-~ i mm . 01518 anA iaiter of Chieugo, are etopping Lt the o. P. Mabrron lîouss for a gomss. [JoncS Ifflgardoan, Chas. Shltz, lrvIng frandlttlr, Walter lman anLd Harold Cleveland rnotored to Chheago Sanda>' and took the boat for Milwaukee, retarulag home la the v.'. ns, heure of ihe. nrina. c. . Cleveland and élitier Addis left Wednseiy ta spend e wook or two viti thir brother, Erestus Cleveland and feuil>' le a sbar.M Iigen&. Leinis Loldeil and fanil>'motored tu Waaksgan Ta»ey la tboir aew car. An, amateur troupe tram Atiorb wtb acasî lo 75 elîl alve "Al.-. la Wonder- lan"," a feu>' opera tged b>' Miss MieuAs Fair, Satarda>' svoulus, Jul>' 18. Thodaebo renioraber i* pie> '*Mr. Bob," <ien b>' our oea bonus talent nad ataged lby Mies Feir, knuw lier abilty la thîs eork and vs expect a flood show qaturAa>' eveaiag. Rbissem 7 01OU.'lillkesp the flies ave>' frottajoua sock, ('0t ard Sfi(0 at t-be Regaîl Unus Stoire. Mr». Peter NevI14',Oase ad soa are spuoàdîng tiihe lu c liiti.t rairs psntse t Sand Lake, Mdirbigen. Mnr. and tira. Johin Book and Mnr. and Mre. Ed Bil er atteaded Lb. bailgais rif tin W.'tmldoru et Weukegaa lande>'. Tb@e tra>' ake haillteeni vedelsti le & Lame of 4 lfo75 lest luada>' b>'the Queute.'teai n nahuomsgroand@. 14m. Jamies Shierman, wbo .iclt.ed lier fathuir et Ordwa>'. Coorado, Laid other paljesoutint.rest, retrnaed ihomre at wssk.- tir anAdtira Frank i.evson apent tire week-end vlth Mn. and Mmr. Harrngtoan et Br,,va'c Lekp, IturligLan. Mt. and tir. l).gdaie vers Chigo viuWars Monde>'. Mlrs. Ails Tbouaaoa eontertaiasd n-ela- te. and trede froinout f town tii. pes weesk-end. The soial oni RImer Mrrle's lava =w Wveil ettended end the R. N. A. net. * d. ire snm. iss Edith (Cham bers entert.alasd a lew 0t ber >'uang frisadse t a itrtbday part.>' on Satarde>'. Avery' Hiver ..f Kenoaha, la speadlag bis vacation viii lits v'aus. Maurgaret Aluuck le vilting wlth lier« mbuai Mrs. H. F.Blier. Mta Fanrito Washington, la vidtlng Rab>' Neill@aend otiier frienda. Mra. K. U. Mrrie spent FIde>' vii, Mre. WiI Oliver la Waakegau. C. V. ii.ff r> and faînil>' ut Kenshi#a, and Mrs. Zigler ot St. Lui,iîs.Mou, pent Banda>' vîtl. Mrw. A. 'Ci, rrls and fainll'. Gaso. Wilson entertaiaed bis parente trou Oabhci. Wl.', abi a u-.uple of old nsigUbors lest wsek. Mi nai.eIeevea retuned Sanda>' &tier- nD» o.,hvtug $peut tlires e fko in Clsies, Wyo. *.nrfeè IMcCenD, ormieri>' of tuita1 bun soi of Lyuins, Wl., wam ae allern î satmitl.eyatternoon. léml C. Browe spenit part of lent 1 wslb with tirs. E. A. Re.v. AD. Cors vas a Kenoéia uisitir on IhIependent roettes &Il pouts lai Lsefounty. STOP IiERE!' M~OPBERRE and get yoar rellroad tt*ei, ws have thea. on bath ivada. SOPBERRE and leave your leuadry. vs lia'. the.'Barlingtonaegene'. (Goes sp'Thnrsdav and rotures Satarde>'. Beerviee latowa. Plions land i.' wWMýal1I for It. *t'o? BERE and bu>' îoar reading naktter, wre have tie laIe eopvwnlgt.d boobe and aIl the leteat periodîcals. "OP HERE and buoy jour les cream. W Ove you the bent creani and truite.. gVOP ? RlE for&eeboice box of eaady. W bave man>' varletiesate chopes t rom. MTP HERE If jon veant t,, lîsten to god mnic. W.' are sole agent. for tb.' Viiiole and alweys gis.d to plaj'tuîryuu. WTPHERRE if you want a good sooe. Tie i.bent lrande and iany of STP ERRE toi postal carde, soave- airq and pennants, bslrend neir lino.. .)? HRlE or "raationer>'. W.' ce,,>'the moat titodete ins ln ova. »jI' HERE tuor toil'.t prepbretions. O*i',Sarmnny lin.' loe 'xieiledi. me. BREF for pure drugqanad ding a . rO r rbier depertîî.eît con- t ' thing but gaaranteed stock. . eD ERE where you get setiffac- ti gorjour mo"ey ba-k. ËiWÀYB STOP et e Rex aIl store for modiereheadiwes ad g'îîiulervie.' DRUCE DRUG CO. MAX OOUIqTY LNDMBPZNDENT, PRIDAY. JIJLY 17, 1914. Sîxtee,4 ttbdets inDitferent Parts of tWe County Are ta Get Méholmhips. ARE A DECIDED HONOR. Pupis Who Get Themn Receive Four-Yeur Course in the Normal School Free. The school law provides thet the eigbth grade pupIl makirî« the hlgh- est average la each ufthte. differeat townsbipsî ahaîl recelve a scholarship good for four yeera ta an>' of the nor- mal sechoole of tii. state. This le the provision of what la ceall.'d the. Lind- ley Scholarahip ect and the.' ciiolar- siilps so recelved are call.'d Lindi.'> scbolarsbilio. Thre awarde hav, lait b.'ea made la the eoaaty superinten- dets office and the litof saccessful competîtors follova: Towncblp 4G-12 Arnan Sorenson. Win- trop Herbar. Township 46-il Margaret Hloward, Russell. Township 46-10 Lelad Wetcon, An- UiocIL Tovnship 46- 9 Pearl Ring. Antiocir. Township 45i ,2 Sigurd Sîmonson. Northu Chrca.. Tovnship 45-Il Glenn Mille, Gersn. Tovnship 45- 10 Alla Neville, Grays- jaSe. Tovnship 45- 9 Edîtir utanJey, Foi Lae.. Township 44-12 ilazel Kauhélim, No. ('hIcago. Township 44-11 Adella Albrecht, Ares. Townshrip 44-10 Violet Parteous, Area. Township 44- 9 Marlon Derreil. Me- ieur>'. Townqilp 4.1-12 Olga Keirrweld, Highwood. Tovnship 43-11 Anna GIerbert, Prai- rie Vie.'v rie Vlev. Township 43-10 Johin Pabîman, Prairie Viev. Township 43- 9 F1rank Kraus. Bar- rington. LAIE COUNTY lIAS A CZANCE TO (IET A PUBLICLIBRARL Andrew Carnegie Is Thinking of Establishing Libraries in DifferentCounties. THE PLAN IS A SIMPLE ONE. Intends to Make Samne Re- quiremnents of Counties That He Made of the Cities. lAke Connty bas an oppontanit> to secr e a tre.' Coant>' ibrnry pro- vide n Adrev ('eregle ihaepprioacieri la the' nIglt way, as t-le an wheo ban establisb.'d librarles la hundroeaof CitiosnDov annouaicas that ho la tinklag seroual>' of spending tint $75,000,000 ta $100,000,000 ta balA publicIlîbrarles la courAles ail]over the. country. He la d.'termined t-o dia a pour man, ire ays, and as iIs hobby us librarles be consîders Étesla tir. best va>' ut accompllsbhng bis par- pose. Nul so men>' yeers aga Waukegan seeared a fine lirrar> tram, Mr. Car- negle anA It nov appeers tire couat>' bas a simîlar opportantty. Her.' la chat a dtspatcla eays of bis plan: St. Paul, Mina.. July 92-Aislrev Carnegie bas under cansîdenetion a plan for establshing librarles la country district. that coulA eali for a ooatrhbation of $75,000,000 or $100, 000.W00 b>' the steel magnats. accord- log toa aauncemeutmae., bre fi% thbe Nat-tonal Educatlonai Association Convention by Phîlader P Ciaxton, Unit-ed States Commîsaloner uofMita- cation, et a meeting of Stete Scirool SuPerntntdents. "Mn. Carnegie vas luterested la the proposaI" Clexton salA. "andtesired aie hec mach non.'>'It coulA reqaîre. 1 told un probail>' $75,000,000 and possuibl>'$100.000.000. "«H.' Indetermlaed te giv, hie mon- e>' ave>'and b <die pour, and lber* lo an opportunlt>', 1 "Tire- re 2,200 countieg la our ne' tion wlth ffl public lîbrarles. anA on- ly oeventy4âve counties wbere tira people have acces, tu librnrles. "I tlSsAtir., conditions over with Mn. Carnegie and tld hlm of the needs ot libreries la courntry' districts. "Prom chat ho salA 1 have reason to belleve tirat if couatles nake t-be proposition tuo ibathat ltlt a itad- bu>'tire lot If h.' yullerect tire buIld- Ina-Mnr. Carnegie coulA do bis ahane. Thre Waukegan Feda con tireir ululli straiglit gaee Sinday iiy trummIn Aven I to 6. Tire 11eds put the gae.'on 100 lI thse igirtir hen t-he'> scoreit Ove ruea. Orelg's fine pltcilg cnnblpd wicth tire claver U*Idint 0f lire FeMe Ipl tbIevr,,oaponw entaeet.'through tir.' stIre geais. rOison a180 pfteled a oleves' gamne for Avon untillire elgirtb choit irebie. a TireIndepandeat Inds ail. lât 94 Correspendessi Agent Ths livery 'ber.In buina «i.sbglod. Rendes brac, tmsie w. ork. Roi MoisiS busl'cf ox L. hi"a movué ialobo*m *0-awalb.Bbard1on store. Palabs.alb*"n lb. hedsy0t a .iam t olive arasn pelaI. Tb@ Inlarlor la t, 1.' straw colo, a allsm Tiie dan.'..ntai ra»'* Bat.rdayey .în ing was w.ll attendaitl Ii-ëtai'g Mms. Peter Ftont of Cbicago, la the. gueat of Mr and Idrs. Biasin this w.aîk. Mr. Front waa out over Rade'. WMr. and M rs. J. Rosing, Mr. and M rs. Peter FIer>', Misa Clara ioti.ig aîîd Arthar &5.-boir and friend sp..nt Siiiady afternoon et the Stantia Houas at [Long Lake. Art played the. part of lie, aver whea th ii'ler vleîedwltb the'cra Yoang Sandow and lii.. lent sow oee n the comou 1soalli ofthte d.'pît Monda>' and Tuesday. A vaudeville shosrw ill b.' given at the. opera bounnee l4nday .'venring ander tii. oaaplces of tie M W. A. and Mo. W. W. 10', 20e. and 3f:-'wllb.' ci.arged. Several trom ler.' atiended theb aill ab Avon iPark the - uniest tc'lng betweeti Lwu Weukegaun"es. JGAGES L K. W. Searseand son Warren were calter@ in tbis vicIait>' on.' de>'laet week. Miss Evelyîi VanZaudt is speading the. week wlth relatives la Oak Park. The. Ladies' Aid eSiet>' will give an lce creain eo.lal " (tise eburcu Frîda>' a.ening. Jul>' t7. Quincandtaud wlch.'s, cuniDe. rougrete, ?ab-bag. Everytuody com..Fr14.>' eveung. J .1 -d th. MW@iA. E&aKaiiple 01 Waaksgen, @peut the wee-snd with ber parente, Mr. and Mrm. Gao. gapple. tirs. J. F. lberliegaad daglî ter Ruth 0t Oiak Park, apsot Frida>' aad Setar- d.& iL ii.F. Yaz6udt and fanîli>. Miss Mildred Dais of Austin. @pent lest w.'ek wlth Mien Marion Prston. Ths Ladies' Aid cuciet>' met lest Tbarsday witi Mrs. B. tlieciier. Tb* next uaelIag ili ii e et the bhone of Mms. F. Vs.çZaat, Tiiaday, afternoon, Mis. Rd To)atd i.detîvile, is visit- ing ut Dean Huaecutt's. tirs. garni, Mesadaddauglîter iRemsit of DeKali.. are spenjdlng a few da>'a at Ray Paddock's.. Mrs. Frances ilnck retarned to (Il-l cagu Taesda>' alter spêtidlng two weeks with ber aepiiew Water S>'keo ai Long L.ake. tir. and Mrs. SimnnDavis wertenclled tu Nebreska b>' the.'seriouialneme of tir. Davis' brother John. Mr. ad Mre. (Gso. Tyler Huaon of Lib- ertyvilc, avant Lb.' week-end aiLis Lii. fumiers s@intereMrs.iBoa tMartin end tirs. ltay Paddock. STALE E66<S SAÀLE UER LAW'S BAN; STATUTE 15 STRICT tire. t. .Matbsweayet.irned lion,.' Saturdeay tru. Wakegan, viere oe s'p.'t a vi-elu virli tin. Win. Mitu-hell. Mir. ard i ms Lem Barge rif Waukegen, speat esverar leaeu tb îor dagliter, tirs.Warren Huook. lla ele Beau of Waakegan, la the gueatut iMrs. MaIl.' Deitmsyer. lt-c.' eu, >-atlurd f611.8 the purîpit- Ion bis father Sonida>' iornlag. Tii.-(rubb mevolî.obolA theinr m-uIýn oi tlhe uiugrounds Fnide.y, Jul> 17. ltirs. A. R liai,, tranacted business lan Chicago anA vi.ited ber aleter, tIre. (Mar.e Hluuîunr. Mise Rab',iv illiage satentained lion aouusstroll, Wenken. tir@. Scott liVi'and ie. Ler>' are sntertainiiig rompea.' tira. W. (i. tiviuire and chîldrenaend lire. C. E. lIeninnver, tira>sieke visitons Tiiuréday. ltirs. Tbu.îîas Anderon retuned t0 Sole, Rans, the putî eset. GURN s Misa1@lt-o'..-lillaîuî of SbaronWuscoun ipent '.evu'valii.î s lflatweek vit1.Mise Verna Young. Mn. I'. Bulluvk of ElPesa. Ill., caleA( on trieuàa.ie belest eek Tharada>'. tira. t'has. 'ape anA ebuîdren of Ravine Wla., vîsîted trienda bore one de>'lest .Tire Ladies Aid Society' beld their regu- Ian meeting iNît-b tr». "bel I cClloaah Thoreda>' atternoon Jul>' PLi. MfIse Adele Rly ae isiatiag friands neer tdiuburu thle veelu. tir. Usplias LeailianA faml>' of Iogero Park, eailed un Mn anA tins.W. A. Camtp bell Sunae>. tir@.Z.. BidAlecoui sad deugliter Beraice uf Havolelu.kNeb.. visited astlDn. Young's Tuetida>'. tirs. H. W. K.'el gave a Part>'four lier ltrIe greriddeugliter, Frances L'oalfe Y' unriidlhi-ago, Frîde>' etternounn. Tirere ver.- ilit lît-th girls proamut ariA ail bad a deliglittul tins. The Our.'sîe W. C. T. U]. viii bold a ldedical-Teliîperen mnWedoesda>' eltenooou, Jul> 21.ttliMmAldas aines. Strango thiaga ilpg. .Th& otker svoutau c ecoe,#pt *waegfon aut hour or so b>' two mn languiag a çeu'- tain quegtHan aad for glace tire ae ViLl tire louA volce'cas rulit-. I. ~L 1 AZ RIC4 MI» lfélsuIinan watt a count>'osait ,lsItor Thusda&v aud Frida>'. Miss Medajine Scbwerritan le viitil g relative@. The FOX hoxnseeed WÉ18 cold et Wabuksgan test saturday. F. P. Clark, Jack finx and jess" Foi purchaaed the propsit>' for *6,500. Mr. and lie. Sn.'tzlngèr and Emil Frank took an auto ride t, W.éukegan lotit Saturda>'. Leonard Young o id IIîvgo Iieighto, visi Lsd hie parents b.sré ast Sauey. Mr' and Mis. Leonard of 1Elgiu. held a famil>' reanion ai thir inime.i.r bonis lier.' leit Sanda>'. Tiie Prssbytai'an .'lurvii of Arlington tislhisheiapl.nia Fî(,rove lest Satu rde>'. The. Lake VZurich lall teain played the ilerisenville tet' lier.- la.t Stîjada>'. The limite teaiii conie fout the. laserse&fter siven exCltlng Innifigs N.'xt Sanda>' the. (irayaleke tii..u,.- besfor a Miss Frances Hok.îiu-yor of Shepherd. Mliii., la viltlag r.latlî.'s for a test Mr. and Mia. Cherles Andr.'wi attend si tiie' fnerai of Fred Busc.'. tbe'formm.r w~ayor of Cliicai lait Siinday. Mr. Andrews wea a very ' los'tiefil.-u uof tih. déepa'sed. Mme. J. C. Whitnsy îiaosed away lest flunde>' iight. The tuni'ral wae held Tueda>'et tihe Beptiet cburcb et Larrington witb hurlai leside lier bus- band in Lt.'Barringtun -vuister>'. TAYLOR GROVE Mies Moris Eaarbauer of Wauk.'gan, ia visltivX àMi*. John Strabani, Jr. Thîeo. Vanderwli Iole eîtertaining rem. pan> f roui Mcilenry cî,unty. Mr. and ise. Bi1 visited the latteras sister, Mr&a. Herst Shien Sunde>' at wadswortb. (inn Hawkins ls laid up> wisli a felon on isefinger. Mr. and Mie. George lildahy o f North Clilcago. have tissa speuding uheir vaca- tion with umsr parents. Miss Minais Grebaan aiîMrs. Adeans ei'ent Sanda>' with MrM. Jas. ladaby. ààiî MCa pelit Suîîday witliîis M Irm.. TinRaeardo bsas retîrn'd bonms afi.r speî.dlig sorne tiinté witii relativs Mim'. itta Pharrin i.vliting witb Mrs. Mis@ri Wendt las planîning a trip to î dermninn. tirs. D. L. Wbeelen lues Ien entertaîn- tsug Waukegan frinasthe pest veek. tir. and tirs. E. J. 'Unibdeastoek, Mn. anA Mn.. leu. Uaibdeasiack and tir, anA Mr@. F. B. Laiker open t Set-ondaye>'ev. iag et Staples Curners. M4EN WHO RESIST* L [A> OnlnfFICRS DItAW THE AMAAXIMUM FINE ,A senset-lonal arrea took place late W.'dneeday atternoon when the po- lice took two brothere lino custady. As. a resuit thare were sieverel spec- tacalar feetures laciading t-h.'effort- of Que ut tire men to use a kaifs, the striklng o! a police oficer ad a rougi. and tum'ble fit on Genee street- iu whlch lheamen unade an et- tempt t-o regain t-hein liberty'. Tii'. cames ofthtie men are: : ARTHiUR LIPPERT. aged 21. CH{ARLS LIPPEDRT, agsd 36. Tire men wene gîven a beexrag b.'- tare Police Magistrat-e Walter Taylor ii morning. three charges belng preferred against t-hem. Tire..'cirr- es. ver.': Druakoaness, r.'sitg an office-r anAdlnterf.'nra vt-h an offi- cer. In each case tb.' maximum peni. ely vas lrmposed. On th.' drnuren- nease charge thi'eaenver.' fined $100 eaci. On eacir of tire other charges they user.' fined $200 each. This mait. a total fine o! $100 for .'ach ofthtie two brotbers. Neltîxer va.. able to psy the flue and tire>' ere sent te tire couuly jolilcIre.'they viii b.' i<.pt for one huMered <aya. Auxording t-o tii. information ne- celved b>' tle police tire twu brothers veut ltirte Naula caoan viere tire>' got mbt au argument citir the ber. tender viru trIed t-o put 'hon eut. l'ie>' resfiîted and Policeman General Hicrks wan calleA. He tried ta sep- arate lire aien viro ere flghitng and une ut theai rode a pesa at hlm. Tire iruiw mlssed lire oficers face bat- kriocked off his hat. Tirer' on.' of the mien dr.'w a knife frani bis pocket whlelî bc' ia alA t-o bave tirroatenod lu ue on t-le bllcemn.. Charles Ed. mouds, ai. exprassmaa irappened to be ueanry at- thret-in. and ire canglit tlhe upralsed band, cendlng tir, irit. splinirg ta t-be floar. fie thea irurnled out anA calleit Sheritf Green wbo vas on tire corner. Contable Petticlair vga pear et irand anA aiea vent hndide. Tire>' ad galte a tonale before tht>' g«ttire lpîert brother Into t-le Street. Tien an of- ficer trun tira cire tmiii came along ad tendereA bisa assItan&lce. Ail tire lime tire Lippert brathers touglit 5ev- egel>'. In front of Wael's boa' st-are Lire>' ttemptedin -oget ava>' and ln lire scuffle one of thraaics lirowa lu the sidevalir. Ail lts va>' alanq tire street tire>'asod ecfrse and oh. scene language. TIsey vers flnalS> iocked ap atter constdenable effort. The pîolice sae>'ti.> thlnk that sncb cireracters should te taught e lesso)n tire>'viii not soon torget ard t-h.' chences are tb iigt )ÇiUt<il .'wli,,- nes yl bave lafItire brother.' b> the Unilu..' lb.>have senved their sentence. paou Power of Oranzaioi LPrivete Car Excursion, TuWV~, JUkc 218t) A NEW PURCHASER on bie retarD wrth aur lant excareto p art>' eeid lie ird never uadsratood untîl nov ch>' vs sdvertîse bs extenstls- Y. We ve a blg ork t( o. Espsecil .cakeilla Royv. Hut.'hinq,,n, E. L. Wald aid P.. Dalels witii tueur wivem, aIW, Herbert &qison and H. S. Sberwoud atî.'nded the Sanda>' ailiovîl conventîî,n et Hickory lest Sanda>' atternuon. E. A. Wilton aî,d temîl>' iade an auto trip to Elgin last Sunada>'. F. M. Heuili atetend,,d tii. Buses funeraI ln Cblilcago on Manmda>'. Paul A ver>' a a rpeeut par-haser nf a Ave' pagoesger Studebaker. Mr. and 4e ('ail Surewnoentertalned Chcago relative.' ouci Suridav. The Misse (iertruile and Hsarriet Miller ha.ve beeun antertaining a lady trin'îthe pat twu we'kso. Mr. and Mrs. I,. La.,,, of iii' iiIty', visited the t iret .1i t.' wa-lwiltiîteir daaghter, Mrs. J. (À. Pul'î,ul , wii' la quit@litI. lire. tienbert Nelson is u eny>iig a visit from bler parent« from n.,utiiera Illinis. Mn. Poultûn drove trou. lis home ini oestral Illinois witlî a hors.' and buggy for a tsw weeks steay wltlîhie ciii. .. Poalton. MisHelen Kerr isqsp-ading il,.-week with Mr. and Nimou Wit. Mit.l-Il ltii Chicago. Wr,,. Walksr. wlîu rocentl>' uiid,'rweni a oevere uperation la Chicago, le (fuit.' Ili et bis home eekt ur town. Henry' Atwecli and wile have recenti>' parcbased ten acres ut Wni. Sheehan anid iatead to make Lae. Villa thelr brin. The>' lateli suld ttu'lr l'ai Leku' laat Mr. Stretton. Mri. LeAra King weat t.. Iowa lant week, ualled there b>' the.'ul.'tb uitber @inter. lier son Pauil, ac.-ompaaled ber. tir. ad Mr@. Ja@. Atwsil were la Waakegan tii.'tiret ot lest week, the gueeta of Mir. Atwell's iter. tir. and Mdie. H. P. Miller went to Waukegaa last Frida>' tor a vioit wlub tbelr eblîdren tiier.. Stratord Thompaon of Waukegan, vI' sited wltb Willard Scbw.'rîuna Snde>'. Mfiss RIma Tiionpson leoap.'nding the w.'ek with relatives in Aurore and Ham- pshire. tirs. H. Lote returaed tr,îrN oP',ria, lst Saturda3 atfter laieulrg îilt.d a few Wd5ko tiere. Miss Minaii.' Ficher speuntlier vaietiun ber.' wlth relative@ anîl f rieîdo. lier anAdanée'hlm thirougi. W.' iell a Mau. ibat If be gason the ILLa Vll modenate capitllilapro-pariin isa what bu neukiteitea and faims ln- telhientlj and ledustrioual>', à. wI sueceed et grîvina alois.. aUdý vstcb. n>'e, oai, cle*t, hsaasbê% and toddsr eurn,potatoss, es . and fruit. Tiieqshave aIlbe i.astrated e aucemontrieniB out tua otract. Alpo ho cm à>.U vîlli sbeep, liogs, catile, poulliI dalrylngt. Ws are tirer. Md nenti>' orgaesd tio ébsien ldo lit W.' ruataa terni adylsre, ex~ir mn, ex poricced et fermila . uri. gan and édueted ett h.' MIeI Agriculqural College. viro rgli viait ever>' settier. Ws opsrstq - u)netration ferais end uo-oper a meed distribution pan i pIl WHAT MAKES LAffND iraluabAi 14é peuple end vhat tise>'do. Àrn '» ,smlgir.nt. Who ceieever>' 7W double A ierlea'. ianuivalsas jeans. 0,cr twa thous d satifled cuatamers. r eacei tsreed ia thii. earIlraut. dreds of thonsands of dollars off mon,>' are belngit nvfated ht si4«"0 seanon lu fata lildinota, fenes am Pilg. Tise>'have lvetIai4 saad luein il Zdutthel ft$ la Lb.. future of Ourdisu. vo eli ise'juàd, caws "d >oloiw jonraslf. Cmonoir«xetloe"d sues tisgroing crop e nd talk cit tefermera. GET THE STATISTIOS 0of oe u'oan tics. W.' bave compied éUssn. aloag clth iegat <d.l ' of v Information "iOut afft1,ultu~a dastre, cuinate, tp*ahy, religiAtonse»ad duetional4atu, roade.Iown publie ut~i~os gel la taac tb lhfitrismg coleeulbet movemnt. Aek% aoton rpe We have sil traveling easpl~ laturers and ciii ho lasitu, you ch e * 1vii lisIni yuru* a~~~~ nsgls lq.1 fanIn launr district. THE PO)WEROFORGANIZATIÇ)N OUR NIEXT- PRIVATE <r e Wu le tot cal>' beblit ur advertmnaln on 'viiibe Tesede>'. Julu3y h and sehlini, but vaily More Impor- t hop. M. R. R.. lsvlgM yoeleiý tank voiot. nar .'olonlaing. (l>'or- offies e m 110& a. .'4M gaelasdefforten rmeor tii. service round trip to ellaon, f~ vs glas to balas nd s etlers. To- on pprci am. Y4% out b4e% Jay publicetopinion un thre land que@- Cblcagol.0 à. n. Tuftdsy' Wla tin dsmaed.e maauOt>' trou aîle ra ay t" ise ea . O*. keIàsdi of »sW leu&ete camé b>' ver>' St- anA guIdaiIras.. h fifurther pairticulara address George W. - 3wigw Ow,1 250-1F Firut National tSoidr Bg,Chc Dymo4&Ah Liberty ville, No. 120. FOR SALE-Bungalow. Ail modern improvemento; Hturrut. Ct. end LtecrndMt bot WateZ haal; liard- vrîod finlIs. ïai 'te'rià No. 101. FOR SALE-Modern 8-room home on Division-st.; lot 001185 ft.: bot wceraibea.i; bud<wodd trioaimso finishà. £ml>'ternis. No. 121. FOR RENT-Modern 6-room brime on Second-et.; lat 501150 feet; bard vood fluor; stacco EfiI. Dur&ns & DurW&Id Real Est&%% e m uea. . te. UheFxAD.. lUL , j; e Fow Lsu'stw.e w DmgqIeiion ses I <(OFICI'ttAL PUiBLICATION) jReport of ths Condition of Lo nctada Lake 'V Il..1. aiiolIuhloi. Iepre lkae t, of nl 9 04, ae toti..'auilter of PbicAe Du,.a tos 1al- Il Lo;uv" 'aî -cte..............sraea l.-is nCollât-raI i'iirity ..... 7.Ne.01) (lteIr ioaioasud dlccounta......49.817.51 151.81731u Pubile service .Corporainbouds...0la.,., Oiter tonds arnd ssanioes.. .. f.. I.l. 75 ue.eôi.ie 4MI'ui*LLAii5'uUsKneuCSs Fuor.iiunre and îtr........m2n .i.5 NIi'....... ....... ... ...... ni Nlua..................., .0 2.?. i elAS cO O1, miurCoin.. ..... .... ............... .3m 12 i T'ni ,lU veîv . '................1sim LIABIl LITî CI. I ('Miptai St-ui.l'aid i . ..',....... 2. tYi.,11up 'Puuur-Is....................e47,72 reveurt intereet, aipeuiceacàir4e Pd 4j,Z iS Itfur (ertiCtes....4A..4t,. .i.TAL LrSu,.Ivtici.....- I eo.A Mite bi e t èrt the Lake Villa Tnisi& SaSviauxs Bank. do 5ol5udW scea ua 1h' seve eatsusut a gue Lu Lii.' u.'t onIy kv nowiedce anîd bees. STlATII OF'ILNOIS, . UlIt nI Lake. - 09 i. ITHEL. hislr. Sutîsrirbed andavorns u bel- re gh'Oi lt day .ofJ 1914 B>' aing a rullng tirtaI ebad egg. etirer "rat-ten" an 'spot", lsa ecayeA food saeh as It- prahbited b>' 1ev. anA an>'one irevlng il- ln hie possession on selling t lt. hable ta prosecut-lon or mprlonnsnt, tire stat.' tood camails- sianer, W. Scott Matirews, ha$ begur', e crusaee hicir le o! vital Intensst irohlioteiremaner anA ta tire con. suner of eggs. Mn. NMatt-ecsiras prepared a huile- UIn et ehicir mare than rine handred thousand copies vili h.' itrirutsd t-o temmers and egg dealers. He' <lvs fain warning o! hie Intention t-o ai'e exaempes.o! persans a hI nset on selliruý4 iad eggs att-ertire>' have besa Iaformed tiret auch canduet-ta a viole' tien of tire sate. lac. Ho advisee al dealers t- o rteet tirenselves b>' can- AlIma eggs effered tu them b>' tanner& and advises the tanner ta taire peins la gat-ler bis eggs ton markret-in sacir a va>' as te preveat spolling ad tieri rejoctien la t-es a.ndllng preceas. The bulletin edvlses egg bu>'ers to candie aIl eggs anA buy oru.l> on a loes-off hacha. and teui'turn alliead ogs to the fermer. Retallers are ad-. vissA tu bu>' onl>' proerni>graed aggs, and not t10 nlerepresent tInn b thA purciresera. Alil persans hamnulng sugs are gilysa dvice as to the proper met-lids ln storîng them and kSe'.%g tirsm caayfrom ail odorousau bi- stances. sud. as irerosene ail, fiais, da- caysd vegetairîs, etc. 1 il 1 à - --- - à WE AOVERTISE not for land con- fined tu a section or tvo, but for a puai areseof over 50.000 ut unemiui acres dlatrlbut.'d ia 53 township@ of Mchlansa beet district, ber Fruit Bqlt, anA )iigmoatly Inla i-on, an- laie@', lekte ad Wextord conaeties. The.'purr'haer rpati.'d the ëxteat (et nar operatloné are ridi.g 200 uniîi,'s Ia twu dais la une ut oar autoiîîu- biles.Ouadvertiolnahadrawn unr- chassie rom aver>' statelihe LUnin, aud It cosi.' asnuit a penny mure. lier acre tuaoeil ourlend than Itdooc those vbo handle land onî a sîiailer su-aie. WE STILL HAVE ROOM tué MO80 mure famnililes..onour iincold aireaice whicii ielades aia>nî'v traits rit as goond landeas an>'tient bav.en seaculd. As colonuisr@, w.' 0W.'iLtouthe.' ney uandrede vhoir.wv.'have iiwatl e)t continue tu adeertise the lande util we Un"el tue work .of settling op the. dietnlet with fernîsis. Thnoagb thmeulunnna v.'are sendiag the messaffe te. tarin rentera, and tu. ain Who four lack ni taad vers conipeled tei gui tu, vork la rîties. We have a prectii'el worklag plan wvbereby iii.'> i-aie graduehi>' and enel>' acquîre a Farni Honis.Ounr ternis are es lue as $10) tui$,-,0 d,îvanadS., t4) $10 e rnitl on 40 acres or aanua terme it nreterreil. tusenabiing uineto stant lii.'purchiame îonurriiw. Prieut St-i to *35 and a liet .le'1Ôacbeat lying land et $18 per acre are lac, ladeed at Ibis late day weben"tenl the acît door @tâte@ commad ton tnies thé 'prie.' and produm snomur.. Ounrpries. arte mmcanetu aulbayera. whetlier puyuu'n tAam,' large or smial or made un the. moatiri>, îquartorly or annuel huis. A dle-oct ua i5 e mr ceai for ail esis la alloved. sis vs tuoeqil a bal! doien plecas lie tliroagh-, we' cand not give taeur- asos.Bl us heavérage de&ttbrae einong ruas>' baadreet j! uavers en- a&Wu.nosturi mure purchesers for (b.' unpeid balancýe of tieri cont nate &fÙ;s apart Jepald for. Askr for tes- beeaubeu*Wted b>' lls aded s.cnrlty anA recelveA ueeda witboat an>' fur- therpayrenteon the deetir ot lia@- JIL ý --