JLake County Independent wddtonai letR!Y Waukegan Weekly Sun , > wI'uft A N'>Â11 f. F. & V. CO. ON Offlice Telephone Number t. Libertyvilte Exchange.0 b.~0etfzle Vfln uier <iSofDA I<U -Ont" Kait thePostofficeat ai bertyville. Ill., as Second (las@ Mail (nmbr o teM.It cuchan ri'.nds _____________________________________________________1 eRv. W. L.Whippie gatlberedinthe A t the meehiigol ithe stockholdero af O-hitalPapr fr Lke ounY. r. ud Ms. . W Albriht f Ci,,-1chureb partors to give the former pastor the Meredith Flawer & Vegetable Co., 1900e Ever Fridy. Adrtieng Raes Mae Knon onApplicatIon. ff 1Speoit Sunday at the honte oa ilr. aîd lid iailYaarwelre.uiîî,ori. 1ev. hl ttetw alStra ih Iï11SÔ. PI0 Evr Prlday. 1.60dERusng ftaTee Mad Ko IN ADVANCE Waldo. WhPlle has been transierred ta Rochelle, plans were laid for the raising of quite _________________________________________IllI., m'hoseho expecis ta takech(argé this 1an amaunt ai ManeY by a levy ai twenty W. Ji. SMITH ................................ . .......................... ............ Editor eugsl aiya ck u ateodefcsîngIenprcn iteaan isae sdh . S MITH ..................................................................... Manager wr the gue@s of Peter Pelges and shb.PPed ta tuai ity Wednesday. the otockiiatde.fIl the camilittees te . il WEBER ........................................ Resident Manager, Phone 68 iauu)ilY Sunlday. *Attorney B. H. Miler gave the tare-J Att'esful ln callecting thie twenty per C. F. Wrght returned Suanday front a well address lia whjcb ho exepre@sed tse cent front a large number of thé, stock- 1114re are four million men idie because of the Demo- toip ta Texe@suad New Meilca. Ho wac wieh ai the local uteMlerd and irieuds balies hecOPYwilll be re-organlasd, érat4cié trf. This 18 a prett;y sericus charge which those ln Albuquerque a numberoi days, vidît. ýbat Rev. Whipple w.uld have an "IlallOeunte Paid acd the Plant *Placed tha fit wll av t, eetbewen ow ndelctoning bis son W illiami and iamill. equalty succeeutul pastarate a a been under a euampetent inanager. C. F. of tat aithwif hae tomee beteennowand lecion The LakeCounty Bond OfcII h~ i@ lot hore, where lie sa coascientiîaly Wright wag nampd truIstee ta recelve ait -day. ______scato ilbl ht secimeting@.warked for the nPbuliding af the churcit escounts saubgcribed by the stackholders @OeitiO wil bld hoi seondmeeingand tbe commuaity. Hes told ai the@nter the twsnty per cent lsvy )lan. at Lake Villa on october 28tt. Severat iteautffuledîflcebulduring Mr.Whipples Qulte a sum was reatjzed ai the meeting Waukegan is suffering from the usual influxof tramps l'ca totwnship afficers are ptanning ta embra h allgefrsa h sPaictvesyn tbssok attecd. ortuayeef01ltewsnthe fieffotsbofnteofs ttebcomling of cold01 attstnd. ,*Wc alaysfollws he nt hnt f te coingof oldpastor ta have work thereon hegua and holders pressai s3ubtribeil for a fltl ,eather. If t.he city bad a municipal atone pile it would be IlIra. Wm. Burke, tirs. Wn. 1Flaherty finally saw it campleted, the greater alunant ol baresiedby uhem. Anothe hnpeaile e h oe o thm wthn fur nil f'Wau-ad datigbter Miss Roth, lire. Engli hare ai the cogt oi the nsw churcit meeting willlhob hll iatnrday nlgbt. DrurY, Sa lfailighland Park, and lira. atready mot, sudte guarante. ibai th. The -local ctites who are &training keai.S. W. Sustflow 0a i llwaukee, woe satire delit wauld bo wiped out la every musata keep the comanay iram, guoëet 0 . A. Citeka'e Sanday. anatiter Ymir. golag agains ths rock@, are cotpnpling T.e complaints of thefts of fruit and vegetables from Rev. T. C. Bea, the new pesta! oi the 1ev. WhIplvpe responded ta lMr. Miller'e ua l. it e h«oldern are shawinlitlet the J~ g d a lnover the city au680 numerous that the M- E. chuet, proualeu at bath services 'drem thaaklng everyone for teloy&, or no Iteront ln tiheproeedinge ta X1ia 'u Prtective Association wh.tch It is proposed te lait unday ad madeui very favorable SUPPJOrt tuo the chureb and tta ifimeei lan adj"at matter. ad ta atart the con- 1 i'PIII. He l~a frdl&ek bis endeavor ta do his work ior the boit 'ee nna Paying buse, whlit eb h ouaI érgnte t poscut tes petythive, an roaby gt the5et. e l lrclalapakr ailaitii carc milplae a bic ie adotacam ade casil anaemnt iMumeo city member if it wants them. b ooevr ua. bis home for tihelust titres ysare. Front thans who have made a tborougb' _________Tite bang muas clase ai the Preeb,*. tOrneY Mllter presente itse pastor Investigation, tamesa the repart .that terian uanday lichool will hl a bakery wlîb two largif ramsd pîtars i hthoera la noites uban$12.000 wortb oi Ou e ox ILake saloonkeeper declares ho is going tei quit sale at Paut Ray,@ stars Sturday, Ot. e ofri aidaoa icte hesîrgoia lnst b geaoms lite business and start in the real estate business in the 24, the praceedeor ai bcb will go ltta ad ane o1 thes nterior. Mr. Wbipple that Practlcatty ali bliat vent &on U e village. "Saloon business is getting too hot for me the piano fond ai the Suaday echool. tated he would always p7lie the 01 plants are turasi luit. cash mulie af tbme-" said he. He's like many others who have grown The Mrs. S. Dnsenberry houes on Dlvi- pîctares very igbly. rýit montbs. Tbe Officiai reports aleco tiW 'f te uéeaingproecuton nd ven so etiessian street hb lssarensel by Dr. Green Piano selectiana were given by Miss stastes that test year appraziwatety tSied ofthe uncesing proocutionand eesmeiea iwfie, who aipped their bousebolil Neil and Artur Miler. A ilainby lunch 10,000 more Plants are on band this petseciition. goals ta Lihertyville iront Canada. Dr. wase erved alite spirit of cdose fieal- year than les ntIdtitt the actutel net Green sipecte ta apen a dentisîrv office t3blp prevailed among tboee pressai, @ale@s iis vear sbould amoaint ta ton- .With the base bail series on lately and with the war on boe. everybody oshakiag band@ wii të..andal eal oetanee elzdi a&we, » arlyknows te' ta ' tin oig t Po.H.L.Lwlr n fm yofC irs. WhIpple and hheir îhree chldren. ingle years business. There le no deay- * t im s. foe bal u or e aue an * e y p l a t Rsv.c B.o L Lat W lsr daand Tiamil y h. On londay n aumberaof àlrâ. W ippl@s'clg ithâ t he'iMereditht encern hma Mi ikl paine Te ~fleaonot ballar eve the p a-ng, r.anoetdnfl.Fda.y pand Thareday iends preented ler wtb ns oren trns reputation for proga:lg bhe On adY lrfie hr. e. T L aw. liecolcliver spooand alan Tueeday, lire. hautigrade ai cut llowera andl plants ofd he p a g ? ha e foobas ltle s trs tn oerasflth ey. b fes o m oteren as er e. R v a J. . licOutin pe sentel ber with a g alg to th*e C hicgu a rket, and thst o y ea ofrhe a the hadtat te attenofton stev e rn. Ofslisapa the i iIgescide teautiful alIlpain«wiucb sieherse by gettfng tata titat market wlitbte mi iti yar r s teyll etat hecloe f te easn. avenue cbareh, Chicago, wae transferred pit.rIglitzmethoil of dieposiag the. stock,. tu LCare byth cnfrene oad! Lais aad Roth Wippls were gIvahan uies t t te hghesiclaie, Pro vtlWo ear , the cRgUty ýc ddatesOu L.te m%ý Chas.Uhu, WhoaiebauesPlaYed'byl iaewdll Party Monday evenîing at thcould ho worked up la a short tinte. pawclà ickt ax StTin thins ml glpil ."m4,akéChas. Brùi» lac came tinte, was u Inleë lahome ai1liattie Llgbody. A pleasant The committs Incharge oaigitrg P Iub. lca i tictt 10 Stnd, fo g t e ec pg o n p th e i~y W L aite arriage v wth M issEthel M cD an'ald ai ve ing ai g m es and m u eis was . y .Ille ont a cha oe are de er ine l tu brla&. ~rnut rigt no and fro theiOCeitiOl tley 80 mOtUg, Malnotte, Wl...inaChcago an Tuaal- dqr..1 al. About îwenky-tîve casettana@t nlaretn itt t apeas eidettht Lke ouny 1 teresme lsposi. Mr. and lire. l ill go ta hO-sk9sèP..andlte Medamas Cha& Taylor and Will metIng Bturday niitit, weitenItla u.a lte banner Republican county in the state. WeU, lng about Novembor lot, itavlag reata Deai, teaciere aiftthe Sanday echool imaaalta PutMmt aiti.he mond te c" d t I? Rvent w hd eque of he emo te new bungalow on the corner oaiBowam-nIiswhih the. Misses Whlpple atteand-ontpaany witacman ud wlll do thinge ta g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n msII' t ae' ebd nuhe h UO a treei and Burîbutt court, awaed od, wereprenant. putte plant on ito test, andi %bey am ÏZÏc.Pregrmea alliance whicb bas cotat 10dbarly? Look& by Daranil & Duaad. ________aitout thai every itackholde, aifea l ti II iepnssntaulvc aof a Ciicago brase$ «a-Possible, willl hopresamutadtake a manufacturlacoincera bava beta nLit. R SS EN 't b an tees a blg bancaitr e., -Does't it make you stop and tbilnk bard tehearsme ertyvllle for came@ day. witite prop. o- INN cDOOL t o m e a bigpoe of aiée Oum vito ba nover made a succeas of anythlng, stand on.ecIllaul view oi.eaiablishlng abras>ch ad assurance tbat wbatsyer le don. corner andla loud an ---~~" te- M . e I actarY bars. 15 le sak i tat the cont- EhOie isigbt beors Thankoglving day,liangtiscort attewieii ~r su iteHABmad a uccsa f .anvtbluu uitf *te& aifthh achool poqain W lbais litentajorlîy. be altould and sbould net do certain thbzg? JD'a the, *ÎW et lte wved, vo presuine, but it sort eft "gels oee" te àf t. _ _ _ S-1Thé ulzdstera suggestion that Waukegan as a muni- = $ty isoetework for lte Winter viticli wMfgive, U kth ie un.mipled who are sure te ho seeking assist- *oe, lu net untimély, and it rnay develop that there is uoletiirg hich the city needs te do which would just , 'vide fer such a condition. It's these kiuds of stops, *kte taken iu omergencies, that make cilles worth while tehvè in. Pr. Hill, speaking at the Armory meeting in Wauke- gan Tbhraday evening struck a popular chord when ho ald in substance: 1"What man ia there outaide of a padded ç0or y0io is on lte DeiMocratic payroll who wouldn't will- inly and gladiy change the present general state of de- proMion titrougitout the country for ANY ON1E of the 16 pars o! Reýublican administration which vo had before?" Abd, theie's lots in his statement. In fact, WASN'T RE ;MST RIGHT? i aukegan and other cities can find food for reflection Mad possible emulation in the idea advanced )iy the people referred t ini tis telegram:. "Galesburg, Ill., Oct. 16.- Alingdon, Ill., lias started a move for .'square-up day,' ;v,*ch bas gained favor rapidly throughout the counly. Deaignatiig Jan. 1 as 'square-up day,t il is proposed that everybody setties his financial obligations, social difficul- ties anud petty quarrels, thus creating a proper spirit of good vill on slarting the new year. Kilk vs. eooze is the story told recently by a large and welikuovu manufacturer before the safety first convent- ion held in Chicago. He la an employer of thousands o! Mou, among whom the booze habit vas growiug. Some- A,, iii1g had le be don. as il vas demoralizingthe force and Tuiing themr efficiency. Bo ho ordered the milk wagon to - ajipear at the factory daily at certain hours and the men wvre allowed to buy as freely as they vished. In due tourap oftlime the wagon became popular and the desire (arnilquor on the part of the mon began to disappear. To. du>, heicWa, that milit las utterly routed liquor from his nie ituman conscience *18 a peculiar thing. It is often " atic when generally regarded as firm as a piece of Pte oir instance, a person of lte strictest integrity in ~at home and evrywhero, vill appear before the adcheerfully and blithely swear off nine-tenths eb<bl taxabe peràonal proporty. Bo another mian, caught a mgý np at seine blind pig, viii get on tue vituesa * amâ and sirear taI ho neyer taated a drop ot liquor lu Mé.' lit. mgboy bau said that conscience maires cow- %gib*bt un .&U but on.lte other hand ltlaites cousiderable terg~ fade lt.eamausr at tax time or a jury iu a blind tere have uni as set siapil lhemelvei saffilntlY ta wauvat a mors complote attoancement, tkInt tle admttel ltai cacera 18 about ready ta close a deul for a local building Tite Boyschau building on Mlwauke avenae iibasa enleasdta lwa lroîhere, Lionel ail C. Bull, wita have a patenta an a unlkng machins. The brathers1 have forme a eompany, the L. BullU BaIl lilking Mamies Ca., the machtinesi bslng madinlaChitcago and Notrtit Chics. gh, and tse parte- wllli e shppsl ta Libertyvîlle witsrs they wil b. assebled f ready fur %hipment. Tite machins ins ai4 3 la be greati> impraved aver machinesd now tise l intiaconntry. The cota-E pany will take possession aifbthe buildingJ Navember fIret.1 Preebyterian Services Ilorning warship 10:301 a. m. Themne- "~The Joy af a Christian." Sahbatb sebool 11:45 a. ta. Mr. Rtoy Wright, Superintendent. fjbristlan Enleavor 6:45 p. m. Toîîic. " The Christian andI the Ballat." Leaders, Boy F. Wrigbt and Serait Wood. Eveaing service 73 p. tm. Theme- *'The Gospel," Bible itour study oaitheLe of1eaiChrist evsry Wsdneiedpy eveaing at 7:4,5. à. M. Allburt, Paotar. X ]EL Church Service&. 10.00 ta. Snnday schot. 11:00 a. m.. Preacbîng, 1ev. T. E. Resa. 6:45 p. in. Epwortb Leagus. 7:30 p. m-. Preaching, 1ev. T. E. lleam. MANI ARE TAIi@ED FOR BENEFT O0F LK. BLUFFORPIIANMi MONDAY, OCT. 19, 1914. Huudrels af usa anti women walk- ed about thte clty today wlth a Uitie heart-ehaped tag dangllng frata e but- tonitole or lapel la a coat. lu ladicateil that thie taggers hati been plylng their trade assiduously. Under the direction of Mr$. Arta- irongte local corps of taggera was so arranged titat taggerý6 wore locaied on al te principal cornera ln the. clty. Tiiere was nune trylas t0 en- caps@teu for no matter wich way yoo wauld tain you wonld be srattr 1 be met by a tagger andl a re4uust to purcitase a tag. Indepeadent r&ader? BE ONE.' egçaai teauaoflte tuce liWpoie- sltoma mon ai Libortyvîlle. Tba.program la ralter unique, andl ai a- great mmaY people have expreuiel man lteretithut malter, Il hb baa Isideil ta hll the dobaI. la tih Auditorium. This la nat a money utakiag entertaimneat. The debala la glvsa parely for the parpoie ai glving the youag flke soms experience Ia public cpeaklag. Hawever, a lîglil adilion will b. chargeil la orler ta caver expese andulIf ibore ehould be. any profits tbey wil b. expendeil upan tse btgb echool library. The question for discussion ba@ not boue elected s yet. The fallawing 19 a list of bbe debatero: Buainess Men High School J. a. Swan Marlou Taylor Wm. Deeker Fred Prouasn Dr. Taylor Blancit Scbanck B .Mll.-r [)a!@ Callns A.C urrav Eu a WIliiamm Paul Ray O)rsotn Pierce Carr"i Gridley %Ifariory Ta3 lor Roy Wriglit Hauri Davis E. 1). Huibard Elitît Snydain J. T. Roh.rtsoo Gloen Hluhlard LOCAL BRONCHIOF Y. M. C. AÀ. OROANILII> A4 Libertyville Y. M. C. A. ias bée.n organized by tleyonag umenaIfbte tawna wiha charter iueibership oi fiteen. Thte gymnastuin apparatus, wlîlcb was donated by Lic. Stevens, si.nla xeculeat condition. It in.ludes a collection ai dumit-belîs aud clubs, a fine pvncltuag' itagglaves,exrc'sers, arowing machine' c&al billard table. As@idefiota te wark la gym., the tutmbers mIntdta farta sous sort ofai cal and satertainmeab arganizatian, which wlil lie a asource ai pleasure aol instrur!tian for aIl who particîpate. At te preqfflt time aew ussubers are turning up la pienty. The initiation le consllered evea by the victimeasaInlter. esing as Weil as amusins. Asir Bey. White for relereae; ite la the mont recoai ans ta tuBis the journey ealely titrongh. Ite mysteries. The Association leservea ithe support ai aIl the Libertyville people for lu la inlfilLing a long teti ant aid la capable ai doiag an Inestimable amnuni it fgad. Bt.LawrencoEpiscop'lnurolv 11ev. EDNVÂaa S. WHITE, Prlest-ta.chargs Holy Communion evsry Sunley 7.45 a.mt. FiretSunalynmantb 10:80a.mu. liarntng Frayer every Sundey oxaept aboie 10;80 a. ni. Bunday actoal,11:45 a. mi. AIl BoIy Dae. Haly Communton 9:00 2lie Iadependent levAdaaIL Public notice la boreby givea that, on Tbceley, Novembor 10, 1914, aet 1 aetlock lantse aternoon aif that day, a speclal meeting aip the alacktomer of #W. DeerfliîlLumber Contpany wnU t hald for the parpose ai votlng on the lacreeaging ai ths nuaiber ai direetora, la said campaay,, tramnttrée.taftve,aet nitici meeting yotu ,preiuce tg requesteil. C. FEAýNK WIaIiT, Ir. C. IMEncra, cOct. 9, 16, 23 Stoves and We have a complete stocket "Stewart"' and "Red Cross" Ranges, Cooks, Mlot Blaets and Base Burners 4rU P-1g Stock-Right Price Schanck Blros. Ubertyville I Job Pnt*ig L Fra Mis rieaI Mid iriend Misé tis mic elten York Ri" thea4r Mir§ Iront Wk 8undi aifi Yaî Rallc Mr. ber. i E. recea returi tr. Thur Tité Oriat ftry te 0 Mis Jas * Baril Gel Dru& obta Worl Co. Dr eacit -IL@ Drun Hall. tir 8.1 Satu Joad Tb enter lier Ih Sevet good Tb- m est Oct. tLe r, C luit. * Jol T ues. Long Toi M lnc TIi. lu tat Chien impr. lii muni Tiv tLo court ai Ch su .p.ý Thurn Oscar Chicaj tive foliovq CLEAI4 WORK A FULL COUNT I Il lad - cout 1' TEN DAYS FREETRIAL Ç You eau try tiais beau- tiful Victrola ME in your own home.. By makîag amaîl monthly paymeats yon willI bon awn a Victrols--he greateet of ail musical instruments. And ih briago t» you t.he very beau o mui. si every kin<, sang and played in the. very best way by the very buat artiste. Tihe ide- ai plaie le lesmthe n ew dan- oea sla i thehonme an&ihere te Vimtot'là abiolutely indis- pensable. Prise S53to 5100. Try "L New Dance Recorda H.4 B EGEMR UbsclyvSh i -l I I I E .1 t CANNOT unîlerstaîîd why there% should ho a single ixidividîîaiýwi th any resipnsilhlity whiat- soever, wlo lias family, relatives or friends, who lias not an aesurante upoît his life. 1 hold as benefactors of lîuîanity and society those who do go around ilsing ecloquieince, iioetry and persuasion and every- thiîîg else, and win mîen to go out and assure their lives. 1 have very littie regard for any man who leaves tlîls world witluout having beetu able to leave hehind imi a life assurance policy, so that titose dependent upon hlm -are provided for; so that any debte lie hiniseif may have are paid, aDd, if ho lias not lunCh of an estate, so that lie himi. self may lie huried in decency and honor. Arehbihp Irlandr. JOHN IIODGE .District Manager. OLD MICHIIGAN MUTUkII!! Il ÎaQýýM ý 3le 8em