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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Oct 1914, p. 4

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Lake Couànty Indepe ndent Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Telephone Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. Iht.red ab athe Postuili*es t Lbertyville, Ilii, as second Cluse Mail Matter Official Pairer for Lake County. lasued Every rd. Adortisiric Rates Ma&e Krown on Application. SUBSCRfPTION PRICE, $1.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE W. J. SMITM ...... ............................................................... Editor F. G. SMITH..................................................................... Manager M. J. WEBER............................. Resident Manager, Phone 68 Woodrow Wilson surely added faine to lus name by iriauguratinig the nation's flrst "Peace Prayer day'1 for peace abroad. It will go into history as one of the greatest peace acts ever performed by a President. It will endear Mr. Wilson to the Anrcan public even if it doesn't bring peace at once in Europe. The country roads which are Properly oiled prove thein- selves very soon aftergetting the coating. They seem toj ïmprove rapidly, the packing of the dressing being such I that buinps are evened down and the roads assume the nature of asphalt. Ou is a cheap thing in the end so far as maintenance of roads goes. With the many autoists driving about the county, hunt- ers viho go intoj the woods near the highways should take war'ning by the accident of Sunday wherein a woman re- ceived a rifle ullet in her arm in a stray shot. It is a won- der there have- not been more such accidents as hunters are thonghtless ini the matter of pointing their guns toward highways on which autoists may be passing at the turne. The accident i3hould serve as a timely warning. From the way the board of review this year raised the total assessed valuation of property in Lake county, it doesn't appear as if t is necessary for any judicial*candi- date or any other person to urge the necessity of doing something to bring about a different sort of board., Such a raise must have been made in an effort to equalize taxes- and the board acted of its own initiative, did its work and *vidently did lots of work. The members of the board were: James G. Welch of Newport, Editor Udeil of High- land Park and William Ward, Waukegan.t Another woman has been acquitted of murder in Chi- cago. Weil, wasn't she a woman? She's the seventeenth in the past few years that male juries have set free, most of them openly having admitted their guilt but claimitng itnwritten laws as justification. Officiais of Cook county have come to the conclusion that it's impossible to convict a woman 6f murder i that county. The poor unfortunates of the Chicago slunis who may'act l'suspicious" get more severe handling and sentences than those who actually take a life. Those poor creatures are locked up, kicked about, sent to the Bridewell, etc., for such offenses that as compared to murder, amount to notlnng. Tih. proposed "war tax" wilI find its way to victory fa path of roses. Tlwe people are in no mood to shoulder this extra burden nor are they financially able ta do noi these :tlmeo, It may bo that the government is liard up but so 18 many a.private busiess and many more individuals. 'What do the. latter do i sucli a case? Why, they slmply begito reduce expense. They cut and cut i au effort to make expenses and lucarne meet. Why should flot the gov- ernmont do the. sanie thing? A cnt 0f somne thirty million dollars bas already been made in the one item of river and hakbor bill wbich in a long stop i the direction of economy. few more of imilr kind would soon make up the deficit of one higndred milliondoarswhich the. proposed wun tai1 us ezpected te caver. 'rite (Elgin) l'oard of edueation is eonisdering the prop- egition of estahlishing a night sehool. Sîîeh a plan oîglit to îueet with the hearty approv-a1 of the people and espe- eially those -who would take advantage of the opportinity 'offeî-ed to aî-quiîre training that thev nmust otherwvise fore- %o; Two reassîns, especially, appeal for suîeh a sehool. -First, that we do not get ail the good w-e mîght out of the bîuildings ana equipmnent at haîîd. The sehools arc in use for 01113' ive days a week and are idie altogether for three énonthir in the 8urnier time. Second, there are probably many men and wornen and boys in Elgin and vicinitv who would be glad tu take advantage of the opportunity that would corne to thein lis get soinie sort of a training that -is now denied. If the law is sueh that the expeiîse could xiot be met otît of the general sehool fuîîd, a sinall tuition e.ould be eharged. - It would not he lar-ge heeatîse the ex- pienses of înaiîitaining stueh a sehîo1l woultl not b)C great. It is a plan that heartily comnîends itself. Elgin (111.) News.y Lake Cornniy won more prix** for garden cand field products nt the aat. fir, Mesrs. Millet- and Wells of Llb- ertyvîlle havlug taken the-troubl, ta gailler tire exhibiit whlch, waasrewn and wbkb capturaS sufilcieuui honores te moa evary resient aofte county t-eel proud aofrabat was accamplieos. tise tlmtwo year-s aithre state fait- bave aboran tirt aILke Courty .ur-eiy -, -801e u Important place li the ag. fgultural fieldi. VO("'a lat sl: "tire wroutSllefilo »,*pa#caký"Tiret-re go"ee asni 7*169 talekick ove.- Chria Colussu' tkhe.r; bîcircernres ihave talion as fte, .In à minute the aver4e@e'May 4iiielis thse reavesuarebelov us, fit .8eV. fa; tien If jPat tako, weîî wlîh t4 il ýui ,we May axpeci hlm toe n. OM .-Ii, tsep«blIc Ihas boires.ol. - ~ êaiar~thtIseesiof deyllgbt "Meulr Ie thése as,Rtcornes btrn ti th@ sO»-a"timt thse Moon.lilgir COMse. mot fre..the, ,ne.n bunt rom -' g ti-»sgSlit Wkue fl t. de I, but Val1vw* 1 eeV t ati , e shes itI ~.'= 1oe te &lbg ta »s on radical Manufacturera of a ertain auto bot-n bave cee , fit hoe-ct warnlng sinale ah bad curvea, bille, etc in trie section. Tirey at-e round, rods aeet Iran affaira arnd answer tire pur-pose verry volt. Vet despîte tire value oif tiert prononice,mistct-anis rairêfail ta tink tiret petrapa birse va-y slige bave prevented somne baS accident are willing te smasbhiirem, bond th.m, eute tilsie tirem anS eve r teak them SOwn -just te Ire Seviliair. Whlle thrt- la rno law governlng such ttringa, thse SOseao f moaailaws anS tire neood, of evet-y man te o ep iri@ feilow-man, ebauld appeal ta culpt-ts of tht*le kln teoan extent birat tirey would stop and thinie of tiere t-eponslbllty tirey aue shoudring wben destroytng aucts Werninga. if obirsrare i*illis te teke tihe tr-oube te put up ancb e»- lsrg **gal% de*lb .0cm ueia trth *hYyyla maePuclned lovaiS vand&l- le ..t.s an qy ex-ya mîndei neff r s'«p e a u - ' y M o r e e d n s ta n a Ilo ..Ot7 vegîh.. co.bihnd. 0f rCtenyvil/e MMs. AfijeeNicirolas las spendidiz tht veut in Ansstru with tIrb Aiaas Ciard. Tneý, lest dancs o! the Anîlci Cu' 1913-14 &etles vas buiS in the Auditoi. uni Wudnesday night. C. F. anS G. A. Wright loft Wednesday moroiug lot- a two.weska' trip tbrorrgt the "Paniindie" of Texas, wbere they bave extensive boldings. tirs. BatisWiison vas.Ircters la about twenîY ladies fromn Libertyville andi other Places et a luncheon Tuemday aiternoon al lier borne soutb of iow. The R. N. A. tirimble party gît-en et the borne of Mr@. H. B. Eger Thursdat- of last veek vas weli atteudesi. Articles for th-. bazaar to bu given by that ordur iu tbe near future, vere made and a tua cent lunch vas served. Chicago HeralS &oviesset Lyric theat- ru Fridet- night lu addition to regular prograru, featuring FranklinuPark hold- up, Chicagos"'fi rat cly market, state et Gaiesburg, lIigg@ triai, Edmund J. W.ll's bike around the vorld, tari of 310-day non-@top automile engiue test. The wonr-nn who bave been engegesi duririg thepapt two n-ets leinaCrapiurg anS painting tire village waier tant, ex. Pet to gsi ubrouii, y Saturday. Vil- lage olicials Smlu"t-e uswnrtrrien ar-s Soing a very go)od job. goirg over tir.e tank tborongbly, s<rapirîg (fi ail s.-di- meut wtu-h lid becon.. lodged lu the bottour snd side@ of tbe iruterior cilthie tant, aud covernog tirs riesi itir rever- ai cOats o! palots. Contracior lioyeo, wbo hut tbe frosi covering around the stanripipe, bas inisiesi the vort, the, village luruiabing the materiai and Mtr. Bor-r-' rnen doing tirs work. Tihe vii- )aire aotboritjr-s auv tirat by Satnrday otght the tant n-ll agaîn ha useS euS that Plen]tY Of ater wili ber on baud to taIse cars o!fltsheeud cr "wasbday.11 COUNCIL PROCEEI3INGS. itcgsia-rneeting Oct. ,, 1914 Cie,,- lanS anS Coulina absent. tlioises 0utheos ast reguar and ad- journed meetings veru t-asu d acce-ptes! Un [notroarn ofStriaisandi Wright, vi rt-i carrred. The treaeurer's ansid erutq reporta vers t-sdaSnad audies by the eaisc Commîitee anS auccepteS on motion of Ellsworth euS Wrght, vbîchea-nied. aiH voiing et-e. The iolowing bitlleaeesrendand! auSutasi by thea finane sommittee ansi aliovasi on motion ef EIleweqsIr end Smnala, vhmcb cet-rieS, ail voting eys: Franrk -Neubaerr paintin ....* 35 0 Lake Ce. P. & P. Co., psitng.. 43 45 Gea. Trigge, ut-est work.......41 10) J. H. Rayures, s5seet vok..-...f# 7.% Heelir & milligan, pint-......80 0 E. H. Coricia,.eipreus............. 3 6& J.Bt-ion, siorage-------------.....2 0 H.W. Smith, readlurg meteus-.... 75 X. KIloIman, Septmuleary..... gr,0 Publie Set-. C.. power te, Ott. i. 131 48 Paut Ray, brusres----------........ 1 0 C.F. Sla, B. . Mkteud-emp. S98 Tire los'thst- AsuarancesCoi, ierane ...-..- ---.... ....5000 Cirââ. Bush, Panting......... 17 50 Bereeay Mlg. Ce, oef .... ... f40 Il Nortir Sire .Ga&Cc.., % ...... 40 Treptow & Telyloi-,. r . 4 0 C. H. Botes, hehot-.. ........ . 1-1zi Ba Tir e eu-tone Pres, prlnting.... i150 J. Davis-.. - ... ............- 300 D. Liuuberry, Sept. mulety-....... @ *> J. Leter, Polilese.. ..........4 0&> irueman suJet-y eus>3calte..... -65 80O Moveé by Wright and 5mai. tuade- jouru tos'Phruday. Oct. 81Er. M. IL COlLETT, CirIL Bigb4 girpovu.d, flrt.ee » 2».«»s Sait-y tar, an a, aved ueS. S2rils. iroîrr eby of 40,080. Coue blgmt ma. kute U. .Prostuege bri.rg irigbue prie.. 80Oor 100-acre ,va ot- llin am m m pari wnmul. Daimeu ah a" élong tiare ai 5%. Payce Farm Lad Co.. Depe. 12, thuieva, Ni. Y. fàil Preabytmilan uevien Motrrlag vou-aIrp 10-.80 a. Ms. Sabirath sehool 11:44 e..rm. Christilan, Endesvor 6:45 p. mu. avening eerviee 7190p' rM. Bible bout- study aIflire LIte et Christ e-et-y Wedgeadav eveanug ai 7:45. - B. là. Alibut-t, Petot-. IL I. Churoh srvioe.. 10.0ni. Suuday schol. 11:00 e. ni. Preeing, Bey. W. L. Whippte. 8:45 p. m. Epworthisagas. 7:80 P. m. Pt-eciing, Bev. W. L Whippi.. SrenoweESplopl'hurob- Bey. Ens-anus S. WHrra, Pu'letnucharge BolY Communion evaît- Saadav' 7:45 M.n. Fr@tSundayln mnuv 1O.80&.M. MortnaPrayar evsry uday- o;nwpt aboya 10:80 a. mr. Sudat- echool 11:45a. ni. AIl Holy liSys. Boly Communion 9:00 e. ni.1 1 Considered Unusuai That This County Should Hiave More Than Bath Combined. MANY ÈASES WEEDED OUT. Between 300 and40 Cases Were Taken Fromn Local Dooket in March Term. A glane et tIre cout Sockaes 46- the circuit courts iu Lake. McHen-y. and l300e conules for the Octobea- term o! centtshoyws oma Teny Inter. astlng figures. TIre àflrer of cases on the Lake Couly toutt ockaL. eQutals More than tiret o! tIre combineit Sockals cfrMitHe aut-ud.Boona çatrn. ties, despîte tira faIttIret the at-eat-f McHaury couuty amoue te about ithe Eame as 1that o!fLI*e -Couity. FoIlowlug anre ia imbçrof casao listeS lu thea circuit court doefcts for' tire feit terme for tha lIrrea c. ýDutbu: BOONÈ (COUNT-e 9 Crimninel Oses,. 49 Lav Cases. Stoves an-d - 1 i 2 Law cases. 13 ChanceryCss ABLE TO SWARM 'Efti 2n51 ;:è asss. bv Valuble nforatio Vol m. "Y more cases than the other two! vautee IfoExprt en Volun. OM tes mentloned seernsunusual. s teerd b Exprt n Bes J-lIlv wlien one considers thst e Now in Zion Ciy. i 1""' cases were disposed of and remnoved frorn the docket. The num- SYSTM IS INTEESTIG. "'uo cases dlsPosed of ai that Urne SYSTE IS NTERSTIN .%vas more than have beun tried et one y terni Of court in rnany years. Marry Fact Givn Ou by an R. e, those disposed of veru chancery' Mn e-Cases îucluding divorces,Itatsatoquiet garded as One of the Best title, etc., anti themwere pushad a Authorities in Country. were trIeti and decided whiie many F were dismissed. The tact that there Mon ityIll. Oct S.-r. Fed ae stili sa many cases on the docliet Gardnerthe ciil Oc t. .-r. Fredshows bow the courts would have Garbar, the visivgis vr etheran who been blocked this terni If there bail has eenvistin Irs nphe. Cpi n ont been such a general weeding out. FA. A. Walker, chie! of police atlZI t laariîtted ibat et the present time aCitY, gave Our correspondent saine there are rnany cases on the Lake r aluable information concerning the County court docket, wblch are terni- locating and capture of hees. Xr. ed .dead cases," and prohabiy neyer Gardner has studied bees for Oiafly wl, be tried. but the saine le true of Years and probabli- tiere 113 no man in the other two courities, it ls said. tihe United States who knows more One moean whicb gives Lake Couin- about the habits of beas, than ha. ty s0 many more cases 'han the othier r lInlaCatlnz and capturlag the beau counties Io saîd te ha lit location on and tielir onay, Mr. Gardner oroceads the Leake Shore. It draws cases train as fOUws: Iseveral large cties andi lowns whila l. the. NIl of the yuar. viren the In the ther two cotnniles tIre are leaves are wel off the trucs. hie takes few sucb ritdes anSthie majority of soain honayeomh and goes out loto the cases coure frain the rural districts. fwoods. He ihen procures two Mtnes A sumal part of tire cases on the Laits and saine matches, and kIndleu a Countv S i)cket coamefrainibtisl source stmali lire vîtir a few sticks anS eaSts an thIs Soubtless explains the e-isting thie atones. tili they are just hot conditions. enough ta oteit the comb and create ; _______ a srrudgu. He tht-o places a saucer !wry itiled wlth boney near tîhe smudge, "lrec,»Mais Who rry. ai ana sita dow u tas-ait results. p I Caec'aadtrAercnhi- fore long, the becns rmelllng the hon- eus, bemitatinly, -l hi brk iat liei eeonib. quickly f1h ta the spot and shouid bc told a, oicc- boi my father bt-gin ta Sevour thi, honey froinithe made bis mon-v. lOur t-eutuess men saucer. Afler tii- have eaten suffi- In this coutry bave riethods whlcb dient, they wlll 11,l> mb the air. tuait- taonore of v*,ur pure soul, wbose motta Jog two circles. The firut cIrcie beirîg la, Nobiess,- oblige,'contnot but-" abont six Thet. and fIhe next ten lt-et ' es- Mnn.caî, si h on TLey viii then maku s heu lina for CseHaicae"adtbyog honme. After teling the beas of the lords reassuritrgly, "tel me no0-smore. ind, they wili retut-n again, bringlng However ie ruade bis millions 1 cau other bees witb tht-m. Bues wiiI pro- forgive. for your sake. 1Rut-aer-ra bably corne fixomt, wo or titrise direc- hie etUh got uburu al right?' ticns tards the smîrdge, and ws-bn - ___ tE-e bee hunier thirîks bu has au il- rient of theni. be folIows sthew ba(( Salflshnlb ta tbe riest, and lit that way locates ffisng assumes 'maoy forma, t iionay. and in avery on. o! them may ha lu order torniake sure thai he found thea Saure te grasp soa fan- doesn!t posa thet- reca, XMr. Gardner ciesi mens of heppiness, even et the ta-ies a enit box witb sainelieus that exuiensa of otisers. Many things In- he captures! fromn the smtudge, and1 noceotly leaurabi, 10 themeelves, tht-n If ha- rappens ta go too fur, bu Wbetry coma ta us la a rightfil ets >outBsanie of the bes andi atches 1we whiieh dirion tht-y 1. tly this 1Ian naturel menuet-, tut-n lota guliiy means. f if b as pasi the trman. be sonS fraudaient pIraseorions ihen cap locale Et instautty, as the heur saught and -aatied thlroobtthe losses fly straighit t the trees. Cr pLiunof ~ "If yon s-at-b tie bees carefnlly,__________ sain Mr. Gartdner. "you cen sec theui twenty roda sway. One lnteresting' Gentiane,. t liome. tiî:ng lu connection wltb the bisez, la. Une ,ar gentlest volce et hume. thp way tbey w-,ti ilgbt till the honey-' Watcb It day bY day as e peaIo! comb la broken but, as soon as tIret great prie, for h it w ha vorth more 1% broken. tbey wili surrender like a 'ta you in days 10 coie titan the bout lei of roldiers conuruered In10 vr. palli atesz idviel "If tisey abouta stlng you andi the piear a rISl 1h.u& a isivea a stinger should enter your body. they J,1k tiaaot orhe would die. I ha. sean them." said ai. . la ailgIrI that sLoge as ve011 MIr arditer. "sting sheep and hogs a i as shlnea. Train lit taveat tonne severaiy, that the animal& vouid Sie,1 nov, and lit vii ke la tune tirrough but, lu stinglng thons animais theIe Ue.ElIu, Duariti. btsa theniselves, fJe .theirlilvas. "Once the boraeycomb te broken, ~ ct , .w,-s *tira bues vili not stilg, anyhody, and letCiyI heWrd you cao et once proceed ta taire tIre Dbeto ar tk.,, a Rursaan savant. Iraney vithout any maaak. tea. aomre tirt Baisra.on tirs "You cao uaslty fool the hea, If vigbt bank et the. Tiu. tuser Bae l a swarm is alying overhead, you cen fis!, la tir afidait ecRi allant. ,RItlie&. take a apoon andl huatI on a tin pant nov dtacoved sir v ta Samara --sn tbey cannother the qureen lha. M,inrab e<oete rardivai cf th --andi tbey viii coame tathe ut-anuS. 1Bamites laChldue orMeaoPotasiab Anotirer methoil tota hrow sanS or IL dît-t loto the ail> and thre hase vîlI thinkIt la Iraletaris omrnganed they vil! drap dos-o 3rsmediately. . "When tbey ares aarcbing for a. nav home. tbay w-Ilend ut scoute toa1lookfor a tree vith a ile Ina h, *and, If it aboué! tae atbem tvo or-, three dayr. they yull stick ta the jab- tilt they fSud bô. Tiray vil thqen- corne bome and, report, and stay tilS tht- follos-lng morsrfng, anS et e giveir flima, al the bee vili torm Ilu aenu, and fiy off in a large company, giidedti by the scouts. Wlren they arrive et' thra tree tbey viii claasout tIre cavity: in just the rainis manner as a voumai vould acrubhohaue. andi 1hey viil net search for bonsey tflI they have fillèe ail the craclsa anSmaod, thera aacure. "Theebiees viii orn l allais trea tMI they 3MI tira boriIrI tup. "lu Indian,, 1 ha.eou-non netre., vltir a baie fisuteen test deep. vIlicli was; 11ued ta tIr, top vîtIr Ioney. r Slscovered si ba.trees la tva o ir, anS recelvus? abount savon or ditg Irundresi peunita o! bonal." LAKE COUNTY lIASv 140RE CASESTItN. MINRYAÀNDON- Schanck Bros. Libertyville TEN DAYS' FRETRIAL Il You can try this beau. tiful Victrola FREE in Your own home. Biy n akrng §matilmonlthlv j syment& y ,u irill aoon own a ictrola -thre 0reatent of ail mrusicai nstrumients. And it brings to yon th1e very hast q music of every kiod, surig and played rn the very hast way by the very best artisu. Tire idie- ai place te learo the unS,' dan. ces ife in thre bomee and ere tire Victor in absolntely indis- pensable. Prise $15 ta $100. Try- the New Dance Records H. B. EGER Job Printmng CLEAN WORK A FULL COUNT We Ail Love Our Hornes And wv ira vSgay thre vite, or f nagirter loves home leuaishrsman? ItBsam nu's pleasure and priv- 'lege, virile hir emrployod ta pro- vida the. aomforts of a home fat- bis femily; but tire coma, a day, viren ii efforts ceasa-deatr han inter- vened. Small, t-epoated depoaits of part osf one'e earuiugs, pieood in tira 'etrang box",of a legal rasas-va Life. [usuranne Compiny viii gausaitee au estate, a bankeoccount, a tif, in- coma; viii oneatea a inking fund tb pay debt; vili resait in iastinggrat- ionde for, end appraclirtian of the fot-ethougirt of hm vi r ed in life for tirosa most dear. JOHN 11ODGE -District manager. OLD MICHIIGAN IWUTUAL tIr! We have a complete stock of "Stewart" and "Red Cross" Ranges, Çooks, Mlot Blasts and Base Burners, Big Stock-Right Price

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