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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Jul 1914, p. 10

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1%" M- q 5511 IwoOONBRINK. OF ITIRNITY; MIE SAVED BY FRIENDS NU DeSbaye and Irene Milti- more Alrlot Drowned at Waulcegan Beach. t MÉORI(OVER MAN AN HOUR. FaWn Hope at Fira-t That He Would Be Saved-He Talks of Accident Later. 8TATIMENT OF A MAN WI40 WAS ON TH£BRIN4K 0F ETSRNITY (By AI Da8hnye.) «'I ws tying te tu" hMllsa Mil-. tierstes wim. 8 hi mt ber et the basai, W. wa*iei Into à hos. *W4qUlllYandUtha* -thlngI, kos,.sh ad *a e $ MY uick- us e M ~ ouhm"s 1 . I ,ed te pet fret. te mv. bar bacause I amn a fairwimmer. but ah* had hold of oie ao 1 was bales and sth&b lent 1Imresila thut 1 went down. lliseno&l thlng 1remembehai ast wlas I volts up nt 6:15 ln the hospital.3 ýft toeght me à Ilague. In thb. Mw "-i~5P net tay tb be&ch any 3 one bhm te - ivisaThey oadoE au 1 did-ham themmaives. ffWbsre dd atiuy vert on mot Wag lto" th* utmd (Meuwons bld It vans enth is. pat horsiho vas leg aUme vIVad.) 4DM tsy une the issagmoter on mat Nov d4w i selWas i breathn &Uilhti. nt? "Wall, juselthe ti peoplea tut ras t nefisU.an that 1 von'lgo I.le imlagaggmia vary aoon- 1ue Jhai tnsugh% fer the prenantl et Imma for Iis yim." Thse qulok thougit mnd baveny of tbq» mm oand ithe effective verk o! affllal reaseitlation by auotisan assaiofimma stee h d boaeauca- rigi d acaelcous trou tisa vatr, Mandua ftanoamaodt h. lits of AI DaSismye, s bartoodor employai t lthe llalsberg seloos on Gee.. atUmM e n Water atreol. Waukuma, vbo.. vitlt 4 jouaff lady friend. Mias ilrmilmtimre. 204 South Gene.. stoýge valisai ata a hoie Kt tisa Mail. am skureat boch sud vap ouguifeil for a ime lla Me valet The-yonsg vouino revivai Imuedi- aaly mte ite ah as taén f nom tise nem but Mlx mve i for nomrly aoan isoerather van emvlnosit lls0$DWhayavouli ravive. He vas lhaï. ramovai ta tise Jane MAlistar isautsL Peur Yeauagmen loapiinta tise va- ter te a."lise usa ithout removing lisaIs iotitg. Delibayeansd the yovng lay bad goue ta tise beach early lu lise sitor- noom.DeSisaye. ila ai. ita ev boy to mwlu. Tihecouple mm t«ranov- boat sud rovedbtbishesortis bosch visana tisay euinei mvasaibourga lithng. Thon they retmuei to th barbor sud docided ta enter the valet et tisa Maffison Strot béasis. TheYý bai ba-ey ontered lise vater vhen. hand-in baud, the coupla tartai ta vaiS outwsni from phoro. Tboy wero mil alone at, the beach. They lntended walinig until the va- t9r came uP ta tisein ohmn. Thoy hid, valked about 100 yards frm o ao and wvoene oar a pint evan vitis the1 sprlnging board on theo batig pler. Sudiouiy tise graund dropped benoilis Iheîn fot sud tbey reslisod lisoy veno mepping ino a bale. Tisey tried bo acrambie bacis but Iboir attempts vere unsuccessini Mies Millimono acreato- si ion heip. Bhe vas excitai but man- Md ita keap ben isami above the va- ton. She couli feal lise Young usýn sgllpptng avay finc hon-aise knov tn baaunk m lis te isole. Bis croai-i eda tishe tap af bet vocs. Aflen the vatet bail elosail over ben caupaulon she cotiuuei caing ion blp. Wa" Fl ushas 10 Aid. C&resos Wstaoi. auothet baliser ai tis. beach. vas sit*.g on thse bating Pl.i. He leapadint hal ie vater aud saasutarad thons. Tise sermgna for1 b*li vontbhud by s group o! Young uenomatei ln an automoble noir tise bocat lvery. They ran out on tise Plat. Rasllli thIe poallion o! tise Ich% tour cetlise young men. Lac Brai- imY, BDUY MeMaison. Arhur Litho a"mIkbUiuY" Mean, .leapeil into the vaaoeffS mtise pien visthremov- las thlais elothing. ?isa-group saato thie assistance « lrb"use Wta, vho vas attorupliug to keS. (ëIgi-t'aod aboya the va- lt LmsBribery assted tise Young letetise -pies-. Thoen il hacame ism ovi1thea reefftre Iat tisaeevas absa »la the vater. Confflctlng aotnes sa tla s ta visisavod the tt. itout Uil lauituovu timt Clarence Wb i dos fW Debisansdva *@MW" tâ,k«iag htm sbire thaev 1* W u fld bt aisd Me- GruAu. IgM matsor a*tarNichoas ~Kg~rçure bM TÀwCOU= V EfitPIsFuNsDE-î. IDTfAV .T3TJL 31.1914. and ausitli ln tovlug the rMauMt snd resoued te oMpoa DeShaye had beau under the water'about four min- utes. Start Resuacitittion Work. lmmediately aft tiste uncausciaus form of tise victim vau pisced on tise per the vans of reasdtation was ataated, Fiva -or MiR men atar-ed itta tisa work is il a vim, ualug tisa o-1 gashiened methois of reusctatian.1 The wanS of revivitagtise man wu 1 directed by Capt. Davouport sud Emil Tevea, lightisouga keffans, who uaed4 tiseir experlencea galnod ta tbeir 401 or more yoara of saarvioo about tisa1 Great Laites toa maint hemin theb. s- uscitalion vans. Dr. Hooffuer also assisted Iu dirocttag tise vont. The man vas rallod oer a barrai until al af the water vas forcod front bis stomacis, Thon artificial respi', ilion followed. For uearly au hour1 tise men vax-ted beinre DeBbaye open- ed hig eyea.1 la tise eatime the LArson & 311-4 land ambsulance arrived with a lung-1 motar wilch was isaid lu rasdlness.1 Dr. Danlels visa iad aloo beau aum-i moned. assisted lu roviving tise Youngi man. After DeShaye vas brougist ta coaaciouanaaa ho as placad ta tise1 amnbulanceansd remaod ta tise hospi- ta. Throughout the vont ai revl.ving the1 young mai Misa Miltmore stood by and watchad tise proceedings. The Yaung lady, deupite bar trying «peri-1 oe, appasrad COOL.1 Allai thoroughly revving irom tise effecta a! the experienco tise Young man left the haspital for is borne ta- day. W1IEIEWMRETUE, LU EPMtS!VER ON'SUA W'SBOAT? Revlation That But One Lite Presover Was un Buring Launeh at Fox Lake. GOVI. IS TO INVESTIGATAE. Tise burnntg aitise Shaw launci on Fox laoo tearir Satetday mornIng, and thea subsaqutat uarrov escape ai tise ive occupants. two yonug meu sud titea Young vomon, due ta the ftat tIhas-. waubut ana lita pro- sa'Vor o04thseboast, may result in thie govem~ment takiug action against èSbW IfOr faitune te coanplY with thse gOy1arumont law partaiuing ta main- lAinâtpreservera on bhasumeon sncb iakes as Fox laite. Irx akei, It la necaliod, many moutis amsasas vlated by Inspectera vhiiaus tha ultimatum tisaI hasts vhicis carriod' people muntiha ftted witispreservets sufflaug ta provîde oua for each persan who coulds b. accomodated ta tiseboast, lu ather vorde,ý a five passeuger hoast must bave ive prasarvera, snd so on. la the Shaw boat, as Il developed visen tise fve Young people leaped tioo thea vater, tisera vas but one pro- serer sud tisa Yaung vomffi, witb Sisaw'a iseip, mausgod to iseep aflaat vlh tliat as a protectar. But, tise law ta said to bave beet overlooked Lm. the malter o! tise nom- ber of preservers, liseno<ore il n ansd -tbe sopo nîs ta therarodbs brlng a goverumeat agent ta tise laite Iutely obscure tise sigist ai trains ap- aI once not offly tu set visy tise Siavs isad but ana preserver ltasuch a large boat but ilota susa ta otiser hoats ou tbe laite are aquipped vils tise preservera lu compliauce wvl thIe lav. Tise isvilao sys that tise pre- servons Imust beho iady sud easy o! adjustueut ta Ithe bodies o! tise accu-i pantIs. OliesrViolat. the Law. Itlai openiy sdmittod at Fox liata tisaItiser. are many boat@tavsci car- ry passengena visicis are ual fit vils premanvur vhicls vould provi de one for oais persan visa migist ride lu tise hoat. Tisat blng tise case tisera. la ample chasat fn lb.einspectera te5 deana a change at oance sud iii casesz visa n ure afi hasts pnevioualy ba beaivarnnai. Il la snid arrvds aud Prosecutlons may iollov. As a ne. suit a! tisa reorat visicireaoisei Fox bako Bunday tisat sucis a step migbe bo takan by tise sovoriment. ttro bas heen s noliceable murylsa et hoat ovuers ta gel mono prasonvens on tiai crail. Capi. A. T. Raseanad vii. ami daushtern ave arrved (fran PaàS Be"ch, I&, for a vîil tc, relatives. CapI. Rosa la a cousin of tornne g lisor Buck. Be bas bsea onsae B lu hoast building at Palm Beach ohms &lesving Waukegau. Bmrna !urtfa ; years ago. ThIis ttiet1Ulme bis P, wl!e bai; heen back since tisey movod e away. Capt. Rose uned ta ho employ- ai tai local hbast buiding circles. Asa v a aide Issue ho le gravlug fruit and ha la i5isplmylug sorna intareatlng am- apies o! apacial Intoi ruit vbIcb b, proacing" Third Accident ln Week. ..I u nderstood Ibis la tise tisird ac- ciee bta.as occunred a* tise ia- viols crosalng wîthin a week, A movernent sisold be istartpd MONIIAY EENIN (COUtiuued from page one) the empiay of Mr. Worcester for more tha" tbtY YeUs. lHe was« brougbt from the comp.nY's lumber camps af- ter manY Yearo of service ta be a chauffeur for Mr. Worcester. He was taatructed ta hold blinself subject ta Mr. BowrirËgs orders lu the absence of Mr. Worcester, wbo went east lest week. "D&ddY'e "R.turn Awalted. Maaday afternoon Terts gai the cail ,for the machine from Mr. Bowriag aBd took out thse car fron the Worces- tei garage ai 1323 North State 8treet. 3Mrs. Amella Tertsansd ber daugh. toi'. Reginia, were awalting the returu Of "daddY" wheu a reporter called at thefr home lu thse rosi 0f the Worces- ter reaidence. After a moment, ln wbich tears wore thfestened, they bore Up and aid theY wOUld try ta ho calm. Mr. Millet je a son of the late H. H.C. Miller, wha *as a Chicago Isw- yor e! wlde prominence. Mr. Miller * uifered fracture of tbree ribe snd a scalp wauud. Coroner Telle Plans. Dr. J. L. TaYlor, coroner or Lakte Couuty. saad ho wbuld vislit the under- taklng establishment at Lake0 Forest ,wbere thse bOdies were takon, impanel a Jury and then adjourn ta await gthering o! mare evidebce. lie de- ciared that ho knew nOtblng of the crosatag 'where the sccldent 1001< place. "ProbabiY the case willl h con- tlnued untili i ilnd out how thase wbo were injured are gettlrgsang,' he said. "I understand that some were pretty seriously hurt. "I do ual know the exact condition of the croaaing at Rav-ji". 1 am or tho Impression, hawever. that the crossing was by no menus a danger. Oua One if automobilists or others used commuon care."1 Passenger Telle $tory. JJ.Mitchell, a publie socountant ta the Harris Trust Building, living ta Lakse Bluff, wasa passenger on the Northwestern express. 'We had tapPed at Evanston and wero proceedtag north at s hlgh gpee« iwlsn I feit a distinct jar snd real- lzed that the train had bit somethtag. "We went a full clty blocks before ooring ta a stop. i expected ta néea notanthtag pretty bad. but was unpre- pari for what 1 found. "On the cowcatcber ai the engine, intanulngled with parts of the auto» mobile, were the bodies o! four per- SOIaS, aU O wbom were crushed W. yond recognition. "Parts o! the machine were scat- tered around a big radius. I talkod ta one af the men, wba said bis tiame wss Miller, but ho was dazed and was unable ta tell me auythtag oi- cept ibat he was no, ba*ly injured. There waa a waman, taO, whose omie 1 could not learn. Sbe did no acr ta bc badiy Injured. I guese they are the only unes of the party wha will live. "The crossing la a dargerous one. Il bas no guard at nlgbt and there are no gates. The Milwaukee Electri<: ltoad is wthln fifty feet. running parallel. The Ravinia Park station HON. FRED L. KATCH ANNOUNCEMWENT. At the earuest request o! MY rnany Progressive fionda, visa bave vils- out any solicitatîan an rny part circu- lalci petitians ta place My narne an tise isnlmary ballot as a candidate foi tise legisiaturo on tise Progressive ticket. 1 bereby annouisc tisaI I am a candidate for lise Progressive nom- ination for member «f tise General As- sembiy o! Illinois !rom this, tise ltighth Sf-natorial district, somlrisitlg tise counîles of Lake, Mclenry snd l3oone. Resiuience. Antiocb, Lakte touuty. P'. 0. Sjsrie.g Grave. Illinis. Suri P OflIkfIdd ot hie ioiaDis-. CAND1UA7% v*" trict (Lake, Mcllenry and Boone ('ounties). Subject to COUNTY, CLEP1K th, t alei'sion of the' Republi- subi çltdto th . a m Primaries, to be held eu au 1pIhe tef ti September 9th. li"rber I wil appreciate ypur sup- port5 ma M-- L.P£UL JL£n 4PdUàLq___9_M___________,_UJ______£9_Je_'X IN DEUWS LAKE thea latter pracess would ho imslirtfe thse track usualiy la bigbar than theO roadway. and automobiles and drlvesg have to le up s conslderable incItis ta gel acras the tratks. There sbould ,lseJI oday whatever lu starting Ibis mnovemeat.11 MORBIO CROWD AFTER VALUAËLES KNOCKED FROM VICTIMS' BODIES. Growsomeness was piciured along the North Western rlgbt o! way at Ravinia today when dozena of per- saons wore seen walkiug uP and down the trac's along tihe point where the auto as struck Mnday evening by the llmited train. Tisoy were there lu hopes ai flnding someora the rings or other valuables1 whicb they expected mlght have been knackod off -the persans af some o! the aight occupants of tbe big auto. Thea Peuple were ail wealthy and the conclusion la tbat the terrible shocis llikely kiStcked off their valuabloa-aso, the morbid crowd isopi walkiug up1 and down thîe Iracks. Iooking ln the weeda &long the ditch snd on the tracs proper. So far as knowu, no-1 thing o! value was round.i It la atated tbat. onday night wbenE the eugiep stopped after hltting the9 auto, the auto 1tself hung right on the front of the englue. Sealed ta the car was one dead man and one InJurod woman. Anotber woman, who1 ws doad, at uprigbt on the cow- catcher o! the engire. BULL MOOSE1 OR1 PROGRESSIVE CANDIDATE FOR I.EGISLATURE I bereby announce myseli a candi. date for nomination for Reprenentatlyo ln tisa Lower Hause ai tise Gmeral Assemhiy. subject ta the declalan of tbe Repuhlcan valets oi tise Elgisti District, con$stlng ai the Counties oi Laise, Mcffenry and Boone, aithtis prl- maries ta o iseld Stepember 9, 1914. If namlnated and electod i Ibsl vote for and favar: 1. A constilulionsî convention, ta tise end tisatishe state may have: (s) A mort ade<îuate and mod- ern revenue iaw. <b) A sisorter ballot lu ciect- ions. lc; Ais en(] tbinluorlly rei)- resentation lnsthie Assergbly, and tihe (3) vote eyaltem. (d; A restrictiorsnîson tise psower of tise City or Chicago lu tise Legissature, sud a greater useasure o! home rule for tise City o!ftChicago. (e) Ais (asier uîcliod o! amendisg tise constitution tlsau us>v provlded for. (f) Our constitution sisouid he otiierwise moderuszed lu variouge isarticulare. 2. 1Iëlial vote ansd work for au eifeelive Couîsty Local Option Law. as tise resulîsa!ftise Townshbip Law show plily tbat tise COUNTY sauid ho tise unit ln voting au tise saloon question. 3. I1sisalfavor. as i always have favorred, sucis legilaiton as prolects tise dairy farmer. and I shahl endeavor ta secure %uch a setîlotont holvieen the Stale Board ai Hoiantssd lis. Chi- cago Board o! Healtis and tise dalry intereats sea tisIbots ittroata can live. 4. In the Hanse, 1 shall laver tise culling down ai the. standing commit- tees to slxty-elght ta tifleen lu nuto- bor, and make lionaIl.. workiig corn- mitteos; sud shall laver the dolug away wils ail rmIes tisaI prevent bise House. by a majority, !rom acting ai any lime as tise naJarily of lise Housti Osee fit. A steuograpbic record o! overythlog ssii sud douan heocis House o! tisa Legisinture sbouid ho laiton and rad@ a part o! eacis day'rs pninted Journal, &nd given tise vldoat circulation sud publcity. VonT reepectfulIy, EDWABD D. SHURTLEMT 1 ed m If lt A h.. bea double da,..... ,swsajsaa. a s.,n as.'. ~m Ls55II5lii wjmw~IRluu1-vr rLuvvmu eu< M ri oj ea(lul rw.UIIATH IL ATAGE F 82 11ev. Mr. Sweetlsnd, who vas ual AC ILA GEO 2 far off, saw the predicameut ai the Pair and ho started for Ihom as fast Jamos Patterson, ownrorfaitIb as possible. Ho mnnaged ta gel hold Wiseatlaud farmin taWIIi County, sud o! Miss Chriotiansan and began got- einown ail ovor Illinoia s uIUpclo Jim- ting ber tovard sore. lu thse moan- mie," la daugerously Ili. lime, Hotchisas, rolleved ai bis bur- Hui 1uess la due ta a complication den, vas able ta tregd water sud gel o! troubles eomlug asa a result of ad- himatîf tralghteirad out suflilcient ta - vancod go. Mr'. Pattarsou n l2BSyoats isold ine above vater. lu the mean- aId. lima, Charill Hudson aud anather Ssetlt er g aailnt In5i fatawa da - t.osis _ the ~Wheatliýsd plawing match sud tise tue poople atnugglng ln the wator sud thoy rmsdo a rush ta belp them. They arrivai lu lime te asast ln gettlng Hotchisto lashore sud ualoobeîped roscuscitato Mise Cb,istianson. Unoonscious an Heur. l develope that Mie Christianson vas uncousclaus for an haur sud il vas taared for ssoelime tisaI she mlgist net regain ber seuses. Tbe men vorked over ber bard sud wltls a vire sud flnslly she hagan to show signm af if!e and liter conxplelely re- covered. Wiii Cotmnty corn conest. Esoi s become an aunuil evenu t i at dis- trict. Durntn their In!suOy ho dlrected bath tise plowlrsg match sud the corn cauteat. Annually hundreis o! farm. ors galber fram ail ovor tbe stala 10 taxse part lu tisa plovtag match. Tise Sella Flotoansd Buffalo Bill cir- eus cames tn a Wuiegau on Auzuat 27th,. liefilrsl sudonuly big tent show o! the season. I s Rev. Mr.. Sweetland of Zion City Save& Misa Christian-. son, Also of ZMon City. HOTCHKISS ALMOST DIED. Good Swimmer Endeavored to Save Woman and Almost Lost Lite in theAttempt. There was a near-drownlng at Druce*s lake Saturday in wblch a Min- Ister proved the berao! the occasion. The Neor-Vctime: Mise Chrltlanson, Mion City. Mr. H4otchkiss, ZMon City. THE HERO. The Rov. Mr'. Swotland, pastur M. E. church, ZMon City. On~ Saturday the Bible casas o! the Zion City M. E. cburcb went ta Drueo'a Laise for their annual plcnlc. Tise-oldpr foFis went iu batblng sud among tbem were M.iss Chrlstiauaan and Mr. Hotcbhtiss. The young woman got out beyond ber deptb and she sanji. Holtchkis la a good swimmer sud be made a rush for ber. He grabbed ber star she bsd gone down the second lime and began bringlng ber toward shore. Me Goes Oown Alto. Thse strain on Hotchis was suctu tbat ho soon becaino exbausted hlm- self, ll% act. ho anisand released bie bold ou the yourg vouaB. It look- Candidate for STATE RIPRESENTATIVE EIGHTH DISTRICT Subject to the decision of thc RepublicanI Primary Election, September 9, 1914J TO THIE VOTERS 0F LAKE COUNTY'-- 1 TAXE TIMI3AÂNS 0F ANNOUNCINK. 10Y CANOIDACY FOR THE NOMINTIt FOR. LOUNTY TREASURERO SUBJI3T TO TU.J DJECISJON 0OF TUE REPULIAN PRIMARY ELECTION TO BE HEL> WED,- NUSDAY. Se'PTEUB-queT1 .IWILL NMT BE ABLE TO CALL PERSONALLY UPON ALL M FRIUNDS AND ArCaUMNTÂNCES. DURING THE CAMIOiN. AND WULL P- PeCI4TE, ANY ASSISTANCE YOU FEL JUSTIFIE!) IN <ilVIN(i ME. LUE McDONOU(ili di p el Th. Sut sur son ut eral s ordin; ve nt5e or Ils, ho th night tis fui .l1 i lic ut ern l Jois lis" M lage. 1 1ing. vs first C place itou Im 1 m

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