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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Jul 1914, p. 9

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LARE COLJNTI WA*EA EFCNç0T INDEPENDENT Y2~I.-o.4F. P ART- -- T OA EIIHT IN TIfF CAR STRUCI Terrible Accident at Ravini Lake County, Monday Nug When tdorthwestern Tra Smashed Into Automnobi From Chicago. PROMINENT PEOPLE ARE VICTIMS 0F TRAGEDI Worst Accident of the Yeâ Marked by Pathetic Fea tures-Coroner Is Invesi gating to Fix the Blamnei Possible. LAKE FOREST, Ilii., jul> 2.- (Specal)-.ThefIfth mon, the chauffeur, died At Aile@ Morne hoa- pital at 2:13 Tuesday morning. gt wu$ known »Il nlght that he could net survive becouse hie injurie w.,', se terrible. Thé- voman, Mr$. Sage,. now In AileMorne hetalJII la now the woeet injur. ed of hose rsmainlng alive. Mer cmfditiOm le regarded ins Mseg. The othra wil recever *thout an>' question. COrOner Taylor srrivsd et Laie FOrsetett 9 'clOci, and impejneed à Jury te lawetigate the acldsht. The jury t once "ont te Ravînin Park and thon an sdjeurnment -a taken te a inte,' date whmn the evidenco will ho0 cOfsidered. Chicago, Jul>' 28. - The Statu Utilîtieo Commission Propèed te- "aY temaite an investigation of the grade crosslng accident that cost the lysa o!f Ive Persans ut * Ravînia Monda>' nlght. Pil"* essus wve ekilled sud thr4 were inJureS serleusi>' Monda>' nlght Wheu helr automobile wua truci, by & faut train On au dnguai-ded gr-ade creaaIng. The automobile hearlrsg a part> beund tor Ravinia park was stalled lu the Pett o! a nartbbound train on the Roger Wilams avenue cressing Of ths NOrthwetern road peur Ravin- la parkr. The fast train picked UP the mter Car and ItB burden and flcked tram alibi. The dusd sud iNjured vere acattered along the rack tor a Mile as the trsin was broughite s s top vîth the demallabed machine on the engins pilot. The De"d: BENHAM, JAMES W.. 2332 Com- mnonwealth avenue; secretar>' of the Naugle Pale sud Tie coupsu>'. 5 South Wabash avenue. lmr. Benbam vas 48 Years ed and a member pot the Union League club. BENHAM, AiRU. JAMES W. bi& vits. 9OWRING, William P., 1219 North '-State truet; secrotar>' et the C. H. Worcester Lumber compan', J"As sociatiorbuilding. WUNDERLE, BDMÎJND H., 2944 Broadway, son et H. O. Wunderie, vice preident etfItiddle sud Wuuder- le, stationeresud printers. 23 North Ilearborn treot. TERTS. MATHIA8, 1323 North StaSe treet; chauffeur. The Injur.d: BAItLER. MISS ALICE. 436 Arling- tan place; daughteér et Augnistus C. Bailoi. presîdeut et the A. C. Barler ?Ilanufacturing ceilipany'.pail teve.. 58 West Lake street. MILLER. GEORGE H.. 1707 Bm-. man avengue, Evansten; attorney,. 1415 àtaruette Building. »AGES. MSS. CATHIERINE; a vi. dev. Part>' Organlzed b>' *owring. Mr. Bowrng organized the automo- bile part>' yestemday. With the auto- mobile evued b>' Mr, Worcester he .~called at the Benbam home. wbere ho 7 plcked up Mr'. and Ars. Beubam, Mr. Miler sud Mma. Sager. The>' pro- coeom the Moraine botel lu High- land ( ta get miss Barber and Others 01 the Pai-ty. Tbey carried a lunch and wenit piculcking. The pari>' tartsd te Itavinla park te attend the operatie performance, 1 aammux 1 V iLLjý. HiL, PRU)AY . JULY 31- 1914- FOUIR PAaiz *Ira% nlmvl "Tales of Holymn'It 'al a te, OYM0 %pueden icit an. he i S OL N DI kilulYEA1" IN ADVÂNRB minutes aller 8 ocîock when they B Y )L f yidane acroood Saud anTe eIIR E fiR I I~ aPProached the village of Ravinla. vu clîhied rees8 aud WUmpted fence, CHO SECAGeb, -- Theydavernue theoica rto Gret mthe unrouyard JinsPtheken hoe NORTH CBIi I Th divr ursd th vr n o Gen V A S A i A L the passengers were aoked a t e u O A E R I I ~ i Bayavnu t aol a orio o Y ÀR À6gIalloan t e ru moras tak thewyot LN E FVE P INTS TO 1 0Ô Sheridan road under repaira and at YDUhomUEN Roger Willams aver.ue turne'j ta tA E T K U 1N but It lo!.p rarMos. f thE um mun Cross the tracks. The naomsecommittee lds over an- b CPOulng Wue Unprotscted. Othei' Year and why net? Hoth years Eeyslokee fFxLk l A N acmnwsl ih.Tere BltdAconhfth rb ave bleu aaue. ss, ltters were ire- HORSE A,14 0 UUUGY STOLEN Tuerdy gavne hi. or f onorak [J are n o gu rd ga es a t the crossng . S hool Reunion Gives Inter- celved by thora trous a sent enues aise FORM POINT ON MAR ON ST. t a YSt a e 1 14tt or o fd h atno1 varu pataenhe rain.ThNo 19 went Fetrscontributions t durlng xpns t the éAtne ly ht tln to nethrain, eNo estetig0fI. arise. thdfa'Wa xes NEAR ASESALL PARK. ould q he 1;: ofhi ::erm, thL VJ thechaffer ctig0FclePRESEa n d Th rglaentshows te eahrToWs ~OWNED BY JOHN BAKER Sunday closing Iaw-in ather lidoiwen t e a. Wtessesre II TO n coaspeu haya.Towords, they sgreed not teaseIl Il.~a m a t h e c a u ff e r a c t n g eo fîe d l . H iew h o r e g is te le d la s t y e a r h a v e -q u e,' ln f u tu re w h il . ho ln p ro s e . ga, engnente cmdie. uc h Many Prominent Pol From been registered ln the Book on High. THIEV£S MAKE GOOD GETAwAV Gutor. Im u ain automobile and the train swept tram All Parts of Lake CountYAt- fis Susan Smth dinto and xi- EBUT PROSBALY FEAREO DE. Thun, by thi5 action,. two of the VEM M e S ht I an instant. tended E e t at S chool. I"am b. Martlp5TECTION AFT ERW ARDS lr et iq o s l:n lc si h hie brakes and breught the train toaa Bonprst. Peter Fisher. Kenosha, W~.wauieau, JuJy2ore follow on Sunday,"1 stBpy oilebpresenht.) fi g.Wm. A. Strang, Waukeka, t j az~ i h ytr u adseaan ce <y29. uf llWAUKGo stop aie beond Eginsiot. Grub school teachers and schelars W. E. Bain, Rae, v"s.Th usteyFOX LBperac o AKEA ficaeonEgn Plt eld on Frlday, July l7th.lits second W. H. RosRoChester, a herse sud hug; fromn a Point near AnsbrcigfOthtoa el.TOh aundper dctherne u wth reunion at Hughes grave, Millburn; Chase Webb, Antioh, n the south Bide hall Park on Marlon of "big liquor sellinq towns" ws A TE SE ATTORNE DAY is terch ad onsductoherneyaller- onecould Dt have erdered a day Ed Cunningham, Wadsworth, Ili.treet Tuesday eveniog snd whlch have but oesloft: SAESATRU OO , r lddis ath ng a lo ngs taethe tr x.ate more perfect. but beng ust at the John A. Thain, M Ijbur, Ili. kept the Police department wor<îlng N R H C i A OT A I L T O S I a r d s p a c hln a la g m n t th e re a . e n o! b a yi g a th e b e g u nln o! T i lle T ro tte r B a in , M i lb u rn , Ili. th ro u g o u t th e D ig h t, w a s so v ed tig N o w , w ta t's g o o d e n o u h f r T R W U D B R S C T ý Oun Rhe pilot o the e uethey harvest there wei'e those who couid Jese Strar. YuIe,,Somuers. Wis. morning whenb the barse wss found Fox Laik. and Waulcegan la geed UE ,L S PR UT found eme, wrecksan e the s ut e- DO attend; ail who could were happy Emma Thain Fisher, Kenosha, Wis. grazlng aien the roadway, near Five enough for North Chicago.EDTEY OTMTONT ti il , s ri s n d a t e r e t C l th n g, s d te-o d s e g n a , t a A lfre d K îllo n B a in . 3 'llb u rn , Ili . P in t , a b o u t 3 M ile s f r o m W a u k e g a n In th e i' w e d s , lo o ns o f N o rth A BI D E BY M I tS U L T IM A T U M - conselons, hruised. and shaken, but I)rovTUm was Lonsidered none toac liattie Bain W¶iiby, Russuil. 11. i a an early leur this merning. The Chicago *SHOL AND MUST M S PlainlY alive percbed stop the tangled a r Ifl bhe entirely, except for Maude Hughes Kennedy Ant oh. herse was tedne,1ctbe Property orJohn Bk-r om~ain closed ln falrn:ss te waj. MS UNKEARD, 0F ACTION mass. whc a ntieptcnic Marjorie Pearl Hughes, Ato. erafrmrw eidsnNrh kenweeteyreCloeed o YA A south bondi!train approacbed syeWt eoaeb h art mn pfodHgePr.11 0ITEEtAE stye lt lnjoad b te brrl. EnmaSpafod fubes Pru II.Sheridan road near Beach. it was ne the Sabbath day. ARMW ERE IN LAKE COINTY and came te a stop ln the glare of, Souie et the native ludians muet Matilda Herne Spafford. t'llblurn. doutt aken by thieves who for smre t'a up ta the North Chicago of. 0O INR 159'o hsadlight. Frank, Leefch, con-.needs brr a bat aud bail, the symbol Susie Lucas Brewn, Antiocli, Ili. reaser. feared detection sud loft the fICIals ta cec that thsy are clesed. -EACII MAN PLEOGES MIS 1 dutor Joied he prtyot taim et aur national game, Old 01er>'. a Lizzie Smart Bain, Highland, Park. animal sud the buggy where Il as itoudn aethre ns e s ta o that set eut te searcb along the] flag Owned b>' the comniunity ai large Mary Elle MeCann Doolittie, Grays- fauud Prebahly taking acres, the atorny'offic., terug have tprs track. jbougbt ai the tîme of the Spaulgh- laie. country te some et the nearhy towns. eattrey'a ofeto l Nh hitao- la the worid comlng ta an end? Fragments of bodies were taund Amerlcan troubles looked the dIgnl- Mamie Adams. Chicago. Baker had driven the herse ta this Ictlilaeei NrhCicg would appear, se whon twenty. whisro they had beau scattered lied part as It waved ever the bey's Anna Smith Lamb, Ourneenl. clmty lunie evening sud had led ta -ta'athrteeilaeefIcr thrug te il tàvme ate tejet loegss. they forget thelr hasebal Margaret Welch Dady, Gurove. a bitmhtng post neai' the Meyers Ar elected for. Look at the ex lb eloonkep.rs of Fox Lak,,ln trssig theile ravesesuiett e but doffed ujeir cats ad with (lussie Thain Huighes, Antiocb. Genbouse onMarlor\n. . ,acroe s pense It la te the u t t have format assemblage at 3 o'lock Tute Bodies Found ^long Traci,. ile ceremony picked thelr Oiesfo Bestrice Hook, Millburn. frem the basebal park. He then the state continually proaecutlng da fennJlySt,14.lCh Theenboyaeseoa gaoeras Is everPay i ai unnhi atu un~ weut Into the park te attend the car. thosviolationa, when, by the village hall, formally paaeffla rsu The bdieet fur d ad.magled at the ceunty fair. Jante Meldrum Jarnleson, Wads- NYvailu progress there. IAter In the aw*sP cf hie pen or by one short tinaren tekpter lo. ofsedvber ued ardons s lnitiai If as ls often remarked: 'One la Worth evening le came ut te were the sentence, the mayr f the cty elOsd on Sundays during the romain. th ou vra bnudredyAitered oug ut s i lda ofes, rat, Jennie Strarg Stewart. Milllburn. herse lad been hitched sud tound Il could bring about M condition Ing Portion Of Stakt*'@ Attorney Dadye the ou nsiur. Altetrdwr then some of the graybeaded <,ye Margaret W~hite Denman. Antiech. gene. Assistant Chie! or police Thos. whlch would mai,. proscutiens term-i4t end&. Decomber lit, twe I ald o.yeara hence. Th ea ndijue wr cr-ldeould have bad on knes breeches. Charlotte R. Pautail (1857) Chicago Tnyrrel waa at the arrivai grounds In ale for. ukga lTe he daggaand Jr et tr ari . Net kuowing the ru les ef the game a .asIfreoftebr. thslonhveencoe joeNheot g a f ri N.19i Mary ughs. a, nioh n he aiufoterpd et therothe nfîns eWuea hors The decision was -eached atter witb the exception ot Mise Barler. I -may be a Ilttie mixed, but the game Emmaary i e bWhit ea, n . îfrîgtehaqa r tth h aen sebe lsd tlght States Attorney' Dady flac appared who won taken te the Mierine hetel, seemed te have ended mucb like tuns: Em dm eb akgn affair, the chie! then started ai work on Sunday, North Chicago h»e Db before the crewd of!Saloon mon aud ln Highland Park lu the Ravinla auto- The PUIher-mau go t twre Hookg Jesephine R. Sadier Mathews, Mill- Ou the case. No one could be found right ta permit Il* saloons open formaîîy gave them the ultimatum mobile patrol truck. tangled around a Rose busht, then be hum, le1. t the viiuity that saw the departure and the Sun believes every good that It they did naît kesp cloged Sun- The train preceeded te Lake For- could Dea-ittie te Ward off hunger R. Guy Hughes, Autiech, 111. e! the herse aud buggy. citizen there and ln Waukegan daya durlng lhaterni, ho wouid pro- es.Teda eetknt e-but Bob areund atter a Cuneing-hauu Rohert lMcCann. Lakle Villa. This merniug the Police department feila the came way about il. secute ever>'oeeoe thein ta the bout est. m ore . d e I nwe re tak e te . h tWene on ro n H v - H ae1 Ra atz, Antlch. was Infrm ed by a telep one al fromdNorth Chicago officiai have et bIs abilt>. ba'amoge.Th nlre er r-thalyt eied dou adro t.aHe ven p Dwen Kidd, An.ioch. a farmer resldlrg nearFINve Points loft Sunda>y volations hp te Then. citer ho retIred trou the bail, movd e heAlcehoe.tthe eAlicde dhahomge.Up Lymn hauLymahntht hoe asa ere udbugy Stte Atoru1 Ddytohedl te otoncarid ha te alov The accident won reperted te the the Chase. New if that frn't the rlght Elle Kidd, Antiocli. taudiug ealong he read beruhsgy enth y OdYsptee! hde h oincridta h I Northweatern officea la Chicago over socore nome ans came ferward and cor- E. G.ThomBn stoi Wl plsace.ng The deripti n or bs eesflythemesîvea Mispoedyf haa keeaaM omal aacp h ita traiu wfre sud W. A. Kymme,,Chier rect litthe ouI>' Mishap was ta the Pac. hedecrpto! ofthe heultimatum sud h0 laterMreturedhte disatcher, sped te the acenusIra aa bbama he arhed wl-e PryHo. nic.tallied wlth that of the stoîvo animal, danc hie work well, but, Il conits the hall te hear each oesoftthe fol- y Pela ran a ae n nesigtinfocetekalerhmbu h otawy Tommy Smith, Antlocb. The horse and buggy was then the county much mane>'. lewlng men ln respouse te hig Dame efer the rond. . witb a tew scratches and torm shirt. hrn id Atoh rought te the city and turned over FOX LAKE 18 CLOSED- hncieare eke i a Th oko Ietfctono h hi iu savi al htwn. Clifford Hook, Antioch. te the owuer. WAUKEGAN 18 CLOSED- boen cbosed, durngtaherept tbir.s yvictima, lu vlew et the uncousclous ed te 1Wy. This I do kfflw the ring. ae ' -ntoh htaMyo hitne ai lsddrn ters fSr ne s et t eiuvves wa t do s te was Robt. Dady o ! Gurnee big Al e Smith. Antioch. ng te do about il? 9 " Hy' er ni:e 1 s dofu thesrI,. a ate u ud sule ee CasWebe rene Luiken. Antlo<-b. HnyD 1 ad ilificut lis.dertudes ere Chse ebbof athrir Mcann Lae Vlla WLL NORTH CHICAGO oh. Amil Pshl 9 The first cîew came train a toru Antiocli sud Peter Fisher et Kenosha, DoaHci noh.W U N' LE Vtrvtelv? S. Mathieser, "bit et a carton tramn s dry cîesnîng es- they aeemed te bave somne trained RuhD oloc, Antioh. gi' '1humv A _______________ H. Buenting tablishment bearing the aAdress o elephants Personated by John Thain Ruh P îo , Anlm.uu c; I f 1 AOta c uee a r Mis Baror l Chicgo..Sh e t ofofMlîhurD sud John Thayer of An- Margaret Smith, Antioch. H U E A E S(tcSheea v.Mr mtAtoh ARRESTE h N J. A. Morrlson Iered couscieimnesB et the Moraine t ' BbILan ndC Doitl tblJI1zAtic.INSA uE p A INI VII Husby boellngeouhtavriybe am.wore the muzzie off snd on, while Mary Smt.ang llmbu. M. M. Itavens Buhalo ste geuh evstell er nme. r1rank Kennedy and Fred Brown n-led Strnx.Milhurn _______ Bu soWa ti nrvu t tlt um.their ver>' best te bit the big stick the Thomas McCann. Lake Villa. emnKpg lu the pecketa of '.Mr. Bowrîug sud ohr edet.Teewr0lon m eg S Vuea. uI eoemidniîght Tuemday Dep- W IL TO 1 Air. Beubam the iralnmen foundtere! ou,.sktem her ownse Jon. WRoeS, Rechese, ls. t heit re Olaivedteter odsu chargeey leukey ytheShw Txuton o cyrsthe5k hShsw teyTohnA.Ros, ochste, isCit>'.ri JCpenwI>'ale t9th Icab Company'. The key rwunbers. came eut o! the mlx up. Ward Bain John S. Thayer, Antioch. (hIe Oîson home west ut Zion oncon Zion C ,Jl 9Lamt nlgbt at 9 Bd Fichter was the acrebat dld soine tell tumb. A. G. Spafferd, Antloch. Plaint that a young man seemîngly>'uclock J. W. Stocker was on bie wa Chas. Armes trac.ed through the COMPanys records,: ig Ni iebuwl erpd Alice Cunnirgham Gulledge, Wou- Insane hail Invaded the boume and ru- ta s weddiug, ridlrg a motercycle, ac- Louis Deprort gave the Dames and addresses o! theutg ettm ewl erpd vIctims. and save a square fooct of bide. kegan. fusel ta leave. liming that, toi' omPanued b>' s young lady Sitting un Johnson & Pateai Thon the quest turned ta the regsifnd Sctt LsVoys littIe aslais wbere Tesole Cunningham,. Wadowerth. three bourg previoumly, bu had heen the gasellue tank, when Officer B. Leechuer l e- es ehvewredaIkape Maie Thalu LeV'oy. Wadswerth. cbamed hy three n'en, wlo seught hie Scbarff erderud le hlm te stop. F. Pastleîoup dcaes fte on itm uCI t Is neitijer by algebra or geemetry> Addle Smart Kendall, Waukegan. lite. Stocker won vloliatlug the erdinance F.flk Grndote Lfta Mrn, but ho gets the same answer for A knoü' at the door mased Oison whlch torbîda motorcyclista ta takse John Corbett Mr.A .Bno fLi neeChase Webb got the best et Peter FN SD N M Tteae wo was there sud the m n mcie n asagre p M.A..Behme sAneeFisher lu the cîrcus. FN SDY A IE wbo gave his namu ais Fred Multord, site s5ex. exePt a side-car.P.WScut Mr. Beuham's mother, wba is visitiug TeA.lowugisth lnep.'C P et br l(M'ahom, realnd e hom Th folowig l thelinup: CAp BÀ C T rushed lu. sheelutely retuaiug ta leave Stocter waa ardered ta triai this Gee. Keeth Sthe en omrealei tTim Chas Webb, RF. . later wben asked hecause be said lhe marin5 but as lie Jumped o bis tuea Theu etigwss ail-Inuportant, l with bier hIs 7 year aid grarddsuh John Thain, 3B. teared for bis lire. Oison called the chine sud rode sway without a lightmein the ary.entSome ul frm aedro! ank Kennedy, P. sheriffa office sud. witb E. J, Griffln, sîthougli warued uot te, lie iras aMain tb acien sorl> ate I bppnu B d Cunningham, tIF. Son of William Rosing Meets Deputy Green touk Muferd te jliau rrostsd ud tken te the sition. Trial tactofithewas p eera the n Lakieor tla id tht e M r sn u sd d u ht r Lu . D d ', SS. a n A c c id e n t W h ic h M 'l iht w ere b u is being w atched t e do ter. T u i-day a t 1. a y l c . P r h v r h a d o la-wr ee> nue.Warren Hook, CF. '0 mine hlm sanlîy. He le 30 yeaLrg aid. aylc.Fr h rbado -Mrs. enleraauneae c aî Percy Hook, 2B. Have Been Serious. The officers place na credence lu bis twentY.three saloonkeepers Settlng ta- Derspite b e advned colin ar.____ g, < ~y~gisp gether sud fermaIlly agrueng te Ob- *"I bave called up ever>' place Tommy Smith, 1B. Hrmn esug te yorfl su eryednr>' su. thesgo lceu o ce Hema Roin, te Yer ld oaaim yo bing cbmanse Dressd nie DIES IN 'WEST serve a certain thing Ikie thla? could think oftat get moe details" obMcanoC.e William Roslug o! Round lkfgr h nbd atdt usePeet sie&d The box Score. ae iuewyayayWne aprU Attorneys rean sh al.'It sssms terrible. The>'y~ candidats tar courN>' treasurer, met la. WueaJl 9 AtresJmsWlhsdGo - o r e > ' a l n t h e ar pl u n h b a s k t s . e t . 0 0 0 w i t h a n u n o r t u a t e a c c i d e n t a t e w A n n u e e n a s e sa u r e e l u F i elAt t o !n eus ga ese r s e n and o g wher lad i lunpc heu tesk ets. O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 O days age, eue whlch torminated ratb- this nct>a!e et betrC. G. Doin, tieldmeetin g ithu er preansud "The three wome-wsre slttlng ln 1 1 501i0orfortunatel>' cousiderlng the circum. ii iy0 h et fC .Dln h etn o h iui n therea set. Y Bn wn l- font - tanes.TIIRE W IIARNESS 73Years Old'wio passed away at bis he advised tbe o Ce fyth They rer ea te Myoout Iivas u rnt. Peter Fsher, RF. Thnes.y ngdt etbi!o oeaiRnopNl, una.sae attorney' that tho> would no. or Hihlan Par sonewbee and WordBain 2B.dynaitefcp whhh wsrlna hoThe deceased vaa the brother et J. qulescu lu bis demande. orv HlhrlanhPak thonewhey w sud ose.CF. dynaita ap wlmh as l a bILH.DoleWC.DlnadMsM.G hae herluchan ho teyore Clare Doolittle. C. trou which bis father bad beau seil.- CilId ail ef this City'. The deceased Mew lit Mapporned. te stop b>' the Moraine hotel and 1.ing te Custemers. The lad toek the *l eikoel akgnbvr u efi hta fotwsmd leave Mien Barler."Wl tag B a elkoni akgn aigr.I'em ta uefr umd MotorFant s Nw&Jess DenmaN 3lBcap 'home, got a bammer, and BIF sIded bie for man>' years before de- b>' the saloon men te gmt Mi-. Dudy Johner TinyeerNews.vent the haminer and BANG lveut the James White. travelling tbrough nrlgfrNbrsa snrsîett otr.etecss e jling os efhrtly atter midaight S mans dasb- Jon ed Br, p. cap. Zo odyl nImgatwgnPrigfrNbak.A oiet1 otfl h a«O ed up ta he door n a taxicb and Frd Brown, . Ful[lysiot Moudayablusian imml wr atrewadeand bire b5 ternducte hoa hoarnescteshap luegsunha tu asnnov astandBt&.dluSlnocotat ra htlssIU tebose Te ThAfedbox score::SS.Made ln the beys body'but, fortais. lug rubbish near the poli"e tation. this clty; One meuth &a ie he s court againat Meuars. Johnson sud was u aonted xprssin onhie Theboxscoe::called te ibis Cit>' wben bie brother WOOdi, on the assurance that they tace. As seau as Mca. Beain antbnan rseth Wuim andadinbi pssssonw n alysJ.. DiThferpbera proe teomucpar- w a est o! eth laafetum. hlm abs uttered a mosn. 00 110tabaudosudhdrtrspdhothepinjuries at sudshadmlultbos tese suggesthonan- My0dbyauIt bek0Aste ~Once vîth the result that . the boyrested, a bottle o! vhlske>' sud 2 M-fa srl nhmadÏMeitl aywn u PrUeTeM you," le e»Id. The wtnd Made tans quit ,Ocpdbedpiolg os cbdu eWle e ubereîy atter bis arrivai home ho began te appsared betore the regularl>' caffld Hia rmawereouttreched essry ut terewer sevrallaunec- The fortunate part ef tAs acident threwva plece et eld hamase luo the rail.Metnoftekpr. His rmewer euatrt nd sdssr'btteevr eea aigwas thast the boy's cyevers M« n. etreet. ait act vbicli h. oulS net fdg. .meige h ceo with asmothered watt Mns. Benham arou4d sud hanglung on the feue,. tacte,. lre asuver'anffeaiMe. R dIS ntIdhte Dire wa4 vurauOfeeasie. NordiDanyt tdons coîapaed lu bis sa. 5tiue" ts> are boarse yet Sud the baIl _________aDpear ta know vhat wa aislngdone Ben Maclibulis, Hlgblood. wu asid "Gentlemen of Fox Lake you agissent Tot, h cafeuha ee aPla>'ers lame. The Progressive oousty, ticket Q.1ta: hlm, hewever, sudplS the. conte, $150 sud cests toda>' fer selilg liquor continueselgliuro ua. Tort, te Caufeurhadbes lu Th# Picnic was gats an.d «De «.beau ieS viSu gaunty cielrlrue a gins, outlater on bie Ion& trip over. vItbout a licenue Other Ihubood vAlbo I m s uitettrn>'. if > (ContinueSl on page tva) cept for the Wm. J. White car that th. tieket bing thse ». n a ntal~ land ta Boston, White lati.. As weut snd Fox Lake iquor cases veto con- vanteS te have a hurdieruacnd wekis m ca atu«e ' Wm pjériete éWisconsin te oses S slck brother, miueS te, october.(oniuSopasBs. : . Snssee cioageau,« mmmmm--w'"ý ammm-

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