WkUK~iANDAY h ance agaiusit t WÀUIRûN DAY c I 1stepped lil i Jack Johnson.- CELEIRATJON WAS 1Icae fisag IMMENSESUCCESS wud ae cu playing agaiuat a dla S. lie Soi. as I could le figliting ring wlth ,frigit os ertooli he tri and nervourruess causedi tem to make 'ones" wlili neyer rred had tisey been aleam of tiseir owu Its Estimated That Between 8,- 1 o aslwo f wichwer buched i 000 and 10,000 People 1tIse tîird. singles by Nemseyer and Were at Park Thursday. byLenaBilackburîie netting the one ruts The' Sox conipiled 21 lis for 13 rua HAD FRèË ATTRACTIONS, off the' catubbed efforts of Nierneyer _________asd Goggins. Twelve bits were cornb- ed off the' soutispaw lu tise ice Is- High Dive, Band Concert -anid nisgs le %orked fur belug good for Fireworks in the Evenung sud Dal>,, andI triples lsy Collns andj Proved Drawing Card. Breton. Goggus llowed nine bita,1 ________Chapelle anul Colluns getting doubles1 The aukgaudaycelebration ou The score: TheWnkegn yWlite Soiý AB.R. I-.PO.A. E. Thursday wsas a succesa lu ever>, seuce Weaver, Fsa. .....G 2 2 0 3 2 of thse word, aud. s'ile ît s'as no as Blacishurne. 2h . ýý..5 3 2 3 4 1 large or as elaborate- as golorneftise Collins, r? .....5 3 5 3 1 0ý Waukegau days thse cii>, bas hiait lu Dli>,lb ......5 I 2 9 0 i the Pest, it s'as unusually succesafai DeusuitI. . ..4 O 2 1 0 0 s'heuaane cousder tisaItishe arrange- Chapelle, et.c ..f.. 5 2 3 0 0 0 mentes'ere made lu sncb a short stace Breton. 3h . ...i... 5 1 1o0o oft une. Sullivait. c ..., .ý5 1i :, 10 1 () Naturýally eyerytbing hlnged about Walshs. p ........... 3 o O O 0 0 tise hase hall game hets'een tIse Wau- 1Faber, . ... ...1 O0 0O lO0O kegan City, base baIl team sud thet'--- Chicago Whie Box.Tise fact tisai Totass... ...... 44 13 21 27 9 4 thse aiteudauce ttise garne numhered Waukegan City AB.R. H.PO.A. E. beiveen 8800 sud S3.l 800 a apositive Gaggîns, if-p.... 4 A 0 I 1 1 i indication cf ibis tact., Dean, as ..... ..... 4 0 1 3 4 1 -Il la qstiated that the sîtenlauce Hock, 2h ........... 4 ( 0 6, 4 1 ai Eieecflc Park s'as hetween 3,000 Murphy. 3b..... 3 o 1 1 3 1 and 10.U00. Hundreds came tram dit- Crelghtou. cf.-If .... .4 0O0o1i0o( feoent parta cf Lake caunt> sud osais>,Pakili, lb........ . 0 a 8 1 2 caine froin the differeni cies aîoug Vase, c............ 3 O 1 6 3 I the lake shbe. The e tseet car coin- Barge, ru. f..... 2 0 0 1 0 0 PM Iss nugurted special service for Kiug. r? ............ 1 0 0 o o o lbe day a»d double traîna eutes-ing Nîsmycer. p. ....2 11 0 O1 0 Waukegan at frequeut iniervals ver --- - - -- 'eu fiel. A telà,uminute scisedule ta Totals .........I31 1 5 27 17 6 sud freinthse pan s'as operatîve ail Sammar>,: Tbree base bits-Cal- l0a nud tise Company, Certail ln, aBreton. Ts'o hase its-Collins CAU find ne famît s'lth the pastouage (2). Dal>', CisaPPelle. Breton. Struck aecccaqed. In addition several auto- oui-b>, Walsb 4-Paskill, Hook (2), >Us«e did a thiviuig business ail day Dean; b>, Faher 4--Ooggina. Dean, 1181111.Hock. Klug; b>, Nemeyer 3-Weaver, .lu thebepaslWaukegan la>,a als'aya Sullivan, Walsh: b>, Goggnua-Daiy. baye been aompaulel vush a more Hua Off Wasa-4 in six lnlugs; off .Or lau elaborate parade and iman, laber-i lu four luonga; off Nleme>,- zalsael iis Meature ibis year but ht er-12 lu is-e lunings; off Gggls- l e tsudecided ibai thora s'as nol 9 lu four lnluga. Left on bases- aSificlt tiloe te Put on a succeaful Box 3; locale 6. Double plays--Col- <ageanti ud the ides s'as ahasidouel h1,1a8te Dai>,:Weaver ta 3lackburne -Thee suotorcYcle racte bwsas held tO DI>; Dean ta Hock 10 Pasklll (2). late liseinlg attractellarge crawla Mit b>, pitcher-by>,Nemeyer-Dern- of people te thsecourse os-ev 'hich ie miit; b>, Gogglu-Weaver, Faher. lIea pas"d. A cemplete account or Sasces ou balla--off l'aber 2-M.Nurphy tis etogether s'tilsW uitocfthie and Barge. Stolen bases-murphy. s'Imnrai li heo fund la anotiser col. Barge. Blackharue, ('olms. Tîme- ýn_ 1:45. Umpres-Itago sud McCue of At tise Parkthiers s'asthie nouai mid- Chicago Inter-City, League. s'as- sitb ls lhi récks, jîngle boars, pafllie sboela, etc. Soins o!thie ide"sT R Y AN)R O ,SMOse't te it di> amI vient. Ieut- ly Mal. & bit, tor lPeopleaPOt teIr =-$y 'qu« It.fsi. Tiiebonths vhors 'A "fNe'Im'm i mt in» Mda atee .crosa s'ere dis- P«»" 06l l anl-o#bco businss ail O M N S I daY bong.lue otet tat tIhie day EY 'll "'as a - teasel>, -as-oeaensud tile drIkig at«tame. aalabe. t uOOR YCLE RACE I-su the iajcs't>, o! people dld, not camt e lastitute a msat-chi feril. Hittlssg a Pace cf aver 76 miles an lâfis thie hast, dancing s'as a POP- hour on saine sîretche orthie course, nias- toatus-.bb attornoon sud ee-n- Terry>,Anderson cf Wsukegasa cap- lau. The lauce fleor s'as occupie l«aI-ttred iri place le the 25 Mlle motor- Boft oatinuouan sd iunîreds s'er., es ,race bell Thursla>, morning Iu ibis ils-. Thse Young rider pros-el a A s'oras sas scIsduied ta make a s'iirls'nla r forcing bis machine Oe-r 111811dive ite a blazing tank o! sisal- ithe rOugIs course sud galued as badlaI <o' unies- la tihe aiseu. Ovins #»thse iret ap a! the race tsaI lie main- t" tact tisaittthe tank coul net ho tabiel ibreugbout. Anderson ceserel Aful s'lt s'aIes- bi tse atternoon thete 25 miles in 11:10, a pltenoutiai, bitIsdive -e'sPosiponelutil es-en- record under il s Iacter coud doo i. . ag. AI msachaln caPtUred second p)lace, The City, las not bal .a Waukegan teoui>, Other prizes'inang posIton. M lbala n ui~rt3es5BOtb Of tise vnnerss'es-e oun an to t" Yarbutit a vY pob. The Oe-et ss wa-hed b>, thon- abehirAT wUs suoclthecf lb. .orii- . snda. For tis enutire lengtis cf the Thiads'vii bs- lseeffoto!ba--course, frein Sherdan road sud lng fUtday obses-vol ors e-ery - aGrand avenue. oves- Lewis avenue sud listuuse. Is1,qai iisyear pros-ad aLme nio h a!Rs Hth a c56M of soase o s inahe iPaasSheridan rosI sas dotiel witli weo. iban seOtm c ter. oll ts a tains. Forminu>,blocks on sach aile s'crk ouimuclihotts-,of tise tartîug Point tise crawls s'ere an dense tisaithe Police bal 'limcsl- t>, lu kpc"uIuur tiem bacle ad .ý o? thse 3 -* ATENDED course. Tise race was maried s'Iîb soveral iumhies of tht' rides-a. Three o? tise MUIS X U M ridera ts<iing a tail. One of tiese.c AT AU N T URS cidents îis-ev entel Bars-y Beuson, AT A t O TI R .champon Of Lk ou ndpoe lu hissection o h on rIero (BY en enkis)cOtlutinlg lu tise race. Ht' feu s'white , y aJuklgnsi g.7. makIug tise tara fsrn Lewis avenue The hiteBoxWavegmand Ag 7 atOOthse Golf rond lu thet irai lap. Be The Wiget o haver om sud goewsas anlujureel but tht'fiont foi-k Of the iilggsBidePc hra s-ora Mîteltbis machine s'as isioken, the Y ea huble rThesrla>,s as' M. Rynkîel struck te cari ou et , t ostof hbe whie v.alLewis avenue as be malt' n side tai-n esttis lst ! Iies'lIt-hosed atis- auto thse tborougbare ?from Grand letet t Chicago. avenue. Rynksel bal been goiug good Thiris--fous- bundred sud 17 admis-anul but for the accident wauid bave, a1[us18versalI. Bth the grand- It la thoughit, been a Close eantender stand and bleachers s'ere packed and for one of thse irai positions. George thie c-wloo0k up es-esy bit e! stand- Walkeuoff aise feli f rom bis machine naS-rOmci ak cf tiIs-Ibase sud tîned wbeu It akildel lu ths e l. Ht' sas Hile field bck etftOret sud around iselped. auto hIs machine agalu and ai- rigisIs AIditIesal bleachers ver. set thaugis ses-osel>, bruinel he tayedlnl Up te aceOMOdate 1000, but tIse at- the race sud inialiel third. tosiflnsMore tIssu Ouled tIse expecta- Altisougis there s'es-e early 25 en- liona ofthie locai managers. itrants lu thse race, oui>, cigit sides The reaulas- lIn-P o!thie boi s'as taitel. M thie bld, 11011e sud Fournier be-. Tle prizes ses-e as folIows las thé anis- jun mlsalug. Lai-sy l'lr6t-A cap or a gols'atcb fobs oeUPeiU s'ifo bas been out orfthe engravel. MM linM Isu m >.playel Plng Bodie'a Second-Nlotos-cycle tire casing. 30*11M n la eutes-tield. Big Bl Walsh Tiselilst o! tise pince s'luneres'was ad ÎC'3DS-*tullivan, the mosit amous as follos's: eWtm7fail Umne, tarte thie gaine. Lenglis a? race, 25 mlles. C1.ocmiskeys itcisîng fiud of Tesr>, Anderson, iret. Time-31 : 10 1M àet g4 oing ou the mound afior Il Meachain, second. Ture-S fliai. ~liêBabli.George Walkenoff, third. 39:15 - 901»ansaboeelthse centsast ho. R. B. TwostYran, toarth. 41:15. bu .l goaci mi-pro teant playig Othere starter inluldel George Sta- lan b M Suada>,, sud s prof ession- dlg, M. Sas-aHars->,Benson sud M. i i, fmplapg inahis alaied meu, R>,ukise t»s >.m i cm ea isfound lu tise iiIII4 =IA"5tes 'be ina mfke pro- Representatîve F. S. Munro s'as feuu1os~ 1ulâsEtisir bigisesî atcallel bto pringfiel ibis mareleg b>, Isai l tfa 11OiseoOr & agstme. GoverneOr DUnas, la regard ta fiI thie M »» 00réo bYeMe local fan: VacancY e! Judge Whitney.-Highland k1ft s mIsuliai abocut as much Pas-k Press. 'WAUKEiAN PEOPLE iARE IIELD IN EUR OPE TJIRU CONFLICT MR.-AND MRS. L. .H PREN-1 TICE, MRS. PERRIN AND OTHER WELL KNOWN PEOPLE 0F WAUKEGAN AT THE SCENE 0F CON- FLICT IN EUROPE NOW- RELATIVES IN WAUKEGAN WORRIED OVER THEIR, STATUS-NO WORD RE-,I CEl VED FROM ANY 0F THEM SINCE THE CRISIS AROSE. ___ 1 Tehasty projectionofai Europe prehenalon on the part of friends of thos who happon to b. ln Europe at the present ltime wltl, no menscof ioaving the respective country in which they happen to be staying 0W. lng te the dIseontîInuance of service on the part of &Il steamahlp linos. Thore ire a numtber of Waukegan Among themn are: MAS. F. W. C. PERRIN, ln France. WM. PERRIN, her son, in France. MAS. WM. A. STARRIN, ln France. CHARLOTTE STARRIN, in France. MISS LOTTIE PORTER, ln Ger. Many.1 MR. AND MRS. L. H. PRENTICE, ln Molland. MR. AND MRS. HALLEY-SMITH, In France. Many Vislting Thore. .%rs. Daniel Halley-Smith, before ber marriage, was Miss Bertie Perrin of Waukegan. She and her hasband bave been making iheir home ln ~V~gjVoftga from feu cen'y .-ruait. France for ses-erai years. Tise>, are 'uthostiltieg it s'as fearel b>,nosan ai Preset lilving le Beaus-ille. eue o! tIsai If Mr. Halley-Smith hsd seeauft tise mont fashbanable rescrit on tise 1t become a citizert of France ibat he continenst. lu la a haif lieur's ride b>, mîgisi hodrafied ta igbt lu ibe French train frein Has-s-. asrn>,. lbs'as kuos'n tisaihh as On Jane 9th, Ms-s. F. W! C. Pers-nle Ill France a nambes- o! yeara. o? Waieiegau sailel for France te luquir>-. hoseu er, reveals the tact make an exbsende slit s'lth ber bisat Ms-. Halley-Smilthibasnover se- daugliter. On Jul>, luth. Wlnilam Per- nouncol bis Amrsican cttizeuahip no s-le, a famons Intructor sud oxpouerilie la note se tas- as belua dravu inte o! tise medes-n lances, sailolte pay!tises'as- a coucernee. bis alatos- a vielitMs. Stars-l ansd i ber daugiter salel on u Jl>, lts sud UJEST 'i CT( are ase sisiing aitihe Halley-Smith YLJ T CO. home. Got Lefter Tuesda>,. D S R Y D ]D Or. . M. Sieffeuson, daugisuer ofST O EDW D Nr.Pers-lu, sud vso, ha staîin.g au bers mothrs home on Northi Genesee ONE 0F MOTS SPECTACULAR s-seet durina iser absence. recels-el a CONFLAGRATIONS EVER lettesreino ber mother on Tucada>, Tise ietter vas daiel "Jal>, 22" and SEEN IN CITY OCCURRED bal lieSuan tise s'a>, esice. WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT 10 Mr&. Steffensen wvise bal usly basu a'aiiing s'as-If-om nmetfber O'CLOCK-CONTENTS 0F relatives ince the ireaking ont of BUILDINGS MADE IT ONE tise var, ross ilh enerI>,, but s'asOF THE MOST DIFFICULT saines'at disappoitee, -uscanse h contaie onewssoftise s'ai.sas-ig FIRES THAT DEPARTMENT been s'riiten, apparenil>,, iefore tise HAS FOUGHT IN YEARS. s-cal openig ofisostltties. It ha pro-____ babl>, tise lst lettes- ibat s'Il h. le- ESTIMATES LOBS, $50,000. cis-el for saine lIme avina te tise A rpre nsv.e diacor4lunce o! atcasa .ahip service. pA repoMana er r es eGld b Ms-s. Sieffeuson admitted that nut.-Pene MatseonaerJoe t ths Woa us-ail>,se la vorried for tise safoty one 01theCon,. ofmatheanst o! lier relatives but said ibeir positien Cmatestis opany.He mal. cfi lu ses opnIn I no narl, 8 In- $W0,000, but partiailly coe-ral b> geo-os as il 'oud ho If tise>, oeeIn inabe-ance. He said tise gratent Paris, Beaus-ille la about tbres boas-s' 1088 would bc te tise stock, for, a ride b>, train fsrn l'aria. Mrs. Ste!- large quantity of a? mufactured fenson saaise bal made no effort rocfing waa in tise warehouse. te get tue communicaVon wtbe Yuwllil rt, ef courses, ro- ta et iia ornaulaiests'is bi- bulîlhe.-o?'"wasaomkel him. relatives as unIes-tise exisiing cis-- "No, Waukegan didn't want us carnatauces she cousidera lu vauld be 0e, whats tise use?" (He hal ref- nexi te a usesa. rence te te citye unwilllhngnes te turn oves-1te e mpany tise Fear For Mise Perter., lwo city Iota on tise ako shore, Tise situation o! Misa Lottle Porter a refusal hwicis citizen* generaîlly of Waakegau es-Ideuil>,la sastI>, mue-e e u h ffog sers-luatIsu tisiof aubes-Waakegau- lD anc of thse meal lissas-roansd les lu Europe. Ishe sailel tor.Europe apectacular lises tisat bas occurs-ed lu of Jane 15 sud exitectel to -ne gens Waukegau In yeass, tous-bud- stîl Pe ptembes- 15. bshes'as a nam.in-Igs ofthue West Coast compen>, plant ber of a ;iasty uourlug vasIons points aithie foot of Water atreet sud a of Iteret inEuroe. uilding os'ned b>, the Fortune Bron. o? intei-est in Europe.I'isg rampan>, wvose los-ellol leo A lettes- datel Jah>, 22 s'as recels-el sartis. ]ate Wednea> evecnu. The lu Waakegau Tuess>, train Miss flames saisîug freintise structure Pas-tes- bat aise mals ne mention ofs-sacbed nearI>, 100 teet itelIse air lis wr bcase t Is lie isevrieai urnes, l'r bons-s the iremen thewa beaue a te lmeshewrtefougisi an unes-eu fi vus Hie the' s'ai-hostilties s'wes-equlie toine, lunes tisai. a-oembled more 01 a Tise lettes- sas posumaried InnÉi-uck, seoting fus-nage lickellthe s'alla of Austsla, ar-IMiss Porter saId ahe ex.tIseais-acturasdsdIroe-sthe iremon hack. Tise tes-siciessaiofthie tOre Pectel ta ho lu Paris. France, ouncenl be f011 for isundreda of test AugaSu 21 as se sali lettesa old ava>,. TIse s'iole violait>, tes maiy> reacis ber tises-e aishtisidate, in blocks s'as llgbted s if lada>time. ber lotters- Ie lid cf trav-elling Tiselainage la estihrnsio as beia Ihrougis the Alps meuntains. near *50,000. Las-àad untofetthe lainage la reprsentel lInlise lest-- Mise Parier ta lu a section n! Eu- Ina Of the prolac et thie fs-m. roof- rope vbîcis ls tast hecinug tise bei- ina Paper. bel a! tht' s' as-sd tes- tiîsreasan i Tise ias-m of uti rs rangbinta con- ber aukean fIend natrall-t h tral station ai about .10: 16 aceck. apbe akga fioulabe as-aly. 1aei t mntes laies-, neari>, ail of ths appehealo ta- br sfet.Ms-.structures voeeasaeetbIng masso! W~hsctkegan ~e~u4 Fred Berry- laun aunt Of Miss Porter. Prentlces in Hoiland. Mr. aud Mrs. Leon il. Preutice of SvaakeganilelUdfrmm Amierica ou thse samnebhast that Nlrs. Starrin anul bier daugbler tok. _Mr. and Ms-s. Prentice however s'eut on u toHliaud insteal of getting off ai lrance. At presenti they are said tobc InluRotter- dam. Hollan4 la maklug an attempt ta remain neutral lu thse great struggle and in case she la surcessful the sit- uation of Mr. and I Mrs. Preutice will net be daugerous aithougis tise>, sil sufer no littie Incor-venlence for they wii not be allawed to returu home. There are also a nuniber of aotber people whose naines canuot be learu- ed ai this time or are sojourning lu the Scaudînavian courrles. They are lu no especial peril at-the present urne but are unable ta returu ta ibeir homes In Waulîegau Situation Serions. Slany Americaus m'ho are sojouru- lng I% Europe are ln a rîther "erious lîredicameni because îhe>y iud l un- able to get their draftt cashed and thier rend>, money is ruuulng les'.1 This la caused bv- the great demaul for fundsa ta have Ieen made ou Uijuted 'States consuls. In some in-1 stanes Il Iosaaid the' people have been1 obiiged ta pawn their jewelry in, order1 tagtenough mouey te lice. wheth- er or not this la tise predicament of tbe Waukegau people s'ho are there nos' la not inown. The United States goveroment rai- izea the seriouaness o? tise situation aud la prepas'ing ta seul succor ta i Amerîcan tourista abroad. Tise tallowing dispatcb shows thal ion: Washington, Aug. 4. Cougress willl aci ou% Prealdets requesi that $2,00,- 000 be appropriated for Americana atranded I Europe. Armel cruiser s'lll carry gol. Other shipas will b. sen' ta bsing tourstt home.9 Hallsy-Smlth ln Amerîcan. Whou h t irai became kuown thai Mr. sud Mrs. Halley-Smith s'ere lu the portion of France near the seat tu IeIlu it la staiedi hat thé roof andI the walla of one building were covored with the tire ,whIch was faat eatIng the structure. Start Unknown. It lea tated that the lire may have been created when one or the fur- naces ln the coating 1-0cm af the plant whlch contained a hot ire, be- came defective ln nome manner, at least that Io the contention of the nlght waichmau et the plant, Mîke Eber. One man said when bc saw the to emerge lu three differeut places about thse same time. The buildings which were. destroyed follow: the four buildings of the West Coast company: coating roon,, ware bouse, store bouse aud machine shoP and ths small structure formerly used as a cold storage by the Fortune Bros. Brewing oompany but now used as a store room b>, the Chicago Tele- phone compaPY. Engins Mon Sas Pire. Thse ire s'as tiraI uatlced by the engine crew of a Northwestern frelght englue. The engineer grasPed the whistie cord and immedlaiely hIes' a series of short blasta that were beard throughout the cît>,, but it was fuily fifteen minutes later before the alarmn waa sent Into the ire depart- ment. Wben the cres' af the locomo- tive discovered the blase it was ai- ready eatlng Its way along tbe roof of thse structure. The. tin-t Intimation tbhes'atchman had or the tire ls as stated by himaeif ns foliows: "I heard the s'huile of the locomo- tive blos'iug, then I heard the crack- liug of tire lu the soutb eud of the buiilding. 1I mn to the' harle end and opened the door. The s'bole loterior s'as a mass of lafmes. It seemned ta have. started and covered the whole Inside of the room s'ithln a few mo- ments tîme.' When thé department from the' cen- tral tire station. arrtved on thse sceqe tbe roof and' s'alls of the coatlng room of the plant were well covered s'ith the flames. By the time the firai stream of water s'as turned onto thse blaze, the building was a seething, c6urnîng mass of ire s'lth the flames leaplng hlgb loto the air. Despîte the intense bhou the firemen remale- ed at their posta. The attention of the iremen s'as turned ta saving the remaining portion of the structure. water s'as poured Into the crevice of the tire hets'een the ts'o portions of the buildings and lu a few mo- ments, thse danger &f the southern half of tihe structure Ir% bcbng destroy- ed s'as overcome. Shortl>, atter the arrivai of thse department, thse cupalo of the structure s'ent crasbing dowu loto th: seemlng furnace. As thse lire continued l s aY througi tise building, a gresi quantitv of tai- paflr. i n~ ' îj , bhi-rame lgutted. Ir. a mloment lte flamnes were ss'eeplng 100 feet heav- eus'ard. Thse ire rolled and, roared Ilce a bat furnace. Sparcs s'ere borne for block ou the breeze lnto tise lake. Ts'o large -tanks whlch s'ere located lu the coatlng room s'ere hcated ta a white point by the in- tense tieat. Three stream8 of s'ater were thrown ente the flames as soon as they could be connectea. Wben the motor truck of the South aide com- pany arrlved, another stream' as turned loto the noames. The water seemed ta bave lutile effect on the flames, however. sud lu a tes' mo- ments, the fir, bal rnached arrona an intervenir%« rsilroad track and was transmitted ta the. store bouse room ou the north. A lighi breeze drove thse dames ouward. it was only a fes' minutes later that the roof o! the structure went crshing ln. Durlng ail that perlod the flames s'ere reach- ing mans> feet tawards the beavens. due ta the great amount of ir4liamma-ý hie materfis lu the structure. Thse next In the path of the dames s'as the machineshsop. There s'as ts'o walls of cement st esch end of the building, they stand aiene as evi- dence of the havoc wreakcd b>, the tire there. The flames sPread On- s'ard andi then reched the ware- bouse, wbere ibousands of rouae of tar rooflng s'as stored. The rolis of rooflxt, mads splendid fuel for thse fire. The amanl building owned by tbe brewing compas> w-as ust inlu he of the tire. So rapid s'as the spread of the flames that it seemed that ail of thse buildings had been lguited at oue time. Thle>, wers ail burntng equallY asnd as raPtdlY. Ail ln Ruina. The ws' or cfthe lames s'as rom- plete. Ail that remains of the ive buildings ansd thelr equlpment Ioday,, la a tes' sticks pointing up from thse ground. a mass of tiseil machiner>, and thousanla of smoking relis o? ter paper. The rutins will hume for manY daya as the rails of roofing cajinot ho extingulshed. The report that there s'as a disas- trous lire in progregsa ssept over the cît>, and thousanda watched thse sork o? the fire. Water street for many blocks up the bills'as liued wltb apecthtors. Miany of the people bal gotten out of their beda. One s'omau s'ho re- aides ou the north aide of the cît>, rau ail thse s'a>,to the tire attired only ln a kimonoandsIa Pair of a8o10. Another Incident recordel at the ire s'as the seemlng temporarY in- sanity of one man, Whbo I la statl s'as an emploYe of the Public Service compan>,. The Man s'as passessed wiih a des-re ta, enter Ita the bure- Ing buildings when the>, represented a masso of lames as violent as that o! a blast furrace. Twice ho attempt- ed ta enter the fier>, structures, s'hen elther aIs-eut would have meant cer- tain death. HlE efforts were repelled b>, the firemen. A larg portion of thse machiner>, had been moved out of the structure preParatary ta moviug lita Chicago where the West Coast compan>, have eatabiabed a nes' $76,000 plantI On the cii>,. Iu another s'eek thse build- bave entes-edlomtiste affair. Mis SaK*dIes'cz belougeli to ane denornin- ation sud ber es'etiseart, Albsert Evien, 20 yenss ad. of lencot'. be- longeel to anotises denomination. Thse Young vliman's parents objecled tî the' attentions of tise yourg man sud bad os-desed hlm to remaîn away fsrn ibeir home. Tise girl had heen varu- ed ta have nathing mare ta do wibh hlm. lu sîflte of thiss act tise couple isad bal man>, clandestine meet-uga and vison these carne to tisetaaso!ttise girls Parents Il caused ber much trouble. She sud the Youg man bad been goal frieuds for about four years bos'eves- aud she coul ual bear ta gIs-e bim aot. On Salas-day ulgist Evien asrIselnl Nos-th Chicago snd met tise Young vo- man lliseupr aîipcrnted li-vsting place. ThrIt ouis a 'salk lii the uaro ard it s'as lurlug this s'alk that he inforjn- Pdl ber tIsai because o? tht' objections c'f ber parents il s'oald bc bettes-toi- thora to have notiig mas-e te) do s'ltb encis otiser. To tbis se lîs-tested, declas-tng tisaitishe objectious o? ber parents meaut uothing taulies- sud hat the s'aald stand aNothleg rmiser thon gis-e him up. Evien s'as finn hos'eser, sud said he bad gis-en the maties- cousîl- erable tliougbt sud be bal made np bie mindI t s'as for thse besi. 'Tis girl wepi bai flinslly asked hlm te, take ber home. r Ou tises'aitise>, pasacd tise I-na storeoconucted b>, Chester Sankie- s'lez, braiser o! the Younags'eman. ahe asked hlm tu reomain autaide for a lime untîl thes'eu6tupatairs te ber brothers home. A fes' moments Iter Es'len s'as stas-led b>,tise soanl of a abot sol a cry. Clarence Baker viso occuples an alJolsing fliaian the second flors beard thie 'saundaS ai the saine ilte aunds'eut ta luvestîgate. He met Es-les- s'o asked hlm ta procure a physician. Dr. JolIe>, sas suammonei sud ho reommended thaitishe youug s'emau ho remo-el ta tise Jane Mc- Alisier- hospîtal at once. Thias'wat doue. Means'hile relative, of tise Young s'oman appearel ou these aene bat s'onld nat accompais>, les- tatise bua- pital. Tbey accused Evien vIts bas-- li;g lirel theoahot sud esked that ho be placel unIes- as-sest, Because tht'> Inslted apon It he s'as taken mint custol>, tempo-as-Il>,. A, soon as tise gis-i reachel tise boapîtal aohe declarel tisai aise balired tise 1sha sud tisai no ont' else wsata blame. Ou tise sircuglis o? ibis tise police relensel the yoang man. Tt la declas-el tisaitise Young man visitel Mis baudles'z ai tise iospi- tai on Sanda>, afiernoon anul l hlm the Young vaman lg said 10 have de- clarel ohé la sors->,that the btivet s'as deicted. Tt la belles-eltisaitishe Inci- lent wsill cause tise yauug man te change hie minI about gls-lng ap thse girl, esfpocfl>,ln is eg o? subsequent details is t ilaI Iodas-eltise gIrlsi tathes- sai.. statlng to, acquaintaucs lu North Chilcago ou banda>, sud teda>, tisaI he won] not allos' ber ta reture home. Neluses- be or tise gi-tas mots- or bas-e vIsutel ber ai tise boapîtal, lu le saldi. That tise youug s'aman s'as ver>, dolhera±e lu ber effort to end ber lite la ludlicate b>, tise tact tisaiaIse Pullel thotilago fthie revolver four tImea befare there s'nasna explosion. Tise Norths Chicago police have tise guis s'hiciscoutaina thre ballet5 on vblcb tise percussion cap shows the dent of the bammer but wvichis III uai cause a suf[liclenil>, bard bios' to ex. plaIethie carti-l Ia. muai bave s-e- quIs-el Marethianthie nmaV-nerve 10 hllthie g=n agahsset ber bod>, sud delibes-atel>, pull tise trigger fans- *ii 48F Wl l V 4I- MIs» farrilowlez la a populo? Young hUAR ; FRES UL Omnandul 1:1-many friends wr ________would not have bappened. D.JleY 'veut 10 tse bc0pital Psud Miss Catherine Sankiewicz of r.elteea hesjn m h North Chicago Lies ini the Young womnau dld. lie made a tirr MoAlister Hospital. ough examination aud found ta h bija-y swas not ueceaaartly ser-louanda 4j he expecis the girl ta get s'el unless PARENTS OPPOSED SUITOR. complications set lu. Religious Differences Said toi_________ __ Be to Blame-Had Met Him Clandestinely. Jlltsd b>, hor swestheart, Misa s usstquuu <ate Sanklewlcz, la ysars old, a weil known North Chicago young woman, on Baturday night short- 'J . IY ater rire o'cleck placed s lond- ed revolver againat hor body and pulled the trlggor. The young wom n escaped death ln an almoat mlraculous manner. The buliet @truck a steel eia>, ln hsr cor-set and w»s de! iectod. lit ontored hep body, ln a giancinO marner and ploughing ita way along un- der the 5kin à distance of about ." sm- is i WW dm M sight inches, came oui on her suU 5l55îId hIiau5r?, Peves u aide. She la ln thse Jane McAIls- ..16Ile c ter hospîtal. .WIIPUSTsI Religlous differeuces are isaid ta- .D.~f!.L9 j r - - - - - - - - - YFOMAN 'w Is the Beet That Money Can Buy Our esamlnatons are thorongh and complet lD every wa, by competent eftr&C-Dtroof r.n eharge. We grludour ovrn jeun sud mate Dur own trames to nt eueh partiilar case. louis J. Yeoman MANUPACTURING O OPTCIAN WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS f. BMIRSTOW MANUFAOTUREA OI Marble and Granite Moïnumenais Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence .5ollcited l6 Genesee St4 Wrnkesgan -----------------------. The Trifln Sum of One Cent Wil Buy Considerable Electric Service. It w il psy for electricity suffitcint to operate a 16 candi ,po%er cnrhon iamp "ilours r a t20 iaudle- power rungFten 4 hours, or a sewing machine mo- tor 1 hour, or a va-uum eleaner 4b iute-@, or à washling machine :w0 Min- utes, or keep a ui-lb. flat iran hot :30 mnutes, or make 6 ups of Coffee in an eleotric peroolator, or cook a welsh rarebit in a chafing diah, or make 1.5 sices of toast. Electric Sm-vice is a lux- urY in everything but C O L la Fo u r h o e.. w r.d ? Public Service Company