LAKE COI'TY INDEPENDENT, FJIIDAY, 11-1,Y31, 1914. -'ÂRMY WORMIIAS -7/& OMf - IT LAKE COUNTY,' S9as/k WESTERNREPORT, Editedby FJ.DRUCE, PhoneIli Fremiont Township Declared toI Ordere T ken for Job Work. Be the Worst Mit of Ail the Adverîisîngarates on application.- Lake County Towns. QuaiutF1i Havis tndii-Prile rgbt. CAUSING GREAT DAMAGE.ý Mr..Wlagner ai Getne, 11i i a iiting ber s.u, Ai.t Wasgner and alrily. It Is Said Many Fields Havea Try a 1,Ybo a lIa-al 'aaîi.t Talcuna Been Ruined - Farmers PCoe. 'lcIeailtelri au Worked on Sunday. Mr anal Mra iiim. Elîrseuetertalineala Irl 1.4declareal trontein -rterr ae raîrier ot frienls train Clhiaago.i lundaY. Courity that tIre arîîy narrai las ai-r Have yun trisal tlacLatiu Toilet Pr(-- ready arrineal ra tire couraîy andl its paratiair. Thiere ha nathingbletter. Ylu ira aating effect Ira ha-mg feit greatiy gel tliem e na exalilSture Iiace on the nete. To date nattache bacc Drng Co. haen umade on the cornu lut it te fear- A paraeitfseveral eutuioihea Wera- saltIe worrns will yet cet the coan lu tasen Tueday adverlaiug Weukegau before t riperas. DaMY, Arag. tb. t la slateal in explanation cd the Don t feu ttu attend tire blg Mil-, cotantianliat tuie nortrua haie arran- Summar CGomivaI gçen iry the S. ed arnd as jroof o! the tact tbat on A naisses uildai t tise raye§lake operas luuday there were f vs hundreal self- Irouee Wealnesalay.,Aîîg. 5lli bludere et work lra Lake county lu Mr. rhelaeoru of Chica, clent Satur tlae Oat fieldls ln the effort ta get the day anal Suniday ai 0. P.erramual grain dowu ana lnIraefore the wormn Oit ioëwsoo thetow boud ofic slaëould destroy tfeictrope. OiLae Bluff to vik the %vu otratiankrs Ira remont fit IsdeclarcAl the worms thers. He lias a lilalin foc tire lîalhlrge have cra-ateal the monst havac ta date. Ca. tîîr tire ew water tank toi h.'Thare Itfles aid many fielde bave liera lustslle soo. usadeal anal uineal hy the worors al- Tnut llea au r tMededa otLsraady anal .aeme farmers bave sien de. TouaMead. Jr, let W îlrreda .loiiri real tlieywil notbohler ta tut home au Eraicanal. He mails frii:a 'Wthe aais wlricha have.liaen entera-ai y *tak, N'aedreitay, Alag (tIr. ftiinairite .1iherl.e Albright re ameiiîg a f- 5How They Work daya withl'illileaAdeia. Tîre sorirs crawlIni, tbe stalle anal Mtisa SteIla White ils-t Siraay lana-t off flic toi), maklug thteara pialue Chicagoi less exceîtlug for use as ltresl. Tht Mrs. Chis. Fenlnin let entertalnirig lier Worm le descXibeal as helng qulte sien rither fruontr ilulea- the@ week. Ilar l ira al.'andal e leta tht cabliaga- Mis@etRta Farr le&ete next week for worm It traiele ira armied, lient.' ber home lira Sattie, iija;iiug air-w da) sth name, amny worm. Tht haînt ln Minnealioias. wroraght hy the worna to date lias haen worst lni.tht casterra atates. Es- Mdisses Mraart anad Bancee 'itta-r. lîaCally ira andl aiouti Buffula lias tira seho have l'e.-u s1sdirag sc raiéei' wit. rlaive. h.r let or hei bnteinworm causda-a agreat lase ranarops. Okt lama i r l.M eua-i o.terhon- its nexa tii Impoibleaie ta lthetra Okieimales Weneala>war ci' ,,at f ieldl once tirai tlun Mr. anal lra Jîe Srmith iaolired firintvasiir heat'ý'""un tlaecn-itral çpars ofthe tir ate t' itira ror O, 'Tlt rriv ont ,rrriast, tir-'t r' mn î-d Borat Sîntb eit BaInesîlie lait s.-eit. I h-aataf-unak '-.Ia K. i. iloalrey trasma-teal fiosirilr-eIli lu t. a .ieil tei irdî naet ia a etrni Chiaego rt- r . ,ii Clira,. a rozewri Ifre Henry Ku.-ikmr vieitdaliat hhi'-ag ule d-rmîîing 1,iýiand airn rtacluirg ail Waukegar a a ica aym t'on 'r liada Parai MaBugli anda gentlemaaen rrerra (ui aroa, - I tarae 1ert niglit tire (it sp-ndirg tht e mtaitat tire , an arens n -0n înî'îîiii.' heu ta tut oatM 01'. Barran bornre. ' h anti-rn Ii.nlîn u, raite tIr'-rap fom Mie la0. Il White' ntertant,, raclira e(,ru r-, ois. leýaIu 'a ii7 p.[ni Tiesday aainîr il Mis@. 1arts(if tire staea ierrs are n arulat Et fa Fatr, w ia asc in tire neer fueia t a r î,etbh- ru,,rni itender r ha ir iectionu lu r lirh l i rear eaatflr'f tIi nreîrreof an automoile sqae n con sent outalititepha-n A. t"arhas, tIrs.e La Wagnrer atta-nalealthe fanerai tia-etartalr1atVte- culMrsPliile îf iak ar let iiraayHow fo KiliIHlm. Tlie anniunciiients itfilic seaddala fll Tîrere are nmatsv nef tatlas the Milas Emil ,iamtiAsailOakal lark, ta L.eucua unîlînucta. Prolably 'notai Mfr.AllenhMointagne oai ca-ga. arc (ot. Ilurmre sstlsfectory tîran t0 ieat bitan Tir wefihngtaak pacelet SfradatotaaIaatb with a club. But ta brrrag the et iracecburli, Oak Park. swiftest deafli 10 the grealeet nuite liar tif air. Forlies gives bha favorite Asu; riminit raft lias lia-arreitra-arcapresriptionnas afaluss ta tbe illaite'o!ftLaket Forest hitthe , Take tasin~typuntde of bra,a.on ('>rus Nlniormitk fararly. Itle a du- poirna of laciB green, anad a littii, ir- flicaef! a fiue riniiiraritraft,.mid urt il %Iixît a crurohly birai) rusal tpmlugtlitrih for ling aitîrîotîrer cota- Then o ilietenngvrth i etaent caîritrivanca-s, whrcii thefarily uýe Il th lke ff ts ak Foes ttrouliriýtaiarea. The rext day go out home "%"aldn"anald.couent tIre alea."' huant WaIten.'The army worm is a brut,- o! m' - _____ ___________ tery anal eccetrrcity. Ilias . no trana blhe at al la giîaug lnIe ta tbree gener- MEET ME WHERE? allonas lia a seasora Vet itI estreit at thse icalv uudertcranrlueal boa lie lune: Mid-Sumer Carnival Ilirougli the long, bard wlnter. The at theworm la but anc o! thtetartamorpbii t tiseforaim betweera the egg ataa a maoth. Grayalake Opera House Dry Scasons Ceuse Increase. WEDNESDAY P.M. Tht egg produces the soraciaus lar- AUGUST 5tih va, or worm, whlch affer e proper Given byverbal o! nutrition ara vegetable mat. Given byter descenda iriLo artli anal becomes The St. Ândrewe iGulld the pupe. Tfram 'auhIicappears lb. BIG DANCE AT NIGIIT dar.e grey, yellow strlpeal math. the 35cls. h producer off eggs ira vast numbers. _________________________ A succession of two or more dry ___________________________ easons encourages the ermy wornut , grealer numbers. Then corne the nai- J~~asles that lins on the arrny worni -STOP HEREIThe scentisavbae detecteda mnn STOP BEttE andlfgel your ralîrna tbem the pachria, a flyliine organfitia ticket, we bave thora on bath rosae Which iays egga on the lamva o! lhe STOP HERE~ anal leeve yonr Iaundry, Leucanla unipurrata. andl the lis mer. we have the Burlington ageucy. Goes every Tburaday anal returus Saturday. opterons parasites, whlch lay aggs lu tisaI serviceslu bawn. Pbone il anal wstlie larve. wili cati for il. The eggs Off th"e eparasites blaîr] STOP BERE anal buy your readii anal preseutly the worm auccumnba t malter, we liane the late eop.vwrigýbleal aifculties ln hie deparinment of 1hc houks andalaIl the latet rarioaicale. STOP HERE anal huy voter ton cream. Irterlor. Ws give yau tIra best ceamt anal ruite. With Us Alsesys. STOP BEllE for achoie box raf candy. "The army worm la leWtte Us al We have uraîrn varatie@ ta choose froua. ways," saatd '\r. Forbes ira Urbena la'-, STOP HERE 1l yau want ta istera ta rigbt. 'Orly aI perloals Wbeu cirnal goad music. We are sale agent@ for the lions tonduciotelifs multlpllcarton i Vicrola andalawys giedto play foryau. leoe oiehepa.0na STOP BEllE Il voit want a gond eoe oieal et ni emoke, Tht e et lraada anal many of lipoacln ra ub.-If1. ihiee. necessery for «; 'ne ai' the .ornrs tj STOP HLRE for Postal -erds. sauve- travel lta-gt fouIt then Il hecomes nrin anal peunarte,. abfraud new uine. known as tira armey norm. Tht lu STOP BERE. for yotar àtaticaaery. We Ilvl,, a r mIdo ts u t__racifer ay, anal spintuai 're bave churcla- .he evîls bIs men a Juet ned hlm much. than ait Tbe.u6 nsw *C. T. win -tw b Mlrs Elsie Book.,ed,.-la ug.12. IMr. and Mrm.N* H. ll,î' analil Chittc.ndeu anal wife ni ,t, r,. It,, Laike Geneva Sunday. Ilr.andlMmrs. aRy utî,l la tamily reunrora ai oins brotthere ai iýl,,ira.' af Fred Ray et Waeworth. î'l. Mis@ v'errisYoung fias c 'n.-ta Neb- Quality-Boyd'o Studio-Prics riglit. ifSerant pointe. Mr. and Mnm. Win. Glbrits aofCbteg'î, I lr. and Mrs. Emmeit i-ar'liI(A Trues- andal. (, <rait ai st. Louis are viitiaug d.&HWls, vioiteal their pitreins lier.' fli ai. the b(rnae af N. B. Kimbali. 1irs;toaf tbýewesk. (eo EF.SA&anfrird has returued trainu Mr. and X»a. J. W. Gra.vrreAtiocb Chicagai. sebere lie bas been spendlng the viators Sundey. paît tswrnotbs wt b ie caimer anal aili R. W. McClure and famiily çri Friday rormain cru the farm uer lere until lin aira Park. (lau, Junge, Sr.,lanexpectea borne Suri- da.y ram theGenman-Amerlcan boapitai, Chicago. wbere ha recntly underwerat an opration. lira, Pter Meyer ai Area, visilcal et lre bonms of ber daugliter, Mrs. Chas. Mason. Moray. MIr@. Arthur Front ai Chicago, la vîsit- ing et tue borna ai Mre. Wm Buson. %V. IL (ildaingo ai BelîroniIll., iwnt stiiiiay witb fri-hnda bere. A earg.' number of Waîiiiciarîl ieIile Incial a real Id lfaghioneal pi -ai. lat nortb aI hjumneslest Sunalay. (Ieson Stafford wes lie. friraiWanke- gan Sunday caIiing on aid trierais C. J. Wighttn of Gr&yelaý'. seasbere ira ,umlnewssMonday- The business men rai Round Lké have [Ha' M. Moue r a - ri m"l two or tlirse afeent ph1istlu der Sýanad Lake cottage the lefte,r frthteli î-uanadrtian ta. liitire vai-eucy 0i the %% ek. 1 praetitiuer. sho s eiorfealas bening decidard ta retura tau bis non ner location n Labertyvalie. Severel autoî lîada o! Itoosters trarar WVaukeg&e cansastaarg io! iataialteati r the cauuty ihicerostapipeil et Rouaid Laite Turesile>, adaertriarlg Waakegan day. Tire tangodacams wiilie,rua enery uther Saturday ci .-riianK mainin Deat Sturday, marne herngu der the manage- ment ot Jus. Aasanaa. The dancea wii taLc tplace ai suai every Saturday 8averai iromîauî litre udeal tle Cirat teuu1ua et Lilaartynalle tbie wecel. ivANHOE lire. (lare V'auBojruanal daughtatr lirai..-ofhPlatinae, wsre the guaste ai ira j. L. Uanaberian the tireoth ie i Sr. B. GralI.e anal tra, Ray Wells are enferlauing campanY f rom thbe citY. Tria Fremont îowushiP Sundey choal convention 'aili lie leldal t the ciuircli Suaday afiernouan. Arag nd. Lester Seipleio @te nding a week sifl tire liliiu boys anal caliarg on atlier firîtda I iratlaavîctnty. ten. Cararne and al !iy are nliting relarua -aira tbe central part of tire state. Cîuud Silr nulWaulkegen, apent Thuredey at the' hume (Ifbils uncie. Franit Stritir B. Cý Payne anal Johin Sheplicra are e servinag innjury thie week. e qiite a nuiler rain liere ara attend- u ing the Uliuauqua et Libersyvilie and rpart it tery fine. lierbart Chabaierain ai Cheago, aPelt tIre seel andat the home ai bis brotber, i.,i Chraberlain. M. andl Mme (icarge Wagner ai 'a'auitgau, siical the tormra brothers Jouln anal Martinra let eel. Mss Emma Krashker rcetupeda t Druce Laký i-wtl ber gaduatiug nase the tiret of tIre weit-. PRAIRIE VIEW Aima Krueger spent part o1flast week at ber home tiere. Till Mitceli l spending the week at Liberty ville3. M. W. Knedler andl son Ted wers Evanaton visitors Sundey. Abert Richardsg andl Mr. andl Mrs. J. Richard@sepent Wednesday at Glsuview. Ruby Mainse of Chicego, spent Satur- day and 9unday with Msr. andl Mis,. C. Stancliffe. Mia,. H. Alfttight wae a Chiego visi- tai a few days lest wsek- MilssCliera Licke! b tendlng h«? vara- taon witb Mms.Win. tenvîife. Miss Edne Wehrs and eomlu f,0oiaerd ai Chicago, @penit lest wesk with Mr. and Mms F. Lubkeman who al@o entertainsd C. Larley and Henry Webrsi andl their femilies over Sunday. M re. V. Duikek is entertalunrg ber si@- ter tram Chicago. Athur Nelson andl family have moeed inta tlie Cudahy bouse recntly vacat'.d by Fred Towner. Mrs. Emma Stencliff who bas been living ritb lier daugliter Iu Chicago, fe et preeent witb ber sari, Win. Stanclitf. The Ladies Vernon Ceretery society will ineet with Mie. W. J. Wells af Lili- ertyville an Tliursday atternoon, Aug. ;th. HICKORY The farmers are liuey harvettng tbeir grain Ibis week. E. Pallock toak A.T. Savage andl wife, Curtis Wells anal faily ou an auto trip to Hebron Sunday. 0. L. Hollenbeck andl famlly were vis- itor@set the Hi borne et Ward's Corners Sundey eveniuag. Frank Neel anal tamiiy were guute of Mn. J. MeGUire Bundap. .1 I. Ç?eview CHÂARLES XLMA ON, Correspondent - Agent PH4ONE 24-J ampiayed an the Busse iarm flia sisurnnraer WADG OTliae ereturneal ta fliecity. Mare F. (i. Deitmeyer n' t. rtraimîcl ler Tht maning pifture sýhoas rui liy Mme .,Ja kso.1nN ai 'aVaîl, at.part red Bainin thissumnuer iaia-hen as-ter. .discontanucal. Dounaldl Strang 0i BigirsfAruai been, vi8tirag li a rnaparent- 'Irani tIr.l J L UR r Thomas Strang. 1 -- -uff Wedawcrtb bell team sa, aot tire MIr. anal lir. JS. tîcîman entertainea lucky wnnucr af the age.'lest Stndey. flice iojIowiug Suray, Mr. anal Mre Mara. Minuse Lui apent se, -rai uaya lun' Edward Frost anal son Ray ai Rochester, 'bIraaga lestL week, Wls., Mie. James P. Jacotison of The Ittile sou af Mr. anal Mr-. 1Leboy haMadison, Wia.. Misa Stella Cuil ai Saeim, iieatrieyer, wseba es qurre-rirusly al Wis , and D. Ml. White ana lfamiiy. for a lew days, te consulter-h ont of' Misses Cuaexcer o! Lake 'ille, dangrer aI theprefflut wmiitig anal fotia Deamaley andal(rce Baumnont Ia8 lis imwbeim wsescaîliua.î t u rieudr is RteseWl, er uc niMs î'rialay evcang. i Ma',eIl Bunîer anal lra. J. S. Lerarneli Tla.'dante gitan by the ia-..- all ta-aar hast as ela. oni lrdav enenîng ws e ciattenaeulnd r.Mt.,k'ari'IisLiaieat a-epiihuamu rncallere '%i[iday lu the haIr.anal Mrm.Pbllip ilBrgexr d "f t, tW C .C Liuu.rtvi rule, suent Saturdav arglt ami surniuav si lîlirelatives aib ri,ué nus a eo. t Jamneson mte nelhie nae fln' a u muai.Ford car. TN uaasSrngvct1llerria Mm.anal Mra Houphearandi Mr. anal iH-rcrt Straruget taei,.coo,,,,ilne dayr rslnrntauCbeger.gctet laituck CIl rsi C. E. Denman Satnrulay. Fatbirr t' ,U labM l aaving a gr.od' deuat, t tr,ul,,e a rîli hi@ throet and lbas gara.'to , lIradb,,for i be&itný RUSSELL The Ladies Aid soclety Met lu thec cburr'liThursdray atrnoon. woriL on the nrw achool bouge liam begun. The inmsnm are et work on the foundation. Eari Peiey rprovlng but It wilI be sometime lieore lie will be ablie ta, use ht@ arma. wm. Murri.' vam a Waukegen 5iitor on Monday. Mrm. Carras and Latra Code spenti Clilcago this wsek havirag epent two weeks wltb A. H. Stewart. Mme iouise Heiman of Chicago. Io the guest of Mr. and Iro. B. B. Tower. Jas. Perrizo of Wisconsain, trarasacteal business in this vicinity the pa*t week. The Ladies' Aid mociety meeting is po@tpaaned until tuither notice, james G3ar.'ity of Grayslare, îs vieitirrg relatives ain Ibis vicInItY. Miss Pearl Clevelanad returaed home fram Round Lake, where sIre visifed ber eiter for two weeks. GILMERr Satumalay ira Kenosha wllbi theîr daugh- r aimese aa(rinea uan enaa teae ter anal stter, lire. k oenee p art aiflhe wtek sirl ber ansfer, Barbiara Thon. Seyle of Chîrcegu, apent ttlmday a ogLk ..i~î tisi ~iea.a,,,,î,~ , Mes Minnie Meyem viitcd ber hrothrer Ltaa rtheal, Tlirsday an Frlday R. 0G* Murrie me asaMlweukee vi@itar on Friday. Mr. anal Mrg. 1. L Si ver wers Kenasba visitors on Satî1eda.ý Ray Alcock visitea lits lister, Mrs. H. F. Siver, Saturday eveaing. LAMXEZMRI1 Cihae. ScbnlraofIChicago, visiteal is parente Snnday. Eerl Ernet anal Otto Frank transacteal buainesnt Barrtugtou Monday. The homer team won the baillgame wltb Long Grave lest Snnday. Jobn Baker of the Spriuglld Mes. Pire lusurance Ca., wmas brs lest Thurs- day anal lu compafly w»tl heii local agent, Emil Frank, adjuated thse lire los on James Dymona lfaim of whieb the company belal the fire rlsk on bey, marbluery and chickens. Mr. Dymonal receiveal a check af $925 tl u ll according the policy. The directorg ofthIe Ela Co. in whicb tbe bara building@ were lnsured met Seturday anud gave an alowence oi 12025 ta the policy Iraldera. Mr. Umhsletitî'.'k of Palatine,tlepput ing rap a tempoary liarna on the James Dym&nd iarm. 1 Mr. and NMrs. S,-liallenkammer enter- taîneal relativra faim Chicago avec srusday. Henry NMey.rer iîertaiued relatives froua tOklahomrea &t aeek. MissRose' Prehaui la visiting wiili triende at Waukgan a few wees. A good many troui here attendsd tire, rChantanîlua at Barriragton this weoek. Jack Ellison i'a cisiting witb hia famiiy a fsw days thie week. 4t Sharpen Saws, Tools, a Lawn Moweq, and'do fur-' A, .P5RAUGIT~r MiGs Emnma C(ak hue returneal home alter spending a lew daym ina Chicago. Mr@s Chas. Mamon vlsited lier parents, Mar. and lire. Peter Ileyer. Ilis.G, Jones spent Mouday at Ba rriaigtoun Fritz Tercli anid Ed lartling of C'hlcago, mlp*nt Sarurday anal Sunday at R. 1). Coots. William Tmhick re aiaatirag at R. D. Dookab. Mr. anal Mr@. Ray M'ass entertainel relatives fram Highland Park 8unday. Tîrat tihe Sundaylilquoir 18w violat- ors have biera put ta complets rout by the action of junles lu Cuunty court recently was iMiicteal when Mon. aft ernoon Jualge Snstley cailed the firaI ln the remnainlng cases et tboge wbich were certilleal TromCircuit teCounty court, they ali hegan entertag pise of gullty, witlidrawlng their pteâ* of not gulity as previously sntersd. NOTICE TO REAIJERS Every aaeek the INDEPENDFNT receives ne.& items by mal which in most instance& malte good reasting matter, somte of themx contain (roam one 10 à dose. items from a comanunity, but the wniter having failed to alan Ie or ber name to tbe articles they are flot publisiaed, as this paper strictly adheres to the rudets tisn o uný signet! communications adm11 ha printed-no matter how good tbe newa may b0. If you have items of an important avent pîsase don't forget to u4n your asme sa, titt we May know the auimeof .1t0 same. In coumiies where w. have regular correspoudenta eew. ites lo d egivtathen insts..d of sendinu direct te thse INDEPN- DENT office Apples and Alfalfa (Piate (a 1- o eslry, .ug. itb.) MICHIGAN RÂNKS HIGH as I ruit staeeaud in view of thse faet that t as cîîmparatsely younarin r modern methode of fruit glrowang, taakes a reauarkable suio'.airg. It ranks as follows for hemore imrportanit fruits: A1iples, raspberries, curreuts, second; pears, grapera, goombu-rriera, tîrîrd; cherries, blackberries, fourth; peaobes,, strawhsnries, cranherries, ifth; pluins, eighlh. Whsn thse naany fine or-chards wlri,lr have been plainiteul ilring the last two or tlaree veare camne mia, hearinit, tIrea Mici hgan will take ber place et the top. A bab y a m bn o îîrri té) 'Ir anal'NI rst. Bet Wilkinesra lest Friday. Mrs. James Kerr sent at wa-k ta Long Pln@, Nirani tlir western points for a viit wîtii lier raotirer and other relatives for a famiiv raruni. Sbe sapecte taélic gane tar i îr three weeks. Mis Alite Smith iA ( irayalake, lias been engageai as Principal if iAir alaaal0 bere, anal we are Iriakirre lîrward toaa very succestlul year witli ,îrr competeri staff ofilvecers. Mise fîlanch le [îalittie and Mies Florence Matheës nul have charge ai the other twé, roniris. Frank Streug wenit tU lasiiiî,(r"eiin Marobllcid, Wls , tlatray andl returned Mondey witb hie ataua,ilile,. île was eccompauied by Fred Hariiii., Barman Wendland, ai a a(ifRudolpb Wendiend, cho lias linen .uîer.rg trua e severe attaaŽk of pneuimaaaa, waa [obuigeal ta undergo au oiîeratiri lest week ta remove puis whicli toruaca. He ha doing ulcely. Wm. Waiker, wbo lias been quite iii for a longw tinre andl spent coasa-leralîle time luaea('icago bospital forian opera- tion tbis sprIng, wes obliged ta return for au operation for epriendicitis recently. Mfr. and lMrs. Collina. wli avae been Fruit grower'a are the bet rewarded ot ail ira the agricultural lntlnstry. lu our ueightrarbooal 17 big oeard tirolecte ihave recenatly been starteal. Ni me le urne af Ibeusudaal is spring I cianaletealperne 6,000 troue on 160 arcat. i aiea aperate demoutratiots tanas andal aantain a corps of lW sitriactor@ lu agriculture andl bord- culture. Every tuttier Iu My district io iited by tIbeeexperte andaloge the lieudit ai tbeir knowiedge anal ex- perrence. MEN ARE WHATmy eountise alst. Honest Intelligenat andl lndustrious wittbsncb men enough c&piItotu @aet. Wllb sncb men the natural re- sources eau lis qutekly Ponwerted itutu the siiver anal golal af trede. 1 amE aflering lanal irom $10 ta $85 par acre. anal mncb of it for $18. Terme *10to 850 dow and $5 ta $10 par moon 40 acres. AWrranty Desal a04 Abtract oi Titis guarenteal perfect Ob compietiora ai every contrect. My jusuranee ature . wbicbgoses wltb the cantract, caste you uotblng extra and le a seaurity anal protectlin ta )our arimly. WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION on yanr part i wiil b. oleemealta send you ray 72-page ilusîreteal bookiet deacýribing the Fruit Bell, the Saigart Tract-anel uaany %binaabout IMichI- gn. t laifnee. andal aIs a large mp aal aier litereture tallilug about the developmenl ai, ib4 isdstrict. Asir about my stereopticon lectures.. MY NEXT PRIVATE car excurslin louves Chicagoal roou Tuséday, Ang. 4. Beat myChicago offr tsa11la.iDL Please notlfy us as early an Possible, go thet ses enu pravide comforsabty ton aIl. You gel bock la Chicago at i a, . nisuer Tbursdey or Frtday' toliowtng. $8.30 round-trip raesroiii Chicago loWllton. Famsrobamidon your purchese. No extra chargelor privaIs car accom modations. Auto- anobilies anal guides Ires. Gonda- Pommodelions for bath mon anal womeu et my Mtcbirefl haaaquertere Came n0w andl pick the but. Foi further particulars address George W. Swîgartt Owner, 1250-F First National Bank Bldg, Chicago, or Dymond & Austin ________________Agents LibertyvMle, :: ilinois No. 120. FOR SALE-Bungalow. AUl modlern umprovemeuta; Huriburt Ct. *Lod Second-et.; bot seater hast; bard- wood finIeb, Esea7tsi-ms, No. 101. F'OR SALE-Modern 8-rooin home ou Division-el.; lot 6OXI 85 fI.: h ot wts eali iat hrdwood trim; stucco fi nish. Easy terme. No. 121. FOR RENT-Moderu hoine ou Second-st.; lot 5Oxi5O feet; haralwood 8 oor; tucco finish. Durand & Durand Real Éae, iance, atc. l»rlie I To the voters of the Pro- gressive Party, residing in the Counties of Lake, Mc- Hienry and Boone,Oreeting: Conforminu to the Statutes of this Commonwealth peru taining to Primargj !Iections, in which Statutes Lest la self a candidate for election to the Legislature fromn the Eighth Senatorial District, subject to the choce of the voters at the Primarg to be held September 9th. 1 arn an earneait advo- catit of the the principles advance to the utmost of m y ability -t he political eîîtuciated by the plat- doctrine outlined formî of the niational Pro- said platforrn. grelunive Party, atîd I 'aili lahor at ail tirnes and un- 1 Mosut respectfu der al cruntne to lieit your support. fulIy s80 Rees Hierbert Carr b.dpeuentChléod d Ad*, Pou., WANTING LAND and knowang tire opportunities that arsait yau iratire Fruit Bit, wbere orcberd e.'arn for the owners $200 andl rp per acre, voira ehîrulal not beefluteei goaon tire alunt trip anal inveetigate. Potatoe, ail vegetablea, beans, rye, liaik a leât, bariey and claver bave aiways licen big tropea. lrîn anal grasses graw in abundence. Dairying, stock anal poultry prosper. Ilfeli la is ucl aa prinounced@ucceon that au orgenateal essocaation bes underteken a Cana- paigu to get every Western Michigan fermer ta raiseIt. THE COUNTIES In wblch the Swi- gart Tract lie@ are Macon, Mentîtes, Lake andl Wextcsrd Ludiugton andl Maniatee, 25-,000 combineal population are an tbe wei edire of the tract. This le the centrai part oi tbe Fruit Beit and there are acterai thoumanal 1mç,roved ferine lu tbesecoranties, and tram tlaem there are pr.îduced more than 5M differerrt ataple rOPO witb profitt ta. tirelainier. Big nearby muarkete anît goodaltransportation liera arateriallv aid. Trarasprrtatiun andl markets are hall tiare hattle. STATISTIOS fi-r the last I10 vears show Michigan ta he flic seconîd healtbiest siate in tire I rrlan The climaea anal water are heaitiatul. Tire teuaperatrare as oeraanal rainfali abaout :12ia acc. mîutly durîng the growfIag sason. Micrîgan stands bigra lu educatinal matters. The Swlgert Tract ires meny Michigan standard acooalm, aiea churches af moet every denaninatian. Tels- phione@,.greage balle, good stores, gond roads, etc. Our taxes are low- aur taawnsbips are not overburdaneai witb debts. PRACTICALLY JUST fstarteal lu mrodern orcberding, aur Michgan Fruit BMt bes greeter possinilîties tiren euy IrrIgateal district. Beeldes irrigation expense heiug uuneceSery, our landls are mucli cheatasr. Many an orcirard rmea lepaytng for bis landl wblle wait ngutiar hbis trae, to coine intol.carirag by growiug beaus anal potatoesi between the rowe Page Thref