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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Oct 1914, p. 2

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OUR GRADE #kA## CHOICE APPLES NOWON DISPLAY AT OURý STORE I1EAVE YOtER ORDERS NOW., as the price will advance later. Neats and Grories 'J. >0 1I Two P Garm uE PRICES Plece suite, per mont Soc np nDion Suità, $1.00 up Men 's Winter Underwear This wouderful fali weather nearly fooled us into thinking that there was going to be no winter but the paat few day shave corrected that impression. It ie better to make your prtlpardtiolls for cold weather a littie early than to beIe bte and en- dure the attending dis- comfort. Buy yaur winter underwear nov and rîîn au risko. IVe have a fulll une of muens 'cunifort" utv i]rweýar it- cluding such fanions makes as Kabeoco. lasteabury llcalh Undreaur and Kooper Ki.i ed Kratdi u"iosueiti We have them in fisese lined part-wool and ail- wooi in un ion and tWO piecO SUite3. Ja B. Morse & Co. Everything for Men UIBERTrYVIILE, iii. Phone 14 Why do People Buy?i PETROLEUM Carbon STANDARD OU. COKE FueilvwMaet a feul MILLER'S CREEK SHINEY S017T COAL Scranton Hard Coal ALL SIZES-PEA TQ GRATE WASHED EGG COOK STOVE SIZE PO CA HON TAS I. FOR HOT WATER PLANTS {'Red Comb Poultry Foods FOR AU. FOWLS-ALL SIZES Arcady Dairy Feed A PURE LAK& COUNTY PRODUCT Lîbertyville Lumber CompaDy Dmly the Oid Depot Beuthere 20 yeas.. Pbu47 XA.eàbop, Mgr. Because nu dirt, nou Rout, nu ash, ail heat fuel thatm riglit. Because it lias Ies tlîan 40 Ibs. neli ta ton. Purest suid. Because iti beaiways unifortu, cdean, lette atone, norqg4ieat. Becatise the muetst- iafactory loy cost Illinois coal. Because, slow, es-eu- liurnbuig, sinokoes, sootioss, ashiese. Bettause il gets more, better eg, raitcea al lthe chickp. liocaset cuva keep up fln'-, gtve mure mîîk highest in pratein. Because stock ie muot omrplete, 1la r ges t vsriety, price and service riglit. We're nul sallaiad tii y oare OCirbertyv'i tems Te insuro publication ln the Indepen-1 Do your Xmas shupping Parly atid dent. copy must be intheoffice no later bus sour giîtto lt the bazaar Thuaiday than Tuesday of each week. Adver- alternuon and eveliîî, N. oth. tisers, espocially are askod to atki particular notice ta this affect. Mr. and Mrm..Nfarmhall ot Watertown, ____________ N.- I , (pent Several dais at tIi. home or (Additional Local News on Page 4) G. A. Wright. Th itMrehall'o are en. route to Seattle, IVagl,. ln Trigge & Taylor's windowIg shown Henry Pillings finernoved trornFài a mammoih beet o hidi wes grown in etreet tu Firetot SImd. Dr. J. L. Taylor'@ garden The beet Dr. Arthur H. Tuttia ut Wilmeto was welgh§ 16 Pouand@ and (; ouneo. The a vioîtor ber@ Friday. Walter Whitney vas on the siet ist several davs Ibis week. The net regular meeting ut the village huard willl ba held Moudey. Misa Mary Msaon opent several days with relative@ in Weukegen. Mr. sud Mti. Vred Croker sent Sun. day la Waukegen ai the Wm. Edwerdo borne. Mn. and tira. Charles Hayes of WauIa gen. opent Sundey et the bomelof Wm. Fend let. Wm. Hoyer bas purcbased e Chevrulet bby grand tonring car tram C. A. Mr@. Maron Habbard ut Richmond, Di., le visitlng ber son, E. D. Bulilard and fâtantî. Mir. and Mr&. W. C. Boye& hava movod ltt a Biai oler tie Trsptov & Taylor furniture tora. TbeselpIng and dlng car.i ou tht. division af the St. Paul aorih ut Toma. hawk hava hua dlacantinued. Arno Nagie loft Tueeday for Park City. Mouana, ta @pend spveral moutha on hie land dlaim uear ibat clty. About tortv coupleaatlendod the dance rivan by the North A marteau Union lest Frlda y igbt at the ta wn. hall. Lett ae eidren @as e vht le la Au Polly's Pueket et the hazaar. Tburmday afteennoon aud evening, Nov. 5th. John Wood went vu Freesooll Mich. lasi weekto u peud several monthe ta learing the land un his terta thera. tire. H. B. Eger, tirs P. Voîkamer andi Mrs. Wm. Fendiek @pont lest Fridar lu Waukegan wiib tir@. E Hoîloran. The local hardware atores are dispiay. lng large finee ut etuvea, vhlch ramînde one that tinter ia reallv lhera for gond. tirsi. Josephi S tison lait torTonganoile, Kaneaâ, un Tuesday taseau ber sîstar, tire. Thorea Ruble, vho le saroualy Ill. Mn. sud tira. Fred C. Bulkloy are enteutabntng Mis@ Merle Buletteofu Mollue, ][W.,ab thoîr home bunth 0t towa. The publie drinklng fouut.sln ln Wai. rond'. grocery bas been put out ut comtmission through a bati break wblch ,annai he rpçired. A big repubican rally wiii b. beid et tbe town hall Baturday ntght. AUl the eoanty candljatoaad severai from the district ara sxpeeted ta ha present. A large, iron weethor vane bas beau placed et the top oft he village water tank, wbich w"e proanedto the village by $chancir Brus., hardware merchaats. 0. Carroll Gridley oftîbe Firat National Bank, vent to Chicago Wednesday tu ýattend a meeting of Council ut the National Dairy Show, ha belng a dele- gate ron thie couaty. Mna. Adam Krantreturnad to han home at Rundout Tutaday alter a tvo veeakà îit with banrliushand et LaCrusse, Wis., vttane the latter la lu charge ut the laylng ut thirty miles ut steel rail. The Episcopal church huard lias antburized the erectionut ons-omeobeda la the rosar of the ehurch so thet peuple drivug lu liom tîhe country tlu attend serv-ies o-ll have proper ehelter for thaîr] hore.. Mis. C. Mý Fuller returned 8unday atteruvion triai a tbree week'e slit with relatives and triendiqluln owa $ho at- tended the golden wddingot ber cousina, Mr and Mme. Henry Irhornton et Rice- ille, tues. Ste Was presul t athe wedding ilty years agu. Thîise webo hard hlm beture on "From J'idai8ni lu Cbritianity" yull ha pleaed lu kuuw &bat %Ir. Nathan wiii lecture lu the Preeîiytirian ehurch ou Tbursday, Nuev 12. (xilen under the auspices ut 1 be Christian Eudeavor eicisy. Admis- sion 25e. Furtben otails usi. wsek. Last Ttur4day evening the Eamaist Worke amkse tif the M. E churcli gave tirs. W. L. Whipple a tenevail surprime p.ney utthIle home ut %ire. F. R. Tripp un lîraterd Court 'The oening va @Peun lu stîial vieit and Mies Cannae Cliard and irs. bdE. Williams sang solo@, MtisF. Juet and Mmr. E. W. Colby gavaereadings. The clasa preseuteti tim. Wipple wleb a rit glass ougar sud creaul set lu appreciation (it the Intere*t ele had taken lu theae and Sun day echool vork. tIrq W hippie nespondod vlth s tee nenarto. llefeabmenta deme aervad. Al i wh4ing 1ev. aud M»r. Wbipplean au 'milr mucb bappineas tbejy depsrted for thein home. havinga*peut an enjoyeble ovenlog. FIRE DEST YS BN.IE 0F 0. L. USUA monday atternoon the hoimeutof .L. Hubberd, about une mile West ai Libertyville ou Lake street. was coin- pletely destroyed by lire, and overy piece o1 bousebold gRodeexceptlng two rackevrs, les a total lue0. Mr. Hubbard n e~tydkt the Fould&' Mlling f*ttstvry, and kpev U-.Jthirng ot the ftie util alter Laie of the neigbbors called hlmi on the phone, but nt that tItan the bouge cas enveloped la flames. Mr@ Uubbao 1and lier two bidren had driven tu Litiertyrvilleearlier lu the atternoon to do shopping and everytbing feeîed tu be ln guod order whea they lot t. diecrîption ut the varie ty ut the bpet sed N hbr s smvike çuîuag irom the atatd "abl" bptbut aild t @tteboue, and ini a lew minutes wans fureing t eted 'table".lOetat failed mthinstateibir way iluothe bouse to reniove the. ardt"tble res %,nthe pysiebng turnîture. Nut being able tu flnd the, toren do l te crs iethe hyscle'slocation ut the tire on the tiret flour, 0 adnbyC fudMtel?îey turnnd their attentiuns to the base-) George Bulkley speet a part ut lent ment, but as suon as the duor waa 1wesk wlîbhhie parente, MIr. ad MMn. R toroed open the tire leaped tbrough tbe W. Bulkloy, héee. c.eorge, who la a fluor la sovenal places wltb aueb tury superlniondent and gtieaI Instructor ln that not aven the muet velueble pieces *the advanced i gtry deparmneanlaoft urntture could lie eaved. tbe,-IlIenneylvaa s$tâte lUniversity et Mr. Hubbard erriail insurauca on tbe State Cullege, Pa., Ibis yeen, came ta hunes, but the furniture wes uuinsured. Cbicago weuh e party of etudents ta the Hie frienda have tnteraeted thamasîves lu Detry Show. The studecta ver. te- bringlng asaistace tu the tamily, and *qalred toajigo cattie et tbs show as on Munday oveng f nudt week a prectical experlsacein theircollege work. apeclal benefit program will t'al given et t Work utflhillng and îeying a nov the Lyrlc Theatre whlch bas basa asr. rangod for ibat nlghî liv the manager cemoat velir tram Pesiter'@ blacksmîtb aind soverel buaeumamen, the procoeds ehop on Mlwaukee avenue ta Newherry a h hwt ot odn en avenue vas alartadib is week. The aidaibmswtagtaafdnu blg IJ walk pet la ysars ago a &@sot up t a ased for Mir. Rubbard. The show wilii grade and lrj'd conalderable b~aibm uthhreee reutpetra stret 1"I.andAW&o uderwatar Intu Scaland inatrumentil monte' and the r the aprlng raies. Part ufthie aid valk &tso u tr t63.Hr' o comaaiv. ralmoil, but the tretcb af gond auportunty ta do a klud *et and asphli walk vi.i ho covensd vitb newetth mmoAnay' v rth. oe e ju cornent valk. mDyuwrh Tb@a iraithrae grades ai tbm publie schaol yul give 8a play,, uifttld'heEEI IM rh Tuoi Tbnmh Wedding" la the Audtorium ~ 5&5V. on the nlght of N ov. 17. Thora dill ho FORIL F. . CO.. abouit ixty childrea in the drame. Thie _______ bride and groom eill ha about 2Y. veare At a meeting ut atockholdars oi the tof age, or perba6pethree A lot the 1115,f men will weer dreosa uite and the littie eeihPleurer & Vegetabls Ca., belti et the tioda hal]lalst Saturday aigbt a ladies wiul ho attired to repreeent their 'nov board ai dirs'tora vâs elected. onae eIdrs Th par s noeltor u hmso athae former dirai-lors. A P. Cordes, enterteininent and ahuuld be productive -a- etetd ai-g presidetît, and alwo ut mucb mirti, rotein. bis ol s director The buard The Pre@bytprlan Ladies' Aid wili bold iot direturs is a@ tollows: Jahn ytre, their aupue bezarax a the lowa hait John Dollenmah'n, Frank H. Jusi, . B.i. noit waek Tbursday alt.ernoa, Nov. 5, itier, Gl A Nalvie and C. F. tW ribt from 3l o'cîock ail evening. The uposairs, The c'ammittee ounfiance appointod of the hall willleontain bootb. in which'90tnie A"goraported ehat oser $11 () kitchen and atternuan apruas. band ii banda bas heen berabvd. and Ihai trîtnmed towels and under clueblng and thora retulu a balsas-eofut abut $6.000o mny fancy and useful housabold articles@'ot uasgulcribnd ia.'ad@. but the rom wili be un sale wit'hAunt Pollys Pueket!Iittee expeelets t eablehfrti dkspute ut tor the eibldren. A chieken nie dinner mure banda. wil ha served lu the baaemenlt fom 5$ John balle-aenr watt ontrusted with untîl ail ara aerved. Ithe tktofading mea"@ ta di-pos ut IIoWersandi Planta dirai-t ta dms.rs ati Tho M. E. paroonage la being rejard ta do away ta a big axtemt weuh the thla week pt'eparalury to îl@ occupation mdi.ma by aie novminiotenandihiafamlly. dMIsaffeÂttm . orPen mai-Gufin a.gvaa Mary, the oldest daughtor ut 3ev. T. E. vot ut Usaual M&C hIEU oW eà rylea Rlai, started toa chool bhe Mandevot of h, forbiweur int. , I moraing, ln the senior cia«. . ev. Ra- cornes train Plaintield, Ill., bat bas ht chargeofuta cburch juot Oulaide of LaIe Piaaoe &d ueXam tunoed. cinaoasand couaty a tow ysars agu, having beau rePaimad. alo coa ieahmor.go aayý pestai ut the Barrington lM. E. cburcb. whore inea . YeTsrs axpoeieDo. tira. Reiieeand tbe cbildren viii arrive kiae u &zau ait*brtTrllka Rotel or, bare, Friday trrîî Roetturd. where theY wCnt.' A4P- Smi 'oa>îak. i ýp4 have been visiting. Saturday at one o'clock at the huma CIolnal tag "i 1g Garjs-î levlng, a1 1ev. IB. 0. Buerger- ut the Gerinan eti faut,,y demv.hotre .1. A. Graves. Lutheran cbuireh of Waukegan, omurreîl Tk-i-phono 144-,-Mlib'-rtçviîîlm. C.2tf the marriage of àMiss Emma Meintee t__________________ Duerlield, tu Edward Seller ut this t'lav'e. In- The ceremony gras a very quiet on.e, tih- Young couple being accompaggied tii the counigy seat liy the Young niant s ister aud ber husband, Mr. aud Mis ht1obt filîz. Ater a short trip to Chicagu. the .oung people roeîrned to itonduut, whero tbey wil make thaîr bhume.itl the bride@ ister. Th'e annuel chielien dinner of the Pies- byterian Ladies' Aid will ha held et tihe town hall next week Tbursday eveniDg. Nov. 5, cumrnencîng et .5 o1cluck until ait are Herved. MENU Celery Picklles 12Clieu Pie Masbed Potatve Burns Cran herry Sance Pumpkin lPie Apple Pie Tea (Mieie Dougbnutm duits 35ec Chldren 25e s:nssappppppbpppp: PRESBYTERIAN* LADIES' AID BlazaarkI Chicken Supper on Th:r:clay, 5thj TOWN HALL Fancy andi Plain Aprem, Hand TIrimmesi Toaela al Umderclotus ira, Dainty Faacy and UaaIulAn- I" i..o ae aftérm nmd mvOW. CHAS. D. PROCTOR INSURANCE FIR, TORNADO, LIFE PHONES 154-R AND 50 Everything Cornes to the man who goes alter the thmng the other f ellow is waiting for. Don't Wait for Independence. Open a Savings Account 3% Interest on Savings Lake Oounty National Bank Capital, Surplus and Profite, - $l00,000.00 Total Resouroois, . 750,000-00 OLDE8T, LÂRGEST AND BTR0O1G- ES8T B A IfX INi iBUiRTYVILLE Why Not "6CoaI=up?99t Ail orderu for, coal booked now will be del4vered at present low prioea. As 0014 weather mts in, prico. are bound to o up. Burning the candis at both end@ doesln't 'Imake both ends meet." A bâter way is to burn our rellable, high-grade coaL It producee the greatest amount of heat with the i3mailest amount of ashes.1 lu' vinestigeay"u muat bavae bmut, (30 wby amtbuy vhou i s champ? 0F LIBETVIL Phono 50 We WUil ave a Caro A P P L E S On the Track Car Consists of Baldwin, Spy, King, Wagner Canada Red and Snow. LEAVIE YOUR OREDERS NOW. CORLETT & FREDERI'CKS ]Phono 30. IBERTYVILLE, ILL Whesi the f siaugl the o] (j ntra Ouîr s phase: 4 BY - iTHE COST 0F î'ake' ijate-rials is Iîiglier tiîan ever. 14,vetry wo- mau i kîjuesthat, andi su 'bilestheu husband ',tho gensthe 1bill. Tbat's why more sensibile womel, tian ever iîîy their cakes, pas- tny, bread 811l1oîtlitr tlîing.s freinî thimt akery. It's t heaper anti au botiier. 'riv e reil itothe came. Our b igh î alIty uever varies. LIBEIRTYVILLE BÂIKEIRy FRED 3001HEIN, Prop. Blankets asd Flannels Wmare slîowing this fali an extep- tionaliy fine line of Biankets and Flannels. Cotton Blankets in grey, tan aîd white, with colored horders. Exc'ellent values at 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Pretty Patterns i Quting Ilannel ini stripeut and checks, in varionus colors suit- abue for niglit gowis, etc. Also soine dark- er pieces used lor undmrskirts. A wide se- 1 lection of theme at i muse in moferate priced 10e and 12c per yard I________ W. W. C'Am J?%7OLL & SONS COMWANY North Store, Phone 29 2 STORES, South, Store, Phone 31 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CORSETS Some excellent models in the new, 1-ueh - wanted sty les in our stock. Xmerica'n cady STYLES Y Nuuîbtrs 119 and 19() a r e fine examples of I - IL nu-%W»mmuomm" r-- --j 1 . ---------- iiý

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