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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Aug 1914, p. 8

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LAKE COUNTY INIDEPENDENT, FRmÂAY, AUGUST 21, 1914, viHenry .County FAIR AND glassfîed- A DVERTISI1N G RATES 5ce per lin a e insertion Le s than 5ln2 fi l n se ýRACES ........ W ODSTOCK 1............ IINOIS We have a number of flue homnes for saleor rent. Drnond&Aucntin, liberty- c-6-tf AUGUST __________ 5 6174 1914 More Shows and Better Attractions han E v e.r OEMON"Y OpTR- FO R MCE8AND FIEPROGRÂX AS- bMLLIG SERIES of .osokva. UWn Wedaesday 'cenry Va. Huntley Tlsersday lie. Two Winners The. Grat Blanche ,McKinney-Ilunter angCombination 'feor Fa. Aftmtrta os TsskEveey Day, haotRaces, Hurdie RaeLHppodrome Weanfuel T"ik and Stuts by &id Dogsl Thé Great Cliftoni Kelly Shows wili run Day-N ight ,U Di ew attractions Inciudiug a iprgeous hree-abreast Merry-Go- 1tound, Mtorsirume, Autodrome, IOcee WayelMonkey & Dogfihow. Illr'a 'Irained Goal, Juin Rul's .1?ralad FIes Circus, Iinported di- ýPet fom Germanyl Se. the wun- dsi'19l Froe. Act of Madame Bes- ftrite in the eveningi L RGER sud btter axhib- ils of Live Stock, Faima Troducts, Culinary, Manufao- tur-u aud Ai-la, whioh maku thre greal avent junstrucive as VeIl as entartaiuing. Dancing, Muéec aud a cou- tinuoua round of amusement aul the week. DON'T MISS IT! laia Trains on Chica- .&North Western R,. IFgr Preiso List@ansd other Information appiy 10 -0e. Hamer Pi.-AR - - - - - - - - --l- - - - - --. FARM FOR SALE-1281 acres. of best farming land in Lake counny. Near town. To mettie estale. Will sell at a bargain, cash or terme. Write R. P. Bluc, 6052 N. Hermitage Ave. Chicago. p464 FOR SALE-S ronin bouse and 2 lotsi. Bargaîn if taken at once. Second St. Inquire of E. W. Colby. P-48-1 FOR SALE-9-Room Frame Bouse, cellar, small barn, chirben boue. Build- lugs in good repair. %~ acre of grouud. Two blocks trou> railroad depot. Sinal down paynmt. Easy termes. Se@ or wrIte B. D. Boyd, or Loeb-Hammel Reaity Co., 205-6 Marquette Bldg, Cicago, 111. c-48.tf FOR SALE- Large genuine, 1Indian tan bufialo robe, green plusb 11used. R. P. Colby, Libertyville. p4- FOR SALE-Modern 7-room bouse in excellent condition, location bet lu LiL- ertyvilie. An oppurtunity for anyone wanting a good home. Durand & Dur- and, agents. c48tf FOR SALE--Cozy, new, modern seven roorn cottage, ln good location. Excep- tional bargain; quie.k sale deired: lia- tles movlng uway. Cali 'lel. No. 2. c48tf FOR SALE-Meyer property on Main 8t., Lake Zurich. A bargain to coée estats. Relfer & Frank, Lare Zurich, Illinois. c48t4 .1 . . . . . . . . +.+...+. 4- WANTMD + WANTE-Bave purcbasers for froin 10 to 80 acres larins. W rite etating ail partlculars. No agents. Address R. A., lndependent office. c.46-tf SALESMEN wanted to advertlee ci- gatrs. Easy work. Earn 190 montbly and al traveling expenses. Experlence unneoeosary. Aise bandie popular ciff- arettes and tobacco. Norene Cigar Co.. Mew York, N. Y. 12c46 WANTEDi-Piain sewiug and dreoes- making. Mr@. P. Fett, old W. E. Miller farm, Libertyville. 1>47-2 + MMISOLLA"NOUS + MONEY TO LOAN-Ou lmproved ceai estate. J. 8. GIDLEY, Fret National Bank. c-46-tl MARRY IF YOU ARE LONELY-Tbe Beliable Confidential successul club bas large number of weatby eligible meto- bers of botb sexes, wishlng early marri- age. Description free. Urn. Wrubel, Box 26, Oakland, Cal. p-47-2 Do =Ou =7NTTO BELL your farm? Handllns Lake county faims la my business, If you fliot yours Wlth me, 1 will get you action. Write at once, or cal and Bse3. K. Orvie, 111 North Dearboru ti'eet, Chicago. Wkly4t Colonial Bng and Bag Carpet W.-aving, ail fancy weaves. Mrs. J. A. Graves, Telopbione 140-M. Lbertyville. c48tf For gond boupes tu cent, as Weil as to uwn, cali on Durand & Durand. Boine ebole. bargaîns on now. Durand & Dnrand, agonts. Tel. NO. 2. c48tl + LOST and FOUNRD + LOST-425.00 reward for rsoyery or pertlnns1to therecove7 ry a black and white female Beagle bound at ssean near Long Lake, III. Noti. ty Dr. W. A. Bellows, Waukegan, Ill.- July 3-tf .............+ + FPOR RENT + ... + .. .. .. . ... FOR RENT-Good fiat wltb or wilb- out bain and garden. John Ritiner,rjo lot Nat. Bank. &46 FOR RENT-My faim 1 i.e fiao Worth. Stable vooni for 10 bores@, 42 bead cattie; wili put up silo. Mr@. De linîL, 307 Sherman Plac, Waukegan. 47t2 à dpadeat ruade? BE ONE, >REPARATION 0P THE egif O BEC FOR WI'EAT. By J. W. 14.noeroth. Wlth whuat, as wltb many othar Cropa, îLe proper treatment of thre oued b.d msy ho cousideredlhai taebala. As whaat la not cultivated aller coed' 4ng, whatever cultivatlon lan.cossary muet be done butor. taeseed la put mb t be ground. If thie rotation prac- tlsed le corn, whaat, and clover il Io Tai-y evideat liraI a different mathod ut pieparation Je requlred than viere tbe wheat follows nostelu a corn. wheal, clover rotation. It la Dut necessary te phw tha grouud whien saeding &fier corn. If tha corn saed Led bas beeu made flue andi firin andi well cultlvatud durlag taenommer su that the. land la free from waads. iabor and expenses wIlîl bu reducad to a minimum ln preparing taesead Led linte autuinu. Al thal will ha neceesary la te i-un the bar- row ovar tl ielild and then drill tbe wheat. On many farms, lu the coi-n hait, a una-borse drill ta useS snd tire -wbeat le driiled in the e'andli7 coru. Then durlng lhe wlnter thba taîke si-i i'aiovud or botter .1111, tbey ara rolasi and dragged down su as te net au a muci for taewbeat and young grass. Whest iheal followscasIlinl necesssry if s maximum crop la ex- pectad. lu preparete oued Lad as early as possible aller the coitn a cut. Tt bas proven Tory profitable to fi-st disk the land. Then plow sud bar- row dowu the newiy turneS soul no un to pi-avant the escape of mot- orsa. TIla sdesrable te barruw the land once a week or at toast artar each rala until seadiog lima so u astu erIIn lhe molture that in lu thea soit. DySi'dsting butore plowlng tv soil la made fluaetIn the bottem of the turrow anS the capillari' attrac- tion la not broken sud a flrmer, fluer Oued bed la alto securesi. Tpe land shouid ha plowed trom four te six luches deep sud thoentae bed *hould ha made Si-m by drsgging sud hari-owtng. A tai-mer soas, *'No worse teaturaeaun uxist lu a nawîY oown wbaat field than une lu whlcb lhe foot sinke." BDy plowiug eariy and malnlalning s dust mnlcb, ail tha moisture ta maintaiued lu the sou Sund then when lhe seed la sown il gai-ml- Datsta t once. Pruin une lu sevai-al weaks wthl ha gainas inlatle germma- lion sud growb utftae crop by a thor- ough preparallon ut the soul. The Kan- sas Experinent- Station touird a net gain ot $17.22 for land tbat won plowed Juty 16 sud lhon kapt well workad 1111 seadlng lime, uver land that was nul pluwad until Septum- ber 16. Parbape liera would nul ha sncb s great diffai-enca lantaemore birmld climatsaouthtea asteru stales. y.1 aven bar. il vi ipayte fariner to prepara hie seed baStoi-uughly, prae.It eranti'sd keep il vel cultl- vated. Atter ltaeicheat le drillaS neT- ai- drag or rollt.e land. Leavete land as th1e dr111 bas ToitIil with the amail ridges Intact. Thonse ili muid- er dowu during tie vinter sud tfood the routa uftheb younag wheat sud grass audtus pi-avent their freezing out durlng tae raezlng sudtawing weather ut vîntar and spriug. FEEDING SOILS BT THE SQUARE ROD. (Prom the Breeders Gazette) A tai-mer icho la not more ablaeton mont farmers te spend monai' on land, fouud that on hie euh hihe usa of cer- tain fertllizing mateaiI gave profila. The naxt question was as te the amount tat bu could use lu ylald ratura. lu pursuiug tlis investiga. lion ha laarned tu taka bis acre spart sud thlnk uf il as having 160 square roda. Ha made te rod bis unit sud askad: 'Huw mucb bonemal or acid phosphata cao I use witb profit b t. square rod'" Il diS nul taire hlm long te gat away from te ridiculous pr-a- lis.et oflng a Pound uofrtllizins maturialto a i-ad of soUl. Tiren he tiled five pounde aud obtainesi lai-gar profils, sud for' an alfslfa crop hu triesi ton pouada and aven 12 pounda lu tae ruSsud sucuresi bottei- sud more Iasting rusulta. "%h1gbfertilisa' flionuofalflfattakes nmmlnv«esmut"' ho sari. "but my uxpuuienolaetat for eacb dollar 1inlvest 1 gel back from twu lu four, wilb smorecoumlng In yesrs abrod. I wculd b. »ahied te put leese tran tre pouda cf boue- meatior phosphata t e o osec square rosi cf alfalfa.' Note-An application of 160 pounde of fertilizer par acr, looks qlll iaifl- or viien yuu conider that ilTt ean onfly une pound lu Ute square rosi, or ehx one'hundredtira of an ounce lu a square foot, Wouldn't It b. vul 10 lry a âmal Patch with fi. Urnes th15 mach plant- foodi appliei, sud another wlt eigbt tirn? Thal la lte way luo me for yourel.-The Effilaia Mi"-UMUER POTATO CULTIVA- TION. The mli-surumur car. cf th. potato field la ut vtal importance. More Promlang croPe ut potatet ArMpe- mauentiy Inured by unwiau mid-susa- mer culture thon ve have amy Ide& of. Investigations have fotlnd that with- lu a month lhe Uny recta of grovins Putatues have spannesi the.spacen bu- tweenlbheiove, sad haT. luteriacosi as usai- as one sud a hait Inchon froin theil. mc srface.Th-se itros rot. 'WINTER WMEAT PRODUCTION.- A Voluabi e Bulletin. lu the 14 Pages ofthtei bulletin wrI-tr tan hi' Prof. Henry G. Bell some ur tae mnt Practical and vital tacts i-e- gsi-ding t a rsing of winter icheat ai-e detallasi sud Illuotrated. Baginulngvit Ciaptai- No. 1 wllh asehort, historie comment, the bulletin shows the ueceeîty for largar ylelds. lu Chapter No. 2, tic subWeto ut soli preparation for wheat, qnality of beed. sudte Bowing o! wbeat are Swelt unon claariy sud practically. lu Chaptar No. 3, there la a techol- Cal analYis o! whest v 11h an excel- lent Illustration blsectlng and dissect- log the Integrai parts of tha whaat kernal. Under taecaptions ur, Structure cf Whaat Ker'nel, How Wheat fiprouts sud The. Assistance Needed Fur Tiuy Plant, soma vex'y valuabie Information ls givan. The lent parsgrapb cf hia chaptar le perticularly lterestins sud Important. Aquutatlou folows: "Thie offert«~ suitable fertîlizers up. on viieat vian used la sufficlent qusu. tias Bmay b. saiS oetuha hiectoid. Pli-t, a indicioeonssuut uf suitable fertilisari maiasies teyieid ut vheat. as weil asuIls velght. to a ver profit- ahI. extenl7'1 WORTI--WHILE WHEAT. DrllIlng lIn Corn a Pr'ofitable Pr&cactbe Bi' Clyde A. Waugh. Tha Piactlae ut drilling icheat un couin stubble la oua that bas %tocS the test ber-aniti heips to suive tse labor prublein, maltas a three-year ro- tation of corn, whaat anS clovai pou- sible and enables you ta produce su excellent ci-up ut whaat at s goosi Profit Provided tae land le handled right. Prepai-ation shouid beglu lu spring a-heu tecoi-n ground la belng pi-e- psred, sud sbould continua hbroughoul tha summar season ln tha e oancul- ture sud turongb tillage ut the coca field, to lb. eundtat tal l fIInd the Oi mellow sud tree, o! veeda. The corn sbould bu planted early sud b. uf a qulck maturlng strain in ai-dem that it mai' L euct batora tae tat seasun ls veli under way. A large amount of tha wbeat growu lu h iddleI West la producad at a lses. The Missouri expermeut ste- tion states fibet it takes a ylald ut 18 busheis ut $1 wheat t psy tur tae 00sI ut grawiug an acre, whilie W. W. Reynolds ot Ohio states thal a yleld cf lau han 26 buehels at a pite o! less than $1 le3 nuprofitahia esat uf t.e MlsslssippL Parbape Mr. Rey- nld' figure le a littieb10gb vien the cereal ls gruvu on coca stubbie, be- causa the cuet ot plowing, rollung sud iarrowiug la saved, pruvlded te ground le almost as fit as a gsridn $Pot after taecurn le barvetesi. This la possible It you bava treated king Corn as bu deserves. tindar almuet any circumetaucas. huvever, coca ground may Le fitted for wieat more cheapli' tian hi' any other pradllse. unies it Le theutilîzation o u a sili polato field tor ibis purpose.. Let It Le remembered that the coca bas useS up a large amountothUt available pisutfuud lu the fielS vhiii maturlng, that il uses vent amounta ut water tbroughout the growlng seasun. anS that nitrification, (the rendaring avaliable o! certain suei nitrates), pro- ceade hamseraphdly luntaefalthan lu te but urmer seasan. Thus, the ne- caulty ut addltlonal pltfood that la lu a readili' available condition, se tb4t the vheat plant may cuver tbe grègud hetora violer, sud Le lu a con- dition te tand thc% tribulations ot aprlag, la even giester than wian whaat bas been seedad sitar anotiar grain crop. A top dressing utfluaema- nura la good, but a chemnical mannre ut incb elamants as are readly avail- able suS placed near the surface ut tb. soil vitbinte grasp outheUta ly roula la aven btter. The. use uf bth viii retuca a profit, foi-lit la wati te looktai-tirer abaad tan the grain. Grass crupi atter wheat are aîmuet lavalal' mure profitable than the careals, and thaie are fuw enrer places te realise on fertilisea tan un mesS- osud pastures. HOW TO TEST FERTILIZERS ON TOUR FARM. To conduct a simple fertiliser test on your uwn tarin, mesire off two acres as bbel, FrtIlIxuone acre; TWO ROBBERIESREPORTED. That a gang uf thieves lat infestlng the trains uf the Chicago & mlwau- kea Electrlc Rallroad lu Ibis section le evîdenced hy the unusual number uf robberles tinat bas occurred on tha trains recently. On Snndays or ball- days the trafice on the Une la beavy and that ls when thea iîeves get in their best work. Sunday two success- fui robberles by pickpockets sud sev- oral other attempted robherles were rePorted as occurring on the cars of the ralîroari. Oue ot <lie robherles had a Racine man as the vlctlmt. He was reîieved ut $400, ail lnrcurrency, by the tief. The robbery occnrred as, the car stop. ped ta allow passengers to board ila Beach Road, about 412 miles forth of! Waukegan. The viciin ieft the car at titis city and informed the police of the thef t. The local authorilies l1 turin got lnto communication with the Zion City police and both department, are nuw working on tire case. The other robbery on the ectrle Une occurred, when a car stopped ai Kenosha. A farmer was the victim. He was "touched" for $71. The nianner of robbery was an old une. Itlise sid three men entered loto conversation wlth the fariner. They baS evldently learned ha baS a large amnount of money on hie person. As the car stopped at the Kenosha station the three men Jostied the farmer and then swung trou> the car. The train proceeded several miles out of Keno- sas îe fariner reacbed loto is pock. et, and found bis roll was gone. AN OPPORTtTNITY TO I4EAR MX SAMUIEL INSULL Subject 'The Advanages of Monupoly in Public Service Business." The August sepsion of the Sueidon Summpr School is now being beld at Area, nontbe grouuds ui the Ares, Insti- tote of Business Technjology. Tihe pro- gramme!i@ very fulltroin day taday. 011a (If tbe finet initellectual treats of the whole two vreclrix i promtiseS lor Thuri4day, .Augnst 27th, at m ),,'.Iok p. mn., whcn r. IrSamuel meui williprelient a stereopticora addrepm uon the alase subject. The authorîtiesot the Institut@ extend a cordial invitation to r.itisene of Lake county upon tue@ oc.cercn. Let everyone who rau poo4siblv do go, Le Presenlt to libten tuotibis citizen of Lake i(runty. CI A. F. Sheldon. Président. OROINANCE NO. 281. An Ordinance lu Amend an Ordin- ance ertitled 'An Ordinance Regulaling Thealmicals and aliter exhibitions, shows sud amusements and ta provide for licensing the same." lie~ it ordarird ty the i'rcsdeut ui Board oi Truseces oi the village of Lrlcrt.tvîiic, Lake rounty, Illinois. Sm 'TION 1. Thataun ordrntatL,c ni saiS village, krown asm<rdinancp No 246, binug an urdiriarîe r.-gnatnsig theatricals and other exhitnsn, shows andS an, eeeilte and t,, irai de fo r li,iug tesanie, pasKe( iircCnher 16, 1913, 8aiproved l)ec-ml.,r 10, IUI, aud publim.-d Dl>eurtr l!), 1913, le an,,.îd- ed hy sutfat tut> oic the foi4,w îng t-,w tý SFrTros ,i2 The lc,> son al chowéIe thleat rieais and nI ber ex hi it ionsand amusements chah beasfolliwm: Liria. tic shows unaSr ane, $4 per da $20 per week; dramatic shows, SaIeýs or anmlue-meute in hall. $5: per dav, $1 5 pir week; cirrus unider cauvas, $5 per dey, $25 p.r aet; anv show or exhîiiion tu advertise or sel] patent mïîdcîne or ani' kinS mof nierchaîiie, 5 per dav. $2a per wcek; halls or other place@ ;)f anmusemnt baving Oa seatmng capaciti' of legs tian 2004, $5-0 00 per anuum; bals or places of anuseineut haviug a seating capaciti' of more titan 24)0, $1tit>.0<) pcr annoum. lu lieu rft 'Occiion 2. Tii> licence on ail shows, theatrirale sud otb,-r exhibi- tion, anS ausementestsai bcasfollowg: Dramatie shows under canvap, $4 pet- day, $20 per week; dramatic shows. Sauces or amnusemensnal al, $3 per day, $15 per wccl; circue nuder canvase, $5 per day, $25 par week; any show or exhibition toasdvertisc or sali patent mediclus or ani' tinS of merchaudise, $5 per dey, $25 per wsek I Sariina 3 Tbls ordînauce saah tale effcct and Le lu forarce ln ad alter its passage aud appmaval. Passed Auguet 18, 1014. Publisbed Augut 21, 19il14. Approved Auguet 18, 1914 R. P. 6cFiNAEaugiE Presideut. Atbeet EARL EB. CoULET., Clark. WE AIM TO SATISFY T HE ittle <ourteisies that w.p extend to our ctlstolnerii wîn friendis, We as tarted in the grocery and nîiat business deternîined to giVe SATISFACTION. We have proved that satisfaction goes band i hîand with Slrci-EYss. We c'an satimf y you. We are especially proud of one thing-our prompt deliveri.s We fill orderH, large and miuall, quickly. The Model Cash Grocery& Market M. L. SCOTT, Prop. Phone 307-J Libeu'tyville, 111. AUTO DELIVERY INSURES PROMPT SERVICE NEW CLOTHING STORE TLhertyvîilî II111. TMi A local tradmias well ais ont- lying districts are attratct- ed to our store.. We' have mihii's and boyis' ready muade elothiîîg. We liave '>t wo first-î'lass Unes of samp4les frorn leadin,g tailorirug houses in Chicago. We are old experieneed iii e n i n ineamuring and guaran- tee perfect lits. No one is better prepared iii ready madie sîlits and odd pants, or elothing mîade to order. Large ;tîid com- plete Iiîne of uîeî's auid boys' shirts, oîîderwear, neckwear, overalis, jackets, liats, i ajs, nihoits and< everthîing that is kept in a first-4-lass t-Icothiimg store, We invite inspection ofo! >îr iuerchîardisî' aînd guîarantee everytliing as' relpreseîntedl. Wt sohiivit yotîr trade, Xuurs trtîly. T. A. REYNOLDS To the voter@ of the Progressive Party reaid. ing in the Counties of Lake, Mdllenry and Boone. Greeting: Conforn.ng to the Stat- Utes of this Common- Wealth pertaining to Prirnary Elections, in which Statutes I amn in full and hearty accord, 1 hcreby publicly an- nounce myseif a Candi- date for election to the Legislature frorn the Eighth Senatorial Dis- trict, subject to the choice of the votera aet the Prnnary to be held Sep. will labor at ail tiases and teunher 9th. under &Il ciroumnsancea to 1 am n a«crnest advocate advance to the utmst of rny of the principicu euunciated ability the political doctrine hy the platforrn of the Nation- outlined in the &aid plat. al Progressive Party, and 1 forun. I1amoet reapectfully solicit your support. REES HERBERT CARR. 1- Lake Cunty, BI. 1 Dr. Williams' Fly and Insect Destroyer The Beat for Flies on Cattie $1.00 a galon SATISFACTION GUARANTEED F. B. Loveil Co. Libertyvilie ldepeadent Classilied Ads Peu. Ask eau user of tii. f!" TIl Little -to MOTI Is tii Chil Lttii daught bols i etrel thé Whi Chicagi rossi bg tiother the Foi fore 9 1 thas' la Mr. 1 Hardws lau tei a hundr lOokesi r île déni ber. tiresi of scam6uer lng plat the dsuaI limltasi proachin the Pour train vsn The algI danger. E Bul et the danl edge ot vîtLmussei ci-ledti crntr!oui liroaebluî indicatîi A aucun las lthe i paséj b aIr jerlie anSbiens esi-, Th witaens, suy assis In a f, i-acheS mate fSgt ed sud t anity la aeaby p Med piteci ber, Bul Suddem t ovrer the siriou lbe pickesi hg every bis the 11111eý condlition The cen possilMy lit. ifti board the %discu ct )huwvear déath ,mu taneous. -héd a-berga Danluls, s arriveS si Immédiat( 1"., Laie ne Catoira itabhithmo;

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