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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Oct 1914, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY. INDEPENDENT WAUKEGANWEKYSUN VOL. XXIJL.-NO. 3. TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVIELL , LAKE COUNTY, ILL., FRID.AY, O('TOBER 9, 1914. ONE TO F<IGHT $1.50 PER YEAR iN ADVANUEL WJV'ADUSeI, YES9 FIRST PUBLIC WORDS SIIuRTLEFF SEES £_1kSý S I CITIZES' TRIUTEON OPENING COURT. CJIANfiE IN LAW AS ES E TOJUpEWlIT Y opefilg tt ibisOtb II ELP LAKE COU NTY G___Ç JudgeClaie dwards. ln is first Impressive Ceremony in Circuit stat e thce ascircueritof udpret Legslator at Love Feast of thie I51JI<A KILLED Court When Memorial Serv- said: faie my'fflt n n he Republicans PredictsCn 10e Wa Heid udd~. beil 1desire t ta<le thia opportunîty stitutional Change.BY T IN W IL 19r thank t he members o the bar and ASSOCIATES PAY HlM HONOR for irornany rindin r1s tOmredl ON LEGISLATIVE MATTER. WALKINGi ON TRACK me since My appointment te this posl- tien. ln answer thereto 1co only s Kind Words Flow in loquent at thia tim itat I wili endiear atJli iImportant Meeting of Party is fi.,. t maitat thesaie hih sanAccident Happened Haif a Mile Mainer as Juriats Refer to dnies ta mnuîafit b at;mee ain 1Held at the Parish Fouse- I the Former Officiai. tainer] and characterized ln the peut~ Was Larqjely Attended. South of Wadsworth Early E 1-i Ibis position. Ai, a Citizen, ln 1the Thursda.y Night. Waucean. Ot. - past. i have bad the right, aa well as .%ge. ,ayesau i n ti. evcsryotiier citizen and bave on var Waukegan. Oct. G aflrnonin11e crcitcortrotlous occasions exerrised the riglt of adiae frco1yan isntTRAIN DIU NOT EVEN STOP.< fie ronite ircu la te rles oni1 eeîressing my opinion on varlous offices. metubers of the Republican_____ laidy.b tbe circuilts Cardlellate questions of public ioliy that vitallv county central cornmittee, and a few corîU~f ~:'~ 10 l ct&ffct escry persan ln the coirnunity. invited guesta gatiiered ot the Parisht Crew Apparently Did Not Wiit- cata pail vrte iejudîclal Hoseisd- tinn ot whic b lic waki a reaieul and of1the bair iarflcuîarly 1.9 thaf ln Ibis the aecond ln a cc-rc-s arrariged 11)the- ness Ascident-vian Dîd Not cou plccl.îa îiiostioni, 1IW]a-licdpasor c be guided c-cmmilte- In Itls effort tci ,-Tiulate PHear Approach of Train. Î outofca.i l acli.anid cicr:,instance b vhat Intorest inthe RiîîuIAiecsii cuse i-___ P-'thi res bu l rltuenô utlb,- aw Is and 0<11 ulon auy perconal 1the Naccînher lection, b thir irm-îic butbî ord. were these dlstlInguished mîen: iiii1î Iuic have as ta what the law jseventv ivo mîi i cc -re i'ý-ii an(] Wadsworth, II.E Judge O(innCarIer, sulireme court oVl. h I Ii.ic 0îonclusilon1 wa nt tote1fleie cctilug iricd tiibc one out-, i L ATER-iýoroner J. L. Taylor sa, I value- moiihigblythie trind fi-nec- cytithiciasnc. Iiiiicaiing Ilat ftle presided at the inqutst wicnmas Jcidbe ilibe.l. Joliet, aPtI)cIIaie court c is bc- ru'l i i fl 10sforurtcen leluIîiicaniinctrt 1, ahrliili and filai set for ten o'ciock tais rcorning.' I co~ ldc (als tlng. Caok .irs Ji tîis couniy and state, anîd my filie art> ii ti n district la a unit and AI that time Brozas vompanrion roîîyui hope andl decîre is that 1 maY workIng for uccess, tîii Fait. Party: gace a more comPlete accourt of Judge <harles lionucll>'.%McIIcu'y -o -anuc isefn Ithi poitioun tati actiounirii ciaF ca-t ta the wîîîds, in- how the accident hv-riened. He Cuudg Taie dars.LkeC<itv ysiîi retalu yaîîr frîvniîahitc and! dvidial alIl'gcaiiic- <as ;ledgeii 1v de-'sacd they were wâikcn-1 toward 1 I cuciior respcect. i-atedi lriniiry canidiates ltiivhir op- Wadoworth wlsen they saw a oug'-ty er.esn,10W___________ pocîcul'. aid lsien thié- imeeting cloc-il freight train approaching front COlliLi; îjîgeî *--* ~ i~ifTOproiicc-il t theýre la to liean ùi. the sorth. They tepped onl te ccuty. YUIElIS JIM ED O en aipailcigii thi- vear lu tlein-lu the other trick and did cet notice Judgc i)ouuclly, dccii of the local tciv o 111vr'arty and (bai perhaps the fast pausenger train- cori r circluit. 1irclded. Seatpd on elîher D iC E u CM a reicrd 1l eputlicrn vote wiii lie ceeu up behind them. The com Pam'on 2 sidefuJilmn were Judge ClaireE IIIf U~ U~ No%, tuber 3rd. saw tie train lu tîme te jumip out ..dsau .ude iîhIlaelfrmrilr- iïtal the meeting werc ex. ofth11e way. Brozu'8 body mas hurl- P IIItCuttin. Judge Cattruorc-piedioFss, Representatini- ed forty feet forward anti ten a udet carutIhg Judgearter occupied O ITEB IWYU >11 ' îr I-i.(lesID. Catpitan, sitlu- feet away fromntthe track. From a P4sea Jntes'ek sdi ta cornttlcman froni the dis- the ecidence that wae bel ing pt-e- udvIlonlt epand iea-i . and uiauy local Rppublican lead Isented il iooked as if the jury c-t- liciidiig amoc evey pec-ruc Iheghttie ab-'adwc, flt t sPcre front the memorial of Judge A. October 13 and 27 Are the Day ',uIiing aluoteerl huh the ralradntv i 1 1.Frot' ir oter embr o th ju-coriifltiema lnthecQutvblamne becaume the. two men wer dictFat e. lie thr meber ci t opený Set Aside for Purpose-the \V.If Smith, chairman of thec oin or, the private rigit of way.L court ln Wiirbtago corinty tis noon FusAr tuae. mitle,-. pri-idPd oath11e meeting cchi -1,>I licuce hie was unabie ta lie prescut. _____Ar ____ tîil. flossn-d a muet sumptuoua dinnet .tc-elli lroza. aged 7,1c c-ars. nii liîdCr Carma, the other member of c-rs cd 1hiladies out hicOrder ut Ea-t cliii -i cas afarmbucoi af;ircîî lear Joe piet encla wilb Judge Chas. DONE EEY T O YAS -nSa.bci.coî,Wa. Intn-ckillicI flcpel.______ EAS.crost Many Taîke Giveri. Tci-chcniglil at 7!45 dieu hee'san Whitney am i IMbel. wan unabie toi_____P attend hecausa lie was bearlng a big i \Ianv tallca wcre -Iven 1v raudi- dOrti,,k 'cv c ortb bound titer an th1 uîurdier case l. big coualy.IsUgn Thtal eitr dates. defeated candidates and odli-n.. lccco. ilwauke6é1and 'St. Paul The courtrgent wns lhisd aud pet-- Il were of 1the saine nopinion: Tvatw raIlnuatnned 'c ulOillondver-.,P Broza dhod liaIs neyer again will a slimilar situa. That Poil Lists May Be ic ttc-epublic-an tiarty Io sure of vier- P ntIielpv close 1. -The acident tloci.1e presented l a single day. Brought up to Date. icrvi-Iîs Foaital alunt- the Ue but hhchcil aboint hafItL&rmile soîîh cil iancly: The memorial te one circuit.____ cat there lm need uf stirrint- up lu-i atncrl juiigv and the formalI nductlsionoete(r(t, lice uîly ,fangi-r blving îat ticli roza iand lts coilcîarioci wire offc-c-of is successor. for. whie the Octoher I12 and 27 arc the twn das tcîýýltig uf apctlIv andccu ciifleiice ot i a:kiii! icrti taard WadBwortli. ap- îieîîclalwaspaid t10 lidge Whine, sc-1 on whieb flhc <01er-iocil Watiîcegc&î -i i-c-miîchlt'cp ncy tron filic-,pHart ',ln ccthie Wav tram urneen Tien- l, eoccrasicnins15afternoon aiso mark ancd Lake Couitv arc lu reglter tnac pclls dliîie soles riav hi, euecded ilcaii k n cith1e raliruail trac-k el 1the induction of Claire Edwards as tear lu accordauce mth the (7enerai 'cTr. aplian sîctecl Ilat Scuator l'iiic îîlicl-thic aslest route. Tiu-s cire uit juilge as a siiîcessor te Judgo Regstration law wscli i iles il nec- 'ilierniaiic scertaini la liv rp elected "'îI" ii cci anetii' andd icl nil Wiihitney who wu5 recently appolnted etilary for every voter ta regîster r-. -xpliolcg that tîce Siernian-1fleven l' er dcc- 'proc Ilc -if he train tuehîil' b - (cInterner Donne. fore a cuugnescloacl etcctian. 'i- fac-ions are clone toge-tîcer, clc-vitc rc- 'ciriiîi loOke fw adsoi-c cc The court trouvei was II iwilh tact la catled ta the attention of the' pf-ate t e lir arry, tendeci ta dis-; c'c c Illî r ccci Oi 1ed0arelut tic- fric ncs. relatives and casuralilailtorit-5 v" se t a 1 noue af iheni will for-,rupt filic pot-vif possible lics iuter- 1icciidieriandlsi]c, test awavof ici when tire unusîcal aud Imîressive cere- tet ta rPgilrer.The- bm Ierlots 11e -fii liing fiit othevr art> nmen aI nar' nînt il-rv eet coa 1 tas- Wtc ncany was; held. Standing on ether reistraftin t ic-donc- on cther of spcrvadiigflice report, ann yfrIrz efloxIi ide aif1the Judges benc-b were to l&-O tIi' i da>-s, fa gise tee way tai ouyone Shurtleff's Talk. c' inolle lie i i a1 cfrotra hIefric k linge bouquets ut American lleauty ahoi igchit frgft ic) rigiir aun11e Fdcard iGlurtlt ruac(ýI,-lrlianth I lî asOnth ii- ici- -wisihed past, roses-these vere Ibere for ti l cW irtsi licmot elgîciflc- ats,kfutthe ctci-rniie I hc- iîi 1c iri-ilfeiracme v iv juiehu hy aise added atucuclihero This regiistcatiocti., noi under 1the H-e corgralclatcdeir ie ccuciityRepu-hi r-k a cril.ii- cita bc1elia , 10 111ememoria. ci c-c ti ltuccudeAi c>thie locclaltion IUc-arc- ui tell veeming hlarmîcnvnv.,w '- ucutiif ci i ccici huriedv-il-n t- àver bac a Lake Couufy man had tari-v cifuthe city trio îcciiîon ccut- -xislug snd addpd iit-nlicaiifly, thict 'hIifi-sI tcc abd thé-words of ptaise and tenral i)aI.ly ileil lun th-e cufty courc as ticici ew liiclaty t umlcaoiclathui- e ie lIc e li"r-or te frea Pcobti % ien taliai lu lirfe or fier furni ot registratIon lhasnoual)et heen ftions dlat11te coiy lat lrapstht-at ite t. rth ie deathlIai cie frani the mouthllaifdeceded uooîlancl mîlI le anc ofth11e togetîcet-lu oreili amanurer tîcat 111 va'Ihai'1"c-' rnlto-îe levrcsmcii called 0h00 to e%- Issues of th(> Nicenicier elc-c-ic)i. 'l'lie' cmt glwa hy r te alu 100 h o ifdic cioi f such knawedge 1 hege variousre thtedteinoniir rari If clieydid sec an- fircss Ibefir fee-ilui; about ludge Whit rcglctriitian ii allekplai~ce tii' sanie cthe iatler of reproeneuallon cl",4 truin tcz- tnicv i ic ompauiaic eaun lice se->- iieT~vrendavcicd ci a ii fumer -arclIcIi iidue time If they kept cp tIlel ccfcc a'IPy aciind c-csupposed Il caas mairleThis reniarirs jînclailstront-sas For a ai l h tcclarisi'cieuit ha'e ft--clice le added, hoicever. that lisaIlrie* daorst<iaul mpae tle fonrm1ven f l mllst c dg ilt-I c iva ( itu ýnr-il blie e!iv tiiot lOt intîl consiti ýThe vl-tiiin 'c" astened ta its deaiar ci -I- priseta ue ut-net I lc ncici 1e ai Aijici-n cl itutticiicl amendiueuf lamade. and Lake ,516e In deterciic -Ics ,exteut out 11 citizen and jude. 2' arc icîciort- ci, I lct n cititof-r ruipIrz icuh( Judg Donfly anouned h, pr- , le insithaý liý,(Itrithe ta omn, - ic Ifacît, dill Lake county 1e'lleedin g a1o1 ic i,'c i ecionablv wa pose oi the gatherinit-. ud after a tew aiecuet ancelCiir.'ire ici ifs rcprescnfatlvc- ou Sprint- I deod. esîlanataury rearlis, intrcîdcîceci Jicclt- liemuscit liaie lieu luntîce colin ti-Ii îe tlt thaf1the next four ycars cTlie fricuil li- ciiatend bhec-k Ici D.t) bJoncs.esfia cialh-anct i ' sýicis ,hr-ig licsabout aud sec flic Wandccorllc ici' r- i,apprised 1the au- Jiccge JuesIdainlupart:c 4 If c ict lia- i eiti cti hepru-cc e- i u itrefiii h1etes . i l- c ici apnd tcreiitiy a cormttpe ccas appoint it(i 1fai liant :MlIi diin tcigcoinute iicctiedto hTe efe e-th ou iso viatc I -c-bappn 10Wa-- ,-ciby flie Bar Association ot L.ake- finithetic- ct re-cclnratciondccv the c rcînîty te prepare for 1the holding oa i(cilis ci lic oelit-incîo-oi Xin Pogesies are cauîing bar uithtoclc iorili ancd (cccc Taylor of Liber- nîccuoial services lu bonor of 1the thic- cîrniccg cciiccci rc-cccaic îîîce lie folI toa alarge calent but admltted tis c uv wais T' c t la saîti Brai. foprcryor ileJoi Juge hares i. geatr prt f te dý atho f11he ici- cvcvedt11ev soulc poilI onsld- hbaci beeni eccniiec1 as a tarmhand Whitney. The commItte bas prepar- .iUic les Ioiit 1prcr,-i li c Ii-chic> rli lic pmuore. v espnÉle eletc ntan flic-cal mat rh frap do bu Pd a restoiutlon wiich 'will lie reati at nmuct dceeg iteîucror eptblestefl i ot thev irescrit session. jOnfthe second Ianclasao ei '. ri-is -car tli acag ginv anca-t' i a su c -I kne u sdge Whitney for 50 years. ration filic îiilig lii iv open a i"Ti - rI sacmpinaai.t Ali a sie l As a boiy af 15 years of age 1 knew elghl oclack tritchîe tîoruung lu thetelîc -- ,otaais h r- hcg ai-Iile'ýt nhn Ilîci NveI. Ah that early pet-bd lis cltiî-atheY etlia l îcu nîcI civg.-e svsc." coullie igulicantly. "If lders of i.I,Ii - i nud MIs5Nîin fac-v atîrarteti ne as bearint- quaities oclock lun1the ereuhlui cci -'iu al liocult i 1e ogainstth11e Democrats luneflulet-gavt dci ii 'cg lîccîtlic Iter yeara cc'ud earu bmea a 4inkintmnuan iipuortciic>ta t-crg-c-n lc vsuu 0 -neu- r(,ucatioti for maniy cbarartet-istics- Ister bfin uthicoiunti ist ii.'icv hîcestlc, Reîublicans wni-bave voled for I us l a u gei amaho. loea tu olickl tcci-ciool.l'otresnivec. hut cvc slicld wclccme tbe biorney sc-huis inot atone at ail-- nus ci craal teaahrfwhen 11 waa Itin desire ubcteaniiauy 1thiîuabac-ri a t lice party and briunalay ic ls shauc c-'c I>ce Ound out ticît stiîîlyiut- aw and wben lie was admit- as posible regIsler outh ie in-t day. aotlaiii>-Ibleecm !11 cu tfi-cl. i 1eporsc ted la the bas. 1 knew hmaateThen an 1the second diii Ii,îulle oillssProgressives lic cd on criticimsti hiclu partt)arc shaiîc ii c-lOfs attruey.aud mithtad thaeare revisced, corrected and ccuuiileted.iprliaps flthe Republican party a-as de- "I thinîk chue liluci-for aIl o! ns to aithughwe hve ad any pleddT'aller 1the law the >odges arc en Pý pvr-g of.but Its open 1the doar and do is. If cc-c- iic icecllgs are wrong methounh filavfie l h ny le n i ttedt taenter on 1the poi l Inst ire 1 ase tlîem bick ccith tic The Republi- t3 exprecs ic nu' %es. gel out sud igt hae n lu luatofitce uthaiiounie naineof auy voter lu tfleirtespetive 1 -'ranlîcrty la 1the pOtty of progreca anti then. It tucciii.forget tbem ani bav neer ad uce tat ime on îreciurt providint- they arc poitiiv and of arts aud I believe we coni set- ighîtugethen iccule Pet-sons deteut- asc gondi as 1e.i liii-bas net movcd frot 11th e iuct le ail osr differeu1ces wi-lîin the party cd me btut 1 tccnio sore spots. I*nu -1T ke irc hm as well as auyonc li eu nif lie dae net appear ta register wihout chant-lot lic namne. i hope for the lic-he i-nto p te botlom auci the county. Tlrout-baut lis lite 1e lu peraon. On the -hole howéer th11e four years from 00w tlisc f lîe >stcm *111 do ail 1 cati for l." sos houesî and upright. As a jutige sale ssii-ta for every voter to vsisî of election oi legilators chauged"so Mecs. tmile esterfleid MNi- lie waa learued and capable. HRanoi-pllsplc ar cr i lii eaId îa iî b io-Duuî. llccatc_.Schaeffer. Powers, laiued the spirit of 110e manlhood nouie la on 11e list, Under fitr-g ly representatlve plan anti that Loake Kennedy andîl ci crs ail pramiaed ail tram a foy untIl as a jutige 1e dieti fsration a 1w wlsîcbwoulti lie lu farce raunty wiI ihen 1e iu o istrict 11y 1- leglanre lu lIce hart7 aud promîseil lun the Icrneas'-" jlîroviding 1the measure tIbal wil be luit self sud insured a man ai Spriugfleld" thelrardent sniiîorf. Juitge Joues filon read the resolu- uc to the votera 51 1the November; James Woodman feIt that if the Mr. Fosa gave an luterestint- taIs. tion prepareti by the comnmitîe. fouud eecî ion every voter lu order ta 1e en- ;ftepuiblitaiis continue te show iheir telling off the accoiopllsbmients o!f1the lui tetail lu anoher colonma. titled ta a vole woud bave taet-lai- inlerest lun1the succesof 1the party as; republican parîy, af wbat it bopes tai Judge Carter. ter oun1the day appointed fortauch menifested by the attendance ai the do and sut-ch- ilîl do aud urged tur-- Atter-filîe readlng ai the reaolutiOn, duty. dijîner, tihe party's compe succesa lIer coucetted action by members o! Jutige Donueliy then inirodtted Judgel lq assurei: lHent-y B. Et-et-,Lberty- .the Partyiyn0L.ake Couuty. Carter aif1the auliteme court aI Sprint-- A it-ht cpitiemic o! sot-e Ibroals ille promiset igi unlimited assis1- lu Lake Villa many menu siMned wlth- field. Jutige Carter sait Inl pari: among the chidren of 1the tinulias tance te the pattv cause: Jutige Eti- out kuawlug thint tbey would 11e de- «A meeting ofitIis kinti ln memory caused the Barrington village board, isards declaredth 1e atieudaÜee sould i uedth 1e r tet vote lu thse Iepub- of one whîo lias direlt long among Ye-ui the board o! education sud SuperIn- encourage niiciaîs of thse courty com- lican primary last moutis, T1ey la fltting asud mat, lu Ihese dat-s wben tendent o! Scisools Smith1, te une every mîtea and everybody lterested lu ulgfled te help their towuraman, Msr. th1e members o!f1the legal profession preosution at-ainst tise iprendi o! diph- tise sucesa o! tise ticket ecêuse lu Dick. -Mai Ibet known lil.t thy wouid * are subjeci la sncb extrema critliim biertla, whIch as baron reportg lu the. Dut years 1f wass bard to ge; a dos. unit hava sigued lise proreWave tick- aitflimes, tisa membera shotild take ad- homE17ot August Scberp aud '1 P. aunumea cul et sncb a gatbertag. ets, even tealad Mr. Dicia. vantage o! tie npportunlty t0 houer Wicbmau, Fred MLeyer, . ,P.t.t-sou PERBONS EXPLAINS POIUT. Orvis Rennunces Pt Idem& 1the imery o! s memnber o! Ibat pro- sud Knunion. Weiuesday morni h e is udge Porions*-JU1 lomir 1 over 1i. V. Ot-vis mad isgDjScaasr.- I fession wbo bua aways stooti for right tiroat o!f1the pupils a 1et ecsool and thse Progressive peUttio#à u se .lajsMar-ks hearint- ou bI fuýMeralia- and justine. Tise memorial services t1e blidren wltb sore tros wete tise coUnt-court torL1lt lIli~y on witb tise progressive P".ty uen are lising hIeblu nhouer o! a man who 'sent homte! Prof. Smith cailed a oaitthi 1nticod tsaItihe r XJty of ulggeru 1ho ,ald: bornes imimedately and warned tire eaie frt-ubwo tnwme. Laie Villaand "'y. ieen itnvenastits. I've beau (Continuai ou Page ) parent, of tise danger. - M-on CIt-. Later I1beagidirectly &1ai la reieasitb wnrk. 1, bave tound Ébat ) VALUATION 0F LAKE OUNTY IS RAIS-ED $2,438,895 Table Showlng Valuations Fixed by Board of Revlew for the Varlous Townships; Aise Increases ln Valuations of Boises and Cattie. PHENOMENAL INCREASE IN VALUATION 0F COUNTY IS -SEEN BY FIGURES 0F THE BOARD 0F REVIEW MEM- BERS WHO COMPLETED Board of review figures for ail the townships ln lie county. 'Thetotaise TIIEIR WORK TODAY- show an increase over lait year: Town. Lands. Lots, Persoual. Total, 1 WARD ESTATE ACCO)UNTS BENTON---------------..$ 263580 596200 S 232435 1092215'1 O VRTW ILO NEWPORT---------------.292145 3035 102775 397955, FROE W MIL N ANTIOCH '- - - 302285 162280 129415 593980 0F THE INCREASE-$40,- LAKE VILLA...... 270020 60555 84170 4147451 GRANT ....... 176975 89950 71630 3U8555 ý 000 INCREASE CAME AVON 256445 140945 140460 537860' WARREN 414275 8345 121055 543675 FROM INCREASED VALU- WAUKEGAN .... 5 15885 2414900 769485 3700270 AlO S NHRESAD SHIELDS ' « - 713735 2068940 1130245 3912920 TOS NHRE AI LIBERTYVILLE .. ... 568810 194975 339610 1103.395 CATTLE-BOARD HAS AC- FREMONT ....... 388155 139 15 87955 490025 CM LSE UHW R WAUCONDA .. .. 211220 75420 99505 3861456 O PIHD UHW R CUBA ...... . 263565 88085 117865 469515' ELA ' ' -> 414510 43080 137235 594825, DURING THE LAST iSEV. VERNON ' **. 403025 7975 139005 "'0005: ERKi WEEKS. WEST DEERFIELD ... 312910 51765 94220 4588961 DEERFIELO ..... . 264760 1873280 2530205 4668245:-____ T ...siedi valuation of Lake TOTAL 1914. ....... $6032300 $789364b $6327270 $25253215' Counîty thic year sn $2.438.895 higier TOTAL 1913 ... .. $6003340 $7685715 $4125265 $17814320 thsn il was lailtyest-, accordcug 1te Changes matie by board of revice te bring tie valuation sf honsesansd othefiues cf thersLake Comuty Oar-- caille up 10 îhe standard of $81 on hornes and $33 on catlle, au foIos: th eviwk ombeshrtlywiore ompiete Town. Percentage Percentage. 1e oktdt iri-bfr ou Raie oun rses. Raine on Cattie. This in conuldered a phenomenal ln. cntaie ln the issessetivaluation sud BENTON--------------------------...No change No change 'wîîî mean qut. a marked reductlen ZIONCITY----------------.. 1 -i in sthe amount of taxes that will b. NEWPORT ................No change No change lj iedlu March. The assesied valus- -ANTIOCH ... .... .... No change No change lion thl* year in $20.23.215. Lait year GRANT ........._ .....31.71, 22 2, ýil was $17,814,320. lu boti of thies LAKE VILLA............. No change 9 6.; instances it muet b. boru in mind WARREN ... ... ..... 36c-e 65 61;- tiat îles. figures. are thie aui.es.d WAUKEGAN ...... ....>..19. 1c-%3.4,, valuatonu of lie couuîy. The wheiefj CITY WAUKEGAN ...........39.81,'4.7,,ccaîuaisîe le îree timon liis uiunt. SHIELDS............... No change No change W- slI epd LAKE FOREST ............. No change No change WadEtt ipd LIBERTYVILLE........... No change No change One orth11e thîngs wbkh mores11131 FREMONT .............. No change 101; auylbing cIsc. helpedtoI aluit-ase the WAUCONDA .. ... .......3' 8, 5', acesseti valuation oftheb county ibis CUBA ............ ....8'; i.3', >cor oser lIsaf and preredint- teas ELA................. No change No change icas Ilie'tact 1110f bîrs. Moluntgomery~c VERNON---------------------------...5c-, 2311, Word ot Highland Partk. ite af t» WEST DEERFIELO-----------------..No change 7.2,' deceased mail-order bouse king oi Chi- DEERFIELO-----------------------...14% 7AI; ctago, schetiohet a large pari ober HIGHANDPARK-------------16.'-i-- 8c-Iestate ii ýLii4e Coiaoîy tbis yei arlu- fTOTAL HORSES 9,877 steati o! lu Cook county. Mt-. Mont- TOTAL CATTLE 28e.6 gomery Wart's wilh wss filîct for pro», _________bai- lu Laie Couuty andti lhemadie i duled bere. Scimethînt- over $6.000.000 SUPRIEME COURT MARTIN ABBOTT w::t o 111eracia ! oneidu ieI Lacie Coucîty by %Irs. Ward it-ut-- UPHOLDS LAW FIX= MAKES ODD CONDIz , -sesetvalaionof thlie rdets IN(i PAY 0F ATTY. TION IN lIS 'WILLI $2O0î0 ther Caurnes Gven. a- Another thîlut- ihicli raiseltheas sess ledivaluation about $41),(») waa High Court Deciares Law Fix - Wjfe Gets Income From ail of Vui- raîsînt- lu value of hot-ses sud ing aîar at~~Ou IsEn- is Etat so ongcaille lun111e country. The board Il1 ingSalry t $,00 IsEn- HisEstte o Lngas She year bai ibhe stand ihat the Value n1 tirely Constitutional. Does NotRe-Marry horuev s d cattle ln Lakie County -u tî nis nultoit-for 1the rate lu auto AFFECTS LAKE CO. OFFICIAL RUDOLPH SCHRECK'S WILL.I dIrita eh-lrtanuaote. 1it w as founti upon examinatiouiha - i;the average value of hocses iu tise sî,rigceilIl]., Oct . t;. \\a b)au'zezan, Oct. 5. entîre c-auîty was $81 antinoite $33. 1ii Sui ri-ne c-uatltîculata the open- Threc wills ouf nore or hesInterestInl somri townships the valuatlou vrais of - ili ctcobcr terni upheld 111e ire îrîbated in t'unty Court îtoy bither and iu Home places oiser. Fit-- c ivctucccuncilftî a!uacrtuifixingth îe1"' fiore<'outil>- Iudge P L. Pet-sousurint- onthbls lisais, hos'cvr ,tise v4l- ncî'r ci t nctcs otoney's in tht-e Tlicee cc-c t he mille ofthue !allow- juaiion of hot-sesanaud rallkeie lowu- cituuiiti-c caiideid uluni the c-ses lie- ini. rvaccleuîs o! Loke ( aunts- poplej shiîu wbch mere undet- thé aeteran- i - sii ofsc- u clca v 1ioync, statesa ai abuse (dealhs have accurreti mlîhin %cre ralseti a certain pet- cent. fciv 1ccl ock iCoUnnt Y va John Ling. Ici.îîvla i urt- 11ev ucouhs:An l:ustratlon.- Ic cIle cagcvcii-at. Nlacclay lIoyue vs M'ARbITIN ARIIOTT. Waiukcgou. Fat-examîcîcTf t mai faunti that vl Iikl1c.unl ,c iiet-lîof 1the iuuuii2i iI'D0I.Pi-l Sl'l-RECKLibert vvlle. I thc ,average valuatiou o! hanses lu a, lui cc url c us Nhicluthe decusian of th- MNRS.NIlAl-Y C. SIlA LL. Highblandi ccertain township isere. under 'the- I u-r cît wsurtecensed anti renuand- Park.- I average *for tha countyth 1e board' il Icci Fr: c ' Ilutzuw. vs blncs W-j Tîce wmliofthte late hRobient f. lu- niculti dedunt the dicerenne anti find K, -cc sif i 's ccc -t-t fIc>- oqotis counu i glîs ni-isecltut-r hearcîîg lu couuty sybat pet- cent ibis iras o!tshiat wua týil hccc su ie c-Licc-on ofth11e 10w- Couirt on Oct. _')Il.beint- paltiandud atit Itfote aucoocnt. - iii' t5i v uuiriiv..The Abbott Wifl. Tc matie Ibis more elear-if the cf. s 1iv lit, r race irbicli direct-, it- illhi-It sahIlshosîc1e lefI tan lavet-age o! a certain towcnship isere eltfc' ttc-cl»sucdaitiuher cautîe fi ailjcc uî%alcueciat. about $17,.îc)O. f fenuto be $60 ou lot-sec .Thia moulti 1i 'la-"a ler, ii1the stalea attarucy's ti îîv$2,51-0 mac ln t-cal eshale and he $21 lcss than shoul I ce -aid under r> .ýa c4cutl-u 1), cc- yat-s at- asacrais- 2cin u lersatial propcn>. 1the caunty a,,crage. Tîci, 21 ila -- c-ifi ccii $1 'cii fa$5,000Ia >ycar. A b1. fIltiînore mas nanceti as t-us- hclt n-hrd iltI13 1-I per gent o! Tiui' icvic ol ing e s11 e ai'5- ah ic acc flute ercire estare w-as Icft 10 $6f, Thus Itie salue oic cet-y bot-s'e cucssalon u ct of 1912 iras Ihat oai licouin t-rust ifitthe ucîdrsanding lun1the cocînîs îvoîld ha raisetioue- Frin chlFliiîito aiton Stales At. lhou flices Idois' -ccvis c- ite lucome liird. Thuns if cannci!were îsylt- ticîru,-l.aines \W.Kern and ther r clouunacc titi'c-vo l nong- as aIe ives anti1ficies 0ui the viulatiari oh $30 lfor Ibis y cificers oflIroqisicuinty. Bticzoir lucs flot reniarrv. If 111e In-onîce luit-se, thef volunollon woîîid 11e t-aled ei vI iniweciflic- acithrity aof1the cocit>' pn'cîc-cc filcientftot-lier neetis tîce ito a icnult't I astoisaie People cj nu sors liiiinsîructint- the cleru trucohecsa isemîcoci vt-vcl ta iher ait- lii'.ic( ' I I labelles e lu 4uotber ic. craworuiers fat- Kens quarterît- iltioial souis fronitfinie fta lime, lu cliicin 1the Suintpt-centa the amout- sic ri utîclr thc provisions of 11e liii. c of a!er r-nia r-loge the tuitegoing Oc lucrease mbich1the iboardcimatie lu VIdcudet lIce uewsv ate law. effective Ipt-usnmucs st-ricic-veeanti she willlftlc>differeuit towshipcs.1hT milb. i- c- car, S<Fl sAttorneyseln 111ID1n - ne-ise anc tht-cl or a durer lulereat. scrn that ltce saluation li Whuegu cc. ic concluies like ILakemet-e given S11c la lueinoîllîcul 10 lac ich omne- 1d'as exlrenîîely loir anti bal la olia ratis ca t-accu'in alarv tdoubhle wbal 111e','str s a oportion utflier Ihird O!f1the cl over a thhrd. Thus evsry man ln si-v thidi ncceiviuît, thce $54u) cauraesfate. Theireniciluin t- nthîrdsar lechtownship wblch mac bisôr tisa b, icesc ccuubl mnl 11 cuul t li d,-uIel ulucilu aucoci 11 sus 11 -ounty ancrage 4 a lssd Pr>. uicfs i lie sate counties tecuve. antidaciier.Tîcese cîclîdren are: potilanatel>-. P liaîcunluiokcuulfor anme lime that I ilii niI. 'cihot tofWashington; Shate Tax Ralied. or ccc ý aiI stale's atftrneys a! 111 Ni fl- Mc. 'clche' a tiet-au; The claIe rax tbis t-car a-usraisei etc;t tiv hase cv iant-led as ta abelh- Chartlesfl. Ahhott oY Siotux City. anti ccnsicleralily by th1e Stale Board of e' flic 10w ucaulidholci or ual, It helue sc-ttiie B. Prive of Fayetville, Inian- Equalization. hitisas raisci 30> per -luile icc,I onsv-u that to maie sucli, Af tetch Ie deaihofthte wliaow. lu celui on aIl landis aud 10 pet- cent on1 aji acihaniige a consitiutloual amenît- rave she sbail uini have mat-t-ed, tle lots. ;ici-cl sicuîlcl iaise la le matie, andt hat r ofulî' othue esiate Is ta tie divitiet The factt Iat the state rate isas en le IegisIaIt-c dîi ual have the powier-ceulis aann ite chliren. The mili muîc-h bIt-er Increasedthetsanumber o! tcc lvN the caîcity as Tt titi lu tle 1912 wos nîccîe outulon September 5, 1911. complainte ta the boardi but tiscy iere lai. Thia- c-laune mlî regard ta the posai- nauiralît- powasrless ta romedytht 1e The Supreice court bas now lielti yle rcîîîac'rlage ofth11e mldow le con- condition. ,T*Js bai a tentiency l0 ln- tith 11w cc l vatîti anti that Lake sidu neci rallier au done nciasmucb ccase tise azôufint of wot-k shîclitihe Coiont>' LIctes atarneyt-el entîtîcdtn i as NIt-cc Abtt la salit ta 1e wclI over boord was obligedint do but lu iDite th- neir tee, of $5.000 Illyeat- luiter t111 src nîî years ai at-e. utthîs tactth11e isonr mas ýeiuplet nes Iaw j - Scireck WiII. ou liesemre day il mas lav' >Ci5t-. The point ralseti lit many lu th1e, IrM. -c-bt-c-c lefI an estais valuet ai The bsoard tlîs year wasoi-i tprisedl state tas been that tise state legîsîs- a beut $7,04Ihl. -e Icaves al lbis astate, of Jae G. Welnb i of ;ch cair- tut-e hati no rit-hita eatl a lais pro- real estais anti persanal propertyt- man o!flise boar-d o! super, [s lious, Wil- vîdint- for a chang-e lu tieseta1&'s at- his mite durînt- ber lite lIme antilapon lism War-d o! Wauicîton anti Joisn torneys' salaries, that change lu court- ier deatb t lis ho 1te tilidedi Ioa ¶del.of Highland Part Rohei Pesar. le offIcers' salaries minst te matie,11> ieven pot-la ha lic tilvideti. letween six salI vas cleri ant ilMis "lara KeYffe Ccuuly Boardis o! Supervisors inlse s anti daut-hter anti a granion. u. a istant. 11. mas cuitaf 1the. Moet a cousilutioual ameudment mers Th e t-ta n Iui ticireeeive his isare e*fcIent bistebcounli' OVft is8U pa£qec givint- the leglature pom er sifer lise twenty-oue >ears nid pro-.ibai andtihie mem bers are u-eeit-IW lu do It. 1vitdiluth th rustees of 1t1e estabe con- pralse for 1.11cm ablity t4)- ENAIêt aîder lim wortisy. anti aut-isa upon esnob a large amolut 0'! wO* lIU tb Tbe Independent ieads 5&IL t-achug 1the at-e of tblrtt-. lime sîlotteti 1 - - ..

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