LAKE COIINTY INDEPENDENT, FIRmAY, OCTOBER 9, 1914. STEAK SATISFACTION ýWhen a nice, large, juicy, tender steak stares you in tho face yt)u forget you are tired. You dig in and ~Jughter it. We sel! that kind. Our steaks make ~e ordinary, cheap, tougli, littie article, that mas- tquerades as sirloin or porterbouse, look like a piker. Our steaks are the real thing. Order one and see, In or Grooery Department yon cilU Sud manY sai- ca tbat cannet hoe ecelled in quality aud pri-e. The Model Cash Grocery r-J and arket i Liberfyville W. haie the Exclusive Agency for __________________________ -ris. ~vxI %tDÈ IN MINNEAPOUS.- THE MODEL CASH GROCERYand MARKET PHONE 307-J UBERTYVILLE MILL,îNERY & DRY (1100I)-s W. bave- li- -9rim N-a F-11ia l t -i-i. ii15ev-Y t i'a tte.Cat ...i.iei' ';d PriC.e h ii lii 11- 1 i\- 011 U I>-<IIC -1y LIBERSTY VILLE ILLINOIS M mepne.nteasife As Pa!J. Aska r u se Ftm T'EReal Estato departîuuent tof Dur- J- and & Durand annouuceis sonie ex- ceptioîîal bargains in farm and eity properties. If you want to buy, seli or trade, vie want you to examine our lists. -We4have some opportunities for you, Mr. Man- who- wants-a-home-of-his-o wn i that cau't be %overlooked. They're ini suburbaùi districts that present ideal living conditions. Easy termus. Our insurance department givea you a choice of time-proven, financlally - sound companies whose policies are the acme of protection. Our collection agency's officiency lias been demonstrated to many customners. Are you 1 from Misouri?" Bring us your proposition and, be il large or amall, 1t will reelve the same careful attention that characterizes our transactions with ail tour clients. We bave a brancb office ab Lake 1lufl t-o faclilate our buoiineslu t-bt setion. ~WLETAEDURAND & DURAND Ph... 307- JUDGES, LAWYERS, CITIZENS' TRIBUTE TO JUD6E WHIITNEY (Continueil From Page One) lias practlcedt-le great- profession ofi Ftanding up for the precepts of 1mw ho this section for more thon 40 yeas. e"True, mariy o! th. membere of the legal profesipâon wbo are present. May bave disagreail ait-h hlm on many points whicbh le uphel lnb is stead- fuat earn estness. but- we are not boe- t-o taik of is fouilte, If lie bail any- we are bere to taik or the manlînesO of the mari. .eyou, no douletwbo knew hlm bet- ter. knew is cbaracterlatics better tban 1. You kn ew more of bis gresat strengt-b of chai-acter than 1. but 1 knew him t-o lie a faitbfui, loyal anS conscientlous man aud Judge. 'He carrled is loyalty t-ot-be very gaies or heaven. In my mlnd leboia every embodiment- o! being a great juilge. There were no politie lu ies position of hf e. Mhy opinion of a great Juilge la that of the great- Iawyer, Ru- fus Choate, wbo oeldt-bat- the jurist aboulil know no parties. He aboutit née not-ing but-t-be trepidatlons of the peuple. So much can lie saidof, the late .ludge Wbltney. "Iltcas bis aim durng lts carcer on the beccbte always sec justice meta-ilout- corrPetly. "Tt'Iuu c oort room will ever lie fra- graint wtl the ilels of lis justice. lie! was a man witb great ldeals anîd le lnieil 10 live trac te thîre Ttîy suera- great Ideals and lie, was succi--tufulIn arcomnplishilng thein. *'Juige MWbituey asau iniai) thîl lhe IlierAd iiulilmsa-lf aril il)i(ticlîîîîulace I retaiîatmd by lfIi ira laglt liniii After Juilge Carier cîîîcliîd i hu ciei ,luige tiilitotf Jîîîiati lu iroduc,-d l- aidlit lapart:. "I belleve 1 sac Jutige Witnt-y t t-c f-e î tirt oti îîîî-ie fofrrt ie c-as e- vateil to 11w It-ti t t Thtic fi rat tai î tintes cas Il asa-.alawyer lha op-[ posed me i n a suîît it t iRock-- fuird. Th 1ui- t t it i i tti- tsat itii c-as ai a Iioitittg oh tlii- hbar a -.& iation at! C hicago. Kitîtuiltnp thrmiltliglitly ln the' -tîrîflier ditî l ut h life. 1 amrn ot as, titi i-it ti, itiaii vîfiters tîcre t10 u[ieakil tif t iar-en itefore lis e-i l tliti lit iloti r- Ii.1 s i 1kît- lth,- maillsufficiently! iit, t hai tie, tibîpru - ioiis ot Juigej ". -utiu, ui tji I-c-au alc-ays a t i il l i , nt.- o-ice,-.andilliail a de-i - tititi- V. îtîuu- cis a omanIhatý )idia iut ii-ranige-tf iîîicceîge orý le-ii ilttti-r- 1! mas a criai helet il, Cot, ilitn i f muet of is decis- ii -is, 1i tt l tttuii - i l) ii theeitii- tc orf lttInuite- iii a- iual as a lic yrr Tîtene are fa-c lac ye-nu c o îiiu-asurî t hornugi kuoctedge 0f ,uiiti-s Ilii thi. a ilandaîuagi- lîcre an, fi-c, iitnihu-nu ofthte, legai protes-1 cioi tbti)oluitse; aie Oirtntof knowl I 0c pil!t- hiai ulîhi n,ý. Tjiat e- csr)ç<-ial- lu nilt citAhe iiiin t iiiiger getter ri tec ileaith o! Julge Whitiea c-asý rititou s-a tes I o theiicity but utlc-as a diset ltos eti ti-, pa-tutle rcsidlng ti ta- ho 2 cuiît î l ha iit cclii tittie thie second ljudicilidistrict. I have iooked mb tiîthenanner of galnîîtg tue cri-at influante in the liaarts cf thc peuple cf Lake cîo"ty: as c-as attnihuteil 10 Judgc Whtnýy. 1fouîîd lie bail gaint-d the great con- Illilence of t-le people tiirotigli is steailast aud lionest dcalings." Other Speakers. -!ndgse Persons toid ni pereinal ra- tions v. ti Judga Whitney, filst as a joung ayer seeking adaice ?roma the dean of the han, then later as a young Jtuoge uIimsel. [lie tolil bow keenly 1lii felt his loue anS koa-w caery meut- lier o! lIe tar or the county feit the sault ,55i Former Jueige Ctiitiîug o! Cook coun- îe said bis business relations with Juilgi-Whitney îîrnitcdlblini to Icaru andi know hum: that hie cas painstak. Ing, falîlifut, honest and true, "I re 1joiced c-heu ha- cas maie circuit juice: I rejoicetu chen le wag made a nienîer cf the ailitetate hcnch.- salti Juge Cuing,."for, 1I ioew ho s îoatd lia-deientipci ilion. James fi. Caianaugli o! Kenoshau gaii titat in lts ý5s cars acîtualotance ciîi il ugo WhitiueN, he founil lia honpst, square, truc anîl aprigbt un -tara cay, 00e theîle aryfew mesl wlo coutl lic ascruicil ail these traitIl c ithout any limitations, JUOGE EDWAROS. Juige Eilwards totd of persenal e'x- perienres wcel ltc baditall tit Jî'dge Whitney-, nccallng hiom e b at atways heard bM spoken o! lnluis bohobond as a great man. He saliS ho îlainlc liecame the foremost citizen ai Lake (ouniy anîd îy is deatb t-bs county lost a moBt valuable citizen, iii- district a tuost efficient judge and the bar one of Its ahiest attoi-neya. Judge Donnelly's Tribule. lu Introducing the various speakers Jîîige D7onnelly made itting remaijo andl, then,.ait t-be conclusion cif the others' remarkg be spolie brieffy, hbu remanka being perbape more impor. tant because cf hie close relations tu Judge Whitney, than any other speak. er. .ludge Donnelly saiS hie had alwayt found Judge Whtney earnest and elucere andd îîraight- foi-carS lu every marner, bot-b as a citizen. lawyer and judge; t-bat b.e truggle<j up from t-he bottom 1te gieat- succensoand lbe ad deS: 'Hie name should lbe an lIpire ation t-ot-be youth of Lakse County. In bIs deat-b 1 feIt a personal lae;1 9iegarMed hini as a close fi-tend. "When b. vas elected Joulge attoe r helng defeat-ed in te district befors, bis electian serveil as toute for hlmq N MEMORV OF CIHARLES WHITNEY. On Saturday, JulY 18. A. 1). 1914, the spirit or an able lil- yer, a just judge, an iail, wiiiged is weary fliglit inti, uci great unkoown. The grini liesu iieilger round hlm ai his-k ia, eîigaged in writiog oPiilitan cases assigned hlm In the ale peilate court of Ibis district, of whlich lie wae a valued nîeat,îr. Nor wouid-he have wished It ciii. era 15e, if it were bis tiimî- w go- lie was tirelees lu bie deîîtiî,u tu duty, with splendid capailty for work. Hia wu nfot a nature to siîirk, but wbatever was lits tu do. that lie did, witli a1l the eriergy tîtat In hlm iay. Ais a practciuîg lawyer ha was painis- taking. conscientiotie and capa- ble [lever content with doing as well as another but bis every tinderiaking commlaflded file higua-st excellence tbat was in lîlnî. 8o cager was ha to givi- or lits liet. lri the trial of cases he was noin îeaîî adversary. as mari),c, n hîave lien pltted against hîni are sail l aware. tîiririg the etire lime of lits activities at this bar, coveriîig a îîcrlod 0f well nlgh 40 Yeatl, flot 1111e voire was ever raised tii ,quetion lits honeety or siltier- lty. Fur rîany years hie waa . e garîl.d as Lake county's fore- imtî bIs opinioti on ail] q e ,tions or law or pi, hi, irnilirt lias eagerly souglit and liîgiiy î-ateemed. 'il.e iioii<r and revere Ili1 n. and pay loving tribu.t lts uanelv a rtues. Tthereti iii i-i îtl dover bis fli n i, i' ai-.- iioi iflOnilment on cii I r. i is i- îîîîal v.ords, ror .1!. h iii-tiiry endures ail v. ito t. 1 t itrmi illtiapoiy recaîl iitia-i i -i aid kindly nature, tai 1 i ,iIity andti orth as a citizeiti, 1 i.,gliiiîir and rriend. V. liIe Permitted to ser- ),Iltt itiitrci years after bis etii litoitih becli of ibis c-trit In, idi,îilopinions ever -i t lencerd flie deptbs of bis 1- gal I-,îi i-ive, and the sense of jus e (Patndiriglit that ever ca, 'ti t 1arl-. W iii tney cas bonri ini Wari- j, tis hili. Lake tutti t t0ti 6. 1849, was aititt Pi fi,,i- bar in Lake comItt I uii t - ii ti n the lac euhi ol Iiiett, t'pton &Wiitt- ai VW ouik gnt. 111. Fonîned a iii Piiitiier'il ithuJoseph L. Wtt. hat-ttti- foregoing flint.fur i l itai-tfaiftsprofession ilu i.f sert iitiiacoulity ti.4 Ct l .-,a lo ,îî e friîm 1876 t10fle Fatîtofiii1i74 îlepremented lits w ard as-atilerian In the î-lty cnliicîil fet titi--ivor Waukegani from 18184 tri 1S6. Entered loto ci îiarili.-riti i i Wi'lliam C. (71tîoîii in w- c-l Iitcontinued îil itilit 't licThrarter lie rormi eti a ce îtarfti-ervlip with Raipli .1. Dady anîd E. M. Runyard wcltilatýrin-îirttie(rshilpcon- tinued untllts eeiation t-o t-be liencit. lie cas ntavor of t-be clty of Watikegan ror the years 1886 and l1187. Sert Pd as master fIni clancery (if tItis c-ourt tram B 1987 te 191.. iicaine circuit judge in 1911 anîd er etl on the circuit and alîpîliate courts of this state untit Jula 18, 1914, c lien lie tauseif amalx Theliencli atîd bar of Lake coîîuty recognized lu Judge tCharles Whitîiey the îîany vir- IL tues lierein recorder. and wlth a deep sense or loiss t ourselves iu the dcatli cf tii. roilier, and recognlzing thaI sontetling of his Ilte and cliaracter aîttitld lie par- e petuated on the re-ordls of Ibis mîort, we therefore asili tat Ibis mnemorial lie .-igrîissed and h sprcad UPon the ni urus of th Is court, and Iliat a cîî,tîvIereof so engrossed, blien fiflte familly of our departed brotlier. honesty. There lia-i n i tien a word satd liere loday ibaiîase-uîtwarrante or uniustlfled. 1 ain in heacty accord wllb every remark nai,- aboutî our la mentcd brother. "f would also aal the bar of Lake ucunly te give htb iîI-u-essor, Judge Edwards,Ithe loxat Oitl)tit)rntbtey gavp tu Judge WhitoeP3", for. thte path of! Judge is ocrer eat u nd îlîeY Can belp much in mailing fi a les-s dîfficuit on@ àtc, travel." ýd REFERS TO NEW JUDGE. [ "No loss a seeccuini a comniunity lit lthere le a corresîioniiîig gain. sl0, )fsaid Judge Donnelly, cwbile we Iodey lepny tribute t-o Judi'e Whiitney, we aisc aare here to Induct into the Position hE id left vacant, one of cour own county men. one who lias Iived liera all hi life, one whom Yeti ait know. JudgE raEdwerde. la "My wieh and hope Is thal the peo le pIe of the couuty and surroundifr sa counties w1i give him tlie salie loya i-. support they gave to Judge Whltne] toand thit. when lie finfishes bis tai k. as judge, flot through death bi tbrough volunt-ary retirement. that al Fe cai and wIi ay as good thingu of hin id as t-bey did of Charles Whitney. ry ho ADJUDICATION NOTICE A Publie Notice le hereby gtven the hýthe Bqurlber Administratoi- vith wl y. aan.Xed of tbe eýtate of Geort 1 Ma154 doeaaed will at-tend tbé Vous Court of Làke County, ait a term theli tr of'to b. bolden at the Court Roiget oi Wanktipu. In eald County, on the fOn a!Moudayof December, neit. 1914 wis tAn onuu ~ iI t ¾h Ui LIomthe couniesC naitied lieiauiic sua-h proceeding is titi' allirai uîoae exiia-atedI from the sttai.,atîti fetieral auilîoriies, say utatiy mlk produceru. Dirynîco lu noîhenIllinois tma ' etoittl î le li îiarautinc for a short uinie lit a nîitk tu«ianlinc ould n tie a utoniiiun the like o! chirîi t- sctlion tifIlltinis lis neer ecx- Can.Shippers Final Affecteil. Whîluicdriviog Iheir auto aloup ont- C.n nit. shîtutters ciiili e tht itrBt of îhe pinncipialrmails near W~adsworti i i la,--itite-effectu <if tht- uiîatoiuc. htuulav, Mr. sud Nirs. Jameso Marrie lîInoýIdoeu u- ptut ii tutlie ,,tate cr of rî urnee, trucks ganilener t-bei-e, fi trnla-ii arnita . ecatt-e ihetn cer i-u-ictitui of an accideut wh cli i -ridut Is -it i ireu- t fronut thefarit) mi tch miight hav e cîîst oitor itie ,to thet c i-n livtr.s tnChiir itotî-ra- t otuter lIa-mil fa- Il ias due to a stray initti tofî1tt a- neasitcai -siis ta o billettitreil b> a canetess hanter frount i iruiigth îe whlt curiir Later - a rifle lu sorne nearity woods or, frcon t wcot i ffîci praiilîiuccaail atofg lte i a nîflc aima-ilmaliclrtusi> ut thea- o !iiit-> cavt tlitt-eqi-tllîeted tI)alýtel i i-tants of tua- car hy one of tlirec i e tli-r îiik. whic-li ctoîiiii îrotuatîly h bits sI t a e ncIitincoth le quarntilue he hu-t utlnuck tIns. Morrnis in ban titi elttow of hi-r tefi artincIlhîddng Look for Chaotic Situation., I t-ct 'Ini suca-s mariner that- eten t-le1 Thuit île situatiion wil lîcconu cila- a ray mat-hine cas usa-itl ocatcIf.etri- wtiiîlîî a ilion time is tbc ex- tirs. Marie. formcnly MssWoriith ie luttin t-f4 any tfainynia-u cho are tht tipI il r 0f Frî-d 111 urth of Popi r Nci-i t tositf unrite sit i ts cf affaira as ml ai. et, auigrîtn at(ttia sister rtf ie itî -st îuuc Itit as long as thc Gteorgei-aiid IDell Worthi amd trs. iitht tîrarantitîe is hi-tiIaloof tirte e-- ( haîrles itihtanti oIt Northi Ctti-ago, uitelet ii--utl Icntrnfînedîiniii hose a!- lis ii ttt tir-bsiu 1,r li iîîaaîî oi .-*uta-i lit(- ii aîff le hi, . t ipti hu te i1 uu et-tofil hair gariro autor truck. A lutn couens btoîindntvnnles. a. ilfle aio roi nta nifle ranrgclii and, a mo x c ted iciiidic.1ulen tio(fu îr fi ra-sort.s uret tiarrn ir-i M urne i t, losb leaped att a toit gt, ifi( t frot.. te ceai as she exciaimied: t tî-cer tsit-uas ticuitlooka-ilfor- t iiimetlihtiî it me" t tIf id outt Ili i cc utoleilhi s var ci il reat er lii- l og to ueîenînnc tiat a a la-bhad titi-st fihait ovrie i-ort. luidainymcn stiit- 'l ins. Mîtirie in tha- arm. nbackmco. tio, wliîuwillieo In te -andNMrB. Morris liasiened to the buoire itmîligît forirea tiîne to cîsme. sav ol cha-ne le cndeavonei lihose rouaI nitol suith coiti tocaffaira. i tutîo lite the ulltîbuti cas uattle 'fl-iforilicominz %ssiot o!flte Il- 10 i0 doso 80the sia-iim 15as rutila-i iiîs lagi-Itit les ciliimenimach io tai Viauka-gan su-lera-Dr.tiallows ptut dtirymeu. andi ctc'imn,ito, lîa-aause the x ray machine tir work andiliocated jo! tire legisltii o beicenarteilri- ltfeliece o! le-id, flnmly Imabeideil in epecflnc blei- iuierests. In t-ie meen- the aliow. finie kcep a close tali on what- may be Siray Bullet, Perhapa. irunstiilng all aloog the lUne. if i, noi known wîîtlcr thc tula-t May Ask Col. Cnplef's Aid. i ua-ý a stray oue, frnta a limiterc or groma-Incline tui the siew that (Col.« white iin î as fired by one- of lIe Ira C. Copia-y, concressman froin ibis butys aho sucre seen sitting un ture disirict and clihin close district ail laik o! île Iigliway as tha- auto ilas-cfrhe cointies anîler qiiarantina-. save ed. WAitb Mn. andS i-s. Itiurrie aithe ian are locateil. sbotuhlha- aflJser to tinte wcre Mn. and tIrs. Ed Antis cf tý iffit c equarautinta-ban. whicb wns« iSi noe Tire- parîy sac tlireehotu ati pltaceril hy the ferlerai governutent. tiievilasseil s certain spot. Ona-fheld tel CopIa-y bas mua-I influence at n rifle over hic legs as tbey st watch- Washiungton and lhe shoali loge no lag th e caa. lime In gettnbusY on the job, gay Amoment lter thje bullet struck Ntriq.dRir * men hràotsu-who are gi-est- M.urrie. As as le coutu, Mn. te cornai os-ci- the condition of ai-- Arles nusheil lack to clerc e ticsbos fairs thal nîîw exist go far as the bail lieen. belng o! the hta- iaflint -ye vdainymen are concerneS. baad fineS the shot. Tbey had dis- Legieiat-ive Trickery, Says Shurtieff. ai speared very atîdienly ant ibtis Former Speaker Shtirtîif Inucline cauces the conclusion Iliaft cas oua-e t-bte via-c-flint- tliaprésent situation f! them cluo ireS the shot, and se- has been Inotudlt about tbnough whal In,,tire hula-t lad' taken effect dieu ho earlbcs as lagIsiatîve lricka-ry, con- t-ha-y liard the viatint ecream, tbey tending tbait fic llinols legislattire bailbanni-il off Into tIc coods. Not andl the state senatp rit that la e r a trace of tle trio coutltic foui andl sponsibte for lta-e pra-sant- epioralile t-la lhurrieg are tuf tIi- halia-f balt-lhe condition In chia-I the dairy Intereais boy firthe tI tiiut ralliar tiraiu think- finis lîsel!. tua- tb was accidentai Bv île passage cf cîtat cas kuocu Afta-r tua- x nay pîcture cas ievelop- as the fa-na-a tbil, wbicb cere coin- ed if was io lie Seaideil chether lte panion measares deslgna-i obo eneflU 'bitîlet wouli be extracteil or 001. île ilainy and stock ioduslry of Il- lia-oic. Mnlr.hurticif conienis the presa-ot situation wouid have beeu avoteîi. Tha- botuse îîassa-d the coin- ~ LAKE OUNTY'Saireei to do go. bt later deveated flue a I2ARMERS TO BE îiiny menasure.-Ilarvand i rld :LUeO uE LS The roand and bridge committees of ÎP ilie 1ake county supervisors together a witlt iouty Supenint-endent of Roade miCanles RusBell met wllt-lte rosi coin- e' Postmaster Campbell of Chi- mîssionefa of Deerfielil on Tlursday cago Compiling List of the anîl awarîci lte contracl ior 10,000 eabyFames. yards of gmiding 10, Mockler & Darrow ut Neaby Famers. of Wsukegan. This grading taonuh Park Spring roi anS la In counect- y lîtsnaster Dtaniel A. Campbell of loir cibli the work of building a fine "0 Chiciago probably twlîl beglu today t-be n ew bridge across t-be DesPlaines nyv- ýe extiensioîn of tlie iîaicel post system liy ley wch- an er-clange of frim products. Tbe InilePeudent- leade ail. o-f ig ey lt rm , t Mt La tid et bilregg, nSeven mi* may be ________________ maie belceen Chicago bousewives -________________ and t-be producens. Mr. Campbell saiS g yesîerday le expected t-o recelveR . B P E ,Poat-mast-er General Burîesoue it-rue .c P E dlons regarding the new service oit-b- GEN E RA L or f oiay or on Monday. Mr. Camnpbell exhibiled a lit- of AUCTIONEER nomes o! 100 frimera ieaSy to oeiI Dat-as arraugeil and sales mails Iboîr proilucta direct to Cit-y, onisum.i o stislactory terme. era. Thes list la Ihat publshed-by t-he Rock Islandl postoMfce and coutains Phne 267-M-i USERTYVILL the fames of formera lu t-he hmmedl -________________ at-o viclnlt-y Of tbat- Ciy. "Thse forutera near Rock Islanid are 28 & 32 N. PUAi Ave. too far acay f roui tJblcago t-oserve Near Méisesu t-he markset ho Cbicago eoonomlceily CHICAGO - I&LUMOI* by parcel pont," Mr-. Campbell saiS lO0-COeMM Table d e s ,,Asacc snas 1 recelve Inat-ruot-lousDismorimdopolidsy ftom Washington we sisal tke «t-eps t-o obiain a last- of naines of producm slr rc la the, vlcinit t- !Chicago. Tise esA anS tho prodoct acisformer buast-o Mgt tIrf prepared." eIe O AL D icfTU seiwIlb itisse ssoeo à,t"U EtL UI Arràngement-s for remIttac. and for cost- a! tranaportathli Bts te, be I * moebut-een t-be port-es. Tise ie- Tàkig MDchlfltsAn 1C1v sbonalbillty of t-be govermuent ends wit-bt-be eupplying of t-he meaus aof French. Germon, It-llan and transportation- Spanlis Language Ontfit,. When u rait a-miciluIor mavordacîuil up take Contys' btiwooelkae " ' -W nr Osetr&l Mm. PIE.CoNTysbgWO-.ÇD. JAMES L LYONS PENDENT.5 West Lke St, Chicagon NUMBER OF BIRTHS 'ARMNAEU LARGE IN SEPTEMBER The uareil reortof iithcslu IN ARMS OVER NEW L*e ount ascoin)ild lntbpof- tii-r. of the county clenk shîows therîî cas a markeil increause lu the nuriiler IAWS EFEC IV ember over the preceditig two mîontais. lluriug the thra-e nionttls ine nore ýBeginning Oct. First Quaran- boys than girls wcre Istrn -The figures for the quarter are as tine Is Placed on Lake and No. M. F. - Other Counties. îJaly-------------------a5 43 52 August--------------..* *' «79 46 12 CONGRESS MAY AID DAIRYS September----------.102 53 49 _____ Total--------------ý27.5 14Il 133 Il l i nlo a fact of Interest tîat dur- HradHri elrsCn ir 9 the perloli of tîme gîren thuere w arvr eadDe rsCn nta coloreS child bai-n. gressman Copley May Seek Federal Assistance. DID BOYS FIRE A Quarant-ure becaute effecely hs B ULLET OR WAS IT is o unte e of Cc, JUST A STRAY ON?0 )uag- n ,wihmagta -îl ant be shipped outside the NE n,'c"undariescf these cuunties; neither cau anbleshîpici loto Iba-sa counitles froýn -'any ther section o? the staie or Mrs. lames Murrie of Gurnee intenrstate eiîîer. IsVci o -ytrou ht oWith the cailtle qtîarantine ban tlios Is~~~~~ n.tmoM stnu Sh t he next step wîil lkely be at-uar- DR .V.*WT -PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON dours 4to 0 8s M.s 2 io antd 7 tû8p.-m ofitce se, t-ay Furvîlure StorS.- LIBERTV VILLE. ILLINOI0S DR. 1. 1- TAYLOR Ofice lu Fiait National Bank Building uocse:-1 to 3:-0iO ato 10S uM. "eIde.,t -in Broadway. opposite Park DR, GOLDING DENTIiT Blours 8 10 12 arn.-I t-o p.. Over FîrsI National Bank ()ffie@ Phone 19-J,.li". Phone 157-J. Lihertyville. Illinois * DR. E H. SMITH. DENTIST. . ,111111L,11111 OUNTY i.ATIONAL SANA". ouue-8 te 12 a&m. and 1 to ô p. m DAILY. Libertyville. lIWlloh CHAS. N. STEP-ENS, M. D. I4OMgOPATHIC PHYSICIAN »ad SURGEON Phone 100 Off ice over Gus Co. Libertyville. 111. OSTEOPATIIIC PHYSIC WAI7KEGAN, ILLiIN018 Wilbc aifl. CS. hea's on Orchand IL. ub<riyviîle, on Tue.and Fridsy. afternoesand evseing. DR. VICTOR C. HOEFNER OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 215 Madison St. Wavkegiii. DL Office Houri. 9-12 A. M.; 1-4 P àt; 7-8 P. IL Buindays by Appolulment Only Telepbone M*. J. La REODING, DV. M. VETERINARY SIJAGEON Graduse ChIcago Vat. CbohIfl Offce £1 Résidence, 779 Grand Ave. Pbone 113&.W. MY expesse ese t-dû or o t. J. M. Graves AUCTIONEER 144 Elmwood A"... Waukessa. liiol Ses me before umkiag oui-date 9-1 GEN1ERAÂ AUCTI ONEER 1 have lbail uocliex perleuce lu farta sae-Rate 1%. Satisfaction guar- antesil. W. H. AFFLET Phome 212-J Ubsst7vle PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING Clomst- attentiqu paid 10 arruaubng auction »seand boit lmIeta iWi Imid ing eu»i. Ail ktnde of hornes, 'vagom mi barneofor,@a" or exthafflatoll9guis. HMNY SMN Phm...148 e« 48 lION CITY. ELL NATRMMA7.RT aSpaaty Phe~i. 46 u-urty I«« MON Page Thme DYMOND F, AUSTIN Loans. Insurance, Real Estate and House Renting. Office in Kaiser Bloc k. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOI S. ELHANAN W. COLBY Aliorney-at-Law Mioney 10 Loan on Good Approved Real Estate. Office in Triggs Building. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. LYELL FL MORRIS ATToHEY-Ar LAW Libertyville .- Illin is LaCe Baî BesiPhose 152-. OffilPho aae1 MARTIN C. DEÇKE lTTORN*EY-AT-LAW Office Opp. lil St. Electrie station ilfice Phone 848 Rom. Phone 1360R NOLITH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFIN, ATT'ORNEY AT LAW. Libertyvlle, lilluols PUONE 8sa DR. 0. F, BUTTERFIED. VETERINARY SURGONO LISIBTAN'r "AT5 ETEIA1 Lîbertyville. Illinois. BULLET ENTERED HER ARM. Fact That Three Boys Were Seen With a Rifle Causes Belief They Fired Shot.-