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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Oct 1914, p. 3

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r'. STEAK SATISFACTION When a nice, large, juicy, tender'steak stares you in the face you forget you are tired. You dig in and slaughter it. We seli that klnd. Otur steaks miake the ordinaty, clieap, tougli, littie article, that mas- querades as sirloin or porterbonse, look like a piker. Our steaks are the real thing. Order otne and see, lu etîr Groc.ery I)epartment yen wili find meny arti- cles (bat cenoet bu excelcd in quaiity sud pice. The Model Cash Grocery -J and Market u Libertyville THE MODEL CASH GROCERY and MARKET PH4ONE 307-J USERTYVUÀLLI BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Phone 100 B RING inî a .4k('tcl-i of the hiouse you woîîld like tii build. See- what ar- r'angemîenîts yoîî calumakie witli Durand & Duraîud. I)iî yoîî evier e'onbtiiîer that îîîonu'y Iaid for rent mîiglît be' ut'ed to- wat'd owîihîng a homtre of volîr owiný Uîîdertr en utitîg -yustum wîi'îî yoi îpay your t'eut yiiîî havie îothiîrg to shlow fur liax inp sltpjt it. Bîtilti a hiîo'in the budei.yonî't'e livinîg ib it whle p îay- iîîg foîr it. Reîîeîîbt'r, that is the Ilîout effective' way of -îreptaring for' a rainy i1ay. ' DURAND & DURAND Libenyvil. Phone No. 2 Lake Bluff Phone No. 456 Real Estate Insurance Collection of Accounts R e nt ing Vrag Store Mowiei: "CUPIDS RIGHT BOWER99 Cupid's a mauter mimd ini the gane of heartsanad diamooda. Hie right bower in a choice box of whcandy. it's a winani card in the gaine of love. Our candy will help you. euchi-e single lonelineas. See un Wedneadays and Satturdays or any turne. Phone 307. We have the Exclusive Agency for - t, t t- ALL BUT ONUE0Of SALOONKEEPERS PLEAD NOT (iUILTY b('on(lnued Fromn Page Onu.) tien was net endorscd ounftle face, Motion denied; Plea utr net guil1ty entered. JOH N JONES-4'ot present un court, Sherif ordered (o bing hlim in. LOUIS C. DýE PROFT-Motion samne as Schultz case; entera plea of 'net guity JOHN CORBETT-Same action as un Schulttzcase. SOREN MATi{ESEN--Sanue action as Schultzicase. ALBJERT IORN Motion (o quash lie- cause nainieet defundant wes en- tered Impropertî. being missîtelled. IHe ailieul leave to file a ppealn attatemunt aaying Ire would do sol as soon as tIre statuas atterney left lIre room.fHe questioneu tIre sîn- cerity etf'tir. Dady He was givéen îrntil two ociockib ins atternoon to file tIre lea. t.ater bue admiltteil llorn's flrst name le AlfredS lnstu'ad et Albert. AN EL IIASEBY-Not tprescrit; aher fI endurciS te hrlng hlm in toutay. GEORGE W. KOETII Sarni action as in Schultz case. ANNA I..ECHINER-Iloalîand atîtear- eut and derlarud til's wife isas cirlsIn bced. lie was bold tu îring lier loto court as soon as sI l) lli-tut corn e Beverai Minor Till@. ScieraI lmea Attoîrne-y Orvs and Staies Ateorney- lii t intlit 11 tiite arîd SMr.<r i t. deiareil tultei ccurt tîtat tîte-tatit-' attorney was adoptlng tiIro ilis just ho unnoyr Itm TIre court ',e-ralt tînes warn- ed MIr.Orvîs nuitotebrint tersouai. tir-ito fblite uat' r. in baud. In eci case thei' iefeudants were paced under bon,uto f $300. Thomas SruelIing et flic WauXýegan brewery signed thre majerity et thete bonds. Otîters wurc sigued lîy Soren Mathe- sert. George Koetît aniS John Corbett. It la tbougîl lIre cases will Ire dis- îteued ot delinituty ibis afternoon. SUPREME COURT R VERSES DECISI Of1 THE CIRCUIT COURT Lake Forest Case in Which In- juniction Was Asked and De- nied, Is Remanded. INTERESTING FUATURES. SPRINGFIELD, oct. 17.-The Su- preme court handed down an opinion reveraing the judgment of the circuit court of Lake courty un tIre came of Annie Adams, appellant, vs. John Gor- don, appelîce, and remanding lher ase. Ttîe case îs otu-it iial laIes back tot fie early part cf 1912 and concerna Lake F-orest people. At tlîaî tinte Cir- cuit Judgu' Charle-s Whbittney dunieul a lît-ttien foir attiIjotnction îfor s- tu01 eîîuils antd ait apt-la smas taie-n ro tIre ..Irîi-court. Titc loiser court sm'au s1ttitt,,l aal oupupteti sm'as takeri te ttîe higuteir couii. As ucen by tite fore- goitig tel' drain. thte dectalon cf tIre laite Juîdge NVhitîtiy s-as reserued aniS tlic ruse s-asqnimatuded <ottis court for a ne lieuring. On %Iay 14, 1912, Annie i. Adams flt! ber p. titioin licb she prayed an injutnction against .John Gordont. It lier lietitio site related tuai on Nov. 29, 1911. a cenlract cf sale s-as euh ercîl iitt betweeiu Johîn Gordonr and oue John F. Tracy, wltereby tIre lat- ter agret-e h îurclîaue a tract cf land fl Latte Forest fuir a corsideratton of $1 4.000, Tîte petîticu rclated tat ln tIrs con- tract lucre wîtv a cauise whIbe pro.- viqed thtatfle scndee slîould bave tIre use cf -ateu n othue propu'rty et tlte 'tender îsblcbi sas inuuediatcly adja- cent tfe icircperty ahicli haiS been disîtoseul of. A littIe later. it la rulated, Tracy. tir mcarîs of a w-arranty dued, convey- cd to bier, tIre saad Annie 1. Adams, tIre Laitd which liadl purchased. Soutter that sîtesasys Gordon sent ber a bill of $50 for water runt aniS 6hu refuseul ta pay it as sIre saliS it o-as provided ln thre contract sIre was to hrave ail (Ire water sIre vanted se long au site kept tIre pampa, engins and watur tank ln gond orden, and paid for tIre epera(bion efthtIe engins. SIre sabd sire IraiS paid for anmte repeIns. Upon lirer refusai (o pey tIre rent sie says Gordon locked tIre doar a! tIre pump honte and haxriceded Iry JUSTICE HOLDS WOMAN'S ~~uJcNRLY ~ S~J~n DYMOND L. AUSTIN DRESS ISN'T DAMAG ED. 1 "'UBL 'AN RlLLY NEW a4IIC S OfVI loans, Insua ce, Real Estate end Justce Nelsone court at North Chf. IS MIE SUCCESS DE= WILD DUCKS AP- Ocu asere Block. cage a h scone of a rathpu-ne- ýLBRYILE LIOS s'lai case. Joseph Cozzolina mued for 5PITE W A H R P À N C U T $2 daag t a k rsslolonging 1 1 À TIR P A N C U T IETVLE LIOS t')Nir, ozzlln tat ad ee ](f* Cotined roii ageon.) he pparaéè fELHANANeces fW.H COL.BYLB v i1h Mr. Kaplan, a tailor, l e dcean- Cnile 'onPg ieI Te rtaac tant iels Attorney-at-Law ed in the Monarch cleaninig and dye- no- gladly swap the prescrit conditions Iwillîdock bluis section, this tatillan oney te Loan on Good Approved Real lig e tabttshmient at ,î'o for for ithe condition. that tirêvailed for creating muf li discu.cejon among the Estate. aI.ich Mir. Kaplan la agent. Atorney sixteen years under the Republîcan ninirods of 'Waîi:.cgan and Lake ('oimn LI ORTfie TigsB ilin . .Max Przyborskl of l4th streut defnd- administration." IETVL ,ILNOS et'Mr.Kapan nd artn i. Dc(e vThre speaker then went back and re- t'. The new specles lu stated te be cd r. apln ad artîî . Dc tr lewed the hIstory of thre Democratie thc-('atîtornla wild duch.. Severat 0f LYELL HL MORRIS al.îear-ed as attorney fof -Nir ('Que- party. He sailli the leaders always thre hunters throughout have Iragged it.e The dresâ was examined in the bave been seeklng mne srtofa la-TT<îUKY-AT-LAW trial and thre declalon if flic court forma which would appeal to tIre mass-soefthbrdad olirce, wi'ha il,,,te grment t utdam-,em and place the party 1.liuweir. ,At mallfllOcks o.,flte t!,le gttitaoir Lihertyvrle - Ilîlinois Y 0"time It was frecs trade-at anotlter have licen notlceil In Ibis secîio Luc-e1t1 -Phone. age-i unless trlvlally as ni: -Iit atway fini free silver. i i.et-5 .Ofice.peet he frotte a cteanlng. The ,r,-IdenL of He declared that It was tIre vacil- Inmoat cf the castes the lîuntcr-t_________________ the Nionarchr cleanlflg utîri where litltng tnstabllity of the Dcmnocratlc whc, bave bagged filc dueks acre o MRTlm-ECE the dIreis was cleaned t"tiii.d that tarIff platformn which has dcpleted tIre medlatety slruck wlth thlr odity In MATNCD KE he uod n chmIcas tht çtreaauryat the present timie and made apîlearance and the great varlatto(nP. 4tiSt. EleY tri tto he uueî no chmicals (ba îulii hurt î'necessary te place a Ireavy tai t OflfrontIrhe ssild duck more conimonlv n0- 1>PttîIt.LeriStIo thegiclI and that the go'un was ther@ thr people. The Democraîs, Ire saldd I hsscin.Sm fthi Ifce Poe'lîi 4m Res. Phone 1360R t, shjow thatIli had flot bieco Irjured. bave sougbt (o justil'y Ibis tax by de-tlbIi eto tot ftc I ('ilîzolino says he will apîîeal the clarlng It (o be a war tax. whicIr la hall neser Ireard of the type and were NOUITH CHIC(AGJO. ILLINOIS cas, r1iculous at tbis time when there at loua as to ttelr naine or erîgîn. Il la flot tlhe silghtest ehadow cf a war du velops tliough tIretIn earh siertiofi PULMCGUFN ctcud hovcring over tIre countrs- hr h ukswr oie ha ALM CGFN 1ajf~'uIiay Plece by plece. point hI piutnt, Dr. weelt ok eent.rd ta ATTORNEY AT LAW.* 11111 picked to pieces the Democralic'tbeY were att dectared hy seints ait ,urvllIlni WE C ' O IIN platform and left nethlng for Ilemo- thorily of flice malter, ausbbg ef the .rtîl',Iinl cratic leaders to stand upon. jcîe~î ye ea 1 1.SIIS PE C DE bcbeSlng lie calied upon al te Clfrl ye HNE8 DOES 'T S P ER EDE make a united effort et the coming The typte of doci la not cotumon tu election ta restore Prosperity by ru- I ny section of the country as they am DR. O. F. BUTTÉRFIELD, THAT 013 APP AIS puorlna party t0 pow- iiecoming somewhat passe, however, VETERINARY SREN THATOf A PRASER r. Ie lide Recentilcan piil fte r or rqetyntdI Preaident Wilson that the American thre iWest. ASSITANT STATIC VETEIIIAatAS. pecople soontare to have more pros- Develops That Another t-perity soman o the feaat preparcd by Ru torts îoming froeinIloone ('oonty Libet'tyvllle, Illinois. porantJobin ear Esate a color~ed blreach1er lfor soins of'tIre aiso state te tirence cmelIre duck5 In WiIf Be Given Out. hl was piled hlgb with roast p.asuris btspethio. fin e tir t bit cf tre DR. E. V. SMITHI - vu~~~hicIr were dîstrIbuteulinInliberal I.or- sife raigtcnreotd na t ions. Atong toward tIre lat part cf BcPIiMere. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Waulegan, O(t t-,, the feast the preacher Irost noted one l hIlta statud thaf one W aiikegan oman dourss 8te 1 2tu o 4 al 7 ilt . ai l'le tpostion which Ati,%-. James G. oflitIs guetta near the end of tIre table tuas. tagzeil cite of the ductas and ptans uîtice ove, Ray Funlîtiore 8tore. 1 Weclî recii ed (rom Atîuiriî-x (.ener- twiddling is thumba. ai Locev -t that of îeitr isr "Wonl' you have some more pos- tc motînt if and adil tot a rottection LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS taIe0' h AtreyGnaa> fice. mbrother-"lIre bastened to agir. o7 nioonitud bird. In is îpossession.___________________ ralle c th Alerny teneit- ofice "MNore," ;;ai§ the Indignant reply.________________ In mailtera lns'olving an inheritance "MNore? Why 1 havent'a hadl tOoe - DR, 1. L. TAYLOR ta%. ln every estete. a lawu.r retire-IYet.11Ofc nFrtNtoa akBidn snsteamnsrtooreeuo. Dr.11111 aaid thre Americanpeople E fieiiFrtNtoa okBidn selstu amiîsrto o iecio.cannot bie given "more" prospertty Eouao:-l to .:30aud to 8 M. M hure the eshate la over $25,.iiio. ftle wben tbey havent bad "some" yet. . elec i rawy poiePr ('oî:uty Judge appoints an atîtrarser. Lî«Ie nBeroay.i, a ttin Park It la the duty of thre appraier lui have licarings relative to i-he secitrities lett I YIJNGE MEN A DR GODI Iry lIre, decesed. Thre Attorney Gen- R ODN ural has dtermined to bave tIre state.I AfiED 1W1ANuSÀID ETS wb:icb ritceivs e5the Inheritauce taxr. Bour elol2.m.-l to 5P.M. retîreaeutud as an Interestcdl party. TU V ET Over Firet National Bank Tîrerefore, Il la tbe dUty of the repre- IUILI ILLI- fio hoo 9. e Pon 57J suntative ho lbe present et aitt Iearings Waukegan. Oct. 19 - Libetyvle. Dahnois called by lthe appralser. cross-examine Passengers boarding and alighting W e S' 1 y î DR, EL 1IL SMITH. witnesses and investigate the Inven- frotta(the north bound train on three tory flt] and the securities named N'orthwestern. leaving Irere et 6:45 Ask the en to DENTIT. Just the same If lue represented a pri- o'clock, Saturday evening, saw a po- 5VMB LAIS OOUNTT NATIONAL IRAU vate Indisidual lnstead o! the state. lceman rush up tIre patform. mast as StLay4oIJFAFAou-8g te 12 a. m. and 1i b 6 p. m Wbilt the appontmtent of Nîr. Welch thIe train was abount (o start and i' DAILY. =lRfatrynes de- àetul Dni osleusibly la merely te cever tIre grasp two ynung men lust as they Ulmsnduadbrlty,- notLbrttleIlni states interests In tIre Seans and the botb were ciimbing up the steps of a j '*I).tim.w ~Wha Sîete estates, If le the generai belle! coach. TIre policeman pulled thre our emploe do after CHtAS. N. STEPIIENS, &. D. tilait the attorney general wIll Permît strulggling young men to tIre pletform. knoeUimof workh à Dte HOMROPATHIC bina te continue as the state'a attor- Then Ire led (hem up thre etreet to tIent. W dow in TC: PHYSICIAN aud SURGEON ney In other estates In Lake County thre station. Thre young men proved tJNry can't go into a walI. Phoas îOO Office ove, Gai Co. ,whtcb require the attorney generala (tolIre GuueNMoose, ageul 18 years and Ed rua saloon lsmder penalty attentionletîce, it la hue apparent H. Wetleuluft. ageul 18 years, bath of being discharged. If we Lbryil*II (bat Mr. Welcb lias pîcked off a nie of Zion City, tIre former las aad ta Ire did. they'd be justified ini Mltle pluni for himself. lipping down a son ef an eIder of tIre Christian Ca- Ieaving us. tai Sprtngfield and getting an appoint- lIrolic Apos(oiic church of Zien. The c a mcoA NnN 0are thaoB S.lTî1 ment wblcIr ne cîlier attorney In tIre yeuug ment were arrested on the drink tIaeur eitui.simulating Dr. N. W. Shelleuber couray Iras lever i.ougbt betore. charge of attackîng an aged and crîp- beer. They are thre on" tIra: OST&OPATHIC PKYStir4 No Appraiser Yet. pied reaident of ibis eity, J. G. Sudge- punchtIretimet dock promptly WAUKROAN. ILLINOIS m the mor*n and do he moot Wil bet Mrs. CS. ficag's on Oîdhad ic ' Witie 'Mr. Wclc lt is te represent tIre wick. work doea=te de~y. They arm Lbtrtyville. on Tues. Mnd fiida. elte in these estates. is appoutrment The young men wben arraigned lie- gond boys and know th«a drink- afteruoon aund eveaing. dces flot confltit wîth tIre appoîntment fore P'olice Magstrate Walter Taylor illg beenilloderstely neans True o! a apraber or bue an oter ate, amited (ey radatttf.d tre emperance. If we told theme _________________ WE n apraserforthee ad oherlatr, dmitedthe ha atacfed he they coîldn't drink aftr wok pastates. His sscrk is cntirely separatu man, white tbey were on their way (o we'd drive thesistti secret indul- DR. VICTOR C. HOEFNER fromtha lIaof tIre .t;.eraluer. the station to catch a train. TIrey gencedOiS deprive them of se. SEP-I HOC TIre question noil: Who wWllt Iad been drinkiiug and hiait atacked fui, harmlesa plesenre. Itesult-OTOATC PHSCN moateriafl1y diunioisbed mental 215 Madison St., WaLuIegan. MD lutîge Persons naint fuir appraiser In tl'e Man becaue 'we fclt brisky' <ires and physicai buoyancy and iow Offie, Homri ' tIt,, sesenteen nullittit dollar Sears es- ci thenu aid. TIre yeung men were cffciency during workinghboume 9-12 A. M.; 1-4 P IL; '7-8 P. ]I tale? Jodge Perso-tii îed Atty. Ben fined $7.40 by Judge Taylor. Tbey Our men purse their owII Sundaye by Appointment Only M'iltler atîpraiser in i ýe N. A. eteele es ccîîtd n01 pay Ibeir fine and were' Oves and gratfy thcir own testes tal e andlIre bu nowaiut work 011Ili. An ttaced in a cell where they remained withoeamoiemtaion. Most ofthe Telephone 226. aptuaisr l .stc, cu f a ay er Ime s. nlgt. ht5moruin, rtaivus officias othîs fiitory drink beer appaier a lloed$5a dy or ine erngh. Tismoiiigrelties moderately because lt la benefi- L E UIU ettent in appraising ait ctate, and, se- aî-îîared and îîaId tIre tinus. TIre ciaandreehing. They would. J. L ErDiINi D . fllM. cording ho one local attorney, on es- young men were filen reluased. n't ask lthe boys ta give up what VTRNR UGO taesrunigupar o mllono f i saedtht h yun mn tlrey themâAcves wouldn' think VTRNR UGO tahe..s ruuning utis-ur Iof amlino Illsatdtalreyug ren oquatiing. Graduate Chicago Vat. Collage a tille more. tbey ti-u.lly Put In frontIrad been maklng thre round5 0ft somns.4ve kej. Office ai Reaidence, 779 Grand liite 00 aysitilietotl.On tIre o' tIre saloons lu tIre city during tIre Mtontgomery W'ard etate tIre apprais- eurtiur part cf tIre evening. Afler Âe hn 16W - er recels cd $6tî0) for Iis woru, btre t' Ira-Iliccomne sufflclently loaded 'At M Teleittorie 14-M at Bettes prepared thon estate buing vatoed il about two mail- willa a cargo of damp things the, de- DR. M. A. CRA E, ./. Myiri s e. ever En do roux woek. lion. cided to go borne. Tlîsy Iad but few &î M. A. Crane. M. D. J.eAM . Graves None Named for Stars Estate. minutes In catch tIre north Iround Bi ig RA iL TIO To date nobod lbas yul bisea named train. wbbeh teft al (:4?ý o'rîork. Bn lg RA L U T O IE a3 appraiser for lb', Seare estate and,. On titeir way down Madison atreet fite Hiurs-'2 4 p. ru. 144 Ehawood Ave. Wakega4lDanois a% tIret la by far te lergest estatu ta->tIre dettot, lIre9cieltIhe eldurly Man Sooday iixcepted e me Leo,. saoklng yoer date - probateul in Lake U'aonly In unny wsl'iing with the assistance of a cane. Tlephonle No. 2913-R-I yuars. If not rIre lirge-at ever filed, Tîîey immedlately "felt frlsky" and N R L (bure la mucb btere t in who leIlikely decided te do tIre eldurty man "P Superintendent of A C I N E ita bie uamed for Itie pesition wbIchB îtb of tepm rushId au hilm, ans sýhov- Diamond Lake Sanitariium 1 ave hJ uc h I'I O nce InEfr witl brrIng a Iandsontu tee. oul Iimthelicotuer knockud IisIret off Frel fBti re n hcg Ai*' ae-ae1.Stsato ur No Specified Sum for Welch. and cut Irulo tbbcrnd. Thes suddcn- Frel !Bti rtm hc9 aa" aleRte 1.Stlicio.ur In (lue matter of pay for Mr. Welclu peu0 of lthe eiîack causud NIr. Sedge- W'. H. APPLEY In Iis new poasiin as ruPresentative wbck io rumtaî speechless for a Me.- R B . [ 13K IP Phono 21 2-J Lâiiîyvilla of (lie ettorney teitural's Btate. If ment. TIrun reatizlng bis Incapacity - ~ _________________ develoîsts (at thcre lu ne specifled fee ef dealing with tlIt youths, Ire caileli jE N ER AL PUBIC ALJC IOINEERIN for tlus work, lIre atorrley gentraI fix- îoodly for heip. ing(le ay t haevr Ie eea Ire 1'duîransIrrrud towrd (ie AUCTIONEBER IIoÏssi atetion pald I0o rnui«h~ b in thepayet watrvr h fleme he Pdestian huried owade teoaction sales and Irest reault ht a 1services rundurcd worth. It la general- scenle of lue cries, lIre yaung men then. Dates arrangzed and sales made tung mre. Lly admttted tIraI. latIre big estates In- rail. Tlîey dld net pause In (hein on eatislactory termes. Al kindeofiborers, wagons ad Vtlved In tIre lres. nt case, tIre fee fliieb until thuy ruacbed tlus depot. Phone 267-M-I UIBEETyvILLE H orsaeNorY SINffletalhf wilt lie e handaomu one andS Well wlîure lIruy urcbasud tickets andS F H148 o 4 ION CT, I Worthr gaIng atter. biren slartud to board the train. 28&32 N. Ffth AMe _______________ 1 "Sort o! slippcd one over Lake Pabrolman McDonald wes standing Near Mtadison ________________ Couny attorneys In golng down andS on a corner tbreIrteefus away from CHICAGO - ILLINOIS getting (bat appointaient. dtdn't you?" lIre dcpot 1 *len a citizen rushed up to hOCossasTabl. e lietIA asked a reporter ot Mr. Welch wIra fim and told him of tIrs at(ack. The Dinaer SundaysUl"dyi E.U IL IÇ frepi ledviIr l n ",ovr l l. citIze4., to-1A(h.oMo.ficr(a h t young P-ular Pric Specalyt FarraLands haadied raaaoaably. F.. B.'LOVEIL CO. LîbertgviUe .ùe %. ,iýý ID ' à.

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