I .1 ~AIIDITARIIII BPPNFfl TOI Co MING A CAR 0F CHOICE APPLES DIRECT FR011 YORK STATE INCLUDING BALDWIN - KING SPY- GR.EENING THESE APPLE8 WILL ALL BE NO. ONE AND STRAIGHT PACK IIEAVES YOUR ORDERS NOW.I &T ÂYLO Meats and Groceries Clothing of Quality T HIAT is the kiud wa ara turniahiug ta a ritîmber of patr ular people. The fact hhat thcy alwaym coîaa back as Ptoof Of their satisfaction sud should hc your reassn for trying eue Of Out tailored to meaeure suite. The weather mau je try- ing ta make us believa that there je nat going ta ba auy cold weather but the wiaa man je the oue who ordars hig heavey suit in ie to be ou the safe @ide. Ve Cao show you the vary lateat in ail wool suiting from which you may malta pur selec- tion sud if you waut satisfaction in every datail of your falîsuit yon will lat us take your measure today. A real tailored ta measure suit for thte price you hava paid for ready madas. Prices From $ 14.00 To $48.00 J. B. Morse & Co. Everythlng for Men UDERTYVIXI IL. Plies.14 Why do People Buy?I PETROLEUM Carbon STANDARD OIL COKE Fuel without a fauli M1L LER'S CREEK SHINEY SOFT COAL Scranton Hard Co-cd Al SIZES-PF.A TO GRATE WASHED EG COOK STOVE SIZE PO CA H ONTAS FOR HOT WATER PLANTS Red Comnb Poultry Foods FOR AU. FOWLS-AIJ. SIZES Arcady Dairy Feed A PURE LAKE COUNTY PRODUCT Libertyville Lumber Down hy tîLe Old Depot ComanyBeau tlic, 20 y-... Phone 47 E. A. Bishop, Mgr. Because uo dit, no soat, no mil, ail heat fuel that'e right. Because it bas las titan 40 lbs. asgh ta tou. I'urest sold. Because it je always uniforia, lean, les@ altone, more heat. Becausea the Mostst- tsfactory law cast Illinois coal. Becatse, slow, even- bîîrniug, emokelees, sootluse, ashiesa. Becsuse it getem more, bitter eggs, raiies. ail the chicke. Iiccauae caws keap up flle1, give mare milk li:ghumt in protein. I;eîeaitma stock la moat coruplete,1la rg es@t varicty, prie and Sa!ivice right. We're nul satiellafitili you ara 0Crb ertyvd/le Y&tms-. To luerpublicaltionin the Indepen- The war tex wlll .fettthe Adtru den. cp uatbe IntheOfficO no later sud tbA Lyrie Theate as the. ta, than Truesday of àach week. Adver- lmfpo)esd on thes tarS je fitY dollars. t'ses, ePecallyareThis witb the onnual çilloge lcfnus , wlI Pticra, notcelly are aaked to ae opel the owuar@ t.> pay $100 to keep partculr ntic to hîsaffct, on dolng business. Tough Iucki (Addtioal oca New onPag 4) Alter the cegular nîorntng service bat (Adit;nolLocl ewaon age4) Sunday nt St .lobn's Lutharan chucch Bey. R 0 Buerger ri.[)Pâed the service Mies (race Bond vIsited aver Sunday whicIî. 25 YeOra ago, îînited lu marriage withWaukganfried..Morits Schan and hi@ pre9aut wlfe. The. Mr. aud lir- John Htiim&n of Chicago,,'cul @eutLkFres buent Sunday with Mrc. and lice. Frank fRobert Bond returîied lest waek Frn- Dyer. day from a tbres weeksm triPthraugh b«i W. E Ed ba puebaed rêistredwe@t, the mONt (of wtîinh t'me ha spanlt W. .r a b as phruhR. B. Sweift re@d with hie brothere,' l1ile and Walter ut Ji er ultbogiR l wftt sdCircle, Montana. Walter returned with hie herd. [ ~lm for B vîsit wlth heaae n (6 P HOugbtau a1 AronOhio, viited :bratiere ber,. M. E. Wllam@ansd lamily Saturday and jMr. and Mira. George Cleveland and Sunday. lîtl@sou Robert, 1sf t lest week Ss:urd«Y lira. Beil Ray and daughter Georgia. for Omaha, Nebraska, whare tbey expet of Waukegân vleîted wth f riend e besta make their future home M c.Cve Tuesdey.land, who le employed by the Union The lph Clb wre ntetaied ed-Stock Yards Çp, ha. been reaetly trous- Thsa Ala Clrnnub hehment0rtned@.d-ferrad iront the Chicago Yard@ to tha ueBda .'ienon tt'- hm o ire.Omahaplant. The Young couple @peut Robet Wigh. wh i@agan utBelit oma tîme with their parente haie befora Rolobart Wrtght. abo pla agein a it la0aviug for tir uew home. Collpage cne, atSudyw Th enew machinery for the temporsry hien parenhseaie. r ,.n r Ga . o !plnt0. heLake5.05V ty .,.. euC.a has aIl beau slet and the plant la ruuuing ta itil full espacity. Durlug the t.wa waeks ai IdIenems causd bytha ecdu&t lire. Arthur tiiode anîd dsughter, MIese, nwintepwrio@ a ot Graca aiftLogan Square. speut Tueedsy pletely wrecked, large ordera wse e- with lire. Ida FarraI. uived fac @and and graveI, whirh, itlal feared, canuat ail ha fi lIed befoce severe àMc. sud Mir. W. B Dunu ai Gilman, cold weathec neceeitates the closiug of Iowa, are vleitiug their cousIns, Mr. Band tha plant for the wiîite.r. Mrs. E. Bnd an famly 1 ira. R. B. Higgine was tha victlm ofis Mr. sud Mmr. Wm. Laycock are spend. surprise party given hec by aoui. mber ai loir several daye with relotives aud friands lu Chicago and AustIn. Mr, and lira. J. A. Dewey moved lest waek tram near Area ta the Parrcy huse ou @econd street and Broadway. Mca. S. Statler ai Colorado ity, Io makiug au ezteuded visit at the home of lier dauglîter, Is@. 1. A. Young. 1 Mr and Mc@. 0. A. Nawson and littîs' daugbter spent Friday and Saturday ai lest. week witb relatives lu Rock City, 111. tirs. A. Brebuer oi Deerfleld, and Mire. W. Philiîîe and daugbîec Helen af Grays- lake. spent Tuasday with Mre. Louis Protine. Fred Grimes and family have moved from the Appley houes at the corner ai Nn-wbvrrv and lMilwaukee avenues ta lRîîîdiut. ladies front Autlach. where the Blggine famlly iarmarly lived, una îlay lael waek. Thie gueste, aho came in the macuiniz, braugbt o lovely lied cbicken lunch wlth thent. Tiey returned ta Autiocb lu the evaniug. rhe &toocb ladies Bers Mdes- damase R. Johounîîtt, A. N. Tiffany, A 0. Watson, Chase Webb, W.F. Ziegler, D. B. Sain andiMisa l)llie Tiffany. Fred Alleman, Sr., wbo le makiug an extended vieil witb bis oldest son Fred, Jr., aud family Bt Tacoma. Wesb., baviug besu there coma dca weeke. li had a part of arne oi bis feat amputsted ou accautio tubercular troubla. The dîsease came ou after Mrc. Alleman ai- rlred lu Tacoma snd a glight opecation wes necesaoy saveral weeka aga, as tha trauble did nîît leave hlm the second operation ivue periormed and lic. Ails- lic. and Mmr. Henry Doebler returnedmoisnwgtugnde last waek from Lancaster, Ps., whera lira S. A.liason was vecy pleaaantly thay @peut. the pasl two waeks wit.h autertained a% hec home an Millwaukee, relatives, avenue Mouday by bar cbldren and E. Wood aud wie lave moved îrom gcsndchildnî-n, the occasion hing ber the Heath building ou Mlwaukee avenue blrtiday. The party wes made up ai avene t theW. . Apleyboug ontwo daughtors, Miese Mary, who makes FarteneatW. H pl bueo ber home with ber mohhar, aud Mmr. T. Foir ~ ~ ~ J stet Davison ioi Waukegan; ana son, Oeo., The W. C. T. U. will meet at tha home'ai Libertyvîlla, wbose wie was present oi lira. Edlth Herrick on Tuesday, Ct. aIea; six grandchuldreu, Mr. and lir. 27, et 2:30 o'clock. Tapie Echoes af Chas. Proctor, Ina and Bacry tiasan, State Convention." ud Mmr. Davîsonea two cbildcan; ane lic. sudlira. L. H. Whtney of Grays- 1 gcesot-îcrandchild, the littîesoeauofI Mr. faire came ta Lihatyville Tueeday ta be4 and lira. Proctor. Thare ware twelve pregent et the lsceweilîrecaption given lunlu he pacty. lionor ai Rev. W. L. Whlpple sud femily Contributions for the Christmas sblp Odra. Ida B. Green a aknaa w is.. spent Sundsy wilthbe a,,,Mca." Byron Colby. iss Amber Clby returu- cd wit.i aunt ta Ksukaukauo ior sever- al weeks visit. sites lu Europe, wlll ha received ut the gels office and bath drug stores up la Ssturday eveuing ai thîs week. Tha local cormmîltee lu charge oi collactiug donations assert thot na inouay will be j. 1). ciumânn, until recently ana l' yorardsa, Put tatarsuppiies willtPe tic membere of tic trno of Schumann & purhmd sud tien boxed ceady for Kohout, wiolesala floclta, bas amcpted @hlpmeut. Auny amount ai mane.y, uew a posîitîou as manager a1 s large green- lothiîîg sud supplias will ha accepted, bouse couceru lu Elmincat. sud the comuîtiase guareutees th&% cash donations ahIlha used judlciously lu lic. sud lira. . A. Young want ta pnrcbasing srticles that are caneldared Gison Clty, Ili., Wedneeday ta attend most neceseary for the people lait alti- the louerai ai Mca. Yaung'@ brother. He out homnes. died euddeuly Monday avenlng lu the ___ __________ wast sud will ha burled lu Gýbaon City. Dr. sud lira. A. A Balbarwick ai Las Angeleo, Cal., Mr.insdlira. William LIwade. tif Wsnkegan, lire. LAea uson aud lttîs daugiâter af Volt), asce the C h n lira. Gilbert Claar sud sou ai Pueblo, Col., arrlved bacs Sundav ta jaîn ber j iumband, lic. Cîsar wha la employai in IIS at.Iurd a y flagges barber shop. The famlty leé _____________ maviug into tha John Lester hanse on Broadway. New Varicty Store tIrs, h. B. Cook returuad lest week irom ?ierils. New Hampoebîre, whera a she bs-Imaleut thesummtrer menthea ww" ANY PIECE ~ ber elater, lina. Monroe. Theie atter 0F CHINA aluter here.e tire 1B. A. Poarman and lîttIa daugh. OE-ERY-etPti ter Jeacl Vhetacla ai Kauses Cty, Mo., Te piace you have liked miay b. gene. Many etcaordinary Who are maklng au etteuded vîsît with values ath----------------.........loc lira. Poorman'a parentet . inud lire,. ____________ R W. Stafford ot Aras, apent Wednesnday with MilsPesaIs Boud. Langw orthy' s Mir iiiî 1mc. B.W. Ilulkey anid Str fo J hn dw1zhîr îiî,.r uiîîv,-d Saturday fo h tr o o n WilI>,îr .%I.reilitb hîte north ai toaný whi.r,. 11.v have iveld nteumr ston's M ilwaukee mouili., I h o Indl hanse@ ot frainard Chocolates. Cmir.entlv vacated by W. . Welle snd L,imll1y. I - ALL ENTERTAINNENTSI The Auditorium managers havaecaenté ta a settianiant with the lîcenoeCOm- mlttee regardingz the annual liaones fur that hall. A proposition inade ta the managera by the commîttee ta ix tha annunal lîcetima at$5tipcîvided th-. action ha coucurrad lu hy the tuembere of the board, bas beau accaptad by them, and the Auditorium bas again beau tbrown open ta public autertaitimente. The Eastern Star had arranged for a big recption, but, their lnabllity to @score a large hall, helped ta bring mottera ta s settipimaut between the Auditorium managersanad the licenca esommittee. Tie action of the managers pract.ically assures the annual coru show for Lberty ville, wbich wil ha given lu February. It aIea givea the Rigi achool a place ti put on entartaluiments ai a bigber clame than wauld hae pos.iible lu thiamembly roam. as the greotar @st- lug capacîty ofithe Auditorium willl repay the amount axpauded lu pruduclul extensive play@. A debate beteemubail. ne men and ilgiohool studeute will i.th lie t number gîven et tie audi. toriumt iy thaecwhool. CARO 0F THANKS Wa wieb ta %hanik aur frIands and relative@ for tle kkînduae ehown us durIng the. slcknese and deatb af our beloved husband and fathar. AIea for ltae ietiîful floral tributs. We @hall meet but we shall mises hlm, Tiare will ha ana vacant chair, W e shahllinger ta carses hlim. Whau we breethe aur evenlng prayer. tirs. Frank B. Marvin Mr. and lire. R. J. àdnahan and cltldran. Pianos and argara tuuad, clestned and repaired, aloa case fdniehing, go any wiere lu couuty, -19 yeare experieuce, esave orders Bt Lhartyvilla RataI or write A. P. Smith, tirayelake, 111. 5 p4 Colonial ruge, rog carpet. Kalso. Lake atreet, Lihartyvilie. 4p2 Ineurauce ou an Automobile is a gond lu)veotukeut. Protect youreaaii againat lire, lace, damagci and d t.. See Nuai t)urand. r2tf C~olonial ftug and Rag Carpet Weaviniz, ail faucy weaves. lire. .1. A. Gravas. Telephous 140-M, Lihartyville. c-2ti Independent: More readars than aU county weekllea conablned. Look liere! I sharpeu Saies of ail kiu.Ii that eau ba doue wjth a filie and grind ail kinde of tools that are grouud on a grindstone. Te tthe Ladies Laedaily-Bringr yonc Sheacsansd Cocu kuivea, if yuîu hava anv use foc thent- almoat svarybady ha@. It l8 pratty warm ta tlîinîk of skates, but 1 sharpen thein. 1 also cepair broken furniture. A. P.Raught betvil iL i. CHAS. D. PROCTOR INSUJRANCE FIRE, TORNADO, LIFE PHONES 154-R AND 50 LIBFRTYVILE, ILLNIOS Make this bank your busïness home Open a Checking Account Lake (Jounty National Bank Capital, Burplus and Profits, $ S100,000.00 Total Resouro.,-- 750,000-00 OLDE8T, LARGEST A"D STRONG- E 8T B ÀNKX IN LIBERTYVILLEC Why Not "Coal-up?"i Ail orders for coai booked now wlll be delivered at present low pricea, As oold weather setsfi, prices are bound to go up. Burning the candie et both endo doesi't llmake both ends meet." A btotter way iés to bîîrn our reliable, higli.grade coal. It produce% the gre.ateet amourit of beàt with the sinalletit amount of amhes. (In' wintertime you fmuse have hont., Se why agi Ieuy when il la cheap7 1bome tomber Company '0F LIBERTYVILLE Phono 50 We Will Have a Car of *APPL ES On the Track. Car Consista of Baldwin, Spy, King, Wagner Canada Red and Snow. LEAVIE YOUR ORDER8l NOW. CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phoné, 30. UI.BRTlYVILLE, ILL ITHE COST 0 F ake înaterîalie is higlier than ever. Every wo- mari knows thay, and so does the husbend who gete the bill. That's why more sensible women than avec buy thair cakes, pas- try, bresd 8and other thioga from this bakery. It'a cheaper aud no bother. Pricaes remanthe same. Our ihtquality neyer varies. LIBERTYVILLE BÂKERY FRED 30CR HEIN, Prop. Blankets and Flannels We are showing this fali an excep- tionally fine ulne of Blankets and Flannels. Cotton Blankets in grey, tan and white, with eolored borders. Excellent values at 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Pretty Patterns in Outing Flannel in mtripes and checks, in varlous colors suit- able for nighit gowits, etc. Almo somne dark- er pieces used lor underskirts. A wide se- lection of these at 10e and 12c per yard W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY North Store, Phone 29 2 STORES South Store, Phone 31 Ir] Andrews af Kaukakee, Ili., spenti suuday wluhbie parents, Mr. sud Mcal M. E. Andrews bars. o i i i o o o o 't o o o o o o o o 2 .1 ~1. o o o o o o e o i Pho,. Ti PHONE: m BY Spec Dr~ te d a. o s Imm CORSETS Sorno excellent models in the new, mnuchi- wanted styles in our stock. STYLES, Numberit 119 and 190 a re fine examples of these in moderate priced goods. Ask to se thern. ;_ 1 LAKIM COUWY INDEPENDM. PRIDAT, OCTOIBLM 23P., 1914. àm_ . - frWo. walm