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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Sep 1914, p. 9

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LAK RE COUINT Y _____WAUKEOANWF3EKLYSUN - - ,*. ;J.IJýJ jni., 52. T ±c 8I194. FO R AG FE THIENEW COUNTY CHAI Couct7y Clerji Hentise today finîsheti tetting tabulation, of the nrimary vote On Septeusher 9ih. the totale clvea by Me Party for each Candi- W. a. SMITH date ID the county cf fLake bing Wuea a lce himno chown elow.the Republican county Con. PO" MA @O LEAD. trot committce. Cook county portion of the lth dis- trict and vitb officiai rturns front T La-ie County, iflagpossible t. obtatn SIURTLEFF T BE an aimnacscurate figur e on the vote grma nt:nn fertr con. COMPROMISE CANDI* ln the (Cook couuity Portion the vote, shoffilal. vas: DATE FOR rluA&KIR Pos-8867. Bulock-l 127.E.W ShreffPc das e- ln Lake County the officiai vote vas E. Wsuti e fael i ldeas Un- FOSs-2664. i tv ae ile n Bulock-164i. der This Agreement. Addlng the ive portions cf the dis- triet, these are the figures ln the dis- I dward D. ShurtJef! of Marengo fig- trlcî: ursd more than conspicuousiy yester- Buo-.76. day ln postprimary consitierations of Fos alorty-8366.the ortanization of tbe nei bouse of Totae rSivd b evev endiate representatives at Springfieldi. Iu a Totl, scive b' eer cadi a it oe camps tho suggestion de- of the four parties ln Lake county, velcrned smltaIneou,,l., h Mr....... follcw: TOTAL AIPUBLICAN CANVAS. United States Senator. Meyer J. Stein ............... 315 Frank Hall Childi.... ........ 143 William E. Mason........... 1403 Lawrence Y. Shermnan...2141 @tâte Trassurer. Andrs&Russell ..ý............685 John J. Stove................ 106 Oua NL Wysont ................«" WWiamn IL Anderson .......... 966 Chas. . Hock ............... 927 Supt. Publie Instruction. Antbcny Czecbovlcs .......... 442 Franci G. Blair.............. 2938 Cleils Supreme Court. Chales W. Vail.............. 1396 C7harleseW. iBaldin.......... 693 Chares R. Collier ............ 271 George W. Fisher............. 986 Representstive In Congre«s (ttseut Large.) John Lynch................. 620 Aibert W. May................ 248 Wmlam W. Scott ............ 376 Frs.k J. Suite................ 164 HarrSwian .................200 Win, Grant Webter .......... 290 Louis J. Behan............ 164 John J. Belton ............... 98 Bupett M. Chiperfisîti......... 868 Stepitenibd. Cummin......... 267 J. Mccan Davis .............. 717 Wilbur C. Hadley ............ 176 ranüch J. Eculiban .......... 166 Representative ln Congru«a (108h Dis.) George Edmunti Fous ..........264 WUiliam S. BulIock ............ 1641 4 Cierk cf Appellata Court (2nd 01.8.) Chritopher C. Duffy ......... 2762 BlaesCenral Commttesmen <108h Ditritno) Henry D. Capitan ............ 983 Wmn. J. Sith............... 2228 Sonatoril iCommltt.eman (8.81, 01.8.) Edward D. Shurtief! .......... 3738 James M. Woodman .......... 2423 Henry B. Eger ............. 2254 James H. Vîckers ............ 1437% Josephi E. Anderson .........256 Senstorlai Committeamon (th DIst.) Fred fichaefer ..... ..........2808 Coulity Judge. Perry L. Poisons ............3098 E. V. Orvis .................. 110 County Clork. Lev A. Hendie.............. 3016 Carl P. Westerfield .......... 1299 Sehff. Mlvin J. Griffin .............. 3460 Covngy Trousurer. Robert L. McDonough ........ 1815 WS. A. Bosing................ 1508 James Hepburn............. 1127 Superintendent of Seois. T. Arthur Simpson ........... 2772 !vi. C. McKengie............. 1413 DEMOCRATIC. Unied Statuea Sentor. Harry Wood,,............«..6 2 James Tisynor ...............0 R, r C. SÙuilvan ............. 460 %Ce.Unuale 111011111two.. leiff umeY .hoethe noat speaker c h Ibouse. The vay la epeuing. legisiative ex. Ponts Buggest. for a, Republlcan-Pro- gresslve combinaticu vbicb viii con- trol the bouse. vith Shurtief! tbe fa- vorite for the sPeakership. Il Io un- derstooti that an,' combination voulti be fountied upon an lron-ciad aree- meuft for complote _revision tf the ruhe.-('bicago Tribune. Ou Frida, Sept. 19, the remmant cf tb* Eighth Illinois cavaimy viii meet1 lu relnnion et Sien Ellyn. Perry Bar-i ris anti Charles P. Westerfieid are the ouiy auvlving members living lu MWau- kegan. Of the 2.500 mien vho original- lY beongedt t the regiment. some of whom fired the tirt sbots at the battls of Gettysburg, about 260 are nov liv- ing. It ih expectedt iat about 55 viii te Presont at the reunion.9 PETER DcDERMOTT *fWfukegsn man elected chairmeri the county Democratic Desire for boose niaile Ceorge Gar nitY of Higbland Park thie principal TuestisY am. tu 0* Of te Mo-st pathe tic cases ever seeu i cguuty court aheu lutige Pensons teck awsy tram of himn four fine loiiing l111e chiltiren, cormitee îlainiy that he xwsver couid have them retail price, sn far as hi5 company ls back again until he had reformed ln concerned. Such a manner that the court feit he That therê wlil be a warm flgbt hp- BUSIN SS Q IET I i (uld care for thelb as thcy should be. tween the retail dealers andi the farm- RELY O W.Il developsj that. J.esinl ts vite, ers ho are members or teMl REALT FOR K. eatb momtrne m go. (iarrity bas been Producers' association over the price -drin'ing bord, negiectleP bis -chiid- of $2 a hundred pounds recently fIxed ren and faiiing te give them the needs by the association vas Indicated by Business of the recorder's office for of lire. the contractprice acale, lised durlng the week endiug Sept. 12: Aocordingly, Chier Police Wing, the day by the Borden', Condensed Number or' trust deeds and mort-1 Father Gatesa nd relatives of Gar- Nlilli company and other retait deal. gagea, 18.i rity's vife took the Inatter up, placing en-u. It became evident that the Chi. Number of instruments (other than 1' before Statea ÀIttorrey Dady for cago retallers are preparing to resit above). 73. action. Mr. Runyard appeared for tàq to the lumit the increase in the wbole. Total number of instruments fiied, state. saie price densandeti by the farmer's. 9.The facta vers produceti, through Refuse to Pay Pricea Asked. Total amount eft bans. $38214.31. teetimony of the chiltiren who told of The campaign of mlk buyers seoir- Business quiet as a wbole. the neglect showo them and Judge Ing vinter contracta opensd in Elgin Dr.A. . Wigb sltito re. Wht-Persons then admonisbed the father during the day. Producers and retail- ney andi others 50 feet front on Cory ln very severe words, tsllirug hlm that ors vere an average cf 21 2-3 csntb avenue near Northt avenue for a nomi.-lie had decidedti t take the children asport. Several dairy companles, bead- nal consideraiiou It le understood front hlm until such a time titat he ed by the Borden company, flatly ro- that a modern flat building viii be wculd reformu and MrPerlY care for fusâdte opsy $2 a hundrsd poutid, de- erected In the near future. them. maddteti by the fariner,' association. Joh Grffih ad wfe oldto r. Here la how he dýspoeed o! the The Borden company only bid au ave. Jon rffthad if oli t D.children: rage cf $1.97 1-3. FAresC.4Ha es nd n.r.tHaentfquater Margaret, ageti 14-court gave to Ifs price scale per 100 pounds for Foret 4 aces n nrthestquaterber unele, John Neary cf Chicago. the vinter supply 18 October, $1.85; of section 12. Libertyville for nominal John,=aei16, given to the Cars tof November, 11.95; December. $1.95; consîderation. 1J lm Shei onf Highland Park. january, $1.95; Fsbruary, $1.85, Heury Giseke sold te Elmer D. DuffEmett andi George, aged Il and 9. March. $1.75. Thiis oslightly biher the Jscob Beese farm lu Ela townshIp, given t the care of Pather Gsosofthon lait vintWo' coutract prices. 131 acres for nominal considoration. 1 t"Hhweod eu , rltObeèr bueiat fflrid contracte at The Vont Wond property at Druce' keep the boys but Father Galop viii the faîlbwfng sosie: October, $1.75; lake bas been aubdivldied Into 21 lots I have charge ofthtem, the plan nbv be- November, $1.85; December, 81.85; by the F. C. Wilbur Lumber Com ns. tu aend these two yonngsters te January, $1.85; Fsbruary, $1.75; pany, te preseut owners of the trac thte boy' school ai Feehanavilie. Marcb, $1,65. This 15 au average of Garrity, as he stood before th' 1,711 1-3, or 3 1,3 cents bigber than A partition suit ou behalloetlira, jodge, cried slighuly andj later WePt las'. vînter', average. Josephine L. Busse, vidow cf the late considerably when lie sav the child- Formera Are Fimm. Fred A. Busse, ex-mnayor. vas flieti ren beirg led sway fionshlm te he Mo01t of the farinera are members Tussday in Cook Ceunty Circuit court careti for hy others. He prOlnisot to cf the 3111k Producers' association. aginot Mrs. Carrne Busse, the dece- reform aud gel the.cilidren back A canvasa among themIn ndicated a den',moher Gore A Bss, ~home as soon as possible. Iu the 1majority ls supporting the agreemount brother; Ms. Caroline Mang, and meantime, the court told i hm hbu t refuse to seilf milk te Chicago re- ci bers. The suit ta mereiy Intended te! would have te psy the expenses incur- toller5 for les than $2 a hündred efetadiiino cranroiett red for their kpee;. pountis. A meetiny la being ormanla bcldings left by Mr. Buée.e PRODUCERS TO STAND PAT. Indications Are That Severe Crisis May Be Reached in the MiIk Situation. Retali mllk dealers Tuestiay tpielt tuat tho,' are in.colluslon vitb te fai-mers ln the Chicago dairY district te boost th. retailiPrice of milk. Johnston R. ilcyman, president of the j Îcwman DeIrY comi>any, ftnnuuneed LAKE COjJNTY ReLCTION DISTRICTS PRECINCT COMITTEEMEN. Precluet. Reliobican. Domocatlc. Progressive. BoutOn 1 ....... .. eo. R. Kirk L. A. Burgan 1 John P. Amen 1 Benton 2 .........0.W. Parie,' ;7". V. Liti Benoun ..........LH. Tutti, Frank HMM Newport.........G. W. Brove 1 0. A.' Siver 1 Wm. N. Mur Antiech 1.....A. N. Tiffany J. J. Momiey Antioch 2 .... Frank B. Hu Grant ............Gen. Keotb Avon........... R. W. Churchil 2 Eti. Brovn G. P. Renehan 2 Lake Villa-...J. A. Thalu Scott Love,' Warren .......... L. W. Brecher Thos. MeCul Waukegan 1i..B. A. Hutten H. J. Broe-] Waukegan 2 ..Roy Mason -faumes A. Sa Waukegan 3 ...W . B. Smith D. A. Gi-ady Waukegau 4 ..Carl Mai-in Peter McDe> Waukegau9..... Jiilus Bals Frank Bidul Waulegan 6 ..M. L Baado Wm. J. War Wankegau 7 ...... M. P. bilger Chas. Breen Waukagan B8..Alert Shuti Heur,' Pepp Waukegan 9 .. Wankegau 10 ...John Haes ahen îrray Huber G. A. Truestieli J. H. Harniey W. H. Lichty G. M. Fitcb' E. A. Witeu Salmon dy sirmot ad 'er Shields 1--------.Thomas DouglasHugb ilmitis Shieldu 2.... Josph A. Daulels Frank J. Geaght,' Shields 3 ...John C. Haie Shielsa4-....J. L. Fr,' Frank Hardy Libertyville 1-.J. B. Morse (lien P. Sayers Libertyville 2-.J. L. Taylor A. Faulkner Fremont......... Augugt W&Ut Wauconda-...A. S. Pavers CIu.a............M. T. Lamey Etiv. T. Marin ES............. Emil A. pIck. Eml Frank Vernon.......... H. A. Kunopf Alfredi G. Maether *est Deerfelti.... S. P. Hutchison D. E. Gibbons Deerfielt 1 ..E. S3.Gll Jamnes C. Boylan Dherfieid 2 ...A. J. Walsh J. E. Crovie,' 1 Deerfielti3.....A. A. Moses 1,- P. J. Conun Frank MccaKfrey 1 A. B. Hili1- Deerfiold 4 -...Wmn. J. Obee , John Hart, Jr. Deerfielti65...A. P. Van Schaick John O'Keefe Soctele ht. Bentots 1-Wm. SImIen. Bouton 2-J. H. Biaks. Waukegan 2-Hermas Schal. H. B. MeLearn, James Aunderson Carrol Gritile,' F . Overson R. Batiks R. C. Kent W. A. WhIing A . A. Masse J. W. Harrison A. P. Van Schick Wsukegan R-W. Magnuawu anti J. W. Galligber. Waukegau 9-John Nanti. COURT TM(ES 4 CIIIDIEN FROM A DRINKINGFATIIER George Ganity of Highland Park Sec; Whole Family Giv- en Away in Court. N IE NEGLECTED THEM. Case Where Wife's Death Is Said to Have Caused Men to ForgetMisFamiiy. ayrtom as iatth erkieg cuoard a nt, are gla;ti.hatthe clun,'ord is nfet thte e disontnlte pln, orthe,'lafeel tat he uamoteo! good that is pos- yeibl nerte yte 1ii nce1 Teareprlfytony.lmL ClreThe roti on ce, wEam L Ciare, tthe l)rebtdnboafcronva ur mitteern o nt' oardtheonpanr dayaftor eruon aduovit the lani visa meraccesafu drithe eiost fisal ye. arkehanai as the pevaus ativantages of the plan sud recons- msnded litscontinuance. Tbe blggost ativautage cf the plan in that It bas a tendene,' to correct criai. mnal tentiencies cf tbe Young Instead ofnsakting hardunedti riminala or thons: Msny times a boy, under the stress cf circumatances, viii fail frons gres aud vii hoartily regret bis taise step. If lbe were te be baledinmb court, couvicteti anti sent inâmediatel,' to a refernatory or, verse yet, to the state Prison,.lue w;uld at once ho cast amcng a criminal siemeut that would have suytbing. but a correctiug Influence. sies would fiigret theprion stcres ati ee uitifiue- tha bis thf . icameati hoon ruintg.ntlier t eti by the farmers- te ho heiti ln Elgin vhat tieptbi ho might descend. vithin a tev dayî for the purpose af But Ibis le ail tiSferont undor the 14R. FOSS GRÀTE UL os eeing the farinera ln lins. The vàste.* nthcorfel M R. FOSS (IRATEF k'ia<ders issit the producors ae us Paraésse.We t or el TO TU Y TE S~tili in demanding te 2rae t ,he tht uh ttm::t sltootre::ous the beavy demand for condousoti mill< the probation officer, givlng bfm te Chicago. Sept. 14, 1914. [occasieneti by the Epropuan var. ju<esaq ia lh ean ot Waukegau Sun, No contract ha, beau matie s an a ..tn bti ormisgo Waukegau îM.: at the 82 rate. A consmittesent the anti reports eguiariy te, the officor hi, I doalme, tiirough tbe columus etf Mik Preducers' association has been transgression vili ho forgiven but that your paper. to make greteful acknow- gî',en full pover te ait. It vas sait. If ho tisno a ho muat take bie pun- letigemeut te ail my fiendi vho voteti/ln the matter et yineitiing au the isusment. for me at the recent prinsry anti1 prie fixai or standing pat. Miik bu,'- Tutat sucb a plan wonkieout weli us beg to state tbat uext veeki, 1 expect ors lutimated that the cottlittee un- shovu by 'Mr. Clarke's report fer eut a vsitto he iffren patsdouhtedly vil yieid.sa, the,' have efthie 25 boys vho vers tumned over te make avstt h d eetprsdoue ln former ,'ears. to hins 13 Improveti anti versdismiue- of the Tents congressionai district for d* ft_.._1_bal___._..t___nom teproetfthanking lu person asm ,,,etifmthese 1orbteesnte semae man, as I eau fer thîs splendid ex- AW ARD CO TRACT areorntatoyeo t r so n t hae chanes. pression et enewed confidence. TCONar e nork va ut 6av imprve GE RG Duîy. POS. IN H FACE Air ful,' that ut undoubtedi,' yUl ho con- OPEN PPOSTION tinuet lindfintly. APPOINT BEFORE' PNOPOIIO AV uME'Dir CITE OCTOBER TERMR? Il le generali,' felt that the appoInt- ment of a cii-cuit judge, vice Judge Whitney, vilI ho madie b,'Govarnor Dunno beoe- the October terra cf court ln ortie,- that the bondi o! the counties cf the district vill be filleti. As l ln nov. there are but tvo Indges fer the four coun lies, Lake, Wiaue- bago, MîHenry 'anti Bone. luncase the geveruor shonîti permit the October toi-m te pass wîthout mak. hug su appelutmeut Ilt la said than be ma,' bave the position Unfilled tiI the tsrrm expires. vhich wvo June lit usxt. Centrai Illinois bornes byers at Bloomnigtcn. ai-o filling su order troua PLagIant for 10,000 cavai,-, snd arlil- ler,' hornes. Shipments sre ieiug matie b,' ieci ainls vhoeu tot tvent,' carloada areasenieti, [Severai Demanded That, Mi- chaei MoCugo Be iven Con- 1. Au Important transaction of i-aI Waukagan, Sept. 'e satik vas negtiatet laut veek vhon The boardi et local Improvonsenta at thc ais b,' Chas, F. FlilbackIntoWil. Its meeting Montiay niglit avardeti the lians J. MacDonald ef a tract of 150 contrait for paving Washinugton Street acre, et roliing land la tha Southi- te the Western Construction Comspany' wostern section of Ibis cil,' vas matie. anti the Uica Street pavîug contract This landi adJoirs tic Curtiz N. Kimn- to Michael MeCugo. In both lItances bail estate nean Gi-en auya Ronandsu the contracta voie avardedti t the la said to b, vaiuad at $1,000 an acre lovest hîiders. or a total of 1150,000. The idson he wo mprvemnts The tract comprises part etfvisst la gerre sUbmitted as folievi: kona h l oikfra i '- Utica Street Job. piobabl,' vili ho uset i atos for large country' nasîdonces, but thon ai-e @2id Michael MetCugo-----------..84,812.41 ta ho tva groupe o! mnuconductine James Caps & Sons-.... 4847. 98 eottnsfrI&urhefo S 1 Western Construction Co.... -4,917.78 anegotf inks.nf e lprchoe ne Washington Street Job, transactions nistorlalîzo it lin id It Western Construction Ce. .....$40,470 wii la volve more than 8M0'.000. lu Michael McCuge ..........40,922.75 prt pa,'mert lia pUtNc5apej conveyed James Cape & Sons ........1,73.1601part- frbIa subdivision la Gloacce.-- C. Petorson & Ca---------..41,949.76 Histhima <Pa* Pce. DItA 1J3E DIU 31ItC 1 FOR GOLF COURSE1'l Officiai of C., M. & St. Paul Answers This Paper's Agi-' tation for a Subway. ARE DOIPdG AIL THEY CAN. Head Officiai Says Company Cannot Do AiU It Desires Along. Its System. Sometinga te he dons, possibl,' sic lf.rg9. te, remeti, the dangerouq St. Patil crossing at(lurn, as a requit ef the agitation which thig PaPen bas m'ade lu the desine te prote«t theënav- .cing public vbicb uses that higliva,. The letten fions the editor of thSe paper to the Bt. l'ami officbis, cou-I Wnning se vol! clippinge cf th. ar- ticles vhlcb calleti attention tu the dasger at the Gunnee crosaft, vas sent âome tiaysago and theauvai' f-ro one'of the head men Indicatels tat the co in la .going to Su he (turnes crousing jnst as soon&as pue. sible. The tva letton, are seif.ex. plillator,' and follow: The Requet 8 ^e. President C. M. & St. Paul R. R., The recent fatalities fro. urati cressings tn LsIe Count,' bave cma- oi e much agitation for pratectlm etc thse travsing Publie sud ve saturat, feel ltaI ,'ou ami deepi,' conSce isl the niatter a& veil athe average ci- tizerk. Prevlously. months &go, I Person. sliy endeavoret b,' latter te calI the attention cf ,'our superinteadent to the avfui cnosslng et Guisee. vhs,' a flne subva,' couiti ho baR itietkut n.ucb expense because It la en a buts buu',. i nover received an,' "cpI,' 4 my letter anti ne move vas ever ad"e to protect tbe bundreti, of sutoistu andi farmers vho bave te use th~e crossing. Ma,' i ask you, apeaking for tha oaders of the DAILY SUN A>JD 'TMf LAKE COTJNTY WEF3KLT 1i<De' P1NDENT sud others 0f tie comty as veil, te look into this Rlater or grade crosing BEBFOR84 ýde *"tI. il,' eccurs vhlch na doutvould cause shuart-ache te you as kees as te those vbo might ho affected b,' It dis'. W. J. SITH, UdItor. VICE PRESIDENT'S REPLV. Sept. 14. 1914. Mr.- W. J. Siti, Editor 1511,' Sun & ledelient Dear Su:-You,- letter of July 3ZIsI, atidressedti tethe presitient or the 0. M. & St. P. R,'. Co., reguag thc gratis crossing or the Railvay' Con. pau>"i tracks lust sout of thc &ta. tien St Gumuse. The letter that ,'on rater te, of Mr.- era] niontha c,.written 80 th.elDi,* sien Superintendent, should bava bmu scnovladged b,' hlm. 1 ltil oy- ster, il escapeti bis notios, Mr th@a ses son that the mcatter o!fsipa'ttsg ticý grade of tse street viii the tss a'u been untier oonitiratias. b%,tbc nseautlme. a coeeiag 3aisuci ab bell la bu ee n itallei. ii ctos &il the protectiom tint «I. iuvie. el-cept tint wvh h old ha aarici by a sepsi-tion of the <rada Yen, ro doubi, apsrece tbst tier are fln ,' grad e efono laga vW " i 1SA utilem of track thsat ama wa e4Weus dangerons, 5AU ,ou u"creaise ibat It vouldh be yud tc isciic ii. 11,' cf theRpe P - yCOMP*s,'V ti de take 80 aSmOOU3Isbsnbi;a-s os'oves' lisai stmntus, . xcept ihat thceus- Pcnse be cppraad oves- a peri uo yea"s..Weanar epeadiag m tiretis of tionesadaet of u crodes, »Ppl,'ng thae n ff eLu grades. appiying the «eu*ei1lbi t'la croseiugg that c Ic USnt *5'do secouam su vabop* te Mt'late Giîrsee croaaing resemàoac4 w I* Touts.'a J; e (J1fKtaI INDEPENDENT ýWORKINEI OUT 0f PAROLE SYSTEM IS B16 SUCCESS IIERE Waukegan and Lake County People Are More Than Satis- f led With the Plan. GOOD RESULIS SECURED. iMany Young Boys Who Have Done Wrong for First lime Have Been Corrected. Waukegan and Lake ceunty people are more than pleaseti vith the parole FARM4ERS BOOST ST P PRICE ON MILK, ROIL DIRYMEN DS 1Retail Dealers Refuse to Pay $2 Per 100 Pounds as _ Meaned ---------- iLýAi M VM41!ý ILL.- FRIDAT- SEPTEMBER 18, 1914. POUR PAGE M AFO- - là 1 1 -m le i K aumb4 dL vw U. Tir 12mlnâlv li

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