LAK COUNTY INEPENDENT, FR»,&Y, AUGUST 14, 1914. CLVER SWINDUER WAS ARRESTED flflJ (Continued Prcm Page Oas.) County AIR AND 1914 and. Better ttractions Than Ever! vh. ýKelly ay-Niht, MeOtirome, Autodrome. odutsCuir, Imanuedi. m u res an Ai- u, h o n.ak tbhreî veatinstri ve a isofLi me Stockîng. . D)ancing, Mfnoic and a con- tinuons round of amusement ail tcheoek. ior tonapply 40, ed tse victim hie voutd not only re- ceive pay for copylng the letters at ciosed and aend it ta 26 triends. Then, the rate of 26 or 30 cents an bour, but assertsd they would ainsi receive hack the first quarter they haed sont bim. Hes was very expticit that the 25 let- tera rnust be vrltten ln long baud rather ttten on the typevrIter. The Othor Letter. Ti'q Iptt" lbe en~câe-d antd Nvhich nit > If leViaCal ti 2i stated ln aubstance: "I bave juat purchased tram the Union supply Comnpany ot Waukegan. Ill., for 26 cents a package of tesdles veU Worth 50 conta. 1 wouid advise you tu ssnd 26 cents ta, hirn at once ad take advaatage o!fte offer before the needesa are ail gone." In the rnajority of casesa each of the 25 people who received this tetter tram a rilend acted ln accorsiance with its suggestion as they did not expect ta ho buncoed by a persan they sup- posed te bie a friend. This showed the extreme cunning of Howard., ach cf these people sent thoîr quar- ter te lHoward and each received the ittîs package af neediès vbich vas practically worthless. Tbey each re- celved a letter tram hlm lestructing tbem btosend out 25 tettera ta their Mrende and receive pay from hlm for no doing. And se on dowa the list. It ls seen that a ouslnese vith sueh an opportunity for entargement te practically limittes and within anot- er woek or tva Howardsa mail douht- leas wouîd have dotîhled sevocal times. tt la thç betief af the gavernrnent Officieis, hoever, that Hovard would not have remalued bers rnuch longe r, but would bave chauged hie addres ta same other cty. changed bis narne snd the naine of i concern. and have started bis eperationsalal over again. For It vould have heen dangerous for bisa te romain bers rnucb langer, au the people vbornliholhad promlsed te pay for their services vers begia- ning te, clamer for their moaey and tis woutd soon have led te bis appre- hension. He doubtesas reallmed this tact but wbore hie made bis mistake vas that hie valted bers just a littie toc long. Arretd ln Postoffces. When the goversment officiais ar- rived ln Waukegan Thursday te ar- reet Howard they vent tireIta the fuSerai building te discustshe tn methdotcf aecurlng Hovsrd'saerrent. The deputy inarshat baS gene te ths coart b« ot have a ltht. chat vitit Shelff Green vho la an 015 trienti of hl. The potuter lied steppeS out to transet a uitIle buiness and thq poeteioNs ecPtor wvasalse luntse 903tmsmwes offlm., At IbIs usyghoilcatmoment 18ev. au mupptlgl Bepi'eS teo tse 111MY efthIle »ealece, sutes. in hudaWk b4 uiulwedfor bis mail.Ris mse wu Okeetl te. Mlm" LeUmead, TuJUug hie min v'WC" gM It for -3181111 a"s91111lt. bS ftaiVe et. '40& m uOM~ t"Ibe $M - a Ucwaaiw« lau 8h. halL àr.Oft 0111111114au hmt" l eu amudva&.- $a st.eNmasd lufosucinhlm o vsmSraRmai. H teok hlm loto th11é POUMuWs Mis un" kept hlm tIers uMil the rturs of th.eSepty Om" asiemat" Icpoolister. 1Refus e T. 1lk. Howard wuvipIed vith questios bat refuiseSi te mile any respesse. I£ P. Mison. tseUnited Statua court commluslon, aliedformseS tepeut- Offies cUcuMLtitt if they deslred hie vould go te Uts office ofthUe local post- Mmiter anS bolS a prstlminary hearing Iers. Howiari vouAS set Ilten te sncb a Plat, but announced thatliho vimbed to, valve a prolimlnary hear- lag. Whentse officers sav that lhe d15 nect ot tal Usey tok hlm te Chicago anti lockeS hlmn up, avaiting hbs ins vhich doubtieus vnlfleb held nome lime teday. It te tsebelle! that holie iebuPlaces! undor bonda sufficientlY largo te ksep hsll ali.I Prof isat. Psy Mibe HovardS mado Jua: one tatement vhicb, lunteoinion cfrte goera- ment OffIcialis. iheved bis glit a Plaiiy as anytbing casuis!de. H.esuiS siPiy: 'T'm -ehtbt lrilpar bis& very dollar or moeoy eyer sent me. ad 1 have te money If» do icL The offIiIaIs aay that If ho bas! basa 5u1ty it voulti have becs saturei for hM te Proteut liInnocence linuted Ot Promlmlng to Pay baktheUtcmoney ho hatirecelveti. "i'm absolustety msure vae Made a valuable catch,- Inspector Otto Se- e-lared, "aSd tamailment positive that vs viii fiaS Ibis man Hovard la vant- eS In ather places., Both ho and the deputy United States marahai vers icudlunteir Pralas et Pestmaater Grmsiy fer baving been se qulck te suspect Hovcrd. isati- 111g as lb ddSte bi' arrest. Tbey peint- sti out that baS net the toe.1 pent, mater been wîde-avake and on tse alert for everything hie mlgat bave alloved Howard te vork along untii lie vas readY tea klp eut, and thea there veuld te ne trace et bis wbere- aboute. Hovard vas a man apparently about 50 yeara et age and id very isiegnlab- oS lu hie appearance.Hes vas rotn-. oS Inn is beairng and was dresseil la the heigbt of fasinlia e accepteS bis arrost In surs a malter-et-tact way that tbe officiais are convinceil ho la ne novice aites amne. The liastofflce officiais vers surpris- Pd te tbiek that Hovard vould bave the tomority tao orats se cloue ta Chicago, almoBtunader the noseofo the tederal departmeut. as oe mirbt sav Tbey accouated fer this by the tact t bat Hevard evidentiy baS take oo ie acceunt that tite officiais velnosne loak for anyene se close te Chicage and evidently toit ho vould bu enfer bers than ho would eisewbere. Bath mon acraigned Hioward pitilees- tY. 'l'bey informeS hlm hle vas oe et the mnoBt despicable men that ever baSd alion bite their banda, polnting eut that ho vas robbing wldaws. peer- BODY Of UNIDEN- TIFIEDMANFOUND BESIDE R. R. TRACK Head Is Crushed in, Making It Appear That He Was Struck by a Fast Train. WA3S QUITE WELL DRESSED. Fact That He OnIy Had 15 Cents in Pooket Causes Sus- picion of Foui Play. 'Itle bOdY et an unldentiied man vas found lylng beaide te Chicago and Northwentern tracks belveen North Chicago and Great Lakes Mon. mrnring shortly betere eigbt ciocit. is eati vas badly cruahed adfrom appearaces ite tad buen struck bu a train aftheugb, so far as keova, 'ne train crev have turned te a report of strlkiag the victlm. The body wss removed ta lte Conrsd sud Hart un- dsrtaklug roams in Waukegart sud an effort le being tmade lu estsbtisl i is identlty. The bady vas fonS tying in the dllch on the wogI ide o! tte tracks, Indicabing titat if te vas kiiivd bh a train ho vas structi by a nortît boueS train. A passeuger onOl'ile of tse eariy maoreing trains sev the body lying heside tse tralits sud reporteS the malter lu the officiais of tte ruaS. Agent Brean af Nortt Chicago caused te body ta tbe cemoved l4) the North Chicago Sepot and ister ta te local undertaking orne. Ait efforts toesstahlish tse ideettby of the vlctlmu proveS unavalii this morning. He in evidently o! Italien extraction aad evideatly ls hebveen 21 and 23 years oid. He vas net an erdlaary labcrlng mai, ludgiug tram hte cothing vbicb vas et a btter texture titan that vera by a lahering mas. Ho carnieS a suit case vhh containod soverat caesof Italien te- mate sont). Whether be vas selling tuila on vis carrylng il fer bis avn comamption la sot ibuova. A partial description tetiove: Hslght--Abont 5 fee.t luches. Wclght-.&hont 1600Poundis. Bar-Diri hgovs. 7%0s-UBmootii shaves. The ealy edcv vhlc May tead te the estcblshlsg of te fcito's Identi- tYu aéth Utc llms "IL T." vhieh are mbmUomeetios hiesuhlht. The latter, Itle la limcdina unImporteS article. -cve"ai Itai eset te the morgue tis mesnlng and trIeS tu, ld.stlfy the tllev 'but their offrts vere lu vals. Thc bellot eemu te, preval tat ÇLb victu sither vas valhlng aiong te irucanti tid flleS ta gel out ef Utc vay Of tsetrain or vas standing os te Platform et the train anS fe11 off. Apparontly bise nly Injuries ver0 on the heai. The coroner's laquent pro- bably vIl! bu bett Uis ovening at the Coad and Hart sstablishment. Thora vas sathing lu the peckete et te vie"tin h vult aid lIn Ienti- fying hlm. l'FIten cents was ail the mosey he baS on his Persan. One solution le that be may bave ment vlth fouI Pay atd ie bidyy PlaceS! heaide tce tracko te aki t appear a train baS struck hlm. Tis suppocl- tics la being varkeS os. LATER-Thle aflerin Il vas tesnud the victi. le Donmte Prince. 104 Rush tret, Chicgo. Idetomt- Ion W- » made by hie breter. It le muid ho hum bien in thim country shoot six menthe. Thé claire agent ef th. North Western rallread la loking lt. tb. fiole la the cime but Up te 1h. prisnt tin»- haveryIltUtIe t. oneon. The ceronermIncluantviilh. beld tomser- rew mftrswen mI 4 d'stock et the Ceo* ced & Hart imlblshment. BION OFICRS IN POSSESSO01NW BMIDNi T1ERE Police Take Forcible Posses- sion of Structure Whioh Had No Building Permit. The police at Zion Cty are stti "holding the tort- lu tho nev building erected by the Indopepdeat party asît toe bsZian Stors. On acceunt et vlolating the build- Ing permit the police bock charge on Tuesday morning andsainon that lime an aiticer bas bae on the promises nlghtbanSday. The wboio trouble arase tbrough se- curlag a permît vhlcb called for a «"An fennd and staer. as tbe building vas near completica, turnlng it into a garage. Wockmen are set saveS la billig 5lY tools on te promises anS HE IS AN 010 OFFENDER. Waukegan, Aug. 8. Chartes Howard, alias Chartes How- ard Rowan, vbe WaB arrestod ln Wau- kegan oùt Thursday atternoon on the charge of usins the mailis t defraud, was gîven a proliirinary hoaring fr1- day afternoon at 2 o'clock before Uni- ted States Court comfmiBsloflOr Lewis F. Mason ln Chicago. His case vas conUflued to August 16. Hia bonde tvere ired at $3000, and upon lis tail- ure to securs a bondsman lie Was re- manded back ta lait bytse cornmis- sioner. lb la aald that while the defeiviant operated ln Waukeaan under the narne of Charles Howard, his real narne la Rowan and under titis narne It la said lie bas been arrested before for the operatIon ot a gante simîtar to that worked tiers. postoffice officiais have bec looking up his record and aro cenvinced te la an aid offenSer. Tte deeper thoy doive labo bis reord tse more ttey bucome convinced that la bis arrasaItboy bave made oneof ett biggest catches ln recent yoara. Howard, or Hoyau, as te la botter knawn ta governtent officiais, la saiS ta have eperated lu sevecal iffé~ret cilles lu the countlry. A-is Plan, It 18 saiS, vas ta remain in one city as long as lbt was sate tor itim ta do s0. thon pull up stakes aud go bu anotter tielS wtecete gante is eut kueva. Offi-. ciels ssytbhey are cotîvInced tat lb was Havards liiît(on tbusip aut o! Waukegac andteytink te vouid have doue sa Inside o! anutiter veeti flad he nat ticen arrested. He shows te is inu novice et ttc garne toc te Seclinee bu iscus tse matter viit Inspectors. takicg the at- titude tat if bbey have auything agateat bim they cau, prove lt, but that te viii net as8isb tem by maklng any damaging admissions. Ilb vas at the cequest o! postoffice Inspectors that Howacdsa case vas con- tinusd untill eit Saturday lu order tat bis record can ho Investigated moecs eey. The officiais, lb la saiS, have communicated vith scores of Hovards victims anS are prepared te pressaI titis evldence agalnst the Se- tendant at tseproper timta. Whab puzzles officlt, hevever, is boy Howard veulti have serve eaough ta ecuduet incb s boiS sams vitIls mnch a ahort Sitansc Cf Chicago. Thcy aIl &gras Ibat Poalmister (budu la en- titlM e, gt.t eril t fer bis»esumen lu euis amusie"Ion m mdNyi. Attir Revis abiben placi under suploln, Pogtedlice Inspecter Adam IL 0tto sent hinm 26 couts anti a 3-cont stamp. He Baya ho wecelvd meeely a utile pacage of nistiles . t nseut- ions boy be coulti mal.e money by vrlting ltiorn te bis e tn. This convineed hlmters vis a trauti anS he avare ouItbite warrant fer Rovaa'a arrest. Del Waals ExpîmîflU. Dol Weale today explainod boy it vas that Howard, or Rovan, bappened te reet an office tram hlm. He aaid ho baa s 111e office la the resr et bis office, anS vhen Hovard saiS te vas conductlng a mail-ordor business aid haS several agenis on the rad ho agreed bu lot hlm have te coom for $3 a mantt. About Auguat laeteosaya IHoward entened anSdlad devn 12 25-cent pieces, bis cent fer anottor mont. Wesie today Selared ho voulti not have renteSte raom ta Hovard asy longer titantis mcsth as lb vas cast- ing hlm about $2 a mosth ta have tse umed mail malter carnieS avsu. Ho saiSat I Urestere vas almeut a wa- gon-ioas et lettes te cent avar. The tetters for Howard titll continue te peur teta tce offIe at t.erate of about 1,000 a day, and amre bing plac- eS ta one aide eotat toy cas bu turneS ovsr ta te lpvetnment wviie vîi ses that t.epeople gel Uteir men- eu hacL. DEATII TAUES TEf IWIFE 0AF PRESENT Washington, D C., Aug. 6.-Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, vltcetofthe Presi- dent et the Unitedi Statesi, died at the White Hause et 6 e'clcck this atter- unoau. Deatb came after a brave strug- gle o ent esagast Bright'a disease siti compications. l'le Presildent vas aimoet ennerved by tesiîack ant iei grief vas beart- renditîg.He bers up veil under the aIraIn. hevever, and, evoted bfosoif ta bis Saugitters. 1 The ed came vitilo Mn. Wilson vas uncoascioua. Hec Illcess tak a bure for the verse shortly betore 1 ocioc i tre satternoon anS tram thon ont segcev gradumlly veaker. Four Knoel il Redmîde. t(aoellag at the bodaîde aitIhe t-ud were lithe President anti thoirtree ia'igbters, Dr. Cary T. Grayson, U. S.N., and a nurse vers ln tserooin gllJiboubide a door vere Secre- tary McASea anSd imcs-A. Mc. Wilson's sona-ln-lav, anS Mr. Tu- mnity. biesescretary. Bath bousses of toagresa adjourced vben Mrs. Wlisen's Sath vas an- nounced anS fer a brie! lime the vitesaoa!the gevernment practicalîr s teppeS, Sh. vas taeond wvite o! a Presideat tuer in i the si-scutîvo maiton.,tse ffot being Benjamin Han- riscn's iraIt.. -e DRIVE OFF WITli HOMSE AND BU6i(Y; FAIIiD TO RETURN Police Are Asked ta Locate a Couple Who Took Rig From the Courson Livery. LEFT FRIDAY MORNING. Police Notified Today-Scour County and Chicago for Some Trace. The police are ondeavortng ta le- cate a tarse and buggy vbich vas laiton trom the D. NI. Courson livery et Waukegan FJrlday a. mn. about aine o'clock but up te the present tîrne have bec unauccesstui. They are et the belot that the man aad voman vho dreve the herse avay have stoien the outili. A county vide seareth lsbelng coisducted. About aine oclacit lday morning9 a stabbiiy dresseS couple apiteared a t tse livery and aneeueced they wisiîed bu tire a haras sud buggy for about tttrebourse Ttey profes.4ed la ho mnuand wife sud tse police have stece tearned that tbey sbnyed al nihti ai te Shermnan Hous on Ttursday night. Aithough titeir aîiîeararce vaS eut preposesslng ttey vers permitted te drive away wit a rg Lttle waa thougbt of the matter vhen bhey dîd uit rotureet tesaetofthree boucs as It Was theuglit that passlbly thsy might bave been detayed. Tevard evenlag a litie apprehen- alon vas teit that ail vas net right and thîs morning Mc. Courson bcame conviriced tsherse and buggy had beea stolen. He reported the matter te the Potice glving an excellent de- scrIption-o! the herse buggy and tvo people. IHe vent te, Chicago vlth Policeman HIq<s and they viilvist the stock yards saS sales stables te se~ If an offert lu mde tadspose et tce animal. Assistant Chiot Tyr- re11 alao'liasent notices te tcea" et te different police deputmsta thrcuthout tsecounty and hopelui tis manser te seur. nmem.trace o cther the ris or the allegédlti tesb. 1Plovwlug te a descriptioncfrtce Man anti vomas: The Man-About 40 yuurm old; av* test 10 luchas tUl; tralght blacit hair parteti onte aida; bige eye@, full face. teeth sepuratet in1.frost; apeuis goS Esgllsh aithough ho &p- pearaCoahbuof foreiga extraction, &p. parostly trois caseofthUtslatin COUR- tries; velght 180 peunda; wve dank trousers anS durit btue striped shirt. Thte Wemaa-About 30 to 36 yosrs aid; rive foot 8 loches tal veight about 135 paundm; alita butid; light bravn a tal; igh cheek bancs and Bunker. cheeks; wvesblack anS vhite strlped suit anS whte Turkiah bat. Despibe the tact that police have coaducted a thereugh investigatIon il a bas ouaImpossible te locale any elev of the couple. Mr. Tyrroti de- clares that lu the lime Ibat bas elapsed the tva people have beon abie te place a good distance betvesa thernselveg and Waukogaa. DiWOODFREED UNDERPAUPER ACT Man Who Was Fined on the Charge of Conducting Blind Plg Is Given Reuase. SHOWS HIMSELF A PAUPER. Joe Job, 13 Year Old 'Boy, Aid- ed by Humane Society, Will Bq, Sent to a School. Jota Murray ef Hlghvood. vho ce. cently vas Indicted an a charge et ceaducting a htind pig and vite vas aentonced tetIrty days lu Satliln ad- dition to a fineofe $300 vas relsassd tram custody today hy Judge Persoa undor tho pauper act. Murray baS serveS moe than the thirby days in lait but pisaded an inabilit te psy the fine. He fled bis petiblen thcough bis at- torney, M. V. Orvis, a fev daye ago anS a pcelrninacy hearing vas bolS. The court adJourneti the case unili today au the states attorney vas eut of te city at the time. Today the states aterney affered c.a evideace ln rebutai of Murray's pisa ot povel-Is 'I WE MM TO..oSATISFY TrHE littIe courtesies that we extend to -our eustomerp win frlend8. We i >started in the grocory and meat business determiued to give SÂrîsFÂc¶îoN. We have proved that satis5faction goos baud in hand with SucciE-s. We cau satisfy you. Wtt are espeeially proud of one thi»ng-our prompt deliverieo. We fil orders, large and sîîîall, qtiickly. The Model Cash Orocery& MarketI M. L. SCOTT, Prop. Phone 307-J LibertyviIIe, 111. AUTO DELIVERY INSURES PROMPT SERVICE WI-AT'S THE USE 0F GETTING IOT becaume our towva bas gone dry? 'Q We have any amount of PURE ICE Delivered iii any qualitiîv :ît any tinte Libertyville Ice Co. Phone 41 Llbertyville -THE- NEW CLOTHING STOR TLibertyville, 111. The Alocal trade as weIl as ont- lyirng district@ are attract- ed to our store. We have inen's and boys' ready made clothing. We have two liret-clas Unes of samples from leadlng talloring jhoueff ini Chicago. We are old exp.rienced men la measuring s«d guaran.: te@ perfect lita. No one in botter prepared in rusd7 mmad.imits and odd pata, or clotbing made to order. large and com- plete lue of men'& and bol*' shirts, underwear, neckwear, overalle, Jackets, hats, caM shoes and everthlng that la kept in a fluet-claiis clothlng store. We invite inspectionî of our merchandi»e and >guarantee everythiug as represexited. W. solicit your trade. Y ours truly. T. A. REYNOLDS To the voters of the Progressive Party resid- iug in the countes of Lake, Mcenry and Bone, Greetings Coafosming e.te.Seat- uteà of thie Gommon- wealth peftainw tu Prîmary Eleodoans, in which s eatutea 1I&arn a ful and heerty accord, 1 hereby publicly n- nounce rn71lf a candi- date for election toethe- Législature f ront th. Eighth Senatorisl Dia. trieti subjeçe to .the choice.of te.votera et the, Primary te b. held Sep. wilI labor e ail times mand tember 9th. under ail circumstmncea to 1 amrn a«eruest advocate advanee to the utmdst of MY cf te principies esaunited, ability the political doctrine bythe platforr oftheNation- outlined in the said plat. ai Progressive Party, and 1 forq, 1 Most respetfuily solicit your support. REES HERBERT CARR. Lako Cosmly, 1la.1 to think it over. Cathoile inSatitution. The hurnane of- T0 Bond Boy AW&Y ticer showed that the, boy was nut re- Jas Job, a thirteen year oid boy ceiving the proper carseat homte aUR Who a fev days age vas ta'ien ln abs tbought he veuid get aieng bet- charge by Miss Himmelreicb, offilcer ter et aorne ivatitutlen. of the Waukegan Humaee soclety. wu tken ata couttycourt thtis1 Inxdpendent: More readorstan an morniag and vas &dludged. a denn-J cou*ty Ireeklis combiaed. 1v~ Iq Prof err Frien l0w DID H Somel1 abe A App The au tbe, tact cenlidenc neyer v Ihesi. la. hlsMmono Nusit il i, te aliapp loft cons bis frisai When 4 drugstore Iluplici c diate pur hte vom ever ho v Whon< @tore and cd bis al es" t0 h( vhy ha - haIks but leasen v and vhici Urerfor i Illme elle. Par thil ( b hitthe Whboever b MdS tars &ppear, v lus lu tru gins bail hlm vher, tis the n la Iscmi During Made but dii net Pr a M11e et tu thoesv FOUR Bi SAMI Notable Home da it lmiv bers et a the Stuitit Lust Bal birthday ': Mr. and Mrs. Art Percy k Ail four famlu, ho came on t Bd Shuitis for tein t Clake ave satane et a moml 5ý spect. STATI nI Suite i ,Wakegas Inspecter os a tour cunty. '7 les anti w ruies laid tbe dairyr some litti, )gave the 1 varIons ct couple ef vit Iextel m sppi - - 't', 6ý