the éIe lsIantog, Do let ien .1,0 mien ts.klng a wback et Lb. plil aud Lth- mîlt was eigt bits and esven'runs wbîcb praved to be an ample suffilclency hnt juet for tbesuiate of gaad mensure vs put over two more lu the fourtb. Aler that the hoys resled so as ta be able tu inlly enjoy the heeflug af tbe Oak Park hunch and believe tos, there sas plenty oi it on tep for it ,terted wllb the tiret bail and îbey wore still et It ben tbey ieft the groundm. Rudy wss jueit a lîttie suld at timesa"a in two rounds the visitor ai-sbedcances to score but a few prop)erl.v pieç-ed spitteresud erroriems teldiug iept the rutiers from the markiîg statioîn util the wiudui o! tlhe nintii. 'ITe score: A rea Ait it H P A E Kiligge. t lb.......... . 2 3 10 0 01 Davis, 2b,............. 4 1 2 3î 0 4) T. Dorfler,ce-..... 4 1 113 2 O R. Dorfier, p........... . 2 :1 t 2 0) J. Dordier, 11, .;.... .1 >01t0 4 (t 0. King, cf-.......... 5 I t 1 '0t> 0 Morris,eoe...............I l1t) 2 O H. KingIf ............ -e1 I1to i) 0 ýweu rf............ 2 1 0 0 By T. F. SWAN Correspondent sud Agent'mS ;Udîo-l'rice right 0. A. Watensand S. J. l'ropley made a husines.,.trip to (hi.eago Tuesdev. L. E. Harden se,.t the week-endaut ie homne in.&tocb. Mi-. Wîl Pntnen and fanîlly of Texas, are viiting witb Mr. and Mri. Ed Cqudry. lire. 8. A. Krainer speutthie hast week witit ber bns..rber. John Kiverand tamily At B4ockfoFdý is. ClareÏ Vantloru and daughter Grace of Palatine, vsited thie week with relative.sud friendse besand et Ivsnhoe. The infant 9auof Mr. and IMs. W. A. Shaw bas hs.n serlously 111 witb pneu monis but et preest writing hie coudi. ti95 la greatly luiproved. PIiiik dronhhite, a former resident ni this place, Who le now locatea et Wiikeneburg, Pa., was lu town tin, finsi af the week renewing old ecquatntees.1 10>27 1Q 0 240 M. aud Mrs. John Knigge sud Lrs.Àres .. ..........1 7 0 2 O ô O ô x-~10 'Oa Park ..... 00 00 0 00 02- 2 R. Vosiker spet Suuday with relatives Suminary: Three base bits, R.Dortier; ln Palatine. Iso baie bits, R. Domler, J. Darfler; Mr. and M ru, lieu Brodbead sud iaifily arit1e bits, Davis,. T. Darfder; struck- oi Pullman, visited several days this out by Dardler 13, by Banlev 75; hase on yack at dis home of Ben Brodbesd, S'. halls, off Dorher 9, Off HanleY 1; leit ou M. and Mms. S. L. Tripp ententained bagse, Are& 9, Oak Park 7. the iolloving relatives@ lest sesi: M. Nete« sud MUn. . A. Tripp of Herringtou, Thirteen men set duowu ou stnike@ loks Kans.. and Mre. R. A. Butchins ofi hie same pitchIng dont you thin? Manuhattan, Kuns. Mr. snd Mre. TrIpp And only Lso balle bit ta the outfield with theirg<feste, acompanied by Mdrs. Iu ine nunge looa ie uocme mare W. L Hutchins of Gienview, ver. good tvirling. Obleaga visitors lait Wedniay sud Kni«gge sud R. DTorfer were the batting nitssssd e performanceoS 'Daddy stars, each getting tbree clean sailape. lfgs" at the Palace. The visitais hait H. Des aud T. De but Lest Satundsy evemmng a uumber of jndgiug tram their senseleei ickiug pou ssnal mail carriers met ait the local post- maeel couldn't sxpect them ta have an office La affect s caunty organizsan oft1.Des thaàt brauci fth ie postal service. Ths aiofa the orgelstlou i Loward Lhe True ta iorm the baye kuoeked the ttoruent of rosi daai ofte service la oppoinr piteber ont lu the second but the pastron&. ho vas the auly ans Lbey b.d se he bail Mn. and Mn.. J. B. Apnsloy, Mn, sud ta stick. UMs.eorgs Rase and sou Apusiey. @pet The put out@ on aur asue ail vent ta Bunday t tbe J. J. Rouie home woit ai thres places. cstcher, tiret and second town. xcepI Lthe luclky ose ta T. De. kuaced _______________tleLb.int1field lu Lb. second. *ASI SALI.. Thoe is ow no daubt ai tb. tact thst In ose ai tb. exhbihtions ai Rudy ha. conme huit, uaLpart ai tho pltcblng titbba eu se u vsy but ail te way sud tse ssp ho tu easy moonas, loiy ltse camohack kid bai Lb. btter. looking foolleh sure did llet Osk Park dova slit uone lonely remln u anfai ad "res. bis Snuday sud cama vîthin sunae Jo. Damler played bis beat <smeofaithe of eiethilsgas ew record in local pean fiuuday. Be bai but four chance, .bse " but titey vire ail bard anesud fho TUh."0aIscore wai 10 La 2 sud te baudled thom al pefetiy. v1WtorBsebould st havre aored aail&H NazI fuaday va play Lb. Graplsie bai Lb.eoaly bit mi. by Lhom been teSain urgrounde sud lt bideaairn ta ntoisasi hismore spesdilly. Faoriho s gond g<sme fan the boys front the sigit m&bd Lwo-Lblnde lanluge Rudy held sortit thini enougit ai ther chance@ to Oak Park wlthout slloilg aeuo a sean put up s pures ou tbsheui te. bit sud vîti twIo davu lu Lb. inth it looked mai titugit suothor no-bit. na-rin PROGRSSIVE CAN'DIDATE FOR gameb hic uugup lu Lb. bal ai LEGISLATURE. fansé but Rudy got just a little careleis ANNOUNCEMENT. vlta theo mt ail but secomplisbed sud Aitte earnest requent cf My many the beasa ers spllld. ft bsppen.d progressive 1ienàs, who have sîthout thuely: Wtb twa out in tbe aforesai I any soetatlon an My part clrcuatei "iat Murphy vwu glven s wsi au tbrée> petitions to place my name on te vii ane, u'by titis hargalu tunt vsnjirimary ballot as a candidate for te ksovw Dot, sud Tommy Des vas the net legllature on the progressive ticket, Mm up. figbi bor" l4 aur came- 1 bereby aunounce that 1 am a candi. back boy sbSuld bava resiluasLtt tht. date far the progressive nomination aman. ToiMmy wvas'th ou), ev------g-for memiar of te General Aesembly athieto tat bie bit a bail out ai the of Illnois front this, the Elghth Sere Ilel ail dey sud given hlm theahasinl atonial District. comtprtsng the coun. stock but ho did't sud 1Doe poled one to îles of Lake. Mi-Henry sud Bonne. short nlgt center for the bt tbaî spoliai F. L. HATCH, the record. Spring Grove, 111. Tlh. home baye put the reoult beyaud tb. poeaiblhîîy ai doubt rigbt off the reul SUNOAY SOHOOL PIONIO and aller tae second round everyhady The Lo)ng Grovs Suudsy echool sili vas vorklng ta belp make the record. hoid Ibeir anuusiplcictelu Msyer'@ Grave Knbwg firt up came tbroutb vlth s ou Sundsy, Aug. 2nd. A timlhg pond bit, veut to second on s short patauedSud other amusements viii b. oftered. bal sud acorsi ounItudy's tsa bsgger. Came eariy and brtug your tieuds. The. bainshail aifLbthecond spaam wvS.Evrybody luvited. c-44-2 F s 9. L.. Tn-lpp. Pnssidsnt. R. F. Rloute Vice Prosadent. Irving E. Payne, Cathier. Mr. sud Mis Clair Smart have return. ed trom tbeir bonseymoon trip to Moroc- i-o, Indians. w. J. Howeil of Austin vi@ited rela- tives bere Tburaday. Mra. A. Rbelnurom of t3htcego wuas business and pleasure caller here Thurs- dey. Mre. orge Crok-er and two littie cblidren of Austin are visiting relative@ tiere this week. lir. George Cleveland and dajugbter of C3hicago are viîsiting the former'@ par- ente, Mr. sud Mie IR. C. Hliggins, this week. Mre. Albert J. Gould, wbo resn-tly u- derwent an operatlon et the Jane Hi-Ai- ister hoopiWa, Waukegan, le reported as daini niceil'. The Jufiliot- Choir of the Prebyterlari church hsd a picule ln the CaseY woode north0f towu Tuesda..Inder the guid- aes aator and Mrs. H. M. Aliburt, the youngetersesnjoyed a grEat day. lire. W. F. Ziegler, Isr. Chase Webb, Mise Ollie Tiffany, ail of Antiorh, accomi- penied hy Mis Cleworth of Duluth. came bere ta attend Utcet3heutauqua ()à Wednesday alternoon and were go nîuuh taken up with it tbat they remaileed for the evening performance. The Antlecb delegatloii was iurther augmented bY tie arrivai lu the evening oF Mr., Ziegler, Mr. and Mrs. D.. A. WXilliam and several 1others whose names we could Dat learu. Sonýe of thein promisedj to corne agrein Thîîreday snd no dout a larger nuniber wmll actompany theni. Brooks Symphony Orchestra, whieh 1gave a continuonsq performance tvith the exception of about a hall biout, irom 1:45 ta 10:30 o'clock \tedneqdaY night rat tne Chautanqan, drew the largeet crowd that bliaeu l i teut any day or nialit sunce the opeuiog. It ljesstim- ated that fuliy 1,000 pereona wsre in et- tendance, the vast thrang going wiid wlth enthusiamem aelection atter sesec- tlon oi ths moet inarvelous musiceer heard la Lihertyvlle wae given. The epeaker, who wae veny bnilliaul, was acorded the heertisat applanse he ba@ ever reoived during tb. seven years ot bis eunseian wlth Cbautauqtae, as he himeeli informed the andience. Wednes- day nigbt's program en desply lmpresoed the vsaits.eibly thst even a maeter crowd was ezpected for Thuraday and Prlday. Mont everyous here la esnding invitations by letten and teisphonus ta relative.sand friends lu distant cîtise sud uearby towne to carne for at ist uns ofthei remalning days of Cbautau. qua. aud Wsdnesday's throng shawed D bht many wers re.pondlng ta the lunvit- ation. Mare sests bave beau eddetl ev- ery day t a etcmmodata the inereaelue crowde. WDMOND LAKEJ Henry Kane sud femtlp spent Suniep et Laks Format. Fera Sehioder le quitm ick sth chicken Pol. Mns. Cou Riuebak of St. Louis, le the guest of Mme. OsI. The Cemetery encety silf meet wIth Mrs. J. White" et Libertsville, Tituns- day elternoon, Aug. 6th. Mr. sud Mm-s. Oea. MIteellSud Miss Luelia vers Chicago vietors lest seek. Thcy alaa sjyei a faite trip t Mîchi- gau City sud speut a couple af dape et Starvetl Rock, Ili. Bl. KuhI sud lamily acr-ompauied them. Mn. Donnaàhum-sî, pratessîonai tango daucer, sud @luter of Chicago, vers gueste at W m. Gerber'@ lest yack. Mr@. A. Lossi sas s Chcago viitar fat seei. MisesMethe LubrmnuoaiChcago, is ependiiug evera sooeiat Mm.Einsmsn's. lira. E. Sebrader and chihirsu attenisi a blrtbday penty et E. gawseb's et Rondont, Tueeday. Mre. Helen OsI snd son John ai PiedmaontàMo., arrived lait seekfor su oxteuisi viit et B. P. Bartlett's. Miss Auna Loweh ai Chieago, te @pend. mug bsn vacation et.A. Lawel's. (ues et E. Scbroder, Sundap vers: Emil Sawuech sud family ai Randiat, sud Mn. Cross and tamilhy aofiivervlew. A. Kuopi sud ismllp ai Camp May- wood @peut Suudap at Fox Laie. Mn. aud Mrs. Edlidtebell aud Miss Cairn aI Chicago, spent Suudap ai Oso. Mitebel's. Mr; and lire. Maxvell of Mapvoad, sm-e spending a tes dayâ at Camp May- vood. FORT MIL 1 Artbur Stastord and doster woen Chi- caga vi@Mtrs Frlday.* ie. Bert Paddock te entst.loulng compauy tram Ourses sud Waukegau. Mir. and dMré. Ray Paddock aud son Robert, M. B. Ramoe sud dsugbtsr Zella ver. lu Waukegau Itrotlb. yack. The Inde»eudm lue aa QUaIftY-Boyd'a Studia-Prîce rlgbl. Mdss Vers Biy of Chicago, vas the guet oai@@isalue Eseton lest week. Miss§ Mrgaret Vedder le atteudilg the Cheuteuqua st Llberty ville this wesi. Mise Bênice Tucker of Highland ParW, wbé tbe -Week* end guet of Miss Ruth Llgerwaad. Miss Irsue lMacadie of Chicago, le vilit.> iug brise Eleanor Meyer thioi weei. Mr. sud Mis. Emil Fredericke sud iso s o iArliugtou Hieights, sers the1 Suuday guesta oi Mr. and Mrs. C. W . Pettîs. Mr@. Thomas Whting of wiunepeg, Canadla, la vlsiting ut the borne ai W. A. Whting. Mrs. Alrick or Chicago, was tb@ <neet o! Miss Lincoin Pet lis a few daye thîs week. Mr. and lire. Sainuo!l Pritecbandi dsughter ai Marlou, Ohio, are vliting relatives bare. MMs.Paige of Chicago, was e e esi- sud guffatofflber mot iier, lins. Curae. Mr. sud Mis. Win. ýtryker sud dsitgb. ter of Barringtou, Miss Miaule Scbsingie and uePhew, John MIaLDonald eere the Baturday gueets of Mr. and lMr@. Wm. Si-bile. lire. . H. Eresse etertained aet s dinuer Monday ecel.îug in houer of Mrs. T. Whiting of Wnc.g aea Weanesday atterrnoonti nesgirls Rv piçnic supper in houeor o! MMSs Irons Macadie. Mre. Ed Bleimebl lan,13s ber gueet this! week Mies 8araii Deitsi or Weukegsn. Mies Amine Roclîet-îscb je visiting lier cousin, Mise Joaseprîlu)e Catlowof iBar- rnugtau. Mire. largon of Chicago, je the guet ai Mm-e. Bert Easton Ibis week. 1Ms. Oo.Gocodîmanule eterteiblng relatives tram Chicago this we. Mr. sud Mr». Clide Hath fbair as their guudsy guests lMr. sud LMre. Hsrry Clark, Mr@. Jas. Macadie, Mms. J. p. Hatch and Elmer Hatch oi Chicago. The Mdu Sîgma Chi sers entertainecl Frld&Y eveniug hy Missâes Marle sud Ruth Krsss. Mn. sud Mr@. T. L. Kua are spend. lng tire week at Fox Laie. Miss Mabel Estou tramt Dowuers Grave, hms been vietiug Iie M&b Sebaffer. Mn@..Oliver Biîîchlng sud ms ot Msnbtta. Kanmas, bave been vlsitîug1 Um Mabel Scbefier. At the Deerlisid Towship guuday fiebool Convention vbicb vse eliat the Narth End M. F. ch ureb lu Highland Park, Sunday alternoas. ton members li the Preshyterian Bible fichoal sud six front the United Evsugelical church serel delegates. Miss Irens Backeubath sas ans of the speakers. Mr. and lire. John A. Relceet sud chiliren are vieting Mn. and lire. Jullus Reicheit et Font Madison lowa. Mir. and krs. M. Wiuksi aunounethe hirib oie sou, Tbeudoie Carl, Manday, July 218t. Mir. and Mrs. W. easy have lait for s tbree menths trip througb Europe. Misses Cathryue sud Marie Bull oi Crystal Lake, are the gueste of Mises Rtuth sud Elizabetht Relebeit. Mn. Barley of Waahiugtan, tg the guest 0i Mr. rsemeil. Five reels of spleudid moviug pictures sers gîven in the echoal bouges Friday eveniuig. One wae s fins colored ans sbhowiug the lite ai Quesu Elizabsth sith the elaborats court costumes oi ber ime. The nexI show wiliih beied two wesis irom the lest ans. 1'riday eveniug, Aug. 7.1 An urgent pies is maie by the directoire for e larger setendauce et these excellent entertainnmeute. Mir. Huhu crushied his finger lu s grlnd atone last wesi and Mr. Vaut spralned bis wrist irauklug hie automobile. A Houle Cominu Day la being planord for beerlleld on Ille day that the water sYstem i- ompletsd. Mir@. Howard af Chcaga, le the guet of lire. H. E. Moore. Miss4 Lillian Egert, Mr. Christ snd M ses, Stewart sud Kennedy of Chicago, were Sunday gueste at the homseaif red Boreaherger. TAYLOR GROVE Mir. and 39 s. Fred Lesbie spent Sun-1 day et Wadewonthr. Misq. Miii Rahliug sud chliren have returnusi ta their nomee lu Waukegau. Rollo Shea vioited bie brother Frank a t Wadsworth dnudey. Mansi irom bhersatteuded the race@ et Ideel Parki Suuday. Theresaa famlly reunion et the home ai Fred Rap Suuday, 48 chili meu being preseut. Many tram hors are plannintoasttend the plcnice at Hickory, Augusi (11h. Mlies Rissuor Cudsty bas returnedio ber hume lu Northt ObicagO alter @Pend- kIug sometLime vîit ,beir graniparenti bere. Miss Anul jeJosavisitng ber ms- ter lu Evanston. Finit National Bau" Building, Uibertyville, Ilii. 1THIS 15 THE HOME 0F The Firat National Bank -of Libertyville CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $50,000 RESOURCES OVER $300,000 W. solicit your banlung business Buy in WISCONSIN*i The Home of the Dairy Cowj ilikago liera i . u1y i 14) PLEA FOR THE TRUTtI IN LAND ADVERTISING Wciuld Have Publishers Make a Care.. fui Scrutiny for Protection of Reader,. BY MAX LOEB af Loeh-Hammssl Ralty Ca. Clean land advertising shouldeIDaiisted upan by svery r-ushepubilîsers Wbat duel t couslst <l' It ts easiar ta @&y shat it dope flot causiet af. For exampie: Namlug the elcepianalirap ieio or mrap rfsuit* ohtalued byv a few exepti.iist fçrmors sud iutimating that tihes remuIt* are the ancrage for ths given section. This le a devine sery ai isu indntgei lu and uatiig eould ho mislesdIîig. Almost suy councy or suy sectionn ia the IUnited States enu show mornefarta. ens emba bava gatten extellerît recuits sud have mode money. Titis splies shether it ho dalry larming, grelu larming. tnit farming. airchardiug or bernying. It le nî,t the e.xception that conuts it is the aven. aeansd s land nom psnv sho'iid giie the' average fig- are@seasi-smplled by the lulbted Statem cenus for the reglon lu vhich It operetes. This neeSelitp fon thevubhilcation af gaverumeut figure. applies Dot auiy ta i-nope but ais.,t,,raînfaîl, ef'iate soietc e ILe u,,t difficuit tao tain frntm the Unîitd Staheâ. goveriment llgtirew exteuditig (<cens suflicient numubprs of yosns ta have some statisqtinel value. and it lm these fti-urpssthat ebouli be givéu rSiber than an excipi louai pear. it lés aiso passible ta abtain frnt the iUnited Sttbtee gaverument or from the geologîcal departments ai the varions states Poil survsys sblch state an'bariiatlveip the ciieracten ai the sail. its adrautoges and l elencies. and the kihnd of farmlng ta whicb it le edapted. The writer bilieres dnmliy that i-Issu adrenrtipens s'ioula give the"e gaverumnent figures or et ieast refer La them aud tell their ciltomers werbensthîs suthori tatîve Information i-au he secured. lu the lest few pcare Ihore bas been a ocreat deal ofi land sesliigan very sttîall pavmnts-sa s@mal,i tact, that tbe purchaper hes practieafîr no) etakelu the land wbich he pur-hases, or et leaut Pcansiîl a etake that if he <ives it tmp hie le not Peeiiusly dam- aged. Companhes engaged in inakiîîg sales of Ibis cbarsctenshaiild acqualut their with the pro. partion af their m-utamer% sua are actually on the land a year alter thsy bave purcbasel came. Gener- aliv a deadvsilene ie meintained an titis point. Thare are e greet maur dlean. Laneet concerne in the land business, but there are aiea lagng.tumbers whose aperetlaus are veli warfhy the careful luves- tigation ni a neputable nesspaper loto whose adver- timing columuns they sesi entrauce ln lact, lu atm bel isi. an i)mplete stetemeot chauld he fiied with the nesepaper by everv laud nompsny wbù-h desines tio aivertise. Po tijat tht' newppirau protect the iu- tereets afitil readers in desling witb land comutîsies. T1bere bas been s gtreat autcry amaug land come- panles about tbe Kansas bine sky las. which re. quired a comprehensive tatement and s tri p et the compenys expeuse by s representative ai thte state tif, invetgate the land. lu the wrlter'c opinion this i- an ,-xcel!-,it lue- nid eiîuld t.e ad.îPted els.nhre. Tii-itruc lieimslite ai a nu mbhei- of i.perfs-.tmui nl detail ini the Keusasx las. As s mal ter ofa-i stacait, cii-an advertiming pays the iset. Thte cneern tiia issu--e litereture. full of gtnîe-îng promises sud higbiy cokai-ed descriptions generally doaenuir test long. Witni.» mmny -omnerus, sho for s brcie pae aif time, have fdanniohed lite the cedotro in Lebanion, sud Ilien euddenly dm-iipped iut. obliviou. Auivetlsing that p-omis s $1.000 aac wr r an land that « a bought han $5»f per acre in an the tace af ir ,îîiplpadinu, as ne mention is made <if otter factars, that eut dosmi the profit sud incrisas.lte ex. pomes. The [and buylig publiceaoli ha taugbt there-1le noa goiden febulous re-tlrD. just as thoesin no sncb re- turc irom miuing stock and ail pramotions, Ail tons cau szpect,nite@one 10 exceptianail l uky. ila ale. gitimarp, returu itmr iudistry. (Jausraliy the mnsi sho purchases ove-advertilsd uesnoes. aiter ho hanê pnmnbased it, tlmét becould <et s faimr rturu for bi§ induptrv sud dos. ual bauker ater the febuî,uls lîrofit6 that dldfile isnmds i-vs shen le firat toîght. The vniter hlilevesi that the newsppere obouid subleet the adverisntsliltsrmture oi the prospective advertiser lis a careful eciutim-. and notlile hou- i-ni-silu the' siibest dene hy the tact that a to-ot pany uses large or smaill dvertlshug space. Get a Piece of Land--- OwnaH-me of Your Own Some cf the Bargains in Northern Wisconsin Soi of ies. ferminslthea very ieland productive nitrogenouis Cob7 car baln,. Bl. 40 ti-res, 3 miles frîîm Whittlteee, e thrîViug village ou the SoHlin 'Il ay lori -ouit3; 8) avresunu- tier eultivetiou; tain buildings, 'loirbou>@ sudhem-n; wood well; senailtri-el., ail fiv--i-114 miles 10 echoal, 1 utiles t,, creariery t . miles ta î-ouuty sEut; pnice, #2400; ý cash. T'hi. plaiee Is sgreet bargain; the üisane.] land aloue is ortb $2500 ssi loatsd. B3. 80 ai-ies. 61, mules frieildord an tte main nîîad; 40 lacres uitlr cîltivatîmn; 25 acres@'if pastur,-; 15 ai-nec oftif I met; IG roaîîtraintebousee wi h goiîd î,-ilsr r narhn', god eai ai-i:al fiuced; crsek rnD thraugh if; -lieihoiîeI ..miles; Pries $3900 01t)>; !, cash. Wiln perm-sitai pnutîertv cotneîeti,' oi tew, tieresm , cows. 31 lîcîfers, and ail niai-inent. $4700.l B5. 120 acres, --, nilies seet ot Mediord ou a goci roaO; (60 acresunuden cultivi-st<î 25 acres of pasture; 3 acres tim ber; 8 rooni frame hanse vith goictel- Ian;,trame hurn, mew, 24%72; silo sud greuam-y; tac si-lis, river rune thrîîuglt place; ail fenced only $8001> V, ionu B5. 80t acres, 7 mile@ tram liediord. couuty seat ioi Taylr c-luty; on good rnd; 41> acres under cultiva- tien: 20 uîcres pasture; lalanie gond tinîber; N-rooi irame boitse eitit gond cellar; gaod condition. log biarn witn i mre bey ïshed;ail tenced; creel. through Il; god selI: scoolhotiie acrose the roas; price of iensetarin $6>S00, tdçwn. With personal vpry wltiih induie 3itorses, 12 cîws, tful lins aI machin. ery, lumber sud shingles far harn, $8800; *2500 dun. ~~jr~mNO0T LOEB-HAMMEL REALTY LVIYItAN YIC Owners & Agents. We are also the accreditecI representatives of the Soo R. R. 40W,000 acres of SOMd land. Seo offici a afuncament neat week. Local Agent, H. D. BOYD, Libertyville We're ready to take ayone te see tii.. ferime at any tune convenient to thein. Tripe made .very week. DREFERS TO VIEWS ON RELIIiON BY T11 LATE C. WINY Raferrlug ta tha laCs Judga wit« ua' religlous belle! s, te Zlin City IndepeMtent sali titis eesi: The late Judge Whitney lu an ai- dress lu Wsukegan about a year "0c sali titat ite vouli luke ta ha a mcm- gents a large i-ase of brainy, sud ber ci some chancit hat be sould large saulai men and women. He Dite te support mucb titat thte churcit- dici ln bis loueliness ai-c spiritual as stand fan, but diat ha cauli tnt pnverty, as tousands of others bave do so, bei-eus. he sauli have te <lys dons and sîlI do, because the churcit- aossant ta many thinge that he faIt es are net willilng te dut out the avili sera burtful C Cte IntdIvIduel and Ca that har oui-h greet acM noble man arganlzei society. He Rai, further- 'and voman. Think You that a luet Mure, tit Cha felt te need or fellw-an-sd mercîful Gai bas ccaslud l shlp, sud feto oonely bei-eus. thoseansd tbem ta your bell? Ntmih evls taugitt ciiiprai-ticefi by te' citurche. shut hlm out. We sympa- Iiid.emdelt., Mors raders titan aits tiie vitit Juige Whitney. He repre- COUntY vaekl.u Comllued. Oak Park An 1 ýDuff.y, 2h .............iA fi. lise, cft.............2 8tegan, a se........... 4 Pierce. lb ......... ..4 Kesny, 3b............. 4 Pnny, c ............8 Mu rphy, Ilf...........i T. Des, mf............... 4 Hauley, p ............2 Ord, Advecr M r.. W ber 0,.' i1 Powîler. Co. Mr and uiniLr o Have 3< paratioli. get tbem Drug Co. A pare. in tasu '1 Day, Aug Don t 1 Summuler flioue We Mr. r1t day sud k Oit Ho. to Lake 1 there. H Co. for lnet'alled, Ton, MI home iu 'onk, *i, Alberte dsys sit Chicag. Mrs. Ci t.rtheri Ml.. E ber home lu Minm. Mdisses Oklahoti Mr. an the c,énti Burt Sin R.fiH Chicago sud Wa, P'aul I t. P. BÊ r bt 7 p Ette Fi fur lier1 I r..1 n~e a Mr. Aile The w., etitira. A. s'. ('>rue ph-slte sprIngli u..ed Il home, SI STOI tIcket, STOI se bas everp T Beelt sel sil1 cal STOl Metter books f STOI We <ivý STO i We bal STO i good la Victiol STOI emnie. tbem. STOI r nirs ain STO. carry t STO Our fil STO, mundrit talus tl 8TO tion of goad n * The Li A Profit Shairing . Instituvtion We sharti our profitsi with our depositorri by paying tbem 3% INTEREST on Savings Deposits. 51.00 Opens en Account TIIEÏCITUZENS' BANK AM!. ILL. 1kIbhis BNO& Yor Bosaes Home.-e ý 1