910 IVsy filemi $qrays/akeÀ- Edtes! by F.J. DRUCE. Phons Il Onde. s Taken for Job Work. Adveru.sung rates oun appimcation. Mies Al-s (bidasud fivtler John o! Wash îîîgtî 'i, 1).iC., have iéon viiti ng tii.ir rardiîntlier. M ce [Li NhIittieY for the past four weekm. Maid&.lllýn and Mark Nev ie werp ('bicagii% ilsîtr Suniday. Mnra J. Loinwaboiîgb was in Chîca8go tat Friday.c Mrs ,F. Taylor ls ik jt av.('bigi fiomptal a bers shle îîrdeýrweiit anuiopera- tion. missesm Blanch-le anîd Marguerite Potfsrt of Okiabîîia, are viitinu ut thie Iuonie of Mr. <. J. Wgtnian. Mr» Evalis o! Chicago, Who bas been @tup)ilng ut the Jamun teban bhrne, died Suaday iiîorninga aler a wéelks ill- nom». Mdiss Gertruide Miller of Lako Villa, isisd frien.le fiscs Saturday. Torii Mads, Jr- viited frends in Chi. cagîî Sunday. Lu veil W ft inire o!f!aiî N 'is @put a 1. dii>> ath Ifis fathir anid other rolatses bore retenti>'. D)r. !Dufour aod ail.' .'j'.'it C, ai-il with tir. faituer anmitîe Olie honlue jx'it Sartrdaa> indi']Siîday in Chi'agoî. The Laîlise Uuiid oft Iii, b 'ntfia lv Misséion lrit oailiij,3 ahI.u' ya ut Mrw.1 Mary Tlioiîi-n .sfit fllrtyi clie ast1 4' Wediieda'. E C . Ho,ok anid faiîilyv and ja'k Maoin anîdaiily iniîtîîrsd ti[,aike Forest Suri- day. Iast metinig befire the iz iid-suttner hi l'arnial wha ltot î,c cW'Ilesdaày, Aug. 'tIl. Iitit'ard Cîiitnfs and famlily arsespend!- ing a cotuple oîf weeks with bpthefîîr's bvutfîer H. Coounli and lamîily. Fly oil tii kpep thîe ie oh mur stock - lts the bet $1 fer gallon. rncer rug Co -Thîe lb-ral Stores Mms C. Miller was a tCbicagoi vi'itr Tuesda>'. Mr@. <Orandoî Hook wbit undcýrweiit a serions îlieation at (fie HuItiîeriiaiin bîispital us tîll in a ver>' senine tuiioi- tion. F, L. (arr and son \ îtir a -c'W an le- gan vsitors Tuesday. Joiîîî iteer of W est Me-lenry, ealird1 on fr!iérls iuur village- Tuemday. 1.C. LPratt transuoted! l,îîsinîe-sin the City Wednie.day. N.S. fi.farlian of MHtenry. was a businemss aller fers Tuesdlay. NMr. aul Me. (jeu. f.laOke and faunîl> attendri] the sucver weddïng ianniversary of Mr. and Mms C. A. Blapkce st Lberty- ville last Tbursday. Mr. and]rs. W. SM. mClain and !amify of Lihertyvîlîs. a'sre guefflsof NIrs Harrisoîn anid daugbter Saturday and The 1-ake i'ounty Odd Felloa'i pienic wfîîcti was hi-Id under the- auspiýes o! Waucotida lodire liere Saturday was, quite largely attendsd. The 7tli Annulal Laien Fetival will f>s fîrd li iiler r ie aurfies of the ladîs iof Trurîsiîuîi ration i al ' hrcion tus ülioiicli gr,ii iionii Friday. Sat urday and Sunda >y, Aiîg 7, m and 9. N, pains ai ii u pjal'.] tii ilie thim is asusual the- lesdiia rient iît,tf sason. an event t,> isurpaye itl pre> lunefetivals in the nîîî,rarid atwtt, f ths o[frIuigs The- griîunds a ililisw prettîly decurate-d wiufiel.., trie iglts and banigîng fanterus andilvarions. arumnentm wiili fiearrang- Iflss ftta l'arc citu~rrIed tiu Mvs. Ilu ('d i-nviao ing il i'ing in Ile i)i ir Wbites Iat Frda> aler ensks > ILuviiniltu anîl a suialIfeture ailli be Jtg W111 fn-nje cliirtii! usetea hussel i iail t l tu' iaîii ngh' sonie Chic'agoi ill fiý -jMittl rý àtvm lu[t.- l. ar1t1t,s Su'lui lia> e ki iudi> oflersî t lui-t Tfes ce 'raIn -cial iiven t the ('un- .rl. ýri' -ain Allc gc.'gati,îitnai iit Irlu lacstSaturda.> cc»i- îî ît u iii-J 'olira k, eli titig gucuu',ry llrI'(fie s tiitnic peop~le was a vury mc sîl>'ead tergrt' l c*ii.fliul raumt', iletineA iir giiî'c ' Mr. ani Airs I iffird Siiaiikm (ilf aineisviai,,ii.'tig arcaiiged hicri-a, b unî, ill hi- s,'ltcSain rdey eaud Sunîfa>v. t h li ifitviea eletions 1uv> li' agi friendii it Ki-ishoa slîr >awi1ni -i tnire, Who liii t' ttnillv Tc> a Iiiitu 'ic i-s- mk i -u' i t-: 'n..îi'I T f'iiteteuir s-rte ic .4>,'Iiit a Ii :: lrtt"lîcuz u'ii i leii a Ilt ii ititlc p.aki'rs .Nilsml ltauNdaitirusleen t-rtai ni uii bc uii ti- > n ld csi-e luoring tie fi-ti> ai counsin LI.l-W acf ifdAtankegali. su îps-r ailIi Le '- ýi nI ea.tcciinirl' tue lad -At-s I liriccs A rIiitit euuîti W' bn rvsunmitng boit- u'ni ituakega[àI l. me c nu ng ius trio iiteîfandîla i'.ruiai baturda> eueiuig, Jesse Cingaiiiinghi(A in c itatîtîn hisex teilcuIM(t i Adil1 iiiiu n the Ni-w f!ilî. itcil te înlsfîîhr îr iý ; a',tonits 'tîîi , îeîîîîrsnu Ii. l'T-iiti gît ii fia> m a heaif tt i lîstîîn waliia Party' tifir. iwthrtiive eurnngs cv4 1- %4'aikegaîu 1-iims Ther.' nas a tiungyi__________ druving in front tf Litugabough it utî ltgbis. The hia% i uluîand Ille dg in IAMB'S CORNERS front nade it.e- lni'uiuing rlii ne Sic.arîd Ir,,. i acf Caiib and lc1iîlîlrezî s-uni smorne-di-tatîte away su (bat I tif Purig. cvlîîî ave(terri vsitung w heutlii,' cu t uruisî tnt Conraitangli Mrs fllm Laibanjdtther relative> i-Ift tutti it as a igial foc huni tctil us. As foîr haine Sunda>' aftecnoun. Mrs. Eu-en hi- tavteîf tli gît ll(fe otiier niaciitus atnib gîing bac.k wtb tbeîîItîr a ira' whîch watt curutng cu ai a gîoîf rate tfdv.er ieil. uî npmerd itrut t aistaan directly'in frt.nt aillit M. F. S lier iaoi' îîctu Mineota su Iliftr.' nuit ta-î(."(]Id'fîinfsr atîtwtir-tm v-,- ., l.hou. Ill pulîl tbeîîî apart F"Ortniately tii uneý ,va, brt althougli the mai hnes i -ce badly daiîazed Nir. Iongauiougb s a very carrîsl driver and thuse wLî, bacs rmde wtb bîi say th y 'annot belles e it tii lis-bis fanît t In seed to fiw'une- oA thise îinavidalLeari idets fo)r wv. u L- o ne is tii)blame. Tutu Mnde, Jr, î-ecently rev'elced a îfaflegratu fruniî big motber in Engfauîd -alilig fîîiiuorn to ai'conîpany a bru- ther to Afrîca. Hs ba@ banded in bis v- pignatiun nt the E.C. Hook grocery and wil rave as sîoîn as be cari uake necsss- ary arrangeiunutâ Miss Olive Coleman wiîo bas spent the paat ysar In Souf'aulo, [razI, is viiting friends lInilrayslake. [). G. White and Misé Etta Farrunotor. el tu Lake Geneva Sunday. Tbs Ladies (3uild met w! V. Mr% Joseph ikcbfusser lasi Wedneday. ThIs wasthe change of linat ali t lectit'al tut alter fis ris'uiit long ituts. Mr. and M vs C- . iMller visiteuf Sun. day atteruooni wth Mv. sud Mc,. Sitnuson Aieuict Hickory. Nýy L anil)is iitiling eutn-liu iti frosements itoi s hýtues. Nrs. Kute Ccc1t hat.tbaleD n M'aukegan fur mse salweekm Iipung .nire loy ber hri.thec the late John Hlufian. bas rturnsd to ber hume. Miss Carnie Panuzer of Nira uîd Park. suienit a iew ilays lact ai-l, cisîuing her brothers and @litte. Tbe Warren eîetery socîty will ist Wednesday afternooan, Aug. ath, witb Mvr., Cyntbia Ptter ai Gurees. Little Ruby Wuolsy. alto v.as uite eriouely burn Jul>' 4, ls improving and getting long iicely. FROST RECEl VER'S 1 STOP LIBRE! REPORT CALLED iFAKE.' STOP BERE and gst your raifroas! The report of George M. Sectard as ticket, ses have (hem an bth roamis. ecelver fer A. C. Frost & Co., brak- STOP lEItE and Isave youu launir>'. ers, shoselng that lu six years he bas we have the Buvington agency. Goescllecteti apprimatez>' $45,000)hand svsry Thnrstiay and returne Satuvday. Bes( service In tosen. Phone Il and ses now bas unI>' $4,68 lu cash on hand .wilI cal! for fi. was termed a "fake" and a "make- STP HERE and but> youv readiug belfeve' accouting b>' FederaI Judge matter, we have the fate copvwrightsd LundIs Frîda>'. books and ail the latuit peiodicais. Jutige Candis rdered that a master STOP BElLE and bu>' yuur lfceeamn cacr ertstmn eadi Ws gise you the bet creain an d ruits. ' nthanrcer>' shepandt tmouy eaulrl .STOP Uilhilu fomachioce boxaOf cauti>. tevcleei u aeafl e We base nian>' vaieties to u.'ouise from. Port. STOP BEllE if You seaut to fsten to Seward wsa at one tme an employe gond music., We ave salît agents fur the ut Frost, aho w'as une of the central Vicrola antd aways gladito play foryou. figures in (ie fInaucial crash of the STOP HEREf if >ouî want a gond Chicago &.Milwaukee Electrlc Rail- emoke. Tho bet lrande and man>' of ibeni. ruas!. STP HERE for pstal yards, souve- nirs and pennants, a bcnnd pese une, If you want tii prove ta, yonréeîf that STOP HEllE for >'oum stationer>', We you eau uako your cutws give more milk carry the most uptodate hune 1, tutwn. in dry a'eatben wtb fpour pastuce juêt STOP BELlE for toilet preparaliu ne.s yAcd ed oe akI o Our EBarmen>' lne s ounexce'lled. '(> rayFe.Iot> akf o W. STP ERE for pure drngs and tmug sattsfe.ld, Cîhrtyville Cumber Ca. ci .Tudoriés. Our rabbi-v departuietît con- tains uetbing but guaranteeet ock. "The creps iu Lake Count>' are STOP BElE sebens yoti get satif au'- great-never sase thent better," safd tIen or yonr mous>' back. ALWAYS STOP et a Rexaîl store for John Hoffmn eto Russell w lin Ir% gond merchandise and gond service. Wankegan Saturda>' metunng. And, DRUCE DRUG CO. [hec lved lu tbe countY long enough The Reali Store Grayofake 1te kitoswbat be's tafkfng abouit. 54~un Cake CHARLMeS ."lAON, Correspondent - Agent P H ONE 24-J Qiefity-Boyds Studio-Prie rigbt. Mvr. and Mv.. Walter White went tii I biebîgo Satnrday ta attend the lueraI 111 a frisnd. N. Bush and daugbter Belle o!fItaîlne, visited stth(e borne of C. W. Bnsh sev- eral days lest week. 1 Ir. and lirs. J. L. Stadfld. Mr. nit] lin. leu. Cleveland! motured ta Chiciago Suiiday' The vauldeville and uvlng pictuce show Sunday evenlng was well attended, rJus.Amanli bad &as usual a mood cruwd at the dance Baturda>' cvening. The painters have Sulished the fterior and exteior work at the depot. We now bave as nicea nsatiomn as (ber- sm aloug the fine. City wsater is bsing installed in sec-rai residoncees on Lincoln avene. SCLt- .wiier ls doiuîg the wovk. Mr. andf Mrs. Alert 'ail o! Batav ia, N. Y., visites! secral dais ast ek witfî Mr. anti Lirs. Ihlilîlu lit4ndî' ive f Iaura Ilorrîciliaitti faugltsr haveý gîîne eamt for seral a i-el, j. 1:. Cvi oiitf 'reînuîîtNl.\c pîi (lis v.eik ut Plic A iig s Mr. anîd %Mc ituitard Hiîk rIent Sun- nia> et Coîî ats. C Ni. Iita il rc"i frucnt n,îîlîdtuîîîa ast Frîda>' Mies Fi..imra ,;tidr cisit-I rlativFs and trienîls li-lt an vk. Strinuan Brona nd an f lly, ai.'omfiftt- fn l,'v NIc antI Mrs. 4 rrîn Chttenden), iutîîted lii le Fojx Cake reguonu Sunlda>'. EFFORT IS BEING MADE TO FIND MAN WELL KNOWN HERE F. H. Millen, Former Street Car Conductor, is Wanted by the Evanston Police. 1a11ga 1, 1'7. Xii s'ftort fa being Dmade- i1,l lia'po lii i îlî'îartinents along '!!,,- n rtlî 0hcrt' aIl the way frotn 1'.aii dliii 10 W 'auk,-gari to appvebeiîd FIH. ilcu. tto l, aanted by [lie fuît itit po- lice îldetartmsent on a charg, of lorg- e-c> Nilîlen ls described as 'ilts AGE ?5 years. \Vil IT-180 pounds. !IVIGI-T-5 feet 9 ihue, AIl'il' XTANCE-DIark c(ipxioij, hick iiiitstaclie. wore a gra' oiit, t h to) about tao montlis iigit 'iillen tas t ujI'royedj as a condîîcîî,r oui the r'liticago & Milwaukee Electtiue riýanîd isv acil known in Waukegan ýIt srt' lie fias, îîîaîy friendas and acquanaatces. Tii'> eau scavcely credit il,,- suite- ilivrit uf the Evanston Polk,' ithat lie ix s maited there on a charg, tif 0rg .i>, as they say tfîey doii i iîîî lie 1-, iaîiahle of sncb ait ai' l ie Eu anston poice did rioiit iilrn 1 i iý lîîual1tificers of tbe exactnatuiiru'of 1i> .î i't'î'uitb wbicl I NI eu is t 1î hr i ut front the (a-ti i they an' o.u ariuxous te arst Iii t ia- t Ii-l liat (lie alleged ofP n-illnut t,' riti, natserious one. 'l iti crd a'as recelv-ul iiit,,.-\Wau- ke-guni potlice- stationl ut 3 o.( -It' ii dl.i iuiurnlîtg.The Vîauk gîitiilice ai i(tîri' got busy on the ca- 'ai ilidi, ci r-uhlat Milflen bad bîî'. 'î'eiilu î *it, the assumption theve liing Iliat h--' lad nmade bis sea>'tu St lîtgaît. but aitougli a tborougb ,iarclt waa cîunîluîî l'ifriithîs cfty nu ri i tf th e i lits î'(uld fie found. Iis aid Millen fa sut a'illkiitt i i tt hi' wou!d be rî'-uîc i'iiiizln E,' lu i.cevand faunly ni!fAauk ga.rul t. olliî he put iltat et efi'ilt Su if as' u t W, (atiupbcl's ttit 'ti titifoc that cci I i -!iti Th..A il.iror cluentp,.rtaturd ile urge 1 i'coi u îîld not caine lui' ofuutiicthicago inemru b unda>'. Aliii' iuaan, son of John Boctrutan, tati I-t' i i aîtîfs'ault in a ha>'i- tr pitil,-y last Tîîîrsday antd uas severely idiurci] E;Ezz The Ladiîes' id sti-iitVyuil inet ln the 'hurt lu on Thucetla>' aftinîuîînJuuv lotti. Mcrinlers are re'1oested to be pruescit A\su lors ucicoruî. i inn sutiunte mtail carrier met witb a ver, îîaînful accident laet Frîdays lius borsiie aine frighteiied an rim nlanags' able ait]canrier had luth psolundev5 iicirctInoîn îing tlîrov.n ont tif fis rig. Eliztabthi Murrie and Laura (jortarni visued (heir ncId-sandlaunt last wssk. Ailil'urrfs enlertatusd is cousin, AilI Sa>l hi- nui OtakfiankTuesufa>'. Mildred St> ,r eieuuta ea' laye a itb trlendm in Waucimortb. Eiizabethi Murnue and frfend, Mr. fanl- mon lviii Frenitut, Nsh. spent Tuceda>' witb the Murris and Cordes fautilies, Asberc (rttenden le carryîng the mail thîs wr, Mrc, anti] Ars Mcciii-ntertainel con- pan> ou Suilta>'. Tue Mîtovcycie races Sunda>' wsre largel>' attendi-if, lira... C. Conis sntertafned soasins froni Oak Park and Chicago several days. LLAM MC Miss@flîna Marscb of Nwport, Ky., ha isiting ut the home 0f Mr. and Mr%. Heur>' ilfiman. lire, C. L. Hukemeyer o! Shepherd, Mich.,.lis visiting wfth ber daughter, Mv. Fred [(Ian. A Party o! about twenty-flve Iront boe took au auto pisasure trip ta Lake tisueva last Wednesday. Mr. and tIrs. Fred Blan are the happy parents of a baby girl. Tbe baIl game last Sutila>'sas swon b>' the flraylake teau b>' the score m ta -,. The game was vsvy excithng up to the evetb inuing,ounr littîs îîab artit sem ta weaksu and befors the aide wa.3 rettred (Iraysiake had run in tive scores, Mmrs.Machen o! Prairie A ew, . fîtes u vsiting witb ber jinother, tIrs.flans several dayis this week. Mrs, (zoo. Gieke las uîoved in the Jobin tt'uk bouse on Park Ave. Au. fiiuhnîan and Miss Slvia Seip seere Uicago vIsitons a i,' a tys lasi ALLEiED FOX LAKE ROMANCE FIGiURES IN À DIVORCE SUIT Wîfe of State Senator Ë. J. Forst Suing Husband for Separate Maintenance. tAllegeti indi-.ccetions an the parit a' bier luîsland. a Mate-senator. a hile aI F-ox ,Lake. Lake('ount>'. ls gîven aý, (alsu- for a se parate niainteuuarv'e suit mWleh Nrs. Eda'ard J. Ftrost, 'aIfs of state senator Fovst. bas flled tigaiîs't ini. Mtrs Furet chan*ge, ber ituohant ut h helng unduly friendl>' wftb other a onen. It her bill \rs. PorAt alfeges that the senatur aas a good hugband until bu' was eiected 5101v represientative. Il) (o (bat tlime she says no wuman ,would have wanted a better hu&bal\. lie wa. attentive andoi knd and shuow- ered ber witlî attention. Nu husband and w ifs, she sai s, e>er got alunir on better terms. But the change cirne atter he was elecîed to the high office, she Rays. She asserts that he began to pay more a'tention (o husiness and lisa (ine to ber. Wfîer. i-e (hIiditi hlm quletly about thîs abe sa, s ilic bucame impa- tient and informned lier that he cuuld not take the tint,' frouit bis busfnessi affairs tu show hec as uîuch attention as hefore. The breacu bermeen 'hemn s!nwly began tn wlden, site says, and grad! ually ho began a series of cruelties .bat finally snded in îhefr separatfon. In ber bill for rsparate mairytenance Mrs. Forst naines iou- wuman whom she accuses wlth bas ing sharsd a cot- tage with ber ltusbaîîd at Fux Lake. The charges cominir as they do against sncb a hfgh officiaI, are vather start- ling. This Iv. not the first suit cof the kind howevev that haie 1usd their basfs fn an ai! eged romiance at For Lake, iwfufcb resort seenis a popular place for such aflairs to bapplen. The body uofGCordon Brown was taken froin tle l,îke a* Kenosha Fr1- day only a short distrance fvom-the place whsre be tuis îlowned bY the members of tie lKîriosha' fle Savfng crew. The bitilia, i aken lu the life ssavfng station.\Vlti t'searcb wari be- fng made for (lit' lotIvsortuie distance afrum the lplace wliret was Thund watcbers on t iw !i, 'tç i detectî'd Il A oo iifeuith urudig CLEARANCE SALE A gul mn>' nui th suvuuaing We Muet lisp ti, 'i(liii Iollowing towseueattendes! tbe Cook Count>' Osmo- uses! canesBttînt' ttietu' rîtuinifor ena>' pienlc at Oser Uroveuls t Stturday. newliltebelîs. At a speclal meeting Saturda>' night la3 itchlells, civ il t 's . .i 1912 Mitellh. i. ut i -~.P.- I ...... . ltti the village huard paseed the ges fran- 1912 Mltblti im lu-1, '1-.... . ROt chlose ta the Public Service Ca. The t11Mitchell utr~Ix tilt1 S».. w campan>' bas; pronulsed (o have tbe gasisus s es] icou ec 4 ,.1t:i t'as. ".... hi in bersbef ove1915.1912 seo d, î'uîît bau~i tteri L10 in bore bfore 191-l91 ait Nens R-ir Ca.........e.71 The above NiuceIl t-ans have been If you seat ta, prove ta yourself thas ccmpletsly overbaulesd refini@ees _yen can makte ynur cowî give more milk The>' are gaurantees! tbrougbot lin dry w fshrwtblipour pauture jt fer onus yeav. tryAradyPed. doeyback if Dot MITCHELL AUTOOMLE CO. stisfied. 4b.rVY',W Lumaber Co. el C1lenief 430. 2334 Mithi5aa, AVII. Chi ag. Mrs. flarcy Kerr ai" 1 ltîle s..ri andi daughter are s1indi uw a weck a it tiNlrs. Kerr's ister. Mrs J P 'f'iiîîiàaira other relatives lu 1 iak Park. Mrv. H. Potter cetti rliiet t, (lînua Juaition. last week witti relatîtes uic a few daysq stay. The littîr Misses Mtý'i'lliliiîio(f iurnie, weve guests et the àlr' (lia f(arnistaiile bonis la@% wek. Mdiss Mande rinyder euitaiîied iuite seveve injuries laet week v.'lî,n ai rs wblcb sire aîîd Wendell L.afuers wece drvilng van away, tlîcîaoiz lier out. We hope for ber mlwesd y ccitt>ir>'. Miss Glertrude Miller aihiipnclly two or tbven, ladies îîîade au autîo trîi tu Waukegan last Frii]ay. Mr. and Mire. Bsn Hanîlîn aoutîiaiiied by Mrs. Fred Haînlin and ('la> titi trtici to W>aukugan Mîînday by autot. Mi. Jennis Jofîison o! Cedar lCrest- favta @peut a fsw days Iakit week ID Chifcago. Mr. and Mm. Paul Avery ware in Chicagoi last Fiday and returned v.tii a new Studebaker foîr Chas, Kaîîpls tif lrayslaks. Fred Meyer, wbo cundut'ted a saloonî bers for sonistieiie, moved last wcek tii Loon Lake v. eve lie bas enzage(ilin the sanie business. The building lie lias vacated a-i lis eorcupleif1, iv Beesel Faber as poof room and hanrr@bop, at least outil tbe town is voted wet again. Geo. Mitvibeil and Claytîîn lîtixase it, NIsctrin htî fr a fisb mg tripi fronti Saturda>' to Sunday evening. Cyli' Miller suipliîyed b>' the Souîî tue, speut a fev. days at bone ir trstint irte >eek. The card pary and fiancegiven b> ture Girls Club at the Viieko cottage Saturday wsweli attended and enijoyed. It waa frteberislt of the Catbîîfic Mlision Ibere- %Ir. and Si . a rl Poter tif M'a egan, iitidhis, amc frit. luce iir Suîîday, MILBUR.,N Ttte aut les,ri u îte cîtîltagiu ni tis viiity>.. A AMartin and Ueo. A. .1 acîrtiii lacei ust rileiu ed le w tone@ and mtore are coliurg The licîbb scliotl reuin lîeld last Frtday u snît asam cil cs1ri'sntpd as laet >'eic. but a gtitd titue a as enlutysîf Mcc Ifchard fiantail ofi'liicgo I.awtl, vieuteti froîuî Tbuvsîay untîl Sundav us tii Air. and Mrs.fE. A. Martin. ILe-t . i-o Sallord anti faut h>' citili td tu theur homue in Freepurt, Ili., Tueda>'. AI! ted Spafuord and Mrs. Hoy Hugbssi ut! l.ibcccys'ulli-.attendeil the Gcîîbi schtî ume!ctcFrîday. -Mr. tand Mifvs. Wacd Bain tuf Rau-une, Wis., called on the home folks Tiuursîfa v lire. Ynie and daugbter o! Stuuicru., tis , acre MilllIurn v isituirs the past Mc. and NIrs lPeter FisclierotufKeniumiua, Wfs., isîted J. A.ThîcindnS. J. Oo.V and atlended tbe j'icuc. There aili b,' a Sacreil 4oiig service held in the c-hirîlu stînu Sindasi evsniîug lu Augnst. Looîuk tocr tsedat,-later. tiFs Pi-an I.lveland le eçendîng twuî wei,'ksuvth fier sitde, Mns. Lesvf Waîctiof RoiundCk' Ir, anti Mre. ftallt h Aleton andi chltdren tif Wheaton, Ili , efient a fi-w laye witiu the lattera ftarents et (lis Manse. Loy rie i'eatunin lesjeuding a week wai i ltegranldtani'rts, ltev. tend Mcs. Safbord. FICKORY lirs. A. C. Giranîtfias returnel ta Austin at-r a two seseke visf t witb bier sisters, lire. i. fi. Hoffeubeck and lins. F. Edwards at RIterani. Ed Wells and famil>' entertahned lirs. Ililfinlge the last o! the week. Sud Stoker of Chicago, le spendfng bis Vacation witb bis aunt, Mr@. Pickles. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Edwarde' baby le recoveing ver>' nîel>'front Ite operation. %Ir. and Ms Chris Faufsn took dinner Sunda>' with the borne folk@. Cher Ames and tamilycafled on Hickory friende Sunda>'. N!ruu. larl Edv.ards retunnel home alter a short vacatioin at tbe Mapleeout fart. Mcc Pollen anti Mrs. t'etersen @pet Saturtia>' and Suitti utaBullngton and Rochebster. WEST FREMONT NI re. Martfn lllett anti fittîs daugbtene tf Milwaukee, uvbut sfent a lew weeks t the bomne o!fhMc. and tIrs. Frank Dietz loft Tuesday luuuîuing for their borne. %Ir.tend Mrs. William Finitah Jute Dirtz tend lire, Rose Hfldabrand ut Buffalo (irove motorsd througb thîs country in thisr nese auto Wednesda>' and caliel on Mr. and Mire. Frank lietz. If you seanita prove ta yourseht (bat yaa eau make your roses give more milk lu dry setbs el th Poor Pasture juat try Arcady Feed. Mous>' back Itflot i sfsfed. fLibertlylle Lumb.r Co. ci Page Tbree Apples and Alfalfa 'ri %:ite ( îî 1E xi îirsîin , îîeeîlay, Arg. 4th.) MICHIGAN RÂNKS HIGH as a tiuit state,and il, view of the filet that it lec.,mlaratîitly oul lit mîodern metbods of fruit growing, mîakes a rernarkale show ing. Lt ranks as fîîllows for the more impijortantt fruitm. AppleIc, raspherries, currnts, second; pearm, grajies, gorisbeîrrieq, titird; cherries, blackberrieo, fonrth; peaches, strawberries, irauiberries, tiftb; pluins, eighth. When the rnany fine orcharde whi,îi hfa'e beeîi planted iluring the la@t two or three years coule into hbearinig, ilîco.Ni,-Iigaii will take her place at the topî. WANTING LAND anîd knuîiig tse oppiîrtunitiee tiîat actait yo i n (lis Fruit Bet, wbere orîbardsi eacn fic ths octuers $200 iand tni) per aire, tilt obîîuid nut besitate nu gî ln the sbhort trip asd investigate. Potatiies, ail «egetables. beanis, ryr, buckwheat, iîarley and î'lover bave afways fîcen big crops. Gvains and grasses gcttw lu ahundance. Dairying. stock and piiultry prosper. Allfaitaji sucit a prîînounîsd sucess that an orgauîzed association bas uridertakien a cant J'aign tu get every Westert i bîhgan fanmer ta raimes t. THE COUNTIES in svbieb theSwl- gavt Tract lies are Ilason, Manistes, Lake arnd WPxtord. Ludingtun and Manste,5,ilfcoPiinilpopulatioîn are on the wesl, edgs îof the tract. Thîis ls the central part îîf the Fruit Beit and uhere ar- sev,-cal thousand lmp)roved tarms in thesecouaties, and fnuîm lieni there are pnuiduced more tliaî 50 d uhtrerit staîtle îroîpe w ît profit tii tie farmter Big nearli> itanuiets and giidtudranspiirtation lîseinateriali>' nid. Trierspirtatiuin antI markets are bail the battis STATISTICS hic tît,' ast l10 years sitîîw Mit figaii tii ie the ein bealthiet îaue in the I rittn. 'The c'imnate and aater are bealitîîî. Tîte teuiiratuîe je even arid rafifali abiout :32 luches', mosti lvNIdîtring titi' growfig seasuîn tiichigait stands bîgti in pedncatiîînal matters. Tlîe Swigart Tract bas man-V Mihigan standard scbhools, also ihurches uil tnost ever>' denomnratîon. Tels- phones, grcange halls. good stores, good ruade, stc',Ounr taxes are lîîw our toiwnehips arr not overliurderýIri wftb dsbts PRACTICALLY JUST started In moderniirchavding, our Mii'bigan Fruit BeIt bas greater pussiniilitis ufian any irrigated district. Besides Irrigatioln eripense fieing unnecemsar.c, our lande are nîucb chean)et. Man>' an orebaril manrise ayiuig fuir bis land a'bile waitfng fîîr bis(cees tii coin mli fîaring b>' grnîv'îg fîans and putatiies between the ruWs, F,'citt roritic are the best rewavded of ail ini the agrieu'turaf fndnstry. In oui nigliorbood 17 big orchard hrîlecte have recentfy been etarted. Munes ue o! oflires. and thissepringiz eoiiitleted etîre 6,000 treese on 1630 acces. t also upecatet denionstratfon feronîs anîd itaintain a corps of ln- sitrîtotrs lu agri'ulture and bortî. ',ultucý.e fcury settler in un>'district le visiteod f imoiuse expert@ and gsts the lîcîet îof their knuwledge and ex- peince. MEN ARE WHATmy eouDties want. Hoaest Intelligent and industriaus wftb sucb men enongb capital to start. Witb sncb men the natural re- soturces ean he ifufckfy con%.erted fête the soilver and .told of trads. 1 amn otlening land front $10 to $35 per aire. and nîucb uf It for $18. Tsrme $141 to $.)0 down and $.-,ta $10 per unouin 40 acres. AAarraity Deed and Aietract ut TitIs giîaranted pscfsct on î'ompletlîîn of ever>' ontract. MY ineurance leature. wbilb goe@ with the vointract, comes you BOtbing extra and is a iiîrity and protection tu i iur fainily' WITHOUT ANV OBLIGATION on yîîur part 1 will be poieaseid to @snd .Voitni>' 72-page , lllutrated booklet ifeerciing tbe Fruit BeIt, the Sw!.çart Trract anduoany tinîrs about Mîchf- gan.' it le f rpe. and alo a large map and olber.fiteratui telling about the deveIuipmsnt o! IbIs district. Asir abolittMy steveoipticon lecturesi. MY NEXT PRIVATE car excurson leaves Uicagu t floon Tussday, Ang. 4, Beat my Cicago offle t il&a-. leaenotîf>' us as sarly saspossible, soit (at we can) pravide comfortabky for &IL, bu get back tn Chicago afi 7 a. ni. subher Thursday or Fridai folluwlug. $m..30 round-trip rat frof Ciicagi. toWel[ston. Face rebatedeon youv purcbase, No extra charges for privats car aceomimodationis. Auto- intîfiles and guildes frêe. Gond ac- î'omîuîodatiolts foc botb mnuand woliîiuat mn i>"ueiaan beaduarters. ('uniso nov. and pick the best. Foi further particulars addiess George W. Swigart, Owner, 1250-F Firat National Bank Bldg., Chicago, or Dymond & Austin ______________Agents s Libertyvilie, Illinois *No. 120. FOR SALE.--Bungalow. Al modlernt irupra'emcnts; IlIurlbnrt Ct. anqli eeund-ët.; fuot water baat; bard- c,îdfns.Easy ternis No. 101. FOR SALE-Modem 8-room honte on 1)ivisioli-At.; lut 6OUXI85 ft.z huit weter beat: hardwood trI m; stucco finIsh. Easy termes No. 121. FOR RENT- Modern 6.room fuomte ou Second-st., lot 50xl50 fot, harda ood fluor, stucco flnlsb. Durand & Durand Reid Estate, Insurance, etc. Bell Libertyville, M. System When the Thermometer Stands About thie 90& during July and August, keep from get- ing hot ourseif by keeping the wires ot onte Long Distance Unes of the Bell System They reach ail points within talking diW tance and are ready for instant servce be the temperature high or low. Cal "Long Distance"» Chicago Telephone ComnpanY C., T. Ford, Dict bima.go Telephone MOS Yilý LAME COITNTY INDEPENDENT, FRFDAY, JULY 24, 1914. o0 1 %