0. &JTY IDPEN DET WAUKEGJAN. ,,WEEKLY SUN Since That Time He Had Sme Seen Eating Coin and Otho Produce of the Fieids. The. lure or nature, which caused lM Io disaPPear trom bis home tr». quEujty and wander about the. veoda for Proienged ntervais. bus oudmi ln the deat.h 0i n .,. . - .... h__uuenos ses at 3043 GCuboa avenue, zion Ciy, an esCaped patient cfrithe Elgin e8ate boopîtai, DuPage couuty autborlUie, ltcd bis de"d body in -a cornJidl Mionday mornng. Dr. Gralagau. héai of the. Elgin asylrnn belilee boi star- Vatlon and expomr were ta bl&e.. ducd hem n.ua te $M.o._Tlio de. Ab- cp em*WBptaMber U dam:, fendant then secuned bail. lsIngsahall gains alv«ufr lim Jsat - eOf patients. Il doveloped ta* a, tt Attorney A. v. Smith this flmngIr e Wa5s eeu vanderlng aboué almougt 510d a poue. Mlu circuit court %u e!.ery part of DuPago coauty for thne. 'iibleb e deuendod the Volée»se imer veeks, but nebody becs.. curlous a vriL ef Habeas Corpus ot Josoph eneugh te report tho ftt to the. au- Geiseusitl, a Highland Patiimn"tiioiities. nhom i. charges be m afelng llegglly Persous passlag the raru ot Henry «Ietli n tbe Lake Couuty jeu Ti. eKîameYer, a Mle Mest of Lombard Do- emmeo vas te be srguod butor. Circuit tiei a mmn lu a fildu mtlug an ear ef Curt Juige Claire C. Edwards osly coru. Monday morfns they aw hlm thi t ftarun.Il&l h aepaeaduo u la the, betîflon fisla t tortii th"iilg ufunepaesduo u edlateom ji a tereu f Coroner W. V. H:pf of Wbeaton a rittimus ismed by justice lamasen s, otiid.an an mulaquent vas heid. C. Boylaii, police magistras ote t jh- Tne.body vasthat 0f Ahoru. His vi- tend Putk. Oodzeuski vas houMi vr ov, Mrs. Nellie Alsoru et Zion iCity. te thé. grand jury on a mittilmus froa wau$ otiflod. The. Iur's verdict vau justice Boylen on a charge of haI qtiat deti vas caused by starvation assuliei vltb a dedly veapon Mich- "id *' "e sel Parmer, eleven ruer old am br.vs 5rar of e a B. B. P'rmer cf Hlgblnad PaLri famuer t ZMon City andimvas a folov. <loUe»kaii lisforuin lubis petîtien r etDbvie. lme vas coouiitte! ta the tellovlug ressons vhy the Haeu te bos9i Sel ptegiber 24. 191& Hia Crpus vrit sluould ho grsnted: vif., vbe survives. .i poues iis- ,. Tbat be la net guity o e iii. a ances ad w dr fl wrsha- crime charfed agalusu bim. bitual. Accrding te the boaptt .. 2. Tiiet the "dedy weepon" de. cords, he vas afflictei viii melsebo scribeu lu teatie: aw a saan ralb. liHe Iliedt taget off hy hîisftl bertir taen roi on Ofthte wvleels and brood aven i t roubles.. of a baby carniage. 3. That b. alreadyw bas been foued WIIEÂNSU S su $100 fer the same affene.. Y5IE5' 4. That h. vas severely beaten by SW R - M N the faiher ofthle boy vhile under ar- IiU JJ.M N rosi and lu th. Preseuce etfithe police 6. nT e teIa torelguen hy ui O siM aedini.unabis te write an resi Eng- llsiiand thnt be vas indueilte sigu Claims That She Was Led to1 a Jury vaiven, and tht b. vas net lui. Do so Frauduenty-Case fouiued cf the causequence cf ils set. 6. 'niat ho sasgivlen noechancetu Up in County Court. obtain n atorney. 7. niat i.ali e victiu or a con- Wai-kaganOt 21. spIrao, onthe artor te iponceoa. An nteestotcae leboiig tripd Highland Par sud the police magiq. lu caUutY couttodsY. i if lg the traieeoft uat cty ta druft un fr< case et Ceni Kodel agint RaTy 1 itheooMmumtY se that ho viii ho mm. 1or, a sit an e iudguaPnte.. ahi. ta testily lu a civil omm nov ileithe first cage te cOnýe up et fie pouding iu crcuit qoert. prOeet Jury terni. Mnm.Taylor- la à- Tbat i v"asfil act viiici cans. igltiug th.e mbluedy asu. if lu- Om u ta ho placod Under ucli an vove.coosierabiy over $400. liii oxclisveiy iigb bond, charges tiat siie vms inucei fraud- 9. Thet ho vas net iotainei by Ulently t asigu the, judgueut not.aqd virtu.etfmuy praces,. Iugmeut or avorred r.pestedly on the. stad tiat executlon speiflei lu the. Habeaathe i. inet inow vat tbe vus aigu- Corpus sut. ng. Tii, Incidentinluquestion ta fpJlogod In the Pettion whicii ah, ffled lu ta have tatou pluse about ivo wveokacourtmhe set forth that Kuadelhlid £ A t La i finie G o iem i W hv o as ie n g iven a com ta t e u ld a bou ée s M loyei as at= axi loti o tarat aotanber. Wb.n Lie bouse vas patiyc jepinei thi ermier property, m. BI OtOspe e iesremai snme $400a légei ta haie'siruci bfirmer boy or"more vot th vewrt ta ho doue. to"or the bt'[viii a Pleo t rnuuier ahe SKYs. lnodel su"tsed that lie tIre, lnllctlug W11e. aslla 17 notes e1 $25 e"* ta ho placed ÀWenil vas smlznod betore lu escrOv viti Att6raby Martin Deckit Agie ousya ud vms Oued $100 ian. or ef North t Clcao s&Mta b. poi der the. elty ordiane.. S a abareetee t l a i mofs i. et «Malut a bttery. No vas1 iDs- Suir e aie as é t tati they vrk dl.tely trisi unier s "te varrenu e saui he otsnttNteywr. ebarglng assmut viii a deadly ves*. udn esii. di 1.d 1cu onand sud a bouni, over te the grand Koesecams dùtcm Jury ln boudu of$2000. ploie tise wovan, ud. nteed t,,piaclgs Upon belug bneugiit tu> keo fte notes lu escrov. 84.k od iu tite Il bo r.tained #Attoney A.1 V. Smith- asln court sud secmirei *dgsnt on bis conusel. 1Kr. Smith maie au et- tii,.. lu' viev of -the eIl.,. tiita fan te have the bond reducai, c"san are belug madle the oto b .pI-evuag ing IL vas exvesslve and tbe fihe could a very> terentiug ens. securei a bond ot $1,000. The r. e quest vasdeulai and te petîtion flied Mrs. Nancylclirigdm * aw tody asth rsut.urday. , 1t. tlietAatib i4ra teiay a, therpuit.buried lu 'W*ukegsa s,tq fagi Theo physician attendlug Attorney neOnna iec sVUs.bq4 r George neld, preaidenu ofthtei Lake former 1ubn.W h~(b Couaty Ban Association vbo 18 cOn- e*ty omb ý f teffl Ouned In the Lie'County Generai ban- tiis cityu. . t>t M 00oàdmiS r tbértJ 4i Lie prove- on u Ai Lie ard ai ou ut n suaid berty- Ipeciai )ut of Con- samne menin nd ail, i gir. mn ber, Ai tue à ND, ave, blI l- 4eS Stat', ttoley ropresTrial NEW CASES COME FIRSI. fCases Will Be Taken UJp and Disposed 0f. Thie case of the People vs. Wlllem (Ytskatiskas, cbanged viti Inaybem - ut more famillariy 'inown as the LOse-biting case" viii b. the firgt Casm cSled next Monday viien circuit counrt convyene. . tabo's Attoey~ t Dady bas prepared a trial eCi 0,ethei tcrimînai cases wblch be viii bnlng up tat the. term wblcb opense neat Mon- Bday. Tbelilst of cases follewg: 9 li5Ple vs. WiIlen Yuckauskas- Ms> hem. People vs. Chas. t;ehne-Rape. "111o9ple va. Cha.. ueiine-Rape. Peeple vs. Adam Gnbegaaewski-Às- sult wltb a deadly veapon. t People vs. Glenn Bostian aud Luire Bnaokz.--arcee. People vs. George H. Morris-.Crim. mnai Libel. People vs. John Bnnski-,Asaauuî viti Intent tla MII and murde,. People vs. Thomas Mailel-Unnat- liral crime. People vs. Mahîlable lA&nge-As- sauit wltii Inient te klil and murier. People'vis. Frausk Ardliee-Assault vîthIintent te Mil. SPeople va. Prani Ardliene--4Assngf -vithIi ltent te krijl .- People va. Charles Holmsten-Fr au. duleuit sale. People vs. Lawrence l-furiutt-Ler.i ceny. People vs. Robert Hohert-Burglarje aud srcenyr. People vs. Jo. Martin-Asenult witb MYSHUT F;FMOTERS Tbld Duaw 'ix W ek What "'NUght E Ago i They m ot Comply. 'Waukegan, oct. 21. Because two .dairymen deliverii>g .11k te a lose milii concern did flot COMPY iy vii fiErdguiations laid down by State luapotor Cooney when ho wasb er. six vrais mgo they bave been forbidden ta bbang their miik te Wau- kegan and the ban viii be maintained indefnliteiy.lit. la Probable, hovever, tuaL vien they show a wilingness te follov the. Instructions ofthtie.state inspecter they viii be allowed -ta bring .11k hoem again. Inspector Cony bas been at vork ln thils vlcinlty for the lest day or tva although lu di n« become known un- tii today Liai ho va. ln this clty. lu was ln this rmnner that be wes abie te check op on r»verai of the dairies he had viated sMx veeks ago and found that tva oft hiim had flot compiied vith bis oricYs Cty Inspector .Hlcko ba. been as- signed te accousmurInspecter Cooney Ou the Inspection of the county he la to make vithia the next couple of weeks. Mr. Cey bas recelved strict Instructions fron t the site board of beaithtb t ses tiat the. regulations are carried out ta' thie Vry letter. At tbe time ho visted the diffenent dairnes six veeku mgo Mn. Cooney tound them ln fair siipe but tansome instances he calll t1s the farmer.' at- tention certain thiego hey cauld make bandlua 1. ,He th ie i veudreturu andi tef hid ntý cemplied b. wouli ,. letais, act- Ion against tbem. Bo"a of the tarm-1 ers apparently dld not place muci credeuce iu ils stateMnsete1 for lu the tva Instances wiere lie sut off Lie supply of mut tthe farmous iad made IJRINêS TEARS IN FARBWELL SERM4ON; DIES:SON ýAFTER Rev. L. C. Buring, Former Lo- cal Pastor, Dropped pead in Home in, West Chicago. BELIEVED THAT RECEl VERSHIF 0F WAUCONDA LIME MAY. RESULT It -NORTHWEST ERN MAKINO PURCHASL OPý THE 13-MILE STrREtCH-ROAD NEVER WAS BONDEU, BUT COMPANY NOTES FOR $100,000 HAVE BEER 13- SUED DURING PAST, YEA R OR SO-U. S. COURT AP- POINTS RECEl VER FOR 'S TRICTLY LOCALLY OWMED, APOPLEXY WAS THE CAUSE. F&et About JaUe C.'. Waucouda and otiier nuidoals 1et Delumetl'L«Ma" soutlivestern Lake Oou"ty as veou a He and His Wife Were Packing Rairmiiose ln northern. Coot Couuty amer Things Preparatory to Leav-fUra Palatine, wbo,.a fer sr aowg ing When End Came. OFFICERS OF AOAD. led teamee sili fortune. for aili Mt Waukegan friends ot Rev. jenca- the offlcrs of the Waukogn, Rock- great devlopmient ef boulim » s te- C. Burllng, former pester of the ford and Ètyogo Traction conspany are: resuit t rtIi a slnig of,! il. PAulatm Fîrat Metloidst church lu tii, clty. Prsdent-Charlea Patton o t s. . Wuceud* raiireai. voke uts Tiuaj. were sbocked when they learned of tine,melgtbastthori e hie sudden death rm apoplexyat bis eyTreas.-J. K. Orvi, Chicago. gone into the. bande et a recei*. home In West Chicago on Moday Drectors: R. C. Kent, Wuconda; Ana tis their hop." are ait P» evenling. Rev. Burlilg ail preacîe< Morimun Proehm, Lake ZurlcA; . K. glffmmerng-exceptlg tiit the oogi hie5 areweil sermon sunday eveulug. rvi, M. Patton and Henry QuIndel, ls there and lisoly vi ntet-» ut-baa lie ~ ~ 9 wasgongau vek a orvlîe ues under a recsversiip. HeWws gATgtCOMPANk t YoMAlle.But, ti.hep.s u d oxpetailo l.; tu vhich town be b.d heen as- HwoOPAYHv8 sm ol ui.ddan ocn signed at the confenence recentîy The compony ha. thsse nue "the ouiy lniihe . a"w n oi eau 1 held in Chicag<Q. 1. An oporatlng lino h.fwe.n Wou- ta a cock.d bat aid noi a roeeiý« "I had tbought wben 1 tiecame yaur conde sud Palatine, 13 mles long. lia cbax;a of opertugtblas oMd Wh"~ pasgtor four years ago Liai 1 sieuld 2. Thrt. locomotlves of smaliityp. Ia sut& rteutoriginal7 hyIllèb 1'11b fiish my declining years in tLiii 3. loverai froight cars. of Wauitegmlansd- thon vas la mg 110 church," i. told the meuniers of bis 4, Eight passanger coaches. developod state smath J1. IL.(O,08 . U CGng'egation in hie partlng sermon. 6. Deotoe t Wauoonda and Lake 810119 and pusiel UiUoi'5 te tbe goki "I b.d thought tiat my neat cal kurich and roundhoumo anttihr and viarO It becmeu a rad ouovofts would b. tiattleat greet summons teo ' lino. ralîrosi. a'iicb w. must ail respand eue day 6, Carrnes U. a. Mail and Amerloan A Chicago paj>er retots t. ticul « -and 1 am 67, nearins ithe mark of et «the boute, "4W004eai tui tree score and teu slloiteil teuta.1" Exmesas. fri -sae xlsteo. te fi. 0180w There ver. tsars lu the oyez et mou FEATURES OF COMPM4NY. Scea i iuiogsu'ds aud women of the tl'rst Methdilsi 1. No bond* ever issuod allsînat If, Tii. viiesmi. puefttua tile Mmml cburch of West Chicago who sere ga- 2. 02510000 In stoak vas l1»»d and tas'wbich tuPPIMWt 00fiS blë,ý2 ;l'ered ta listen te the mnslter's lest raid. sageebob f the.roes piano. vorde tram bie pulpît. sud pour« sokoe «lte ui> Manday nlght Mr. flurling dropped 3.Company notes useml durine Bide n'eu Palatine te aàd~ lead et his bomne adjelnlng the cburcb. >'ar for $100.000whlçi la ait l atceuhda't haul oaoughbete mM lutent ta kil* lattons. thèUugh tii. village. Tt vas learnedi Peuple vu. WilIliema et a-lucast. Mr. Cooney Intends ta mate a very tbai i. dled tram an apoplectle siroke Yuslsunkan evldeuîiy lteuis te tiarouigi inspection ofthLecOnunty. ln ville ie and Mre. Burling ver. pack- Put up as Oglt ta save luseit tram tact, t vilii i even more tierougi lng up lheir iauseboud goais prepar. pnîmon bafrentalbthi e b.. Seeiiieastian butane. H. corrige vith hlm star> ta movlug te Yorkvillie. te dbi fere.uTathe ay ubProug as cards vhlci shiown the' condition of Mu's. Bullng bai l.ft hlm lulnils weks ils ta lu anpoted teev îîehedairnes upon is lasivt ansd aise study sud vent dovu tovn. Wheu mli, hati a neoncilatlon andti tat site he cianges be suggesteli. Thii makea retbirned sie mlssed hlm sud f!ound %ojmic not preter s cierge ggat T possible forn ijînu ta sp'ai accur- bim unconsclaus. A physicien vas hlm ef iaving btten off ber mne but aie checkt ou the daîrymen. if the tvo called but the airkfs(en man lied b.- the, tact ubai she teatlfied againsi hlm dairies taund wene any criterlon efthie tarebils arrivai. ber, tie grand jury snd nl bu the tier dainies of iii.commIt la pas- A fareweilirecepton vas ta have states V ca t hn t~si hth n> oirehr er-been tendered by vomen W thfe pripa ineas*leen-theurchleitit venlng.rdBesodesrLienvre case couses up fer trial neit àMonay, train tro n rnging tLid U lulholirs.. dov lthse e clergyman la heurle Thie state ban tvo indictnents dwteda lrya asrie SEEKLIMI FO CAPTAL by tvo sous. aalinut KuehVne e ofi. Foreat. H. EKLMTFO AITL Fun&al services for Rev. Burllng iln allegmi te have tatou lupropor il- STOCK IN COMPANIES. wiii h. beld lu the. churcix touuorrov erties viii tva lttie girls. ______c 2 o'elock. Burlal viii be eit Ogeni. The case alitAdamnOrzose- .dam. Ill., wbene he tarmerly aervei as diti. Lie North Chicago policeman Washington, Oct. 21.-The couter- cierged i viii viug hoaten jIueieiioe et eomrnlssionerns miunlon Pester. Kund viile eiatter vas lackd t up telaws re-elected Prsaideut Chas Te1e.m.Bulu.e eee in JeU., la settfor the thlrd' case on the TbAdieus Tenry o! Nev Taori todey. years vas sliPerintendeui of the ire.- cali sud shows the. sixte consens A MaxVimum lîmît on the osiab î stock part district lu Lb. Rock River con- tte case an important oeeoeteorporath>ua ieretter tarModti as eec.Hepsorlsl h olr The case agaulat Boet at nd mir.ceuimended by a camitfee Sap- ne- r e hrdnPopr Broks, tvo Libertyville Yeung Mr& i tedt prepane a liiterai.iiiorpor- Ntlc ten Pari, Wautegan sud West charged viti havtug stolon a nuni r allen st. Fort>' counusulomeo. Chilcago.' H.ipeut 'four yeara ass a 0! article. et Norman Ladà, avuer et Prefenulux thint>' stoton, atteaded Lie unLslonary ln Africa. a llvery stable, la next ou Lie cli. sessions. The irattiug ef a unitoru He vas hem> lu- New Haven, Coun., the Young men ver. arresied lunu-lav, on p artenbp vas coagide e.slxty-aeveu years mgo. He vas a grati- ou- ar e rd t. tehLe Dr.v Tioologlcs sl un etiser state viere the. alsenif vwas_______ abI. te locate lieu, an>' and entered tii. miistry lu 1882 Theosa, e tiomeviever lu SlveraIl tousand yoff voMen lu, the De, Moines confore. dictai by thie Sicent grand jury cueOftheChicago Chiudre'. BMeot nex e te all Teufolo nos f eIuerepr.aentlng hryt ~ t( ier caseswvicit bais been cou«.tbleorgmanjle;s. ît vaseotimtel $I .27,À M tl4uud aven a tew ternus. 'tha- approxîmaàtel>' 841.000 ras olioc Mnog tes laLiece. <~lutÎd îy the vomen, wv m ES LT0FTAi A Mailtable L etéorHighiland Park, througbeui Lie cty nd lu fie subUni. D vhi lslegped ta have smiela North iTue 11ton rthei. isif eth fi atfii- Chicago veman lu bis home vWh=ut he lu hc eatdierOOOteu akg c 0 vefnt tiere viii Dr. CouneilintareooM ier hc eotd'hl netos akg e o bils ohudrn fer hlm. îlit t Mouday evenu leis 31485.' Tmg Day vas a ucena40se tr as Frak zdien ha to idi-9 Waukegeas -eencerned er 3U34.27 aimiut lm o a ierg etuavig tse vte ud a, ralsed liers..AIl of thub moue>' al6ansthinson chage f h bille ad hsu ead hu*Oiep.ifo v Il i. L0ned oven te, the Lt. Bluff lined point beuir et a nunihor eof u.tin rOPt.ecase but vie. t*y Iqar.Orpiienage. Thoereavom-.sym a tg- pie Jusu nnti ef WaeOMs hot admitim Martinu lut.«ueitq ae ,nstverto th oclsas.It Year or tr sgt>. Heoliaibi , Utto hebihl utihai bcad bM ee expeol.don the OMI m r vth thecrwetfa êtrt Mr OWu,1ite nd Juiry --4li a ppbee arinctodltse baf oreva Misant .»Mor he vii êp i s reorta ter Me ti rov utipn fie sin.1No. ouevol- ra utd sourt dewt ePUsL & **ti.gnI u-rmel«'4i, ute.red f0 go &»tr S o i i>'buag rm but vaste lSi Pto!WII.liithsedufeL b' do ' taiggsgf«rfie 1pang.Nv b w aisi~P i i s miebiJs seiej.titqooqn u e moySp lled- ubIj ali Ut fi eky nmwsusaa1 4 @tnd@ out aasns e i company. mer resene's 10psy fer tUbre. luI a peiio for rselver lawigMuir. :e WIAT fiECEIVS-RIP tdANS. day iu.Cblcmgo lu, tii brohxUitCestt k-1. Iu1oane that fie coIsHlUnity @till the "butter rallrostill la disil5l *"r abterleaind th t h ; rethe »Me o afaiune.knmum*« Ï laTH UROE fhaving raiiroad te ting beeqciiosen bocge.fe BS buiid up the com m unifv, mAIIieventu. r osi dom s fltn o ua th leu . siie ô ho &sdfothoî velue -of, b.- îles. oas.en b c a d vsi. ~ Butter Ia PrinclpaL Pr.Ight. 2ap. bat te&@-lnod. tdi h rlrn!wwuiqe tgali stoc Tiafn te iao o Invest. in ie alîasroi Pavas ineuniquIa NRl W46t fony (and fir. woeromay of cge Li orhente arm - fiS kind wovia viimite iaip fie corn- ae a tehuttteiqm mmnity ithougi tiy a&se dtairud tarelet rgin of Lake OmmVai7. §oc returne on fthe rond vic, lif v tra »tesrnlo iea t&«t p re m in si n ev er vo u l i l . h o.dd ) In eticio a u l o usth ora er" ils-b o a s a g ewntusly iii Bat «STUNG.» accident n te lii,, ccrdlng tafiS - FUTURE OF ROAP. records. About four yemamgo saismuber cf The futur.e offie rosi may ho bat.-inouatera dociied Ufiat file is n fer iisn if, peut bécaus. if ia con. glon et Lato Couni>' veud reqWý *I4.rtd hîiiy possible fiat the Cii- If fley bai s ralirosi. At tiat fIi04' cagoand u ni <rhvotenrabéromi Wililthe i'see.acessible oal.y &>. ua sebo fie opporfunity ef puucbs.lng mbile or hy the. stage coach., Naa» fhe 18 mit »MOhfeb end s h ichi.111people rîtiaut auitos prefernd f0 Ulve fi. NstiveateraMM slsnnéi saIt or stay svay. from Palatinei te Wbuobi4 4",Inae TtIl as' determlued Liai thora ieê territo#y vilci fiat residVhsa noeet be uo capialiste baci Of ibo rallne.ê tempfad te enfer, andthfe proposition va putu p telai HAVE FOUR DAILY TRAINS, tannions alcalg:the. proposaifol e, ý The Waucona rellrna carne vas Mensmeetings ver. ioli la Wsýg smted In 1910, the big celabnailan e atfisslt'sud City, and tie Waueonis marklnq fie opening if fia sponded by lnstaigarcA» a" -- Uneifon alaitine te, Wauconis vas henheuses te double fte~ heud ln 1912 @Ince viioi f ime fouiege.. lu a 1ev moifsins tfie * trainus sch vay have opantsi aiment and tb. ovuer% sMinalsmrw '$~- dcii>'. beiven tie ive points. sliiscnbed *400,000 rlelt mnivert vag Mte&i ROGER SULLI VAN TO t eldy vaelse % fa SPEAK HERE MONDAY. f:r&ttrain 'ufa* fste>'".&*i«M s»M agu alnaiba. Wauiegau.Ct. 20. The 1aland fr it ayvde Rtoger Sullivan. Deuecnatic candi- gdf, and ieeulp esswus.40, date for United States Senatar ft mmae t reag e acot s4d rau Illinois, wlll mdre a Demacratieand i. uthe o tia vort.lit vS" . mania eetlug fiaila ta bc beldinluplaunjut lciog"st. Làam sgs Lie Armany next Monday niigit a te bemtos uem oelock. Jabn F. Waters. Democrattc ns6 -r -SiadAgle, - &W candidate for cougresman trous this Wubee, w'. tr*te- distrIct and William M. Lewis eor Là" isgelAe Forest wIH be er snpeakers whovhfl p p Rma adinusu fimeeting. Wblle il; la ametj'do f ' kia 'n ftonrsure, IL ln tiongit th"tw! DM 11pi J we 4 P-34pibly Lie tva canididat«a nul i. as recer. Mn.Po sl Igisam on a,=tof <the oommrntyodait. o*% e i. uMd. m: me th ti 'p la Ma à dan UnonIpSL tam. Acpeiii. U~0pm ain taf I a wnsa. .à tien. eýQpese, àu IflaLsoi Il uie, th"q, tipi eo1ul,,» Atone Clalms BIail tinder 0&lh o.BodZensi Is Be- Ing NOM, 1s Excessive. RELATES FACTS IN CASE. Cassis8 Interesting one Grow- ing Out of a Little Trouble at Hghland Park. Waukegan oct. 20. LATER...Atorn@y A. V. Smlithi41p- Posr.d bd- ovoudge Penonthis &f- tornoon on h$ 'labeas Crpus pt i. tien end pot the boil et h$aclent Po.. ý 1 t