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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Jul 1914, p. 10

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-11 T V 17 1 (1 Pm TwO. LAKE CJUNTY jrNuiii NDETth , jRIçiinx, ______LI_____il_____y___________________14.___ DR. V. C. PRICE DES IN CHICÀ6iO AFTER BlII CAREER Former Leading Citizen of Waukegan Passes Away at Home of is Ilaughter. WAS FOUNDER 0F BUSINESS WHICH IS WORLD-FAMOUS. jg the Man Who Launched the Price Baking Powder Co. in WaukeganinEarly Days Waultegau, July 14, Dr. Vincerit C. Prit-e, a pîiueer uf Waukegau suho utalned world.side rame as the tounder and succeq.stul opera-or ut the tamau ri Peu laklng Powdter Company, dled ai the home ut bis dauglter, Mns. John iîolliigwortb, 457 Fullerton Avenue Parkwsy, Chi- cao SundsY nîglit as a resuit an Illesswhlch dated about six monlhs &go. Puît4'ral trom tbe residence suere lie died. Weduesday noonu.burla] pri- vate lu the FrIre lot, Wauiegsn, suth Rector Ganster uftheb Waukegan Epîs- copal churchln l charge t 3 oclocti. Dr. Prce, suIe bad altaIued the agi et 81, lad nt been 1;ý good healili for norne tîme but hie latest aît'kness dat- ed oniy six mouths baek. He badl nt lerr5ln active business for two yeani, Ris Ilness la declareil ta bave Issu due ta olil age, shieb bnaugbt on bard- ening ut the arterlas. lirs. Fice, bis sidos, bas been liv- lng lu Waukegan for the summer with thein daugliter, 31n. A. C. Fischer, Gadavenus. Dr. Prie had ne- malned with bis daugîter ln Chilcago. Hia love for bis taltbful employes la ahosun by Lhe tact that Intead ut promne~nt business min ut Chicago slil whom lie sas associated for years lu a business way heing picked for he jsallbearers, they camle front bis faltbtui employes subu worked wth hlm ao many years. Those cluen to bear bte remains to their eestiag place: Chares Wlliasms, em- Ployed by Dr. Price for 35 years, Matt Lang. Ernest Obrecht, Paul Phillips, William Fric., Thos. RenD, H-ie 1f. occupled lm until 1lie rutired froitne (' liii ugo. a position wiltivlt lite hldfor ive work two years agu. il ttaits. l'or lu cofn,-iithmtt %it bis A nan 0f *onderfiii meltallty sud 1respousibiliieg as bead ut l mnU- abiliy, b. continttted to direct affairse facturlng COMQanl.O, lie mns the until he rettred. slrong snd caret ut prealîlentof an Dr. Prie married Harrlel \Vlite oJ Institution wblclt passeil unttulîed Buffalo, N. Y, lu 1855 and these chl. througli panîrs and inauc'l iIlrrtes. dren were born: Russell C. Frie. tuai excellent judgnltîstaîd foreslgltt Nre. A. C. Fischer, of W aukegan sud of future cuonditis alwaý s toadp Chcago; Mrp. John P. Holingaortih Chicagu; Vincent L. Prîce. ot St. Louis, wbo la vice president ut flite National Candy Company anxd lu une ut the big men of te country îodaY. Guerdon Prire dled in 1891; Blanche S. PrIre dled when a chîld. When he lis'ed ilu Waukegan tDr. Prîce vias a stauuch supporter and attendant t Christ Episcoital ehîiret, belpilg much lu building the churclu aud donatîng liberally to, ILss tPPurt. He was une orfofumier Ructor W. E. Tol's muet loyal trlends. flisburiTOUl would fficlate aI i is tuneal but he Is lu the vicudsaund muId not gerlhact In time. As a Biking Powder Man lî suas whtbîe hwsas livingS lunWau- tiegan that Dr. Prîce launclied te Prîtte Bailig Powder CrtmPaY.-0 tImers recali hosu he started Il. C. B. Geurge used Lu tell bosu Dr. PriceI as'ied hlm tu, luveit $500 lu the tortua- lion of a couceru sublcb ebeuld matie puwder-Mr. Ceorge didu't like te tuke the chance. Sa, Dr. Prîce, look. Ing about, get Charles Steele, father of Nelson Stpeh. te go linsuitbhlhm. Tbey started the business, luter Dr PrIce. purcbased Mr. Steele's interest, but, tbey were togeiber leng enougit Lu matie money for botit and see a fu. ture for lte busiliwss. Here las wbut a recent exchauge saya ut Dr. Price's business eareer, the importanit acts as stuted being cor- rect and ebowlng clearly some ut the stelis ot developmeut linsubat proved une ofthte moat succestul business caruers ut a reaI Wankegan man: A PAN 0F BISCUITS 010 IT t» duys long betore the suar, a mo- thur suas maklug a pan ut biscuits lu the suay they used tu matie theul, uitb 7soda and sour ereaul. Bualde tlîe table, watclîlng ber, slod ber son, a youth at home un a vacation troul a cetlege ut pbarmacy. There wss nu way kuosun ut mixlng biscuits or calte except by usiug soda, and because the mother suas troîulud suitb Indigestion sbe could not cet the dalnty things she haked. I'Wby cau't biscuits and cake be made te rise sithout usIna matenials aafuhy the irsat lîiiîg lte bcronald.1 ered and seesîreil, In Lhe mîdat utfttijs multtitude et busliess, lrt Price becaeunienterected iît a way le mnie candy by niachinery, lnstuad ofthe aid uncleauly wny ut ntakhtsg IL I)y ltaîd. ]le round aise iliat candies would lie lîtrer and mîoîre heaithfitttIf tîc'vser. liai ured andî coiored witlî pureruiîtt exiracts lu. slead oi ithe ilemnieal dyes wich candy' îîakers tîten îîsed. At tis tlinc, Dr. Prire' sou, VIncelît i,. Prie.- ltad grîduteil frem Vitar, and s reaîy io Lieglun a busini5es ari-er. su lie hiecame itead outhlie nt'us andy uinnutîetury, xihicihie tatiiîr ae.dl con naîued The l'an Confection nuuIt pany. With thîs und utherr eitiianies. lins gruwn Iii.'Natioinal i'atiiii iot) îtany. which ni-akes % larioe h art uf ail the candy nomvon'trsuitied lu tue lUnit- ed Stutp-s (f titis crorartion nlow warth millions ut dollarst, Dr. Priies'. sun Is elle ut the ieails andtihte tid saying ut 'lke futher, lîke son" h. serified inthe uîuleudid busliness ut dc nient and iiweîtiticeê ideus wlici char- acterize the mian wvtiîîii.iîInliteid il) Ilu trons na e f i- niflent 1t - AUDWTOR'S REPORT ý SIIWS CITY liASý ADVANCED MUI Auditors Praise Officiais for Strides Seing Made Under the New System. ACCOUNTS IN GOOD SHAPE. Suggestion Made With Regard to Pay Check System to Se Installed at Once. Wauiti,-n tiisIl. fnrrnw. W'alei'llitlitir eand rom- pann3 eprtilipîl -mintanîîts,liai'.' iolui pleted t loir n n if ut iIIn g the t-ity boouksfor liie'lissai yeur cnditng Aîîril 30, 191.il Tt repourt et thîs a.udit sas cubiîîuî l i'o te City cou- cil <lu Nlonjay uilî.Tiat tîte cun- ditionout lîte booktis as îiey tound tiem sere tîtîsi î,atwfaç,totry lu hidi- cated by tiihe jul tlttrelliîtînary ululement: Mur. <,'iarenee h'W. Iiicir, City out ýViikg-gaii, Ill., Dear Slg. We haseauiti tti'getrît iooXu und acco,ýlnî,f te r lv utf W\atuke-1 gati.Ililinoil-,. fir tue -lîar itlet tii Prire. te r hilaloin g ibalance ie itet us n The Price Cereal ProductsaCo tha date, anid sinticiniis andil clied-I Nul v ntetît wth la tcae ies or revenue, isjitttîiv.iitied piiîsiied a bat 'aoUi d leiiites rid,,ii andl 511 a iscniett r iie forflîur mcii. Dr.t'ni,-e lia-.,huiN- 'for the yeuir ienti, on htaui', ari- en 10 tthe suot lithie reSUIit flii tî1nMrciiirect an(]iiare lu aceurît ut i miit xi expiermenting ini cereal founds. litsIie dihti repoîrs and ti iier rît urrus sclenlifir knowl edge tutt ilm tha i' '- t-e i b>t fie s ei lpr i i reals are the vitally neresxiary food ~lite Cîty.- ut maukind, but nu grain eau lie used hy burtîun tinlgs juat as It cones 'fours, recptîthiy, trom tie fields. Ttîe proitiem las lBarrow,. Wade (uuttrht Cu. beun lu preliare tbe grain ce Ibati h Tben fuilîîs tie delaiud and Item- wJll relain the greatesl r,-urishment. izeil report, chois ing ttîe exact condi- sud yet t oecimiinati te course parts thons ufthte cilti fittar.ees ns ttîey flini are lndigeslhble. tounîl thi.lidetflliy thtey roui Tbe Prire Curent Pruduets cin.ii liiînted ithe ii jt,,îpun ther- Iiii Jrusu pany la tue latest aritiesement uftIheP nient Ilat it e ing srouglît ini the stupendoits business abiity and sc-l c11'a finances tor altboîîgh mauy euhlluc tues, edge ut Dr, Pnieu, lar ge Iîrhavlctt ue ben put _______________nludurlib the ar the t ils lias suc- OfOn In.ceeded ln-ntin îg îlotsn Its iîoîîîcdilu Toxy Uncte (aftsn îeavlng the ricdeltedtiesud flot silice the vt- @hop, sbowing bis nephesu the way tamisio f ucuwet mbint efct hic lu bucy ouno)-"Trhem y uare, -u -&beeti Îund ncretiaary ho cal! for n Whes yolu are denllug wtb people bond Peiu ilîî Dr. rIc. sas bhum Dec. 1t, 1832 ai that- are ludigestible?"'as'zed the mie suat Just harineth ee îpoint a bit. One ut the auuIdtor lunî-uupilment- TrOY, N. Y Hiesas sducated ln the youth. And as aceeuas lie sas back an1d down coM« es spries teu 91h11,I ng the rtty upon thî'e ïce systeni Puble shoos tereandentredtheIn he ollge aboatoy le bganex-ln's," Curie Deaer (ta bts uephsw)- publc ihuas Iien su entnd le u te cllee leoraorybu egu ex jouu are, my boy. ye y tua batci en tostallcî t aithe civ of- eltremedIcal solege ot Newu York perîmenting. îesnlng wth a man like 'lm. and yo cq mlii or a certainu nith hi irvc i-h later; hie then entered the Benett Beore bie suai 19 years oid, lue had sas.sa O'w »'es golg ta bharnue the etfI5,01141îpeople xsbere it is tteceruaiy Collez. of Medcne sud Surgery, re.-made irom cream ofutatalr a posder point a bit, ail you've gaita odo lea ________________ celving a degreot M. D. front the that rulseil light andl dlicate biscuits lu Put the Prîce rip ton BWHUlns te former in 1871 and cakes, made thees treats digesti- 5$ttwlh."-Sketitb. Ne came ta Waukegan lu 1961 sud hle sud suoesume for bils moîber, made bis hume lu the cty until a sud wrksd wonilrs luniîelpIug a HI& Speeiaily. nurmber ut years agu suben tbe con- bousekeeper te do bier baking qiulker 'Dld you hear about Muggiius taklng stant travel bacti sud forth Lu Lb. me- sud easier tban lu the aId saY. Up settlemeut suoxk?' "Yes; leerien- troplîsuaued imX u cang bI Tha yath e te nau fmou Dr sJy works bis creditora for 50 cent& troplle-cased imito harw bi Tht yoth o te no faousDr.on Lh. dolar.-Towu Toples. nîsîdeuce ta Chicago, gvlug up the Prics sud that bakîng pusuder sas tbe palatial hume le lad erected ot Cream BakIug Posuder taI made for- Grn aeuesd utchliehisold a lunes for hlm sud bis asoclates. At Tt laie n aM ora Ms.. ome few Years ego. At is eatDr. Fric. finît i betan manutacturtugansu elli- on mes s la vlse old uhe mo owued nu prupenly lu Wankegan. lav- ing bis bakiTrW posuder by the ouucdo, ouner kuoss ot of(.-SwifL lin dleposed ut lis lait tract. the andifie bati a bard tnme. Grocens Prie. Pasture, Grand avenue sud Bu- suuuld not belive thud Ipeople suuld trick tneel, a fesu yearc ago, Hie aId huy or use IL. They laugbed ai the0o L1o reeldence le Bti vacart, tle prisent young tîliesu sitb bis bakIng pesudpr00 n 0c ooco oWferr neyer haviug utilzed il. Tl But sulen young Pice began dlstrlb- SPECTACLES a nd 11le f thîe etYs beauty spots, the utlng amaîl samples item deor te deaoorE o\SE Pric neîdetce Ias ai tihe bousesuives gladly Lned tbem. and co-i- R. C. Pice drectly serais the street. 0El, re uasabi goeutu'ttiMatIe tO fit y«ur sysa bY tli9Si urtl, wisien sobas bien unriseil ion"the pasuder tLIt matiestle bscitîs~s uhu k .1 MTLro andow.Reprse bu t- yearî s ulb.efanly basItivedi n Texas ris, witout uslng soda" Iu tbase Ex onI TLat L u sud Chicago for yearî. T'ruhLIe setdeys, Dr PrIce weht bîmîpî It miethe trucrnst u tftiei otthe Pricesbomne labils tiftgter's ,iitcherq utf fanons batelsansd restau- ~W us o .iiyî ys~Cari P.Westiirfisld MsA.C. Pleberhe , utwtrns adud h h chefs the ai-dT.v IIn< M CANDID)ATE FOR. of R. C. Prices lastbs C.urictu Pnîce vantages Oft bis baitig powtuer. And VYHEUI5D8IB > home Mr. Pnîce dlsd mauy years ago. se, ilth the snaltest ut beginulngse, 'OJP 1 O N Y C I meeting deatî suils ou a bu4tîainhtp ns utthe grestest industries et the 156Y. R.MN UL~i U i lu Lb. unth.HisluIs u a iwh su years xiorld sas started. The caiesetfils Z;-0t CHICAGO <*t cth Doisnofth asises theese.. nnasIvdnptivnto a epublican Pritmsry lu be elebr Ic.A BOWL. 0F STRAWBERRIES AND IiId eon Seplesnber The homes ut the Fices, suben they CREAM 9th, 1914 ail lived lu Wau'Legan wse b spot O)ne mornle.g, Dr. FrIcs bai finished _____________ lu lIe ciLy suer. streugers ser5 ai- esîing s kiwi ut trasuberries. They ways aken sud told: "Thats sheni sere fine berrlez, sud only the cri-sm Dr. Prîce, tue bakIlug Ps,'wieBman wa left, but this sas iellctouuly lias- lises-sud those are M7e homes of bis ceansd tueil wth Jule et the _ chlldreî," Tbe tour homes, tOrmîna reî t.srles. The thouglit fleshed Intu s square, tsuu ou elihen otie af the the doctors mnd: «Wby cenet the atreet sureiy Impra-veul that section et julcu' et fruits bue extraeled sud but- Lhe ety mudli sud, ubsu tbey sure bird for tse I l ltsrng fooud?*'Ite erected yeare age, titiy a-ire Lhe uis begats sorklug un tiIs irebteul lubis oi tle cammuullY. latiorahory, and before long Dr. Prices Establithes Business FIa'orina Extractes were Ils resuIt, lu 1861 Dr. Frics etabhîiBLidte Titis business coan br'gau ta assume baklng Pasuder businesesud oldit1hlunge proportions, and sulen Wlliam in 1891. He maie a fortune lu tbh- Ziegler et Newu York offereul Dr. Pries business but ni-ver becarne a million- a big prIce for Ibis luleretithail.bt- sire ne msny suppoaed. The aierali tg pasuier business, LIe docLrofai lellet la tlet, bai bie etainsd the cepted tite ofir, lu orîler ta gIve more buajues a tesu years longer isould time to bis liavoriîfg uxracts. ALer bave mde millions, for, sfier thei lier- a cotuple ut yearc, Dr. Pric's r-r lI msnwsho bougît It freul blm ceusoli. Bakin.g Pusuder w-as meraci wttt th- Lîb î tyv~iIe, 111. datai wth tise Rayail Bakiug Pesuier Rayai Baking Posudîr.f eoompanan sd contluued uiming bis Great as le the outcume eof tDr.j CANDIDATE FOR. . . . . . . .0 lb. hefoumier outhîe combine, le5Itricete a IailngPosuder, theîulîiinesi4i E D 9 salita ho ave drawni, eut a million a et manttachurîng is fiaviring ex REPRESENTATIVE LEIV A iE » U ter or'a wyusas bsshare ut traits Is eîluatly as productiv-e an en- COîUtt'î'iCIIEUX- thepofits. tî'rprin ufacît, tiuls lslstieond (>1 Ii. itljt,î To th. witer Dr. PrIce a ewsuysure great suî(-cî'sslum hue outhe encutrmous ljit Laki', ~rIIîr'tîi aoadmtW ihe wlshed hi- bad retein- Industrie-s t,!the îîrtîtry, unid hts ttti ttîtii'4)-Slj'tttr;iit-îtîltIîl'1<1î..ent. ai tbe businsss&bout two e yesrclong- muadee ivd lm niaking titday, fortunerstIJ- tt jiti d i- ljiî Ii l i. iîît tJ-1uptI) er as be'wouli have mde a fesu for- for (buse Peoleu'sulo are lucky enouali Iimîriîu, trii' t.hi-Id v<n tn1prli iiii' ut1>lit-li d Vîd- tises "di'b. doue 80. l ie sltokltoti-rc lu the Price comn ?I sItV Ater seiag ltee aingK posuder bus. liaul. Titi tîst reniartable at (,'eîi pporî,e. tii-I lame., Dr. Priesdevoted bi& ime 4, ai Dr. Pricescame suiile ie ii lires- i IIhjtl'ht' .>Ihtl tI iftîuaî sî1p 't8 _ - Metetthaino Nit _ tü z 4 CItl4 fi, keep e C iît jîpele tlos.d lu thtEe lion w£ mde of fil IUJU les t ty ofllie. Wlien il lu kllIt latI UM LOJIE IOfWII<. 1"Ail cial osrae tl s Ijremlha there are but tour eîti)louhî ID e \l te tilehut h tre manis ad user tjuffeatesle oît hthepatliae cîyouiesînwaipgn i e.îy XILLS IS INJURED tleiutI rsi'a h ln.H welzhIc a u ble the litreuerlA cl lt ixet toie ground where sys NasptIt ef( w e ueF îa it 1a setîti coît5cious condition. Iomuio oira urof gui ci utîjelt. Thise N ALL IIJPAY l i te o aumvd plan systeniatizes everytîtiti and lu jAtI s alit ue uatoa r o saves the uulîîcessaty wuî k Llat Is FaîsFrm retietoGrun- needed without It. The auditurtî aY a ll rmTetet rud ' --- tlîey îulîîitI-d out tile exaîtife outM'aitt Is Taken to Jane MoAlis- A Musc Lover. Itegan t thie officiais of the nortît ter Hospital. -'That prima donna muet love MU&l shore eity reàferred to lu ait effort to thoroughiy.'* "Oh, 1 don't kuiuw," rn- get tem to adolit a silîtîliar 'îystem. Frank iEasîrat, ait ofniîiii- t plled X mnanager. 'Site dosanàt $iss & 1 to se t IL f pleasure out 01 bhein- one reetinindation madle by te Alîerican Steel anîd \Wlri- Ct llttlirt, 1, anybudy tise slng waii." auditors i, iiat a mure simlîî ilfie( ylg i.111,Ja losil;I system t fîny rchecks be put lîtto e*ili i Ietul ttitriteiîttuîl - - ____________lut tect. Thte HSvteli as 0tiiitllitd ilte siit't t front iliiirlt5 55 tilt iliti- t N e iîîlt tt'ltuta îîi Iaîilitors htitiittre-îs-ttlît e tî tuti- Celveil a tIlv iî,ii<twlttg llu i tlis , ;iiil1) ii i iii îi tilt'iîs le tu e itat i îdîti il Issioners very favurattiy îîilti the eplant <f tt eultl ll is mlîril t, rt lIt 1-1dîl1 lîtarillg, te resoit aliîtîtultee tiliut It wIl]tlte l'itii mb of- Ing île Sstslîieîî isîvre a r' iii i ii îî iI 1ut -, îtti'rutiiipwiew tetr or ted. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o iile lîat, .notil tli tw, liirt hîtiii i - rt compi'5 enfsationtllaw Taten anu a wtîilp tlliti iv feeIqlsal.Teliiitt a vpry t)Pie if i wtlt te fa i i ii reîiî - îiyiiii'tii i I 1lt' iîrlt lasr port malle iîy te tlturs. VTe c<'iIti it s sa It iIItiiitt t It '11-1î'ii ii I* tii lwtile t iit iat a tut-ai con- hidi' nuit tas nmalil iv theai' îtltrs i, etiti ittijires ia a i ri i g lii i-4t, on fle in te ctlyoffices and i m y b lt . ienii I(,si nu-k uoitiiti n"li u . IlI-- b i, of-- itl, îuy laîmages sVeen tîy i n eiC î Itli stflilit l y Iîî- n wv ins ily îiîitil î' .t-i llit0wii ti w r ils s-trlitteii lt said to ...........................h...................................................................... iuîi iî,î.lullhltliedi gali 1% j .lerk and matie a re(iuesîtii *,(, t. M e/liste-r homplîni wl i-neail i-vaii ii l i Nusq Margaret i)ady ujîtiîiîcc'd iii dlay tiat *slteha4 sisgriedilni, a ciuitract toatliInihitle Waukegaîî Toam siti I tîgli .i(-tIlo l d thai t S ' 1wli 1îl ot ne. ,ept thle nom11 iatîîinason lt y suit, r iîteîieîpiil ofsc'iooils outi, i inoeraie tick lnosetk.(ý,ft SS In li- i mi l t of La.i k etti 1ts S p) hîiiii tt,îür Terni, 1t14. ILq1 lia i mîiings, lii 1(11 tî to c anîc To i Wlioni il Mav foncrn l'utb]lc notice Ih heI,'19 oienia7 11w m irsgîei Lt a jiiiii j ttîtîîis,. ilied lier tetîtiuî n iiitlie irc nuit iCourt tf Lakle Count y.Iliis l, 10 Lite Oc- tobtîr Ternji. M4 i. aiking said Couirt lto enter and Ortier and itectiep, ition the lîaringof aa]d letition, grunting and 1îermîttllsr the said I.,-nau('uni- iiing., to assumte ar.d tliereafter h.' knîîwn hy her utaiden name, LENA PEL1S, anti for suili otiier ant iflrthler ielit, in laid imalter asî shali îe agee- able t1 ilie iraic ti f sat] Court. t)ated ut Waîiaegaît, Illinois, Jul9 HthU, 1914. LENA C(NtMINlhi i Icedcter &livîete Attoirneysî tîîr p.titiluter. %%eckly.I.uiv 17 21 M. M ViSITTH iru 0)f 1000 B a roailns Decofatsl à M&ill lt o easet TENT7S OFAL At BIG BARGAINS 16 il. Diurne- U. S. Armny ter, 3 it. Wall Cornucal il fI.» Genler, rents, 16 Onunce $17.95 Worths twtce a.e0c h Io mnets Our Greatest Bargaifl- Bouglit trom U. 6, governmiflt; airnoat new; in tact for practical Pur- poses il is as good as new; gen- rine 15 oz. tan army duek-wlfld, water and stormt proof--ShCCI lripod support, ventihator lu top, 16 il. Olameter, 3 ft. waiI, il il. cenler; complete with ail necei- sary nopes, POles, Stalles, etc.; Cost twice Ibis prie ho mae and il a very big hargain et aur price, onîy 517.95. Bava arrapk ghae@. .- 5 Ail wooI 51b.Arriyflîiankets $5.25 White Middy Blouses .... .75c up White Tmouaers .....7e UP Camping Shirts--------..45c rip Bayonets .................. 5C Genuine U. S. White Sallor Hal$e ..... ........ ..---.- 45e Rifles of ail kinds-...2.95 iiUp Sheller Tente, size 5x7, $2.75 U. S. HavoraCk% ..........45c Foldlng Cols, U. S. Armny. I210 Faîding IMeAt Pans--------..20C Hunîing Auxes-------------.. C Rubler Blankels - - .....51.50 Rubler Ponchos-------. $--195 Parcli Hammocks-....1.46 j K haki Breeches------.ý- -$2.46 K haki TrOuserç;---------..125 Legginls (canvas)---------..415c utytees (canvas) ......ESC L hini, wnoî, 2 pockets -..$45 .9.0 a UT Equipment l t *eiOI aeriPtIn SENO #< O F 1,00 FOR OUR OD BARGAINS CAL., HYSON & SONS 21 8. Wahah Av., Dept L CHICAGO flR I - i James -M. Woodman Candidate for $TATE REP RES ENTATUVE EIGH-TH-!DISTRICT Subjcct to the decision of the Republican Primary Election, September 9, 1914 TO TUE VOTERS Of LAKE COUNTYm-- 1 TAKE TItIS MEANS 0f ANNOUNCINI MY CANDIDACY FOR TUE NOIONN FOR COUNTY TREASURER. SUBJI3CT TO THE DECISION 0F THE REP4JfiLICÂN PRIMARY ELECTION TO BE IIELD WI3D- NESDAY. SEPTEMBER 9T1.1. IWIINOT BE AB~LE TO CALL PERSONALLY IJPN ALL MY FRIENDS AND A rfUANTCES, DURINO THE CAMPAIEiN. AND, WILL 4P PRECIATE ANY ASSISTANCE YOU FUEL JUSTIFIED IN EIVINEi ME.1 LEE McDONOUEiH s tc r i ir,à irrim dN.%TT,%"rmxT 1-%,ITVj LTOTn A 1

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