukegan, presîiet aven tire mter Ions fiaud eit iuont sa v B Mrs. Hoffmeyer yîng aronse thiretps.teYirai matie ne appeaance, tireit Il consclous. He vas picketi up, ta,*in meeting- b.lng reacheti. uneascias ani tilng.Ilvlenty lUbetalen iret.e < o>n anti thon litvasndeciýd'biis ITire objeci of tire organisation torm-. As 8socsI e .formeab"raie sire beailetiedtaget loto tirebhanse Ail 0 tire mon vere flmnly revived #condition vas sucir tirai Ihebotter hoe dthetireiser Part of tire dIscussgion knev oo.o ieiius15 aMi vas avercame eluir by slock or and tait about tiroir bodies seoriningyrmveit'ir ont am n -ie aemetn.A tr et-vrit laone or he inSed. l by tire effscts of tlitarning met os lotir ta belleve tirat tiret lad ose i Sa, Cirle le nov an Inmsteo f tire ing I vas resolve t tira iltownship Smrney, Bltes3 Attorney Dsiy sad sire reaciro thetrostops; antiosemay hJnrY, irovever. tiret tit thre seic r4caur tai, lovit necavening tram ofielsle viraattend tire meeting of tire Atorneys Welci anti Dean e loil. bave ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~i benafca ntr adat inuiru iermlte !tr a.II xperlence af alrnosi a veekvitir- association viire haalovoti a compen- detense wveecWbi e tire* enuu irai managedte tadrag irerseift te e It UC feai-edti tiritire barnvas oivter or taod. Tirai irelivoti nation ftr - tirurtîme aDent ai theo ga-r-mta besthtie verdicti md. idoon viricir tie biltitriai ta open but tiamnagoti gieatly. but theire vetîga- seeme avodrtia emutetî Uçin.itasaodcdtiaiati toseyWcraedtatl.js tauli. îai Irovoi tiai ireoxtnt f Btrnie il-affectesesome quite likely. tire next meeting of. tire amociationire polieti &Mdtire foibovlagu ceust. Sire vas carrieti mb tire bouse but damage aggregated about $150. et Lako Villa the, latteain- rtof An. vrastPut tu aeci jurtir: -Wes&M esb tiedt Tory ebortyatterverds, Tire ex- guet. L. MI Heruies or [..keVI"e tris your verdict." £&eh mmsiqai act cause of ber deatir therefore un- derth crerntaces wllneerhaTOWN w ENT DRY, ALL PLANS M E wo; peseot anti &fter :xtending au lu tire affirmative. TéMAle tienatol tirecthemeaucs, ilineyrf tire oropedtietahave tiere astirtou knovn andt irre are varfous conclu. aiaiuhaaaeth rpnIosglYonmetmmecngb sions as te lust virati îwova. It O S .LI T NFOR1 'RO i.R)UP' snsuniesaeitr rpjtosgit nmr is a es NO T.LIO I tiai woldýb mae ota i cmngae atisfldasuit ha. Tbe-pmmslI70, ssems certain.,irovever. tirai tire by theopeople of tir aet il0thestatuts for a.,vIoltkb «*4 stonm luaime maarei- vas tire direct ThEN A IJU E ie Big Rournd up ton Lake county Tire nembers look dinner ai tire nature 18 a Alue O!f i-cm $*»te So- cause. T N A M oh ri audyJn 7ho heLyric rsarat ibIs noon, atter anti froint10 tu 30 dma ie tla 11 lins. iHoffmeyei- vas oneat tire veIl veek ai Havtirorne Fai-m, Ill., la e to b. iîcir tlry viii attend a ravîng pic- joli, or 'bail lu tire, dbettio& «*4ils -knovn realienta livingvet otf Dia e esdnt Dolrsone cof tire biagesi events of lis kmmd ture sirovw In a idy.court. moud1*10 tie faiiy ravug lvai Ther Is o Mney or ver ireit In tire Ui. S. Prof Cytil 0. Tire fficens vira vere electe t t tirne sany jeans. hr IsN Moe fr Hopkins vir a u Illinois' foremnosi as. raie tire organisation ton the cbmng MONOAY'S COIIIT VOIlOt Lighting Town. riculturlst ls ta ire re anti delhver tean are ais !oilovs: N*uwll .- DE$ERTED 10 YEARS AGO, an add-oe. This alane us vor tirte Laco fionn Gurneen, Proesder1t. Tirecase et t Popw,-is WIF S~S ILIOAIR. 0~Ace rdina ta a veli kurovu reui. attentisuce of overy residont In Lake E. B. Huirberi, Lbertyville. Cierk. vas tle Or-stcaeoin tire t@%trial004i w WIE Ug ILIO AIE dntOotire village of Beerfisiti ater county. Prof. Abirott o! tire Upiyer- Cirarles Russel. Wankegsu, Record. Counîy courtits" metng. Aumas William H. Harrinaton, son a! tire July lot, tirere vîli ire no 'street siîy ofIlilinois viii aiseire an tire pi-c- lus Seeretary. mnts for tire defeont., jaais &O lait StePlen Harrigton, miliinaire lIgueB lu tire village, due, le etates, gram as voîl as Oounty ativiser, tram E. V. Bi-oaus, Waucontis, Treasurer. WelcI andti Wll&lm* A. >easwl of-ighan Pati wh deered iste tire tacttiret tire tovu ývoteli dry fevery corrnty in naitiera itnois. fit Dues tai- membersip nlu tie rs d..a pnt les .I.s Ilà aa tu"e *hi" bas vvij. 39. LIRMirl'YVILL& nýl.-- PRIDAV- MJNE 9f; 1014 dbi rui "irk lm"r y]