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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Jul 1914, p. 4

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.TrT.v Ike -C ounty Independent1 Waukegafl WéeIdy Sun office Teplhofi Number 1. Lâbe#lyvile E£xchwge. *6 bPoueto" ietaILlbsrtynlie. III., un seono é uUeiOe officiai Paper for Lake osty. % uqF~id ay Adrtlsing Rate made Kmowu on APPilcUo zO PIlON PRICE. $1.50 PER YI.AR STRICTL.Y IN ADVM40E "M UM ............. ........................................ ....... ..... Ed to~ E ............................................... ...... . man açr .................................. Roident ManagerP oee »OIN T"E BMOSME8 CLUB. (By Walt NBLUM.) Doaný ait supinely on your rocet, but cone along and us mboost, for botter thing of overy klnd, and lbave Or klcklng clothos bebind. 0 lot ui boost for botter . sd softer bods, and longer shoota; for amoother ouam botter Ughts, and uborter-'winded blatherakta;1 Sfiuerhomes and largertems, for bats and boots and pbbe..bee; for shortor hoursanad longer psy, for fewer MI.tu our bay, for btter pruU, and blggo pies, for ro mm e, ouitoligh the asi And let the wolves of àrbe loqsed oig cvEYàfXAE HDOELSNTTBOOBTI EK 1S AROUND %tIfeNÀUTO À WMA, MWe of Machine ls Demolish- éd andI Occupants Badly Shaken Up in Accident. WRER SAYS CAR SKIDDED. *min tendent of Sbiels De- de Ctam and Shows the Traoks of Car as Proof. 97 1tof the ssy lu avolti ý tuLat vusataandninl "et peoved dlasitrous for lIer- Ofer c« f IA»e Zurich sho nu>~ I.Wantkmaa flday moring lu ~4aday oS plemure ln ttasCity. t L*p im&te driver oetlthe car ran edéMs toc e. lu the curn OsU raned 1mb a laphona * .4am one oste o Lfront *e Off i theUieof theiacci- won Mr. floUer. hiasvifeansd b" dadem oe.They bai motord to thf, Cty early lu the morInntut spendthetiday bers. Wiila sttemPt- tug to tUrs aroundtheLi.corser fron Shieridan RossI osto Waablgtoa atree. goag Wst. Mc. Hller n5*4 the. right alde of tbestreet. fue asmarved hbe maciele a su attemPt t0 pans arousd Lb. wagon, but ho mpa"00 om.outo the curb. Tiie machitne lltbed the. crbi suad dashadti fn a IlePiiOttePolo. The. wiia asadainolliiaed. The Occu- pants of th. machins worm bstily abhaken up, Mr. Helter autaining Pain- fui brulaeby belns thr-sa galat the. windblad of Lb. car. Tii. driver was undoer tbe IniPra- lon tiaIt the car bad afidée&i but Investgation on the. Part of aupanln- lebdest of treesU Robert lsmart, provad that sncb sas flot Lb. caueas the trscks ot Lb. machine ahowsd COn- Clulvaly that Lb. machina foloiwed iag directeti courue. lys -slteaeeOS the. accident satted Liat Lb. Macine dld flot sldd. The Car sas plcked UP sud taies tu & local garage siiers tiie damage ws repsred snd te aty aL fer nia.e 0141 yon even -mte 0ogTi dors, awmattiret lict.I eure libels iti Barber'. y. B. iLoeilCo. Jhe first cost is the biggest cost ci th Ford-a nd th. smallest cost ci any allier car beca'use of the afler-expense. The Ford is 1he ont car you can drive aIt ess than "horse- and-buggy" rates. Thousands drive the Ford at berna than two cents a miles. Ifss the "cost-to-keep" which count& Rumabot 15MW. lTourb Car $550. ToUn Cau $7»-l. o. b. Detroit. Completoteîhbequlp- ma. Fer mie by SCHANK B .IMIY ILLNOI ONIAU»I3ARLY TO FILE CO. PETIIONS, Contrury to Expetations, NO' Surpises Were Sprung - Others May File Later. HAVE 200 DAYS TO FILE IN. No Progressive or Democratia Candidates Have Appeared as Yet to File. Waukegan. July 1. Cotrary to gaserai expactationa thore a ssDolong waing ina 0 patI- ion b«errs wbai% Couaty Clerk Lasw A. ljaudet opanet i hlmodce tis mors- lng. Tborne sho sera on band 10 pro- mlit lhiaItptitionas era the cadI- datea tbontaalvaa. tb. men Who long ago anounceid their candidacy. Tii. petitons sere flIed h% the foi- lowlsg order, FOR eOUNTY CLEIRK- Les A. Hendee MOR COUNTY TREASURER- 1.ee Mcflonougb FOR SiiERIPF- Elvis J. Grîffin Mil, COUNTY JUDG- Parry L. Persons A Utile latar ln Lie morulsg. WII. liaim 84W«, of Round Lak ilied bis peto for couafty traurer and 'r. Arthur Biiepso Oed bis pettion for cour4y superntandent of sebools. Jamnes Hepburn. candidate for couaty treaurar, anti Cari Wester- fiaId, candildate for county clark. dîi Dot filathbeir ptitions but lntend te do su Insie of Lthetwenty day. tinta ttVisalalosasi for thlm purposa. The, las prescrlbethat petilUona enalblag Lbe candidates to get their flame oo Lb. bQet mont be Oed sith tiie voua- ty clark not more tItan slxty days sud flot lama ths.n forty tiays pror to th prlMary election whlcb occurs on Septeinier 9. DauoeratlecetîcsaIiflot appear ho flld hbeir patIlon. but are axpecissi ho do au sbortly. The candidates for the Lrepartiemsili b. placati1lu ni>inaton on tiie sama day. Tiare ara saisi Lo iiia few mn sho bave about matie up thir mInds to, rua o the. !aIiQug. qce;, .bi th y ftali ho put lu su appearance th,.ne inlu. Thes. mes. It la naid. COUNM ',L PÀOCfEING& Itegular meeting JUIF 6, 1914. Pre. mnt Sobomebele, Collirne, Ellmworthi, au".eWrlgbl Tbe mnutma of lt e mairogular and adjouroed metpinwrreed by the clark a" eppvoyed on motion ol1Rus. Wothb 554 amok3. The tmesâese' sud clrk's reporta for Joue wonre"muansd audîtesiby the finance ciumitîme sand accepted on motion of Eil lwortb sudi'.rglit wblch carried. Gfo. ICaton and T. Mtois Uer promet aud amied tle-mom te ivilag' property sont i. of timelit Puai trarks fronstheb gravel lit tu the river. No. MîLo on a taken A petilon front lia N,nlb hure Gan Co , IAmtmp peruli.lu u wliii tlàga malin on Eili,. Av@.. ses rend, motion by Ellsworth sud Collntta tthlIe prayer of Lb. pottoubegrsucrd. Motiou earrkdà. Tb bideon *8,0410oS ilopuraise.on the vilflaglbaitwre upQcqsi and rouaSh eow- tug: S. W. Parkburet 0 5.48 par *1000 lur 1 jear. - 10 941 par $10 X)tor a veart 16.44 per $10M0 for 5 years. $.0-5Yeasa 129 60. C. D. Proctor 48,000-5 jears 8129 36 Lyle B..bMorrie 08,000-5 ye.vm $188 60. W. C. Saubori> 88.000-5 yare 8961.00. 0. C. 0 rdley Omne ar *$".20. Titreas eare $99 40. PIVO e yoars138.60. bk r .I rimi up frot J igursé that tboy coulé flot gel Liir P Bus jon Cm.,amea placati atte top of Ithe bal-à i AntWmpbie. lot and decîdmé that tiey sould sltb- i Itold hLaiusanies for a shie and haveC tant piacad t the. bottosi of the, tick-J et. Rumor bui ILtiihahthare sf11 b, 1 candidates for Lb. offices; of heliff, Coo»ty dort sud Court,y Ilige siio t bave sot yet achuosîssigat thir In- v tention tu run. TIis report coulti e sot b, cooârmati. Sonda, haseball playlsg, autonto-1 bile rlWag ngsd Susday saloons ach2 la turN came la for a prtod damus- clation on tbe part of II'ther iavin ofc the luMafflate Conception ciiurcit lu bIl saluas lunday moranesi. Wth regard 10 basabaîl ha maI41d thora ssra plesty «f othier layaoOu1 whkch to play bail wftiiout alngllni outt ho Sabiathi.Hesalid Mepeso. tIc. vas one that ha soulé have stop- ped If ho lad Lbposer lu do so.1 H1e dalgreila o many words that tboee vwhu, play bail ont lunday cotl find machi botter omploymoflt. Wit regard tu autontopre nidlin h. ot Moly soridtheLb.rIMIiof Dma chiIneson sunéay but un suy day. He nid Liii practice of ascorcltng" bai bafmlua atrely ton prevalent sué Lie eaulL la LiaI lites are blostnearlY svery day la dîfferent parte o! Lb. i OPU c sa't a sout of accidenta. me calté attention to 50nt of these mc- p !~ cidemitsandué plowesibow they mîgitî bave but avoded If Lb, drivera o! the autoimoble bad been drlvnget a more moderato rata of speesi. He dd not Iteatae tu condeautiiepraotice of ridint la automobile@ os Sunéay. lIE NW VAIETYSTORE LIBERTYILLE, 1(1 SALE begins SATURDAV, JULY s8th at 10 a.m. qt. Granite Dish Pans i t a C ustomer IOWIr ~~1Oc 3-4 lb Takcum Pqwcler Big Bottlç Peroi&ie acl6i:o HUNDRMDSOF OTHER MONEY SAVERS Oua Yea OU8.80. Tbrw eae U $7 60. Fiva gears $181.40. Motion by Wright sud Smala lta&&th@ ideb t aIuover unui dès nez timeeting. lotion carriasi. Tb@a followlug bille weîe rea sud 0. V'd by Lb.*financecommittas sund &Uosasi ou motion of Ellsworth and SaIe wblcb csrrisd: Dr. E V. biti, prof. servicsm. 1 60 Lhbentyvlla 0"ab& Ioor Go., acree ........................... 1624 lalinda Boje. tax enturne ... 403 a. W. Smith, Joue salsy ....65 00 1). Lîiberry, Jua mslry....... 650 Piremen. Liii. Lumb. Wo., Ore ...30 00 imlmeu Joue "V7......... ..... 21 00 lersey Mi. Co., ctara ........ 71 50 Wf. Lsycock (0,., rn paires....... 2962- B. .Corlatt.oz Prem.............. 25 ..hberty illa Lumber Co , md.. 8 95 ,I.ke Ce. P. & P. Ce. pintiv.. 271% Gao. Trigge. street sork .,39 00 Oau. Trieste. parti sor ........ 14 15 Publk,» SrvmeuCo.,June ML Iigbt4 183 87 t. Kruckmau. street work...... 32 70 B. Sugleberry, ol itarSet...... lo 00 0. iIssLiiet reet ork ............50 J. Laiter, seical polie.......... 4 0 Paul MacQul. prof. services ... 100 00 Moved b, Smala and Ellsworth tLIt thia aIelvlnx a rebats of tbrma cents par aquarefoot bedîeonllnued. Motion carried. wasrend sud referred tLu lhe fine d water comittet.a0lavasigate sud report aiatl meting. Monvos by Smand Wright that the clark bave 200 notie ta property owuars to counect wltii tbe ealtaiY miser printisi. Motion carrled. ,Au ordiaucinamlng Ltii board of "hiaLbwon randi Movati by Ellsorth sud Wrigbt uaLOrtiumua No. 248 bus pouiase auross. Motion carrWl. Mlotion by Smnaleand Ellsorth La séjourseu naday, Jalî 14, as 8p. nm, Motioc carrmd. Bt. Johu's ELvg. LutI h Ohh Corner Brondiray ant Park Ptace. Lhbatyvllle. Ili. R. o. Buerge ser,I. gena nerviome ivery otiier Sondai ntornng as 10:80 &.m. Bgilhaervice wsnd Sondai 0f tà* moaLi sI 7:15 P. m. st.lawronoEpirnoopPlPhurOh Bol. EDWA190 8. WmITR, PnleOt-oIaebW Holy Comtmuuion evr sunai 7:45 s. mi. fr t8uudalu mot 1080 a. Mi. Momufne rayer every Soudai exemPt abie 1030 a& m. Snnay acool 11:45 . nm. Ail soiy Dale.. oly Communion 9:00î IL EL Oh=rh service. 1080 &a. n.Prewscag, Bl. W 12-00 nm. Sudai achl. 6:45 p. m. EpsontLega. 7:30 p. mi. Preaébig, BIar. W. L. Wippla. Prumytrsn h moralu worip 10:80 a. Mi. Sabati seool 11:45 a. ni. CIwIti5s ndeavor 6:45 P. nM. Evlacins mwe7:30 P. M. Comnion srvice, July 94. Cougegational meig uia vu tee. Joli21. H.m. Ihurt, l'esSor. PIANO TJIG - IPatching your own Tires ber cernent is a tiresorne task. Why WILLIAM A. ROSING Csodidate For COUNTY TREASURER subwmt ta the l)lCIiloi01ofthseIt.publlcaa primar"s, SEPTEMBER 9T11, 1914. YOUR SUPPORT RESPECTPULLY sOUcIED HIS PLATPORM 1 1 IF ebosi tu repreent tb@ Rep-ublan PartyI bP the office of County Trou*- urer, and 14 elstel, i wiil aocept an re etunarationfofr My whole lime and the hait buaine..and adoîlutrative abililty I pomme tii aary aliowed hy the Cobue. Vt oard of l Sîpervteorp anfull puy. 1 wIU tura lu ta, the county Treseurer, alearc- topa of tb. Offlee, ivry penny reolved tro-i tâtbeet on publie mouoe, , loer- iane taitlemm or sy otiier source. I bliste tbe aary allowad by the fBoard le ample etimpsnnstl(iiaud sin wiling tu, gira the work my b.tattention wlthout tbnugbt of parqulalie. 1 oicit te support 1of every lIsff voter la Lb. county wbo waut- bonuai and elfilent administration of the publie hotiffl. WILLIAMd A. SOSliNO. FOR REPMEUiAid I . i-Cerra Aaeembly, Su DWmiaot eoFor 91 JOSEPH W. FREUND West McH.mry, 111. DEMOlCRATIC CANDIDATE Pniu.m, SetemIber 9, 1914 IndmiundesL» More readers than a&l ounty Veoeaffl omblsed. With our Electrlc Vulcan- Izlng Equlpment we can do, this work qujckly, correctly and at a âgving of time and annoyan'ceto you. LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE J. N. UUNAED Prp. PHONE 202 UBERTTVUJL ILL. White Mountain and Arctic Ice Cream freezers 981.75-43.50 Challenge Charcoal filled Refrigerators 5.ply 2mjjre guaranteed Garden Ilose Revonoc and New Perfection Blue flame 011 Stoves $7.0047.5049.50412 Genuine Philadeiphia Lawn Mowers 16 in. csit, $6.50 18 in. ait. $7.00 fll Line of lammocks S1 .2043.50' He BEGER The Boyd Photo Studio UDERTY VUJ I.MLIOIS 1110H CLASS Portraits and VIEWS at popular prices.. Opea El* , Day Sunay by AppolalmeUt OPPORTUNITY The Savmngs Bank and Insur- ance Protection Combined. in a convetuieflt, attractive and practical arrangement. If you live, YOU get lt; if you die, your folks get it. Pro- tection during the entire twenty years will cost you noth- ing, the aggregate of yotir annual savings will be roturned tb yofl. mhe 20 Payrnent Lif e Option Poicy of the OId Middimn Mutual Lif e lusurance Conm- pmny is in Itefity a Twenty Yeur Savina Fund Policy. Why not commence at once to mrate an immediate e8tate in this pratical provident way? It's a young man's oppor- tunity.1 Write to the undorsigued, giviîîg your age at nearest birthday and you wlll receive the details of this ideal Rav- ings fund plan of Insurance. JOHIN IODGE DIstrict Mmalge. Any Other Business Can Better AffordToêW-it. ~aL1 with rub- worry with if? *0*' v .0 o o o o o o i o o o o o i o i G o o o e o o e o *OOO {.

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