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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Sep 1914, p. 12

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IS NO* IP tED B»deon Plaoe, Boulevard 1 Lights on Two Srets to Be ReoeivedSoon. INSTALLATION ASSURED. Expect a Good Number etBid- ders on Erectien of System -To Be Instalted Soon. Waukogal, sept. 9. That thbe subatitite pWs for the! Installation of the ornmiental iglit- ing istm have beau n prneu end iît bluet or h ltWi3tion o ei. aymstom viiiagalu he recelWeut tithin the uaxt ev dais vas saieteul he h ccmmittmo in charge et h. 4ns fli0 j1h. propoeeed sy«e oMCoa. 'he e- visetdislais call for thoeetmatng on tihe Installation of bth the cluster adth i«is ilt arcs. llayor Bluinger. probabli the mcml actve sulvoctoeOfth.establishment o! thé boulevardl ilghtlng sîstem on Geneso. andl Waihington siroats Of t!\e ctiaut: vbo vas the orlaoLor o.« the plan, siateut toutqy hat tbe ln- stalaioen vas neyer more assuroul th"as nov. Tlh. pians have beadterred #jue vhat hi h neelti ef re-stivertts- la t" hobiut. ',lb inthe .emd Ue Ct bbidehave beau rcalveon thOe sysiem. lu the- provien ns lsaeos vhero h blde ver. ecavout aut openaut ouly tbr.o maaui~criers pro- meteut ethntes for th. erecios of h. systin. 1The r,'cuho f idutra van consldered t lob sal as t uttutnot al., Cth. election trou a large .eqab varl.Cy or blds. The blde ver. hea r@Ueted shu r.eadventlo'l It developeu that mas>' of tCh. ina. ulecturero bhaunit prefonteu blute. owina to tti ie tahat her vee. <ven ne assurance ha th. Installation cf Clu. systemi vas aseureut. k vas de- cideut la th. re.dv«kg ts asure Chboseum ua ro' ht the. pacing 0f1th. boulevard Breton. on th. stre et i Waukes-a*,vu an aetuait orthebmaela t ure &M d net h resnlC of a fond but, bople dressa on the parC of ny huilIuuB or grenp ef lsdivldualm. oveslibueut vIth an eid r icle beauy. WiCthe"realvng or 0e01budmviai- lu thbm tert f<offuhym. k la etatted tbat the- avardtuNî of h oMtmsOtviiilu- rn.diatelY folle, and tbCat 151cr miat) daim.h.e i rincipal itteets 'cf Wamkefas vi iglisses just as brlghiy. site? 4ma m ai thorough- tares la 4h auto. WILL MME13 OVE V'S. REOSTRATION "No mâtier vbo la omiunateut fOr coutty judgede ad I1 1 ah t Thuradaîssuperiso.sSOWAmil treeluos a neaotion MasthaheCh bgord expresl Is ditsver te ithe prop-t *Oiton novWisdor vatuCc 0011 p for vote ln Nevember, for havlsg msaa retatratloi t u lAke o eniy," salut Su*pervtmrJaioes Weich. Waklu ,Coda. "The reason la.th.exposa.la gn rnohgvMer Mas lthe dîrot gSo4. Chai 1 feel t lusac Is?. ucme tvls voe om tvut manhat ti'ge. cornrnaslOorS vile mh mnieut by h ceunui judgesta $1.000 each a year Chme ievat $ 1600 and he rcUi.aimvolu:t h. maihy te couin- ty julgo. 1'boi'tu turx voulutmane at! th, jutgoe sautcWe oaf leco. Thle total cot fon Wautuogsa lone týus voulut h. $6.000 a îean. vhlch. may cf us test. la out et proportion te h gocut h volut do. And,. It voulut Place h. entiro atuatlo ct ojecica offIcia lu. th. baudseofthe ceucty judge." RAIE$6 -IMRE M Tu. H3 OSN>TRIL The supervisrnet tis mornnt end la a hodi Ispected th. uv cous- tyhopiti vofetWaukegs.. Then, ý<lef0uO5 C.boud voteS mnaut- dtGemai 8,000 *0 ho useut ln filahlni t» b ý4*desireut equlp t te le ven «vaWy, tht. bxert»W th totalcm tfrom the, e 110=als 140 c820,000. When IllaS "é.I iii . meetthonougb in bab dàoomaeutoThuradai a:e osem.mm6s lu eri î ntm t~e aoo.rnttee 10 *4* .iso < ie".C. aet br. ho"nW M.au M IL P H m- b ha" 1~~~~ AS IHEAD 0F IOUSI3 Voliva Is Net Worried Over the Suit Because He Claims She Settled Accounts. THE QUESTION IS, DID SHE? Point to Be Settled Whether Mrs.DêWle ReaIIy Gave up AR of Her Claim. The fiing snie rime mgo of the puit by Mrs. Jane Dcvi. vhereby site ex- pects la Obta.ln the wldov'5. dover lan- tel est in h. enire Zmon cty atate heeause Of the tact that sh. vas the legal vif. 0f Dweihbn ha died. brngr out bMtrestlng situations as tho posclbtliCy of tha future. In tis conoctlon ICla roCalleut that Mir%. Dvis. sot long mter ber hus- bud dial. saut at h. timo Volvavas ,'trlvlng to control the estate vas lu finunclidintresa for nomne ime. It ig thon reraileuthai she vent latu, court and, socord4to b tatemonts mnade 110, ah. madie a settiement vlereby ah. vas salu totahave recelv- nut equttios vhIcb ver o satlafy en- Crely ber claim aga ,Inst ber hushand'a eptate.. Among th. things whili she seur- el wa the beautlfui surmer home knovn as Bon IeDlUhl. i Michigan. She kopt ihat a tow years, rai%.fi as a summr resort tvo summers andt Fthen laer s.014 It. She aiasecureul ftr%4« ofamligm thiraid borne 1hnZVon andt varous other Items vhlcb veat to mat<e up vbat sihe la sai t W bave accoptea her ful apportioumeut o the estate leit by Dovie. At that imo it diti not look as If her. voulut ho much left of the Dovie natae, ln tact, that it aubsequeftli dovelopeut lto property of valu l. adnlttedly due to h. tact that Voilva vmu ablo Ce swing the dont vherobro ha gaineut cotrot of Ilt. h la argueut hi nmie tàha dhutVoilvafDot takon 'V T Cr he state It voulut have dvindl- ed telitUa or nothlng lu h. recelv- rg sbands. ; A 55y rate. h. property bas lu- e rseedlnIl@Cmapparen valuo andt nov ornes h. suit of Mrm Dovi, Cc c- quiro her vldev's doyen. .MNetAfralutof t . 1* la statâd Cat Voiva is not vorry- Ina abou t <tbecausmo h 'n salut h. viii te able te produco tu court h. aigu- ed-agreornut vblcb Irs. Dovle mad. vuue ab e t*vbai h. court ailoted 1 ber in full settlement for ber claim as Dovlo's vidoand athuon tileut., a hiot interest lu bis estate. WhCh- or ibm tlai hat ime sho better grab vhai she coutltbeforo It vas Il gel'.. wveulutottgId au. he ai dotons. nov ln ber dlaim for ber pro- par share lu the estate. LokID*g athe mater conclseiî. h. queston la pertinent: If lIns. Devie algtaed an mgremernnt somei.ara si te t*Ben McDuhi a&M othr prop. ertyin uiitb eitlomoni'for ber Inter- leasla lu vat ber hnmhmad maihave lmft bas $h.a adcaim nov Cc ber vi- dova doer or did a.he y siaglas Pueh a paper. forageay daIm she mai havm hadu udor h. law? The courts viii have Cc setle h. kater aud t Imautmittout thore viii ho a big 'Ighbt on h. propoa1lon, C -IA 'm3 O Êf TO ANNMPLLI1 Waukogan. Sept 9. Charlee M. Oison. 17 imar 014 sounuit CaPiàauH. B. 01iso f 198 Ridgoland avenue, bas réeoved a letton lutorrn- gag hlm Chai PrealOoni Wilson bas &p- PoIuteut him a candidate for examIna- tien an te hie qualiflcatlonin Center Aaaapolls. Ho le a enwddsIet large aut vUl have *0 compote agalut ato hundxad otars.one' tvay ou t c the hundred are t e hosolacteut. .Ho bas boon notifieS In appeor lu Chi. cale on April 20. 21 ad22 nezt year saudtCake the.mntnal oxauLnatloms, If 48 Passe <hlsm soooaafiy ha l*111 thonlaite the physical xam"ntlou. Th1e boy nov la a sonler la thé. Wà*u kOgarý blgh achool but tr«orM» itte ime has hen sindying taIfIt himmaIf tg Psu Che neoeani oxmaia t'or outrance te AnvApols. Ho ela dight-. cd ai aie InformatIo Cat h. la Cc ha Civen a chance Ca quailfi. 6!x FAST TRAINS DAIL-Y, CHIC^. 0O TO 8T. PAUL, M INN. 1 VI& Chicago and Niorth Western fi. Lv. Chbu»g Passonpr Terminal e.ally ai couvonieut houras autruJa t%rOeonauf"t t edule. vla Ivo di-verse .ui Th11e farnous Nor*h Western Litedut. lch ave. 'cs. Lgo Ç:45 p. rm. 45.11>'. laa .@M orb oes night train Ca the Tvln Cltim. . Md. ena equiprnon on ail trains. o Pàrmlt MUOu 0W0.933W ilt. a iUiOr4 WCU Tu 1 HAll NS Annàual SIIOyI>and. Sale of Autuma Dress oods Storm Serge-A ft- less Qualhy tva Dfa 52 inch serges of beautiful texture@.iie Mafly0 colon. in the salection ineluule the niment. An unsual 1.25 g rade also. Ai.t,~jmortutuoulcenIt to Our 'AÀâ,o f lïh Gael Porte Fabrics Tahis nnOUnne1ot ifaS you o!fafiding the latest novel ties and taple ,weavem here. La Potllro bFb4o rakon to posieem 'tho most suvarb beauty and quality. Prom eight other leading xanulacturers asid importera, ina, are moine iquibite weaves. But a few of the nevert.foliow: beautifol Crepe h PS Favorite, 54 Inchs, riY.rd A particuIarly higb quality, but nur price vill b. lourd most reasonable. Four new clore. Epinge Francalse eft I rh Qsulhy, 50 Incb, 1.2-efard A flne firn eave of rare b.auty, il promisal to be pop- ular forsit. and dreaalie. ta»,b. 1. Ne* Tartan and -Aws lg rp SaIdagso $$1.509,$2J il $2.50 The season's rage. W. are fortunatai gitting oo coin- polet i ne for the deinand is tremandous e gb.e cmiations Cuidle Ecasse in Leading Colors, 42 inch wide, '$L7è5T'lard A, ne, novalty weave, with a crepe and plaid design o! splendid effect. Wine, leather, na"y and terra cotta ane ahovîi. Anl WoI Crepe et Aubn$ It wili be a seamon o! crepea. <km modera* price on hia splendlid grade vi lm&Uatti coin- pel big oelling, 42 inches wide. Wo ' a[ Wgine- of Splp d ùiïàltï, Our Price$12 With Epingline biddiug fair te extreme populanity ve preparad hie pedid line. Six leading colons, big value at 1.25 Drap de Paris, a Weave of Pepu. larily, 48 inch Wide, 175 Yard Soit ln texture, yet sturdy enough in weight Co msure satnfactory ýveur. Brown, navy &nd French blue, won- derful valueý A Itemarkable Grade of French Serge for $1 Yard, 50 inch -wlde A.uv store «Oliofer you a FrenchseRge for a dollar, but just comparaitwith cure. A ne. fin. of colona bers, ton, Prety Wide-wale. Serge, Un- usuadly Low Prlced, $150 Yard Therm je nothing ta equal ius vearing qualities, sud vida. wale fabrics will play an ail important part in fait faahions. Ail W.ol Storm Serges ai 50c Yard.-a Notable Value An inexpeusive grade froin vhich excellent service might be expected. Russian green, red, gray. French blua. etc.. included. Handsome Grade of Pa-M ciflc Batiste Speclal - .50C Very beautiful la texture, and of a splendid îveight.I Our faillinhe le comprised of the latest colors, 36 înches vide. ShUsuef and Belding Satin Lintigi $1 tk $1.50 For these two celebnated brands o! guaranteed liniugs we are head - quarters, Ail the latest coloro. Priced $1.00 and $1.50. Fail Sale of Homie Sewers' Notions Silk thread, (50 yds.), aipool. S3e Daing cloth, (black, white) . . le Dreua tape, (white, black) .. le B afety pins, card o! dozen...2e Coate's thugead, (200 yds.) . ..3Se Toilet pins on cubes, now.... S3e Tînôkitandl eves. (2 dozl ard .IC 1 Dreasmakere' pins, paper.. ..4e U)ther New Pqbpular Fobrlcs ma Am E mm A. ahaSla UW FIAIS CA&.N8 4 Rkushes,3.C MEW IMMMSIL Smin. 84 ues. salet- NAVV cOAtINO mm«S. "14 Ruhe.si-S Sty1sTal CrWabe f b¶ verryWoman ThanYou -Have Ever Woru Before. To o- a Hall-Rorchrt Dr... Form in t. at Oo edaiz tOs.e amne alsnpleu oa f homoe-dresamnaking;s to disover tIi. phensoninal xoey- savirc a Dr.. Goods Sale or "R.ady-Mada" Gowu pidted up at a bargain paiSre rally meana t., you; to se tbovoughly .ceinmi on your fall attire as to niake the. *am* suin of anosiy you spent lait year produce double the. sumber of styli, perfet-tting dotieza. ON. a a The Espress' Ae 'justable Thi*9#h.ât $f5 roughily adjuat4ble fonin of voaderul pouibilîtlm espro- duciug a, misses' or matron'a proporions perfetly. Saa it dernoitrated. Imp . ."Favorite," $7.50 regu- larly, SpecIl $5095 A complete adjunt- able form, vith tIle lateet featuras. spicu- didly contructed, mking il pnactically indestructibmu Seo it demonstrated. The "aDeTêWopFuUF orm, S.,clal »$&50 The à à jIregSe e OfI-y-E Ti Ne w Go o4st Good.Schiè1 Dressés A line of inexpensivr-fabries for faîl, far exceedîing anything ve' ve ever had. For novlties our selec- tien lnch, Among the leading veavea highly appropriate for school dresses va suggaat the folloving: Deauihim Weveu PIds .ai Si T~e »ead Tard New Plai Ga et a 11 Xe Yard camperseg . . Po EË#£!Inse cyé New Twoed .Plaids aik ad Aul Wea I Sio ner es. eard <New Trirnmings& Trimming 'Silks Fur Trimmlnes, Sée te *1.86. Every yard of which is new and of beautîful qnality, coney, "ermine," chinchilla hare, fitcb, etc. New BIh Vrogu and Tassels, Ife te liS. Our big lins. for fil hau beeu re- celved, it .1. ich iu novltie. and dtmlgn. Beauul New T1%* .iug Btteme Thé new ones, glass or jet. 1 Cnt 4 l uit uiuNmewedesigne in jet, peu, novalty houe.a ' d atone buttons. Niew Velvets and Volveueess.A largerageof theolor ulfo 1j.11 MW NèeltY rî""M 1U.. Roman arp., moire, fUne béngaim n.sd Ltel ilki theb aocqtd doolr for aQtuQnu. 'Sf D15..v~ wDi g~~~~~j~~~aaliyitp dmurt;ubesi ut mllt- Giabrdtme.T he Sea- sonos Greetest Faverite,.$lYd Alresily Gaberdine he been prominently .ahown ini ready-to-wear. Our Uine includes navy, wis- teria. and copen, 42 luchem wide. s n Il 't il i 1~ c f h Sponging and ýShrink- ing of Reliability Our proeas of spotiesa sponging and shrinking, is fauitless. We offer oui Pa- trons this service withont charge. Ail wd Pebble C1E>d125 Low Prlced a: Yard A nav version ni eponge, 42 inchea vide, tango, Rustian gmeen, wisteria, French blue, and wine kamong the colore. The Plaiting of Laces and Dress Fabrcs We amsure our patroais of satisfactory work; prompt delivery. O ur moderato prices, too, will appeal to i C o f e C o s I o o Cl e o h Cl t' w h o' E g su ci il k ru SI us p. B il -f w' n r'! 64 -. v Non.dJutable sFrms..5O atu uCjAu ece.lent inexpenaive U1J.ifOnfot genenal une, jer- 0 y coveied, veli niade IRe. 425, Nea-adjusi abI é Nil ui, 3.50 This model la deelgned for the practîcAl use ci h. home sever. high extension stand

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