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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Aug 1914, p. 4

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v. -.. ,..~ .' ~O~5 * *4~4i'~ ~5tul'I~vi, qd5P~R,.j ~ I -~ ~ ~ Lake Cou nty Independent Xddétiûna/ 9lws"-r~R ulcNTIEFRBC hi~ Wauega Weki Su ____@@_sied bide fot- il, . rînw otthe riser 4 J, Vlle Friday ol laci week a deuil Was cou- pipe onthe vîiair.-lot, in e. village ot Office Telephone Nutuber 1, Libertyville Exchanige.th niesokf brivleill. yte Entered ab the potîilice at Lit.ertyville, I., as Second Close Mail Matter cum&ted wi.ereln ti.rtr tc tLbryil.eI .r'.telb u laies«atud childrens turnisirig and Board of Tru.item iet tw ii. ' age Hall officia] Paper for Lake County. tillinery owned by Mrs. M. A. Protine iuitll 8 o'elock 1Tte..iiLy v .iiuîg, August liqeuod Every Priday, Ad.rtising Rtates Made Knoa n on Application. gan was a ntio enedy o Chcago, Whio Wiil take poseession of torJC n îî i .l.speciicationq SUBSORIPTION PRICE. $S.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADyANCE Mr@.Seward , , 1 1a 1uettl~uiesfet Tt b nwonr nleiî iiig.,i F. G.SMiT ofMaLaereeClin an @miy.,aterbosinearep.lo.Tenwwernfieit lng liJ. W. 4. SMITH ....... -.... ..... ...............>............ .................. Editor @peiut several dayé fast week a tliW. S. has leaeed the store and living rooms fur C-48-1 EIl (o,i. .'F: ilaire Ciei Buyers to Share in Profits . G. SM TH...... .. . .............. ............ ..................... maei aaer hnaer8 MC. nand >M l . o a Crei are en- 1IIIr tertaining a uic, Mi@ LoiBeto fMillwaukee avenne thirty years &go and IIIEetvtrnAg.1'1,iiu.1,'. BO EBDYMUT C-W'HY NOT THE UNITED Shermerille, for severnDi weekm. it wa" only very recently tha% che Publie notice le 1wr.by v ilvi-i that Effetie rontAgne 4,t renon .1,'1aind ha decided to oeil. Site lhaitplamned exten- seaied 1,11e for tiie.ipaiintlii ing lle.wateri. signe: STÂTEB? lire. Wm. Reliy and littie daugiiter sive. improvements in ber store building tank in the viIt.il LofUN.rtyvill, wiiil origCa21$9 @ pent several dua.tlest week witb F. NI. some time aigo, oin.. ot thein iaving hb reejived by the io.llrl -tTruptee at TuigCr$9 Is the civilized, the Christianised portion of this world, Downes and famiiy in Chicago. already tison compl..ted. "à new modtern the Village Hall îîîîînt ..i TI Il y Runabout - 440 to it idly by and permit the laughter to proceed in Eu- Mr. and Mr@. Heber Lukeubilîl o front acrope both mtores. wiii ho put lin eveing, Anguet 2-4. l1il1. Tb@ Board Town Car- 690 rop wihou eneavrin tostp i byunled nd oncr-Springtfield, Ill., and Mrs. Frank MoNeil sonon xrbcb will add greatiy to the tréserve the .rigt to rjeci anv andi al F 1. O. B. Detroîl it , i y iequipped. rop wihou eneavrin tostp i byunied nd onc -of! aam, returned to their hontes un aPPe5&raiie 01 the building. bide. Svecifictaions on file Wt the .,lirtlier. wê will bp able tiioitaln tihe maxi. tedlaction? TdyatraweiovâtwtJ.H DrCN.Seeuan alyWoaeillae îuu...11 lloiencY ini Our factory, prodnction, and Theecday ai terf aheforkigvicuitrwîtîw , thrDr.OC. 1)gr. tepsadinily, wbneeonre-4illagE e. H ot b""Vlae lr.te minimum costtu aOur purchamlng and sales ocupin Mc.Prtieereidnc o and E H Cîi.ETVilae iek.dtpartments If wearue mch an output of 800. The piot entaesfof t o eig ndcountrile xpansithong, cCryan al.Orcbard treet, willi varate lit tiy the00casete hebo.de. Dr._E._I._andIr@._Sith leae00xcAndso r eenthe odati es. r havbitxous dEre o cnuto haand c onu eiahexpanls , D.E .adMs nil er.n.ttiret o! the n.ontb and mure into the Say, John, wlin ludîne dontyugt t py and he uy.ra tiureprotî$40 weu$r0 hav pungd uroe ntowht my rov te wrl'sMonday for a trip, on Lake Mchigaîn, ex- Kaiser fiat o ver tii..gus office, no that a bottie af Barkers Antisepti.. our tuparcy (n as utbe u«. , Il-hare f roite greatest and most horrible war, in the past have been ne- veeting to b.. gone about a week. Tiîey lire. Protine eau get int,. ber reeldence teet epli worme than a tanyaird. Bar- I l3tait buyer Who purchase. a nets Ford car lie garded as "Ci-stianized" and iiU ed,<jI but, within a plan to vicit Maekinac Island and other by the tine the ne w uwiier cones to kers Antiseptie willi cure thein. Formcalse tween Aug 1, 1914 and Aî'g. 1, 1915. very few weeks they have disRlayed an animal nature points of intère9t on the soutiieru ciiire take possession ufthte store. bii F. B. Loveli 13o. For faCriiSi N&iRLet;ic whic reovesthemanle o lotinsiewtupper peniofthenppla.ein Mise is@Grrai l thslu onti ioiasetannuectionce roat. lc.aucgCHcNKînOSîdencetyl e whih rmovs te mnti o lotinss ithwhih teySuitb twill @pend tlhe tinte outhiltei - ;S "wotiy 01 niention. Wben '%Ire. were before blessed. Tbey no longer can be regarded as écne with cousins near Watu-onil. Protine opeued lier store- tblrty er self-conscious of the needs and the ights of their people; ago a certain Liberty viii, wîiksnimade they no longer can be ascribed the credit of trying to bii 14MRTIN YOUNG blED M0Ne the tirs& purchasi. uf cids and ieth their nations up with Christianity as a foundation. In a îîrîlorsltr ntir ast..aIer______________________________ night they have forgotten the Christ-liko beliefs they have DAY 0F TYPIIOID FEVER waited on bef.te si. fth e iienfin. ____________________________ professed to believe in the past. One cannot help but feel stocrautat oftu ii irv etlt Tor that perhaps they before maintained the Christian spinit 41:theotei. fihin. te parents, Mtr. anîd sruetpr tii.,trl ia * 411t4 L~~~~~~~~ Mre. Chare N. Young, ou Ea@t Parkti.la-tnt erti, ai, v,,iu merely as a cloak ini oruerto stulrny auOs ir e i .os and satiiue, oecurred tiie deati î,tfItartin iiad not tep..d tnu-th,-ti ore un ht ou ti n rci c ra perhaps by that outward àppearance prevent them from Youîng, Mtlnday alt..riion aiat fur & i f,,( )tnut ut aid ago rýiing un lier, freezers belng prepared for just such a criais as bias arisen. o'ciock. The young nian, wtio di.-d ut a asepding a sin,-J,,i- tor wiiutever %I.5-3 Thu, t emin fr hecontie tatar fotinluedthe se utof21 .).ars. 5 nionti,.and 22 thinge eh.. need..d. L.a,,iFriday wlile1.. 43 0 Thu, i rmais fr he ouitres ha ar no iclueddayse bailbeen snff..riug front tY1phuîd Mr. and lMre. 1iidot ti v.ere busl1y in tàis terrible conflict and who yet terni themselves Chris- !eerfr ixwek.engaged inaklng tii.. ,îal wîtîî lre. Challenge Charcoal f 'lied tianized, to exert every possible iRuence and bring hs M.Yugwabr ntd onyo i awful carnage to a close if possible. If President Wilson Fehruary 25, 1890, and bas liied i gdwmncrei owk irfrt erg rtr may, by immediate suggestions to mediate, be succeSSful Lihertyville witb bis parents for a personally oelected pnrebaise in liat $12 --525 numer f yars Fo th pat y arliestore for iwenty years. iind it at anc.. in bringing about a cessation of hostilities, hoe will become nubro er.Frteps erliasied upon Mir@. Prîttice liai tiie lady as if ivinebeid the position as expreceman at Lake betorebebolaa ldte.nn5plj2 prgu a tedG d nUls the wold's greatest peace-maker. It looksasidiieFrsbeWoâeylii ftan5 p 2 r.g rnedG renH e bands had kept him from interfering in Mexico, for, had The louerai service was bl ti~ intimate lriend ot ber.., huit been berIO o hoe dons so, the United States would now be in fine shape Jo@ephe Catboliw churci, ut wiiclbe 1181: ntir. îting ar c"oe- WLIM A. ROSING n wa amebronThrda mrnn u tonn. roin ftareWILopLCnidAM ýFo Revonocan New Perfection Blue toadasmedinar in this foreign trouble! Thus, was men rublck Fer, a Tutri'day mornaing Myou bave brougbc me goo(d luck in myCnddae1o ,hiebas no Mexican trouble taking all of bis attention, per-and the reinains were taken tii Lake heislstplacelthid iautdSbtI i. U iciTRESinti. t-Ubuiian 50055059505 haps lho may be the "man of the hour"l in Europe, for, Forest for buriai. lh're prhm f hsayaouý lbec - h iiionarelitpu - who more than this United States as exemplifled »in _____miute $125 rtheasig~na.itue w Sci, - i 914 President, la in btter position to offer to tako tho initia- pASSED AWAy IN DL. allledto the cuntrnt ol sale, amonte tive in a poace move? Somebody must act or Europe wiJI t 8105, a diflerene ut twentyrent YOUR SUPPORT RFSPECTFUL eun hldep i a n M w r Ile blood from end to end. Wby not the United States? SWEETIOS SaNITÂIIUM and on cent for Year ut the twentv SOLICITLL> 16 in. cut, $6.50 18gin. cut, 57.00 Every loyal, every Christian citizen sbould join in the Dnilc.ornLoebneasn yearo that ebe bail ut vts'ed the store. FMFil ineol lom ock DanielmG.tForoabwng sohomestes InF niioen ta rpeeeut lieeltpuhicaa ulLn o a no k moeetobigaboutsot possible se wbich may Onarga, tii., passed away ut Dr. Sweet- E)ADAPE OB Party for thesoffice iii Ciunty Trta,-5.2.3.< end inluece being restored in Europe and prevent the lose ings Sanitarînni apposite the Çouty arer, suE tOBEd it eected. i will aeeept as te S .0 35 of thousands of lives, the devastation of millions of dol- Icarut lest Friday morning about tit.. SUFI. Of' WATER WORKS mueaIuitn abWoie tinte and tihe lars' worth of roperty and the retarding of advanced civi- &c'lk. Mr. Formn died utthelie go of bout bueinemesand adminstratîvp abîlîty lito ot udrdo oeyas 58 years, il monthesud 17 daye. Be &t anu djourued meeting o! the village f posées, the @&Jury alliiwed by the Ciun- H »EE /-4wife, thers being nu nbuîdren. appointeil Edwari Aiîpley auperilaten- tuen lu to the Cauuty Treasurpr, a ue 07,11dider WhMAt Âdrew Carnegie la thinking about his Mason W. Forman o! Culuin, IlL. a dent o! water wurks, ta take effeet sa legs ot. the Oie ery penny recelived __________________________ iiph t;Peace"î about now! brother o! tbedeceaàed. came boie. ta.o.nas BH . 1. $ith's ternisexepiie. ftmlaereci ou public eeye, inher- ___________ rvsngéfor the removal outhlesremaîns Theappolntint was ratilied by thseItances ax tees ar any otW scource. 1 IL E.L Cinroh ervice.. BtLawreoeRpi8copI1Church ot is brother lu Onargs. sud the body houard. believe lie salary ailowed iy tLe Board 1ev. En)waa S. WHITE., Priet-la-ebarge Those I.ake Bluff orphans just have to eat as much etarted on itte journey to liaI ciy Au amtendient toi an ordinsace ce- le ample compeusation and am willinst lu 10:.30 a. M. Preacbing. HB-v. W L. Boiy Communion every Sunday 7:45 with the wa.r being waged in Europe as if everything vas Friday uight. guiating tbestmicaicsud exhibtions, give the work iny be.tattention withiout Wblpple. a. nm. Firstfiundsyin montb 10:3Oa. m pellcoful there. And, wlth about hall of the inmates of the sbown snd amneetuente, and to provide tiaugit o! perquicite. 12:00 in. SundaY4eiioi,l. Morniugt Prayer every Snnday exept orphaiaae being Lake county children it does seem that OBITUÂRY for imiCetfg teBe an a1tS5d sud 1 eo:iettbe support o evei7 legal 6.47, p. m. Epworî Lague.. above 10:30 a. m. ordoed ubl@he. Te odinace illvotr i th coety ho ant hoestSunday cebool 11:45 &a. . the gen omen whoffl gv gterlie eth ok(Contributed> ho baud ini sother calumu. 'sud efficient adminItration :f the public 7:30 P.lut. preaching, 1ev. W. IL. Ail Holy Pays.. oly commuunion 0:(14) shol not have te lose sloep tryi.ng te figure out where the Bnai ae a oii et A Petition fr,,n, the Citizen» Band bueines. WILLIAM A. 1108150. Wbhippie. a. ni. next meala are coming from. irokeshire, Sontti Wales, Oct. 24, 1832. nsking for the ue of tbh.e at roomt on ____________H.. came lu America witb ie parents, the scoennd lo.ir o! tbe village bail foir s bro &hers and @jeter@ lu 1852. Theiamuiy plae to bold band practice was grsiatsd. No more display of brotherly affection of a felow man settlei in Cake connty, Ilu., near tuer- The petitioners agreed lu farnisi tie for another could be seen in Waukogan than the movo of man'@ Corner..seven mile.w@8t O o m eompletely at thWi owu ezpenas. the Waukegan mon who woro the intended victinia of the wsukogsn. The new baud i.anu ldepeudent locaol Ounlisrcb 4,1862, lhe marriedi Mafias orgatsation and le composecd principal- unotq t local attorney who loame time ago planned A. Cadweil. To thus union werc bors ly of ueiabers of tie olfi baud. theïr destruction but who nov bave comte forvard and ta- titres chilsiron, Neliie A.. 1dm. M. sud Ouiy une bid beiug precented 5utlthe ken steps te bring about Ie release fromn the asylUni. Thid Benjamin Neson. The latter diéd la meting toc tbe palu3tlmg o! the wstour surely la a move whlch must be satisfying te the maninlu ntancy; Ida Mary lived tllLe ti'eive tank the bldi was rejcted sud a noe" question and bis relatives* and inond anad should rebound yar. o!'a&e- Becauce of the fsiing for bld. ordered puilieied. te the credit of the mon vho bave beowln gtle 4y heslth of bic wile ha movsd lu Lbrty- Tb@ board voted tuu sow lbhe Fair be y-one" id"lo te pst wilin t lo "y-ville abers cbe died atew menthe later. Associationuone huadresi tanks of water The LU ne of PM ost Resistance go« ygonos nd"eth u bury the pat." On F..b. 28, 1872 Mr. James wae for ite use on the hait-mils ltrack for united la marriage witb Fillette A. $50, the association te guarantaesthe "See Amenica flrt" la nov the popular slogan among Cadwell, Who for 42 yeare bhm bese a gprinkilia of Faim street duriag luSt i !- i ' t those that are obseased witb the idea that Europe contais Ldervole sdhov@uinwtende of te A~ku d oriet w» taken to Thum. ail the scenic wonders of the world as well as everytbing oft cabahebffl lîed la tie Union day, Aog. 27.,k , u e gc u m - b3torical that is worth seeing. This is especîally true of ciiurcii sud teacher o! a nlisof Young The I nsure M sure____In surI I.anc those of our fllov countrymen and women that have be- men wbo Lave neyer torgotten the good Mr,,. Ed Lv,îiî-l wam the rîctint i aa i corne stranded lu the maelstrom of Europoan strife. It la influence lie exerted upon tient. on bie faO Wednesday wben @lie fei] down tLe ~OYi îîay kîuow ail there iii to this from alpha to to posune hat oat0f hem tradedovertheeartum tithe farn hoevraieau active @tain@ inthlb. front hall of hem home. Bor safe t rsm htms fte taddmeuruberlu tue (lagees Lake M: E. ciumcbi rigît arn, %vas ver.v ldy broken. uneeda. If you Doi, y0u are next to the fact tliat a without money or means te get home are being at this mo- o!fauichInb. was clas-ieader for twenty -_____y__ ment profoundly impressed with thje beauties and attract- uiv. Years. nie deiigited in vieitinu the Polîcy lits the mîatn wlio can get it better than a ivefles of their native land. The railroads have already si-k and iaking tue cnsantion o! the NOTICE. chesty co'it fits on a tailor's duîîîîîy. Most miîîî nay flot taken advautage of the Situation and are advising Ameni- reliion wbici Ihe liviid ta Iboas in loo hoe bt fr qiteworb g- crmow. Hie influence for goosi wae feit 1 have sold my enfire stock o! Ladies' k now -iy moro' about the subjeî-t than a bale of buîîg- cana te oo around hmeabifo sights qut otYgo in tie, entire cortmuuity. Furnisbliti sand Millinery and leas..d my ing to see. -Alter cpending twa year. in Stalins, ctore ta Mm. Alex. Llndortb o! Chicago, Ilu oleë but one lias just as îîîuch riglit to patter Ill with Kaneas, b.e reîurued lu Libertyx-ille In and request aIl thome indebted tu me lu lite hittle ticket and enter the guessing contest. ("rhere's It la at least interesting te note that one candidate for 1,»4. aber..lie made bilsLame until his settle their aeicounit by Sept. let. 1 aluo Oont jOf l deatb, August 15, 11114. Hie ls urvivedl wicb 1tlîank ail rny patran@ for tie fi o need of spreading fear utmoflg the woineîu and chidren Coutyjugeistelling vbat hoe yul make the board of y hie@xidow and a dangiter, tie wl!e support give-r me aind ask ltat nty Nuc- reviov hoe may namne do in regard to certain taxation mat- a! Wesley N. Speckmann, proteceor in cessanbe gmsntee a coutinuance af tie over a thing like this," you may iiay.) But the fact tors and still be argues that holie l take the County judge- Baldwln-WaliacLe Caliege, Bersa, Ohii), came good wili sud patronage wbich should he borne in mmmd, and thien chained thiere. that abip out o! poliics. Our undersandin staafe t u wo grand ebiLdren. ba@ been accu rded me In the past. Mi n fpliis u nertnigi taatra The.. unerai siervim ewore oundueted at c48t1 (Urs.ý M. A. Praline. EVERYB0I)Y, without regard to race, cree.d or laundry mark, Couity judge endeavors te pick out a good board of ne- te Method ipi cLuci hy tiiepastor,RBey. who îuîakes a study of the tbing, is bound to get intereitted vlew, bis connections witb the board ends summanily and w. L. wippie. Mm.r.S. wie of Lake Solinfers Most Tryîng Plositiofi. that tho board IT8ELF must proceed witb its matters Farcett,, an old tmend o! tie d.cgafed, The average outllier flide the mont in Unîie. Let us explain to you. accodlngte ts bat jdgmnt ad NOOOU TV J GEmade apjîopriate remarkc ut the grave.l terrif>'lng position to ho tiat of stand- Intertî,..t was in tîte Lakeelde cemtery. lng motionloe lu lte front rank, ez- JM aughte a ay for or agaluat vbat they may or may flot psdt h nzysfnwtoth. do."Theinfeenc tht anboads o reiewin te psttng aile 10 reply. .Thé e JOHNu Bd Slufer0n1- tat-ailb-Ud4- 0f 2eviov inthe past CARO 0F 1 I-ANKS vance or tb charge wltlifxf a>o. DsritM ngr

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