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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Oct 1914, p. 6

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Qsîaity-Boyd's Studo-Prie lgbt. [)r. M. A. Crane, who bas bail posmes. aloi] o! the Diamoud Lake botel foc teso ypara, bas opened an office in Ares. Until cecenti> Dr. Cranoe was connected witb a sanitarium in Chcago and also wltb one In Battle UCee. Borne o1 the Pro- perty n!i sbe botel lha@ liseetraris!ocmed iito tceatment raîme imd equipped with apparatus of the moet apvrored method@. la the treating of patients, special empbaeis wili lie laid upon hyrotheraphy, diet, ii-~saffe and sipfecal ezercisea. Tbe Dlioi,'.1 Lake Hotel lha@ mac> natural adcatit;kgeo whlcb maks It an admirable location for a Healtb Resort. The sani- tarlum les certainly a vaînabsle adjunct ta Diamond Lak.e. Miss Tffany %vas a Chiago viitor on 8 iturday. Mies Olga lias ctucncd hoiie irom the I8iii>at Belit. M. and Mc@. H. Webcenbecg and C;ootips and Candie@ always fresh. daugliter ai Libertyville sileut the cre- Laagwortlyis Store. Ara. end nt Wm. (iecbece. Paul Rtay'aud family o!fIibetyville John Ronse, sr., cras a libetyvili agent 8unda>' wit relatives lere. risitor Tuesiday. lira. W. D. Porteus and childreîî est Mmc E. Sroder, RIhard and Fere the week-end wtlî friend,. in Chilcago. visted at Itondlout Saturday. A ine cap o! coftwesand a banîdwlî h at Tlîe suhool le now equi1ped wtb an Langwo)rlby'@, Ares. finluami wait o rgue and Mies Tiffany te tea,,hiug the for tise car auytiuuus puvits iuging. Mr. sud %icc ,L. A.ltirruo,t,rtu.:ieii TthsWhittmsc fanîth and Mie., Heal>' i@a Frances Suiti ifii l , ie andioil Cane Cottage bave rtuned to the iai Mabe Murue ohfirssayae Suniday. ,itv after s1eding ithe unuier lere. Mm B@Srt Swau -pent sceerral .ls>c 6ý111Rav and Iaîinfy of Areà sîent seT, lat wes-k lin îiag Ste cras t e-s-al duys lut wesk ut ii . I Ry. gusit o! lier bieter, Mis E'r1.(itW. iL. M. Anderson sud fanuly ~nd S. Don Box Station, Tabtet. Pýst (ai i, iîcatteoiîof Cbicago iepeît Sunrlay at the NoJw Vscîeîy Store laugirortlî. o i.îlrrson homiie bece. About tlirty friiids suiiri-iied Mcanîl Mm. S. L. Trîîîîîut their hiomîe 1,rida>' evelng o! ast week snd teudened tietu acehicten pie dinner ini honor aIfIlie 2.tb aneivecsary "o! their muacclage. After tîhe repait Mr. andilrs. Triîîîî cere pre- dsated wLli a set o! cilivéepoons. OU> LIQUOR CASE NISPOSED 0F WIIEN LUN PLEÀD (IIILTY Charles Cross of Highwood Is Fned for Conducting Blind- pig ini That City. Au o011 lîquor case wag dilposeti of intovnet>' court Saturds>' a. in. whee Chetles Cross of Hlghwaod appeared la dourt aend jleste gui lty tb uesplng a bln4pg ln that clty. Me was ar- mtlgaed under an ledlctmIent whtcb ýVrAs ceturned latsprleg sud whlch 'Wa5'certiffed to the coucty court snd vas se( for tlîe lire tern. Because there were an mauy cases ta hbe dIspos- ed off t that limne the states attorney' toisue that and a few other casese. Cross Ifid nt deey thaf he id conducted a bllnd îîlg but declared that lie bail losed ilsie place tof bus- liess as soon as filie indctmaeet ias rclurned. Stui:uta ilihe sayc lie bias kept out of Oie business etirely andi sever inteîds taoru-ure ta t. Unuer thie cicumstances the court vas faclîneed te show tlsmnacy sed ad- Inleiteced a fine of $75 and rosha ou thf lu-t count ami continued the tecond counit P.hle lanuar>' term a! court. 'Phis tsares a club hangîng 0%#-c the heail of Cross anti irohably vOl have the recuit oah keelulut hiim Gordon Ila v aud Arhur Holand evre n Chivago for the weekend. WRhat'b the attraction, boys? Bob Rouse and Walter Piiple crere Clilcago visitors ast weet. Fisliieîcls good 00wliicb le îeryune- usual aI tliot tme o! ysac. lire. A. Roues was a ttautsgan visit- or Tu*§da>' and Wednesday. E. Serodec and famil>' and Mca. LUI @peut Bueda>' at Elgin. Mca. Sbroder risited a eepbew. Herman Wenzel, a @allr le the bU. S. let off Mexico. The Ladies' Vecnon Cemeter>' soclet>' will hld their annal bazaac lu S. T. Footes@ hotel, Hait Day. on Tneaday, Oct. 27. Suppec served fcam 6 ta 10. Everybol>' weicome. LAEZMJCH_ Mc. and Mcm. Chas. eip of Pafatine calied an frleeds and relatives bers Bat- urda>'. LouIs Geacy and Pbtlip Yuoung 1f t for Grand Rapde, Nf ici.. Saturda>' ta join tbeir fasmilles. who bave lie vi8iting lits. Lemptie a couple of weets. They retucned Tuesday. Mm. Lue3dmacker of Chicago is accu- pying the main iluor cf thie Piilip Yioung eidence un Lake front. Fred Porteus visted at Chicago a c days lait ceet. 1 lino Rose Prýlibr as rturned [ram Wankegan alter a two-wès-eke isit. The baàse lslilg lias lisse extra good the last ew week, eom-tlîiniz eey un- nouai foc tlils tlîns-o! tlie sesaon. Ed Freund of McHeecy rimiteti t the WmU. Bictuage hou- Mndai. M. ltwsl o! Cliliagi nmade a eaul at the Arthurd3riggs houle Mondas- M. Rogers oht rystal bats audAiss Mlamie Hlotemeyec tcansacted business for tic Public Service Co. liere. nt o!, le hsts e u inigh 1 Miss Eus Feddeler of Palatine çisited anilithalr he lcnedti0r-enter li "frieude tiesSaturda>'. 13onis of the cases lu whlcti Indfet. imeula nere ruturned hlavene hec dIs Posei a!, fthe states attorneuy colle PrOaulng accu-cal wlece le is cocu O. edthe Usdefendante w iII îot ceenter Mh business. -%ie are couiinueil pendiug bte >'ood behavlor oif thoqe Who dece engagedin t the Illegal sale o! liquor. IL la probuablethue cases wil' be continued f'rom time ta lime sa long as the defendauts teep thelr Promise but cie be eutocced an>' time Ilere la a volation. Mm. Emîl Frankt lensdtug a weee cill rlatjêi n iag Hall Day Church hi :10 a. n. Gernanýsudfty cliool. 10:0.si. Church 5.-ce hue. 1:t1t p. ii. Euglisht Sund1îs Sebool. 2:30) p. ii. Pceac.ing. 7:30 p M. Pceachiug. 1:30 pin. Thursida>' ruld-wetk meeting. Pastor, L. E. Tiuoman. I M 8. L. Tripp, President. R. F. Route Vice Praticien. Irving E. Payne. OaahIos. SACRICE MEANS SUCCESS It takes a littie sacrifice and itt1e wiIl power to save a part of your earniugs and put At into a Savings Account, but it means SURE SUCCESS 3% Interest on Savings 3% THE CITIZENS' BANK AREA, ILt. ia"Maloe liii Bank Your Business horne." Quality-Boyd's Studlo-Prlce right. The October meeting of the Womnan'a Missionar>' solety of the Prembyterlau cburcb was held, at the homne of C. B. Easton, Mma. Burt Easton and Mrs. Mahel Shaffer as bostessea on Tbursiday atenon mperanating women of China, Pers and Japan, Mesdames Iteichelt, J.,Roies, Jr.. and Misâ Wood- Mises Frannea and Mldred Pratt gave a Party at tbeile home on Western Ave., Thurada>' eveniog. B. A. MEttart and familv have maîed to their cit>' home this % test. Mi@sse Mary 'and Nan O'Seil are at- tendlug a convent sehool at Rlogers Park. Miss Frances Kemîp le epending a inonth witiW trienda st Nottb Dakota. 6. Fra@ier o! Chicago, visltéd witb frieuda here Tueada>'. By T. F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent Qualty-Boyd's Studio-Prices igt Box Station, Tablets. PoAt Cardg, etc. Nov Vajwty store-Lanicwortllv's Miai ýla1en Johnson was a Chicago vwatorMonday. Lagworthy'8 store, Area, foc advanoe abowingof Chrstmuas Toys. Shop eurly. Mr. and Mr@. t. L. Rielharde of Janes. wile vlited aàst week at the S. L. Tr'lpp Mira. Gta J,'ris ievisiting lier sonanud PRAIRIEVIEW Quality-Boyd's Studio-Price rght. Mr. and Mrs. tC. J. Mîason and son Harry wece Deerlleld visitors Sunday. Mrs. L. H. Krueger and son Arthur and Mca. f. Coon motored to Elgmn one day Iaët week. Mrs. R. Hnton of Iiverside. eipent a few daYe of last week weitli ber uiother, N. Bolt. len F ry bas Roue to Wiwconsini to a ork. Mcc. A. W'bernberg and Cors. Ecuegcr w@rc Chicago vilitors Satucday. Fred Toa uer ,,nîany !leuds m-ill beU Riad 1.olieur le. leon the gain. ;1 M. a-id Sirs. Eddî were Uicago iitors a !Cw daýý S last week. Tili Mitchell 1bit %ednesday to isit bier bcîthere iiu Montana and South Dak ota. The Ladies' Aid of the MVeling Pres- byteriati chureli wilIl lild Ilisir annual Ilazaac t at rtmian's hall, Thursdi>' eveniug, Oct. 2l'. J. P. ltitzentlîaler and daugliter Irmia and H. Knoî,! nere Chicago visfitors Saturday. Nis. fi. 0. Friteli of Highland Park, vjited at M W. Knedlers the tiret oftlie week. The Ladies' Vernon Cemetecy soclet>' wllli old tlilcannual llazaar ln S. T. Footes hotel, Hall Day, on Tuesday, Ot. 2-j. Supper served from 6 to 10. Everyb<,dy welcouee. c NÀauad of the Kalser'im 5cm>', eaded b>' toi. Fred Prease, Captain Ueo. Hauot, goreant F. Holtie and Corporal Herinan Ho lat, declded that tMige vere not ver>' lvel>' around Prairie Vlew, no the>' ahmsldered their gnns and tacted for Gr&&& Lake to look for "Jle. Upon thaîr arrivai thece they dbscovered that the allies vece well iortjfied and in the akirmlsb wece cut off froin their supplea, consequenti>' the eating waa rather poor. The Colonel and Vorporal returned next day, but the Captain and Sergeant reminlnd one day longer lu the hope of recapturing their aupplies. but the allia& We.e too mucb loi them ona the had to rturn withAtut the coveted prize. Weil, we hope that they will bave botter luck net time. FEED MI LL NOTICE After 7Nov. lt.I ril grIcd foeelon Moulsys. Tuecîsyg, Thorsilsys and Batucîsys, ex-ept legal lillsyo, cetîl futber notice. 5c2 Deiglil S. Dolph, Prop. The Indepeneeet bad ail. on the campus Bunda>' eveeiug. Miss Mane of Indiana, visited 8atur- dayv with bec brotliec, Floyd Maine at tbe côfiege. D)eerfielî-iShieidds igli scbool teain 'was defeateul Saturday sîfternoon b>' Morgan Park Hugli chool. The @cure? liant metion if. Moeday oe-sinjg enecal assembî>' the play Solrali an l iusteen" wius gicen b>' Rodue>'Nlas,u, Frederlet SIii-nfsc aud Charles Beard. Misses Susarcua BoIse aud Estu.-r Kinig .elped thus enter- talemeut bf i>'sgilg. Counilors uLdutv tus week. M. Frenci, E. ScLir.ier, L. zaeduick and f i liceler. FARMERS ARE 100 1 BUSY TO BOTIIER Auaîysis muade oft tue registration ce- veaf s the fact thut mac>' Republlcaîî faruece ln aIl pacte of the tate failed ta regîcter. Thue t)eeocrats bave in their vaclous courity Iieadquacfers the cames aofîrarctiuhll> every macnecho f alleil ta regleter aniunlegalug avec tlue lisetathe chaliieu tihcoveed tUe no- ticeabis number of tiepulcan farmnece an the ucregistîreil lista. Iuquîry Into flue cause developeil tUe Information that $1 wlieat, 20 cent wooi, 75 rernt cocu andl $9 hoge. wlth other farta products lu proportion, 1usd much 10 do witt the case. These lRe- publican farmers dîiflot lIke ta rote agaleat thelr nid part>'. Nether dfd they' wlsh ta do anythlug, that would interface wih the pceseut prospecaus condition of the fsrmlug business. A country banter le dlscusslng the facmhng ludustry stated that Septeun- ber wss the limes o! the year wbeu moat cotes jlu due that were glven b>' farmera at publie sales. As a cule, be sald. 50 per cent o! Ibase notes are palti sud tlîe other bal! recewed or extenedt. 'This yeac. however. braite all recarda, sud fulI>' 76 par cent o! these farruers' notes were pal off last montis. This hanter sald he made lu- qulr>' amaug other haciters andi the>' repocteil a similar condtion. As a coosequence neari>' ail couutrY bants show an Increase ln depoits. The tait of thhs banker le eideuce o' the blgbiy satlefied condition of the Iz rmecs n l inilssud nîay accouet for tlhe fallure of su mac>' or them ta regsler-tbey don't care ta do an>'- Il fug ta lelerfere witlu the Democratie administration that bas doue'sa mncb for theun. AUCTION SALES Ail auction sales publiahed ln the Independent are charged for at lhe rate of 5 cents amline when an order for auction bil accompanles tha notice, otheresla. the ragular rat: of 10 cents par lino will b. chargeai. Ravinw reeîed ru>' tarin. 1 wilill e t public ouction oit the premlaca. kuavu as the J. H. Weterfield, tarin, on Mil. waukee Ave.. 5 miles aoutb aI Lberty. ville and 1 mile iîortb ol Hall Da', u TBtRSlAY, tICTOBEIt 24 Cojmmsncing at 10 o'clock a. ni. sharp, the followîng pciiperti-: Team black borses, age 1), wt 3500; teaàni gray' homses age 12, wt 28(0; black mars, age 10, wt 1400; roan hures,, age 10, wt 1300; drivlng hunme, age 8: dirving puny aee i, colt age h, it0 Choies cow@, of whieh (G are springere, fremh pîoi, :3 in mut. 2 sows witli rontlî old pligs.17 lioato. 2 sows. about 50 chickeyns, 10 whilte Hol- land turkeys. 2 truck wagons wlth rck@,, 2 nacrow tire wagons m-iîl boxes, heavy spciug wagonu, buggy, lîglît sprtug wagon, bores rate, lia>' loader, 1 side deliver>', Dering mowiiig muachinue, corn binder, 2 walking pIoos, set of drags, 2 pulverizers. elhiovel plu w, potato difgger, walking cultlvatoc, tank li-alec, Prairie Cîtv seeder, coin plantmr, 2 sulky culti. vators, 2 liolîsleds, grain biîîdec. double cutter, jactereasm. grindetonep, lol!eiest, aunirig mril], Fairbankgs caIes. '2'lind corn planterm, new forge, -d5 bu. wheat, 850 bu. (îats, 10i tons beay. large straw stact. -)0 acces cura In shock, .4 beatero, Cook stove, Scbultz cabinet gcanîd piauo lîauseliold furniturp, iian>' thînge too iun nîcco ustu, tmen tioni. lree I uîîclîut 1 mi.I uai terrn. Sirs. luae Wetectlelî, Pcop. Mrs. Isabelle Waiduer, Executrix. Geo. UeAuctioneer. tien. Quentin, Clork. 5CI Mau appsared tn costumes o! thecounties M. snd Mra. Ubleini are nowiwlu their represented. Sire. Reicbqit. Sr., preeided, winter homne où Sheridan riîad. a quiz was gt-en ou tbe study o!ft: Mrs. Burt Kennedy and baby are vîsît- Philippine Island, eaci member resêpou -d ing witb friends hers. ing tii a question. An autograph nies- misses Esther and Isabella King gave sage of aympatby wam sent te NI. m tbteatre part>' for a number of Croit. wbose lîusbaud le ver>' illin il.tue'igli. cu frieuds Satnrday î.veniug. Wet Stiburban bospital lu Austin. Ths Misses Colvin are iisitiug witb A silver loving cnp given by the Western 'triende at Sulpbur Sprinegs, West Vrginia. Airedals Te-rrier Club was woe by a Mise Kathecine Facwell is expectsd puppy !roithe ktuîiels of William Rpa>' lonie frum a vieitlu New ) or, Nov. 1. at the Dog Show lîeld at the Coliseîinî Frida>', Nov. 7tli l the date chIoeen Saturday. or the debut o! Miss Evelyîî Shaw. Five hundred comnmutation ti'kets Tlis Bre department t-,as (-ailed ta the were stolen froeithe tC. M. A- St. P. home of George Fsher at 11 1). ni Sattiîr- sation Frida>' ight. îlay. The ire wss quiekll put ont b>' Mr. aud Mre. Williami Gsddiî rare rot- the llreceii. lng Mr. Gaddis tutiti-r l in incennes, lIld. TIie pipe argani at the l'rpsliyteciati Il aîd Mc..RovMaci ni Rger cliirch wliich bas been iii u - for eo loneg a tlîuanleMr@.cgRoybMartianofîîiî,ferrîzed Park. were the guects oh Sir. and M rsa iembinrbuladnoeriz. Reiîhelt. Jr., Suday. Mcc 1). W. Harîman etcrtameid Inet At the ioving pcture ëbîîa heidlunaeek for lire. Beneker of1 ('in nratri. tbe &cliool Frida>' evernîg a tlree reel Jaunes King and (dcciniiti,îs are tîhe dramia. King Kenem' Dligter, and a i-nîebers o! tîîe October granîd jury from comie ic lm, Tu- Miagicat Arobate. were Sfields towcship). given. Will and Edwaard Attecldgc an] familims lIev. Liîdec ,oftrîîu nPoint. liii . nul niîitîîrwd toO k Pari,Sca twi îstallcd iii trw i,. P t. 'îs Eangelical 1A n, îng r lispe who Ialiiirtriliased clioccl Sunday, Ot. 2 by e. Scieur lots lu Lats Foreit aie.:Ti,- îdley, o! Sliermecville. 1'. illis Grillis, Neil Campeil, Il ci Iickîn- Miss Mildced Wliting entertained a, son, Bill Logan, Wm. <)Ncîll. Jr., Daive isw of ber frinds lunlionorio lier bictli. Wilson, John Dowis aud \,.d Burgees. day Monda>' et-eing. Ladies take notice. Mise Irene Hueison, wliolias been Y. W. C. A. visttiug lier aunt, Mc@. R. Holmen o! The Y. W. C. A. rooais aili Us upened Beaver Falls, returnied home Saturds.y. again Nov. lot. miss Choe bs-nt inl Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Meyer and clilîdren cbarge. were the Sunda>' guesta o! Mc. and Mrs. Misa Roe will teacb saiiumiug com- J. Roy Ozonnes of Evauston. mencing, Nov, lit, ita Cot yet declded Mc. and Mc@. William Krlcb bad am wbat swimmlng tank will Us uaed. tbeir Sunda>' gueats M. and Mrs. Heur>' The Senior Club Camp Fire Gilsansd Kuebker and son Vant of Crayalate. Motber's Club wili contîuueas prevloualy, Mr. aud Mca. Wm. (isterman and daugbtsr a! Cbicago, were the Sunda>' SCHOOL NOTES guesta oi Mr. snd Mr@. E. H. Wilmau. Lake Forait College, football team S. A. Hloleman rttunnd Wedneeday deeated DePauw team o! Indiana, Bat- irom Cagacy, Canada, ater opending urda>' aiternoon bv a score of 20 ta 0. the summer there. Large number o! rooters wsre there for A number of frleuds gave Mils Jos. botb ides. The Lake Foceat Collage phîne Woodmnan a pleassut surprise baud furniahed music during the gaine. IMonda>' evening. Prof. and Mrs. John Clapp entertained a number oi new stuileuts at their bains Hiavig iig 'ecidi to q1uit farmîing the uoiîccsigue i-duli si-Il at îîî[lic aîîcttuou tîje preîîiscs kuîîwi as thîe Huntihglon, 1 mile West o! Gîluîuvr. 5 cites iast ,of 'r', uonda andl ule ]-nrtiist o! bats Zuricl o mn 111hDAY'i 4 Tt) IEt 730, I1914 Ciiumàeiurntg ut 10ii'vlik a. iii. sharp: b5 beal o! lire stoc-k, 29hit(iofiiattis-, b lead o!fIjîrses, 21 hoge, 27 ebssp. ha>', grain,ý lacin unchiîery anîd poulîr>'. Ptecty tii sat aed dciîîk at eoumn. I suai ternis of sale, lDc. G. . . lvergcon, I'op. .ug. Froeliclu, Aictioueec. A. G. Siueirnan, Clrt 'Fiel HUNIER SLAYS AN IRATE FARMER AT KENOSHASUNDAY Trespasser Shoots Wisconsin Man When Attacked With Brush Hook. LOCAL OFFICERS IN HUNT. Is the Most Atroclous Murder Reported in This Locality in a Long Time. The police autharîtles of Wauitegan andt Mon Cityt> oit part Sunday aller- notn lu s searcb for the bhutier who abat and kîlleil a Kenosha cant>' far- NOTICE Reduced Prices to Usera Of Money Orders. Comnienclng October 4tb, Morne>' X)rders purchaeýd st our office take the tolowing redueed rate@: .0 .ote$ 2.0...............................2 cents 2.1te1.0 .................................. 5 10.01 te 50.00................................. 10 50.01 te 75.00.................................15i 75.01 te 100.00................................. 20 Theoe pricea env.ble a ssvleg o! one.tblrd to une-bal! over the regular coot o! mone>' orders. FIRST NATIONAL Bank URKiRTYVHl.E, IL£.. Capital and Surplus Reanurcea oves - . - $300,000.00 Theodore H. Durst. President. W. B: Smnith, Vice President. F. W. Churchill, Sacretary and Manager Hon. OeWittL. Jones. Cen. Counsel TELEPHONE 8 1 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $125,000.00 WAUKEGAN ILLINOIS Wisconsin Dairy Land The Loeb-Hammel Re- alty Company, has a few very chioce, partly iînproved-farms in Taylor county Wisconsin, for sale at excepltionally low prices. Tlîeue slîould be seen tI) he ai>ireeiated. Go and have a l4iok. Fare refuîinded to buyers. I Trip every week. H. D. BOYD LIBERTYVILL, ILLINOIS OFFICE IN HANBY BLOOCK, MILWAUKEE-AVE. the slaylng sud hIe compauloos were an their way toward MIon City or Wau- '<egan. The searchlng part>' eas asted tat ep s walcb foc s rather tal muan wlth bfack muutaches and accompacleti by a black huutîug dog. The Wsutegso officers telît nu s searcb fac sevecal bouce but wthout succeuas 5 the man chargeil wlth the crime wss caught nearer Kenosha. Foiiowlng la au seconai;of the saotlug affaîr: Mcs. Adle Jones, housef(eeper for John Lusc, a wealtby tarmer three mlles nooth o! Kenoaba, saw four italian hunters ccosslng the facm esc- ly, yesterda>'. Bue called Lus, wbo vasa keav as a terer ta buntameri wte trespassed ounbhipropert>', sud thue latter left wth a bruah hooktet drive the men off the facun. ruer whee the latter prateted against1 Two o! the men fiel vheu lb.>' sav hIs trespasshug on bis f arun. Brie! de-1 Luss comlng, but the other tvo ce- tt iii o! the affaîr vere teisphoned berc, ant inl a few minutes fiberiff Green anti bis deputhesansd Assistant Ct le! o! Police Thomas Tyrrelf were on the era>'ta the acena lu sutomo- bila~sln a aearch for the Blayer. TIhe request for assistance vas sent to Laite Caunt>' offiltlale becanse II, ,rasthtbugbt tram the Ieformation at hand that thé hanter who bal doue maluer. Mca. Jones folloveti the farmer aud 55w hlm gesticuist- lug as If quacrellng vf lb the men. Then oue o! the mea ralsel MIE chotguu. Lusa leapel farvard at hlm andt hemnu pulied the trlgger. Thece vas a loud repart sol Lues droppel. Wheu Mrs. Jones reacheti the body> she found that the gun bal heen dîachacged et auch short range i. tUaI nescî>' the whoie af buse' le! t aide hati been blown awsy. Returne for Cun. The tarmer hsd succeeded le ciutch. log the gue as hue felI forar ad u thie weapon stili remalned clenched Inl bis bauds. Bath men fied, but as Mca. Joues was runnîug back tot the bouse ta telephoce foc ail sihe saw the man weobad iIreI the ahroturesolndgrab bis gun tram the lesI mans banda. âtre. Jones telephond the sillage a! Bornersansd tsealsrm waa epreati. lu lesa than au baur 200 farmera, armel wlth rifles, shotgmos. anti re- volvers, wece beatlug tbe thlckets and ,ioods wltblu a radina a! fit-e mlles. Nîne suspects erere raundeti up ha- fore ulghtfaîl, ans of wbom, James Lucci, wha lit-satlu Kenoaha. vas Identtfled hy Mca. Joues as the mac erbo flceil the chat. Blood saalua ers fcuuî au his clathlng, but hc proteat- cd hi8 Innocence. Socked foc Murder. H-e vas focmâiiy hoakel on a change af merder as a recuit o! Mca. Jones' Identification, but tbe Other elght verestili bell in the belle! that sente af thera wece vlth Luccî at the lime o! the sbootlng. Lus a a 65 yearis old andl a bach- elar. The undersigeed bavlng declled ta leave Illinois, willloeIl at public section ou1 the place keown as1 the olil Smith farm, ituated 2Y2 miles west o! Area and 5 mile@sosutli ot Grayslate on SÂTURDAY, OCTOIIER 31, Commncleg at 12:30 Wclock p. m. sharp tbe folo wing pcoperty: 2 Horsea--gre>' mare, aged 15. w$1200; ba>' bome, aged 11, wt 1350; 15 head o! cate-6 cows, 1 tresh, 2 ta came blu Januar>', balance hear>'milikers, Ilbeliens 10 coma le in spriug, 1 beiiec 1 >ear al: bil 1an ens eomieg @lx monthe aid: 2 hul-i pure Holstein sud 1 gradel Holstein; 50 chictees. 8 shuats, lumber wagon aud box, truck wagon, ha>'rcke, waltlng î.Iuw, us>' cake, Gaiecultivator, pfanter, 2 mowers, 1 new MeCormict, 5 ft cnt, 1 4 ft eut; 2-section drag, gind,,tone, se$ bobsleighs3, toi) buggy, set dunp lboacd@, bîuggy barnetes, set double bareges, mlik wagon liacnessi, crsam sepacator, 500 lb. caîîau t>'. nia&e h> Smyth, Chicago; 12 toins lay-ht tous o! timoth>'and ilover, baiai.tîîuctliy. 75 bilhimolsots. 7 scies of cocuin liuiet, hues, torks sud mnari>' tiler articles to i iunecous ta mn-tioni. t cral tuerins. Secvingtoe Widdiioiiîb, Prop. î'5'teo. opl, Aictt(, uer. IL. F. Rime, [teck. CI

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