Mant.eoan UeCRIPun The question ina Dxd this war start originally in Zion Ttman who cut list troat and thon slipped the ra- pot noispcet a hp pockot at that, vas some "mna- lAuverer" to be lte get away with it. We note that Voliva just nov la villing te concede te is predeemr, Dovie, mnucli credit, glory and foreslght in the matter of predlcting the. present European criais. At that, many ordlnAry mon for years have predicted Eu- rOPean strife-the differece between thom and Dowie vau that Dovis bad te bave a theme te talk upon lilits sermnons and th.e rdinary man meroly bad te rely on hita audience gatliered about the. street corners or tii.soap box la the country grocery. And, Dowi's is of record, whfle the. ordinary man's la not. 1This la the Urne viien the average Waukeganite can coongratulate himaulf that lielias net been termod vatliy uthl subsequent desire te be traveling in Europe. Tht mue maltevoeything te evldenced by th. statua of many vsaity Amertcaua nov tranded i Europe witii no cer- tain chances of g.tâni homo. European countries bave been vllling te keep on tàking dolRs from Arnerican touriats all th"e yeura, but nov they're refuuing tiiem vhen tho requeit la made te permit tlieir, passage -home- ward. And, Amorica sliould not forget the fact in future either. The coroner's jury,*iceh considered the Ravinia auto accident declares the autoista vere as mucli te blame as thie ràilroad. And, looking at it from the fair standpit, wrisidrlng viiat an open and clear crossig it la, it ap- persa if the Jurywvusnet wrong. Witli the glaring :edlhts vhlch locomotives carry nov it does seem that the auto party inthb ave seen tiiere vas danger aiiead. Bur.y aometbtug must bave happened te cause tii.n te get - 4g 8 a theydld. Or, vras il aotier of tiiose unfortun- i.e cases of tylng-to boat the. train te tthe crousing ? CIRC S I To IB inncinnati, Ohio lent Sunday. Bî ~ I O Thé men af thé oy Fýml Bill church . Narth Chicago. met on ilurÀ,- day tu consider thé advlsablUty of B E MAlvtLbréaflngD9ground thlis mnth or early Nlnketeénth stréet anti Lintcoln Street. Thé large lot vas pair for long *Ince Shity Bill vas tn Wanukeaan Wéd.anti thé coinpléted structure ls tu cot n ad". upwards of 116,000, or, as a maximum But pérbaps youve neyer met Shif- figure, 118,000. There la ln bandi or avallable within slxty days néarly t7 Dlini. $7.000. When oné-haîf of thé néedeti or rather. at leash in reg ire.. AM monéy for a church building la secur- therefore, l'y vay of eplatiolet etithe. mattér la thén. réferrédtot thé 1 Archbblaop ofl a diocèse fer bis ap- it, b. kaovn LShy ill lat3Dii ijapraval aun b jhefileldi Its préent anti chajacer of fiction, a circus proprié-, future Possibilitiés, etc.,ad vhén to woba Sdèr U» ghmaythat t. obtainéd ti iaisusualiy easy ta, *W MW a age f maazin advn-secur a boan of 50 pr cent of thé to- 5.4 aaya pga t mgasne tivn Ital valué of landi anti building at 5 tre -usally di-stoastu laft. per Cent interegt raté. AUd la thé asnemet ot bis ar-t 9'llowing orderg récelvéti tronthé rival, t ta rely thie announcement Postmaster général Pastmaster Grady of the arivai of bis creator, Courhney han annauncéti that an embargo bas Ryley Cooper, an author vho a 7 béen placeti on ail parcei post pack- bas ccatrtbuté& 10 neariy forty mag- eues from thé Upàteti States to Ger- arineaad motion picturé Compta.-many anti France anti no parcéls to les, la a mémber of thé Authors'ethér of tiiefé countries vîli b. dis League of Amrica am à consultng patchedt romn thé local o0cé. '*Thé éditos of thé Phatoplay Clésrlng formai notice of thé govrnment stat- liouse of 1New York. ès that this action bas béen takén on And Juat as Sblfty Bill'as hfe Is tbat thé requet of thé Postai ollicers of et $âe cirecus 5 la thé lifs of Cout-thé twa countriés naméti," salti Mr. ney Rylér Cooper, for hé la beré te, GradY this morN4ng, "anti of course tel] of thé comng af thé Séils-Fioto wé cati accént Dno parcéls ta éther of Circus andi Duff ll ii (himmeif) due1 thé cauntries." Waukegan han sent1 for an engagement lu Waukegan avry large numbér or parceis ta Thured&r, August 27. bath of the countries andi thé embargo itsacmbinatoan this rear thats thé local manufacturlng concerne. it going to hé prétty bard ho bat-or le éxpéctédt ait thé order viii rémnain evea6 tié," Dr. Cooper sMid. "De5ldé5 in force un&tii thé close of thé var ia the éniargéti circus, there la Duffalo Europe. Bi i busli. both la the. Paradé andi la thé performance, wbére hé pre - - sents a now spectacle entlted War.. Patb.! Thé thème? 1Its a goti one thé depictian of the progres a o tht.i ocunhry tram thé time thé frantier- to the présent day. Natuîsliy 4iiere il 1 N>TII l'e plenty of Indilanasuant ovhjaynd FntiTR S D iés indicative of thé aId veet. Asi N E 2. ta thé circus tslf. wveégot about aery feature possible, evén ta thé forty clovns. "lncitiéntàlly you can get an lui-, Pression ofIit ail tram thé parade at 10:30 ocloc the mornlng of thé show. ThatIl 0ve you art idea. By the way, thé great procession la to hé ledl by Sufflo Bilihiaiseif, aa se.é <titi honor ta the city. By thé vay, the price viii rémala thé mame as ever, 2 cents, wth seat. for 14,0001 $ 26.00 révard for récovéry, or la- * "' formation leadil.g ta recovery offet. QNORTH CHICAGO. 0 maie beagle hounti lait, or stalen Qf rom néar Grayse, ll ., Junn. 8h; bas a blackt anti white bodyg, black hea sandieura around brava %pot À fltcf ithe néy Street aigva put over éach éye, anti a white strlp rut,. Itl as spring ant that ince bai béen nift froni the 6Md 0f nose ho top of 4ajured l'y boys throvlag stoues et héad. Rangy la builti, anti stands 15 vbas readti 10the cîty council lachés measuréti up anti tian at Méaciar eviclng. The report shoveti shoultier. Due to have puppies June OU.a pearly 25 @slg sti been bra'cen 23, anti probaby has thém nov. No- W noevay. XIa aPitr that these tify *lào sttsigne ahegl b. detroyedDitW. 9. BELLOWS, la ' àmvuy. BÔPs eest ta bé nmade Phone 42 or 46, Wa*eganIll. to IUfé nereir if Cabegt at that Kr. " mallb, o.épi jacksonandJ Xus fay roturné for dé-vfisi INSTITUJE STAITS WAUKEOAN AUVi. 24 County Superintendent Simp- son Has Secured Unusually Strong instrucoers. EMPHASIZES PENMANSHIP. Mr. Faust of Chicago WuiI Spend Week at Institute at WritingInsructer. Thé annueli teachers' Instituts v,,, hé hélti the vsek bein4g August 24. County Superintendent alupson bas secureti an unusual strong corps of InstructorR. Mr. W. H. Elson for sêv- erai YéarB th ésuperlnténdént of scboolle. NCevelandi. Ohio, andi nov cOunectéd vith one or the normal schoi, of Pénnayivanla, viil Ové léc- titre e-h daY Ou reading, arithmétic anti scbool management. Mtr. Elson le also véll inovoas thé author of thé Elsan Réatiérs. 1Mise Esther White of thé Highland Park »Choote anti récogniseti an ane of thé béat prlmary tomealsa thé county viii havé charge or thé prlm. ery Instructian. Misé White teaches eaeb yéar in one of thé sommer schOOls at one ai thé staté normaie, this réar ahe bas ,been et Carbon- date. Miss Hélen Whlpple of Waukegan la thé instructor in music anti games. Aises Whlpplé bas béen véry success- fut in this le ino t r<; thé paît year shé bas beau et Sajnta Cruz, Califor- nia anti returtis there for next year. Spécial émphaisi éi-v jeca 01,o Instruction la pénmanship. Mr. F"aust o« Obeago vho bas béé. supérveing thig vork la the county for thé put four reRm i vii&pend &ailthé véek et thé lntltuté. hosalde conducting bie classés ho viii hé ready ta give indu- vidual instruction. Untiér Mr. FumlVa direction thé pénmnanship la thé rural anti vilagé achools bas héén graetiy IMProveti; thé penmrhip contesta bavé createti considérabié intereat andthe Liteachers are urgedtu t maké themgelves proicient in bis systém Of penuanship. It la a naticeabié tac tat candi- dtfor OS-e arever buzy making votés thése daYs. They are ioging Do opportumties. la Laie Daikal, la Asio. thé extra. oramnsr depti of more titan 5.100 leut bu beureacheti. making th" l'y fa thé deepest lrésh watér knovn. It =BPPéss that lake Tanganrika.4 la Afiam yapproach tLii.depth. m Capt. Jacob@ of thé Germon Davy hm. reportéti a sounding of 4,190 lest, anti a Délan odiér calma b bave l'ene. tratet BIsti lover. Tanganyika's deep. est bottoni la ah least 1,60 ftact'e. loy se. love]. Usélees.. but ove un bnts its étige-Tyn. dani. 'et, 'qMy t L- ar Sfetu et. b th oflDs of thsweek ln L*e ûoî"V,Ig Ilutie: Comipt@ desburtlap, et barn on Wîiî Chriatian- soWts place at Hickory; carrylng off of rong Ot barn on Wili Melvilie's place at Russell. IS te NSPEAKEIR AT THE REUNION EverytbiinglIndioates Soldiers and SMWl sReunion WiII Be a Big Success. MANY VISITORS COMING. Word Reeved That Racine and'%eoia County Posta 1II l n Attendanioe. AnnouncementI bas been madie that Bishpll Pallova, commander of the departmer4 of Ilinois of the Soilrs andi Sallors, viii betie spetl;er of the day at the Sth annuul réunion of the Laite County Sailors and "odiers at Elctrlc park, Waukegan. on Angust Larg placards announcing this andi other téatUreb of the reur',on are bé- lut Placet! ail user the county. Tt la announcéd that the big camp Tire arOunti Which the olti aoldiérs and sailors viii gatbr ta recouRt their re- mininiacenhem ot var tlmés, willlb. helti on Wdsqe.ay nigbt, thé irsi rigbt of tihe reoson. A formai pro- gre al» aie isbelng preparéti. Thé Cblcnbo Mie andi drum corps wiii hé on bant to réndier maial munie. The. Ailendai schoi bandi af twenu pleci bas aléa beén secured ta Pay durlng thé réunion. Theré wil] bé longn by a uiartét andi mov- ira plotureau othér féatures of thé program .The vtérans vili bc given free tranportatIon on thé trolley Une whlle hers ant i yl hégven an auto- mobile ridé te thé naval station andt t othér points of Interest. Thé réuN on hère last yeare2lwae one af thé bîgget successés la thé bistory of the aaociation but Troin indica- tions tihe menetht, year vilii béan evén greatér sliccéss. Mesura Klrkpatrlck anti Jemison who bave donateti Eiectrlc park for thé réunion are doing aUIl n théir pow- er t0 beip Mains thé affair thé blugeat possible succes. Paînlese Déth. Ouz oD. occasion a wéIl-known Pub- lic IU adescriltetithe act of drIng as aé Vret ativenture that ainst b. mach moré Intéresting than setting out for thé nO olepI." Whii. fév vili agre *Ith hm it la a great thing t knov térrore, anti bas taught us that no inatter boy muth a dying pérson may appear to, b. sufférlng. hé or she, in- Medlately béforé déath, can féel no Main whatever. Already'scores of articleti which The Globe depends on Europe supplying, are flot to be l'ad at any price. To prevent this beconng general is the object of Mr. Morrison 's East- ern visit. Vast amounts of merchandise have been bouglit and contracted for with the endeavor of preventing inconvenience and additional expense to Globe patrons. À IVo RCJ3 dent but Kinssel declares théré are ha. noeab le ah. o léam rn h é te ON cenýénot b. servéti Vith notIce. Uli lierelteslié vas marrieti an Feb- Kinisset owke for an absoluhé di-, A ~IlIIS î ~ ruary 20, 1907 la Russia. Bines that vorne. The Iamliy hoc ityeti i NOIh ~~i~iii~~,vS lie livé i vth lber anti canducted i hm.arqutvéliio he. self as a ioVIng anti dutiful hushanti. are ________________her Adam Kinszel et North ChicagoJ It vas an May 1, 1913, whér%, is James B. Habbs, former préhilt of Accused His Wife of Inti- I wta gulity of Intimacy with; the Cthicago board of trade. a truste macy With Other Men. Lévévaki. At tiiet timp, tbey separ- of Noniixs'éstern Universlty and on _________atéti anti since that time lhé sa3's ahé of thé fouindéra of the Laite Blut Or- Givlng statutory groundis, Adamn a absentéti herséit eontinuaumiy. phanage, Isdring la Portland..Nié.. Kinszel of North Chicago basnfIléti a lié bas éndéavored sevérai timan t bécamé knoyn In Chicago Tuestiar. bihl for divorcé agalnst lit. yité, Ju- lié says ta learn lber whéréabouts but Mr. Hob la 84 vears oid. He léft lia Kinssel. Frankt Lévévali of bas nat béén su1ccéstful. Hé bas héard tChicégo lait Saturday tor a trip In North Chicago la naméti as co-respon- that shé Is In thé city ot Chicage but Mainie, bis former home. w. Always Load Yeu Save .onsy lier. Advance Showipl of New Fali Dresses Specially Priced For EarlySeJn Mr. Alex Hein who is now in New York has just sent us a large shipment of those beautiful dresses they are now showing in ail the large centers. Our connections with prominent manufacturers makes it possible to gét these new things- right off the reel 'at very attractive prices. In order to seil them quick and'boost the sales during August which is ordinarily a slow month, we are placing them on sale at most tempting prices. You Will id Ail the New Features Enibodled in These Dresses, Plaited Tunlcs, The New Basque Nlodels Etc. A very attractive model of silk poplin, made ini the new basque model with a boxplid tunic that reaehes almost to the bottom$1 0 of the=it pecially priced ..........................$. 0 Beautiful semi -basque mode! of crepe de chine in grey or black, well plaited beit over the hip and long tunic gracefnlly draped over the skirt, this garment would easily bring $15. Our August price.$1.9 Another handsome model in crepe de chine,, is made with new set in sleeve, white collar and cuifs and long tunie, C<O speeially priced at.......................................$.98aet A very fine dress of botony serge, in blue, blak or Copenhagen, neatly trimmed with white pecay collar front and euifs, satinî beit and lias long overskirt, special.........................$59 It will be difficult for other store buyers to obtain satisfactory resuits 110W, even were they to duplicate the actions of The Globe tomorrow ineoing direct for, and anticipat- ing their future.needs. There is nothing more to, be had. Our shopping was most oppor- tune. The Globe again demonstrates how its modern merchandising methods enable its patrons to save. "At this moment, if prices were merely based on the amount. that could be got fromn the buying public, merchants would be jus- tified in adding fifty per cent to the stock of foreign goods that they have on liand," quotes the Chicago American in a wrarning editorial which in character every newspa- per in the land bias printed for the benefit of readers. (r lEven throuh extremedffc- Sties The, Globe sevsyou best -WAL4:ýWAm WAD...WAR ýWAIR vo fil fJ WAR ~ WARWAR -WAR -WAR The Glob e Store'9 s Merchandiser Is at Present in the East Enensively Buyîng and- Contractin 1' for ________Lnes -Nae In Europe' lImportations iave Stopped; Prices WÎil Rise MR. CMLESMORRSON, the merchandising chief of The Globe, has been preparing for Mthegreat difficulty of obtaining imported merchandise while the great Europeaxi conflict ensues. Shrewd merchants, the country over, made rapid pr prtion to recewve the- fullest complement of foreign goods wbile the supply was still intact.There wlll be a strliaeticy as wona as the preseat supply Is exhauded for ships cannot get through; houses in Europe cannot deliver. The advice of a week ago. The Globe is well prepared for the worst.