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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Aug 1914, p. 11

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T.*mWWEh<WTrVT PWD ~ Tb L'Tr~A V ATrl ivcm ~1<11,.- A U (J1j, t L'i V k IT y 11..Pa, h ~~ent Qermaaiy h.nsdd1 Rne Uss1"daM ia4edGex'- maRy, andé'e *6'ao ay i ýuoe Nwa "«"mfP ughouttae worid,. L1oo as if adi e county "hlgh finaxice" ma- neuver has 1*Wt tà, 'pots. Ut's toc bad such. thinp occur b cause th. d to discourage people in helping homeidstisad m projecta. Buauimgpic IauiJie w ii.la"ke nnSuem Wt wntr oeWorthodlAm, * 1WB of the. state, ;hou j d ecide to begin a few im.;Mo ir muioum ilAomceî Thab mi1& caemm ln *w Nft$t ît ftehthilb HkV'E 311 Re > beo. or places. And, sometimes tlie pati- Mi.on otpublic pro>scxtoI's foe~ @eu Hý.e are glad W. t at ii state utilities commision, J.ng 1011W &«(m o Wauetbat the. crosinga along the. atads tui Iike>county on the- uoiti shore are properly tetd. Now,f thuqy »oput ohe8s ta1vW. ndout, Guru.., etc., tla.y cn ue what REAL DAN- Sj~ OUS crosing are 1k,. Ravinla la a fine crossing ~>~pared tu those Postmaster GrpAy cf wauk ta, 1k. ail poumaaters, bu 8roo.v.d BUordei uiutn~ te-t.declui-aoeep lm~.inn.~cwm.for frei.~ iaos, tht.boe.g&Wa- fdattoprvtpecu"voor commereW fl of the United 0 . govorment uatsta b stain* o#oy urne, but that àt la decidedly critical. At firat it ap- Po.ztd a& i1, *à proSpectise wù rwua really too big tW be possible, but ltuiWlooka as if ft isnot the uns. COcwty: ban including the WaukegAu banim, which have miade loaiw in Chiango on call through their Chicago èbrreapo4at beflgsiUoiiday Wo aocept the. situation anid pêrmlt their loans W alsand. George M. Reynolds, preai-. dent of the- Octineutai- and, Commercial- Natonal bsuk, WfR-------------d enb2 à -- - - -v..sm.w.. es kskaus to oeil boans, but we explained by telephone iy such actiom-'w's»M tdeirable. "W. Wold them we %uld look alter margina and that there was no occasion *r disturbing the. bans that are no* standing. This in reery instance prcved satisfactory t th banka, and we lUt'.net going Wo have any trouble over our country bank It lias grown te b. a habit Wo ridicule Germans military systeni and the red tape by which its governmiental affaire Are conducted. The German soldier and every officiai cf the gevernment la literally bcund up and down with red Stpa. But the. way in which Germany lias within the last 'fw dayu prepared herselifofr war la nothing short of mar- 'Péloua. With quietnessa and utmost precision and with searceiy any outwarfl show of anxiety or confusion the Woork bas go». on. Within a day, Germany could p lace an atmy cf a million tralned soldiera upon its berdera. It dbuld feed and car. for them properly tee, for every man in Germany knows juat what hie is te do. Thisa is true net ouily cf the members of th. milit.ary and naval organiza- Itohn but extends tW civilians in ail walks of life-bankers, *erchants, business men. In case of hostilities each knews *bat lie lias Wo do and wfll do it. 8sitnlda.%,is I) eeninexîti.N- Jeatli daY for- autoinoilists. Longis the register on PelchM dav of aeiidents, f iu.jiir' counît o carelessness and waxt of duie pî'eeaiitioniaiid soîîîd judgneît 0on the par-t of the drivers. Es-er 'v owîîer and eer « v chauffeur should know by heaî-t the lifeŽ saving vlecomîîi eitlations pt'eseril)cd anîd circulated bY thle Na- tionai('ounvil for Industrial Safetv: * "Safety First, Safety Alwa.vs, Auto Drivers. 111. Be considerate. -Il. Go slowv: 1. Passing eidren; 2. Passiuîg vehIi- cles; 3. Approaching crossilîgs; 4. Turning corners. "Ill. Stopv, I .Arihl-oad erossiîîgs;2. Beixîdstand.l in-g street cars. 41 V. Uise chains on slippery pavements. 1,N. When indoult-go slow or stop." BnY what rnagni.fweationýof type by whatrelief of raised, euanuled Ittelif l)y what bllane of clors au nthese. nues he inipressed upunthe iindof a -multitude ofdëvil- wagoneers? Pèopfle that-mnn well, littare too reaily to take ehances. If *tJey Wonl't spare their own lives toey nîight at Ieast refrain from:taking chances with those of. ) qther persous.-New York Sun. 7ÀýmsVc0E raiLX01 vueR Local Humane Off icer Uncov- ors Case Moere Family ls ini Great Need. LOOK INTO ANOTHER- CASE. Is That cf White Woman, Wif e of Negro, *Who Is Dying! 8I*W Fro-m Cancer. *Wa*egan. AUIg. ln ber dUte. as, offlcer of the JIU- ntml e Bolêi.,MUe Ida Himroeireitth ~lSan~~mgeptwaespecilly deplar- .nae*-«00thin 'the tst ew days. lx->b a gaee e hhan doue ail in bMNrMýicarry uccor LO thé soi. tering famlle.. Foliowlng are the twa Instane. which bave cone ta lier attention: FUt« lNBTàI'ANeE.-.iiuscnd out nt work and valniy strivlng ta flad 8ometlilng wlite mother and new bora babe at borne are foanmdIn a etarving coffltion witli fot a morsel ,of iood lathe bouse. SECOND IN5TAXCE-Whlîe wom- an Who vas ostracized liy ber frienda because she marrled a negro le dylag Of a cancer and tm ln the moat demi- tute cîreumstan e itti no aId at band. laI the tiret Instance Miae Himel- relcli Cauid bardly beileve aucb a con- dItIon of aliolute PavertY and want conld exlat ln a clvllIzed commenlty. Bbe found the motbeS and ber new born limbe in a lied anddIlot a marsel of food ln the boume. Thie chtld was born Wednieaday mamrlog and Mime Hlimmelrelcb vlslled the bouse Tliurs- day aflernüoon. Durlmg ail of Lliat tlme the mother had %ot la-i a morse] of food and for daym before se hlad aubsJsted an uchli lttie acrapa as ahe coiaid et. Thie woman explalaed that slip and lier huaband ha-i cone lieue ln Lthe hope that lie couid get work. I-te lia- been tlId lie could geL a good paying Posit"onat the v-iremiliianid on the strengtb of the lniormaîlan, bad taken bls laat cent ta briag bhslm tile famlly Auee. lief o.nd that ne mev employes ma ne"" nt theLbig 1plant Mdi for de" . e ha* trmmpedýILIthetreet tri- ilà«, te, Mt bei tvitbout aueme. P- Ila.-Hlmrui.eb Iook mrs %r- driiés' t"laifo- Me -treet câ"traqks. Thie street car tracks in the cdty are ail equ1pped. wltli girder rails. Ray. mond tliought the sanie ½be of rail1 exlated liere. H. turued hle car ontu the tracka. le lia-i ped-a.ong onlut I)out 10(j feet whlen the car tore nb ,the cwitch. AIl orthOe occupants or *Iw machine wFre thrown ta the floor of thie car but sutalned only brui ý(-ý The wheelg we rin Ir lan from the maachine. One of the wlieels Pamed und.i' the radiatur. iearlng It trüm its place and bending it out of place«, The accident delmtYed tramfe on the street car lin. for flMrly an hour. At oue time there were i e, treet cars standing on the South, aide or the sqcene of the acciden*t ilîtadreds of liammoagerg loft the car-s h, wateh the work or removIng tie damaged car trou the tr The #bmacl i Was taken to the Beaeh garage, wlbere It la now ling repaire&. WIL.!j 9ERT I " I A warnlng to faimers agairtat the army worm *WsV lde hY Assistant ('ounty Superlothmt flor ichoolq F'red M Muhlig Ilý»A4wb cotty. The arnby Wli9coming from the east,l" bO.Ub- dfeiard. '"He 10 creg.ort 3~wYor:< ad Penn- lghtlng hM ai- readir lu O0Wmbid ladiana. Me de- etroyg cmM *N. Ilghtatrees mm<W lawnm anduam&eW -There la al»@Mflatural preventa- tl'.e that may check the army worm. That is a wet earth. We had .45 of an inchiof rai'-ye.terday and .63 of an Inch ln the ve mall baffl af Éhis niornit.g. That's lut uofau lnch in ait. But uniest we get more rain the armny woré vIll b. upan un. -There are artîficlal preventatlves. to M'enaay apile the flelds wlth araenate or lead. P-1praying Parie green i le ot as good a remedy. In mome plies,,water-wltb a tsoaq ele- ment of 1e lias cbecked tle pent." WPwell bliler and tlicp provlded the lîttIe tamlly wiLli altlie food th'ey needed and with clothing wich Lliey lacked. The second lInstance la 001 entlrely new a, the woman la a Mra. Duna o 11urteentli treet. This waman v-ms ostraclzed by ber whlte friends when Bhe married a rolored man. A few montli5 ago alie became IliIo! cancer. The lînsbuond lad eard that radium would cure this terrible diseaxe. lie opeot every cent lie had la ecuring Wliat was represented bly a local pby- sIciar Lu lie radium treatment but whiciî athet plYiacians have mInce prunounced La lie a rank faire. The liualand told Miss Hlmmelreldli that a Chilcago aPeclallat who later v-as called declared that the treatment the woman bad recel'.ed had dafle f mu-b to render ber condition more acute. The last monthb laslieen a very buay one for tlie local humane oS!- rer and ahe lias been abile to do a great deal of good She la preparing «4U 8,to«,tb. DM a report whlcli shows what lias lieen P#I4P.. accamplîslied liy the mciety durIng d the last montli. -~a t% AUTO DAMMfiED Wgb TpE3AJý Waîlîegan. Aug. 3. %riteb..seond tiffl-418S Meaon lbhe ralaed ani open conditian ofthtei atreet car lbne swlteb at the oath end of the Oenemee bridge liaasleeu the cause of a serlous accidenetotaua automobile. la both Instances th@ Iront wheeis of the cars bave liecame cs8ught ln the awitcli and. wreached, Off by the Impact. At about 11:45 o'diack Sunda.y evening the lateet ase- cien: aIt the apot occurred whlen a masmive tourýng cai lielonging to ,the Amerlcan llvOrY camPaNY, 49th and Cottage Grove avenue. Chicago and driven by Fra* to. Raffmond as chauffeur, craalied loto _the open ffwlttch and tare lioth front wbeela off of the machine. Thie car v-as enrante to Milwauî'<ee 'qhèM fl f-q*atr p 11 inwnere tliree men, wio ha-I hred tb. I car and v-eue ln the machine at the Y ILL'WÀUKEfiÀlr nI chuffeur tee. for firemen and police- tlmeo hi'4dr,)nee t ww.rquuyjq-uJmen wodrive the dty automobiles $edbondheacte. neddt NO LIKEW1 ISE? as refuaed loday by the eau -cauncîl. Rbaymond tates that ho va. peed- Indicative of v-bat Waukegan ma, hIf Woods wants the money be wl lan baur. R. says e h ooked ahead do n ý mater'ths Iem a have ta go ta court for' IL." i a yor andltuthelilght thé mulace of the Deâstur, lM, Aul. S&-The demand of for tliep rotectian of th. etnUseo a-- ~ 'ISSU' ~Ul>~qt ~O !tAt ~y_ Um*$% W e.~tlb lglqNLi=L - tiberyvl 311vt! REPRESENTATIVE 0f the.Eight Senatorial Dis- triet (Lake, Mdllenry and Boone Counties). Subject to the decision of the Republi- c a n ] rja i s , t e b h1 September 9th. -Tiwilllappr«late yomr sup- cmuwu wow IS SMNTO SML Arrested by Police After She Is Said to Have Accosted Several Men. MER PARTNER ESCAPED. 'Il=m'u" eeSteweMd t, dkr foty days a inIn county jail. Complaînt that thîs womnan, toge- er with a companîoîi. v...salicitlng on the a9trfft waa rmade lu the police depertmeni SatUrday niiglit. Police- maff Ibn Cattalian was sert out to apprehend Lhem and nlck Im up. Thie report atated that they were on 9outti Sheridan road but sh.ortty ie- fore one ocloýk lie locaîrd theni on .Marion attreet Juat euth of -NcKinley avenue. Polie Ha Reeive a Crn-Mftaisbd maut aolicited a mai',agklng Polio Had eceied a m h m If lie had aay nîoney. About thîsi plaint and'Search Revealed, Lime the policman atepped op and H-er Whereabouts. ofie uf the colored women, tbe larger 1 dl the two, Look ta lher heels. Thome WaUtegai. tut :. was notbiag for the policman ta do OlIve Davenport, a flegrees. wasq ar- but tao bld the wamaa hie b.d arrest- resteil at an early hour tna morn- ed and ]eL the other one go. StiIf îe taok lier ta the daunty jaîl lng on a charge of aoliiting oni the where she wam locked up for the re- atreet. 8h. va, glven a hearlng ln mainder af the aight. 8h. deared Pol" court thi mmon i fl;Wwber home la 1% Chicago;. 5h. déeln.d ta W Ii<ace. wid egmM er- companion. TbI WMCO flgu, that abe and ber friend bave been driven f rom Chicago by the vice crenade and Ilke many other wou ho, wIM.fvoy remained driven to the a otli i ore clile. A close wÉLtch wm 5 Sêkéopi ta;see tnht women or this character are prevent- ed froma comlag bere. FOUND PEAO IN DEO. Xedneeday morning when .1. B. Nla- son of Waukegan went ta awaken him eldest daugliter l3erntce. who basi been allng mare' pears, lie fonnd &ho bail pammd away. IlkeIy ln a falat, Bourla et Hall Dey Priday mmn. ""Bs' e -- v. bu for Fractional priees on broken lots and dgs~~ I~ lengths to force ail suiier mltenials ot Autumu and winter mâterials are crowdlrtg us daily for their allottment of shel zooin Now the most important clearance of the. on- tire season is the resuit. Large &ange of Colora:K ic. Crep. 36 fInches. Fine Katines, 36 frichs. Splash Crepe, 40 fiches. Loop Clotho, 40 fInches. I Crepe Voile, 36 fiches. 5 Oc For I-mpored Cotton Fabrlcs 5I 50C that Sold from 75c te 1.50 Yd. O0C '«Uacrushahle," New Colors-i- French Ipenie. 40 inch. Crêpe ftche, 40 Inch. Nevelty Kpomie, 40 inch. Voiles and Crepes 50c and 75c Grade W <uîdeîful' valuîes eetured at the sealioli's begiîîîing to sell foi' S)Oc anîd 7--w. Thesc, are the îîîîterials uow selliîig at 3e yard: t)resdea Printed 2repe, 40 inîch. French Bordered Voile, 45 inch. Frenîch Printed Crepe, 30 inch. fFbcspre a Beabiu qal .. BoreutifuoqualTies p"in- 1 'ad. ad silk.mixtures; uater 0y cr e, stripes midý suk-striped' etaisie.' A notable saving. Splen- dfid assortmenhs. SURi £Ponge. 36 inch. Darm.byCtrpe, 40 Inch. FnlieClth, 40 ich. Rtegular 50c Dr.» Q«19% Linens Goii a t Y llundreds of yards of pure linens 6f our own importation were bought at a remarkaby low price . Ten new shoades to select from. Hleavy crash effeet in a particularly durable weave, 311 inehes wide. With linens as a permanently fashionable dress ma- terial this offer will be enthusiastie - ally received by shrewd women. legular 25C Wash Materiln 5 Reasonable s a v 1 n g o n standard matenials of aIl- year-round service. French ingham, 32 iich; Tissue «as.-28uKehepoàqe and ratines, 27 inch; ser- penine crepes. 30 inch. 2§c Madras17 Shh'tlmge 7' Madras, the ideal mate"a for meds shirts, boys ialus-. es and womea's waists, at a wonderful price rcduc- bion. White grounds witb stiechecks and smail fiue.36 inch. ukd hrini t t,&"-LýFree" atesIlwWb we.lKomly WaUXe tIffl ln Mud tt la me mu ath n The 'Àc&irdion-Plaited Skirt will b.e extëns1velyý#orn this fali. Ev- en now they are a particular favorite with good dressers. This special offer is most timely. Ail wool materials, hemmed at the bottom and op- en in the back, are French accordion plaited in first class style. Can be eut down if necessary to your individ$ual size and fit. Any materials may be plaited. Leave your order to-day. Drens Goods Section See Window Display 1 li si "I. tj« 1- - - -ýl LAIM, C, OWNTV rmlrppwnrwp- PRTn À v à T.M17CIM 7 101 A ; ; 1 1.

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