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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Aug 1914, p. 9

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VOL ~x cou 0-NT17Y ZX..IN0. 48. PAR W P flISJLLIîI'ENlIi. , dEuIL! A ~TIF, A ~ - - URAUA I IUM75' TO ortb et wilI be =i thi a-- at tha $68,000ý ha ex- a cam- waship ta the it je 3prove- reuults WHO STANDUS A GUOD POST CARD VIE'W CHANCE 0F BEING LAKE 0 IASAEI CO'S. 1SI CONGRESSMAN I CAS O 1 Little Piece of Pasteboard Is IIELP MEANS A LOT FOR 1w. S. BULLOCK Brud e Forces in Chicago Pr= s Unqualified Sup- Port to Lake Co. Mani. One af the bigeit adstesforai candidate fur offIc, la the 5nowledge t- the camual voter that the man le 1)Pfrees bas a good chance te vin. Hain) imes this bellot brlngs votes f romt sources vbere ardlnanlly littie Support nibt camer- Many votera of leke County whsn William S. Buhlock, former inayor o! W'aukegmn, entered the rai-e for the reto-blean Domination for congeas s'lid at once: "1Iiiok' Fine Vîti vote for hlm. ('an iii land?" Aud, In ail candor, for thefIrt lima LAKE COUNTY MAN, MR. BUL- LO<CK, ('AN WIN THE NOMINATION FOR (ONGRESS. L '-r. Bullack la conulucting a whlrl- e-jil camPalgu and tle possibliîy of I bi suceesi;Is mdi- le stronger by the admission of leadéeofutIhe Btrun- adage faction o! Chicago lIat they are rdetly urging his candidme>' and that te Chicago end of the 1011 con- gressional district wil go for But- lock su tar as thpir organisation sup- Port can sving It (and lt's admltted w th. the Bruadage faction controls the l Chicago end o! Ibis district.) If u The wrlter vanled ta know i l repart vbich came to Waukegan vas P correct, namel>'. 11mb lb. Brundage 1 people vere out opeol>' for Bullock. a A persona] Interview viii, Mn. Brun- r, dage resulted In the big Chicago d Ic.ader declaring positivel>' *bat Mn. o Bulaock would bave the entine au P- port, cf the organisation f roin tafl tu. finish, their deastaItIbis lime beting la I3IE LAKtE COIJTY THE Ni.$MEU M MR CONRS FOR la l0 1.ader., i P. J. Brundage formerl>' wan car- Of porattea counaul for tbe Ciy of Chf- Mi (-auo unifer Mayer Bas., vat a mem- yo ber of- andpresideai of, the Cook M Couaîty bueard0of commissioners for )ours and la a member of thele1w OIrsi of Bruodage, Brandon and Hot, one of lb. bg rns of the cit>'. Mr. Brundage admitted fisanklp' lIat Lake Count>' vas entitled for once In its career f0 bave a Cangnesam an d chat b, fait nov vag the lime t10 t*e Il off. He feit thal Mr. Bullock. BD- ING THE PIRST LAXKE COUNTY 31AN TO HAVE THE ORGANIZA- TION BU'PPORT IN THE CHICAGO LN'D 0F THE DISThtlC'T) vm tle logical man Lu carry off the lour this year and Ibat because of tibis support, logt-ler vitb the uuited support b, might expect from leke Caunt>' le- cmuse be la the Lake Caunt>' candi. date, 1, malien lis chances ver>' fav- arable tu land the nomination. *'Wel do everytbing in aur pover l,3 absist M. Bullock" aatd M. Brun- dage. That Mn. Bullock la eminentl>' quai- fIed for the position and ual presuna- ing ln aaking for lil, la abown by tlise nathon unoanal record for a man of bit 3'ftrs: Twice elected maYor o! Waukean wh-ne hi- served vîtI credit and dis- tînctian. Elocted alderman seond ward of Waukegan before being mayar. Srved four years as truste.. of the lnsaneasylum at Elgin dwnirE the Yatea adainhtttn. Meanber and secretar>' ut Republiq- ean central commîblea four yeans. Charman of count>' central commit- tee four years and La chaîrman at thse pnoient urne. Mr. Bnllcck did ual pmter tbe race untIll ather laie and did no onl>' vben le vas shown by tbe Chicago leaders that île>' realiz.d lit vas lina. that Lake o COunl7e given tbe congrns- mnmu.for, ta, date,.lban always gans te, a man lI th Chicago end ofthte 101h district. This year, witb lb. Chticago end of tbe diatricitbroueg the organisation leaderi conc.dInU that ]Lake Count>' for once la .ntltled 10 lb. honor. thore la noe .saon at ail vI> tIse nomiarntianm canant be land- .d by M. Builock(. in Lite Caunt>' the feeling la Btnaug that La. Count>' abauld bave a cou- greaiman AT LEAST fOR 0IICE aId ibis fac, tog.tber vith the fîct lIat Mr. Bulleck je velI qualified for tb. -ia~-la'Caxnnng_ýWUi1hInt te lbs strong In is favor. Dons Ihe Conunt> vant a Con- gressosan WHO LIV'Ef WITHIN ITU BOIIDERB? IF' IT DOMS, ti la tb. year vbem il eau ho abtélacé b>' votlng for Bo. oc-ba' bal t&g1viseones ELECTRIC P~J OF N INI.).EP)ENJ!) ENIT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN V-- *'lx A 1 AL UL l: L .M, 1iý,i-±. EIGHT rAGZO $1.50 PER YBAR IN ADV A-NOK LAKE CO. HAS CHANCE niade for the place when admission 'riiriUuS RANGIE W 1.aasked. FOR REPRESENTATION ON Y; The oaaciaty orrned conlaled abou STATE REP. COMM ITTEE.1 HALL MOVED AWAY; ixry rnembers who calied themeiives! A IS ORC LA E arneto be caled"(.range lail R..d.- On request el Lake Cmt itîtilian. À ________ PLACE eh maescitNrk sc e arrotrng 1 1ifbled my petîtlon a ji ng for the waid rasidenshurcsatai.tht be' i-Id Grange Hall tni historic p;ace onodrsdns h saeta hyhl 1r01im1nation as Reî,llli,-an Stat- 1 do% P the higli prîtes for mauy years. Commtteean font h 14, te te Grange Hall Road sOuthweiî ofaI t. Nathani-l Vos,' was the finIt' T--th ongéssona I)itrcii Gurnee, a hall which, for years vwai "Master' of th' Grange, He vas I-ulli tOnaveiAsloal tI-: rieî tise center offsoiai actîvity in Chat calied Mater Vase vu hîlImeainti îd.-r 10 hTae AndLaKIL(for the section of the country di strict, when tht lie was head of The Grange. IlEIIINT i'ndliat- fr tti1I fot in use for social affaira waî uied \t hile the society did ulucliin u i- icol lime for that hon<r-ît po.,l as the diîtributing Point for foodctuffs lng clown living cuit Ihrough ib. me- lion. sairidl were purchased at wholegale thod of lîurchasiug b>' wholesale, the I arn the only Lake-- <<lînli mnl and deait Out to stOckholders in "The hall iîimlîed int popularily as a meet- seeingttenomnaionfoi tiis Grange" in order lia tut down the pro- iC Iplaie aiid social ci-nIer. liances. si-cIne he nmmaiiii o u fit, cf thse middleman"-t.hig farmou-S(x i ais, iet( ere hi-Id ragulari>' for attic-e, whlch. l In '-t -St in, \ ii ittle building, haît been rmoved fcom m-lyYars. Grange Hall dance" <i ors la importanit u * - lhpîîh. its cite and ls eing conveiled into wa-, sîîticla-nt to draw crowds front e!(au part>' utflii, ml l,- a tarn on the Oscar Whitmnore place,' ýiibau n ic]ail parts uf thie coun-ý 1 oitithe oai] lhouri 0f the mornfng and then drive houue--nd get up the tnevf day feeling fine. Tbey 110w re- i;cali how they did Il; they nOw wond65 1hüw they did it and "got away witIi , il 1 \QI: dance hall in Lake County ever )attalned the popularity whicb Grange 1hall obtained and carried ail the tiani it waF used for the purpose. t Thc springing Up of the country 9 stols, the rural delivery, the quùfg texpiress and freight service-al thmi caused the idea of wholesale purchas. As cl! fooda3tuiff to lose Its effect aisé gradually as the oIder member» bq gan to die off, the whole pli asa- dOuie automatically until for "*lne 3c-ars nothIng along that line- won rtiied and il waa given up entireIr-tO dnnca ocIale, etc. flut. limes aenm 1chr-aged lu the social lin. and, son»e 1î a o.Jus' <o the aouth of the nid site. t, l'eiîle uâaîl liidrive frum Aisl niripyInto il and wîo vere left bore Th ol oitrfo 'Tol',andtit i I, cl !i,, iit II , and ls.vatu froiîî lait Day and uther 1finsec lit declue lu uspage and polp- Thi oly abie i , i il1~t~,i ivirIs lu I(lie n-r W il- î,firiiîif', luit ,to attendîisoute big dance tIare. uiarity, decided te accept the offer of tIo e rpublican olli 1101l oni 5Il. V. iichilt orl giriali , vas il prt in i,. - Mut iirs ait(] fol liraof today l ln 0-or Whitmore te purcimse the bulle i Iti)illan u. 'iiO il i--, pitiit 0e-ni-r beiiiîg Str "înisar alti- ('îiinlyas boYs andlgirls, learn- lng. TIi-y cloîed the deI and Mr. di thei C'ook ouitt, , nr id fitle Or ginaliy Il îelungv-d lii til, I igt-î ît a idanre ai tGrange hall: many orf W ltlmore moyed the building ftn 'l* let uliDistrict. lir- amlu Inli-sce<rsî o hink lba(-i iow it was au n rm, fluaItscuth and la conveie, Cuok Couniv always îi', liait hîlîve s Tii- Grange- - vs formreil easy liiing for Il-ns Il-n to drive Ili mb a barn. TIe mouey receive& ii s. , th- lani wa, obt liii frri tirotigi I tie snow ur nain twenty frout tle sale ia being dlvided amomg fl-i- Stalle <'omn]il[illila, til Gr I larve3 il os ii -,rm'ss linn uî-os n- nul-s 10 toGrznge Hall, dance hon wlo livested ln il origiflally. l.îîke Courity rusil.-,o, 'i eil mt, tLiraI. wwi, i-or liie- ha]] va-, -s tino- for Lake < Io tî,i lii ala,;-iil,ned ioedilaway oîr i-ascii t, Lake county neyer bau had a congreamani It bau relîresantallan n 01 iittiiiaîrri Ot t ad lite site inIdîiagalii ii-îoiî-a hle h hnrba county radn i unirittee. ýî,io î ittifr%- ata (i I.on always hlpdgivè h oortiaCookreimt if ouwar lac ai-y,"l just because, as the natural order of things, Lake couzty Il~~~ ~~ yu iî lc atss i're rcrier orulieh-Grange Hall raid and la en ra ato h ititWIhicue b nîy name an tle r-îiiiliian tii-k file one leading lu Gazes laje, riglit hsbe kept a ato h ititwihicue b El ai tIei- inlies, if wiî iili-tpne-aIiihel'aczer place. But, wliat's th'etioith portion of Cook county. Im't It about timp that ne gel tle nominationu anîd cili!lise tr3lng telu heu wir il Ill.? lvern-, Lake county, a county almost as important as Cook it"f, I if land lhe desiraîl recognîiion I ou-.- nows vhere Grange Hall Ia be given a member of Congreas? l.geir f lI&gl foîr Lahz County. 1 fr watt). that such la the case. Former Mayor Bullock of Wauksa 1 believe litla urne for thei- nelrtenesting Landmnark. i ek tenmnt ofolte- pblc tckt. e piilicau party of!Illinois lu revive [madseekoin the ominaoff! .Reuli tckt iL-. si-if and elp restor filie parîy foulandniark l intils section o leiegof ilth,,vealofies ho bau already b.Id ~ n national Influence.'ly efforts, I eunty la more Imptortant from a lis- if elected congressaman, w-i be heard from wlth cre.di1at 'f nominated and eierti-d, witt i- toi ical staudpoiui Ilian tiîls saine Washington, and incidentally Isake counity wil gePt. alùn, those lines. tirange Hait. Ih vas builît ln 1877 hy which it la entitled to and bas be.» entitled t or ~ Mîr. 'aptana nani- ssii-an a Lady of men who handed togetîterI r1 fNR 88 A .SahCo cut o ta first on the ballot on Spit. PlI, as for two piîrpuaesi: year- O G E SL .S UCo oiiy P reuutî ot the Bosî-,ut displaved FIRST-To maki- purcliases o! food- to be the head and Lake the tail of theodog? "balthe heq inl gis ng h, ?etlou lie represents stuffs at wholesalea nd Dring them lu wag the tail FOREVER-? urely thére in au eud'to -Ws ir Co0ok C'aunty ltIRST PLACE quanlities to the hall as a dîstrîbut- idfetne of feeling. Lot U it oado ttwk"~ 10-- ever>' one of their candidates Iut point, tIns cuthng out tle pro- on1 fie slate t1c'cet.l Iy naine ap- fte uf the middle minuse iii gve us n ro aan plCo'5 r-an; in second ploce. A cross SECOND-As a social enter for U k.M .Blo b benm ndteafit-U9 h. fore il wiliî haappnreclatad. lu social affaIra of the cmuity.ver ilnitoftheBrudakrgahA W. J. SMITH, Iait. fryaans lilvas always available portion of the district. 'f e cln~sik yIa Fi)ITCîR THE OAILY SUN AND; vîthout coas for an>' meetings wlere didate the Congreasioial honor wWi be itb rward for *0 LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. ;tIee.wasanu admission; chargea tieafiret t i iso, LIGEIT RATES ICK-C04%WNV ERN ILLINOIS - LAR KE Aposteard vîew of one- ut the la e' rcc&orte of Lovie County pro-.dt lie Uflo~ilng Of at least one mnan who 1, now ln the toils. Jiieph Schwelger rP4ldil I n hart moud, Imd.. where ha held a liosIî Ion. He Wag atavlng aI a huariiîg hu One day. arec-urdisig lu the eit,, therc bas beau îmade agaiînat hj>lm ie (îcvrdthal h14 landlaidy iîad hlît den $81 ln ber îrunk.ik l(i. ddeilii a tran k wu& a vi-ry ti îsa e pla, , w. 9. *ULLOCK. use for a bank. Lake Ceunty mon who has been as- ThaI day Schwelgc'r tornpd up rmiss- Aiircd support of Brundage organizi. Ig lý orJghuw kee tien in Cook ceunI>' end of Tenth ttiougtîlitle out tub fat for hourd Cong. District and therefore look& ar4 att-n iéavi- witilout 94glineaiy like the man who carilad Coren- itlhi, butt he- fait that lier $SI dis-ý u iiear-d stînultaneu,,41y caused ier tu grcaaaonal honor for Lake Count>' alitaln string susiions thal thi-ri for firt lime ln hbut or>'. was mon- no-n a cunieidi-nec.lunIth" two dlsapiearanes DeCourdea Brothers et Orayslake, he tld hi-r atory te the liammond whos mal ws size lnWauega î o-ici, and they agreed wlth lier that las' week becauie thair advertising 'R han. they tound SehweigPr the mon- huilter contained reference t0 a pro- e ol o efraa. Te i stcil0,1 10find Schwelger, but il wa pond raffle of a lot At Druce'st.ake, no a Id nul try tri pruc-eed wilh the raffle es tak for he had hi-ft nu trac,- afler they l'-arned that the advertising0fhew rabui late nterfarred with postal ih. Then a few days &go a friend of tceordingly, they took the $5(o and Shegrrcie otcr rn livJded it among the three churches Crayenlaie. mane. outy s ald fonet if GraYslaie-just te show thaîr lu ivlkIk Cut n hwf itr-al in the comiuunity. 55ow f the li011e Village. Scliwaig e Fi-d ha waii haviug the hast sort af tn outing at the laite. Frank Diamond and wtt- of Liber- Thé, confidence he had raposed ltb yvi~a ~d&teij mon anomgnlm bybis frieud was misliaced for the latter 1r DhmninaeMs onPrice, Iurned the card over te the Police and b1r.Diamnd'asistr, Ms. Jhn ard wat sent te<Liaylalie ta arrest of Wsiki-gan, frave Saturday for Des Si hweiger and awaîî furthar luawuc- laines,. la., ln the [Liamand auto. The ViousTi a oem cwla younger Mi. Diamond lives ln Des le cow on his va>' hack to Hammniod Waines. whora ha yull ha obllged ta stand trial AFURTHER REDUCTIO! AIN.i Becomes Effective September 1, 1914 When the Rates WilI Be as Follows: For the first thirty hours use of the Maximum Demand 13!c per K. W. H. For the remaining hours consVmption during -the month 8c per K. W. He From this reduction of lc pet K. W. Hl. will be made for payment .1 moniybis by the date specifledsheron This Rate Will Be Aplicable to A'il Meters Read After the Date,,*a Which It Is Iilaugurated 'A AWV. L.LJJJ&KXYVILIIE. 1111- RR[l-)AV- 101-i ic§Ydttrm nAd-sings 1 v

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