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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Oct 1914, p. 2

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CO0M ING A CAR 0F CHOICE APPLES DIRECT PROM YORK STATE, INCLUDING BALDWIN - KING SPY - GlmNiNG AND STRAIGHT PACK LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW. PTWRGGS &YO lmts and Groceries it~ ~eeeaeaeaaaaa***a.**aaILeaieL~ t jWear a, Sweater for Comfort SMake your prepartions now for the chiiling breeezes that are ta camne buy a sweater coa. aud enjoy the cold IV#Mthar . *They sure do fit snug and you don*"t need ta worry about thuir get- *tîng ont of ihape, hacause aur kind We avea flllino of men 's sw atesin&l of thi popular ehade, nzad wit eiher he nec orRuff- Almec alina of Jerseys with Turtia neahe. Prioe ......... $1.00 ta $5.00 Some people are trong for MACKJNAWS * and we eau eupply thema in * plain colora or nobby plaids $3 0o.B os Evrtin o oBRYHIF L & Co Mlen o o o o o o o o o o o o * o o 15 * o o o o G JIF YOU intend to feed for profit, better buy your supplies early.*1 e s See Jbcrtyvllle Lumber Company 4'i.iM by *rneOld Dupot. Phoane 47 Bées Hérs 20 Yluru E. A. BISHOP, MAnager o&6 erlyv//6' e lm s'- xxxxx xx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx To fleure publication in~ the Indepen- dent. copv must be in the office no liter than Tuesday of each week. Adver- tisers, especilly are asked to ltite particular notice to this effect. (Additional Local News on Page 4) MeCormnick's orchetre furntshed muine for a dance nt Long (irove Satnrdey nlght, A nine pound daughter w"a boru to Mir. and tirs 0. A. Cheoka on Saturday, Oct. 10. R.'W. Blkley wae in Lake Mill@, Wl,., la% week, where he purchaged a carload of cattle. Mis Allie Archer @pent savera] days liai week wlth Der sipter, lire. N. Zîlomer at Milwaukee. Win.. Win. Nayhun 0f Morton, Wl..ila Ti"i ins ber aiter. Kmre Phoohe Fluber, at th@ home of Thoma, Corlett. Jamue Chrigty, non 0f lMr. aMm ie F. P. Crisby, iractured un arm la week, the realt of a fail. Mrs. F. Sekt t and con Roydenl and rar. FaoODrycr ail1nif('licaga, arc, vimit- iulg with Mr. flckwith' b rother, J,,in BDryer andlituly. Dr. Sbellpnberger, ai Waukegan wasalabr a vieltor et thc Drymr home the tiret u)ft hcwpek. tir. and lire. Joîhn Kelle moved thie wcck Monday and Tuemdav tram thc hanse on Wright Court muhieh thpy ne- c-ently eold ta Henry Evans of Pralile View, ta a bouge cri Lake street. hir. Evans expecte ta unove ber@ thelet week lu Uctoher. G. Carroll Grldley anmd M P. Nielson, vere in New GI.Fia. Wle, lest week, whereMlr. Gridley pnrchaacd a carload 01 caitle for the Griley farm ln Vernon township, Which ImictnDow belnegturued 1lato oneo0f the moat modern and aanl- tary daInes lu thatecetIan. Bines the récant 6 re at the Lake (Ioanty loravel o'aIlpln. whib iml located qulte adiet«oi. utelde of the village limite, the village board bas bad the old band. power imepnrnp overhauled and put la eondiîon eo that It eau ho brought Into aZatlo ô gbt Ores outedeoi the village. lira. 1. a. Brown of Bloomington, Ili., iMIS & L.ueDO5. voareputting clawn la mklu auextfdedvisls wth a ixluch vi la nArea for that villages t a n anr@ tended vlult t bhave bienu orced ta atop aark for about uni, ira m Wblbam.a viekon iceî,uut af the weather. The The Tipia Obapter of the Westminster depih ofailsm eil lu 175 f t, but thmeauo- Guild viii muet wlth Mie Flora&Etapies, i'act-ora expeait t drillnme distance ncmsdey eveutng, Oct 20tb. . dee1,or t seurs the quelity and quautlty The Sunday SemaIl Council of the ai aster deered. Preshy tartan vere entertained est the The local office of thc North Shore Gas lance lent Mondey evenlng. Ca. bas experlenced a big change during tire. John Day of North Chicago, @pont the piat weeký It 00w remembles a te tiret ofi the week bore vith ber grave, the display svindows and walle, parents, tMr and tre Peter Bock. even gag stoven açîpeering Be though "eproatiug" tre. Ttc effect le very tirs Bert Bestor and ebildren of pleaging and shows îhe.t Mr. Munrray hermerville. spenu a couple ai daje ai "tell" forea fil triuuîuîîîîg. et weet with Libertyville relatives. À Areplie& ai Edi@oiî'c tOr@% incandescent tirs James torman bas gonseSU light je belng chown in the ailda of Kyegate, Miontana, for a aeveral aceke. the local office of the Public Service Ca., aoit with ber aicter, Mre. W. C. Rtawn.. which i. quita uuliike the present-dey tira J L. Taylor attended the Grand lncan"doacet. The :35thauniversary of 3napter af the Eastern Star et Peorla the diacovery of electricity by Mir. Edion et week, as delegate froun the -Chapter w beobserved yteleri.In e. duatrieu ou October 2theeetic. u County Supt of tichoole T. Arthur The Libertyville bebiool board le re- mpgson and famity ai Waukegan, were ceivlng bide for the wlning of ail the ;uesteest the home of Byron Colby au ioome la the local High school. The luday. 1plan ai the board' la ta have the entire O D. Haven cntertalncd tva of hia@school ligt-ted ta enable the tombher@ ta itare, t ie M. W. Prauty of Elgin,.and rehearae and aima stage ail sahoal plays n. Emma Comeock ai Barrington, a lu the building, and avoid the necemity aw daym tiis eek. ,0f natif ing @me pubw lbail. E. H. Conlett, Fred Bnlklcy, J. A. A large number oi membereand their 'eptowand W. A. Nicholan attcuded iTiCDs ttelidd the regular meeting of ew Grand Lodgc ai the A. F. & A. id. lu the Mystic Workera'ueeday cvening. bleago thia aeek. Alice M. Keerian of Chicago, district Theloal hateroftheEater Sarmanager, wae presutenied gave an rhe~~~~~~~~~ loa hpelfteEsenSa ntereting taîk, after whikh mi frosments atrtained quite a number ai members acwre serycd. Tiso remainder oi the even. thc Watakegan 1 hapter on Thiurieday 'ng was epent lu a social dance. Iht offhaut week. Geore Qentn, ho é; n Mntaa aB. ..bitumons, agent et the uew leare Qentl, aia e b ontna tatsion of the lSt. Paul ruad. etarted on to inmPeet tue crop of abeat on bi@ farnu in %hat @tâte, le ex pected ta, return home the latter part ai ibis week. G A. Wrigbt returned tram thc eonth tiouday. C. F. hWright, aha madc the trip with hlm expects ta make e trip i New Mexîcu before ho retnrns. Miss Beemie Butler @pent Seturdev end Snndey at DeXalh, viI, attending the Alumune ai the Normal oi ahleh she vi@a egraduate tao jean. ega. Tho N. A. U3. all hold a danceat the Llhartyville toan hall on Frlday even. log, Oct. 23. Tickets 75c. timart's orchestra vili iuruah the music. ie Helen Wagner ai Bloomlngton, 1Il , retarued ta ber home thare Frlday 01 liai aeek, af tan speudlug the past ihree manthsatithe Bond home hore. Min Helen Wright la makug un ex- tended viuit vlt ber brother, Wirt Wright and fawily, at St. Louis, Un. 0110 expecta ta ha away about three A epecial progra was given by the Henry Bayes, Wha met wish an ae- Epaorth League ai bm Ne . E. chnrcb aident lu Angust whleh threw hlm out Sanday eveniug &t the regufar churcb oi vork for smre urne, bu rilvid abhoar, there helug no xnoruing or evening cecSk for $58.75 lrom an occident lu- mervîce on acouet of Bev. Whippl's aurance Compa.ny. "meecesa conieresos. The prograin The Ladina' Aid of the PrieyMr$im -cit0d or mueua nmbera wth a eéureb wlIf hold Mali d4 metIng ut e*ré dd A àquittte 0 YM Chreh e nonwook Tbundag, <>ceoi lady singera aangaa mumber whleb waa $à@& The meeting viM.b d a*0 der UPisiabi P&BOil. vltb icaolulm" t oomL W. M. blw arr.u'iy ocapsi .W. a. nec"ie Md am urn @peut u ome ajary btuf atrdwy tew*g, aday la Waiiaoda wthrej% v hec a hor» w"hle sblsd la hie 'M.M &biCils luth.,,who b.d boeabar, ikMd ",«oa*5 tlmgJut Oum t n a"ý um eft daboyal* usfse kom aI"whbb.d WMeûsa *M htiimi. asmaupiai thse ehies alose duing the tVh. elivey gsk r8i whW a bde&putla *thestaff '"1107 t* IM&.Jb*'Ii mad hO% l te tMa. WI#l e * 5 bout but seme at& ,Tilb * mw ib-5 le * It b om. l"d~* sas ç1~pedvlt WOUiili ~W ~5fmember lu eotirel.yfris fhou"@mea.. ý "Di J. L Taylor maie a Iylag trip te Ladins' ChiliUm'., MWasaouo. e «MP. lava, Fiday .vealq, of lest The Now Varloq îStore. 401 a"e tu monday aor*"5 gue, fSowd I vit hi bUte"r, Stophe. Tiyl. ui, as Cohoeal aI'ga, reg carpet. Kels. Lake *hI, Nie. Fannb..Ta. Dbor reortes ainsi, Libertyviie.4p2 *~ -tb;o.'s hoahhse gaod'mai Un itmVas mach lmproved . MITylor Tb@ New Varoy tee.-1aSgwortby's mai Faulloexpet ta apeni tb vini., -Orimiteware mie, Saurday. ny utOeage. ,plueeor graaitsvam' la the store 10e. - Aidvane moing ot toXe. Wouderiai [*gteai Popular MnIc leai Tho Noew sortnentof thlngtcpleeaethecbIldren Varlmsy store. Ad Ad e sao Weekm vacation on tionday evuin. lng, and wilI spend hie time ln a trip tbrongh t4e otage, etopplng off et Caîro, Greetîville. Decatur and other cities. J. W. Baker, a relief mari, wai take care of the s-tatiou during tMr. ditmmona' absence. Dr. J. L. Taylor appered beore the village buard at the, adjonrned meetipg last., eek Tluuredey, in behali of the Auditgrium ownera. After holding e conference wlth Dr. Taylor, the license committec reported to the board thet they were unable tu, couic to a eaule-» factory agreement. and the matter was dropped. Kelly Day ezerclees aerc beld at the Preebyterian chnrch faeai Snday moro- I ng with exercices by the snnday echool. A oplendid program aie carried ont. the main featurca of whlcb were along mlmeonary lines. Graduation cxerciee from the cradie roil ta the prlmary and fromi the junior tu the Intermediate depertments acre alea held. BASKET SALi. *Sçturday evenlng, Oct. 10, the L. B. B. basket hall teain playcd theArea team at Arma and were deieated by the acore pi 25 ta 21. The gamne vas very Inter- eatlng. At the end af the tIret half the Ocore as. 21 to 10 lu laver of Ares, bat the L H. 8 team got toget.her in the second half and held the area'@ down. Leslie and Howard Fry âtand for the Are team, while Marrie dld the beèt Area L. H. 8, H. Fry, if ............Marrie, rf ...... Wilcox, rf............. Priete If ......... Shadd le, c ............ Protine, c ...... Rouce, lb ............Colline, r,........ L. Fry, rb ............ Grccnwood, lb ... Bick..ts, L. Fry 7, tiorrie 5, fl. Fry 3, Colline 2, Wileox 2, Protine 2. Fre throwm, Colline 3, iShaddle 1. Publie notice le herohy gîven thet an Tueoday, November 10, 19)14, et 1 O'clock lu the afternoon of that day, a speclal meeting 01 the atackholders 0f the Dt,.rflcld Lumber Comanay viii ho hcld for the purpose af votlng on the iuereaeiug a1 the namber of directocs. la aaid onmpauy, fcam three to Ovte, il wbleb meeting your prenonesla neqnueted. C. 11'5ANIC WmIGHT, F. C. Motaccu, . E. A. BIONcO'. cOat 9. 16,.23 Vanity. Wheai bm kahn of the 1'artars. wb. doma ot powe.a a boas. ta iv. la und Oafy sub8ieta on rapins, bas Onat hie dirner of mUt and harsef«eh. bo tu lit urachllmed by a hsrald .."An th* Patentatea Princes@eand grqat men of the earth iay nov ait davn ait&la bW-. Autuila StliUnexplored. It tu cuniona ta realize that -vu Parts of the Britisb empire ha neyer been seen by Brtish eyee the eYes Of any white man. Near a quarter of Australita fa etif unE Plcred, malnly in the west, whera ti population averages only oue persi la every twenty miles. Mqueawly. "I thInk aid feilow.' began 19 famblyman,"fit 1le ilme you acre b gtnnlng ta hunt for a wlfe.' '"To bui for ue? rclîe the hlghly ellgît bachelar. *"You mean it te time I gal up avoldlng eue and allowed myau ta ba caPtured." Bac elcr's Blunder. j"If It wamn't for cfLr rare and lunel eon." says a bachelor, -"à womi, gouldn't have any need of moue when she goes shopping.,, But eve, marrlcd man knows better.--Cis News. TWa Cismue lIft as a huishand la of two clsam -he whose meuse dieagree with hli and ho who dlagees with hismeumle, lnurene'» on an Automobile je a goo itîvatmFut. Prateet yourselt ag.ain, tire, loqc, damagd and theft Sce Nol I>urand. r2ti I (Xlîînjl Rug anud Ecg (arpet Wâenvlnp ail tiuicy v.avpm. tirs . .(.rave. Telephone 140)-M, Libertyville c-21 Rîchardson Euibroidery Flue.Fu] lue n0000nm. The New Variety Store. CHAS. D. PROCTOR INSURANCE FIRE, TORNADO, LIFE PHONES 154-R ANDO 50 UDBERTYVULL. ILULIOS a. e. %et ve or nry tho son gr. l rb. a, 1 my* wa 40 IC. 1O A R&NK FOIR ÂLL T1U PIOPLE This institution is operated for the use of every citiz en in this corn- munity and we want your account be it large or small. OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT 3% INTEREST Lake Couxity National Bank Capital, Surplus and Profits, - $95,000 Total Resurce. - - - 750,000 OLDIMT, LAROEMST A"D STRONVG- 2E8T B ANIX IN LIBERTyTILLE Why Not "CoaI-up?"9 Ail orders for coai booked now will be delivered at present low* price& s. o old w@ather setsi, prie« are bound to Ro up. Burning the candie at both ends doe4r't 1 lnake both ends meet." A bebtter way is to bîîrn our reliable, high-grade ceai. It produces the gre.atest amount of heat with the inalle8t amount of ashes. le7 winmetaruee mustLt hi.' (0 S.y nhot buy ahea Ili. hap I~~OPe CuBmbYILer op Phone 50i WhE the saUj the quer Our Mica. A eWl B P Cro M On the Track about Oct. 2Oth. Car Consista of Baldwin, Spy, King, Wagner Canada Red and Snow. LEÂVE YOUR ORDERS 110W. CORLETT & FREDERICKS iTHE COST O F cake mnaterials is iîiglîer tlîan ever. Everv wo* man knowe that, and ce doos the huehand wlo getth', Uic That's mwby more secuibie wornen than ever buy their cakski, pas- try, 'bread aud other thinge fram this bakery. It'x 'hea1ser end no bother. Prcce remuinthe manie Ouir bi...h qlutty ntir varte LIBERTYVILLE BAKEIRY FRED JOCHREIX, Prop. If QUALITY Counts If QUALITY in groceries means anythlng to you, yon'11 snrely b. pleased wlth the Unes we handie. The items we mention here are typical, the best of their klnd. GedMedai FIow, Iliad Crt-*.mmry Butte léI W.W. CARROXLL &SSCOMPANY SoisiL Store Phone3J j M Specia Fa ha 'Tbere a vol ke othen iu Can't or c qu Mi OVES, BY J il- -1 ýj' ,tu- i il L ti te L 1 . -, - - Il. 11 1 pho» 31 A 1 South Store

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