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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Jul 1914, p. 9

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LALE CoUŽLTiy INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN PART TWO. IMFlRTYVILLE. ILL., FRJI>AY. J1TLY 17, 1914. FOUR PAGE $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANOE. #BiUI.% air T1WU N. CIIICO BANKS MEROEe«AY. LER BANK TO CLOE Deliosits and Business Taken Over by the New Lake County State Banks. -DEAL HAS BEEN PENDING. Under Terms of Agreement the North Chicago State Bank Must Surrender Charter. 'KICKED BY HORSE- STARISDAMAGE SUIT. LAIE C0.9IUMANE Stanley Wrbanowicz lias ilied suit SOCIETY NOIV lIAS The dmae g kNEAR 1M0NEM4BERS TePlaintiif relates that on Juiy _____ 19, 1913, the defendant lnivited lm [o take ar die witiîî hlm îinîhls wagon. Memnbership Consists of Promn- T e horse rug away, tiîrew hlm, out mnent Citizeris Who Are Act- and] kficked l'lm Ji' the leg, fracturing ieyEggdi ok lit ln three places. Am a reigult, be ieyEggdi ok gays. lie has i-en Injured permnanerîtly. lie Inaiftaliî that the defiqîdauîî knew HAVE ACCOMPLISHED MUCH the :türge swas vaclous au]accustioaed to id h raia o 10. kick and run away. Close of First Year of Founda- 6OEIIRINR MDI a Thriving One. un- *na venmin5 *mlast thei c % R EN E 0 N 'A year or go ago. the frequent crnm tors o1 the North Cibcago State re' A T N E O N pli nts wblch reached tihe cars of file ani those of tIhe Lakp C<unmy' stat, Y l!n members of the Wonîan's club or bank met mttîleir rfiil)-ctlv,! tanks GUIJL II D À dU Rh WauWegan, was the incenfie forth and formally railied il]*- teris of an~ organîzaîjon of the Iake ('uunly Hi- agreemsent under wbhiii. f'ý ýU411leS.4 aescet.S ihth Vna' o1 thme two bIikîîis icitlie mrgi.iîlicta Adds Another Victory to Un- ,liaesotelety Sa witiî the orn oneInsituion boken Strin~ of Wins Made ganlzation waai lasnched. The for- /The North t,#mcago 4tame t>ank [as by StateVs Attorney. mation of thse assoc'iatfin sas affected deposits or about i $oo.iîii, snd tlimea c _____________o fite Lýake CýoumîfY Site harîk, organizei.icby andcomntee cwon tud r ifeen two or Iliree i. ntiis ga laà lfi).gtmEXPECTED DISAGREEMENT. mclhvt apere wo el.ii ommfr mre Of about V0f,001) 'The, aid baok. uni,, A humane omneer was then employed thse terme (or thernierger. sm siflin o 1 Because Class of Testimlony and the work was îarrIed on in lire- days trainfthe date of [iii agreement Was Better'Than in Somne organizatlon for fi-n months. ta transfor ail ilis delmosilsand taAbttomntagotwadcm ceaO u cfoucta ankngbusnes. of the Preceding Cases bu . Inh aoi asden ce 8 a 10cndcon ba,îlis sbages. _i____-d adv;,sable ta Create a permanent lnt las a0 nmd t coert lsokand1sets lbeain atigalIteorganization, whIcb was done. Today sUred cash ar 0tsmeU isstck od fer a elîbeurato alga juyte iorganizatlon bas nearly a bun surrnde il chaterove tbee hursa jry n county dred members sud resuits that bave The Lake (ounty State bank open. court On Monday ever<ing returued a fieen obtained during Its year of ex- ed for buàiottAs on April 4 iast. It verdict of guilt ln the case of John lateuce la splendid. The Offilcers and occUples a fine new building locat.ed Goehrluger and Edward Lux of North "mbers of the organîzation are as JustL north of the cty bail ln Northb followa: Chicago. The Interlor equpmnt of 1 Chicago, cbarged witb haviug kelît PreslIdent-MIrs.- F. M. Barker the bank la said toalie among the fin- their saloon open on Sunday. The case Vice President- Mrs. T. E. Morris. est in the county. The bank la or-, 1weut ta thse jury about five ocilock Secy. and Treas.-Mrs. .1. G. Arthur. gauized wlth a capital stock of $50o.. aud a decision was reached a littie Directors- 00,. and untîl Friday of last week the after eight 'clock..JG. Arthur. controllng buterent lu the bank was Judge Smiley returued te tise court M r..P. Arthur. heid by Thomas T. Snell. C. 0. Molmes romadrcetl h edit tI rs. J. W. Barweil. and C. R. Kuss. bankers ln Gary, Ind. ro n eevd b edc.Sates tr .A od On that day the local îmeople lnterested Attarum*y Dady was preet In lte trs. C. W. Biodgett. lu the bank Purciiased thse entire stock court but Attorney J. G. Welcls for Mrs. Edward Conrad. of the Gary men, thug maklog the thse defeuse was flot present. Tbree Rev. Howard Ganster. bauk a Purely loali concern. Thse counts were reture agaist each Mrs. A. J. Jewell. GarY jstock lm oow being distiibuted oftetiedns r. W. S. Keitb. amoathte local people. 1oco!heeuus. Charter Nlembers; Car E Sale wli on;ne t O- Borne bad tbought [bat posslbly Assoclate Members: cupy Uhe aoid banking quartera of the there lulght be a isagreemeot ln ibis Mayor J. F. Bidiiger, aoid Norths Chicago State bauk. where case because the evidence pnesented J. J. Dletmeyer. lie expecta to devote is entire [jie was ou tbe wholc betteir than ln some N. A. Steele. ta thse reai estate, nior[gige, ioan anîd Insurance business. This nierger sbouid give North (Chi- cago a good atroîmg banklog institution. Curt t). Wacter, for several years casher of the Nortb Chicago Stateý hank. la casîier tf tue ni-s nstîtaltion,l and Orimu B. Goss. assistant supervi- sor of tise town of Shields, la assistant, casher. John Sherwin, president of Lthe Chicago Hardware Foumdry Comr- pany, and formeriy mayor of Nortb ,Chicago, is vice president of tise new bank and at tLbi present ime ls acting as ls presideut. Thse office of presi. dent was mae vacant by thme wltb- drawal o! tise Gary men and it la ex- pected that witbio a few dayg a uew president wlll be chosen. Tise new bank bas a board of il directors, Iocluding many of the most prominent business and profeasional men In the city. Tise umoounceemieit of the cansoîl- dation does not corne as a complete surprise, for It badl been reported for sorne fime tiat ibis action wasm o bc takemi amîd ln facItue deal waananly culmiîaed a few montits ago. THREE SUITS BROUGHT IN COUNTY COURT TODAY. Tise foîowing tbree cases were Blled lu County court this mrnring: Anieuser Busch Brewing associa- tion vs Frank Rehm and the Fox Lake Battlng company. Trespaas on the case on promises. $1.000 damages. Breen andi iennedy va Ud Fichier. Tresaîmasa on tise case on promises. $1.000 dansages. Aunheuser Buscu urcwing associa- tio4 vs Frank J. Rebatn. Confession. $113 damages. The latter la a con- fession ln a note. MAKES TIPPING A CRIME Ottawa, Ontario, July 15-The bll mskIng tipping and thse taking cf tIps m Itndîctabie offense lias paased tise senate comrnttee o! [be whole prac- tIcaHy witbout opposition. Thse bill. w len 1rtroduced, excIted mucb ridi- cule. lt aceeus certain now to pass th. seuate and lie sent ta thse bouse committee for concurrence. TIse bill maltes It an offense punisbable hy a ,fine of $100 [o give or take a tilp and ..maltes the employer equalîy lhable ta the fine. of the other cases. Goeirir4er and hME bartender are bath Amenicans and presented a bet- ter appea-rance ou tIse stand than some of tise previous defendauts wbase kuowiedge of Englisis waa ratb- er1 llted. rGoerluger tsstified tisat tIse screeu5 lis hie place of business were wide open every Sueday sa that a full visw of thse place could be presented. Form- er Supervisor lHenry Deacon tooî tise stand and corrobonated tIr. Goebrin- gen's statement. In addition Goeis. inger tcstified tisat bu was ln otlier Places on the days lu question. Welgbed againgt ibis testimorW< was thse evideuce gven by thee Iwo Chi- cago detectîves wbo declared positive- ]y that tliey had vlsited [bis saloon on tbree different Sundays and even wont lot details as ta isow ihey gain- ed admission and as [o wisat they saw on tisisde. Recause of tisese cormflictlng tonies it was expected that thse members of the Jury migist be dividesi and tisai a disagreemeut womldresmt. That the verdict was reacbed only after consld- erahie ballotîng was iodicated by lIse fact that ltoeni over tbree bourg ta reacis a decision. This makes another victory for States Attorney Disdy who up ta thse Present Urne bas won sveryone of Lie liquor cases lie bas tried. o MARRIAGE LICENSES o John Druba. Waukegau .....22 Stella Paskewlcz, North (Cbicago .19 Walter H. Lee, Chicago ......44 fessie W. Jacobs, saime......... 21 Hermais A. Steick. ZMon City .... .60 Mary S. Benner, anme............ 30 John Jordan, Racine .............25 Editis Maurity, same............ 23 Jose De Ormonds, Miliwaukee ..33 M ay Cyka, same ................. 24 Stnday. August 9, is [o be ohperved as Tesuperance Sunday by al the Sun- day scbooia in thse International field. J. G. Arthsur. J. W. Banweii. W. P. Wandeil. J. P. Arthsur. Waukegau Womani's Cimmi. S. C. Arthsur. T. E- Morris. W. S. Kelth. Walter G. Barker. A. 1. MltImore. Active NMembers- Dr. Aibreclit NInsB. B . D . Amies M rs. J . G . Arthur tins. J tVW. Barwell NI rs. C. A. Blodgeft NI ro. F . M . farker NInrs. M. P. Biddlecom Mns. John Bower Misses Bennett Mrs. C. F. Blackmer Dr. P. M. Banker NIrs. W. L. Blows Mr. J. E. Baggett tI r. C. W. Busch Milsa Cara Artbur Mrg. J. Preston Arthur Miss May Conrad Mrs. Edwand Comnaa Miss Rate Crammcid Ni rs. David Carmano M rs. C. S. Cawthornc tIra. Elam Carke Rev. S. W. Chîdester Miss Lucy Clarke Mn. C. W. Diven tirs. C. W. Douglas Mr. Chas. Ebert M rs. Robert Erekine Mrs. F. K. Fitchs Mrs. F. L. Gourley Mrs. C. B. George irs. Gertrude Glass Rev. Howard Ganster Mrs. F. C. Gedgs M ra. H. C. Horniug NI rs. M. Henseleder Miss Ida Himmelreich Mns. Elizabeth Hauser Mliss Mary Hutchins NI rs. Wm. Hobami Mrg. J. P. Hull Mrs. John Hoban Mrs. H. C. Hatisonne Myrtie Harter Mies Florence Inues Mr. Chas. Ingalis Mns. A. J. Jeweli Mns. W. P. Jones M rg. C. J. Just Mrs. E. C. Jeukins Mns. N. Jenson Mrs. Toblas Jensen M.ids E. L. Jones Mrs. F. C. Knlght Dr. NI. J. Kalowsky M r. Chas. Lyon iss Mary Lyort Drn. Robert LUndsay Mrs. J. Larson Mrs. Ceo. Lyon Mirs. T. E. Morris Miss L. Mimer Mrs. Bl. A. Nlufson Mfr. Lee. McDouough Mra. A. NMcArthur NI r. Macienzie Mrs. E. A. Ot -NIrs. P. L. Persona Nirs. Il. C. Patterson Mli5 l.ottie Porter .Iilsi %Winitred Pearce NIlr. Joi.phmPulse irý. . W l'arce Ni r. H . .Patterson )li Flo~Pirence Perry M r .,Jlhn lE.Reandon tic.. Sargent %il, W .Stuart -Ni r. Slfmmflons Mis.., LIla Stror.g .%irs tiarvin Spoor Nl..1, ( ora Salisbury Mlr. \V.J. Smith Mrs. Schneider %Sis~s Emma Sbunmway Mrs. C. F.Smith M r. Il. 0. Taylor -irs. Toiuîpkinis MIr.tD. P. Travis .%Ira. C. Di. Wachter .Nirs. WiikInson tI ra. IN'trous MIr. G. B. Warren Mrs. R. G. Woodward. JURY LIST <ilVES OUI; ADJOURN CT. TO MONDAY A. M. List of 300 Jurors Drawn Last September Has Been Ex- hau-,ed-to Draw More. 200 NEW NAMES THURSDAY1 This Is the First Time in Sev- eral Years When Such Act- ion Has Been Needed. Because thse Jury lut isaa been ex- hauated if bas heen found necaeary io adjourit county court uutill ext tIonday when another panel of Jurors will came lu. It lias beun a long time nince It bas been neccssary ta adjouru court for tiis reason. When tise Jury 'ahicisw4s trying fise toeisringer and Lunx case returs'ed a verdict tiouday night IL was dis- cbarged froos furiner srvIce because thse memsbers aincady had aerved their allotted time. There are no avalla- hIe juans on thse Panel sa IL was nec. essary ta adjauns court. Last September [hi' [oard of Su- uervIsors drew [brui' hundred namea and piaced tiscm imi uhe jury box to be used for sumires iac tise circuit and caunty courts. This eNtre lIst which usualiy lIsas cansiderably mare [ban a year ias lieun uxhansted due to the heavy drains niiuuîe ulon itsy tise llîîmor cases being iricd in couuty court. On Thuraday of hls week -tise su- pervisors will let sud draw two Isundred more namnes far the jury ilst. This la the maximum numober aliowed. for oniy tem% per cent o! tIse legal vot- ters cao be drawn for Jury service and [be ive hundred names ls prac- ticaliy ten per cent. As soan as Ibese namnea bave been piaced ln tise jury box thse court or- lIcials will draw suffilevt uames for a new panel of jurons ard tbey will be served witb subpoenaes to appear bers lu court next tionday morniug. This will permît tise iquor cases to Proceed witbout Interruption from Ibis source. SUBMITS TO OPERATION FOR APPENDICITIS TUES. Misa Ruthi Hussey, daugiter a! Mr. and Mns. Michael IL. Hussey, was op- erated upon for appendicitls at [lie Jane McAlisten bospital on Tuesday afternoau. Bbc Isad liad a previnus gt- tack of thse disease. Tuesday morning wben thse disease appeared again IA was decided [bat tise best ting wouid be to bave an operatIolk Tis was perlornsed by Dr. Barker. aîîIsted by Dr. Ambrose. Miss H-ussey la report- ed toelie gettlng aloug nicely. OVER-RLILES OBJECTIONS ON TENTH ST. PAVING. Couinty Judge P fL. Persons today teok Up thei aditiorned hearing of [he Northm Cicago Tentli street paving mattpr. lie over-ruled ail the legal objections with the exception or the oun. which dlaimis that certain bene- fitteil prolserty lias been omnittemi. He ordered the ordinance sent back for recasing of the assessinmnt raie to Iiiclude the Chicago & Milwaukee Eiec. trie flaiiroad and the National F'» vedope Company. DEATII REVEALS REAL NAME Of A LIBERTY VILLE MAN WAS IT SUICIDE OR CASE 0f ACCIU DENTAL DROWNINGi Mrs. Otella Mewborgh of Chi- cago Drowned in Water of Cedar Lake, Lake Co. RELATIVES ARE MYSTIFIED. Do Not Know Whether Death Took Place Monday Night or on Tuesday Morning. -Mrs. Otelia tIPWborgbhof (Chicago, a ni dîiagmi sonian, mlet mimaili iy i onmni ng i n Liii- waters of mît i l Laike Inbllme ('minmv.sonfnie %.on-im mlay niglit or earlY Tmîmsday nimirnimg. tt'ietii'ciuath Ws']it uiuime or mlia au'. s-ideri t cannati i'm dtiiieu'd. At fi'le niluî" wilcii s.us beli l'ie miay mîlifand sici s us resiîi'm mimer ;')y umninen J. L.Taylmin;lmi openmi velit mî111deaus Si' iinin mu%%a s ni tursi'd . tirs lesborgli im îiisoer iienu mers ot ber fani i y si-ce oic u p>.ý lni; a cottage -on flue iiauii.aof thse akiu Il was [hi intenionu ti) reimain ihere ail1 sumnser ,in order [bat tIrs. tîew- bonglu oiglît ruculîcrate lber imunith. On Manday niglut when site re[urned tIra. tlewborgs seemcd [o be In ber usual spirits. Tuesday mornirg wlin [bu otisen nuemtbers o! tIse fammuliy anose tIscy missed ber but did not tbink any- thing of ut as se had beun ln tIse hmabit or nisng eariy and tnling walka inthe [le freahlng morningaair. A lîttie inter, aNt. Dennis who is lii',lpal of a schmool near Cudar cak, sas wal'îîng aiuîng flue iakc shore and noticeui thi' body of a wa, man floating on tlie surface. lie no- I tie autiîanies and a boat was sent out [a secure tIse body. l'ion buung [akun [o sisore ut was found tisat tbu woannprolîabiy #adl Seen deuid sorte little fime-. c Same littIe dlfficul[y was' encoun- turud lu cstablishiIng an Idenstification ontU! memburs of the McTwborgb fam- ly viemcd fIsc rumaîns and pousitisi-ly ldunfifiud if. C'aroner Taylor of ILibpnty',ilue was notitied and [bu Inquest was belli Tmusday eevmsing. Bucause ibure sas saune little doubt as [o wliuthen deafh was due [a drowm'.ng or soniehuing elsu an au[ogisy wa orduremi Tis siowud that drowning was fle sale camuse of mthi womamss deaffu Tise body %&as taken Sack fîm ('fil- c8go Tuesdin n'ght andl the minerai was bu ld tbue on W cdnesday mon lut. DEMOCRATS PLACE A FULL CO. TICKET FOR FALL ELECTION Attorney H. C. Coulson Heads Ticket as Candidate for Of- fie of County udge. THREE PETITIONS FILED. Tii' )i'iiocum f c Ct'mny t'ent[rai caioiuittem' mId a nîîepting Monday a!- tennu lin tiNI-Ieriiiott'q liai]i nf wbicb tlmiy ueli'cied a ticket witicm tlmey placud mun YVruminatioti. Tue tIcket fol- lows: COI'NTY JtIIICE -Afty. Il C Coul. son, Mr'aukegan. ['O.TtiAi Gi . O.Mauther, Prairie Vluw. SliERIFiF"A. A. tliiîlan, Grays- laku. C'O. CLERK-F. L.('arr, Wauconda. C'O. StIP'1'. S('liOOl.S-MiosBar- faret lady. Tisefitrst thcee namesi candidates Illedl tuelr îininary Isetitians with County ('lent uiundce titis afternoan. Mtr. Canr and %iiss Dady are tentative candidates as tbey bave usot yel Isen consulted. Mn. ('arr la the formr edîtor o! thse Wauconda Leader wbIle Miss lady Is an Instructor Rt the Hlgfh scoi. About twcnty commibleemen weru prusent and ail was barmonlosis and thse committi'emcn were naulrnousiy In favar o! the'cattdldates placed in nomination. With ecdiof tIse three politIcai par- tics placlng a full list o! candidates In [he field thm're la assurance that tIse election wiii lie an luteresting one. [t has heen sorte littIe tîrne since tise Democrats bave made a aplIried ef- fort ta baud amhy of tise couuty offices. SUPER VISORS MilE TH1E ARRANOEMENS FOR WOMEN JURS Fourteen Single Beds Were In- stalled in Jury Room on Tuesday as First Step. TAKE OUT DOUBLE BEDS. One Officiai Thinks Law WilI Prevent Women Juries Un- tii Fait of Next Year. Waukegau; July 15. ThaIt te Lak e County Board of su- lierisors Infend to include the namnes of wuînîen voters l oiakiog up thse Jury list, 1s indicaied by receut de- seioiiments wberein accornodjâtiona for jurle., comlîased eitiser wholly or iiartly oq womeo, has heeu made. For many years, lu fact ever sInce Jury cases have beeri îrled In Wauke- gan, there have lieeo sever% double lieds Infise jury room sa [bat thse jury affer thelr dpllberatioos may re- tire as [bey are 00f allowed ta leave thie Jury room during tise progrega of a case or untili nome sort of a decision ban been reacised. Six of these dou- hie lieds were for. the Juror-tis otis- er was for the two baItlEs who are locked np wltb the jury. 'rbe plan bas been for tise Jurors te "pair off" wben Ht came time tu, go [o bed and two of them wouid sleep lu encb of tbe double beds. On Tuesday afternpson a furulture wagon backed op to thse césurt houge and wben It departed thme seven dou- ble beds bad been taiten away. In their gtead were tourteen bright shling single beds. This allows a single bed for eacb of thse jurons and for eacb bailiff. Court ofticals are flot slow bo admît tisat tbe reagoiýthtie change mas made was that there mght be a bed for s,. ery juror. The question was asked as to wbetber tIhe women snd maie Jurors wouid bave as»e4q uçcoq»,rMt- menti for thelr beds. beds muRt ail be placed lu one rom as there would be the deue to gay If [lie jury were 10 be separaed la thîs manuer. 1 suppose there wouid be no objection isowever If a curtain were bo be strung betweeu two por- tions of the roomn as a part.ltio4~" TIse board of superviaors meet bere on Tburgday te take up tbe malter o! replenisblng tbe Jury lilt which bus heen cxbausted. Tbey are ta place thse oRmes of two huudred uew jur- ors lu the box. Borne are of the ite- lief tisat tlie names of women wlll lie taken froos tbe poil booksanad piaced ln the box. Ao officiai deciares that tis cartnot For Seven Years William Drinkwater Lived There Un- ader Name of Jim Wayne. FOUND DEAD BESIDE ROAD. Buried in Potter's Field-Con- siderable Mystery Connect- ed With Life and Death. For seven years James Wayne made 'las hmne In Libertyville, living on wiîaf tItle momey lie could pick împ by doing odd jobs. That lie was a man witlm a Past was generally conceded. but na one ever was able to peoetnate thse mystery and se te tise majority lie waa plain 'Jîi." In fact it wae flot until lis dend body wa~s plcked up near Highwood [bat hia neal name waa learmîed. Letters in is pocket showed l'amime tane [lis William l)rlnkwater. Tue lttera "W.[D." tnftooed upon lis arm bore out Ibis fact. Altbougb tise incident Wappened a few days ago tbe facts have just corne to ligbt. [tefore lcavimig Lîiertyville Drtokwater, or "Wayne" as bie la more familiarly known, aaked an acquain- lence for the lban of a dollar. Tbe man bail notbing amaller tisan a $2 bill and Wayne saldtlie would get tiss rbanged. He did nlot return witb It. but lait Libentyvîtel on tbe 9:22 car. Apparentiy bie must have gene direct te Higbwood. Wlmat lie Intended doimîg there no onoe eema to know. He sfopped at tbe power plant aod talked a few minutes and then resum- cd bis way toward Higbwood proper. wh ere bueaPParently bail fallen and explrcd. Coroner Taylor was suommon- ed and presided Rt the Inquest at whicb a verdict of death froin cbronlc alcoliolism was returned. The fel- low was burled Imi tbe pttera ileld Rf Hlighwood. Two years ago wbumm l)Inkwater was piaced in jail on a trîval charge lie tisreatenud ta bang hlmseifl ta tue bars unlese lie was reieased. A man was set te watch hlm whiteelbe was tlucre. A short ime ago wben a Lili- ertyvîlle msan was found In a biarn Il was Driikwater wiso found Mîin. He 'ans a close friend of lts ammd lus dealhi rcceîîfly is said to have saîlly depruas- v'i irimkwater. DrIiîkwater lis aid ta have nis. i living I imiEmgliimd, but so far as ka var lie lias nomme In luis counmtry. JAMES GLEASON DIES AT SANITARIUM TOOAY James Gleason, a reeldent of (Chi- cago but formeriy a rusident of Wau- kegan Passedl away at thme Lake Breeze sanitarium, Rt His clty. This rnorning. Dentis waa due to tuber- cubasis. The deceased liad been faiing for montma aud for the lasf few days bis death was momentarlly expected. lite1 la survlved by a wlfe aiid two chlid-i reit. His wife was formeriy Misa Au-c na ffîlan of Wau'(egan. daogbter of1 Mrs. Wmn. lcGowan of North Butrick1 street. Funeral services wili bie announced later. MANV FROM THIS CITY ATTEND DR. PRICE FUNERAL.t Many frorn Waukegao departed on tise early mornlng trains for Chicago wimre they attended the funeral of1 Dr. Pries, the former resideot tuf Wau-1 kegan wbo passed' away in Cblcago Sunday. Many of thse atteodànts frorn here besidea relatives were frieoda ofi Dr. Prîce for over a score of yearg.1 Thse fumcrai waa largeiy atteuded. many gathering toeisay tieir respectsi [o mise memory of lthe famaus Inventer and manufacturer.il 1 -- - - - 1 (YI tIse Jurons must lie taken trom tise poliliaio! o the lait general elec- lion Inasmucis as tise women have Rot voted at a general election tliey have neot iad their nomes placed or tise poil boo'ig. Thsis ofiSclai maya there are samu wbo tbink tiat thse names of women votera wilIlieo drawn tiese ame as bbc men wbeo tise regular jury lilt le drawn next Beptemiser btho snys thîs ln anotiser case wisere tise nomes of womcn will net have beer% ffuaired on tIse poil books and bo tlinks womnen jurons cannot Se drawn until Seiitember. 1915. If tisis proves 1telie thse case Il la probable tisat tise sup- envlsors compiebely overlooked the matter wben tisey made provisions for tise womnen jurons. WERE MARRIED HERE LASI SUNDAY MORNINO. Miss Marie Guthridge aud Harold Myrtie were rnarrled Bunday marnlng at 6:00 o'clock aithtie Christian cburch. Tise bride's brotiser and Borne frienda nrf bath bride and groom were Prenent. Tliey apent tise day lu Chi- cago, accompanled with tise bridels parents. Tliey wes't dows inlu a au- tomobile. They are golng ta tise soutisert part of Illiinois snd over lu Indiassa for a Lwo or Ilirse weeki boneymoon trip. Tliey expect te atari lu a week or two. Tisey are gaing to livin lua aew home just Iseing completedoun .ýortis Hickory street. Thse offIcers o! the Orden of Eastemn Star and a uumiser o! frieuds went to Druce's Lakete his mornnng wbere thy spent the day and a mopt euJoyabl. lime wais reported. Dianer wus qfsyei aI noon and tise afternop wai pet la iwimmlng and isoatlng.

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