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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Jul 1914, p. 6

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7"&1TW0 FCRIUTSAND WASOOCuIEN í$ AID A mild sens tio n as cedin Were Found at the Lake at 12 e°""tr«court hi. morning when Fonner Mayor, Who 0Onc sPé State's Attorney fiL J. Doidy annonc M TERTANSIIER T"°S- T"O"'S0N, LOCAL 2GR RIREST. LK. FOREST UNIVERSITY oa i hu 2nnietmenlthe a g t in s ankut NS BERCONTRACTOR.-- IS DEAD1 HEADttARRIED THURS. AT Pacin and John lKadruh, North Chi- 0190 EARS Thomas Thompson, a wlkbn1E AN COLLEGE HEAD'S HOME. HAD SMALL BOY WITH HER. Cate =wo are harg edwit - OR01R 0 OSaM NE? Cemtent contractor of Waukegan died at his home on Pacifie aveffue at ten Anipdnt but very quiet wid. Pohice Had No Positive Proof, on Surnay, bas disappeared myster. Fox Lake Residehoe of the A À UN ON .'clock, this morning, his sIctness, 1O 1 IRFA HER diAng okpaeTusa ona and Djggjgggd Ajj gf Them tously. He explainied that the docu- atomach trouble, having dated frora LakelFo eTh resdentJon a. ment was In the court room at the - Former Senator Is included Miss Jane Jemison is Delightful lanebut a "eealhug e a ntArrest Took Place in Highwood Nlen"edAfteuaeFoetUn. WthSen anng i e meit r l , tmongnheyChatees Mr. Thompson was 54 years old and versity ,was married toeaMise LouieS. As aremmberitAttoney2ame }Hostess After Half Cen- hiadt lived in Waukegan fiftee years rdyNgtW e hy Brtet h eeoywsproM- WueaJn 9 Welch was the last man to whom 1 Fred A. Buste, former mayor of tur HasPassed He built many concrete block struc-, Wr on i o a d.inPthe e.dent's residence by aey. Four people, Including a married showed the indictment," hie said. Chi*ago, and State Senator Edward • tures, much cement sidewalk and did •r remn Lake Forest Presbyter- oman fromt Ziors City, a child who I didn'tfatefi," Attorney Welch C. Curtiz of Grant Park supply a con. various other kinds .of cement work, 1 an church, In thet) resence of imme- was In her company and evidentally hatndt a.tato h otnso w oet PLAYSINGS ND RECTES. ein rcoer,zed as one of the best WERE WITH 2 SDI.DIERS. liste relatives only. lher own, and IWO recruits fromnthhatndosy.ratf the frue ftodps- In his line. . Mrs. Notioenlhas been a resident ef Judge 8mfley remarked that lnalI tors_ i the crash of the La Salle Beides ie wife he lae a esn. -- Lake Forest for mainy years, arnd sanaval training station, were taken In PrObability th@ indictmentlhad been Stre bat\k, Chicago. One was UV- Although 72 Years Old, Well Fredsand daughter Sarah;,fur broth- .rior to Their Being Found the well known there. The marriage plans custody by the polée at a fate hour' mislaid ad wui er u e d and the other was sacrißiced. Kmwn Woman Demonstrat- ers survive, Chris and Nels of Wau-, Guard at Fort Sheridan Was etrelatpvesecd rendsnone butfclos' Saturday night Wheu they were founasd sua nciodnturne up sh o ortly. H it lea e out i'husasht oh ed Unusual Faoulties. er of Germany. 1 nitdin the Search. to occur sud the announicement even • toav hap aai a olow:pe%. Attorney Welch, with At trust accounts, at the banik. Mr. Fwmera! Mtonday from the house, 1 today will cause considerable sur-Thygvternaeasflo: torney Orvis, who represents both of Buste had obtained a personal Joan Tify years ago MinssJane Jemison Pla. Mr Mertins, German Congrega. Waukegan, June 29. 4prtse among friends of the university MRS MAY PREEMAN, 2320 Glilad the defendants In the case of $00,000 by Cummings Foundry «Man Instructor at a small private , tonal church ofBiciating Two Young girls who reside In High- head and his wIf. Ave., Zioqn City.• tock. Mr. Curtit has a loan of about alna < the West aide, on Victo7 wood were arraigned In Police court H. McBRIDE, Naval Training Sta- Mr1ayBa ise h nit 6,000 without security. atreet, just Opposite where the Wau. this morning before Police Magistrate tion. ment last Priday afternoon but at that Au trustes for the Kellogg-Mackay &egan township high school now U I time siupposed it had been misild. Hie· company, the Cfo'tar coal Company, Mans riayevnin Jne26hiM U ER I 1UD Walter Taylor on a complaint made by O N PÀ U L RED ZIMMERNIAN, Naval Train-akethconycrkomken and of the William M. Gunton comn- 1"14, the entertained over a 4ozen of their father, John Iewellyn. Thel ing station. Panty, the former mayor deposited @ecilrn h wn t erfr n nms fte ilsfllwCopaitårtwitad bottefeort to findfit. since that time a $165,964 In the La Salle Street barÇi. die dm s in ntthe berearlyeuainalr vs ftegil olo:Cmlin ia smd aottethorough and patstaking .search hasHe had no warning the batik was ab icIn Cherl eukile TUEN aegd 6 A X6 A DE Y GRAV " I2 s '"- h- 2 werT o-e laatumon ttalk over old times For somte littletm i scharged callRY R - e d pte oieCn epre tesae'satorey this morning. theThe llinoiaSBurety company has giv- ma ftseeIf they had lived up t eeetwogil hvhbeaams e-1,matter to themé He said the woman eMaryndfor$50,00 o isur th lagm tigh thrayfni h and 7;MeeKennedy Who Left North tinually In the Company of .otidier aet 1Hundreds See Thrilling- Resoue and the two recruit. had htbeensn- ltwaih ea ed ie&vete ale& . follea non the truste - arls old, bu still ithe, ppMd Ch*oa1oSeems to Quietly Hlighwood. Tireafter time It la said 1Whloh 00curred at Madison Ing arund the depot for tome little ttt o h rgnlidcmnaDrame Ail out d , wbg a slth p liattesra - SepFrmthSErh..°fthrBesach atbeeeu e* dghnnnne eua esecopy. He was put underoathand Bankof rantPark.Thtinstituto greved not only a dlightfuil hosteu sERthenEAHtest-i i nd thati the tomncopy diofiethe in- adO$p50000 in he 1 ale treet 110the «Children" who were once her PA RENTS HERO E .ftINJURED W HEN R AFT TIPPED a c1htigofte.e-s.dctetWIÉh ye4 .d bo ish._:iak n un 1an b. d. heb mt shte demonstrated to thens Last Friday night hie went to Mar- PolicemenL Metz and Cocu were di$. à inÏetore the bank Ir" closed- " " w" """"0°ft»*M .$sal willims of Highwood and said patOâdd jto in stg te. pon their r t WMtX e10 was8ithdra. Wheou whih wette akehe en esage RciedfHeeSa"dhhadtslearned that h,, to daughtesYoagÎmn trckonHedrit thile depot the fauna ue çTc nedw dut lila io rr ttis @er s acanaid a e t nted Miss ted a ploCe ferubr an 1 LaDeath were at the jkw tti solidiers frmm and StusinedSinkg ( o" people had disappeam d. They . ettg ýta h doi" i o oed or a a tateu ms hihrurdflly ton mb n atrofLke. 1 '-rH sheidan>. ; u eOrsatiMd, -Wa$ Very Near Death ý "ieM da .earch and aft.r some littid 0 as a te mewa Md 14 me-eor 1the legilature, with pou. b$WdeV917, soigthat herW -- -Was outside his juisdictioff, 11% mar - m flûte foünd them at the lakes. They aib-7 one exception, failed to vote for mor isrearkble S rnd rds edeepesit ofr siteferls sUf' aoiInformedt the officers at the Mil Whukeg17 ou f6 I #i"enluncustody and upon theirue tie rgnlidtt Î Af oie. If l a a most forcefui and expressve, undte disappearance of Merle eaJn 5 testifldd " that * th l markts of Amieng the securities which have ang treminded her former pu. Kennedy, aged 21 years and a resident of the fact arnd the guard was called' 1* da dsWatched with grave facest arrivel St the police station were the circulit o cuty€Mrsar beel di ered ln the Chicago bank, POW bow they »Mse ofiston ta olerOf North Chicago, up till about a out and made a thorough search of i#m éug man dove under a raft, 1o. questioned. are the : negn t ariusenertinens wenmoth ao. The Young man has ap- the lakte shore without finding the Ictedaot20fe ofsoe nte One of the rffluit n h oa xc oyoo riheoginal Martrag en William Lorimier's ashewas heirst'ool eachr. arenlysvnishdaassurlyealifthe irls thwteriOfaheiMdisnrsteet.eac clamed o be olafrinds nd aid ndicmentoFnttry he eclred hatiountyxhnie t Fo fore fo30.0000 A"nWMthe Mids Jeio ang.Sheworld haLd opened and swallowed him grs aesO h aio tee lie eb l fld n sdthe two defendants, 1feet and Mad-. Mortgage on t FOX Lake home of ý eang w ithasJiri shc o uden . eFor almosttIWO weshspeece 1A littlelater in the evening the fa-|1Wédnesday afternoon. The hundred@ they were simply renewing old friend- rub Who are new ln d@t, are theLrme'snfr .ebavage youm, people of the City has beena unknown. About two week ther went to the matrshal's office and gasPed as teyugmneegdsi.Th oiewr e xcl It fs thus seen the Mifu .«m»lgthey but have heard her. Her ago lhe wrqte to Mr. and Mrs. Albert1 said hie was convinced his daughters' fromt underneath the raft carrying in pleased with the explantation *s they tae'etntoednitidit.homes of the Lorim6 i a 1001 ko ediree le atlli sweet and deitfutou t Schuenteman of North Chicago, friends were tI a freight car with two soldiers. i his arma the unconistefrmi of a could prove nothing aIde frOfn themet. have been plastered fuY obme ti*W, the10ea, she knows how to handle lit Of many years At that timie he was Attorney$ Orvis ard Welch jc ta good advantage and her songe nArrll ic hnhswee He and the mnarshal went to the rail- Young lady. Then the eaiger specta fact that they were al1 together at e d to the substitution on the grdh -ade a deep impression on the vit'- abouts have been a mystery. To add road yards and mure enough the girls tors displayed tense ftfes asteI ndgttt i d tera, Somesof the songe she ag aruther Cloud to the already veiled and their escorte were found in an watched 'te yun rlay ingeiteyd ot f-smiss the Ihawrnnl;e int tho stat:ie dw,-.n't orovide f e aen thns- -9n by her band the Du- cIrcumstances that surrounds the empty car. fromn the waters to the batillagfplermr aeuBo hi ciosi h uch substitution ef a copy for the 110 -hen they were in school. As case.A message was received this 1mrei h fthi ctosintéoriginal indictment. theunrs ad ate rag hrogh hemorning by Mr. and rs letgh- One of the soldies managed to es., w ere ahe 18Y In a comnotose elindi- future. The womnan was placed or, Tesaesatre edrln L it M*Ktod'the "puplb" back to the eneman, It read as follows: cape, but the other was caught and tion. The tensenesfs that held the board the ëe eo'lock car and sent fa sgow time jifty years ago when they sang "Uonderatand AXerie drowned in turned 'over to the gatherities at tlk thruong in silence then, quickly beegMe back te oiuCity. tahowce w heresiiast ances hae theseV1ry1 am oln g Ps with the very Te Michigan, wire details- fort. The girls were penit home. asrelieved and relaxation swept over p, The police sIW di the opinion that ta'edopraceunthav e astanchereb- #M e h btea rd yemsm@e Them essgewas from tteuparretfiere was no way for thenr to beeta- rben the victim opened her eyes and a eurfew law foi' adulte as well anstaitu a ggi. po g te»tgth sit" as. The éSonge touched the They had rSeeved a message stating ken care of that Avenfig: tien gaining full consciomusns, ralis ecifdren would bie a good thIng -for ti hersOf the now grnpfl upils and mrlfhtteyon a a o t &B aturday the fatAlr appeared hri o e fe-t: City. They would sMe te have an 1116co&lt granted the right to make »Mfalaa ye alled with tearu as the hie life In the waters of IIke Michl.a- a oiesaini igwo n h on omnwsMs hm-odonepse hc ol as the substitution and the cas was ai- te$Uclciosof the Paetwere brought gan. That was probably all the t.re- 90Plie toinved*gvin to'neYunl#ma ceed. hoj oègIThepssilwattorneyases for Vff. heatones o *M*ilasuCh a forceful and unusual Port contained for they were sking ied a forma complaint, declaring lhe son Of Chicago, at present a visitor spodn erstoquit &all pu6l1 Places at the defense'took an exception to the emee.for details of the supposed tragedy couldilact control his dailihters; and at thehome Of her $inter, -Mrs. J. Wall, ten o'<'fock at' night. Suee dtinarees rulin o U? and thon 3M188 Jemison played the from AMr. and Mirs. Schuenteman. asked ffiat the law fte fildcoUt-oo. 712 Carlna place, this City. have l&Uen passed in other di"e and piano. e r tuchaseemedd jutas et. NoMrthCle Kenn sedy uhteareien f Margtal Williams went>-tv the Llew- - The Young ma, towrhom the Young bave gliren good satisfaction he the it d ffty nrs or hecaChia em ed atte ellyn bane and placed the-gils under lady owes fier life, fi Lee Duarkin of S M LSAR Z 110t110 he e tlier -home en what was Pany. lHe was a ery industrious arrest, llengng them to Winkegaii, North Sheridan Rotf. the -a rareisrmn, h in.Young muan and of quiet habite. and placdtg them In the c6tnty jali:: The iliar Y downing and the subse. They dfd not have pianos in sichoolsienscno accotfoir hie myo.- where they were kept until i6etir hear- quent rëscute threw the muny frequent Nf S SÀC U FPo ys Hre rentfetiadon ousisapparne.n ssecng this narrIng. ets of thé Latie Front into a state of MAN WAS FINED O VMEINC.A thtsh us av ep p e pa-The reporte reeived by his parents Assistand State's AttoneyRnadecteetftoa ihee yn tetMdeau P"tebe able to interprt them u nter t received t ad madealna esigtin ito fa e Yoesn ady w oer y onth:: FLIRTING CHARGE .- ifWna 1&0e4hL , ring the triends of the Young man teon se httecs g" h ll n'h:eehýnlt ,gseYou4 take this ont, 1 i'takethat 14loin teinoralpogambyefotstodeernnig i rl atyounger of lme girls lbe dropped upon eadwo ahon noa sae<M; you fate that onei 11-1takeaan e the ag e e-teacher, Cardle were play- hier promise to go to the hoilie of a of frenzy while ier sister- wax buried Zion City, Jube 27.-Ed. Kopitas' this, one, mi êadthese won the prisez, Mrs. gsister In IndiWaato make lher lifone in f ih r he air menat nepoeo TeCo lcrcl That's about the statòsc ofitWe : Thos T 1rll Mike Moran, Mrs. Pe- N IE.U E future. In tle ease of the Clder girl theé raft.' Company, residing nt 2605 Elizabeth aWinTTEmon 08.nos 11ar t nt ere servedat the ldeasked for- a fu a nticttth Thcinidétoecrud ed a pr avenueZ on Citf was tried Hw 4de lioareinno o iraA ,adL,0 e.-e * O Te goesth e r aeihersorercontyejail*nsnt c4etePofitbör, raft' placed *fl, the w"ters Cof for "masning" yodhfg ladies on the thbiaycssbogtI om «Mec Mtiss emilson orm h each Mr'jal th'è bathell -to-rètt' uop-streets ofrZMon. "h1 ct atop y yourt by State's Attorney Dedyi Or wives of pupile and In- T" M m ifo1on.i Fi ve or 8Wf bet'ers - were seatigd appeared as proséècutor, whIle the Fe h eednsddtlk blm Right;camdas "Mine m esn-8 a 'N IU Non-theraft. AMtong theWwere>.MlisYoung man was defè dfed by Attorrrey- ty a )jter aas ey asked ja «b»ren":- Track Spreads and Big Laco- . i E°"*"°" n tï'"" th** ***th*pg W. H. Fabry, a changp of venue and they wonl W0r.94 n8 r. 'Peter Nolen. M ihed 'beer, lun rdups len" thil&ntt: Iatti 'Prom the evidencë submitted by ffIla i rs. William Melody. motive Leaves the Rails a rdpa nFOR he aUraa n. ITs Lizzie McPheriion, Katie Ash. tLo J12dg8 Smiley of Woodstoc* , Mr.James Mereb - Sett|gg gMg|sg gdg tre rÜib't h bfègw*-yta'nBeulah Franks ad' Gladys Grove whhaprsddhrathee- Mms.Peter Michaels e orfolktf he âtheJ 1o hd' it' appears that the défendant han a cent trial Now tilen, they app mm.IA gar. W ECE PCK P NG chult Judge 1Charles Whitney a n1g0lus 0e , Ch parentlydon't lkik.uges mie, «M .Tho. TyrreD. Anrornig Issuedie teraporaryi ' tet-,ultaneously '*Thiat O*tndba1àd edit ef!"hello girls," - "belle kid,"l ae mi ste hogtte 111,MJb ohnPet.tWhile switching on the simia- oftIibWr jathe rcase'e Benjamin J.; HOp. Ba la'syour hurry," and likesen- would, soit in the Schwartz casp, ý Šlåa Boecer.the Devis Milk MaumnerY ompffy-at Iiib .0tal., aga*nitthe City oftElo, adi tad rM Tbrr cs n uh ot'r roace acag6 veu a sednor Nan, North Chicago, Sbftrday afterno, restaking the miserand aall0911111111 ek1 yrthaf girsd n a o e r sons thbork.Mine today and the case thus ut- Ni'atnlives wifth her brot Engfine No. 988of- the Chicago and Oit'Y« gicialsand 4lemployez fromen wt ad leath.lot u 'id tcusØlhlleedanhee fmse matically -01000toJudge ,Personîri JasesenWet ashsgonstee, orthwesterr.rant auto a dei e treih or atter tikg to enfö Iesrukhfronýtuofa honne on thé..ningof Samuel Sebwarts entered an ap: sheeta flook tfi oin whee0"hetteteh Of tractThIe rale oß6enly eOtr andinance reeltag to the 10 e algh bowonTh h ne.,hè, 18t. On another'ale=aIon ho pearance tin County Courtbeo-P sesiEty yearngS. spres@hig caused' Ge engine opr learp Anglinanane or ,'Opegaton of Sumd asn o te btom.1 whfeimd ~n ae i ada e ug ai hsmriga slorow lt 'o %« mmnthe rails and It rolled evi«rthe eitablair boarding te lestables y ho se ft*Mn xverr at to ýo i an*through hisis tterney, Alec isaubien gon o te os gasgl el i light embankwmnt' ad thnkim Wb(*l" mmbeconsi l &healed ont again = rdto entered a pl-&ot "not guilty."Ato- aukega . ettled teIoints idainthe moi that: spsi. garages eOnBe sness. The next t a tre erattenton. 8W wasou. ney Beaubien åag announcedIein skirts the track et the poinettthe ithe omrporate IlMM softh '. pegaf1 †e a irmedt the Itmer tention, of mafhag a motion for a Mgr, and 'Urs. X. 3. Calisan h ave engineswas ln chaqre !ngin« eer as Zik Ing downufh er as she oMl-belltedhtchne faas nddcardhe e urnwed from their.honeymoonspent trick Galigan ana Conductae. Baue;, Tbe plaintiff lmn the çase ci.Uges the ees. 3-Sneturned over and..tound shte hrr,-,oudeargue,,Ità tbbtiaternoon at one ey Mrw e n aeor t ell%.,'Wisconsin and Willbe both of Chicagel. . ord*age wa*s direoted P lty a yiso tenoro I =ir. e crs hI"t'she iv.. oclock owndem deuM "*ene, p, «iimato their friends after July lut The ergIne la.used on the- W*uke,. &&*Mot a gaant.e which isaMecapd Onj WhenL.the yourq lady disappeared dant. HL> ed 11Out t ljwdfen- Mr. Schwar-tdkwas cited to appear T M 94 Marion street. ga-North Chitage freight; special thant ttaa main street*and whichype.operted underna-ath the raft, LeoanskIWn was "ele Goesttdkatsews utont0.sbmto Ee y plys between tha city and the factorry bya member etf the Indggedent fact- a w itnessi of the incident: Hastily walling-, alrng the strst whistling t jtore .i Dady charging NN IVrd has been received here that sidinsof the neighboring tit. sot, ton. The oribance pro% #les piat such'swiuing to the ide et he flot he when-Kepitas yelled oMt."soome whist. tgtorben-Uinkllqofertun anti-salaon AU GAn. iMJNOIS a. .g«nne Marx. 31 years Chd,.*ho urday the usual daily trip was made a place may nt beie cqteWd .in the1 then, dived under It. Aftepn ome re- lerý*She did't kno -wthether It wa- after James 1ýqqçaùtonwasu e mn-. cIgomb-onducted a confectibonet the siding of the Milk Machinr uiesdsrc.eoetering In the water..be found the a sReto ngadtec Qe d in o tA tn Waukegan at 227 North Gen- companyr. The enine was mowing Under th ordinancpthe proprietor'staitorm of the young lady and grasp- Cty Attorney Farb5 Y. ou waWnb told him he had a& perfect rig A OW tstdied one day last week in slowly over the track, whken without of the garage was ardeed olae th wmt iesrae ewitigfrhsgetayamsl toagn"and that hewould St. Loui. She was taken to Mil- warning the rails parted beneath the the prennBe-s. ThIF, he refused to d6, wan- assisted in carrying the Young 3ie" tand b&e '94him in cae le10pr. orWra. Mrs. Mari was a engine and the big locomotive wet and took the imatte into the courts,'ady pon thapiert* othe hathes A Gov ininot-"secuted. . r, Schwartz sen a g- et Ms. hares Jcob. .umbering over the ties and Ènally A petition for a wit of Injunction r*- where the series ,gf- reviving methOlle ýsed be fineci for violating .Uie r orouf a»nsCh aiå 3 settled Xnto the ditch. The engineer .straininig the City, fmim enforcing thewwas began. Thevagag lady had ag.dnneregu40an publie mr»al& He stai grecpeofasut or$250 asan reenmiacosl.ecae.i-.rdnac ws..iedsmel -et'n-lveaqanit,_f.aer sidthtthsot ffaila us dysag Jd te clld r fri sle 5 sounf d6. W. R. FOR 1 m"Il FOR 1 -thnoti ville 2 also 1 mm MARii bers o' agP. Box124 Rui Fox LÀ o'clock for a honse, have t 1s but off, an n nee As got tc had le ever, He 1 ber of cense, belong Sprn ments Snd Ace( tance Foix 1A that t the ca why It ]y Off. ed: '1 asked. "No her el not ofl "Irn Lake quest ed the ",Yek found The name thing Jaet end IV Wadsi at the ehure nesda prfor FOUl

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