-7wy ms P'clALI irq,.ssakeMen Whom S. H. Kennedy In- Edited by F.J. OR UCE, phone Il Steps For His Parole. Orders Taken for Job Woîk. Adveîtlslngerates ou application. KENNEDY'S HEALTH BETTER Quality-Boyd's Studio-i'ri,-e rlght. The neiregular emeeting of thé St. Andrews Gulld willl km Veduesdaày, Aug. 1 9th at the home of M rm. Walter Godfréy. k,4) Jacot) iA',rtz and family of Menry, motored ta Frémont Sundav tu @pend thé day with their oncles, George and Albert Wagner. Mima Lillian Adamo Io vletinir relatives St Waukegan theo week. Mima Olive Cleman lm Viitlngr Mi"a gatherine Taylor as Madison, inI., thia week. Win. Springer tranoated business Bt Waukégan Monday. . Mir@. F. Taylor le haune from the H uhuemaunohompital very muel in1- proved ln héaltb. Mrs. Fred Wlbur and daughter were In Chicagoj Monday. Taxke ai,4ntae ofu our big one cent sale. whkh bwill rua every wéek for a time.. This wmsk we are oftering a 25e jar of Peroiîdé CodCream [or le. Camé in and let us tell yau sabout it. The RxailStore-Druce. irug Co. 1le Mia. Edith Darby returnéd ta ber home Wédneday t Wlmot, Wi,, ater1 effledlng a wéek with ber aura, M ro, t). J. J. Longabaugh tranattd bitinems et Long Lais Mouday. lira. C. Allen sud daughter, InsÉ. Cilffoid Shanks ansi Jaet vielts.d ai Laie Villa Tue.ay. MiseRtuth Wimiire returuesi ta ber homne ln ancoci, Win., Munday. li ra. [on Whtney saccmpanlesi by ber gnans-daughter ansi gransiotn leit Tues- day fr a two, vekis visit lunlMinneota. Mise Murretta Meade of Dl>Kallt, Ili., lanhe r islhng relative. andi tiiensis. lirs. Paîry anti lady fiensi ai Chicago. were guee, tf Henry Kuebker ansi lamily Sunday. Tom Proitor ai Chiago, whitn coea- nectesi vith thé St. Paul K. K. ansi ebo ha, 0% summet bouse on raysake, la chowlug his interest lu thécaliere ansi lreauty of thé lais by gttlng e woéd cuiter, vhicbhehéandsi he wlfe bave heén diiaenily nunning toi thé peint yen, tua Improving thé loui» of thé laie a great de. Wm. Ell ans i vie spent a lew day. et Mlwaukeaeidm.tfrai of thé aeék. fi. J. LIA)tua andi Wn. Kahler are amang te latent &0 purc-iase autamo- 4< bilés. lr. DeConidre. bas aiso tradési la nmrnétlaluthé (lai aulsiivimiîîn for Lee Wilims auto Lounlielîîn andiiarnily if Austin, @peut tbe week-end with lire. Melasparento, lic. epSlira. JobnuWicks. M. and irMn. J. J. MacDougali o Lougmant, Cooiado, aami res here lasi vei ta riait lira. liaci)oungal brother, Cera Allen and othén relative. ansi ienda In tiIs vlinty. lir. MacDougaàli at one time owned theé Léhman property et L.ats Villa. lira. Jom aLangahaugb ansi daughtei Lacile araespanding a rouple ut weekes t thé Battersball camp Cae Laits. The firai annal rid.snmtner Carnîval gi ven by the ladie. of thé, St. A ndre w's Gild si on e.ofaie.bkqg.t ansi but1 Attorney Himnself Writes Letter Thanking Men-Says Past Is Now Forgotten. Parties lntereésted ln Stépiien H. Kennedy wére ih% Chicago WVdnesday with hlm, ansi helng satleIsfior bis cOmplté restitution tu healt, andi îéceiving satléfactary ueétirarce tram hlm ibhat hé nu longer bore any 111 wiii toward uny persan soever, petItlonesi thé Suiierinteule-ne or thé iHospital ut Eilîr for luIs dischurge, whlch hée Win Qooo rF-cèle,- F?1lawîng lé a copy or lttér eritý lérm by Mr. Kennedy to Theadare H. Durét uf this rity: Chicago, Iii , Aug. 1.3, 1914. Mr. T.If.Durai. Président Securîty Sa, luge Bank, Waukégun, 111. I>éar Sr: I wliitlu lharfc yau, LillialarnC. UPton, and thé otheré ehe havé wM'ttén thé Supérintendeut ut M9gblu favor of my parole ans i ds- charge. 1 irceieiy regret thé occurrences or thé hast ansi féél tîtat the ceaI whlch i have bail bas resturea mty beaitb andi mental balance. i have wari lun('hl< ago whiih 1I clii start on Immédlatelyý Thé pas la béhins i ne ansii arn sure hat thé future ciii itntifv the coutldei.-.e yuu hase ln me. Youre v,-iy sins-eîeiy. S. H.KENNEDY. affaire ot ite uindever helsillu Crayslae Thé ladies ai the ditterent committées sud theinr eny best ta maie It go andi was gneatly awarded. Itle hthcught thai over 800 peoplervisitedtbé carnival, caminug tram Chicago, Waukigen, Liber- tyville. Antloch ansi othér neighborlng tavus. Iliany etayéd andi atiendési thé danne at ulgbt, about 150 ticiat@ helng golsi. Thé lad"e cleared meîiy $800 wbich wili go Coaai buuiug a lot. lira. Btchier ai Chicago, le a guese at thé Wm. EllB home. Oni the Payroli. "Hwta Our friand Grafton'o pomi tion on hat bill régarded?"' éked onb member of a legllature. W l"ré- Plled the athér, "the gpnerai Imoprea- sion la that bls Position la a very lucrative one." STOP IIERE! STOP HERE and get your railroad ticket, we have tbein on hcth road». STOP IJERE and buy yaur lms cream. We give Yotn thé béat cratand fruits. $TOP RElUE fora hoies box of candy. We bave WBDy veletié, tao otain ro. STOP HERE If jou want to lten to g ood muaic. We are sole agent. for thé icrola and alwaje glad to play f&you. STOP HERE for posta- carda, souve- nirs a«d pennanta, . brand new line. STOP BElLE for yeur staionery. Wé carry the.mont uptodats lino in town. STOP BElLE for toliet préparations. Our Barmny liné là uIt.xcalléd. STOP BElLE for pure drapl and drng sundrim. Our ruhher departméut con- taInq nothlng but guaranteed stock. ALWAYS STOP taB Bezailistore for good merchandlae, and gond servce. DRUCE DRUG CO. Thé Bexail Store Grayalake JOHN IlART.Prés CIEO.ANDERSON, V. Pres. E.C. lISER, Cuhier. Bank o Round Lake STATEMENT AT CLOSE 0F BUSINESS AUGUST 6th, 1914 i RESOURCES Loana andi Discounts.... $3,836.93 Socks and Bonda ........13.490.00 Building Account ....... ... 13,463.86 Furnitune sud Fixlurea ....3,064.86 Expense ..................... ...1,463.26 Nat. City Bank cf Chicago 12,008.88 lI Nat. Bank. Lake Forest 88.07 Items lu transit................ 68.90 Cash items .................... 120.88 Cash.........................6369. 18 Total ........8114,006.70 LIABILIT lES Capital Stock ............510,000.00 Surplus andi Eaculugs... 2,446.27 Individunal Accouuts.......38.687.84 Savings ...................... 23.888.83 Cértificates of Deposits ... 39, 106.1I8 Total....... 114,005.70 AUG. th, 1912-Resources, $66,797.48; Liabilitiét.$868,797.4.8 AUG. 6th, 1913-Resources, $83,764.93; Libilities, $83,764.93 Our steady growth tells its own gtory. Let us serve yotî. If you want M ~Wé have it If you h..ve ONEY W. w.nt it 5?ound oCake CHABLES E. MASON, Correspondent - Agent PHONE 24-J tJuality-Boyd» Studia-Pri,-e iglit. Séréral tram hère attended Waukegan Dav andi seerthé White Sox play bail. The dance nex& Stundai svènlug wilI hé heîd ln thé Opéra Roune, ansiunder thé auspice of thé ladieoai St. Jaephm ehî,rch. Plan ta hé thora. Duri totaMr. andi lira.tieo. Riclîardson, Thuîsday, Aug. 6, aen pound daugluter. Flage were et haIt mat Mondey on account oi thé funéral ut PrésIdent Wison's wilf. Lylé Litwller bas receivesi notice that hé ha. béent appointed rural mail carrier. Fred Fiaiy ha. remlgnéd bie poaltîtun with Armour & Co., ansi expets tii go inta thé barber hualuesu. Athougli hé oa. ntt t btairned a location. We hure nuL learnesi up to thîs wrlting w-lo sill hé thé new potmamter. It aemm eail thé coutétanta havé peésed thé examinatlon. lilasCarile Vogt spéni thé we-endr-s wltb ber sister, lira. W. A. Rosing, ansi attendesi thé Sance eit Amannao. Carrne has a greet mamy frlernds hère wha are alwaym pleanéd tu seber. Martin Thélemt ha. made a déal w horc- by hé ie now theéownér of a large Casé automobile. Over twa hinudresi people buirdési thé train for Chicago fr<,m this tatIon Snnday erenlng. DavidSi tutaman apént Snnday ansi lionday witb rlenîfé lu Chcega. Edward B. Luiîy. manager of thé ininher yard hère transacted businema in Wankî- gan Tueedey. Ceo. Itichardoon took Thon. (Graham1 andi party ta Harvard and Elgin, Tues- day on a lînainésa trip.1 OBITUARY 0f JAS. GLEASON (Contributesi) James Valentino Gleamon waa bora in Russell, Il. Féh. 14, 1884. Hie eaîly cblldhood waa epent ai Russell. Latér hé movéd wlLh bis parents ta Gurnée, whéré as a youUthé was oneé af théetaot activé bays of ail hlm youthful campanlana, buntln< heing one of hie gréateat pléasuirea. lu 190f) hé wlth hie family moved ta Waukégan. As a tradé hé chosé thé barber profession, graduatiug tram thé barber collège iu Chicago in 1902. lu 1904 hé waé malTled ta Mima Anna Pallén of Waukégan. To théta were harn twa chilarén, Darotby Olive ard Harold James who wlth hie wl- dow survive hlm. In 1906 hé movéd ta Chicago wberé hé worked at hie trade later going lu buinesa for hlm- self on Chicago avenue whére hle business lncréaséd te such an ex. tént that hle hop was considérési one of the finéat in Chicago. Laat Séptémber hé wag talion alck with pneumnie. frtrmwhicbhéoneyer récoveréd. Ail that eicnd andi willing bande could do wa of no avaiL Ma, mothér and brother Lee accompaniési hlmt ta Phoen'lx Arizona where they rémalned six montha wtth thé cheriah- ,sd hope ta regain hie heaith. But au lt truly may hé saIi "Gosi lovesaa shlnlng mark" ans iwllied It otherwlmé. Réturrclg ta Chîcago and stîilblier. lng théré was hope hé was brought ta thé anatarium at Rogera Park wheîé hé improvéd wondérfully and évery hope was héld out for a complète re. covéîy hé hlimélf making a gallant fight for lIté. But ou July 15, 1914 hé gavé up thé gréat battle andi quiet- y passéd away. Leavlng ta mouru hia gréat loma hie tamily, hlm grief etricken parents and ilbs brathers Ralpb J, Frank D., and William Le Gléason. Fur,eral trra Holy Namé cathedral, burli at Waukegan. NOTICE TO RIEADERS Every week the. INDEPENDENT reeiveà ews iteins by mail which 'n Most instances makes coudi readiag matter soeofattiesa coatain tram an. toa dogon itema frams a community, but the wmiter baving til.d toa ign is or hber mauata the. articles they are net pubimhed, a hia paper trictly aiborm a hei.ruie that no un. aigued communications ahali b. pninted-no matti r bow gaod the. aews may b.. If yen baveitema of an important event plaa. don't farget te igu yaur noms .0 liai w. unay know the. utiior of the. smie. la cammunities wh.s-e wq have regluarcorrespondent&s ne tasas saouilb. girta thema insteasi af m.mding difrect ta the. INDEPEN. DENT office. MiNesJomephine Kennedy oif (blago, and lMr. andi Mra. R. .1, iî'.nton andi ehbldrenutofWhéatau, 111 rettr,îed ta their home tbis wéek. Earl White af lîbana, 1 lU i,<pndjng blé vacation with thé 1-, i..I L. le w&@ going tu Europe, wa uc 'itaitn,,l hlm. JemseDeumnan, Br., lIp thle past acek tii siends smetime with ij-.( mdren ion the Lake Share. IlIis Mahal Banner *peut LLýdnesday and Tbinraday with Ire S. Antie t Il iîkory and attendési the 11 ni, Thé Mism Ida and Nlad.c, Strang epenrt séverai siays witb tli-r Irotiier at Waukegan. Mr. and lre. Cremiui ,f (iraysile, were Millburu caller. Thurmday, Many tram thi i elnity attend,.d thé tlikîjry plenie Thrseday. 'lTé Sunday achool picnil was post. ponesi uncil further notice. l:arl Ctier of Zion City. Viîstd severaI days with Edwin Deumaut. Mise Smith ai Round Lauke-, pent séveraI days wiih Mia. Vliéjarnîcîî,î Mr. audlirs. Corner ipiîne af Hlighland Park, apent thé wee k-end with liraMeuza Webb. Mir. and Mlra. Myrtie aui Mraud lira. Robe. Webster Ai Waniégan. werce callérs uit C. E. Denman, Sunday. Mies Minulé Hoppham ofI 'ikaga. la vteîîing Ilrm. C. E. Dsaman hic weék. Miss Péarl Hughes ot Lilsryville, liq staylng wihhér brather, iGuY Hughes. James and Louiaerrity of î.cas,îake, @Peut several days wîth Jiîinlî-îngr Mr. and Mrmo. J. B. Dénîtari and sans Laurlu andi Willia, of Wli,'tfî, aére at C. E. Deiuman, Snnday. The Ladies' Aid wili nat iîiilda ruet- ing Chia month. HICKORY Thé bain ofa . Gnifin ese struci hy lightniug lionday durng thé stîîrm ansi vas de.inoyed. The other buildinga, grain ansi bey stacia vere saced. No lire stock we burmesi. lira. O. L. Haiienbéck enteutailuesi ber auntp, lMr@. Seraih Crebirée and Néitie Siuman of Waukegam, lat ceek. Thé Wells ansi Savago familles çutncéd at L.aau Laie Snnday. Eari Etivarsisof Chicago, spent Sun. day with hi@ iamlly et D. B. Webb. lir. andi Lira. Tom Reynolds tut Topeka. Kansas, vao thé gant. ot A. T. Savagé the foré part ai1ithe vomi. Mies@l.aura F"r ofsn ai rnstan, le epénduug lber vuý,ibtion with thé home folk@. In spîte ofI h helng Wauiégan day there cas thé langué cravsi at thé Harveét Pieute ce ever bat!. lin. S. Ames la not eo vel et prefent wrlting. Thé ladies' ai the Csntery Sociéity Scleiy lnatead ut ssrvlng supper thé nou&i vay wili baîsi aunie crmam social Thnrsday afttrnoon ansi ev.nlmg. Aug. 2th. ou thé leen otflira. 0. L. Hahlen- heei. Ahi he memuéra ansi those in- terestesi are recineateti ta bning cake. Cordial Inittioln to ail. [ce creata ansi çaie 15 cents. TAYLOR GROVE lir. and Mnr. Ly le Sys@ty are Lii. happy parente aI e nine liantS baby boy. Xmls .Minuté ansi I net eahble rimsi taoisMiter ai Wadeantb 8,qada.. Mr@. W. ilabiing ansi chilsirea or Wau kegen, are vlaitlng lier inather, lins. Wendt. MmIra Tm Beardon fa eutértaining bar cousin mata Chicago, R. E. Eddy ba@ a ne I verlaueta. Thé well driller. have finiabesi tb. veil st Dunnican's, It beiug 204 fust, Tey are nov digglng onee t te Biddiécornb mebaci. lira. Henh Shea andi hér sister vére Mon callers Frisiey. Carl Johneort ansi a f rsimient Sun. day ct bis parents bers. DID A FALL FROMR HIORSE RESULT IN CASE 0f INSANITY? Linsien Purdy, son o Mie F. W. Pundy of North Countîy treét, Wau- kegan5 cwas thîs afternoon adjusigéd Insane ansi arderesi sent to Elgin. The Young man, cho la 22, hasi bééS gravhng morose for a long ime, lni tact, relatives admit hat, ince thé death o! blé fueher 01er a Ysera ga, hé hail heen showlng mare ansi more lgue etf being uffected mentally. Whetbér thîsis id anytltng te do vîth iL or wethér- bis candition was dute ta a fali which hée suatainesi abaut two yeara ego cas thé real causeé. cas saméthing wblch coultl flt b. déter- Mined. At thé Cime In question Purdy vas thnown trom a bhtrse andi lansies on hlm heasi. At the tIme hée itowési n111i effecte froin thé taîl but about a Yéar ago It cas noticeS that bim réa- son seémesi ta hé aliectési. At flrmi blé friends thoaght lieuie or thé mattér but gradually his condi- tion ha, béén growlng woiae, Purdy titought a gréai demaoisI fater ansi when thé latter SIidof totanua as thé reaui of belug btten by hlm hanse the mon cas affécteds tangély. prom thai Uirne his conudition hé-usie congé. 14 Sarn, Snnday mormlng ta Mn. ansi lir. Warren Fuller, tiîn boys. Al are sioing nlceiy. J. R. Bracher of Libertyrille, viaitési biason hèrsenmverai days test week. Mn. asid Mie. Richard Hoai andsi on vinhtéd théir pareut@ ei Loon Laie orer Sunday. Thams McCuleagb reburnési Satur. day night tram a businese trip ta Watoeka, 111. Thé Cuie bhail team wiii play ai Wadovorto pieute Seturday. A goosi game la expectesi. lira. Herry W. Keél ansi lr@. Dr. YounuglaitTueeday for Tanonisi gan., witére ihé! cl i ait frIénsis. They viii aima riait NiagaraPaels, Baffalo ansi atér eastein point&. R. W. MicClure audieamily apeni FrIday ln Chîcaglo. Thremhing lé luaider wib tis viilty. Grain la lght. Mir. andsilr. PhU Brand oi Waukegan, vîsitesi Irlenda hère thé pasi weék. lin. ansi Mra. Chas. Wlbnr ef Weuké- gan. wéré visitais hère thé irai ut thé The sotcîial cas nat very Iargély et. tendési. A much néédési relu caméeliauday. Thé annuel réuffion ot thé Siver iamlhy wao bélsi et thé home aiflMr. ansi lre. Arch Sivér lit Kenasha Sunday. lire. B. Seblosér la éntertainlng a noeseansi nephetram Chicago. Gransimaeirrîllé ls enteitalnlug ber noe@c, Mis@ Ametram Appleton, Wl,. Mae. (leo. DeForris bas some young peuplé frîti Chicago eit hér humé. MIr. andi Lra. R. Gi. Murrié vert Wauie- gant visitoré daturday. t.aura Corna le@ spénding a tee daye with Mis@ Schafsr lu Milwankee. lirs. Corném, Aee ansi Witt Convie speni Sunday with Mr. ansi lra. Koenes la Kenueba. lir. andi trs. J. J. Page cére Wauié- gant vîsi tors Mouday. lira. Lundys baby whiechabaeén véîy mci te eoméwhat improvesi. Mludrési Murray ansifriéns bave return- éd to théhr homes lu b.éneah. Thé Independent léase isal. FARMI NG ( I'ri ate ( ai Exîtrbion, Tue4ay, Aug I 8tlt.) THINK liow mitt-li is leirtg 1îrintéi ahout farmingz! Thé prea. reflett thé thotigliî arîd î,,jiriîu t the public. Every weiI informed persan is keecii to r li'sts îi, iui t-i relation ta thé high i-oct of living.1 - .akle Villa T'hé Commercial i lui, enl""""-dan (,ut- lug at Twiu Lakes ami lakiinc usunday. They trial, Lii. trip by auto@e. Mr. and 5irs. Herhrt \éismon M"", n.i paniéd by Mr@. P. 8 Iitîtiels made au auto tril, to Lb aukegaun lnd(ay. Among those fcî,m a distanve wtio attéuded thé Il. Sherwiojl fanerai woe Mir. and Mrs. Wilso)n ('arpenter, lirs. Frank Hall, @on and danghter of Chiea- go, Mir@. Frank Fox of lîrimtol. Mr. and lirs. Cremin and Mr. and lie. (ulver of Grayslake. Misa Laura Carpeuter vimit4éd at Mrs. H. Sherwood'a tht. week. y. M. Hlamîli trunsa-Ird bustueé lu i the cîty Tuésday. Mrs. JaS. Kerr retur,îed ast week from ber western trip. Misé Marguerite Kerr of Ijouneîl Bluf, accampantied ber home for a visît, as ahé ha. b'-enu lnvalid for aéveral montb, aud it le huped that thé change wili do ber good. N. 0. Léutzuér and wife tof<'akffeld, Wl,., vimited aéreraI days jamt wcek with Lake Villa inda. F. R. Shérwood transat ted business Iu Chicago thé tiret of thé wéék. Work hm. bégun ou thé new bungalow and barn for Henry Atwéll on thé land hé recéntly purchaaéd ut Wm. Sbéshan. ;;Wxn. Waiker réturned nAet wéék from Chicago whéra hé ha. béen lu a hospita under tréatmént. Thé Ladie,' Aid pociety met Wednés- day wlth lir@. H. Pottér. OBITUARY Henry S. Shérwood wam bort near Planfiéid, Di.,,Féb. 21. 183(î). lu 18431 hlm fathér hronghi thé famlly 10 Lake eonnty and sattiéd st Shérwood's; Corneraq, now knowu ma@Lake Villa. Hère la plaméér daya hé graw 10 manhoad» getting hm éducation et thé littié log achool honme, and latér aitendlîgan académyat Wauksgan. Be alan iéaruéd the jéwéic.ra tradé, and tanght school aérerai winterai, worklug on thé iarm or at his trade thé reat of théeypar. On Jan. 1, 1857, hé was married to Mie@ Sarah M. Denlck at Kéuomhé. Wla., aud soan alter took np thé vocation' ot iarming on thé aid hameasaed, wbich hé followed outil 1892, whén hé retlred tram activé tarinfle. Hé diéd Manday, Aug. 3, 1914, at thé agé ut 78 years, 5 manth8, 10 djy7. Eight children woea hrn, aniy threé of whoin, béaldea thé wldow survive,.lMra. Lillie Rendrieka of Ingleside, Raymond living an thé aid bome né d Frank af Chicago, hemidea ibréeegrand childreë.- Funéral services were héid eit the. M. E offiilating, a.slted by Rer. Stlxrud. BuriW iobot placé la Angolacirn.cy. IT MAKES MILLIONS THINK tît léarn frout The 'séws that luntew lamiten yeac theti nunibér tir tenant farmers uni-ramse t twiee as tamt as thé number wlto fatitntteir owu landi; ta leacui frotti The Tribune Chat thé ioveruent "Forward tii thé Land" ie bécauitng mort' dîitî. cuitt tonceniUt of iiug lanrdcul- ues, whlch double,! in thé la«t %en yeans, tu learu front The Examnter that thé igiter fîod pricme are partly dué to thé paséiug of territ land@s Inoathe bande of feerrown- oea; ta léaru tram Thé Hérald that In thé lent teer years, wblle popu- lation grew oné-fifth, beef cattle decreamés oné-thIrd, e0 that ere naw import beef for steak@ andi raaetn tram Argentina, antI Austruclia. FARM TENANCV le bécouting fastened upan aur countcy. Thé rapid lucréam enluandi valués ls bas- tening it. Thé future of thé Weil- to-do clama lies ln thé awnérahip of land. Taiee his aoohome. Wltat are yîîu building on for your future, for your eilîdren'a future, fon a sure Incarne, for a homne ot independence fior your family? WITH ALL THE PRESS of this country, thé gorerninent ItmeIf, and every state appealîng for mare* farmers. enu'%yîîu @se hat tarming le a gond business ta go finto', Fee- tci tallunh than In any otherhUe. Co-opérative étoreownéd hy tarmere for selling tueir pioduce direct ta, consumner@ lm a gîawtug mavement fl et promise for thé elimination of milddlernen and focrsecuring ta thé fermer a lerger percéaege ai profit than ever hefore. Thé subjeci oi tarming ha@ hecome an important wltb thé gavérméent that It le lnuiahing expert luairuetora ta many district@, antd expeots ta éventually caver thé entire UnIési States. But firat of al you face the problem ai séeuiing youî land. Von waui a woriing plan La do ItL 1 bring thé béat andi suresi plan, évén ta thé man of limited meana. To vou méchanica, men ai ail trade, City tallera, yon Who were bronght up ou fartao, you terni rentera. orer.hnrdén.d with excessive rente, i bring a message. Thére are atili anme if ty tbouaand acre@ ready for yonr ownerbihp andi occupanc., lu thé Swigani Tract lu Mamaon, idani. aimé, Lake ansi Wéxford Countiea, Micigan. WHEN YOU LEARN that yan cen buy land lu ibis tract tor $10 ta $35 per acre on termemof $10 ta $î50 dowu and $5 on $10 per month. or about ssven yeae' imé, and a large seéction ai $18 per acre, and a trip ai lampection la short (gone only two For further particular addrrus Swigart Land Comab pany, 1250-F First National Bank Bidg., Chicago, or Dymond & Austin Agent*s Libertyvle, mac Iiliiiois I No. 120. FOR SALE-Bungalow. Al modern improveménts; Hurlbnrt Ct. and kSeond-t.; bot waer beat; bard- voSd inf"ha. Esyterme. No. 101. FOR SALE-Modern 8-room hoame on Division-st.; lot 8Ol 85ft,: bot vater beet; barsivoositrima; tcco fntah. Eaey terme. No. 121. FOR RENT-Modera 6-room home on Second-st.; lot b01150 feet; barsicood floor; siaccaffnish. Durand & Durond Ruai Fstaho, le.....acat. ~Lamatyrille5 Job Pirinting LAWOR A FULL COUNT CLOSING OUT SALE To quickly disposé of my entîre tock of Milinery and Ladies' and Children'a Furuisings .... The Prices have been reduced to COST, mdson LESS THAN ACTUAL COST. It wmliMpY"youto puraclui dulghd lng out m%. as aohing wUi .bu »Moe"uda s"u ta b. soisi meb bmiaw Ihaur actual valoa. Mrs. M. A. PROTINE «ly e mâat &un tht' tswi, n dua A) nd Inexpenisive, yaou 1g4t ta loinuan excurilan andi inreâtigate. THE EXTENT OF THE mare- nient tii this Tract eveiybody inows who reade my advértiaéméuie.1 tieke a private car f lied with lansi andi hitîte seékéis ta thé Tract eveny two wr-élis. and irequently tua cars. Von we-uisi tut wondén at thé many that gi wtth me if i-ou inew sehat i have ta tiller. There are 251,000 fart certérs lu Illinafs, Indiana and Iowa who want totaecore land of their SIZE UP THE SITUATION. Came and sethé nropa ot rye os vetch. coin, wheat, allta, héans n potatues. TaIk ta the mttiere. .ltidgé for yiiurselt thé amount oi imitro etueut and déveîapment going ort. Look ai orchards bing atartesi. Fireesse lInyvour own mind ubat tii. fîtture ha. lu store for yau lu this Tract, with new turnq, gond mer- keta, aérerai raliroade, steantablp liués, gonds érools, goosi roads a"s electrie power dams being hut. There are opportunities lu this district. Vérity my clairnaam ta Lb. advaniagtea oft meting tu the centrai part of Michigan'@ trait heut, uheré thé climat@, modératési hy ueerusa of Laie Micehigan, la milsi, halmy andi mont healthlol. Drink the delilious pure water. 1 willi taie yau ID on. ai My automobile. as menymlbe. am yan want ta go over thé wel drainési, exréileat lay of landes ai quicily producing, warm, sandy soil. 1 WANT TO TELL VOl.>a- greai del tas& bout tii dintrlct, wbere 1 livesi. and witb the npbnlldimg ai ahe 1lc b ave béén idéntiffifor mauy yeara. 1 have .publiosed a 72-page boakiét, eouialong 115 views andi e thorongb deacrptilon ai &Il tbe condItions for iarmfmg. Von ougiti ta bave It if Tonam I f n aboy landi la Michigea or aan sywhere. .Bond for lit ans alima a large man. Yen wlll b. la- tereetesi u intseco-operatîva e " ai my propoiton-tii. Inuranc élkua bure, Lb. corps ai farming lnâtuciors 1 malutain aoblnsteImd, ihm demou. atraion farta, sny large oreitam edasieppling arranusmeat en.à ater features that make for a nnited and wali dirsctesi effort fur progresé lu thia district, wlth wblob 1 éxpect ta hée ctlvely aeSuacaiesifer Maur retre taeome. MY NEXT PRIVATE CAR excursion wilU be Tnmsday, Aug. 18, by ahi P. M. R. R., leariag tai afflmasa 11 :30 &e. *Fm $e 8.30 round-irfp ta Welston, rebassi aon pacmté, You gt back lu Chicago ait 7:2 a. m . Tinrsdey ar Frlday of Lb.:somm we.k-. Automobile. sud gie.t1 nimbasi ire,.