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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jul 1914, p. 4

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Pu LAKE T ý FRTDÀ JULY. 10, 1914. ike County I ndependent'IWiT 10 DOFOR DRIVS. A RACINfi St John's Evg. Luth. ChurohLI SWaukegan Weekly Sun SUNné STROKEw4 ANI)t PUTarkIL PlEaced7~ p Office TeiephoEe Number 1. Libertyville Exchange. E TOE - mrnng et 10:30 a nE ài ette PostollI.et al Litirtyviie, Ill., as Second CIa@@ Mail Matter ftOW TO AVOID IT CUL VER ; IS liURT DEngli4b a.rvIE'e "nC d Sundtày 0i the - officiai Plleprr LieCaunty. intut71P.a E"r-v Frid.i< Ad.'rtisinïg Rates Mlade Known on .Application. State Board of Health Tells Charles Steele Who Was Driv- tarnepso'rUc cRiPTION PRICE. $1.50 PER YEAR_ STRICTLY IN ADVANCE What to Do, For Sunstroke ing Escaped Cuite Fortun- eoElop1'uo SMITH ........1.......... ............................................... Editor Until the Doctor Cornes. ately-Car Is Wrecked. Ro* ED)wAED S. Wuric, Prieut.ln.eare 9MITM _......... ........... .............Manager- Boly Communion êvtry Snndav 7:45, WEBER .......................... *.*........,R»s"*eaidn't **Manage*S*r, Phon. 88 MUST EAT MODERATELY.1 Charles Ste.!. hall a close escape a m. Firatgundayinmonth 10430a.mn. PrHE TIE _______ rm death Saturday nlght wlien he Morainir Prayo evilry Sunday except 1..,..i,, a lne Hundred Chicago boys want to work in the. ôoïmtry Information la of Especial Val- drOve a -lutia automobile over a cul. abov. 10:80 a. mi. r Suiynr ad he hiagoAsocitin o Cmmeceis e urig h, 1pes'vly vert, realiY wrackc.g the machine. Sunday uchool 11:45 a. mi. yoîîrself, could 1umradteCiaoAscaino omrei eDrn .uvar8Vu Theaccident happened between li Ail Boly Day.. Boly Communion 9:00 Ing for places for them. A boy handled right, can do, Warm Weather. DaY and Iàbertyvllel Tihe machin~e a. nm. ofchores and the fariner wlio takes a younglter away SpringfildJuîy 3.-Th fi ~rat0 e innggca htelnln lt> Cla s- t the. dirt of a big city and gives him a Summer In the a serlea of "Tlmely Health Taîka. wLL_____srvlcs i fields ia doing a service for humanity. Prepared I, ajicordance wtb the wis. went to Chicago todaY, -0 rePlace t he ______0__ eao overnor Danois for the pu+paee car which was daniags te such un 10:80 a. ni Preaching, Rev. W. L.' oenlghtening the people In niatters extent It wduid be bard ta répair Il. Whipple. lumper crops of ail kinds are promised for this sea- ri.rtainlng ta the. public heaith, was Tetobel adt ýp7 eu Theyildo!Wrterwhatlath largsth he his anded out by the Secretary of State Th rul asl oai en 12.00 ni. Bnnday @chont. We art eoard«df foath .today. Tii, dînit- caadbcuatePatlt ak 6:45 p>. ni. Epworth Leegus. ail kin of the. country. The season thus far bas bee ielfr cEa o f th Information and advice gave out and Steste was forred tu 7:80 p. ni. Preaching, Rey. W. L. tm and a remenous cop la&,irpcted.In fac we my'-t orth a thefiret01driveeria ofndive ithoutwt liutbtgb. It laBalaiW<iplehltnte a aid atremndou cro 15 ipecdtaillec la etA oncei apparet. he turned out ta avold a bu;Kgan 1u ln et plenty to est next W'inter, which after ail fi the' su.are ad hat prostrattof., sa doinig drove the, machine over the IndeeMent. More readors than a&l ralim and object of the eternal, struggle. AUl this means hlv:.ii :tl e:locrn:aIde of a culvert ita the streani Le-Oit eeie ailnd wealth, too, that spelsa sure prosperity for the. whole tant tw, weeka aa ta Indicate tbe ne -ow J. N. BERNARD, Prq I caaaltY Of sWitng tbe people aooma in. Steel. was thrawn fromn tte na.- try.tio in__ thIi8 l cr fs tctin hsie adcr iac chine and thus escaped nmore aerins caseà and. what la much mare Import- hajuryr Hie nae waî eut aeveiely t's the belief o! many good politicians that, had ant. aigiving them advlce in the form af a few simple rules of rlght living and bc wae braia o it 'ht Oti. nson and Munro seen fit to, go out after the Republi- 'Wbich, If followed, wlll reduce the erwise be eacaped 'fortunately J 2omimations for the offices to which t*ey aspire again, 'incidence of casesaltihent atroke ta would have had a "cinch." But, *'ith feeling as it the minium. Polibe todicersetiae-P CFE N EW ieM ia as regards the spiit in the old party it looks as if heat trokes frorn olier affections. P""'k""IN ANE 're done for. The fact that Roosevelt already buM in-'Theeae rotrao orofba exhutoion MA B POM ted that a " getting together" in the. old party is what 1 euàslroae or, insolîation. The M NB IDXS Save the country, indicates which way the wind is j ,oforma differ soniewhat In sympîn - -s 1jE< and In a meaura rail 0 L OA O 'n.for diffeirent treatment. In either 0Fchai I ' ie wt caise. howe-'er. the serv ices IcHenry county the county where they knoýw poli- 'a poctoleri he dacored ar-o Erastus S. Payne Was Told la. starting in the right direction. A comuùxttee has riva' the patient shouid hae gîven That at End of Ride He inamed froin the. Progressive and Republican factions tEosi Heàt Prostration I Would Be Able ta Get On. il effort to "Iget together and DEF1tAT THE DEMO- Heat prostration la a mlld ferra of!-l - LTB. Personal feeling la tai be lost sight of and the lEia oors Ilt uncommOC' FOR GETS HALUIA ON un oe nfaerepcomy mongyLUIAIN TOGETHER policy adopted. The leaders there .tee m poInlaes on ecessive m ornhsieBen eFr bas corne on the. country as a result o! the Split in the lisep iot. e plafes f excssem ForIA A.e TirneG Beino HeFr P. and they're willing to pull tagether again if -1aS_ and mnarked axhaustion accompaniad gels ta Declare He Is Dead WILA A.RSNRe no Lake county shudedao o otesaine thing. '.a<icodo imm odto and Walks Very Freely. 1fEE E~îîh' shold ndevorta o Te < tis klt andi a teahie puise. 1 COUNTY TREASURER cHnycan do it, with the extrernely bitter feeling '<sh- t". st<'tei«t EEf heat Itrogtration l:ras<:a C. Payne, Ille Insane Matl SiEjiEc.( t E lEi- 1),t' t -" i ail a ~it should be much easier for Lake county ta accori- aisa for the immediate remoEal of the Ilo<ui t! Home for l)isahied anïd Hioie' 1. i E, l',.. Io t 8 s sladead place. as cool and l iaun rca Il atîEi;' iI ligtitEla I< t< < i < the same end. nirY as Possible. IMasan ail tiglit i o on Thursda' 'uffv'r'd fluGenuine F cli 011;g an<d appl' co' d w ater Jiheral- the' halluit Ination tlit lihe vas daê ooks as if the break between State 's Attorne Dady 'Y r th, cliat and head. SPlrits O! anîd Iller'ore reftn"ad to moya and YOUR SUPPORT RESPECTFULLYin l Attorney James VTelch has grown ta uninenctable pro- 'lie flsrfsar1ot Infraquentir, Il ci, a %%'cle as ieiiioed to Ille FuieL ù. ýons. Tiie way they "go after each other" in court Entiies fof neimuirtans giv smii lisa 'l oa >.l il' E'llzh'E b>~ E"l'f.EE eEE t"lit' proves 'without any quibbiing that there's bail per- asen' ,IitEcît coffea or brand ' or diluut lie sent along In a docile mitnetlr. K',tv i< for. oft~"' E. E<.<tv Tra Ifeeling between thein and that it's ,o rreylgaiIc tt"fattxnla ma~ ha used. ,as tic fit -bean told titit a railroad ~a which permits thein ta, make reference ta private 1î pcs<rke(Athio e. 'Ail ~tit %a t [is th i "r .<- E '. ' Il. ' ther etc., of each other. Rumor has it that Welch is ta Sanisiroe Is tua mtore serious foru, -a) itsyuile kept taling about .I tu.tj and ad ....t<, t-îE ilit v tci flas roka and is iîigilý fatal. il tlE pE's'î<0ît and couil thînit o. noth- î<..n i' 'ai 'îi,'< ' i Eî 'î candidate for state's attorney, and that he has quietly ";Stcmmny otoos'<ve. Woiaoan9yerol.ty a»,ri«ISi<r s.EE flli lEa!. 1 wli red the race without saying a word ta Dady abait it, amng Ehoe "'husa ork exposes 7h js< t' t <Et lits lite it the torii in tE the ("iUtiE l'r.astir'r, îis..ru- ite the fact that h. and Dady always, until flot alang 1 iîem t0 a hiot sun. l'sers of aicohol railroad bu-ns andt i a at srange' ima of th. ltiSE' ..E'E EE3 l'ei .-e'IVE'E were boon companions. and those addlried *0o aier exceases. uIpret~ 1.1li'liso h roltd are faci. ha , E, iti et ou '[i0.1<iiEr . a li.r ilci Il asOvereating. ara parllcuiariy 'oPrsa of , [ iii m iia ta c tsa <lie r. ,aà l'. «r ,(I) 'l .'oEur'e' 1 re believe it is 'a fine thing toi have concret. mads in lial 10 attac<. wlien tha î'roî'osltioi, of gettlng hacit tEiE< b. sulary atkswd lîy the. Board 1 0ut hre we can get them. U f$,0 at In cases of surýtroLe the tare lie. - i.o I i an w toca o< amip'Ol<eE.EBi)Ea< lEE itg 'oB T-in$950 wht tiltna ha torgot about lit, hsallucinationi gi.ol. ~rk my t.e.tfitEtt,,n witlî.it Lecnysconias uriiiîsb, tisa a'res bloodshot j tlis' lin" ;i,<' dad and gettIng up tramot.it<lIEElUEEE ( kecutsmoney 'will build but one mile of concrete i %-ins sworlen snd crd. LIi dri Iitîs co Ir'l",< (jmsl for ti É4p i t< (which is what its share'w'ill do on the Lake Villa and hurning to lthe touch, lhe <od'.' 1-le %%as alde t<, walk mîti, as mucît -i th upporlEEiTt .Ef i'vEry "Irai at p)op ,it's a question if that plan is as lagical as ta use the tetsijeraturearoien reachlng 11(0 d,; iglity, as .t'ElEEE" ll<tivrtet %vas< nîot vttr < in' .ourih' wi, wat. OpEEIECEt isuin in laying PIRST CLA.SS STONE ROADS. igreFs or ater <lthe si ites[ iEEtlliatiort of weaieiss and itil<ient îsdnin gtraEEI Eon tIi ltie OpeiE. rine how many miles of STONE road, such as now lies r ramato itokuilieITh' s;ttigfPxEesly ujna ilL'14AIEES. d octor arn aes shoutd be as fîtilovs, lttil aI i 'E.t Etos condii on. For a mnij E " ' bI of Waukegan, near Libertyville and elsewhere couid 1eîo aln oidypae pE'ose-'- iig ait lits strength anîd vigor id for that suin. In one case (concrete), it's a quest- ieseni ail lîgit clolhing. ta'ilng offlselý îî:l atetic ltatIîl(, cannit )f MILE, in atone raada, i't's a question of MILE-S. ii'1;ei citler girieitt. Apptly crac'.,d By Taken Away. chsl preferable? After careful consideration the av,. lc" In clotis or ntttier iE5gs 10 Iteýac jo1j' \Il'-t-'cil. a fpebla mnttded loy ar.i 1< ln s itinai colun. If ice 1,s not *EE a - d', ] t<day i 0tae slatc' itona thinker will say that, dpte the hev aro ti'.oflcidrna Lnon espie e avy wea on theav ialeIi se ri1 n coid for fee,'lIe<:ttt hlna i on immarse ritiant iTtll EaE liailt here l<y Siîariff now with the advent of autos, the well constructed wIe.Croivdlng about the patient I c'<. -EE Tl-' î"w' lîa<i lan avlng a, NE roads 'will last proportionately as long as the con- siltoîld itot ha parmltled, air and quiet Ille i l ittif nrîtliat:agp but it isaq Going along the saine rate in years to corne, (that , r esadd i-euted Ite t t'ta-ehm1 anî- ing $19,000 a year on state aid roads), it will take 20' To Avold Heatstrot'e tutIlr «'t' r.e van hae canad for ln a batter nialnnar. S to, get 40 miles of concréte road, at a cost of $380,oo.l E't:<osure of the liaad or stot ______ ' many tînes 40 miles of STONE ROAD could be laid, h guare anainsl.T o he mbutit b <e NTWNlIM oo ih m o 380,000. And, for instance, supposing we were able ta . or guar aalt Tu houi wear mutAGE TW N I "Every road in Lake county is a stone road, well laid" j padding of citton or @trip of flannaiiW IBlterltlf jlirneiusjîtE iuldn't Lake county be regarded as the beat county in. aiong thte spinal coiumn. Tite bat KEY IM MN4S TO raliensac nttiio dÈate for good roads? It's a big question. aboutit ha lilht at.d ventiiated. I .N u T Tû ieve wlîat yoiu see. The bi Aicoholir drInks of ail kinds. ho- ae &a Ne. STTI ONJi aîîm4 idscrhbe ' clîîding bear. must ha avoided. espac- __ui__eams are idsrbbe ially hy those s'orking mailer a hot Sa Conseauently the Man Who homes are Iighte'i, warînied a mik are. In utr Preceded Hlm on Duty Ex- The aged' look to it in gratitude Don' ovrd tisa stomacit; est perienced Trouble. tr o onot nterdci i c aower. -__fo____rt n hirdeli 1AIdsc etlng fonds as fasand The bariet of Rondout rivallad the in if-i leanlîs as they secure tlii T en million miles oi advertis- ing. A half-tnillion F7ord3, av- eraging twenty miies a day. circle the world four hundred times every twenty-four hours If1 the car wasn't right this tre- mendaus publicity would put the Company out of business. The Fard is its awn best sales- man. A demonstration il, a revelation-take yaurs today. Reunabout $500. Touriat Car $550. Tea Ca,. $7-I. o. b. Detroit. ComPtete -,th eqaîp. mu.For saie by SCHA K BRS. LIBERTYVILLE 't I 'sE;trIes. rat more of fruits and veg- clty of Waukatan for depot accomo- etahies and lass of ueats. dations for a Mime Thursday. The Take a tub hlth ln lutte warmt water alEuoinbnients in nte quiet çommnunlty avary mornlng arA' eyery avanhng. wp'e aiet. b. tr and more extensive \VaIk on tihe shadad sida of the for a titite !lt fact as far as serv'ice v-v Yu as cottE-An itheta ntis straal st î' streat and ahan daing sa ramveyor ion of t pEiectrhc lIna had lb aIl ltt. ovar th. \EErî h \Wetern station. Thý? A, vtid tight'li:ltng baîts, collars or «inrdaint as rot due In any fault of oirarticles of clothhng whlch tend i hie railroici Eo-itptEn, neihler Io lb" 10 rtar tre ciculaIonot ta b aod.ant on dttt', iiît f0the agent ahicti to rtar fre cicultionof he bood 1)a4 irpecd'1iiEi ii< as thea ruler of lb". Wear llîIn. porotîs cloliing or crash ticket IiflEoO durlng the des'. The ttcr Instance. trit of th îe matar s'as that Floalir. control your bamper and ot fI . tr oeEeatdfo. altot. iîewaater-ot itadetilt aIl of the kays of bbc d(Vit futtr aoli th-weacl iot ft itUonlIntl i pochaI. wîîlci re- tatkis oaliéîlot itodies. gliltd Inçýdienta11y ln ltae talînre of the agent o(tnilîtv <o sali any rlcta BUY SITE FOR COLONY THIS iPol ice ti- abitg< omue nftil li c titho hadtIlore bal<lhe of lit 'COUINTY FAILED TO LAND. ln JhPneltIdlionne away itabka<s. Sprngfeld Il., uly2.- con- eeea ttitr littîor or accident in the, j Spingîei, II.. Jul 2- cai- ncîder.' " (CI wrotit. rnittéeaofthlit stata board o! admtili- Ibi "tiei itt tise agent which trathon *111 go la Dîxon tomarrow 1I'e<'EIad thte Paotî<to'Ihat assttmed i monlrg10 cose he dal or 0<6 bis dtitîs lat nidnitt forgot 1 to r acres cftiacl oril'th e a o'f 1,ha ne-e k505 0< <r tbtise man Ibai suc-. arrs o lad fr te ste î te n.,ceeded hlo<. conseqtîantly the agent e pteîlic c'ony, whIch the sMatis la'ews urahablpt"-cal m tthe'îxgiage 10 establtsh 'thara. The pumhbase, roams or te drawers lit the office. pit'lca isalout $250000. The datails 'l'he Police derartment was llnaliy w111 bc compleled by Board Members raquestad 10 locate the residence of the agent that had kidnapped the OConnor. Hyland and Whipffie. keys. SP>ENT in the bothergome attempt to Luis, andIin carlng for your machineI be much more enjoyably 1employed in ing the Landscape O'er re especiaily wel equîpped for nds of repair work and eau save andl worry. TV VILLE GIARAGJE »> PHIONE 202 UBERTYVME ILL untain and Arctic Ice Creami freezers illenge Charcoal filIed Refrigerators $12.-4.5 4r. quaranteed Garden Ilose l oc foot and New Perfection Blue Flame Oil Stovés 7.00-5S7. 5049g.504S12 Phitadeiphia Lawn Mowers ml, 56.50 18 in. cut, 57.00 11' Line of flamrocks S1.2043.50 le.1B. EGER LIBERTY VILLE Boyd Photo Studio LUWWrTYVILLE, ILLINI'0S CLASS Portraits and VIEWS5 putar prices.. ery Day Sunday by Appointment z __ -. I 'Weil, WHM Butcher, PRrCES what's We keep good aný Glood Today ?" oirbutche J. EliTriggé MEATS ANDC * MOVI 4> We have taken the Enderi avenue and our stock isb *location. ea 4> 1111 wav tiw Ictot 0 1 4>x mk md týfr J.'Ii B'. Morsiîîa.' 4> <inr ti,'e EEl1Eryh r <J .4>RYILE il iîîî,~;îîî oî n l1E e p ____ AI Doors, 1 Sash, Casiln IBal usters, i Some Slightly Some Oniy Wate Very C Corne and carry it away at Y Libertyville Lumb Dawn by the OId Depot. Phane 47 E. A. BISHOP; Ma moment into this anîd y<;îwilI eicarcely ho- )rilliancey anîd warînth îof its Fboiisands', yes, lmjlE)ions f anîd clîeered by its beains. las flîcir endowîî,-,ts ma- îig days. Chidren batik r-eu -ionwu ... ss'Èf destitute orphanage. Widows bow in, ret-erenCe ta the great voeation that has inade posstible the eduttatioîî of tliu'ir elildren and an independent lilveiliood through co' oEierltiori with flîcir formîer protectors. As this great il. lumuixating sun steadilps and majestically lnîw es, on itm c tîlrae, thie conifort, ljappiiesot and sîînshine radiating fr<îîn i perineate the remotet t oriiers of this, lanid. Life Iiitatraiice laftie btoit thiîtg. 'tee JOHN IIODGE District Manager. Agenta Wanted

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