LA"E COtJNTY INDPKE, FRmÂAY, JLTLY 10, 1914. E dted by F. J. DiUOi. M",5 il Orders Taken for Job Work. Advertleng rates o" appIlcallim. Q.ualtj-Bord's Stïil-Prks rtgbt. Coine ta Tawn hall, Llbertyville, Bat. unrday ntgbt, July 11, and bear Illustrat- edWletreou Wleeoos. Alleeste f ue. Mir. and lire. Tioney and famly of Oak Park. vlded Me. sud lire. John Wesbburn aver Sunday. R. . Clvland, drugglet and junior muember ot the Drues Drug Co.,.los Uiondey morning for Nagara Fadis, wbere ho wili epend the week takiug la the bg Rexali convention noie belug bell at that place. The band dauce and concert gi vsn by tb. band bol@s lut Bturday svenlng was very veilI attnded sud al report su excellenttirne. P.ob@rteFlYOillldotbs ssrk. You git il et the Ratai Ding Store for $1.00 per gallon. <uaranteed. r. C. Wlburmîade a bulnee trip ta Fondu Lac leet Tiiesday. Mise Blanche Houglîton ut Chicago, sent the w@ek.end with ber mother, lire, o. P. Barron. %I r d Seesboltz and lire.Wm Parker vlstted tfrîsude e inEgi i ist wsek. Mdise Nttile Clevelutof lei,îssvî.- vîsited nid friedet ai lirayelake eue day lest ae.'k. <jus Sb.itz and taiuiiy. F iC. WiIIur auj ftuîily. Chas. W tgbtman and famiy. Frank Potter and tfaniily, L. Y. Sîkes aud family, Je"s Lîngabaugh accent- panîrd tby I.etr and Frerier Btjeuks nîîtred tsi Lae e eneva lest guniday. Ceiru Allen trnneet(ed bueipems lu Ctliiego Mondey. Miss Lucy 8onîrs wa a Chic ago viltor Mi.e Ette Ferr le vl@iting triend@ sta fitiilisnd Wadsc irtii, J-m sLooigabauîcb transe-ted business I( Ihi-agio rle-dî Nirn. E-1 tiioittie aud danghir Rth arr ýertdinW a tew d&3 a Lu Chicago. Ton, Walutîtrari.ected tluisinesein idl as p)ueclàamel aa lii- aîîtoîc,îLile WblcItieas deliiverd lesat Satu nier. Tom Jeckosjn sud wlte ut Chicago, tii tor.-d out tron Chicago rtuuday. lert raves. and feîniiy ut Chicago, mîet Sunday and %Ioüday wii Wini. Mioore asufd eeii %i lsk RtaParrrturnsd Frlday even- ieg front l>ssing. fils . @ha bail Taes Allen utfltrKalb. spent Saturday aSu niday a itt fi neansd relatives Itire. Mutn. Pester %%as aîîîongz Clt-agi p,à-esnsienMurilay. Mise ' i rgiia Lec le eturnrd v. 1h ber grrand iiitbrr and ai, it tii tbei r hborne lu Ohbio. Tfic St Aidrea e Guildi met wi th Mre. K~ru-ermark thIsr week Wedee-eday. The date tir the big bazser gîver, ty tlir. Iiidrev'eGu id hbleseset tur V'i en,ý.,ay ermiiag. Aug. ,'th. A dance wîil fouin ithe euirug. i-ariasa.. cuiit iittwrssud oicem et, the Rexaîl lirug otorm 0 ie iî l iinse frntm tue Losjitel aud e gtting alî,ug vsry well. %irm. Wm. Wade and suentile wcre Chiîcago vîsitîîrs Tues@day. Have yuu a Victrois ln yuur bonis, il uit conte iii aud et use show yen our lins. Prices range front $15 up. Bruce Drug Co. Lake Countri hbig vokly-INDRô PENDENT. STOP IIERE! STOP BERE aud gt yaur raliroad ticket, sse bave tbem on Lotb roade. STOP HERE aud leave your lanndry, we bave the Burlingtun ageucvr. Gies every Tbursdav aud returne Saturday., Beet seYrvice lu tossu. Phune 11 and ws will tait for It. STOP HREIEasd bu>y yoîîr reediug meatter, we bave the lete eo;îvwrnteîd bookesud ail the tateat peiedicals. STOP BREIEand buy yonr le,@ creari,. We give 'vuu the est cream aud fruits. STOP RlE for a chocs Lbx ut caudy. Wé have maîîy venieties te choose froin STOP RLE if yeunssaet tuo itten tu gond nînsit. We are sole agents for ths Vitrola sud elways glad toplaytforyou. STOP ERRE If you waut a gond mîke. The est brande aud mauy of tbcmt. STO P El E for postal carde, ou ve- nir@ansd penueuts, a braud new ins. STOP HERE for your etatlonery. We carry th iset uitodate flinsnlutosn. STOP ElBRR for toitst preparations. Our Harmouy ltue le unixcelled. STOP HEIRE for purs druge aud drug sundries. (dur rubber departmeîît con-, tains noturn but guarauteed stock. STOP BRE w sbsre yen gel satisfac-1 tion or your money back. A LWAYS STOP aIea Bexalilstore fer good mechaudise and good servies. DRUCE DRUG CO. The Rexall Store Grokysiakm L --GUýRNEE Corne to Town hall, Libbotyvllle, Satu!. day ulgbt, Juiy 11. sud beer Illustrated lecture (,n Wleonsiiî. Al @est@ Ires. Mr.insd Mme.W. fîathevs oI Chcago, omt at eurday sud Sunday wvttjMr. sud lire. Ortie Chitteudený Mr.insd Mm Roy Youug anidsugh. ter spent the pattwo weskesat fi. W. Ke'o.. Mir. sud Mrs. Grsoffi and daugbtsv Rat-I ot Chcago. speut île 4tb vîtb relative@ hore, I. Mir@. Leure Corusîl entertained Mr. snd Mn.. Thoni of Chicago, let Satur- dey And Bunds.y. Bert Roy of Weukegeu. called ou reta- tives boes unday. The pcle Xlgven by the LadIes AId the 4th wae well attendsd. Leslie J. McClure i@ea e nw Automio- bile. Mr@. Cordel aud cblidren returuedfrom Tuledu, Ohio, Frida v eeng. Ml.. Marguerite Thomu @peut severa deys lut wssk vlettag relatIves la Wau- kegan. Cometo Town hsJl,.Libert"Illl, atur. dey nlgbt, July 11, and beer llutrated lecture ou Wsconsin. Al @st@ Ires. The R. N. A. wlll givs au le crealu social on Roy Munries lawn Frdey Pe&- ninoe July 10. Mdise S C Brose client the 4tb witb ber rnither et Wadsworth. C Ni. iurbam aod faîsîily epent Sun. day et Murrie Brons The sMiseps Sîater and %VanFîset il Waua atasa, %i@î., speut the latter part ut the weel witb Leurs Crrits. Mdinsice ev@s le spending a tcw wéeeî fil Chbeyenne, Wy0* Ana Hanon speut 4uuy witb NIrm. A. tý torneé. tMr. aîd Mrs. Effinger oft Waui.cgan, openit.tueds et E P. Sivers. Mldred Sirsr id entersiling lir (ou- sin@, the Wel,. girls fte Saukt-go. Tbe Bliîwney aud ('orbîrt atilies ot 14ankegan, spent the 4tb et the tare, witb theîr parents, Mr. and is ,Page. The old ,sciool bous.'i. l,eîérî rece. HICKORY r , .I1-lo kie. îtetîîelA. C. tireant and feînLi lustiSaturda.. .Mir and M rs BHaumner of tibcag(i. were the geeste utI. 1, ýîtzr ver (undl V. Bore to, Mr. ant] rs Bert Etîvarde. a Loy, Jul * vI MIr And tIrs It.ecegc Of EeesgtonD, visite,] thie week eud wtbT,'1 Fretter. Harvey and lo«iii SMaustfHslron, and Freda En> ot Cliieago. were S.unday guestotq fA T. Sa' ege. The Ceretery and Ladies Aid isî' will meet Jui v14; at tLe L ueL Every- bdy invited. .Sidney Stokes ou t Ciîago vsied lis, ejînt IMrs4 Pickles last wcsk. tD B Wsbtîle s pendlng titis wrek with bi@ deugtr and fainîiY in cijicago. %Ve are glatd i, lern treAm"uis tegst. ring bette-r CONSIDERABLE RAINFALL. Thteieatiier report for rtes mort, of June as compilcd Ly Joseph C. JamesoofAntlocI h hos dis tempera- turc during that monîL 'sas normal, a Itir a aiefail above the average. Tliere sers tee cloudy day's, tee lper- tlly cioudy and 'ee clear days dur- mng the month. The official nelort for tce. mouth rollows: lune 1914 Wsrmest day 92 on the 22. Coldc'st day 38 above on the 16. Av.erage temperaturs 67.39, Raintll June 1913 Warmest day 100 on the 29. 35 on the 10. Avsr- ai temperature 69.29. tIainfall 2.07 incbena. June 1912-Warmest day 92 on the 29. ('oldest day 42 on the 19. Aven- age temperature 64.79. Ralufaîl 2.02 luches. June 191-Warmest day 100 on the 29. Coldeet day 50 above on the 28. Average temperature 71.19. Raiufal 4 Incites. June 1910-Warmest day 99 on the lot. Coldest day 50 on the 28, Aver- age temperature 75.23. Total raînfal 83.100 luchtes. June 1909-Warmest day 91 on the 22. Coldeet day 30 on. the 181h. Aver. agp tempertur«6.24. Total ralufaîl 2 loches. June 1908-Warmest day 92 on the 20. Coldest day 27 on the 3rd. Aven- aige tempîerature 66.68. Raîntaîl 3.60 loches. June 1907-.Warment day 90 on thq 24. CYest day 51 save on the 27. AvcragO temperature 72.12. Total raînfaîl 2.02 loiches. Juns 196-Warmept day 94 on the 28. Coldest day 40 above on the 12. Average temperature 66. 83, Totali1 rainfal29.5 lches. June 1905-Warmest day 91 or', thet 17. Coldeit day 38 above on the 3rd. Average -temperature, 65.91. Total raînfaîl 2.95 lnchon. June 194-Warmest day 92 on the 24. Coldeset day 39 aboya on thes 17. Average , tempenatune 65.04. Relu- 'fafl 1.39 luches. lune 1903-Warmest day 88 on the 29. Coldest day 36 above on 11. Aven- age temperature 6245. anlaIt 1 Iaches. June 1902-Warmest day 86 on the 2. Coldest dar 41 above un the 27. Average temperatureo 63.92. Total nalofaîl 5.90 luchesi loi 9oUnd .Cak.e CHABRLEB XE.9KA ON, Correspondant - Agent PHOINE 24-J Qualiti-Boyd'e Sétudjo-Price rigbl. Cornte toTown bal., Libertyville, Satur- day nlght, July 11, and hear IlluRtruted lecture on Wlecoia. Ail out&aisre@. Mr@. Ruth MerriUl,e73, pased away1 Frlday sventag ait the home ot ber1 daughbter, Mere. E. C. Webber of this place. The romaine were taken toi Ors.en Baey, Wie., the teeesed former home, accompénled by Mr. and Mr@. E. C. Webber, wbere the fumeraI servicesand luterment tout; place. The work of alterlng the depot bere le finisbed and ewaile the nainters, who wll decoraste bath lueide and out. Mir. and Mire. E. C. Brown ond trlends, and Mir. and Mis. A. J. Smith and frIende, uantored to Long Lake Suaday andenJood a pheent elternoone 0fieh. log ab the 8ieaioebouse wbîch ileunder the manaemeul of Chas. Jorgenso)n, a former remnb of Round Lake. dorerali rom berse ttended the cele- bretlon et Fox Lake, amotigtbome were: Joo. &matn and wile and Chas. BraiDard and wlle. wbu enjoyel the trip in the latter'@ euto. The bal] et Amann'o July 4th, wan ludssd a e cwee. A tango cISes uKe4 thé hall trom 8:30 to 9:30 which wes COL- ducted by the Protessors Burnebaned lebîou, atter whicb the socwial dencs ttook place. 1253 tickets were sold. Corne1 to Round Lake every Saturday nigbit @and learei the tango. Mr.. J. L. Eiitburg, datîghter and sou and 9Oie Mlaneon of <Chicago, wer.. the gu.ests of Mr. and Mns. U. W. Biish over the P,,untb. AU hbotele and cottages jeib tisvi,înitv were (rowded to their capacîtv ,%,r ths Fou rîh. ,nany beîng coupellel t.)a,,~ out in the open. %eare pleafed to note tic 1wa t that tbis Julv 4th was exicedrîitil, ar. itice a few ejuall boys and yvunîg riie. It rscrmii ou, people are gettînîr cjv.r the v1olirjt ar ut rNrrseëig th.-îr liatric Mn. ard Mrs. Ml'intoc-k ha-.'r.ý et)J iur,-IiaselJ a very hi gb grade pin LAM EZURCH - Couic to Townà hall, Libertyvillr, $atur- 'lai nighit, .iuiy 11. and bear illuotreted lit ure ou W iseonsin. Ail seats free. Tbe church picnic and the baIll game@ Saturday and toindey were well attend- ed. The home teain was the winner in botb geoice3. 9L.ouis Seip an %!mily visited with relativce»a tew 'laye Icet weeki. F. P. Ciark was a Chicago visitor Molider.1 N . and M rs. Fred [boulittIe and nbiid- ren of Waukegan. e@pent tLe tourith bere. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Sch'îlz of Cbicago. vimitril the formner's parents Saturday Nî«vs IDon Smith ut Beloît. Wls . i viditing ber parents, Mr. aud Mie, Sehoriz. Mro- Louis Wîrnecke visited at the Kolhi home a few day. le-t week. The P. L. Z A W. R1. Wruin a inrough train from Wauconda to Chicago Sun. day uight. Is was the tirot througlb train sinee the roed bas been in saieten e- and wes apîîreciated l'y the many resorters that caeout tb @pend the lourtti. The Bensevilie bail teaiti wlil corne hit're cext Sunday lu play oui toeam. Mn,. Elle Wienek-Le, son and daughter of iycamore, III , are visitlug at the t omseut Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hlilman. r Henry Bueshing and F. J. Blnk o Chicago, called ou relatives and trient!. bers over the fourth. A. J. Red mond bas sold hie summer te ldence on Mcflsnry road t0 a party froni Chicago. The Mathia Bros., hem opened np a irarage andl automobile repaîr sbop in Pi Younig,@ bara.We wlsn them sucefe in their nsw uudertaking. FORT EMZZ3 Come to Town hall, Libersyvjlle., Saturday niglit, Juiy 11, and hear tllustrated ltre (i Wisconsin. Ai 1 seet@ Irs,1 Ralph Davis spent the Fourtb witb Lis brother George, near Bristol. Mits Mary Staihîrd aud brotherOfo re c Uise froru Chicauo last week and will @pend thiseumnecr at the Cloverdaes i farm. tC. L. Thiomson and famtty took 'lines w ith the forniers iuiother, Mr@, Alie Thiomson -at Grayelake the Fourtb. Tho" tIbat atteîîded the dance atj SMr. sud Mrs. Chas. Herscbsrgsn sudb son Akibent spent t Le brarit Joliet. 0 John stanclit utf Ci cagoe spent Sun. day vîtb Mlr. sud lire. Wmi Staucîif. I lin, sd lins@. iL .rbacb Lad as thefr guast Suna. IMn îand SMr@. H. Buseblin Irom SIrrri. Kansas, and WIIl1 ifchvltxen of New Harîîhîirg, Canada.C OBITUARYn Carolima Wllbeiîîu ta Frelerlka Bock, i nes Krepelivas ti ridiras 29, 180, et iossov, onmai>y Ghe vas mannird tr i harles F. Bock, Mancb 8, 1856. antdLuiL th aîl uttheh ema year %bey saill fur .meri. They i caume te Chicageoun lire 3rd ut Deenber à sud locatesi at Niri,-î tenter wbere tbey lîved for tbre. years. Prom thers tbev I nioved to Elk Gr-oie and le ISIrI toi OrsPlaines. Pire vear-laber tbey vaines to Viernon towîiishi1 rear Prairie O lew. le thie vicinity IlM ndaiM tr-. Bt cd uetil 1892, 'shea tirey telined frornt larmiog and nuebto tLe viiage o! Prairie Viev. About eleVen ive-Is sgo IMis Buock suetaitied a serioue- 'auiimc Loch cnoeed at fracture of a boni,-in ur tlîîgb rile waO s netined mu ber bedi îost of the tilce mince then sud 1-n sutieriegs wer'. tiieis. Sb@ vee bo;werer reliered from 1 tîcu, on u e mcnîtg et July 4tL aben lier Heavsuly Father celled ber home.à Hën are wau 85 ye&re sud , days. 1 lIra. Bock vas the muther o! 11) child. f rn. f; sous and 4 datiighters, al ut wbom exîsept 2 sous and ;% danghters precededC their ruithen lu desth. Besîdes ibese ,hlî,reîr are 18 grand childien aud s huet o! triende wbo are iourning tIra.c Bocks departure. MIr@. Bocît was a lorîng wife sud aJ kiud moîber and aithough ber cbildree bave heem awar traom the parental hume for niai» %yesre. they wLillgreatiyr misa their uriher.lin. Bock wilil t-el mors keenI> thnn enane sie the lues of bis lite long , ompaulon. May t,îd cheen andiorufrt tLe @ad hearîs and grau t a happy ceunion in the Letten a orld. The frînerel services wene bell runtraiej eburcb ar Prairie Vlew sud vere ie charge of lisi- E. M.UmLach ILtrrment toup île i rHaIt Day te-met> -v CARD 0F THMS We %I-ihto express 0cr lîearttcit theeke tn unr frIends ssho shOwetus oC0 rnany are f belpluiuefse-aud uyrpatly during the ilinees and etterîLe death of our loved ons. Chao. F. Dock and Faîîîîly. LÙ ND] Lester Murray, who bas ben speeding the îîest week wlîb relatives luOuer village returned ta b.e home ie tLe City uday. Chas. Burton trsntaetedi business Lu the City Tussday. Mir. and Mrs. Wegusr aI Chicago, 'sers gusmîs of ert. T. J. Murphy the tiret of the wemk. Mr. aed tMrs. C. L. Pratt and son of ýyracuse, Ni. Y., are spending e two weekge àcetiun *Ith Ibe forimer@ parents, MIr. and Ur@s. C. L. Pratt. Quite e disetrlaus Br@ occurrcd ou the obid (eary farta about four rmiles north o! ,,ur village erly Mouday moort.- lîg. fit tarted lu a etack 61 alfelfa about 1,ur Iset tramn the banri, thought to tiave started front upoutnecons -,ui Lustir . Negbbors seeiug tweblisze biurriel ,rer to the scene, but belore tiie v .uid get wat@r the blaze bed cauglit îhe barri aud scononpreed tiitIhe hotne %niîrbwas 500e alilablaze- und oui «% a feu tot the housebold g,.îds .'.ce saed. Bleides the lofe t is liousetid guods Nîr. tua 5 or (; tics of bey andt a few tout., Ielly- Civereil 'y iesuraii(ce The building were ele,î insu relI At their reguler monthly mueetinig Mou. day eveîiîng the village huard gratited e .-,0 year franchise 10 the Publie Servie Co., fur laying of gem mains tlirougbout the street8 01 the village. Nt-ver ln the hlstory of our village were the botels and boerditng hous@ taxed tu tholr utmasi capacity as tbey were over fast Bturdey aud Sunday. PRAIRIE VIE Li1 Carne toTossu bail. Liiertyvill.,Satur. day ulgbt. Jily 11, aud Lear illustrated wetureou Wisconeili Ailsais Ires. hBlace Mitchiell aud trieund froni Waukegan, spent Sarurday and Sundey s the formera# home, Mr.insd Mr@. J . Ma n ers Chicsb. Igo vIsitons leet Frrday and Saturday. Mm. Jas Richarde le speudlug the vask vfth ber dacghtsr. lins. 3. L. Trlsp ai Ares. MieseMyrtîs Richiards s@peut part ut let woug vlth ber parents, Mr.insd lir$. sRihrd, Wh) lsosnterteoud ain. and lire. 0. A. Conrad sud daugitere, ella sud henîla ot Chicago. John Bolet sud lady frieud ut Chiemo. were guette ofIdlir. aud lMns. Frank Wels ou Bnadsy. Mise UGresNehr of Napervîlle, %peut Saturndasd Suuday sitb thse Miss. Bit.entbslen. Misses Rîbi and Gertrude lialise ut Chlcago, vare the woeK-end guete of Mn. ansiMn.. Chas Sstanclf. Miss uanisLockhsad ssas bonisoven dasnnday ansi unday. lin. &asr. Gsi. Fry and famlly of Chlega, ;w-re the gumoss t Ir. ud lins 8. E Kaedler on Sunday. Vill a ricini ty, called on Mmr Mi ra Grltv-ct sud Wui. Bonnen Suudey. Iîrs Bater, tormerly out Mliticre but rn- c lîbu ber deughter in Iowa, ts slowlY recornlg troul a serions ilunýsse. MP. anud Mrs W. J. White- 'setnd ce. Jueluline Malbewe epeun. thee trtliat R isecreus. P'rof. Blanchard, president ut W Leti t 4rge et Wetou, gave an adiliese et tie -tien-h (uuday.ElIe spent tlîe uer rîitlr Rev. snd lira.Safford. Rer. and Ibis. Ueo. Sationîl and ineof Freepont, Ili., are apeuding this werk ivitti the torîtiera parents, Rer and IM Saffîrd. Mr. sud tIrs.Martin &ikkelsuu eputr tettîed ComPeuY f. om Chicago tor a fess 'laye ecetly. Chas. Hîiwpbsry sud severet trteuds o! Weukewaeu cellad on A. K. Bain ansi Iemtly Suuday. Power -of OrganizatioIi (Prîvate Car Excursion,, July 2It) Â NEW PURCH A.E on hie returu wîth our aset excuretos party eaid he bed neyer undermtood until uow why ws advertse su extensIv. ly. We have e big work tu d-vlis saw Il. 11 Come to To wu bail. Llbertyvilîs, Satur. day nicht, July 11, sud hear lllustrated lecture ou Wisconsin. Ail gsetre. WIII Thayer wu@ lustantly kiied white welkmg aloDg the ralroad tmrk ceai Loon Lake Suuday mornlng, and vas badly magleid. h le suppoeed thet ho dld nat malles that Ibm faut train vwu due. Bs.idet bie wite sud a ton about three yearis aid, ha leaves a fathsr, inother, brother aud @fêter, othenr ela tives sud frIende. Thse fumerai wes beld Moudsy siternoun et the home. Rani Potten aud bride, who woe marrIsd ai Highland Park lait Wmdnee. day. spont Saturday sud Bunday at the P9lter home. Ir. sud lir@. Potter andi Fa. attended tIle wedding wbleh look place ai Highland ]Mark. li. ndlire. A. Lund are recslvlng the cougralllaus uit offrsuds on the arrivaI oI a danghter, Tneeday, J une 30tb. PallAvery sud vifs v ers lu Chicago au business ltut Thursdey. P. W. Gray and femlly of Chlc*ip. spent the fourth sudd ftth wltb Lake Yillarelatives. Tbe Sumner femlly enlertaned Issu brotbersand their vives lrom the city over the Iocrtb. tIr@. C. Bic. returned to ber home ln Davie City, bossa, the tIret o! tLe week alter haviug spent the paet si, muntbs with bsn daughtrs tamily bers,.tir. Dadis eîcompauted ber as fer as Chicagp. Ray Kerr and (Jeu. Mitchell druve up usar liadison on Friday. returning Sun- day sveuiug. LeseStcDonoiigb of Waukegan, tran- oacted business in our tossu lest sesk. Geo. Striaug ot Mdarohtild, Wis , viuîted bits aou Frank, hoe lest week, also spenditîg a day witt, bis brother Witt, at Millburu. RusseliltDawson and tamily epent s and Rowiing teiniîles bpe. The DLnks bîîuti bas Leen reut-d tu a club ut gcirls fun the surîîmsr. Misses Mayti, Ketbryre Pearl and Ru,> I soiisd edre home' trom Chicago sfew daye reeutiy. Tus Mauzcr famills wsith their gu -sts, the Potier lamily frjm Fort Scot. iKan., sud other relatives, made an auto trip tu Lake (isuera, Suîday sud Lad tLs uscai good time aeomnpauisd by a le-w punctures and Llow-ouis, TL@ Ladies' Aid socieîy wll bld their secusi baiser lu the bail, July 231. A home Lakery booth c ii Le une of the features ut the @se. The ladies of the l-ast Fox Lake Cemetrry eecieîy wiii cccl et the home of Mrs. Emma Sirnrson. Juiy 1. Supper wIi lleervel 'Vitiors wsl- coins,.lins. Lune t citer, 10e.-y. MILLBUR 'fi Corne tu owss hall. Libert3 vil],, Satur- day uigbt, Juiy 11. sud ticar iicstratsd lecture onWî--i Ail scats irrep Mr. and Mre,. Peler Strang and feuîiiy visite-I their daugiit-c Mins. Brow n ut A ut iocIthle toith. Reiph Speffuil antdmie Italpb ut .Antlovii, n îeîted rfie humtee follis reeutly. Mn. and Mrs. E.A. Martin audOlbaby @petit Sceiday unitb Mr. sud I rMs Kennedy. MnI. aid Mns. Victor Strang bLad Mrt;. Erme Slraug and fauiilyspentthe tourtb et Lake Ville with M rs. Hughes. MlisIda Strang sent severai dsys v.rtb ber sisten Slire. Brocwn ot Antioch vtcinitr. Mr. and MIre. Wm. Mitchell and c',idren rif Waukegan. spent Sunidey wlttî lI. and tIrs. W. E. Mersellie. tIre. SIsiford motLer utfSIrelt-beli, accompauied tbem boak to Weukegan for e week's vieit alter ssblcbhehowiIlispeud the rest uftb Lsummer ssith ber daughter, Mn.. Roy Hughes et Liberty ville. lIns. Lyburn Stewart and children of Chicago, are @ponding a few wsekm vitb A. H. Stewart. MissAilie@ Jamieson and frlend ut Chicago, @pent the week-eýnd ssiîtiehr parent@. Meny Irom Ibis vicinlty speut the 4tb at Autioch, Warren Clsreland of Chicago, @pont Seturday aud Sîînday witb bts parents. Paul Oriltin et Waukegeu. epentScun- day wîîb the Lbenmau family. MIr. and Mirs. Harold Culver of LaL.c Foi further particulars address George W. Swigarli Owner, 1250-F Firot National Bank Bldg., Chicag%,o« Dymond & Austin Agents Bell* System JuIy and August Days should be reutful, lazy days, days when the èaI1 of the fishing ground, the golf course, the tennis court, the quiet of the country or the sweep of tbe breeze b y lakesîde or seaside, appeals to the town-tircd imnagination. Heed Ths CaR Take your vacation in comfort, secure in the knowledge that if needed you can be reached, if in needyou can make your necesaities known over the Long DistanceLin.. of the " liSyim Chicago Telephone Company C. T. Fond, Disuct Manage Ttlephoue 9M0 HUP54ÔB~For Ltatture or ùom.. BEN il. MILLER. Atterri y ADJUDICATION NOTiIE. tu1bicotin etee 1,te tesisteeuthat the SaC- s-Cibec Conservater oethîe Esiste ut Bit T Bttick Downdeceassd. wii sîtesutthles Cocty Vit ot Laie Cuueîy. At a terni tbeeo tute be hodi tth les Couni Houses fi Wsteig4u.n. aad (roucr. Dcte ti tlMandat etf 9ePtembern usa. titi, a-hentans e-e ai] hersons havini ciii. s 49inet sad Entame aie u,îi1 rsestmd teuiiresleni th u ane e ti ... _ îr adjudicatin. IRVING Eý PAYNE. Conierystur. waatkegau, III..,Joues29. Isbai InLdePendeut: More rossions han ail couutY veekilescombluosi. HEYtiCER & HZYRKruro AOJUDICATIOW 1 Public Notice Il eeby id scnie Executen f et 1110 et Madu 1. -Pers. d«« the Coenty Cour t fLa" tiiereet t0 e elueden et ** Waukeran. Iitu IdCOUMF, t ut Setesb,br nt. i»4. perlons havIes ciaias sg netitted ad uitetSîl1aeï naid Court tor adudifflsa. sud tl4etaei Iofs~ Wsuktesnim.II= Th ldpoll-7 WE ADVERTISE not for land cou. 8usd tu e section or ive. jit for a great are& of over 50.000 6ut nnold ace@ distributesi lu 53 tossushîpe of lichlgsu'm boat district, ber Fruit BeIt, and Iyîug moesin lu on, Man- lotes, Lake and Weitford roundis.. The purchaer rsallxed the extent of aur operations am . ning 200 miles ln tva day. luonoutf aur automo- bile«. Omadvettslug audrswnounr- chasre frna ery etate lathe CUlon, sud Il Pstuas nat s penny mors pet sonstaoit oui isd Ibsu il domsIhoe wbo bandie land un s emeller @cale. WE STILI HAVE ROOM for 800 more famille. o ontaunnold ecreage wib lcttiodsn msny mmv tracte ut as coos d s au y thst have besu sold. As COIQUIUe e o sae ih ta lb. msuy band" de vilain aieavslocatesi, ta continue ta sdverthe the lsuds nutil vse finish the vark aIr %tiing up the district vlth, lfanon. Througb thssecolmmue v e ssuding lb. moefflo om rtester., sud tamen vbo for Iack of land vere ompellad ta jo ta vank lu cîi"e. We have e prectiesl vurkbng plIan whereby tbey tan gradualiy sudaasliy acquire a Farna Home. Our terme are as Iow at$1a1 $50 dovusand $5 tao810 ou 4ô atrma or annuel terme If prefarresi. hu enablilugone stutn hi. perchastomerrov. Priesît $10 ta $35 and a greel selactlan Of Lest lylng land ai $18 per acre are low, ludeed, uetiislais day ssben lasuinl tbe uext doa'r staîse command ten timpestIse prieandi produce no more. Our pricea are the saeatoaIl buysns, w bether payments are large or mnal or made un the montbty. quarterîr- or annuel besîs. A dîccount of 5 ze cent for aIl cal, Wtaellusseil ere we taoseilI e al-doaen pIstes of tend to as many bayersud then Le lbraug!r, vs could nol gise lusur- suce. But the avuege death rate among menî bu&dred@ of huysraens- eLles c. ta imaure purebassni for the upe'id balane-sof Iheir contracta afler s pàrt lu pald Ifor. -A&k for tes- timonialet ram famille, vbo lave bec leanefiltesi by thlsadded securlts and ieved ilses ithant any tur- Iber pe>-meuts on the desîb et bus- bauds and faîbera. -iHE POWER OF ORGANIZATION le not ouly bohtnd otîr adrertîsteir sud selliîng, tint vastîv more (eîpiir. tant work. our tmloutzlug. Only or- genîzed effort eau reuder the servic-e as gîve ta Luyens sud set tiers. To- day public opinion ou the land que..- tien demnande au a dciv trou, sellers of use lande, tt stand by every seêt- lier and sées hlm through. We t.11 man thasIf ho foe. on the tasd-uls moderato Capital la pnopwlioà Io vhat ho oadesaaes sud braslM- tesllm.til andi laduslslooly, be wiS sucosesia govluel love,~ vetch, nye, ast., vhsaa, bueos M sud lodUer eoîupoae = 1kqsab* sud fruit. Tii.,.bave mal oal .wi onslrpied e encoeseon lstetl#.W ont tille inec. Ai"a ho unedo WUsi vith .be.p, hoge, caIlle, poulty aMd dalrylon. W.are tiaun, a"ipenma- nantby orgauesIwdto help hlm dei. We malutalu farin sdvtssss.expect men, expoeneutMaIb lagb"el gen sud eduesedaIt b.e lia Agrcultural Colilgu. vo rgle viIesvsry sellier. We opessesdem. 0netratien terine asic-oo ul a eed distribution plan aad pahUe works. WI4AT MAKES LAND valcabis Io peopleansd vhet Ihey do. A àMMoOý @migrante vba caoin " 7y.u double AmeriWo Imdlandviuuevq yesrs. Ovar tvaousansi .11 nu estisfiesi customers. are flnci leI terested lu the Svlgart Tract. m>S dreds of thonsandu ot dallaisoai bis maney ar e Investesi thons snry eason lu fatanbuIldIngs osse assi rleang. Tbey bave Inveotigatesi or aandy Ioammoi] sud puttoti taIà" lu tbe future of our district. Hovr weil they judged, tome sud prove for Yolîrself Comsun our excursion sud mée the igrossug <nope sud ak villa the former@. GET THE STATIbTIOS ofounr -ountis W. have coinpt- thIsa &long ssith a greai deai ot vaiuabis Intormation about agriculture, ln. dustrias, climats, topography. saclaI. religlous sud educatiomal adlvantagmui. ruade, townu. public utîittes, popor dams. etc. Baud for lhbs book sud get in touch vith thie big colomiéW muvemant Ask atsoforalamuu. We bave six travelIng steruopticon lacturer* and wilI b. pieoesd tu adiW:s you wben onf vilI ho lu your ovu or s uelghboring tavu. If you ams tua terested lu growlug appe, peecheS. peur@, ptums, cherries, thon write fan' e booklet deseribing Ibis braueh af feruiiug lu our district. OUR NEXT PRIVATE car secur- sMon wiii l'e Tuieday. Jliy the P. S. R R., leavinu my Cileagu ollicus et 11:30 a. m. Fa" #&850 roucnd trip to Wellsto, rbsi o u p u n a sAA Y u e t b ek tsi C'hicauo7:20ea. m. Tbcraday an Vnt. day ot the sme week. Automobies