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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Sep 1914, p. 8

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4. LOBand OURD 4+ S$IfkdFOUND-BccI in obédInluruer of bar- ~~R TIS beN G opa fAureshpmai aymbenl"d Iaivai-tiaing charge,. W. H. Knlgg, RATES Arsa, lU, Ric se par sine «Che insertion Là» thon S ios, 25c fi-et lnserionie ý*W bave a number of fins houm for sor ruai. Dymond & Autin, Lberty- ville.c-50-tI FmR SALE-9-Room Fimme naoues, esSai-, =&il bai-n, chice bouse. Buili- lageaoct saud i-W. )% aere ofground. IPW blotte tfin ralroai ieWoi. lmal .)owa paymmnt. Easy terme, Ses or w IbR. B. Boy. or Loeh.Ha'nmel Bestw Oo.. 205-6 Marquette BIdg, Chss w D.C-50-i OR SALE-Fruit and stade tires-, al hiais of ehub ad amani fruits. Twen- 17yvuarso experience @nâbles me to MM . ou wii.Il. lYOD wans the REliT, Wzi »inhlon4amot ea. F. Rtob- e.iàbsityville. 49c4 FOR SALE--Cbmap:Onet af Internà- asi noOpeIOWa;15 toiusne. 'la goOi condition; bha.menadssibut vr> lisais;elotb-bod, Addrese boa 187, iItsdab, II. -50cR $^SLE - Severai lbaie o! gaod dht. hn bryvit9.cO fOUSf.E~ao erlo Reler ai1 - ----- ------------A.-- o-a------ FOR SALE-7-room boum, on easy tho . J.B. Mach, Broadway'. 51df Po; sAL-i ne.w"Quich M el" Rance l»Me men; 1 new 2-humer oilI teve; 1 eesChina cabinet. Inquire of Dr. F. FOR SALE -mson & Banlin Organ. 6 Oetme. "utable for emali cisurcli or - mhooL ire. fi. Faruhan, Libertyville. C5211 PO« SAL£-New am xro6m hunkalow.1 Me,.Trmee.Durao&linhland. /c *O ALE-0PO Parl- lSd Gesse ileeje. - 75 Ba.y les,1i00 lb , sonni geai vaier. C.ile, USaetu. I p* FOR RAE-RxWwve lins o1 gurum ~poIes r-om 2 te oI>W ors.-Wbeaue «meV true tue sel "aY rabonaible prUMOM. *" leeh.lj e »tg> bey *1amseesélnw eu pims o1 pro:' «tuw. Dors a nimmo S i FOU SAL-A kw eutule te OeiSn bulýmbes.ritrihlad pi-lui iighi. Soms lategond larin mars.Mdnibores a»bYg$W pins.. GateriUbersy-%.ila SS foPrm. Phau 46. Utqrtvvii , 31. c5211 51I6 POU U&La-MUOdsebote.Tw@ fiasSDem. S POUSAL-LageOion at.mart priesFrank Vickery, Area, IIL. Ponée 997-8-. , U--2 FrOR ML RRNi-lnil nudhallusilon. Al ewiern couveul- umm, Wbeni & Daraeni. 5'201 #;OR SALE-A four-?ear-old driviug baài. a . Soud and geatie, broke d&uble1 or iliugle. Oeil or aidmuesai i airom, eSi-msle, Pi. Phoneo 50.1 52t- FOsi SALE-O roo Boums.tu A=-e P»au" li-. C52ti WANTED-WiII tek. sehool girl ta bowd- fur- uluter. Ad-es.L. B. Boa *4flTSO-o aveprobsufor frme lpwbaoewsms. Wrt eaa ilo amete. Aidmi-ee , t~ie a- duef -IL' da LO&T-BstweenD Ubertyvi6eai Round Lake, 1 sa" -bag contaaing 4 gold ringe. Rewari if fonni and returnsi ta Di. F. Rl. Marin. Librtyvilie. 51e2 . ... ..q . . +. . + FPOREEN + FOR RENT-2 larg, furnace beated sleeping moine, with use oi bath; genile- men prefrrei. Inquiresai iis afficé. FOR RE.N-4 5room' lia on Second si-est. Mms Wii Attidlge. 52c1 FOR SALE-Tèn core second growth . . . +. . . . +.+.+.+ MONEY TO LOAN-Onlmoedea éclate. J. S, GILLE, Fi-si Natoa Bauk. c-50-tf MARRY IF YOU ARE ILONELY-The Bellable Caufilintlal succesaful club bas large nunuher of weaithy eligible gnem- bers of bath seies, siâhlng early marri- âge. Derition fI«e, Mis Wrubel, Boaz 26, Oakland, Cal. P-51-2 MONEY TO LOAN on new bouse. iql otao ui- ban system amd owu 40111own home. Doamai & Doraud. CI WANTiED-N9at héitY gl, frlih vos-k sud te assicî with tva ili. n Qod home ami ages, ta reiabis , 1. Mr&. A. E. Sileon. camer, Prampeci sud tli-eemvuueLake Biuff 52c1 MARRIAGE LIGWSIS. Diedicb A.Bohlken, ZMon Cil'. .20 mIars. M. WilIon, Hllls)oi-o . i...1 eaetaao Aneglia, Chicago-....22 vitea Caileluclo, sane ... .........20 Raymsond Camtpbell, Racine-....23 Julia Hm»NsOusaine-------------..23 Wencil Rioupa. Raciné---------..13 Auna Roi-bal, saine-------------..20 Arthur Norman, Cédai- Rapiif .... 25 Brsle Btrang. Guee----------.22 Rudolpi Nestler Milwa-ukeée-....30 Rosa Ryan. anme---------------...83 Axel A. Buanson. Chicago-....26 Hilma U Ki-oci. saine........... 2 Christian Zimmermna. RKefosha - ... 5i Caroline ILi-e Uaie----------..44 SullivanMuta, [*ie Bluff-.....40 Mary Latret. samte-------------. 2 Ernest U. Morton. Miwauktee-...2 Ella Grede, Ueé-------------.. 2 William J. Herman. Mivwaukse-..22 jogephine A. jerry,msei........22 BUwMr. Carlson, Des Moines -.....24 lemma mclk. Racine-------------..2 01«! Peeaiso,Milwaukee ,.....2 Caroline Rya, éme------------..24 V.rani c"os.Millauiee--------..24 Igduard J. Dun, lae Forest .... -21 'Buber G. Fitzgerald. ueme ........21 Mi-Utn Jiuwon.Racis---------22 IllinaPottivaer, lUme---------.I1 viliiam mendiai'. 31Shriain .... 2 Ia Reie, GleInCoe ............-- Anthur Pimpi. Milwukue-------..I Nata Blemeva. mne----------.. ýUc.. mrllje, hWsijeMgs... et Miay M. Oben.,asea----------. 2 Arthur G. Leachb.Racine-.....I Alaele Gibéon. Mayuooi -.....I NOUA inJordan, .MUlee-------..i3 Sydney Marquis, Watei-tovn. I. D. 2, La! ey Smih, West Aie. Wls .- - RalPb Hamilton, Milwaukees -...2 Rose Grassoli. eae .............-- Citai«s H. Lamite, Milwukee...2 Katberine Sommer-feldsaie ..1 Frodericl J. Harrison. Chicago .. FIinaheth M. Cuilen. saine -.....i M5 DUlai Staver, Milwaukee-....4 LCusta liicI, saine............. 3 Oeorge W. Finnere, Mllvaukeèè.. Kaitharine M. Damaid, Zidit City -.2 Peler Wlsteln. Chicago----------. 1SOUTII SID] eIs WIN OPEIN i ME 0 F CITY CHÀ14PIONSIIIP SERI (Con tiuued from Page 7) tBy Perley D. prnmor) (By Dan Jenkins. a hit by ming a shoe string catch dropped W..Klng's fly, King gol ofM lis hot fly to riglit. Bronke fan. second. Pulse fanned. NelmeYei ned Niemeyer ensd Paskili took cars AIstromn ollied on the latter'S or Williams. toward tiret, Âhlstrom'asspiies te Third i nnlng, west slde.-Burge one of Nelmeyers mbhoes off, King drew a wa'e Niemneyer forced Burge lng In the melee. Niemeyer te at second, O'Parrell to Pulse. Gog Whyte. One bit. One error. gne atrolied. Niemeyer going to se- rua, Ueing score cond. A.bitrom gathered lu Dean's Seventh-Weat ide-VoBèeai pop fly. Lutter gathered ln Paskili's to ighand was forced at seco grounder. Hook, Wllcox te Bronke. Hocb South aide-Lutter struck out. thrawn out stealing. Burgea O'Farrei was sate on Murphy'g wlld 1out. One bit. be&vé of his grounder. He stole se- Southi Slde-Bronke singied cond on the tiret pltched bail. W",coa second and went to second an a fanned. O'Purreli took third o1% a dhl.Wlim ouNae wid picli. Kng out Hook to Pastill. ed bil. W»cillim, on Nièm Fourth inning, west sde-IturPhYPailsciicgBanet and Creighton-fanned. Williams was Lutter tsnined. O'Farrell ioedi under Vse', ly Niemeyer. Oue bit. South side-Pulse out Burge te Pas- Etgbtb - West Side - Ne kiii. Ahlstrom fausied. Whyte drew graunderi out tn Lutter. WiliaE the liast bit of the gaine, a Uine drive Gogglns' fly. Dean fanned. t) rlgbt. Brunke out Hook t0 Pasilîl. South Slde-(L. King pis:i Na rune, 1 bit. rigbt la place of Dean for the Fifth lnnlng. west side--4Hocr( out, Siders.) Murpby ttirew out Wil.i 1Wllcoa in Lutter. Burge singied to King it Into the crowd back of cenier end stlst. Niemeyer flew out the 'ground rules ailowing hii to Williams. Goggns daubled ta lefi. bases. Niemeyer threw Out Eurge scoring. Goggir, went ta third Alustrom slngied to center,8 ain a passed bail. Dean fanned. 1 lZing aud giving the'Souil Slde i-un, 2 its. lead. Ahlstrom weit 10 secO Southbasde. Williamns, Lutter and th, ttirow lu. Wliyte stnick oi O'F'arreli fanned. - ias. Oue inn. Sixtb innii'.g.wèst ide-Paskill Ninth-West Side-Paskilla twalked and stale second. OFarreli for the thIrd time and scored, vas under Murphy's pop fly. Pulse U'p the score on Murphy's tii, terew out Creigbtan and Pasill was drive te leIt. Creightafl wasa I doublai att Iid. Ltter te Âhletrorn. Abietrolns error Ahlstrom reS Southi ide, Wilcax struck out. Dean aud holding Murpiîy at third. zropped Klng's hlgh fly, continuii'.g ta ion pIfered second. Vose, who sf'caud on the muf. Pulse strnck out, tits lu a pinch, falled ta do se AhIlstrom singled ta right. Klrg star- instance, taklng ttiree swi.ngs. 0ing. Abltrom stole second. Wbyte grounisi ta Pulse, wlîo tItre% 8ranned. 1 ruN 1 ibit. 2 Seventh innlng, west side-Vaaé ply' out at tbe plate. Borge fil Diuglèd te right. Hook foiced Vase, ta Willams. One wasl. One bi 3Wilcox ta Hook. Burge struck out errai. 3Hook was out Btealing, OFarreil ta South Side--Donue tilt ini B 1ranke. No rune,1 bi. rightI field fans for lau bases an 0 South ide-Bronlte led offwlth a thîrd. Wlliams fanned an( b it ta rlght and went ta second on a îbrown out et first wtieu Vased 2 passed bail. Williams sacrlficei, Nie. the thii-i trike, Paskil Ibrom ilmeyer ta Pasilîl. Lutter fannèd. Murphy at third, catctilng Bro JO O'Farrell out, Niemeyer ina kll the bag, Vase geting te put o ý4 14 24 it 2 24 21 43 3o 26 Raté Leia, mm ---..............211 Peter Douteil. Milvniée-.....2 myvlne Dumma-, "me............-32 N5% r-1e-m J. Clirbielln, Anlioci....-27 Cona C. Jonineo. "ee----------22 Roy L. Po.«% icag.............27 LouiseaJ. Beyiam----------....24 Wiluam A. Keller, RIeL, Wia. .... 21 Mary P. Bveeline-, caie-------..30 Fi-ek UhIes, HiglieniPark lel mg0 Aflaiépaga, Hliahvod - egel«0g John licebe, Rina ---, ... 7 fftriajt Rolierto,,aie..-------S Chule, E. Gttermasa.No. eni. m Ve 0. Vouai-, sma---------...31 Ove Ir. Tetusco. Muee...... LIsse 1401994 @«es..--------. JasaA W.Soe ic ......... 3 Aui-ev SntWIrIi5 XUMilcneê-.:12 Mamie E-tm ia...---------.H Hamryq. IIocormlel, mmca itr.. .-.324 VadeILm w e*I. M-m ae.-......2 amarti Hauwt n. misa Rmaloi&st, Iu --- .... Ibuier Siop. u' » .......s ... l No runs. 1 it. Elghtb lnuing, e-est alde-Niernéyer out ta, Lutter unasisted. Gogglus i-ove s long fly to Wiliams. Dean fanuied. No iuns, no bits. Souh ide-Wilcox out Murphy to PesftlI. Ring doublai ta cènter. Pulse- oui. MNieiysi- laPashlil, Ring holding second. Abistram singled ta rigit, King scoiing. Whyte sti-uck oui. 1 rua. 2 bita. Ninîl iming. vest élis - Paskill9 walPkod for thé third lime. Murphy1 tripisi te le! . Celghton este on1 Ahstroms fumile o! hie grotuider,1 sud étole second. Voue fansi. Hook it te Puise and Murphy vas eut dove ai the plate O'FérIl getting lia put out. Burge ilote a iou.g fly ta, WillininL 1 rua, 1 bit. Southi aide-Dronka doubla ta riglit and stole thii-. Vose d-oppai lte tIi-i ,trie on Wilima but Wlllamn was thrwou ot et at aidBroftIe vms tuaiped belvasa thii-i eni bogi. PfsilLto Vose te, Muphy ta Voue Lutter slngied 10 nuIt sd -ecot- 0À O'Farrel'a it lte laeaplace. ing letting te bail gel b>' Mm. ii-un, 3 bits. Brght spot, cfth. Geme.. "DoveY" Lutter wvsbal et hi, old position on i-sît, Putting up hie usgual seappi' gainéet lte Initial aik. Pulse. Lutter sud AIsiroin bolk part lIr a anappy double PIlay lu lie tith luning cutting Off c possible score. Deait maie a beautiful catch o! Whytes short Sly in thé second but rnessei up antièr latér on vblcb ré- suledIin saiun. OTar-ell tire utontwIo vouli-be ateais et second. williams la conter va, there for four put ouI,. Lite drOPPing In e veiliuhen the hall grAS Ont u is ieter- ritory. Lutter and OFarreU proved thé ulunning combictlon lu the nitI. Lutter untaditiand Bobhy" Put On the flnushtng tendh. Wilcoa pulliedoui 0f a liai bobla the ninl ulit a mx'on second m-i ihrd, oasei-un over, and noliody oui metring thé ids vithout fui-ter dam- groundei- go tirrougi. OTariel rigit. the bail bauudlng se-i Kitqg sud going ta thé feucs. scrsi vltb thé vinuing rut. hits, Que error. One run. Tw( Score by lnniugs: Wsuiegau City'...000010 Waulégan Teamn ..000001 Thé boa score: Waulégau City. ÀB.R. H.] Qaggius.If . .......3 O i Deanrf. .... ý.....4 10 0 L.. ing, f . ...... O 0O remit1 b .........i I O Murphy. 3bh........ 4 O i (relghton, cf.... 4 0 O roec........... 40 1 Moor 2. s.........3i0i 1ilo, 2h. ..... ....4001 Nlemoyei- p. ..... lm&K> OOTNTY 0 v 0210 Totals .......... 10 2 4*26 10) 4 Wautkegan Team AB.R. H.PO.A. 9. W-King,ilf..'...... à2 i 0 O 0- pu4e,s . .......... 4 O O O 2 O Ati-Om b ... 4 2 2 O0i, Wbyte. ri. .........4 0O1i0O0O0 Bione,Zb .......... 4 02 3 1 0 Wlliam, cf..... 3 O O 4 0 Luterib . ........ 4 1 O 6 1 O OlFsri-eli. c.... 4 01i1il-2 O Wieo, p ..........3 00 O1i3 O Toalis..........34 37 27 91 'Tvaont wben winnlng i-un scaiei. Sumrnry-Earnei rune-West Bide. 2; SouthiBSde, 1. Tîreé base it- Murphy. Te-a base its-Guégins, W. Ring, Brouke. Struci out-by Nie- rneyer, i5; b>' Wilcox . I Flst hase, Ou bals-aif Wilcoa, 5; off Nemneyer, 0. Double pîsys-Pus la Lutter ta AbIstrain; Vose to PashilIl W Murphy to Vase. Le!t on liass--Wet Bide, 4; Southt Bide. 5. Wild pftdli..-Nieiey- er 1; Wilcoa, 1. Pasad baUse-Vose, 2;,O'Fai-rell. 3. FIî51tbaesou en-ors-- Southt Side, 3; West Bide, i. Tims o! gaule-2: 10. Umpir-Lavite and Bai-Isîl. OcsaiierstleafoaOtheea Afeu more amuse of esuent s'es- patby. a feu mor tender vorde. a titue ors retreint a oulm slm 1: Crisp, Chily, FaU Days R AW Auturnu drizzles, the swi-hing anov sud leet of la Decmber-iV l. al fu loi- the Ont-Door ,Folke, thé Biggsr-Than-Weather arovi. Youug or ohd, youlm b igger tha vethar in a gema peInaic. (Fol%@ oil thèni patk. beceuse ptrick ie thé pstal ae for Maokinaw.) Oui- complete nov lUns of Patrick-Duluth Mackiuav products hae jusu arrived frointhe Patrick-Duilh Wooleu Mill. Beautiful, soft, blendirg plaide, plain coloré in ri-lo greys, lighi and ici-k, lu heather brovu and fores% green-the nov conilatians iu ehades ual shawn before. These ai-s thé genuiue and original Patrick- Duluth Wooleu Mill Mackiuavs, made af lIaI vonderful Bigger-Thsu-Weatbei- cltI, uhucî r-sicab vind, coid ai.d motsture. Wé bavea ah thé nuvéét pat-ick désigné et prices from. *..8600 to $8.50 We also carry a fllU ne of Gent's Dress and Work Shoes. as.. ~mak ail the diffurace lelivmabap- Iliemneyer plitsi da gooi gam*net bel pneMsd -hIiaa te lis urne up aga.inu t terint unosa MLia» vith.--BopoS-d ro"e Wliaom csi-ay vSon s'lspot lni _______ bthe atrn e otaf ..th iteetmna.I _____________ RECEIVES INJURIES AirTIL i ?s.sdeertua sgIae..GAS COUMPANY'SPLANT. (etu te gue Iaesa M5e Blaihi. m mpboy or<theit mer)-nmak be% ubsa eielNorhtshorern a ocpany bstesi lu- t.~ ~ ~~~~~~w mels une uth- uyva ha o onet lia plant Setur- 3h. acssai'roiwe vm me deW' elorno.l ft.mem sD rnvem vW b" tla the.-W~ ., u5.01tom'brilla5on lIisbisai. At 15 dmlii *I,-i4 u«aM56 tisI tvias thoesit 0" tho vumoreaSeri- <h. s'amauMW eU. bau homely trIi'd. b«b is -iti-te uur etaÎ a" missu- awllait M-d lo vanlsa te itgce of 1 .- »-eàu tgestue& _E. W. PARKHURST «-'i&wmomt Immhamns um ssi te iboo Mfeaurementa taken for thtt Inter- national and Mark G. Harris Tail- oringi o's. l1000 samples to select frOUm AsI wtée y oftha aboya gooda vIe.n l toua. Always *1lilng to show gooldà. 0 *Libertyville J'RIDÂY. SEPTEMB1~B 18, 1914. COU¶TY TOAID IFS SUINN4i 1,,915 W. CT. U. MUET Plans Laid at County Convent- )igtà.ion for Holding-State Con- lngatd vention in Waukègan. y sa hunt At thé county corwvention of the W.1. I ýearlug c . T. U. beldi aILibertyvilie, fltrday, scoar- a aéries of resolutions was aiopted of anne I irportancm The résolutions eatead- rs St e Pf F e: One ed Inclued au eapression of appré- cistion ta thé leilature of the state " IE S A E N E O E lunglei for the gîanting o! lthe iote ta wo T E S AL D N E O E nd hy men Inlu s far as they liai paver ta, This is a message for you. Open it. It reads: )k vas set Eapressions of gratitude fo, the sti-uck priess of Le4e county fer la, assistance "When you want stationery of quaity, of individu- stopthé publishina a! liuohressd dg- ality, cail on us." We carry some Iow priced 1 vrarette advertisements and an exPres grades, btms forsoki fEtn rn a pans«sion of sympathy for weaeèi, of the.btm sofurtcksofEtnCae& lyrt re w hoarial.feribdlineuropnceu n- Pike Cos make, exceptionally well chosen for 1tiid. account of thie préence af the great your benefit. ont ta ver. At lte meeting It vas votei ta eatend an invitation for the shate cor. B. O E L C .ib ry il ventian of 1915 ta meet lu Waukegan. I. L YE C . - Lietj Ie smeyer The members lu atteniance prornisèf ____________________________________ ms got ta co.péiate Ir. rnakug thie conven-- -i tion If heldIin titis clty. a succèss,. N R ELNlan* opposing sncb action aud pré- ye uP.'ambla. 1_________ ES sent itl a the board meeting lu thée te u We, thé warnèn or thé Laie Counni1 ê West W. C. T. U. lu aunual convention (Continued Fromt Page Que.) moruiug col. w. assernbie. lu apprecialior- o! thea Thé Item of cost vas the strongest )f hi-,5 gooduesa of oui- Heaveuly F'ather, ta- iv sustaii4ed. whereupan Il Is ordered argument advanced by Mr-. Welcb. lHe lm yard us aud aurs. and of tie signal ta Jdrnn h1udI er alî t t tIunder thé reglatration aw t m yovictores tial have cone ta car forces, caud s et asîde; and on motion of would ha necessary ta empioy tti-e Puise. aanpeg u oat oteplc registratîion commlnseianrs et a sel- scoring peaso! aur organisation aud ta baller said petîtioner aud reatar itla o rder. ary of $1,000 easciipar year and Ivo astéiservice h'% thé year before ns. ed thal suit heansd itlat hereby dis- ragliîraton clerlo at a saisi-y a!f11.50 le teCtizohlp. uîlssed wllboul projudîce la elther ascii per Yoar TIti $6 000 per 75cr. :oud on Wbérèas the Illinuois Legsature artj âessii. )iid have ta ha peud by thé ut. Two has graclousiy grauhed citizenahilp to And Wberaas lt is ha sauva of Ibis couuly. ani ha questoned lie irivisa wornen lu so far as they bsd pawer Board liaI tha, résoluiuîonv brtofoîe bility (if golug tu sucti au eapense. toacat. 'Maie suthorzlng the State'a Attor- He leclarei thé regisîratUon com- Rtîol ed aviltaI ve eapress aur apure- ney ta heglo suits againal Carl P. missio,îars would appoint al élection , tyng ciation of! IIs prIvilege. sud urge the Westérliaîd msy apppar ta single hlm Iniges sud ciarks lunlte city -and ha -es-base c-opration of oui vomen wili that ota hseilojc fatc ffl lwudb lcn o uhpw safe ou a! athèr argauizatior.s lu the effort aut s>Bthrdesîtecrlgly et ! tack o! féInthwoid hpa cié oomuh o Io obtatu fuit cltlienship, and that ,Ils BoadtheAccailuiyAétt ré- ai clu the aus. lmfeoso Doverlug each local uhian forteuccassfor t ut o tan drete'a tore>' alhea lt c uîî ied aptitioo loi-os Crelgh- study of ci vies, tiat oui- warema m andsutbornuitsud drtai a ismihesal uacî îciti éiinsle usually eai-nsd vote lutelligéutiy. sda>sIpnl. gis h ailtait theproposition of bringing Watt- The Prose. Carl P. Westérliil ou accounit of In. kegan under the registr-ation law hé Inresth i-usipgéîeifrrstarest and -inhéritanca isa comitiis-o H oosularge a part Ir. lteé moulitg af pub-aa sdb1i 1 tdtag o u-génerai alechion vîlci yl hé ia Na- ,w Mr- Wsentment Reslvedthatwe e-lier on account of thasa maltera un- ebrJugPrsngatdth w u-ltsetmnReovitatv x furthar aider of Ibis Board, uil eus ftereoui n h lied out presaur gratitude ta thé éditai-s a! a résolution can hé frarnéî sud pa q ueo i aoutn n h d uoe cur hoey> papers wbo have bis5 dh bi ad lsrntrg téproposition viii hé submltted ta fi, art u oborne d yti Bad lntutigtevotai-,s eh tat lime. ta u-vgoais ud Saltates Attoi-ney ta start nuitssn an , ganeroluInta publication of tam- count o! saitd mater, agalust aIt farm- If the é l hioabe tathe en- 310 the easce itawe er Cauuty Ti-ésaurars foi ati 1,ast tablishutant of sncb a sysheni o! reg- nisna Be Il furtber raaalved, liat vé catillîtviave.ttilnbieuusslth y i - théir atteution. ta thé fact that many vîll have no say in tha malter, bti m a! ofthé leadilg papérs sud magazines ,,, ~wiîî bavé ta stand thé additionalesa- droppai refusa toadavai-tiseintoalcatiug Il. Elll ~pense. Ilu casa thé board o! suoervi- elng ta quors sud cigarettes. agd that ve ex- YYLLCIK OPPOSES àsors at 'îtir meetngîomorrou moi- miéarprés oui- desire liat sucb advertIRiing ràj yU lng draft sud pass a résolution dé- unit. Lut- niaysbhé éli ted frotualah Lake B I4I( IYU ploring auch a condition titis action otLu-coumty papers 5PII vi ilnat affect auy action lthe votes let h isédylItaIv xpesou-lfaI U K L Nmigit Iaia. but vIii hé sIMIrpy mlvi- Il bit tau ai ou <>i- h i>ITR TI soi-y. btRil . the board ylexpress ay firn comisyles lunltae Européean contrieslits disapproval sud thén achow the Lutter whe ai-e feeling so tilttei-iy the terrible i votera to do as they piease. Tbe board n. éw ffets o! thé var, and liai we écru- Pit Ott outBor iOtvver. viii bava gens ou record. T 0 e st Ira Pointss Out erm ao Co n y BOts averai erroneus aeme t n t . <1ut a and e ti ori- Ils fpeerluto, That Cost Would Be Too tés' verslaiton Up sud diapossi o1 Résoiai ltaI v éatnd ou- ibuitsby the board this moila. AÀune O O1-2 lu e th at ibertyvl n o o-Ir cr- Great for the County. mniccuion ashina that thé local board 1013dial velcarne a1>d gênerons hospitali- draft a résolution uhkIng the legiell- .01 i iASKS FOR A RESOLUTION. lui-e ta bolle thé position o! tex sol- To the trustéeso! thé chuici for , lector sud place the dut>' vIti te -PO-A. E. the privilège o! meeting un sucb sl countv trasui-rrvas piesentei bel 0 0 o heauliful churcb barnè-.end la thé Waukègau. Sept. Il. wul ot actadilipost. Otitér commer 1 0 1 h er h pe dmzý.Opposition ta thé proposition o! catians viti regardIn ta cd Impéevé- Tecauuty union ase, t té to ex- brInging Waukegan uniéi- thé regis- ment mater. vers discussi bo« a 0 0 0 tend su Invitation for the state con- tration lau vas éapiessei Ibis moi-al- action vas tahen. At non a resu 9 0 0 vention o! 1915 ta utéet lu Waukegan Iug b>' Supervisor J. G. Wèich of Wan- foi- the remainier a! thé afttrnomawu o 2 1 si-tipiomlsed to co-operaté villi Wau- kegan aI thé meeting o! thé county talon in orier that committee vSe lé 1kgau union lu every va>' possible te board. Hé maie a motion taI thecouli Rie dons. Thé houri vii ree 1O 0 1 maie ult a sucess. resolution committas prépare a reso- lis on lu the morning. .. - - m ý - -1 A 0 - 1 : 1 d ---- ------------ ---- 1, . 1 71 1 -------------------------------- [- - - -- - P2 Chi Ch Go Jol Ail wi Ha -.ws Jol Dut ste . Wl Gel hCIO Chii IlIsi Wu $ei Eh JeI He Jiu JoI Fn

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