Before and after the ÇhatauquaEfltertainiments get a delicious CHOCOLATE SODA at F. B LOVELL COS SODA FOUNTAIN. w NEW CLOTHING STORE AT Libertyville. 111. The local trade a.; well a-s ont- AjZit dstriet!a are attraet- 641 to onr store. We have illen 8 anid boys' ready tmade elothing. We have two first-cltîss uines of samlpleS from leading tailoring houses experienced m e n 1 n measuring and guaran- tee perfect litte. NO nne il, better prepared in ready mnade suits and odd pantê, or elothing mnade to order. Large and eom- plete liue of men's and boys' shirts. underwea.r. neckwear, ot-eralls, jarkets. bats, caps, shoes; and everthing that is kept'in a firèt-claKs clothing store. We invite inspectiona of Our inerchandise and guarantee everythirag as represented- We r'olicit your trade. Yours trtily. a A'D frnsCou, brdwirnr Wb@"* by o0» 01 lo krms.mlîitmg ceEu bissai, es sud pis. W. knev lie valundlpeuhY «d lcmn uar"tse ti 0g~ te ulve eaeU .OMUslsi, alwgo essa. Bsnaunrffour ul pbeu I b.o mm plicol. M itsle awua sth5 au». Mwobys bat plea« saeghof kaowlmg beorshaad toh. "baàola egolog 10 tom on cl mft g-no gossewci about st. Orlsw a ach Iotd«>. ------------- 1.1 OL TNS TIAT DeOiri NuT AMSAWAY OfLL A colonel rGearbail hatuqaSay$ H leBoq I th Ue KId b soo "Z' ~ Says #b. Peopie Have a Right ý d icu e, th P"Lto Nominale Other.s if Theyp Cooe -.A Choose te Do Se. TS IEM AI.KE TaLEI. levc tat maG«r . re t . w EXPLAINS THE PLATFORM.- wbich ae iscuati>' but«coli 1 viroWaM ~ ai, the ,. ,:.Says Impresion Was Olven "a ormu -bt «r i bsU51 ell gl 3ust M 000« tous et the. people sA" dmtm Out Twatà sAction Woul td p sit la th Pma>. 1 bsn.v it beiv m htb bg SWbick the--ot Be Taken. jue a" MSlà a Pm tet te.kbm» Coaqutaotrou ti5S * SMfit Edtor flan, sud arw Young s it le ta suc. SMB a " sa JJ055la twW. Wauiega, Ilii., Colonel G"euiit belevs .thattlbe 1 have Jut read your edtorlal com- msos uead psu>'msou d li isten te a funiamentai virtues ef the .11 an" ment ln ithe Laie County Indepeudent *ulm ie M5for @Osou ain y iY m- proveai bocks. the eMlblU@be a" rul ec- of!-the 3. rartant, referrlug ta the re- mruamr e ltb5 elr goig ate saumn- ogulacal moule. the .emustal p~lcent àmeetinkg Ofthe Progresive§ Of tairaior down htatth. laies or 0,sf t» pes ot democratle gos'rnrneMotb. Lake Couat> at Llberty ville and tudr Vomer jone' grae .to the. pieute or Ilabsdya ux> ortters-tiiat tiieseaue action in iecomuuendit>g certaintuesn tbc sources eofor sat agtnsd the tate b people ot the part>- as candi- semiewbsee reourcs t wbcbwe uetreteattudates fer office. ln the ciosing words "The>' tell me that tus senmmer we = tie q tr eadial. metr, et l the eaioraî you 55v that members arg eug 10 tbave a Chautauqua ber.; Urnesqt sresssudofiaithe Progressive part' ln thecon- that it in a Ciautauqua a meal &fter He &ieve@ that blooci la thicior ty ther than tiiese Who hape'ed than water sud tit lit wiii teil Ils te attend thil meeting aPre givnrne Abroaam UncoînIt tiat tiiere r peo- tale la tii. actOisOfe atioBs uidile chance of expreesing their ehoice andal pe to lecture, sometimues serleniy andl »s U dae la the Uives of ln&iiTWUalL that the. ticket te just given them ta sometimes bamorouai>'; that Oere are He believeS lu the seooci et Our fa- vote without regard te cholce et 111 people wbo play' musical instruments, - M «s r- os be, ur - - e - cis. dl' duais, hIa5iotier coiumn et the1 H. belleves that the church durinisam Isueetthe lnd eîendent yeunli65woy th-~ - X~>~' te thc Pest tire. or tour celuries bas 1 Pr-.-lu il the resolutions adopteit MakeoP frtluts who Impersonate and establtaheal a boaiset action anda, a that meeting, whlch resolutiena luin mitate otiier folis, sud titat »morn are tiiougbt rbicb ln Indispensble tea aode these werds. t'Je recognille and actors; titat some mie drawings wlth rreeandgret popl Ele sbjet 1mainlain the right ot the votera te ire su grat eope. is ubjetchoose thefir own candidate-a andt do crayons; uhat tiiere are bandeanad or- net seek te blud an' nman te the fore- chestras; that tiiere lu s lot et fon lu going recommeudaziors. Ne are net the. pregram; !mornfe the greateut men concerneit wtih men osr wittî lllllxtg udiwon of et winu tslais public office tiy men. We are on the -htte e n bn htt ot contrary vitally concerned with good atteueanltiktalerfa enverumeut andl trust that at the primantes the votera Niii renauder ail C andidates ramntte.poit'.ofetview% ef public efficlene>- ln office." Wtle i appreclate sour tairnesin giving the apace nes-deit te quete these resolutiona ln full. I regret ex- ceedlugly that ln your editorial cern- iment YeUsu net nudie al the - tacts. For some timei have seen trom the comment>- insveut papers , that the Progressive part>- muId net have yeur support in thc approacing campaign.analwhitc i regret that tact, i certailiy have no quarre] wlîh Yeu for IL Yeu, ut course, are et -erfecl lberty te ditiýr with the par- t>- le tieir views, and If veu do yeu. et course-, have the- right ta oppose bile antitafsbearat chinku nlth *be party polticali', andt put ail yaur ldesadteirwtMrimn usuel vigor lu that opposition. gaus u h i lhmriei But as the smre urne, t am sure, "J underalanit that these toite bave trame sncb inewiedge as 1 have etfas mach fua In stnging and actng andi Ye". gaineit during our cotaparatitly> pla>ing au jeu eau have et a National tiriet aciluaintance. that you are sL teague bail Saime. on hnbeeyen go fiah- min Who nanti te he perfecti, fair. an sdif in the poltancal couteau which Ing or play>'BoRn, sheep. ton.' anud l'il a" is mum t s àechame la iep» lappreaches Yeu are net tb be on the b. deggoned If I amin golug te taie b« w»thetIchW, fine. rboie, a4We pde et the Prugre-sse party, jeou, that inuifI is the lent tbleg I evelr do. pendabie sentiments rhidla ha teru nevertiielesa. iii te sextous te mie "-ie for the CbautaaQu-le ait un- ()a the Otuar baud.Cloe GlLl the fgt a tair oee der that sage gree lent la a gooad bm annt tatheil bemm e b IL Sa e r as the. meeting la Liberty- chair snd liten te a man tati nbc huirt anit rutiHeudom ma t e ha a ville, n hlrh the candidates lI ques- mens ber te tati, or a girl ulng mbo eessatic. e i~ St helev tht oncelted, it eun lng omue, or omebo aiy à> ain tIc truh bas been toa lm t a jor. ms euireîy an open meeting. 1i rte i1atrOleaItsdat tt V fo eainlteresteit ln tua oe< kte several 'et'fthe Progressives lu e4cbeewh ok itadatsI aI ,and p pIueL-% bicii ci irtie -entofthe tes ns et Lake cont>' ar"n 1 fout.Ny nigbbora anal1. und al the andl nations: If the style of erater>' themta teb> preseat andt enging them IMites are gatng tai.> ttis neek wh"ehbs dsdtngisheti Americu. tih.e aise ta bring as man>' etfteirro-- off ta pisay lti tuse Ciiauatiegta toka bciillauey ofexpression ubat made gresatte acqoaintaaices lu their towa" nb are the Urne et Our lre%. e. Wendeill pillipv' a ceebittisuni the aucoulit finit It conveulent te attend. t air; yen hier Sn.ursas. aofhumor audn t tha t The itoors te the taneu lu whlch the rhamrteniful Mark 'Pwain-ift h e etînz mas helal mere ride cilen eo,î.lrmtous nteeu vo' eseesthnoughot the meeting and anvbody Borne one bau aitvancedt a scheme rottidertlon intrfý- youres rbwo careal te coula corme lu anal90o te usme al country ronsi ; u treets Four t.Kera]t n-i," r ttc (tourbant 1 eut at uteir tîleasure. aennnme.sdt1nme h lestir t> tn--,lî t>.>ittiîfl ~ Saeftras the appreval et the ce ~ lngteerod.Tepa eii , didacies ot certain men are concere-' ossaogtbs od.Tepa e-d, i mou id aay that centrary ta the lua ILgeod eue anal uhoolit be adoriteal 'NA cotention sou utaie lensyur editortai. :'b>' çeurry neads. At present country CL4bE ~ lU there la a' vital ditterence bet'seeu reMdu have ne desîgnallen exceuît as ASi LL the Progressive part andt the Retîli n ci tlyfitt hm Bdi a(l DEAIU AS LU 1Party- makes ut> a alate sut! word gees ten dîfflcuit tor straugers te mid their eu nlfciaity teaIl these con'v-ceteu i va>' itheu* maklng frequent Inqui- ff INS i th.the organizatian titat the candi ries. Nomne jour rosit5 and let the' da7te ua-it on 'bat aaeaeh CANOE OVI3R UR. idatesus anal e attposibe name appear on each Corner. lu willl la ptit forth b>- th- organluat on in then be easy te Ill'titany bouse ln tIi.. Two Lake Forest Younig Men I tasor of ttose candidast" s ;ts rç- on contry as It uow la lu the cit>' where. Had Rearkaby Clos Cali thse siate andi thoge On'y- and evr,'te street andt nuniber are gis-en. - About Noon Today. arA-iani>fody w- ma>' see fit te tite iîeecn eihsalpit u Wauiegan, .ly 17f. nt gel a place on the officclalate. Laie Ceint>'. ce The Progressive party net oui>- Two young m-n had a close cai taetdns no;t iles-e in anet nb )rative, deatt absout neon toits> when a Iltte butdo'--- flat new9uin eIt. sud ije canon e i ba-h tiicy mere sailllg lu 'action ofthte Pregressives who gath- Laie Michigan about a quarter of a ¶ereit at L,îbertys-liIe lai;t mouh , an-J mile off Lake Fore-at capsizeit andt leitnet recel%>- an>- such construction ty an> iartinilei usn. Tbe candidatesI tbem flunderrg in the mater. Their anamFdai a that meeting do net mie C e 1 1 amsac pasatesysnewteerThHIBEARD ('ASSELBERY, aged 17. membý-rm or the part>' lu Lake ('oonty W. E. CASSELBERY, JRt., ageit 19. mere net îaidios by thal meeting Tihe yeung men are soea et Dr. W. te supiporut thoue candidates, snd those FI Casieibery, a promîneat Laie For- oui>-. Itsas stated several dtes at EVERYBODY'SJ U est physiclan who resîdes an the the meeting sududerstod by ever>-- * AfO I 1 Green Bisy'reai le titat cty. They bodty there that an>' member of lbe VACA IO hona aamaI canon nhlch they hait rlg- part>-inte cocunty w mha uamfit te ged up wlth amil and alui started eut rue for any office Invoiveit lu the ap- for a mil on Ith. lai, despîte te tact preachlng etectien rau at llbertY ta In Great Rain-Proo[ that ttc>' hait les-a arnedilu mas dan- de u0. Andin ecase others ahoulal uee gprousflt te be< ore candidates, those ef Whnabout a quaaetr et a mile aff the Party who atteudei thet.Liberty- 1 51 1 shore a auditen guset fmmd upuet te ville meeting made Ibeir position fl Iu I traîlltle craft andl a moment later qut. clear te ail tbos reatt>' seeklug the Young meu rere struggilug in tbe ta mecw their attitude b>' expreaui>' - mater. seeking te retaai a huit! on te statlag lu concectleunltb tihe resoîn- bettomn et lhe overturucai canes, A tien passeal Ibat the>' recomulzeai and YOUI gardener standing on aboie mn i tbetIltilud the rlii hte b voter a t accident accan audalue, the boyre ave choose their ot.candilaten, anal YOUIR ther arma about tor assistance. mble uhey recomren hm~anabi Y-OU1 Raciug ta thte Laies Foiest Water iiauea vere mentioni la enetion Wara Company's plant he telephosted i tit the varions oilcea aitue meet- the information ta the police aispet' lug as candidates Who, lu their inim- 2 FROORtAISE AD ment andl PolleemonWater iSaylea ment, mere moitI'Ofet te SUPPOrt ett BACRIDAT 0 P sud Dorment burytedly - seured the lb. votera. Ibe>' stateai spefcael>' laiugmotoi aud itatnsai rtu ail pos-.te>' id net seoi te blud an>'man' aiespesal ta the laike shore. thiakina te tiose recornmeiNatleu5. 1 do net ltse amen machetteroulai cone Ilute heo aaytilg coulit bu Plainer Al l a Big Tent by tIg handyi l case the. balles cf tue yonug titan thal. sud te so conwietel>' Ignre men ahoulai b. recevered ai la re. tua'declaration. «atS aemu5 teus la tue meautime L. C. Tror andl & your edterlal dcea.4 la Dot afo1ln ï empanlea aho bappeneai t e b.ucor thal degre cf fairneso blb Iar Ibebeah lspel lte - .b.&.ud - -t s -11yn 1n mnt t0 cod vol FIVI Bi B Spocial for a week h.B.Tdouw4m give a cm of Clumet Baking PowGe'1E The Model Cash Orocery& Market M. L SCOTT, Prop. Phone 307-J LibtrtyvIlle, 111. AUTO DELIVERY MNURES PROMPT SERVICE Flowers Ai£Occasions Cut Flowers: Roses, Carnations, Asters, etc. Pot Plants: (ieraniums, Coleus, Lobelias, Can- nas, Tuberous, Begonias, Cloxineas, Ferns. AT RIOIIT PRICES Meredith Flower & Vegetable Co. Libertyville. III. WIIAT'S THE USE 0F GETTING MOT becatise our town bas gone dry? We have any amount of PURE ICE Dli;vered. in any quantity at any tinte Libertyville Ice CO. Phone 41 Libertyville DANCINGI at IIERTEL'S PARK PAVILION __________ Haif Day, MI., on E-VERY SATURDAY ______NIOIIT A Good Time Assured Week.of te Year ILY 26 TO JULY 31 fTENT in LIBERTYVILLE CENTRAL PARK La Winl Speak, Sing, Play, Enter. nbratrsê tain-there wil b. much good *~WU~P'UV'FUN - MUSIC - THOUGHT R NEIGKBOBS WILL BE THEBIE R «6AM POLV' SHOULD BE THERE 11UST NOT ims A DAYr ho INCOLN CHAUT-AUQUÂS under'the auspices of "ieu, and Poesoa o 7ICKET uakes it a YOURS SEE THE BLACK SALE CARDS Lat*~ fe HOT ( J. H. and a f lune tro fer tue premeuta Vwi'ersl Henry y~ ears a lu Laie unit of entrac than el filgt te 8s. aire lau te i Egen, 1 Analersa In the Anle: aiculat tare be ASKS 0 Te tite kegan date et pieute Antieci Wauke arratng .tiociug people mgais son>' t te bot TERBI Fin STOCI Sixty1 Bar, Ha certain barna a iloll1ara, James 1 There connect4 operNng. the ine vicutt' lte villa Laie Zu lte acea prelectia aeanbyt laite del flames b ro>' tus andal al i underLIl There barnu bu rnablng lar the mas 60 sidie ut alo. ex threebin begia thi "ames The b Compea ln the wbetl apoStani boy or i or a Pt la iunei depurtin ed enta bave ta liames. FIVE Nol TI ufflu" PHONE 10 OUT OF TOWN ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. BEN H UR FLOU . 1