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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Jul 1914, p. 8

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LÂK OOYNY IDFPUW4 $T PBÂ,JtTLY -17,1914. th" Plu"ae f. tmea tmegnt[on. Reýlaea *a mugie nunser lua aiagie Prograin t bash undObt.Ily mule a la.tlng flue ImPreU"son pnth. mInIs of hundreda et tiioOaamla of people. t la a juetly celobratel plattomr cln.e. What t bau loue by vayetfIapiratien for people wboee ml unsict. vere dormant ne on.enaya»menétu say. Beside.Mr. Sreacb'a latarpretatione and monologues, eh.@Feiile-Brecb Cômpany guves ite audiences a remark- able song reclial by Mises abln. vbom te Qulncy Dafly Journal of Illinois -a18e "marileu"a" nd bom the Clin- ten Merning Journal leatgnatesasn lia "favorite." AA" thon tb.re seeUmis lnby Guy et Unle Te. oannon'a town. vi bae pleused te.old ItepubUican varriar ad lite ee noutil ber tame bua preal tiirougbont the atate. 1Tule Concert lenJPet ou.etftventy- team Mur M. Brmeebta -eVit; smertable tour nimberm thât yowge*tdurfus Lin- monologue but tint tetalne k la me. eoin Chautaisqua weak.L t la part of q"y Ik. thecimar outtilme. et a came., one et twelve programe that tihe am- Mach that in goouitbat ta vodortul. sWn ticket guaxntema te yen. Ir yen after mature mehtaton memeOt IleIt , aamucb au 700 deem thi ea-. qtuit Iabul. «"»hu»«0.et the 014 m e ik.t vortk met keeg th. baïane PiAno la li0m HavtbuuVs "Qret and round oteuemît or the veet in Stomé,FacS» or Mark ITv*e lm M Ecte- compuny vlth your neioee namd bery P'fln- Ik ner e b lamsbtlenl a der the blg taat. WtIAT'S THE USiÈ 0F GETTING MOT beeause our town bau gone dry? We have any amount of PURE ICE Illvered in any quontity at any tirne Libertyville Ice Co. Phone~l ,Libertyville. -THE-- NMW CLOTHNG- STOR-EDMC AT LIMETY VILLE i. now wel SETTLE in mBusiness Wue are luarnsng the vante of the trade and are receiving nov gooda nearly every âay ini Men'@ and Býoyo' Wear of every description.1 Xen'. and Boys Ready Made Clothing. or yul mske te crier nid pentefor Mflamsiboys. Underwear inauelIgiaiesMdam u Drens Shirts and Work Shirts Overals and Jackets Shoos in tougreavmey Bats and Cap@ Trunke and Suit Cassa Neckwear and Coilara as represented and olicit yosrr trate. Yonru to serve, Te X PREYOLDS KEEPS YtRHOME Com inaionPfuumatic Swveeper TH's w'fty-sw ePt FAsy.Runnng DUNTLEY Swepr in% lunt, ravelings, eec., in ONE OPERATION. Iha ueo nu*es sweeping a simple tait quickly finisea. le rueches even the mom difficukt places, and eliminates ehe nccetty of rnoving and lifting al heavy furniture. Ibo Ckma Laber Saper of OeH.fo~s- EvM yhome, laugt es seicsejey reief frem Broem drudgery sandyroate trous ehsgeof dying du. ambygMep aIi.Plonges.1 hsuumad& Sosper- lHsethae opçsbimof et he Parumaiic wieu No"zand s .gao"vhugnBsus. Very eaaêy oprmved sUd WeueY Pa- la Ylea Vac"auCem e, Do mt gVre Ste"~p"a<tt l yuzhome<toezpmee faw ##tom Our m urid. ~5AfNTS AJEW.D-.sdy Pesmu lieSveprcew ul8Sea.kchca. tdayouer o hu One of Greatest High Sehoolsq Due to Chautauquas' -Influence township and Stuuienta Got Big "luimW "as Celwbitie Visitcd CoMMui4. Fai*o-Brsaoh Consort Companyl to Aw*.r scif In aie Six Day Program. FAUORTES. Il ILLINO1L -Tbe Boi cethe. OU Planoe la an laterpretation. an Impereenstion. I<0 audience ees bavIng beaue privilgul» Wet end fus 'wt are gruîually i cruuslng; vie tmov vby--qiite île tlnctly vhy-be3' evLelychose- te tarin Or becorn e rebantp ot one kind snd vben tley chocue to do tbme tifflgther de M aftlas hey baie made "uey"amI havuegien letefLUedat- tention te eaCb et thum. le lea avonlertul acbooL Wbei tie mie vbO ame rueaoMable vure askel recently boy k tau came te Pausaeu uise tact au Moverul ehat ltse ach" ulti te Malte ma practica Improve- bas acaftal amy debt sm4_bat t turn tuent$e ih as playgrounds and ether tlseueands et hilare annUellybaet blgb privilegea for chUliren wbo otis- Into Uthe ry. the amavu vue& "11 erviee celdonot bave tient. Tua afilcame about tbreqff heb.ectmti.. acbool'o lutermîts la the. poluiti. social, ot the cbautituua Peset t"lscen. religion» snd agricuitural vortnga efmuaty A, !ew yeara aNo tiey ment tbe coctty are practlcally as teeniausDaee àonirtlly coebctv.and are ia lntereatn lnithe. educational pol- tbeugbttel. Men &ere wbo gave un e its t tii.cemmunlty. It le turiing "hureI." W. to It a" now ve are eut omum of young people each yearr mat beglmnhng teeue wliat our powl- ,whe knev vby and bow It coen bilitiu. are. Tbe thiag e vh ave do»e about tuai the. eenomtc and noUtcal are Dot to Le meatiemeil la cemparleen influenceoettii. est are vatng. snd wvlte.thinge iru thiat v. ame.boy the.. mme influence. n hie.milei.te do.» The Spirit of Youth Is In Chatàtaqua Program No"in Md Iami rng l'un Equal.d la Big Teat-T« en Ya 0Mm .Lif. ln Ti"ke Wbe ih emau.vale. tathe1 WIat erIt? 0Wbu et b.e et U em a ur um r ount"i talklmg about 'ttt Kia<e.IThierela a bem" uaId Y eu r te. rgUng of lot etfue, andt tat la on. of the rua- the Intesrelm"ed troni th.enww- &OUvhY ve publleb tii. artie. <appi peko abovyenjo. vol theairTherla just as mucisDomlte. met 10001lateIt t bu far abovee or.<sI.e "UanY vOethy ambitong, lest as BoLy mwmof ou Hf ad Yurmuny llî,ly »oe.iWl nlugong, 3u17 0 @fu etlerur lond am eue,m etiln luiMbier a" ptathe., la con. bwt ngavbll yer blol ace crt andlahi mpermnation au tuer.arm lvarly ebron 't'iacour"e%, a.sleu0 i vater and tree. bà]Wt àAre7ye glad yen are aie? W. knew a boy ta, yage o o Do.. l110 .e.rn gel und aveet? Wua a aut-In.Along Camnethe an- Thensare bondrela et peouje i hi unoumeement oet&an aambly. lgo ut- emmunnty vbo vont bave that e«- tenlel. Today ho maye that hle bappl- partance fila .ummes. The en'Olt Onnaa, beath and molea weltht. tiirov a ly eut olver the mgrfaset oftbe fgain luthat saaembly.. 801Rm. Tbey vom't experleuce th@. Tii. Lncoin' Ciiatanqua prograin fetbnas Ot aPeclimo eIligbt that fhe yUl hbe rsseon. andmIter la net a tneet sebemea kBOVe ad hhat eK- red bealel klnpr the. mung of a FR18111 0F "FAILIIRES" AND O BYS HE 500H Codding of Kansas One of Ma- tionl'S Prison Reformers and Notable Boys' Champion. A "SUNFLOWER" PRODOCT. Wbere does the aunulower grov and te vIte vînI btew, the prairie ovI screech, the coyote bovi, tbegrasboî- par vert bie plagu. and tbe prairie dot dart te cover? Wbat etate le It that ba@ bedn I"drr more or le.. ln truth assd Ln fiction longer tien any etiier la te.Mississippi vailey? Where do te mon und vomen 11,0 vbo mort than any other poltticut unit la tus venid' perba»e bave the. courage etf theïr evn convictiona. vlio yul do thinu on eh.e pur et the moment eud f ret Iffl Ifthe r a m i ta tue vb have etartel more movements and to te.poîtticai ti* f. te.nation tban aay otiier people; Who set Johnà Brovnms sPrtla national sentiment und vie Ruade a greut reource ot viet eemed te lie a fanatica tfoolsbaeeas? Yen wIli net h. surpr~eltetnow tbat Kansas arus une eft tree statesa that ltid Cli.h courage te blleve a criminel more aL man Clian a devîl ntl t0 belleve tbat Ir be le gtven a positive. klndty opportimity te let hie manbood oiverne an sd aupprese bis mitakue and mlaundenstandhuge ha vW jet be. cerne a resouro. rather titan a handi- cap te bis "tet. Tbe man wbo did ttue lu Kanme wben b ha asarden of tbe penîten- tlery at Fort Leuvenvort i 1,these me Hon. J. K. Coedng vbe vlili diseuse the. subject rtgbt bhe on our Cbau<au-j qua plattorm. In the. at.rnooa bo wii relate hie persenai experience. ae warcien, vltii enclusiona. Ia the even- lng lie vill taIktoteboys und the frinde et boys.. TbIS man Ooddlng le talted f et a probable governor of bis state. Hie le novasesistant attorney genecal becatau lie le thse mavie vas belleveci by tise Kaneane te ti able te do a job tbat nobody elme voulit de. If yen Ilite ebey, if yen have a boy, If yen veuld lite tounaderetand s boy. and If Yeeunîol lIte te tnov boy lt eves came about that a freebora Americauncbap eaua become a crimiua sud se bllgbt ail the woudes'tul op- portunitie. that crovd up tevard bim. Yeu muet amutodding et the. Linola Cbatauq.a tout thiee tternena nlglit et he laut day. lndependent reache. ail potnts tn ][Ate dotmty. SPECIAL SALE c)NPOT PLANTS Wu %@!4 thle r onifor llauting of thr '%canto stmm thl cfrýrare lTs.rng uiasc et I w jr us 1 5e Geraniums for 10e Geraniums for -loc1 - 5c ALSO SÂLVIAS, FUCHIAB, PEVERFEW, COLENS, LOBELIÂSAà, STOCKS, BEGONIÂS, FERNS, ROSE PLANTS, CRRY7ANTHE- NM PLANTS AT CUT RATES. Meredith Flower & Vegetable Co. Libertyville. 111. ot'-'Op TOW"ýOttflES GIVEN FROXPT ATKIITION. Yfl105W10 Reduce the Cost Of LIVIng Dg orderiag goor GROCÉRIES, MÉATS end VEGETABLES at TIIIEMODIEL "The Place Where Prices are Reasonable" Goods delivered go ail parts oet(the town. The Model Cash Orocery &Market Il. L SCOTT, Prop. Job Printing Libertyville. 111- CLEAN WOIÏK A FULL COUrIr CN ix,6ee1of9NYear EVERYBODY's 'L 6T UY3 VACATION J%è2 OJUY3 In Great Rain-Prool TENT in LIBERTYVILLE CENTRAL PARIK Ilallbaratitrs WilU Sp.ak, Sing, Play, Enter- tain-there will b. much good FUN - MUSIC - THOUGHT YOUR NEIIORDORS WILL BE THE"E YOUR *'AIN POLK" SHOULD BE THEBE YOU MUST NOT ISS A DAY teom lbm bnf. a kortfaolestWhoe bavre ail B.eapeeitie eeee.uay 1 »Y, %mm l fevarylsg renoue eluysu eu. seolew mmsle imn5« mi ume tb Bt uo&e A" ad BUe armfe hepleieee M06014 vbemeTWO114 bogg, mai- doe la aBfoduVS mmi tula vy" as u rala.il. e Oidue.et file *Luvim&Vu CINRAI peaonilmot attend. ma mmore lmta egregcii, a pe.jmbe mS. au WWI tpreacier anywbm euOnareaeh of 0thb ie clyvk bo l Uà«l . fe tWand Mue l«W".kidllea999W.v&aCub0VIt 7r dal et tii. progr& 0«e a mes.. ticket and baie a "aea- tion ter a "on,"vicb ethewlaa 700o = t neyer bave,.ét' Ir y" i Ibavei@Il ut b. cbeap ut a bundreld e. <bat a"Ioal.De y- vmiselete-Ozu"yeu lits lan gondyeura 2 Tien gtatCa ~L PRK.IIJL 631 2 PIROGRN C50nl t téDAi 2 arts to eaCh ]CAC à SOPtopl on, 'e PUIraM 1lUIa AUl in a Big Tent by the LINCOLN CHÂ1JTAUQUAB under the auspices of The 'Busiessl and Professionel Men of IiibôrtYvle A SEASON TICKET miakes lit. ail YOURS SEE THE BLACK SALE CDS A town nuet iery far aval basute meut ceeratel blgb scbool le tvo- staten. liseuqulpment aseil as I. eucblng force le thé e bot tint enu lie found. le bas won thIrteen Inter- bigh acbool debate. andi las plucel sevnteenofet liastudents ln tbe bonor elaie hi au msny teadllug unIverstle. et the, nation witlsn tbe pat tour years. It bas vrodnced nome litera- tare and mucb business service. vblcii was been blglily acceptable and vel laid " t bua rusedliîlecommu- BAI Deposi Over c DEAL Under Norti On M tors of 1 assit tic liatkn and foot agreenie one Injit /Thie N deplssts Lake (Il 55,0 or i of about Ctherni <lays Iro tu trans celuse tu It la (o tnto caI surrende The L ed for L eccuple< just non! Chicago. thie bant est in ti ganizeit 00, andl centrollir bell i y 1 ad C. R On hat iÉ la tlie ia ef tbe( batka Gary jeto ameng tii Carl E cupy the oIt Nonti lie expec toe lera lnsurancE Tbis ni cage a go Curt t) casbler bat.la and Orlo uer ofth(i cashier. the ClaIca Peny. an Chicago, batkand as lt Pr, dent vas drawal et pecte thti president The ne dinectonis, promînen men la t! The at dation <k surprise, soeu.ttr tat,, ams culmilatk DANCINGý at lIERTEL'S PARK PAVILION Haif Day, IB., on EVERY SATLJRDAY NIOIIT A Good Time Asaured THREE * IN C( The fol lu Count> Anrnieu tien vsaFi Bettlias Case on Breeni Tressasu $1.,000 da Anal tie4 vae $113 dan tession ILi MAK Ottawa meklng t au - n hic senate C( 1tcaHy v 'i ven 11Y cule. Il te senal Committe matea ut âine ef $1 S-mutes lh theifine. 6-

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